/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): John Roper * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file blender/editors/curve/editcurve_select.c * \ingroup edcurve */ #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_bitmap.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_rand.h" #include "BLI_heap.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_curve.h" #include "BKE_fcurve.h" #include "BKE_report.h" #include "WM_api.h" #include "WM_types.h" #include "ED_screen.h" #include "ED_types.h" #include "ED_view3d.h" #include "ED_curve.h" #include "curve_intern.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "RNA_define.h" /* returns 1 in case (de)selection was successful */ bool select_beztriple(BezTriple *bezt, bool selstatus, short flag, eVisible_Types hidden) { if ((bezt->hide == 0) || (hidden == HIDDEN)) { if (selstatus == SELECT) { /* selects */ bezt->f1 |= flag; bezt->f2 |= flag; bezt->f3 |= flag; return true; } else { /* deselects */ bezt->f1 &= ~flag; bezt->f2 &= ~flag; bezt->f3 &= ~flag; return true; } } return false; } /* returns 1 in case (de)selection was successful */ bool select_bpoint(BPoint *bp, bool selstatus, short flag, bool hidden) { if ((bp->hide == 0) || (hidden == 1)) { if (selstatus == SELECT) { bp->f1 |= flag; return true; } else { bp->f1 &= ~flag; return true; } } return false; } static bool swap_selection_beztriple(BezTriple *bezt) { if (bezt->f2 & SELECT) return select_beztriple(bezt, DESELECT, SELECT, VISIBLE); else return select_beztriple(bezt, SELECT, SELECT, VISIBLE); } static bool swap_selection_bpoint(BPoint *bp) { if (bp->f1 & SELECT) return select_bpoint(bp, DESELECT, SELECT, VISIBLE); else return select_bpoint(bp, SELECT, SELECT, VISIBLE); } bool ED_curve_nurb_select_check(Curve *cu, Nurb *nu) { if (nu->type == CU_BEZIER) { BezTriple *bezt; int i; for (i = nu->pntsu, bezt = nu->bezt; i--; bezt++) { if (BEZT_ISSEL_ANY_HIDDENHANDLES(cu, bezt)) { return true; } } } else { BPoint *bp; int i; for (i = nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv, bp = nu->bp; i--; bp++) { if (bp->f1 & SELECT) { return true; } } } return false; } int ED_curve_nurb_select_count(Curve *cu, Nurb *nu) { int sel = 0; if (nu->type == CU_BEZIER) { BezTriple *bezt; int i; for (i = nu->pntsu, bezt = nu->bezt; i--; bezt++) { if (BEZT_ISSEL_ANY_HIDDENHANDLES(cu, bezt)) { sel++; } } } else { BPoint *bp; int i; for (i = nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv, bp = nu->bp; i--; bp++) { if (bp->f1 & SELECT) { sel++; } } } return sel; } void ED_curve_nurb_select_all(Nurb *nu) { int i; if (nu->bezt) { BezTriple *bezt; for (i = nu->pntsu, bezt = nu->bezt; i--; bezt++) { if (bezt->hide == 0) { BEZT_SEL_ALL(bezt); } } } else if (nu->bp) { BPoint *bp; for (i = nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv, bp = nu->bp; i--; bp++) { if (bp->hide == 0) { bp->f1 |= SELECT; } } } } void ED_curve_select_all(EditNurb *editnurb) { Nurb *nu; for (nu = editnurb->nurbs.first; nu; nu = nu->next) { ED_curve_nurb_select_all(nu); } } void ED_curve_nurb_deselect_all(Nurb *nu) { int i; if (nu->bezt) { BezTriple *bezt; for (i = nu->pntsu, bezt = nu->bezt; i--; bezt++) { BEZT_DESEL_ALL(bezt); } } else if (nu->bp) { BPoint *bp; for (i = nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv, bp = nu->bp; i--; bp++) { bp->f1 &= ~SELECT; } } } bool ED_curve_select_check(Curve *cu, struct EditNurb *editnurb) { Nurb *nu; for (nu = editnurb->nurbs.first; nu; nu = nu->next) { if (ED_curve_nurb_select_check(cu, nu)) { return true; } } return false; } void ED_curve_deselect_all(EditNurb *editnurb) { Nurb *nu; for (nu = editnurb->nurbs.first; nu; nu = nu->next) { ED_curve_nurb_deselect_all(nu); } } void ED_curve_select_swap(EditNurb *editnurb, bool hide_handles) { Nurb *nu; BPoint *bp; BezTriple *bezt; int a; for (nu = editnurb->nurbs.first; nu; nu = nu->next) { if (nu->type == CU_BEZIER) { bezt = nu->bezt; a = nu->pntsu; while (a--) { if (bezt->hide == 0) { bezt->f2 ^= SELECT; /* always do the center point */ if (!hide_handles) { bezt->f1 ^= SELECT; bezt->f3 ^= SELECT; } } bezt++; } } else { bp = nu->bp; a = nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv; while (a--) { swap_selection_bpoint(bp); bp++; } } } } /** * \param next: -1/1 for prev/next * \param cont: when true select continuously * \param selstatus: inverts behavior */ static void select_adjacent_cp( ListBase *editnurb, short next, const bool cont, const bool selstatus) { Nurb *nu; BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; int a; bool lastsel = false; if (next == 0) return; for (nu = editnurb->first; nu; nu = nu->next) { lastsel = false; if (nu->type == CU_BEZIER) { a = nu->pntsu; bezt = nu->bezt; if (next < 0) bezt = &nu->bezt[a - 1]; while (a--) { if (a - abs(next) < 0) break; if ((lastsel == false) && (bezt->hide == 0) && ((bezt->f2 & SELECT) || (selstatus == DESELECT))) { bezt += next; if (!(bezt->f2 & SELECT) || (selstatus == DESELECT)) { bool sel = select_beztriple(bezt, selstatus, SELECT, VISIBLE); if (sel && !cont) lastsel = true; } } else { bezt += next; lastsel = false; } /* move around in zigzag way so that we go through each */ bezt -= (next - next / abs(next)); } } else { a = nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv; bp = nu->bp; if (next < 0) bp = &nu->bp[a - 1]; while (a--) { if (a - abs(next) < 0) break; if ((lastsel == false) && (bp->hide == 0) && ((bp->f1 & SELECT) || (selstatus == DESELECT))) { bp += next; if (!(bp->f1 & SELECT) || (selstatus == DESELECT)) { bool sel = select_bpoint(bp, selstatus, SELECT, VISIBLE); if (sel && !cont) lastsel = true; } } else { bp += next; lastsel = false; } /* move around in zigzag way so that we go through each */ bp -= (next - next / abs(next)); } } } } /**************** select start/end operators **************/ /* (de)selects first or last of visible part of each Nurb depending on selFirst * selFirst: defines the end of which to select * doswap: defines if selection state of each first/last control point is swapped * selstatus: selection status in case doswap is false */ static void selectend_nurb(Object *obedit, eEndPoint_Types selfirst, bool doswap, bool selstatus) { ListBase *editnurb = object_editcurve_get(obedit); Nurb *nu; BPoint *bp; BezTriple *bezt; Curve *cu; int a; if (obedit == NULL) return; cu = (Curve *)obedit->data; cu->actvert = CU_ACT_NONE; for (nu = editnurb->first; nu; nu = nu->next) { if (nu->type == CU_BEZIER) { a = nu->pntsu; /* which point? */ if (selfirst == LAST) { /* select last */ bezt = &nu->bezt[a - 1]; } else { /* select first */ bezt = nu->bezt; } while (a--) { bool sel; if (doswap) sel = swap_selection_beztriple(bezt); else sel = select_beztriple(bezt, selstatus, SELECT, VISIBLE); if (sel == true) break; } } else { a = nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv; /* which point? */ if (selfirst == LAST) { /* select last */ bp = &nu->bp[a - 1]; } else { /* select first */ bp = nu->bp; } while (a--) { if (bp->hide == 0) { bool sel; if (doswap) sel = swap_selection_bpoint(bp); else sel = select_bpoint(bp, selstatus, SELECT, VISIBLE); if (sel == true) break; } } } } } static int de_select_first_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op)) { Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); selectend_nurb(obedit, FIRST, true, DESELECT); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GEOM | ND_SELECT, obedit->data); BKE_curve_nurb_vert_active_validate(obedit->data); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void CURVE_OT_de_select_first(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "(De)select First"; ot->idname = "CURVE_OT_de_select_first"; ot->description = "(De)select first of visible part of each NURBS"; /* api cfirstbacks */ ot->exec = de_select_first_exec; ot->poll = ED_operator_editcurve; /* flags */ ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; } static int de_select_last_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op)) { Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); selectend_nurb(obedit, LAST, true, DESELECT); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GEOM | ND_SELECT, obedit->data); BKE_curve_nurb_vert_active_validate(obedit->data); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void CURVE_OT_de_select_last(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "(De)select Last"; ot->idname = "CURVE_OT_de_select_last"; ot->description = "(De)select last of visible part of each NURBS"; /* api clastbacks */ ot->exec = de_select_last_exec; ot->poll = ED_operator_editcurve; /* flags */ ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; } static int de_select_all_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); Curve *cu = obedit->data; int action = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "action"); if (action == SEL_TOGGLE) { action = SEL_SELECT; if (ED_curve_select_check(cu, cu->editnurb)) { action = SEL_DESELECT; } } switch (action) { case SEL_SELECT: ED_curve_select_all(cu->editnurb); break; case SEL_DESELECT: ED_curve_deselect_all(cu->editnurb); break; case SEL_INVERT: ED_curve_select_swap(cu->editnurb, (cu->drawflag & CU_HIDE_HANDLES) != 0); break; } WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GEOM | ND_SELECT, obedit->data); BKE_curve_nurb_vert_active_validate(cu); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void CURVE_OT_select_all(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "(De)select All"; ot->idname = "CURVE_OT_select_all"; ot->description = "(De)select all control points"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec = de_select_all_exec; ot->poll = ED_operator_editsurfcurve; /* flags */ ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; /* properties */ WM_operator_properties_select_all(ot); } /***************** select linked operator ******************/ static int select_linked_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op)) { Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); Curve *cu = (Curve *)obedit->data; EditNurb *editnurb = cu->editnurb; ListBase *nurbs = &editnurb->nurbs; Nurb *nu; for (nu = nurbs->first; nu; nu = nu->next) { if (ED_curve_nurb_select_check(cu, nu)) { ED_curve_nurb_select_all(nu); } } WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GEOM | ND_SELECT, obedit->data); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } static int select_linked_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { return select_linked_exec(C, op); } void CURVE_OT_select_linked(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Select Linked All"; ot->idname = "CURVE_OT_select_linked"; ot->description = "Select all control points linked to active one"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec = select_linked_exec; ot->invoke = select_linked_invoke; ot->poll = ED_operator_editsurfcurve; /* flags */ ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; /* properties */ } /***************** select linked pick operator ******************/ static int select_linked_pick_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *event) { Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); ViewContext vc; Nurb *nu; BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; int a; const bool select = !RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "deselect"); view3d_operator_needs_opengl(C); view3d_set_viewcontext(C, &vc); if (!ED_curve_pick_vert(&vc, 1, event->mval, &nu, &bezt, &bp, NULL)) { return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } if (bezt) { a = nu->pntsu; bezt = nu->bezt; while (a--) { select_beztriple(bezt, select, SELECT, VISIBLE); bezt++; } } else if (bp) { a = nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv; bp = nu->bp; while (a--) { select_bpoint(bp, select, SELECT, VISIBLE); bp++; } } WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GEOM | ND_SELECT, obedit->data); if (!select) { BKE_curve_nurb_vert_active_validate(obedit->data); } return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void CURVE_OT_select_linked_pick(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Select Linked"; ot->idname = "CURVE_OT_select_linked_pick"; ot->description = "Select all control points linked to already selected ones"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke = select_linked_pick_invoke; ot->poll = ED_operator_editsurfcurve_region_view3d; /* flags */ ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; /* properties */ RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "deselect", 0, "Deselect", "Deselect linked control points rather than selecting them"); } /***************** select row operator **********************/ static int select_row_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op)) { Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); Curve *cu = obedit->data; ListBase *editnurb = object_editcurve_get(obedit); static BPoint *last = NULL; static int direction = 0; Nurb *nu = NULL; BPoint *bp = NULL; int u = 0, v = 0, a, b; if (!BKE_curve_nurb_vert_active_get(cu, &nu, (void *)&bp)) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; if (last == bp) { direction = 1 - direction; BKE_nurbList_flag_set(editnurb, 0); } last = bp; u = cu->actvert % nu->pntsu; v = cu->actvert / nu->pntsu; bp = nu->bp; for (a = 0; a < nu->pntsv; a++) { for (b = 0; b < nu->pntsu; b++, bp++) { if (direction) { if (a == v) select_bpoint(bp, SELECT, SELECT, VISIBLE); } else { if (b == u) select_bpoint(bp, SELECT, SELECT, VISIBLE); } } } WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GEOM | ND_SELECT, obedit->data); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void CURVE_OT_select_row(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Select Control Point Row"; ot->idname = "CURVE_OT_select_row"; ot->description = "Select a row of control points including active one"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec = select_row_exec; ot->poll = ED_operator_editsurf; /* flags */ ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; } /***************** select next operator **********************/ static int select_next_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op)) { Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); ListBase *editnurb = object_editcurve_get(obedit); select_adjacent_cp(editnurb, 1, 0, SELECT); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GEOM | ND_SELECT, obedit->data); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void CURVE_OT_select_next(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Select Next"; ot->idname = "CURVE_OT_select_next"; ot->description = "Select control points following already selected ones along the curves"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec = select_next_exec; ot->poll = ED_operator_editcurve; /* flags */ ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; } /***************** select previous operator **********************/ static int select_previous_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op)) { Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); ListBase *editnurb = object_editcurve_get(obedit); select_adjacent_cp(editnurb, -1, 0, SELECT); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GEOM | ND_SELECT, obedit->data); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void CURVE_OT_select_previous(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Select Previous"; ot->idname = "CURVE_OT_select_previous"; ot->description = "Select control points preceding already selected ones along the curves"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec = select_previous_exec; ot->poll = ED_operator_editcurve; /* flags */ ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; } /***************** select more operator **********************/ static int select_more_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op)) { Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); ListBase *editnurb = object_editcurve_get(obedit); Nurb *nu; BPoint *bp, *tempbp; int a; short sel = 0; /* note that NURBS surface is a special case because we mimic */ /* the behavior of "select more" of mesh tools. */ /* The algorithm is designed to work in planar cases so it */ /* may not be optimal always (example: end of NURBS sphere) */ if (obedit->type == OB_SURF) { for (nu = editnurb->first; nu; nu = nu->next) { BLI_bitmap *selbpoints; a = nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv; bp = nu->bp; selbpoints = BLI_BITMAP_NEW(a, "selectlist"); while (a > 0) { if ((!BLI_BITMAP_TEST(selbpoints, a)) && (bp->hide == 0) && (bp->f1 & SELECT)) { /* upper control point */ if (a % nu->pntsu != 0) { tempbp = bp - 1; if (!(tempbp->f1 & SELECT)) select_bpoint(tempbp, SELECT, SELECT, VISIBLE); } /* left control point. select only if it is not selected already */ if (a - nu->pntsu > 0) { sel = 0; tempbp = bp + nu->pntsu; if (!(tempbp->f1 & SELECT)) sel = select_bpoint(tempbp, SELECT, SELECT, VISIBLE); /* make sure selected bpoint is discarded */ if (sel == 1) BLI_BITMAP_ENABLE(selbpoints, a - nu->pntsu); } /* right control point */ if (a + nu->pntsu < nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv) { tempbp = bp - nu->pntsu; if (!(tempbp->f1 & SELECT)) select_bpoint(tempbp, SELECT, SELECT, VISIBLE); } /* lower control point. skip next bp in case selection was made */ if (a % nu->pntsu != 1) { sel = 0; tempbp = bp + 1; if (!(tempbp->f1 & SELECT)) sel = select_bpoint(tempbp, SELECT, SELECT, VISIBLE); if (sel) { bp++; a--; } } } bp++; a--; } MEM_freeN(selbpoints); } } else { select_adjacent_cp(editnurb, 1, 0, SELECT); select_adjacent_cp(editnurb, -1, 0, SELECT); } WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GEOM | ND_SELECT, obedit->data); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void CURVE_OT_select_more(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Select More"; ot->idname = "CURVE_OT_select_more"; ot->description = "Select control points directly linked to already selected ones"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec = select_more_exec; ot->poll = ED_operator_editsurfcurve; /* flags */ ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; } /******************** select less operator *****************/ /* basic method: deselect if control point doesn't have all neighbors selected */ static int select_less_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op)) { Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); ListBase *editnurb = object_editcurve_get(obedit); Nurb *nu; BPoint *bp; BezTriple *bezt; int a; int sel = 0; bool lastsel = false; if (obedit->type == OB_SURF) { for (nu = editnurb->first; nu; nu = nu->next) { BLI_bitmap *selbpoints; a = nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv; bp = nu->bp; selbpoints = BLI_BITMAP_NEW(a, "selectlist"); while (a--) { if ((bp->hide == 0) && (bp->f1 & SELECT)) { sel = 0; /* check if neighbors have been selected */ /* edges of surface are an exception */ if ((a + 1) % nu->pntsu == 0) { sel++; } else { bp--; if (BLI_BITMAP_TEST(selbpoints, a + 1) || ((bp->hide == 0) && (bp->f1 & SELECT))) sel++; bp++; } if ((a + 1) % nu->pntsu == 1) { sel++; } else { bp++; if ((bp->hide == 0) && (bp->f1 & SELECT)) sel++; bp--; } if (a + 1 > nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv - nu->pntsu) { sel++; } else { bp -= nu->pntsu; if (BLI_BITMAP_TEST(selbpoints, a + nu->pntsu) || ((bp->hide == 0) && (bp->f1 & SELECT))) sel++; bp += nu->pntsu; } if (a < nu->pntsu) { sel++; } else { bp += nu->pntsu; if ((bp->hide == 0) && (bp->f1 & SELECT)) sel++; bp -= nu->pntsu; } if (sel != 4) { select_bpoint(bp, DESELECT, SELECT, VISIBLE); BLI_BITMAP_ENABLE(selbpoints, a); } } else { lastsel = false; } bp++; } MEM_freeN(selbpoints); } } else { for (nu = editnurb->first; nu; nu = nu->next) { lastsel = false; /* check what type of curve/nurb it is */ if (nu->type == CU_BEZIER) { a = nu->pntsu; bezt = nu->bezt; while (a--) { if ((bezt->hide == 0) && (bezt->f2 & SELECT)) { sel = (lastsel == 1); /* check if neighbors have been selected */ /* first and last are exceptions */ if (a == nu->pntsu - 1) { sel++; } else { bezt--; if ((bezt->hide == 0) && (bezt->f2 & SELECT)) sel++; bezt++; } if (a == 0) { sel++; } else { bezt++; if ((bezt->hide == 0) && (bezt->f2 & SELECT)) sel++; bezt--; } if (sel != 2) { select_beztriple(bezt, DESELECT, SELECT, VISIBLE); lastsel = true; } else { lastsel = false; } } else { lastsel = false; } bezt++; } } else { a = nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv; bp = nu->bp; while (a--) { if ((lastsel == false) && (bp->hide == 0) && (bp->f1 & SELECT)) { sel = 0; /* first and last are exceptions */ if (a == nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv - 1) { sel++; } else { bp--; if ((bp->hide == 0) && (bp->f1 & SELECT)) sel++; bp++; } if (a == 0) { sel++; } else { bp++; if ((bp->hide == 0) && (bp->f1 & SELECT)) sel++; bp--; } if (sel != 2) { select_bpoint(bp, DESELECT, SELECT, VISIBLE); lastsel = true; } else { lastsel = false; } } else { lastsel = false; } bp++; } } } } WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GEOM | ND_SELECT, obedit->data); BKE_curve_nurb_vert_active_validate(obedit->data); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void CURVE_OT_select_less(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Select Less"; ot->idname = "CURVE_OT_select_less"; ot->description = "Reduce current selection by deselecting boundary elements"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec = select_less_exec; ot->poll = ED_operator_editsurfcurve; /* flags */ ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; } /********************** select random *********************/ static void curve_select_random(ListBase *editnurb, float randfac, int seed, bool select) { Nurb *nu; BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; int a; RNG *rng = BLI_rng_new_srandom(seed); for (nu = editnurb->first; nu; nu = nu->next) { if (nu->type == CU_BEZIER) { bezt = nu->bezt; a = nu->pntsu; while (a--) { if (!bezt->hide) { if (BLI_rng_get_float(rng) < randfac) { select_beztriple(bezt, select, SELECT, VISIBLE); } } bezt++; } } else { bp = nu->bp; a = nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv; while (a--) { if (!bp->hide) { if (BLI_rng_get_float(rng) < randfac) { select_bpoint(bp, select, SELECT, VISIBLE); } } bp++; } } } BLI_rng_free(rng); } static int curve_select_random_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); ListBase *editnurb = object_editcurve_get(obedit); const bool select = (RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "action") == SEL_SELECT); const float randfac = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "percent") / 100.0f; const int seed = WM_operator_properties_select_random_seed_increment_get(op); curve_select_random(editnurb, randfac, seed, select); BKE_curve_nurb_vert_active_validate(obedit->data); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GEOM | ND_SELECT, obedit->data); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void CURVE_OT_select_random(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Select Random"; ot->idname = "CURVE_OT_select_random"; ot->description = "Randomly select some control points"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec = curve_select_random_exec; ot->poll = ED_operator_editsurfcurve; /* flags */ ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; /* properties */ WM_operator_properties_select_random(ot); } /********************* every nth number of point *******************/ static void select_nth_bezt(Nurb *nu, BezTriple *bezt, const struct CheckerIntervalParams *params) { int a, start; start = bezt - nu->bezt; a = nu->pntsu; bezt = &nu->bezt[a - 1]; while (a--) { const int depth = abs(start - a); if (WM_operator_properties_checker_interval_test(params, depth)) { select_beztriple(bezt, DESELECT, SELECT, HIDDEN); } bezt--; } } static void select_nth_bp(Nurb *nu, BPoint *bp, const struct CheckerIntervalParams *params) { int a, startrow, startpnt; int row, pnt; startrow = (bp - nu->bp) / nu->pntsu; startpnt = (bp - nu->bp) % nu->pntsu; a = nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv; bp = &nu->bp[a - 1]; row = nu->pntsv - 1; pnt = nu->pntsu - 1; while (a--) { const int depth = abs(pnt - startpnt) + abs(row - startrow); if (WM_operator_properties_checker_interval_test(params, depth)) { select_bpoint(bp, DESELECT, SELECT, HIDDEN); } pnt--; if (pnt < 0) { pnt = nu->pntsu - 1; row--; } bp--; } } static bool ed_curve_select_nth(Curve *cu, const struct CheckerIntervalParams *params) { Nurb *nu = NULL; void *vert = NULL; if (!BKE_curve_nurb_vert_active_get(cu, &nu, &vert)) return false; if (nu->bezt) { select_nth_bezt(nu, vert, params); } else { select_nth_bp(nu, vert, params); } return true; } static int select_nth_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); struct CheckerIntervalParams op_params; WM_operator_properties_checker_interval_from_op(op, &op_params); if (!ed_curve_select_nth(obedit->data, &op_params)) { if (obedit->type == OB_SURF) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Surface has not got active point"); } else { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Curve has not got active point"); } return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GEOM | ND_SELECT, obedit->data); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void CURVE_OT_select_nth(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Checker Deselect"; ot->description = "Deselect every other vertex"; ot->idname = "CURVE_OT_select_nth"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec = select_nth_exec; ot->poll = ED_operator_editsurfcurve; /* flags */ ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; WM_operator_properties_checker_interval(ot, false); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Select Similar */ /** \name Select Similar * \{ */ enum { SIM_CMP_EQ = 0, SIM_CMP_GT, SIM_CMP_LT, }; static const EnumPropertyItem curve_prop_similar_compare_types[] = { {SIM_CMP_EQ, "EQUAL", 0, "Equal", ""}, {SIM_CMP_GT, "GREATER", 0, "Greater", ""}, {SIM_CMP_LT, "LESS", 0, "Less", ""}, {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; enum { SIMCURHAND_TYPE = 0, SIMCURHAND_RADIUS, SIMCURHAND_WEIGHT, SIMCURHAND_DIRECTION, }; static const EnumPropertyItem curve_prop_similar_types[] = { {SIMCURHAND_TYPE, "TYPE", 0, "Type", ""}, {SIMCURHAND_RADIUS, "RADIUS", 0, "Radius", ""}, {SIMCURHAND_WEIGHT, "WEIGHT", 0, "Weight", ""}, {SIMCURHAND_DIRECTION, "DIRECTION", 0, "Direction", ""}, {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; static int curve_select_similar_cmp_fl(const float delta, const float thresh, const int compare) { switch (compare) { case SIM_CMP_EQ: return (fabsf(delta) <= thresh); case SIM_CMP_GT: return ((delta + thresh) >= 0.0f); case SIM_CMP_LT: return ((delta - thresh) <= 0.0f); default: BLI_assert(0); return 0; } } static void curve_select_similar_direction__bezt(Nurb *nu, const float dir_ref[3], float angle_cos) { BezTriple *bezt; int i; for (i = nu->pntsu, bezt = nu->bezt; i--; bezt++) { if (!bezt->hide) { float dir[3]; BKE_nurb_bezt_calc_normal(nu, bezt, dir); if (fabsf(dot_v3v3(dir_ref, dir)) >= angle_cos) { select_beztriple(bezt, SELECT, SELECT, VISIBLE); } } } } static void curve_select_similar_direction__bp(Nurb *nu, const float dir_ref[3], float angle_cos) { BPoint *bp; int i; for (i = nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv, bp = nu->bp; i--; bp++) { if (!bp->hide) { float dir[3]; BKE_nurb_bpoint_calc_normal(nu, bp, dir); if (fabsf(dot_v3v3(dir_ref, dir)) >= angle_cos) { select_bpoint(bp, SELECT, SELECT, VISIBLE); } } } } static bool curve_select_similar_direction(ListBase *editnurb, Curve *cu, float thresh) { Nurb *nu, *act_nu; void *act_vert; float dir[3]; float angle_cos; if (!BKE_curve_nurb_vert_active_get(cu, &act_nu, &act_vert)) { return false; } if (act_nu->type == CU_BEZIER) { BKE_nurb_bezt_calc_normal(act_nu, act_vert, dir); } else { BKE_nurb_bpoint_calc_normal(act_nu, act_vert, dir); } /* map 0-1 to radians, 'cos' for comparison */ angle_cos = cosf(thresh * (float)M_PI_2); for (nu = editnurb->first; nu; nu = nu->next) { if (nu->type == CU_BEZIER) { curve_select_similar_direction__bezt(nu, dir, angle_cos); } else { curve_select_similar_direction__bp(nu, dir, angle_cos); } } return true; } static void curve_select_similar_radius__bezt(Nurb *nu, float radius_ref, int compare, float thresh) { BezTriple *bezt; int i; for (i = nu->pntsu, bezt = nu->bezt; i--; bezt++) { if (!bezt->hide) { if (curve_select_similar_cmp_fl(bezt->radius - radius_ref, thresh, compare)) { select_beztriple(bezt, SELECT, SELECT, VISIBLE); } } } } static void curve_select_similar_radius__bp(Nurb *nu, float radius_ref, int compare, float thresh) { BPoint *bp; int i; for (i = nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv, bp = nu->bp; i--; bp++) { if (!bp->hide) { if (curve_select_similar_cmp_fl(bp->radius - radius_ref, thresh, compare)) { select_bpoint(bp, SELECT, SELECT, VISIBLE); } } } } static bool curve_select_similar_radius(ListBase *editnurb, Curve *cu, float compare, float thresh) { Nurb *nu, *act_nu; void *act_vert; float radius_ref; if (!BKE_curve_nurb_vert_active_get(cu, &act_nu, &act_vert)) { return false; } if (act_nu->type == CU_BEZIER) { radius_ref = ((BezTriple *)act_vert)->radius; } else { radius_ref = ((BPoint *)act_vert)->radius; } /* make relative */ thresh *= radius_ref; for (nu = editnurb->first; nu; nu = nu->next) { if (nu->type == CU_BEZIER) { curve_select_similar_radius__bezt(nu, radius_ref, compare, thresh); } else { curve_select_similar_radius__bp(nu, radius_ref, compare, thresh); } } return true; } static void curve_select_similar_weight__bezt(Nurb *nu, float weight_ref, int compare, float thresh) { BezTriple *bezt; int i; for (i = nu->pntsu, bezt = nu->bezt; i--; bezt++) { if (!bezt->hide) { if (curve_select_similar_cmp_fl(bezt->weight - weight_ref, thresh, compare)) { select_beztriple(bezt, SELECT, SELECT, VISIBLE); } } } } static void curve_select_similar_weight__bp(Nurb *nu, float weight_ref, int compare, float thresh) { BPoint *bp; int i; for (i = nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv, bp = nu->bp; i--; bp++) { if (!bp->hide) { if (curve_select_similar_cmp_fl(bp->weight - weight_ref, thresh, compare)) { select_bpoint(bp, SELECT, SELECT, VISIBLE); } } } } static bool curve_select_similar_weight(ListBase *editnurb, Curve *cu, float compare, float thresh) { Nurb *nu, *act_nu; void *act_vert; float weight_ref; if (!BKE_curve_nurb_vert_active_get(cu, &act_nu, &act_vert)) return false; if (act_nu->type == CU_BEZIER) { weight_ref = ((BezTriple *)act_vert)->weight; } else { weight_ref = ((BPoint *)act_vert)->weight; } for (nu = editnurb->first; nu; nu = nu->next) { if (nu->type == CU_BEZIER) { curve_select_similar_weight__bezt(nu, weight_ref, compare, thresh); } else { curve_select_similar_weight__bp(nu, weight_ref, compare, thresh); } } return true; } static bool curve_select_similar_type(ListBase *editnurb, Curve *cu) { Nurb *nu, *act_nu; int type_ref; /* Get active nurb type */ act_nu = BKE_curve_nurb_active_get(cu); if (!act_nu) return false; /* Get the active nurb type */ type_ref = act_nu->type; for (nu = editnurb->first; nu; nu = nu->next) { if (nu->type == type_ref) { ED_curve_nurb_select_all(nu); } } return true; } static int curve_select_similar_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); Curve *cu = obedit->data; ListBase *editnurb = object_editcurve_get(obedit); bool changed = false; /* Get props */ const int type = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type"); const float thresh = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "threshold"); const int compare = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "compare"); switch (type) { case SIMCURHAND_TYPE: changed = curve_select_similar_type(editnurb, cu); break; case SIMCURHAND_RADIUS: changed = curve_select_similar_radius(editnurb, cu, compare, thresh); break; case SIMCURHAND_WEIGHT: changed = curve_select_similar_weight(editnurb, cu, compare, thresh); break; case SIMCURHAND_DIRECTION: changed = curve_select_similar_direction(editnurb, cu, thresh); break; } if (changed) { WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GEOM | ND_SELECT, obedit->data); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } else { return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } } void CURVE_OT_select_similar(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Select Similar"; ot->idname = "CURVE_OT_select_similar"; ot->description = "Select similar curve points by property type"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke = WM_menu_invoke; ot->exec = curve_select_similar_exec; ot->poll = ED_operator_editsurfcurve; /* flags */ ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; /* properties */ ot->prop = RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", curve_prop_similar_types, SIMCURHAND_WEIGHT, "Type", ""); RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "compare", curve_prop_similar_compare_types, SIM_CMP_EQ, "Compare", ""); RNA_def_float(ot->srna, "threshold", 0.1, 0.0, FLT_MAX, "Threshold", "", 0.0, 100.0); } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Select Shortest Path */ /** \name Select Path * \{ */ static float curve_calc_dist_pair(const Nurb *nu, int a, int b) { const float *a_fl, *b_fl; if (nu->type == CU_BEZIER) { a_fl = nu->bezt[a].vec[1]; b_fl = nu->bezt[b].vec[1]; } else { a_fl = nu->bp[a].vec; b_fl = nu->bp[b].vec; } return len_v3v3(a_fl, b_fl); } static float curve_calc_dist_span(Nurb *nu, int vert_src, int vert_dst) { const int u = nu->pntsu; int i_prev, i; float dist = 0.0f; BLI_assert(nu->pntsv == 1); i_prev = vert_src; i = (i_prev + 1) % u; while (true) { dist += curve_calc_dist_pair(nu, i_prev, i); if (i == vert_dst) { break; } i = (i + 1) % u; } return dist; } static void curve_select_shortest_path_curve(Nurb *nu, int vert_src, int vert_dst) { const int u = nu->pntsu; int i; if (vert_src > vert_dst) { SWAP(int, vert_src, vert_dst); } if (nu->flagu & CU_NURB_CYCLIC) { if (curve_calc_dist_span(nu, vert_src, vert_dst) > curve_calc_dist_span(nu, vert_dst, vert_src)) { SWAP(int, vert_src, vert_dst); } } i = vert_src; while (true) { if (nu->type & CU_BEZIER) { select_beztriple(&nu->bezt[i], SELECT, SELECT, HIDDEN); } else { select_bpoint(&nu->bp[i], SELECT, SELECT, HIDDEN); } if (i == vert_dst) { break; } i = (i + 1) % u; } } static void curve_select_shortest_path_surf(Nurb *nu, int vert_src, int vert_dst) { Heap *heap; int i, vert_curr; int totu = nu->pntsu; int totv = nu->pntsv; int vert_num = totu * totv; /* custom data */ struct PointAdj { int vert, vert_prev; float cost; } *data; /* init connectivity data */ data = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*data) * vert_num, __func__); for (i = 0; i < vert_num; i++) { data[i].vert = i; data[i].vert_prev = -1; data[i].cost = FLT_MAX; } /* init heap */ heap = BLI_heap_new(); BLI_heap_insert(heap, 0.0f, &data[vert_src].vert); data[vert_src].cost = 0.0f; data[vert_src].vert_prev = vert_src; /* nop */ while (!BLI_heap_is_empty(heap)) { int axis, sign; int u, v; vert_curr = *((int *)BLI_heap_pop_min(heap)); if (vert_curr == vert_dst) { break; } BKE_nurb_index_to_uv(nu, vert_curr, &u, &v); /* loop over 4 adjacent verts */ for (sign = -1; sign != 3; sign += 2) { for (axis = 0; axis != 2; axis += 1) { int uv_other[2] = {u, v}; int vert_other; uv_other[axis] += sign; vert_other = BKE_nurb_index_from_uv(nu, uv_other[0], uv_other[1]); if (vert_other != -1) { const float dist = data[vert_curr].cost + curve_calc_dist_pair(nu, vert_curr, vert_other); if (data[vert_other].cost > dist) { data[vert_other].cost = dist; if (data[vert_other].vert_prev == -1) { BLI_heap_insert(heap, data[vert_other].cost, &data[vert_other].vert); } data[vert_other].vert_prev = vert_curr; } } } } } BLI_heap_free(heap, NULL); if (vert_curr == vert_dst) { i = 0; while (vert_curr != vert_src && i++ < vert_num) { if (nu->type == CU_BEZIER) { select_beztriple(&nu->bezt[vert_curr], SELECT, SELECT, HIDDEN); } else { select_bpoint(&nu->bp[vert_curr], SELECT, SELECT, HIDDEN); } vert_curr = data[vert_curr].vert_prev; } } MEM_freeN(data); } static int edcu_shortest_path_pick_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *event) { Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); Curve *cu = obedit->data; Nurb *nu_src = BKE_curve_nurb_active_get(cu); int vert_src = cu->actvert; ViewContext vc; Nurb *nu_dst; BezTriple *bezt_dst; BPoint *bp_dst; int vert_dst; void *vert_dst_p; if (vert_src == CU_ACT_NONE) { return OPERATOR_PASS_THROUGH; } view3d_operator_needs_opengl(C); view3d_set_viewcontext(C, &vc); if (!ED_curve_pick_vert(&vc, 1, event->mval, &nu_dst, &bezt_dst, &bp_dst, NULL)) { return OPERATOR_PASS_THROUGH; } if (nu_src != nu_dst) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Control point belongs to another spline"); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } vert_dst_p = bezt_dst ? (void *)bezt_dst : (void *)bp_dst; vert_dst = BKE_curve_nurb_vert_index_get(nu_dst, vert_dst_p); if (vert_src == vert_dst) { return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } if ((obedit->type == OB_SURF) && (nu_src->pntsv > 1)) { curve_select_shortest_path_surf(nu_src, vert_src, vert_dst); } else { curve_select_shortest_path_curve(nu_src, vert_src, vert_dst); } BKE_curve_nurb_vert_active_set(cu, nu_dst, vert_dst_p); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GEOM | ND_SELECT, obedit->data); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void CURVE_OT_shortest_path_pick(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Pick Shortest Path"; ot->idname = "CURVE_OT_shortest_path_pick"; ot->description = "Select shortest path between two selections"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke = edcu_shortest_path_pick_invoke; ot->poll = ED_operator_editsurfcurve_region_view3d; /* flags */ ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; } /** \} */