/* Solid Wirefram implementation * Mike Erwin, Clément Foucault */ /* This shader follows the principles of * http://developer.download.nvidia.com/SDK/10/direct3d/Source/SolidWireframe/Doc/SolidWireframe.pdf */ uniform mat4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix; uniform vec2 viewportSize; in vec3 pos; in ivec4 data; /* these are the same for all vertices * and does not need interpolation */ flat out vec3 edgesCrease; flat out vec3 edgesBweight; flat out ivec3 flag; flat out vec4 faceColor; flat out int clipCase; #ifdef VERTEX_SELECTION out vec3 vertexColor; #endif /* See fragment shader */ noperspective out vec4 eData1; flat out vec4 eData2; /* project to screen space */ vec2 proj(vec4 pos) { return (0.5 * (pos.xy / pos.w) + 0.5) * viewportSize; } void main() { clipCase = 0; edgesCrease = vec3(0.0); edgesBweight = vec3(0.0); vec4 pPos = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(pos, 1.0); /* there is no face */ faceColor = vec4(0.0); #ifdef VERTEX_SELECTION vertexColor = vec3(0.0); #endif /* only vertex position 0 is used */ eData1 = eData2 = vec4(1e10); eData2.zw = proj(pPos); flag = ivec3(0); flag[0] = (data.x << 8); gl_PointSize = sizeEdgeFix; gl_Position = pPos; }