#define COMMON_VIEW_LIB /* keep in sync with DRWManager.view_data */ layout(std140) uniform viewBlock { /* Same order as DRWViewportMatrixType */ mat4 ViewProjectionMatrix; mat4 ViewProjectionMatrixInverse; mat4 ViewMatrix; mat4 ViewMatrixInverse; mat4 ProjectionMatrix; mat4 ProjectionMatrixInverse; vec4 clipPlanes[6]; /* TODO move it elsewhere. */ vec4 CameraTexCoFactors; }; #ifdef world_clip_planes_calc_clip_distance # undef world_clip_planes_calc_clip_distance # define world_clip_planes_calc_clip_distance(p) \ _world_clip_planes_calc_clip_distance(p, clipPlanes) #endif uniform mat4 ModelMatrix; uniform mat4 ModelMatrixInverse; /** Transform shortcuts. */ /* Rule of thumb: Try to reuse world positions and normals because converting though viewspace * will always be decomposed in at least 2 matrix operation. */ /** * Some clarification: * Usually Normal matrix is transpose(inverse(ViewMatrix * ModelMatrix)) * * But since it is slow to multiply matrices we decompose it. Decomposing * inversion and transposition both invert the product order leaving us with * the same original order: * transpose(ViewMatrixInverse) * transpose(ModelMatrixInverse) * * Knowing that the view matrix is orthogonal, the transpose is also the inverse. * Note: This is only valid because we are only using the mat3 of the ViewMatrixInverse. * ViewMatrix * transpose(ModelMatrixInverse) **/ #define normal_object_to_view(n) (mat3(ViewMatrix) * (transpose(mat3(ModelMatrixInverse)) * n)) #define normal_object_to_world(n) (transpose(mat3(ModelMatrixInverse)) * n) #define normal_world_to_object(n) (transpose(mat3(ModelMatrix)) * n) #define normal_world_to_view(n) (mat3(ViewMatrix) * n) #define point_object_to_ndc(p) (ViewProjectionMatrix * vec4((ModelMatrix * vec4(p, 1.0)).xyz, 1.0)) #define point_object_to_view(p) ((ViewMatrix * vec4((ModelMatrix * vec4(p, 1.0)).xyz, 1.0)).xyz) #define point_object_to_world(p) ((ModelMatrix * vec4(p, 1.0)).xyz) #define point_view_to_ndc(p) (ProjectionMatrix * vec4(p, 1.0)) #define point_view_to_object(p) ((ModelMatrixInverse * (ViewMatrixInverse * vec4(p, 1.0))).xyz) #define point_view_to_world(p) ((ViewMatrixInverse * vec4(p, 1.0)).xyz) #define point_world_to_ndc(p) (ViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(p, 1.0)) #define point_world_to_object(p) ((ModelMatrixInverse * vec4(p, 1.0)).xyz) #define point_world_to_view(p) ((ViewMatrix * vec4(p, 1.0)).xyz) /* Due to some shader compiler bug, we somewhat need to access gl_VertexID * to make vertex shaders work. even if it's actually dead code. */ #ifdef GPU_INTEL # define GPU_INTEL_VERTEX_SHADER_WORKAROUND gl_Position.x = float(gl_VertexID); #else # define GPU_INTEL_VERTEX_SHADER_WORKAROUND #endif