/* Testing code for 2.5 animation system * Copyright 2009, Joshua Leung */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_arithb.h" #include "BLI_dynstr.h" #include "DNA_anim_types.h" #include "DNA_action_types.h" #include "DNA_armature_types.h" #include "DNA_constraint_types.h" #include "DNA_key_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_material_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_userdef_types.h" #include "DNA_windowmanager_types.h" #include "BKE_animsys.h" #include "BKE_action.h" #include "BKE_constraint.h" #include "BKE_fcurve.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_utildefines.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_report.h" #include "BKE_key.h" #include "BKE_material.h" #include "ED_anim_api.h" #include "ED_keyframing.h" #include "ED_keyframes_edit.h" #include "ED_screen.h" #include "ED_util.h" #include "UI_interface.h" #include "WM_api.h" #include "WM_types.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "RNA_define.h" #include "RNA_types.h" #include "anim_intern.h" /* ******************************************* */ /* Animation Data Validation */ /* Get (or add relevant data to be able to do so) the Active Action for the given * Animation Data block, given an ID block where the Animation Data should reside. */ bAction *verify_adt_action (ID *id, short add) { AnimData *adt; /* init animdata if none available yet */ adt= BKE_animdata_from_id(id); if ((adt == NULL) && (add)) adt= BKE_id_add_animdata(id); if (adt == NULL) { /* if still none (as not allowed to add, or ID doesn't have animdata for some reason) */ printf("ERROR: Couldn't add AnimData (ID = %s) \n", (id) ? (id->name) : ""); return NULL; } /* init action if none available yet */ // TODO: need some wizardry to handle NLA stuff correct if ((adt->action == NULL) && (add)) adt->action= add_empty_action("Action"); /* return the action */ return adt->action; } /* Get (or add relevant data to be able to do so) F-Curve from the Active Action, * for the given Animation Data block. This assumes that all the destinations are valid. */ FCurve *verify_fcurve (bAction *act, const char group[], const char rna_path[], const int array_index, short add) { bActionGroup *grp; FCurve *fcu; /* sanity checks */ if ELEM(NULL, act, rna_path) return NULL; /* try to find f-curve matching for this setting * - add if not found and allowed to add one * TODO: add auto-grouping support? how this works will need to be resolved */ if (act) fcu= list_find_fcurve(&act->curves, rna_path, array_index); else fcu= NULL; if ((fcu == NULL) && (add)) { /* use default settings to make a F-Curve */ fcu= MEM_callocN(sizeof(FCurve), "FCurve"); fcu->flag = (FCURVE_VISIBLE|FCURVE_AUTO_HANDLES|FCURVE_SELECTED); if (act->curves.first==NULL) fcu->flag |= FCURVE_ACTIVE; /* first one added active */ /* store path - make copy, and store that */ fcu->rna_path= BLI_strdupn(rna_path, strlen(rna_path)); fcu->array_index= array_index; /* if a group name has been provided, try to add or find a group, then add F-Curve to it */ if (group) { /* try to find group */ grp= action_groups_find_named(act, group); /* no matching groups, so add one */ if (grp == NULL) { /* Add a new group, and make it active */ grp= MEM_callocN(sizeof(bActionGroup), "bActionGroup"); grp->flag = AGRP_SELECTED; BLI_snprintf(grp->name, 64, group); BLI_addtail(&act->groups, grp); BLI_uniquename(&act->groups, grp, "Group", '.', offsetof(bActionGroup, name), 64); } /* add F-Curve to group */ action_groups_add_channel(act, grp, fcu); } else { /* just add F-Curve to end of Action's list */ BLI_addtail(&act->curves, fcu); } } /* return the F-Curve */ return fcu; } /* ************************************************** */ /* KEYFRAME INSERTION */ /* -------------- BezTriple Insertion -------------------- */ /* threshold for inserting keyframes - threshold here should be good enough for now, but should become userpref */ #define BEZT_INSERT_THRESH 0.00001f /* Binary search algorithm for finding where to insert BezTriple. (for use by insert_bezt_icu) * Returns the index to insert at (data already at that index will be offset if replace is 0) */ static int binarysearch_bezt_index (BezTriple array[], float frame, int arraylen, short *replace) { int start=0, end=arraylen; int loopbreaker= 0, maxloop= arraylen * 2; /* initialise replace-flag first */ *replace= 0; /* sneaky optimisations (don't go through searching process if...): * - keyframe to be added is to be added out of current bounds * - keyframe to be added would replace one of the existing ones on bounds */ if ((arraylen <= 0) || (array == NULL)) { printf("Warning: binarysearch_bezt_index() encountered invalid array \n"); return 0; } else { /* check whether to add before/after/on */ float framenum; /* 'First' Keyframe (when only one keyframe, this case is used) */ framenum= array[0].vec[1][0]; if (IS_EQT(frame, framenum, BEZT_INSERT_THRESH)) { *replace = 1; return 0; } else if (frame < framenum) return 0; /* 'Last' Keyframe */ framenum= array[(arraylen-1)].vec[1][0]; if (IS_EQT(frame, framenum, BEZT_INSERT_THRESH)) { *replace= 1; return (arraylen - 1); } else if (frame > framenum) return arraylen; } /* most of the time, this loop is just to find where to put it * 'loopbreaker' is just here to prevent infinite loops */ for (loopbreaker=0; (start <= end) && (loopbreaker < maxloop); loopbreaker++) { /* compute and get midpoint */ int mid = start + ((end - start) / 2); /* we calculate the midpoint this way to avoid int overflows... */ float midfra= array[mid].vec[1][0]; /* check if exactly equal to midpoint */ if (IS_EQT(frame, midfra, BEZT_INSERT_THRESH)) { *replace = 1; return mid; } /* repeat in upper/lower half */ if (frame > midfra) start= mid + 1; else if (frame < midfra) end= mid - 1; } /* print error if loop-limit exceeded */ if (loopbreaker == (maxloop-1)) { printf("Error: binarysearch_bezt_index() was taking too long \n"); // include debug info printf("\tround = %d: start = %d, end = %d, arraylen = %d \n", loopbreaker, start, end, arraylen); } /* not found, so return where to place it */ return start; } /* This function adds a given BezTriple to an F-Curve. It will allocate * memory for the array if needed, and will insert the BezTriple into a * suitable place in chronological order. * * NOTE: any recalculate of the F-Curve that needs to be done will need to * be done by the caller. */ int insert_bezt_fcurve (FCurve *fcu, BezTriple *bezt) { BezTriple *newb; int i= 0; if (fcu->bezt) { short replace = -1; i = binarysearch_bezt_index(fcu->bezt, bezt->vec[1][0], fcu->totvert, &replace); if (replace) { /* sanity check: 'i' may in rare cases exceed arraylen */ // FIXME: do not overwrite handletype if just replacing...? if ((i >= 0) && (i < fcu->totvert)) *(fcu->bezt + i) = *bezt; } else { /* add new */ newb= MEM_callocN((fcu->totvert+1)*sizeof(BezTriple), "beztriple"); /* add the beztriples that should occur before the beztriple to be pasted (originally in ei->icu) */ if (i > 0) memcpy(newb, fcu->bezt, i*sizeof(BezTriple)); /* add beztriple to paste at index i */ *(newb + i)= *bezt; /* add the beztriples that occur after the beztriple to be pasted (originally in icu) */ if (i < fcu->totvert) memcpy(newb+i+1, fcu->bezt+i, (fcu->totvert-i)*sizeof(BezTriple)); /* replace (+ free) old with new */ MEM_freeN(fcu->bezt); fcu->bezt= newb; fcu->totvert++; } } else { // TODO: need to check for old sample-data now... fcu->bezt= MEM_callocN(sizeof(BezTriple), "beztriple"); *(fcu->bezt)= *bezt; fcu->totvert= 1; } /* we need to return the index, so that some tools which do post-processing can * detect where we added the BezTriple in the array */ return i; } /* This function is a wrapper for insert_bezt_icu, and should be used when * adding a new keyframe to a curve, when the keyframe doesn't exist anywhere * else yet. * * 'fast' - is only for the python API where importing BVH's would take an extreamly long time. */ void insert_vert_fcurve (FCurve *fcu, float x, float y, short fast) { BezTriple beztr; int a; /* set all three points, for nicer start position */ memset(&beztr, 0, sizeof(BezTriple)); beztr.vec[0][0]= x; beztr.vec[0][1]= y; beztr.vec[1][0]= x; beztr.vec[1][1]= y; beztr.vec[2][0]= x; beztr.vec[2][1]= y; beztr.ipo= U.ipo_new; /* use default interpolation mode here... */ beztr.f1= beztr.f2= beztr.f3= SELECT; beztr.h1= beztr.h2= HD_AUTO; // XXX what about when we replace an old one? /* add temp beztriple to keyframes */ a= insert_bezt_fcurve(fcu, &beztr); /* what if 'a' is a negative index? * for now, just exit to prevent any segfaults */ if (a < 0) return; /* don't recalculate handles if fast is set * - this is a hack to make importers faster * - we may calculate twice (see editipo_changed(), due to autohandle needing two calculations) */ if (!fast) calchandles_fcurve(fcu); /* set handletype and interpolation */ if (fcu->totvert > 2) { BezTriple *bezt= (fcu->bezt + a); char h1, h2; /* set handles (autohandles by default) */ h1= h2= HD_AUTO; if (a > 0) h1= (bezt-1)->h2; if (a < fcu->totvert-1) h2= (bezt+1)->h1; bezt->h1= h1; bezt->h2= h2; /* set interpolation from previous (if available) */ if (a > 0) bezt->ipo= (bezt-1)->ipo; else if (a < fcu->totvert-1) bezt->ipo= (bezt+1)->ipo; /* don't recalculate handles if fast is set * - this is a hack to make importers faster * - we may calculate twice (see editipo_changed(), due to autohandle needing two calculations) */ if (!fast) calchandles_fcurve(fcu); } } /* -------------- 'Smarter' Keyframing Functions -------------------- */ /* return codes for new_key_needed */ enum { KEYNEEDED_DONTADD = 0, KEYNEEDED_JUSTADD, KEYNEEDED_DELPREV, KEYNEEDED_DELNEXT } eKeyNeededStatus; /* This helper function determines whether a new keyframe is needed */ /* Cases where keyframes should not be added: * 1. Keyframe to be added bewteen two keyframes with similar values * 2. Keyframe to be added on frame where two keyframes are already situated * 3. Keyframe lies at point that intersects the linear line between two keyframes */ static short new_key_needed (FCurve *fcu, float cFrame, float nValue) { BezTriple *bezt=NULL, *prev=NULL; int totCount, i; float valA = 0.0f, valB = 0.0f; /* safety checking */ if (fcu == NULL) return KEYNEEDED_JUSTADD; totCount= fcu->totvert; if (totCount == 0) return KEYNEEDED_JUSTADD; /* loop through checking if any are the same */ bezt= fcu->bezt; for (i=0; ivec[1][0]; beztVal= bezt->vec[1][1]; if (prev) { /* there is a keyframe before the one currently being examined */ /* get previous time+value */ prevPosi= prev->vec[1][0]; prevVal= prev->vec[1][1]; /* keyframe to be added at point where there are already two similar points? */ if (IS_EQ(prevPosi, cFrame) && IS_EQ(beztPosi, cFrame) && IS_EQ(beztPosi, prevPosi)) { return KEYNEEDED_DONTADD; } /* keyframe between prev+current points ? */ if ((prevPosi <= cFrame) && (cFrame <= beztPosi)) { /* is the value of keyframe to be added the same as keyframes on either side ? */ if (IS_EQ(prevVal, nValue) && IS_EQ(beztVal, nValue) && IS_EQ(prevVal, beztVal)) { return KEYNEEDED_DONTADD; } else { float realVal; /* get real value of curve at that point */ realVal= evaluate_fcurve(fcu, cFrame); /* compare whether it's the same as proposed */ if (IS_EQ(realVal, nValue)) return KEYNEEDED_DONTADD; else return KEYNEEDED_JUSTADD; } } /* new keyframe before prev beztriple? */ if (cFrame < prevPosi) { /* A new keyframe will be added. However, whether the previous beztriple * stays around or not depends on whether the values of previous/current * beztriples and new keyframe are the same. */ if (IS_EQ(prevVal, nValue) && IS_EQ(beztVal, nValue) && IS_EQ(prevVal, beztVal)) return KEYNEEDED_DELNEXT; else return KEYNEEDED_JUSTADD; } } else { /* just add a keyframe if there's only one keyframe * and the new one occurs before the exisiting one does. */ if ((cFrame < beztPosi) && (totCount==1)) return KEYNEEDED_JUSTADD; } /* continue. frame to do not yet passed (or other conditions not met) */ if (i < (totCount-1)) { prev= bezt; bezt++; } else break; } /* Frame in which to add a new-keyframe occurs after all other keys * -> If there are at least two existing keyframes, then if the values of the * last two keyframes and the new-keyframe match, the last existing keyframe * gets deleted as it is no longer required. * -> Otherwise, a keyframe is just added. 1.0 is added so that fake-2nd-to-last * keyframe is not equal to last keyframe. */ bezt= (fcu->bezt + (fcu->totvert - 1)); valA= bezt->vec[1][1]; if (prev) valB= prev->vec[1][1]; else valB= bezt->vec[1][1] + 1.0f; if (IS_EQ(valA, nValue) && IS_EQ(valA, valB)) return KEYNEEDED_DELPREV; else return KEYNEEDED_JUSTADD; } /* ------------------ RNA Data-Access Functions ------------------ */ /* Try to read value using RNA-properties obtained already */ static float setting_get_rna_value (PointerRNA *ptr, PropertyRNA *prop, int index) { float value= 0.0f; switch (RNA_property_type(prop)) { case PROP_BOOLEAN: if (RNA_property_array_length(prop)) value= (float)RNA_property_boolean_get_index(ptr, prop, index); else value= (float)RNA_property_boolean_get(ptr, prop); break; case PROP_INT: if (RNA_property_array_length(prop)) value= (float)RNA_property_int_get_index(ptr, prop, index); else value= (float)RNA_property_int_get(ptr, prop); break; case PROP_FLOAT: if (RNA_property_array_length(prop)) value= RNA_property_float_get_index(ptr, prop, index); else value= RNA_property_float_get(ptr, prop); break; case PROP_ENUM: value= (float)RNA_property_enum_get(ptr, prop); break; default: break; } return value; } /* ------------------ 'Visual' Keyframing Functions ------------------ */ /* internal status codes for visualkey_can_use */ enum { VISUALKEY_NONE = 0, VISUALKEY_LOC, VISUALKEY_ROT, }; /* This helper function determines if visual-keyframing should be used when * inserting keyframes for the given channel. As visual-keyframing only works * on Object and Pose-Channel blocks, this should only get called for those * blocktypes, when using "standard" keying but 'Visual Keying' option in Auto-Keying * settings is on. */ static short visualkey_can_use (PointerRNA *ptr, PropertyRNA *prop) { bConstraint *con= NULL; short searchtype= VISUALKEY_NONE; char *identifier= NULL; /* validate data */ // TODO: this check is probably not needed, but it won't hurt if (ELEM3(NULL, ptr, ptr->data, prop)) return 0; /* get first constraint and determine type of keyframe constraints to check for * - constraints can be on either Objects or PoseChannels, so we only check if the * ptr->type is RNA_Object or RNA_PoseChannel, which are the RNA wrapping-info for * those structs, allowing us to identify the owner of the data */ if (ptr->type == &RNA_Object) { /* Object */ Object *ob= (Object *)ptr->data; con= ob->constraints.first; identifier= (char *)RNA_property_identifier(prop); } else if (ptr->type == &RNA_PoseChannel) { /* Pose Channel */ bPoseChannel *pchan= (bPoseChannel *)ptr->data; con= pchan->constraints.first; identifier= (char *)RNA_property_identifier(prop); } /* check if any data to search using */ if (ELEM(NULL, con, identifier)) return 0; /* location or rotation identifiers only... */ if (strstr(identifier, "location")) searchtype= VISUALKEY_LOC; else if (strstr(identifier, "rotation")) searchtype= VISUALKEY_ROT; else { printf("visualkey_can_use() failed: identifier - '%s' \n", identifier); return 0; } /* only search if a searchtype and initial constraint are available */ if (searchtype && con) { for (; con; con= con->next) { /* only consider constraint if it is not disabled, and has influence */ if (con->flag & CONSTRAINT_DISABLE) continue; if (con->enforce == 0.0f) continue; /* some constraints may alter these transforms */ switch (con->type) { /* multi-transform constraints */ case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_CHILDOF: return 1; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_TRANSFORM: return 1; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_FOLLOWPATH: return 1; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_KINEMATIC: return 1; /* single-transform constraits */ case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_TRACKTO: if (searchtype==VISUALKEY_ROT) return 1; break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_ROTLIMIT: if (searchtype==VISUALKEY_ROT) return 1; break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_LOCLIMIT: if (searchtype==VISUALKEY_LOC) return 1; break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_ROTLIKE: if (searchtype==VISUALKEY_ROT) return 1; break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_DISTLIMIT: if (searchtype==VISUALKEY_LOC) return 1; break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_LOCLIKE: if (searchtype==VISUALKEY_LOC) return 1; break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_LOCKTRACK: if (searchtype==VISUALKEY_ROT) return 1; break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_MINMAX: if (searchtype==VISUALKEY_LOC) return 1; break; default: break; } } } /* when some condition is met, this function returns, so here it can be 0 */ return 0; } /* This helper function extracts the value to use for visual-keyframing * In the event that it is not possible to perform visual keying, try to fall-back * to using the default method. Assumes that all data it has been passed is valid. */ static float visualkey_get_value (PointerRNA *ptr, PropertyRNA *prop, int array_index) { char *identifier= (char *)RNA_property_identifier(prop); /* handle for Objects or PoseChannels only * - constraints can be on either Objects or PoseChannels, so we only check if the * ptr->type is RNA_Object or RNA_PoseChannel, which are the RNA wrapping-info for * those structs, allowing us to identify the owner of the data * - assume that array_index will be sane */ if (ptr->type == &RNA_Object) { Object *ob= (Object *)ptr->data; /* parented objects are not supported, as the effects of the parent * are included in the matrix, which kindof beats the point */ if (ob->parent == NULL) { /* only Location or Rotation keyframes are supported now */ if (strstr(identifier, "location")) { return ob->obmat[3][array_index]; } else if (strstr(identifier, "rotation")) { float eul[3]; Mat4ToEul(ob->obmat, eul); return eul[array_index]; } } } else if (ptr->type == &RNA_PoseChannel) { Object *ob= (Object *)ptr->id.data; /* we assume that this is always set, and is an object */ bPoseChannel *pchan= (bPoseChannel *)ptr->data; float tmat[4][4]; /* Although it is not strictly required for this particular space conversion, * arg1 must not be null, as there is a null check for the other conversions to * be safe. Therefore, the active object is passed here, and in many cases, this * will be what owns the pose-channel that is getting this anyway. */ Mat4CpyMat4(tmat, pchan->pose_mat); constraint_mat_convertspace(ob, pchan, tmat, CONSTRAINT_SPACE_POSE, CONSTRAINT_SPACE_LOCAL); /* Loc, Rot/Quat keyframes are supported... */ if (strstr(identifier, "location")) { /* only use for non-connected bones */ if ((pchan->bone->parent) && !(pchan->bone->flag & BONE_CONNECTED)) return tmat[3][array_index]; else if (pchan->bone->parent == NULL) return tmat[3][array_index]; } else if (strstr(identifier, "euler_rotation")) { float eul[3]; /* euler-rotation test before standard rotation, as standard rotation does quats */ Mat4ToEul(tmat, eul); return eul[array_index]; } else if (strstr(identifier, "rotation")) { float trimat[3][3], quat[4]; Mat3CpyMat4(trimat, tmat); Mat3ToQuat_is_ok(trimat, quat); return quat[array_index]; } } /* as the function hasn't returned yet, read value from system in the default way */ return setting_get_rna_value(ptr, prop, array_index); } /* ------------------------- Insert Key API ------------------------- */ /* Main Keyframing API call: * Use this when validation of necessary animation data isn't necessary as it * already exists. It will insert a keyframe using the current value being keyframed. * * The flag argument is used for special settings that alter the behaviour of * the keyframe insertion. These include the 'visual' keyframing modes, quick refresh, * and extra keyframe filtering. */ short insert_keyframe (ID *id, bAction *act, const char group[], const char rna_path[], int array_index, float cfra, short flag) { PointerRNA id_ptr, ptr; PropertyRNA *prop; FCurve *fcu; /* validate pointer first - exit if failure */ RNA_id_pointer_create(id, &id_ptr); if ((RNA_path_resolve(&id_ptr, rna_path, &ptr, &prop) == 0) || (prop == NULL)) { printf("Insert Key: Could not insert keyframe, as RNA Path is invalid for the given ID (ID = %s, Path = %s)\n", id->name, rna_path); return 0; } /* get F-Curve - if no action is provided, keyframe to the default one attached to this ID-block */ if (act == NULL) act= verify_adt_action(id, 1); fcu= verify_fcurve(act, group, rna_path, array_index, 1); /* only continue if we have an F-Curve to add keyframe to */ if (fcu) { float curval= 0.0f; /* set additional flags for the F-Curve (i.e. only integer values) */ if (RNA_property_type(prop) != PROP_FLOAT) fcu->flag |= FCURVE_INT_VALUES; /* apply special time tweaking */ // XXX check on this stuff... if (GS(id->name) == ID_OB) { //Object *ob= (Object *)id; /* apply NLA-scaling (if applicable) */ //cfra= get_action_frame(ob, cfra); /* ancient time-offset cruft */ //if ( (ob->ipoflag & OB_OFFS_OB) && (give_timeoffset(ob)) ) { // /* actually frametofloat calc again! */ // cfra-= give_timeoffset(ob)*scene->r.framelen; //} } /* obtain value to give keyframe */ if ( (flag & INSERTKEY_MATRIX) && (visualkey_can_use(&ptr, prop)) ) { /* visual-keying is only available for object and pchan datablocks, as * it works by keyframing using a value extracted from the final matrix * instead of using the kt system to extract a value. */ curval= visualkey_get_value(&ptr, prop, array_index); } else { /* read value from system */ curval= setting_get_rna_value(&ptr, prop, array_index); } /* only insert keyframes where they are needed */ if (flag & INSERTKEY_NEEDED) { short insert_mode; /* check whether this curve really needs a new keyframe */ insert_mode= new_key_needed(fcu, cfra, curval); /* insert new keyframe at current frame */ if (insert_mode) insert_vert_fcurve(fcu, cfra, curval, (flag & INSERTKEY_FAST)); /* delete keyframe immediately before/after newly added */ switch (insert_mode) { case KEYNEEDED_DELPREV: delete_fcurve_key(fcu, fcu->totvert-2, 1); break; case KEYNEEDED_DELNEXT: delete_fcurve_key(fcu, 1, 1); break; } /* only return success if keyframe added */ if (insert_mode) return 1; } else { /* just insert keyframe */ insert_vert_fcurve(fcu, cfra, curval, (flag & INSERTKEY_FAST)); /* return success */ return 1; } } /* no F-Curve to add keyframes to */ printf("ERROR: no F-Curve to add keyframes to \n"); /* return failure */ return 0; } /* ************************************************** */ /* KEYFRAME DELETION */ /* Main Keyframing API call: * Use this when validation of necessary animation data isn't necessary as it * already exists. It will delete a keyframe at the current frame. * * The flag argument is used for special settings that alter the behaviour of * the keyframe deletion. These include the quick refresh options. */ short delete_keyframe (ID *id, bAction *act, const char group[], const char rna_path[], int array_index, float cfra, short flag) { FCurve *fcu = NULL; /* get F-Curve * Note: here is one of the places where we don't want new Action + F-Curve added! * so 'add' var must be 0 */ if (act == NULL) { /* if no action is provided, use the default one attached to this ID-block */ AnimData *adt= BKE_animdata_from_id(id); act= adt->action; } /* we don't check the validity of the path here yet, but it should be ok... */ fcu= verify_fcurve(act, group, rna_path, array_index, 0); /* only continue if we have an F-Curve to remove keyframes from */ if (act && fcu) { short found = -1; int i; /* apply special time tweaking */ if (GS(id->name) == ID_OB) { //Object *ob= (Object *)id; /* apply NLA-scaling (if applicable) */ // cfra= get_action_frame(ob, cfra); /* ancient time-offset cruft */ //if ( (ob->ipoflag & OB_OFFS_OB) && (give_timeoffset(ob)) ) { // /* actually frametofloat calc again! */ // cfra-= give_timeoffset(ob)*scene->r.framelen; //} } /* try to find index of beztriple to get rid of */ i = binarysearch_bezt_index(fcu->bezt, cfra, fcu->totvert, &found); if (found) { /* delete the key at the index (will sanity check + do recalc afterwards) */ delete_fcurve_key(fcu, i, 1); /* Only delete curve too if there are no points (we don't need to check for drivers, as they're kept separate) */ if (fcu->totvert == 0) { BLI_remlink(&act->curves, fcu); free_fcurve(fcu); } /* return success */ return 1; } } /* return failure */ return 0; } /* ******************************************* */ /* KEYFRAME MODIFICATION */ /* mode for commonkey_modifykey */ enum { COMMONKEY_MODE_INSERT = 0, COMMONKEY_MODE_DELETE, } eCommonModifyKey_Modes; /* Polling callback for use with ANIM_*_keyframe() operators * This is based on the standard ED_operator_areaactive callback, * except that it does special checks for a few spacetypes too... */ static int modify_key_op_poll(bContext *C) { ScrArea *sa= CTX_wm_area(C); Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); /* if no area or active scene */ if (ELEM(NULL, sa, scene)) return 0; /* if Outliner, only allow in DataBlocks view */ if (sa->spacetype == SPACE_OUTLINER) { SpaceOops *so= (SpaceOops *)CTX_wm_space_data(C); if ((so->outlinevis != SO_DATABLOCKS)) return 0; } /* TODO: checks for other space types can be added here */ /* should be fine */ return 1; } /* Insert Key Operator ------------------------ */ static int insert_key_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { ListBase dsources = {NULL, NULL}; Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); KeyingSet *ks= NULL; int type= RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "type"); float cfra= (float)CFRA; // XXX for now, don't bother about all the yucky offset crap short success; /* type is the Keying Set the user specified to use when calling the operator: * - type == 0: use scene's active Keying Set * - type > 0: use a user-defined Keying Set from the active scene * - type < 0: use a builtin Keying Set */ if (type == 0) type= scene->active_keyingset; if (type > 0) ks= BLI_findlink(&scene->keyingsets, scene->active_keyingset-1); else ks= BLI_findlink(&builtin_keyingsets, -type-1); /* report failures */ if (ks == NULL) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "No active Keying Set"); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } /* get context info for relative Keying Sets */ if ((ks->flag & KEYINGSET_ABSOLUTE) == 0) { /* exit if no suitable data obtained */ if (modifykey_get_context_data(C, &dsources, ks) == 0) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "No suitable context info for active Keying Set"); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } } /* try to insert keyframes for the channels specified by KeyingSet */ success= modify_keyframes(C, &dsources, NULL, ks, MODIFYKEY_MODE_INSERT, cfra); printf("KeyingSet '%s' - Successfully added %d Keyframes \n", ks->name, success); /* report failure? */ if (success == 0) BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_WARNING, "Keying Set failed to insert any keyframes"); /* free temp context-data if available */ if (dsources.first) { /* we assume that there is no extra data that needs to be freed from here... */ BLI_freelistN(&dsources); } /* send updates */ ED_anim_dag_flush_update(C); /* for now, only send ND_KEYS for KeyingSets */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, ND_KEYS, NULL); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void ANIM_OT_insert_keyframe (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Insert Keyframe"; ot->idname= "ANIM_OT_insert_keyframe"; /* callbacks */ ot->exec= insert_key_exec; ot->poll= modify_key_op_poll; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; /* settings */ RNA_def_int(ot->srna, "type", 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, "Keying Set Number", "Index (determined internally) of the Keying Set to use", 0, 1); } /* Insert Key Operator (With Menu) ------------------------ */ /* XXX * This operator pops up a menu which sets gets the index of the keyingset to use, * setting the global settings, and calling the insert-keyframe operator using these * settings */ static int insert_key_menu_invoke (bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); KeyingSet *ks; uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; int i = 0; pup= uiPupMenuBegin(C, "Insert Keyframe", 0); layout= uiPupMenuLayout(pup); /* active Keying Set */ uiItemIntO(layout, "Active Keying Set", 0, "ANIM_OT_insert_keyframe_menu", "type", i++); uiItemS(layout); /* user-defined Keying Sets * - these are listed in the order in which they were defined for the active scene */ if (scene->keyingsets.first) { for (ks= scene->keyingsets.first; ks; ks= ks->next) uiItemIntO(layout, ks->name, 0, "ANIM_OT_insert_keyframe_menu", "type", i++); uiItemS(layout); } /* builtin Keying Sets */ // XXX polling the entire list may lag i= -1; for (ks= builtin_keyingsets.first; ks; ks= ks->next) { /* only show KeyingSet if context is suitable */ if (keyingset_context_ok_poll(C, ks)) { uiItemIntO(layout, ks->name, 0, "ANIM_OT_insert_keyframe_menu", "type", i--); } } uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } void ANIM_OT_insert_keyframe_menu (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Insert Keyframe"; ot->idname= "ANIM_OT_insert_keyframe_menu"; /* callbacks */ ot->invoke= insert_key_menu_invoke; ot->exec= insert_key_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_areaactive; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; /* properties * - NOTE: here the type is int not enum, since many of the indicies here are determined dynamically */ RNA_def_int(ot->srna, "type", 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, "Keying Set Number", "Index (determined internally) of the Keying Set to use", 0, 1); } /* Delete Key Operator ------------------------ */ static int delete_key_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { ListBase dsources = {NULL, NULL}; Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); KeyingSet *ks= NULL; int type= RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "type"); float cfra= (float)CFRA; // XXX for now, don't bother about all the yucky offset crap short success; /* type is the Keying Set the user specified to use when calling the operator: * - type == 0: use scene's active Keying Set * - type > 0: use a user-defined Keying Set from the active scene * - type < 0: use a builtin Keying Set */ if (type == 0) type= scene->active_keyingset; if (type > 0) ks= BLI_findlink(&scene->keyingsets, scene->active_keyingset-1); else ks= BLI_findlink(&builtin_keyingsets, -type-1); /* report failure */ if (ks == NULL) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "No active Keying Set"); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } /* get context info for relative Keying Sets */ if ((ks->flag & KEYINGSET_ABSOLUTE) == 0) { /* exit if no suitable data obtained */ if (modifykey_get_context_data(C, &dsources, ks) == 0) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "No suitable context info for active Keying Set"); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } } /* try to insert keyframes for the channels specified by KeyingSet */ success= modify_keyframes(C, &dsources, NULL, ks, MODIFYKEY_MODE_DELETE, cfra); printf("KeyingSet '%s' - Successfully removed %d Keyframes \n", ks->name, success); /* report failure? */ if (success == 0) BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_WARNING, "Keying Set failed to remove any keyframes"); /* free temp context-data if available */ if (dsources.first) { /* we assume that there is no extra data that needs to be freed from here... */ BLI_freelistN(&dsources); } /* send updates */ ED_anim_dag_flush_update(C); /* for now, only send ND_KEYS for KeyingSets */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, ND_KEYS, NULL); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void ANIM_OT_delete_keyframe (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Delete Keyframe"; ot->idname= "ANIM_OT_delete_keyframe"; /* callbacks */ ot->exec= delete_key_exec; ot->poll= modify_key_op_poll; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; /* properties * - NOTE: here the type is int not enum, since many of the indicies here are determined dynamically */ RNA_def_int(ot->srna, "type", 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, "Keying Set Number", "Index (determined internally) of the Keying Set to use", 0, 1); } /* Delete Key Operator ------------------------ */ /* XXX WARNING: * This is currently just a basic operator, which work in 3d-view context on objects only. * Should this be kept? It does have advantages over a version which requires selecting a keyingset to use... * -- Joshua Leung, Jan 2009 */ static int delete_key_old_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); float cfra= (float)CFRA; // XXX for now, don't bother about all the yucky offset crap // XXX more comprehensive tests will be needed CTX_DATA_BEGIN(C, Base*, base, selected_bases) { Object *ob= base->object; ID *id= (ID *)ob; FCurve *fcu, *fcn; short success= 0; /* loop through all curves in animdata and delete keys on this frame */ if (ob->adt) { AnimData *adt= ob->adt; bAction *act= adt->action; for (fcu= act->curves.first; fcu; fcu= fcn) { fcn= fcu->next; success+= delete_keyframe(id, NULL, NULL, fcu->rna_path, fcu->array_index, cfra, 0); } } printf("Ob '%s' - Successfully removed %d keyframes \n", id->name+2, success); ob->recalc |= OB_RECALC_OB; } CTX_DATA_END; /* send updates */ ED_anim_dag_flush_update(C); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT|ND_KEYS, NULL); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void ANIM_OT_delete_keyframe_old (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Delete Keyframe"; ot->idname= "ANIM_OT_delete_keyframe_old"; /* callbacks */ ot->invoke= WM_operator_confirm; ot->exec= delete_key_old_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_areaactive; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* Insert Key Button Operator ------------------------ */ static int insert_key_button_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); PointerRNA ptr; PropertyRNA *prop= NULL; char *path; float cfra= (float)CFRA; // XXX for now, don't bother about all the yucky offset crap short success= 0; int a, index, length, all= RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "all"); /* try to insert keyframe using property retrieved from UI */ memset(&ptr, 0, sizeof(PointerRNA)); uiAnimContextProperty(C, &ptr, &prop, &index); if ((ptr.data && prop) && RNA_property_animateable(&ptr, prop)) { path= RNA_path_from_ID_to_property(&ptr, prop); if (path) { if (all) { length= RNA_property_array_length(prop); if(length) index= 0; else length= 1; } else length= 1; for (a=0; areports, RPT_WARNING, "Failed to resolve path to property. Try using a Keying Set instead."); } } else if (G.f & G_DEBUG) { printf("ptr.data = %p, prop = %p,", ptr.data, prop); printf("animateable = %d \n", RNA_property_animateable(&ptr, prop)); } if (success) { /* send updates */ ED_anim_dag_flush_update(C); /* for now, only send ND_KEYS for KeyingSets */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, ND_KEYS, NULL); } return (success)? OPERATOR_FINISHED: OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } void ANIM_OT_insert_keyframe_button (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Insert Keyframe"; ot->idname= "ANIM_OT_insert_keyframe_button"; /* callbacks */ ot->exec= insert_key_button_exec; ot->poll= modify_key_op_poll; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; /* properties */ RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "all", 1, "All", "Insert a keyframe for all element of the array."); } /* Delete Key Button Operator ------------------------ */ static int delete_key_button_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); PointerRNA ptr; PropertyRNA *prop= NULL; char *path; float cfra= (float)CFRA; // XXX for now, don't bother about all the yucky offset crap short success= 0; int a, index, length, all= RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "all"); /* try to insert keyframe using property retrieved from UI */ memset(&ptr, 0, sizeof(PointerRNA)); uiAnimContextProperty(C, &ptr, &prop, &index); if (ptr.data && prop) { path= RNA_path_from_ID_to_property(&ptr, prop); if (path) { if (all) { length= RNA_property_array_length(prop); if(length) index= 0; else length= 1; } else length= 1; for (a=0; aname= "Delete Keyframe"; ot->idname= "ANIM_OT_delete_keyframe_button"; /* callbacks */ ot->exec= delete_key_button_exec; ot->poll= modify_key_op_poll; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; /* properties */ RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "all", 1, "All", "Delete keyfames from all elements of the array."); } /* ******************************************* */ /* KEYFRAME DETECTION */ /* --------------- API/Per-Datablock Handling ------------------- */ /* Checks whether an Action has a keyframe for a given frame * Since we're only concerned whether a keyframe exists, we can simply loop until a match is found... */ short action_frame_has_keyframe (bAction *act, float frame, short filter) { FCurve *fcu; /* can only find if there is data */ if (act == NULL) return 0; /* if only check non-muted, check if muted */ if ((filter & ANIMFILTER_KEYS_MUTED) || (act->flag & ACT_MUTED)) return 0; /* loop over F-Curves, using binary-search to try to find matches * - this assumes that keyframes are only beztriples */ for (fcu= act->curves.first; fcu; fcu= fcu->next) { /* only check if there are keyframes (currently only of type BezTriple) */ if (fcu->bezt && fcu->totvert) { /* we either include all regardless of muting, or only non-muted */ if ((filter & ANIMFILTER_KEYS_MUTED) || (fcu->flag & FCURVE_MUTED)==0) { short replace = -1; int i = binarysearch_bezt_index(fcu->bezt, frame, fcu->totvert, &replace); /* binarysearch_bezt_index will set replace to be 0 or 1 * - obviously, 1 represents a match */ if (replace) { /* sanity check: 'i' may in rare cases exceed arraylen */ if ((i >= 0) && (i < fcu->totvert)) return 1; } } } } /* nothing found */ return 0; } /* Checks whether an Object has a keyframe for a given frame */ short object_frame_has_keyframe (Object *ob, float frame, short filter) { /* error checking */ if (ob == NULL) return 0; /* check own animation data - specifically, the action it contains */ if ((ob->adt) && (ob->adt->action)) { if (action_frame_has_keyframe(ob->adt->action, frame, filter)) return 1; } /* try shapekey keyframes (if available, and allowed by filter) */ if ( !(filter & ANIMFILTER_KEYS_LOCAL) && !(filter & ANIMFILTER_KEYS_NOSKEY) ) { Key *key= ob_get_key(ob); /* shapekeys can have keyframes ('Relative Shape Keys') * or depend on time (old 'Absolute Shape Keys') */ /* 1. test for relative (with keyframes) */ if (id_frame_has_keyframe((ID *)key, frame, filter)) return 1; /* 2. test for time */ // TODO... yet to be implemented (this feature may evolve before then anyway) } /* try materials */ if ( !(filter & ANIMFILTER_KEYS_LOCAL) && !(filter & ANIMFILTER_KEYS_NOMAT) ) { /* if only active, then we can skip a lot of looping */ if (filter & ANIMFILTER_KEYS_ACTIVE) { Material *ma= give_current_material(ob, (ob->actcol + 1)); /* we only retrieve the active material... */ if (id_frame_has_keyframe((ID *)ma, frame, filter)) return 1; } else { int a; /* loop over materials */ for (a=0; atotcol; a++) { Material *ma= give_current_material(ob, a+1); if (id_frame_has_keyframe((ID *)ma, frame, filter)) return 1; } } } /* nothing found */ return 0; } /* --------------- API ------------------- */ /* Checks whether a keyframe exists for the given ID-block one the given frame */ short id_frame_has_keyframe (ID *id, float frame, short filter) { /* sanity checks */ if (id == NULL) return 0; /* perform special checks for 'macro' types */ switch (GS(id->name)) { case ID_OB: /* object */ return object_frame_has_keyframe((Object *)id, frame, filter); break; case ID_SCE: /* scene */ // XXX TODO... for now, just use 'normal' behaviour // break; default: /* 'normal type' */ { AnimData *adt= BKE_animdata_from_id(id); /* only check keyframes in active action */ if (adt) return action_frame_has_keyframe(adt->action, frame, filter); } break; } /* no keyframe found */ return 0; } /* ************************************************** */