/** * Convert DrawPrototype into draw commands. */ #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_math_lib.glsl) #define atomicAddAndGet(dst, val) (atomicAdd(dst, val) + val) /* This is only called by the last thread executed over the group's prototype draws. */ void write_draw_call(DrawGroup group, uint group_id) { DrawCommand cmd; cmd.vertex_len = group.vertex_len; cmd.vertex_first = group.vertex_first; if (group.base_index != -1) { cmd.base_index = group.base_index; cmd.instance_first_indexed = group.start; } else { cmd._instance_first_array = group.start; } /* Back-facing command. */ cmd.instance_len = group_buf[group_id].back_facing_counter; command_buf[group_id * 2 + 0] = cmd; /* Front-facing command. */ cmd.instance_len = group_buf[group_id].front_facing_counter; command_buf[group_id * 2 + 1] = cmd; /* Reset the counters for a next command gen dispatch. Avoids resending the whole data just * for this purpose. Only the last thread will execute this so it is thread-safe. */ group_buf[group_id].front_facing_counter = 0u; group_buf[group_id].back_facing_counter = 0u; group_buf[group_id].total_counter = 0u; } void main() { uint proto_id = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x; if (proto_id >= prototype_len) { return; } DrawPrototype proto = prototype_buf[proto_id]; uint group_id = proto.group_id; bool is_inverted = (proto.resource_handle & 0x80000000u) != 0; uint resource_index = (proto.resource_handle & 0x7FFFFFFFu); /* Visibility test result. */ bool is_visible = ((visibility_buf[resource_index / 32u] & (1u << (resource_index % 32u)))) != 0; DrawGroup group = group_buf[group_id]; if (!is_visible) { /* Skip the draw but still count towards the completion. */ if (atomicAddAndGet(group_buf[group_id].total_counter, proto.instance_len) == group.len) { write_draw_call(group, group_id); } return; } uint back_facing_len = group.len - group.front_facing_len; uint front_facing_len = group.front_facing_len; uint dst_index = group.start; if (is_inverted) { uint offset = atomicAdd(group_buf[group_id].back_facing_counter, proto.instance_len); dst_index += offset; if (atomicAddAndGet(group_buf[group_id].total_counter, proto.instance_len) == group.len) { write_draw_call(group, group_id); } } else { uint offset = atomicAdd(group_buf[group_id].front_facing_counter, proto.instance_len); dst_index += back_facing_len + offset; if (atomicAddAndGet(group_buf[group_id].total_counter, proto.instance_len) == group.len) { write_draw_call(group, group_id); } } for (uint i = dst_index; i < dst_index + proto.instance_len; i++) { /* Fill resource_id buffer for each instance of this draw */ resource_id_buf[i] = resource_index; } }