/* To be compile with common_subdiv_lib.glsl */ layout(std430, binding = 0) readonly buffer inputEdgeOrigIndex { int input_origindex[]; }; layout(std430, binding = 1) writeonly buffer outputLinesIndices { uint output_lines[]; }; #ifndef LINES_LOOSE void emit_line(uint line_offset, uint start_loop_index, uint corner_index) { uint vertex_index = start_loop_index + corner_index; if (input_origindex[vertex_index] == ORIGINDEX_NONE && optimal_display) { output_lines[line_offset + 0] = 0xffffffff; output_lines[line_offset + 1] = 0xffffffff; } else { /* Mod 4 so we loop back at the first vertex on the last loop index (3). */ uint next_vertex_index = start_loop_index + (corner_index + 1) % 4; output_lines[line_offset + 0] = vertex_index; output_lines[line_offset + 1] = next_vertex_index; } } #endif void main() { uint index = get_global_invocation_index(); if (index >= total_dispatch_size) { return; } #ifdef LINES_LOOSE /* In the loose lines case, we execute for each line, with two vertices per line. */ uint line_offset = edge_loose_offset + index * 2; uint loop_index = num_subdiv_loops + index * 2; output_lines[line_offset] = loop_index; output_lines[line_offset + 1] = loop_index + 1; #else /* We execute for each quad, so the start index of the loop is quad_index * 4. */ uint start_loop_index = index * 4; /* We execute for each quad, so the start index of the line is quad_index * 8 (with 2 vertices * per line). */ uint start_line_index = index * 8; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { emit_line(start_line_index + i * 2, start_loop_index, i); } #endif }