/* To be compile with common_subdiv_lib.glsl */ /* Source buffer. */ layout(std430, binding = 0) buffer src_buffer { float srcVertexBuffer[]; }; /* #DRWPatchMap */ layout(std430, binding = 1) readonly buffer inputPatchHandles { PatchHandle input_patch_handles[]; }; layout(std430, binding = 2) readonly buffer inputQuadNodes { QuadNode quad_nodes[]; }; layout(std430, binding = 3) readonly buffer inputPatchCoords { BlenderPatchCoord patch_coords[]; }; layout(std430, binding = 4) readonly buffer inputVertOrigIndices { int input_vert_origindex[]; }; /* Patch buffers. */ layout(std430, binding = 5) buffer patchArray_buffer { OsdPatchArray patchArrayBuffer[]; }; layout(std430, binding = 6) buffer patchIndex_buffer { int patchIndexBuffer[]; }; layout(std430, binding = 7) buffer patchParam_buffer { OsdPatchParam patchParamBuffer[]; }; /* Output buffer(s). */ #if defined(FVAR_EVALUATION) layout(std430, binding = 8) writeonly buffer outputFVarData { vec2 output_fvar[]; }; #elif defined(FDOTS_EVALUATION) /* For face dots, we build the position, normals, and index buffers in one go. */ /* vec3 is padded to vec4, but the format used for fdots does not have any padding. */ struct FDotVert { float x, y, z; }; /* Same here, do not use vec3. */ struct FDotNor { float x, y, z; float flag; }; layout(std430, binding = 8) writeonly buffer outputVertices { FDotVert output_verts[]; }; layout(std430, binding = 9) writeonly buffer outputNormals { FDotNor output_nors[]; }; layout(std430, binding = 10) writeonly buffer outputFdotsIndices { uint output_indices[]; }; layout(std430, binding = 11) readonly buffer extraCoarseFaceData { uint extra_coarse_face_data[]; }; #else layout(std430, binding = 8) writeonly buffer outputVertexData { PosNorLoop output_verts[]; }; #endif vec2 read_vec2(int index) { vec2 result; result.x = srcVertexBuffer[index * 2]; result.y = srcVertexBuffer[index * 2 + 1]; return result; } vec3 read_vec3(int index) { vec3 result; result.x = srcVertexBuffer[index * 3]; result.y = srcVertexBuffer[index * 3 + 1]; result.z = srcVertexBuffer[index * 3 + 2]; return result; } OsdPatchArray GetPatchArray(int arrayIndex) { return patchArrayBuffer[arrayIndex]; } OsdPatchParam GetPatchParam(int patchIndex) { return patchParamBuffer[patchIndex]; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Patch Coordinate lookup. Return an OsdPatchCoord for the given patch_index and uvs. * This code is a port of the OpenSubdiv PatchMap lookup code. */ PatchHandle bogus_patch_handle() { PatchHandle ret; ret.array_index = -1; ret.vertex_index = -1; ret.patch_index = -1; return ret; } int transformUVToQuadQuadrant(float median, inout float u, inout float v) { int uHalf = (u >= median) ? 1 : 0; if (uHalf != 0) u -= median; int vHalf = (v >= median) ? 1 : 0; if (vHalf != 0) v -= median; return (vHalf << 1) | uHalf; } int transformUVToTriQuadrant(float median, inout float u, inout float v, inout bool rotated) { if (!rotated) { if (u >= median) { u -= median; return 1; } if (v >= median) { v -= median; return 2; } if ((u + v) >= median) { rotated = true; return 3; } return 0; } else { if (u < median) { v -= median; return 1; } if (v < median) { u -= median; return 2; } u -= median; v -= median; if ((u + v) < median) { rotated = false; return 3; } return 0; } } PatchHandle find_patch(int face_index, float u, float v) { if (face_index < min_patch_face || face_index > max_patch_face) { return bogus_patch_handle(); } QuadNode node = quad_nodes[face_index - min_patch_face]; if (!is_set(node.child[0])) { return bogus_patch_handle(); } float median = 0.5; bool tri_rotated = false; for (int depth = 0; depth <= max_depth; ++depth, median *= 0.5) { int quadrant = (patches_are_triangular != 0) ? transformUVToTriQuadrant(median, u, v, tri_rotated) : transformUVToQuadQuadrant(median, u, v); if (is_leaf(node.child[quadrant])) { return input_patch_handles[get_index(node.child[quadrant])]; } node = quad_nodes[get_index(node.child[quadrant])]; } } OsdPatchCoord bogus_patch_coord(int face_index, float u, float v) { OsdPatchCoord coord; coord.arrayIndex = 0; coord.patchIndex = face_index; coord.vertIndex = 0; coord.s = u; coord.t = v; return coord; } OsdPatchCoord GetPatchCoord(int face_index, float u, float v) { PatchHandle patch_handle = find_patch(face_index, u, v); if (patch_handle.array_index == -1) { return bogus_patch_coord(face_index, u, v); } OsdPatchCoord coord; coord.arrayIndex = patch_handle.array_index; coord.patchIndex = patch_handle.patch_index; coord.vertIndex = patch_handle.vertex_index; coord.s = u; coord.t = v; return coord; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Patch evaluation. Note that the 1st and 2nd derivatives are always computed, although we * only return and use the 1st derivatives if adaptive patches are used. This could * perhaps be optimized. */ #if defined(FVAR_EVALUATION) void evaluate_patches_limits(int patch_index, float u, float v, inout vec2 dst) { OsdPatchCoord coord = GetPatchCoord(patch_index, u, v); OsdPatchArray array = GetPatchArray(coord.arrayIndex); OsdPatchParam param = GetPatchParam(coord.patchIndex); int patchType = OsdPatchParamIsRegular(param) ? array.regDesc : array.desc; float wP[20], wDu[20], wDv[20], wDuu[20], wDuv[20], wDvv[20]; int nPoints = OsdEvaluatePatchBasis( patchType, param, coord.s, coord.t, wP, wDu, wDv, wDuu, wDuv, wDvv); int indexBase = array.indexBase + array.stride * (coord.patchIndex - array.primitiveIdBase); for (int cv = 0; cv < nPoints; ++cv) { int index = patchIndexBuffer[indexBase + cv]; vec2 src_fvar = read_vec2(src_offset + index); dst += src_fvar * wP[cv]; } } #else void evaluate_patches_limits( int patch_index, float u, float v, inout vec3 dst, inout vec3 du, inout vec3 dv) { OsdPatchCoord coord = GetPatchCoord(patch_index, u, v); OsdPatchArray array = GetPatchArray(coord.arrayIndex); OsdPatchParam param = GetPatchParam(coord.patchIndex); int patchType = OsdPatchParamIsRegular(param) ? array.regDesc : array.desc; float wP[20], wDu[20], wDv[20], wDuu[20], wDuv[20], wDvv[20]; int nPoints = OsdEvaluatePatchBasis( patchType, param, coord.s, coord.t, wP, wDu, wDv, wDuu, wDuv, wDvv); int indexBase = array.indexBase + array.stride * (coord.patchIndex - array.primitiveIdBase); for (int cv = 0; cv < nPoints; ++cv) { int index = patchIndexBuffer[indexBase + cv]; vec3 src_vertex = read_vec3(index); dst += src_vertex * wP[cv]; du += src_vertex * wDu[cv]; dv += src_vertex * wDv[cv]; } } #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Entry point. */ #if defined(FVAR_EVALUATION) void main() { /* We execute for each quad. */ uint quad_index = get_global_invocation_index(); if (quad_index >= total_dispatch_size) { return; } uint start_loop_index = quad_index * 4; for (uint loop_index = start_loop_index; loop_index < start_loop_index + 4; loop_index++) { vec2 fvar = vec2(0.0); BlenderPatchCoord patch_co = patch_coords[loop_index]; vec2 uv = decode_uv(patch_co.encoded_uv); evaluate_patches_limits(patch_co.patch_index, uv.x, uv.y, fvar); output_fvar[dst_offset + loop_index] = fvar; } } #elif defined(FDOTS_EVALUATION) bool is_face_selected(uint coarse_quad_index) { return (extra_coarse_face_data[coarse_quad_index] & coarse_face_select_mask) != 0; } bool is_face_active(uint coarse_quad_index) { return (extra_coarse_face_data[coarse_quad_index] & coarse_face_active_mask) != 0; } float get_face_flag(uint coarse_quad_index) { if (is_face_active(coarse_quad_index)) { return -1.0; } if (is_face_selected(coarse_quad_index)) { return 1.0; } return 0.0; } void main() { /* We execute for each coarse quad. */ uint coarse_quad_index = get_global_invocation_index(); if (coarse_quad_index >= total_dispatch_size) { return; } BlenderPatchCoord patch_co = patch_coords[coarse_quad_index]; vec2 uv = decode_uv(patch_co.encoded_uv); vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); vec3 du = vec3(0.0); vec3 dv = vec3(0.0); evaluate_patches_limits(patch_co.patch_index, uv.x, uv.y, pos, du, dv); vec3 nor = normalize(cross(du, dv)); FDotVert vert; vert.x = pos.x; vert.y = pos.y; vert.z = pos.z; FDotNor fnor; fnor.x = nor.x; fnor.y = nor.y; fnor.z = nor.z; fnor.flag = get_face_flag(coarse_quad_index); output_verts[coarse_quad_index] = vert; output_nors[coarse_quad_index] = fnor; output_indices[coarse_quad_index] = coarse_quad_index; } #else void main() { /* We execute for each quad. */ uint quad_index = get_global_invocation_index(); if (quad_index >= total_dispatch_size) { return; } uint start_loop_index = quad_index * 4; for (uint loop_index = start_loop_index; loop_index < start_loop_index + 4; loop_index++) { vec3 pos = vec3(0.0); vec3 du = vec3(0.0); vec3 dv = vec3(0.0); BlenderPatchCoord patch_co = patch_coords[loop_index]; vec2 uv = decode_uv(patch_co.encoded_uv); evaluate_patches_limits(patch_co.patch_index, uv.x, uv.y, pos, du, dv); # if defined(LIMIT_NORMALS) vec3 nor = normalize(cross(du, dv)); # else /* This will be computed later. */ vec3 nor = vec3(0.0); # endif int origindex = input_vert_origindex[loop_index]; uint flag = 0; if (origindex == -1) { flag = -1; } PosNorLoop vertex_data; set_vertex_pos(vertex_data, pos); set_vertex_nor(vertex_data, nor, flag); output_verts[loop_index] = vertex_data; } } #endif