/* To be compiled with common_subdiv_lib.glsl */ struct SculptData { uint face_set_color; float mask; }; layout(std430, binding = 0) readonly restrict buffer sculptMask { float sculpt_mask[]; }; layout(std430, binding = 1) readonly restrict buffer faceSetColor { uint face_set_color[]; }; layout(std430, binding = 2) writeonly restrict buffer sculptData { SculptData sculpt_data[]; }; void main() { /* We execute for each quad. */ uint quad_index = get_global_invocation_index(); if (quad_index >= total_dispatch_size) { return; } uint start_loop_index = quad_index * 4; for (uint loop_index = start_loop_index; loop_index < start_loop_index + 4; loop_index++) { SculptData data; data.face_set_color = face_set_color[loop_index]; if (has_sculpt_mask) { data.mask = sculpt_mask[loop_index]; } else { data.mask = 0.0; } sculpt_data[loop_index] = data; } }