/** * Finish computation of a few draw resource after sync. */ #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_math_lib.glsl) void main() { uint resource_id = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x; if (resource_id >= resource_len) { return; } mat4 model_mat = matrix_buf[resource_id].model; ObjectInfos infos = infos_buf[resource_id]; ObjectBounds bounds = bounds_buf[resource_id]; if (bounds.bounding_sphere.w != -1.0) { /* Convert corners to origin + sides in world space. */ vec3 p0 = bounds.bounding_corners[0].xyz; vec3 p01 = bounds.bounding_corners[1].xyz - p0; vec3 p02 = bounds.bounding_corners[2].xyz - p0; vec3 p03 = bounds.bounding_corners[3].xyz - p0; /* Avoid flat box. */ p01.x = max(p01.x, 1e-4); p02.y = max(p02.y, 1e-4); p03.z = max(p03.z, 1e-4); vec3 diagonal = p01 + p02 + p03; vec3 center = p0 + diagonal * 0.5; float min_axis = min_v3(abs(diagonal)); bounds_buf[resource_id].bounding_sphere.xyz = transform_point(model_mat, center); /* We have to apply scaling to the diagonal. */ bounds_buf[resource_id].bounding_sphere.w = length(transform_direction(model_mat, diagonal)) * 0.5; bounds_buf[resource_id]._inner_sphere_radius = min_axis; bounds_buf[resource_id].bounding_corners[0].xyz = transform_point(model_mat, p0); bounds_buf[resource_id].bounding_corners[1].xyz = transform_direction(model_mat, p01); bounds_buf[resource_id].bounding_corners[2].xyz = transform_direction(model_mat, p02); bounds_buf[resource_id].bounding_corners[3].xyz = transform_direction(model_mat, p03); /* Always have correct handedness in the corners vectors. */ if (flag_test(infos.flag, OBJECT_NEGATIVE_SCALE)) { bounds_buf[resource_id].bounding_corners[0].xyz += bounds_buf[resource_id].bounding_corners[1].xyz; bounds_buf[resource_id].bounding_corners[1].xyz = -bounds_buf[resource_id].bounding_corners[1].xyz; } /* TODO: Bypass test for very large objects (see T67319). */ if (bounds_buf[resource_id].bounding_sphere.w > 1e12) { bounds_buf[resource_id].bounding_sphere.w = -1.0; } } vec3 loc = infos.orco_add; /* Box center. */ vec3 size = infos.orco_mul; /* Box half-extent. */ /* This is what the original computation looks like. * Simplify to a nice MADD in shading code. */ // orco = (pos - loc) / size; // orco = pos * (1.0 / size) + (-loc / size); vec3 size_inv = safe_rcp(size); infos_buf[resource_id].orco_add = -loc * size_inv; infos_buf[resource_id].orco_mul = size_inv; }