/** * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2008 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * Contributor(s): Blender Foundation * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include #include #include #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "DNA_view2d_types.h" #include "DNA_windowmanager_types.h" #include "BLI_arithb.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_dynstr.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_report.h" #include "BKE_screen.h" #include "BKE_utildefines.h" #include "WM_api.h" #include "WM_types.h" #include "wm_draw.h" #include "wm_subwindow.h" #include "wm_window.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "BIF_gl.h" #include "UI_interface.h" #include "UI_text.h" #include "UI_view2d.h" #include "ED_screen.h" #include "interface_intern.h" #define MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT 20 #define MENU_SEPR_HEIGHT 6 #define B_NOP -1 #define MENU_SHADOW_LEFT -10 #define MENU_SHADOW_BOTTOM -10 #define MENU_SHADOW_RIGHT 10 #define MENU_SHADOW_TOP 1 #define MENU_ROUNDED_TOP 5 /*********************** Menu Data Parsing ********************* */ typedef struct { char *str; int retval; int icon; } MenuEntry; typedef struct { char *instr; char *title; int titleicon; MenuEntry *items; int nitems, itemssize; } MenuData; static MenuData *menudata_new(char *instr) { MenuData *md= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*md), "MenuData"); md->instr= instr; md->title= NULL; md->titleicon= 0; md->items= NULL; md->nitems= md->itemssize= 0; return md; } static void menudata_set_title(MenuData *md, char *title, int titleicon) { if (!md->title) md->title= title; if (!md->titleicon) md->titleicon= titleicon; } static void menudata_add_item(MenuData *md, char *str, int retval, int icon) { if (md->nitems==md->itemssize) { int nsize= md->itemssize?(md->itemssize<<1):1; MenuEntry *oitems= md->items; md->items= MEM_mallocN(nsize*sizeof(*md->items), "md->items"); if (oitems) { memcpy(md->items, oitems, md->nitems*sizeof(*md->items)); MEM_freeN(oitems); } md->itemssize= nsize; } md->items[md->nitems].str= str; md->items[md->nitems].retval= retval; md->items[md->nitems].icon= icon; md->nitems++; } void menudata_free(MenuData *md) { MEM_freeN(md->instr); if (md->items) MEM_freeN(md->items); MEM_freeN(md); } /** * Parse menu description strings, string is of the * form "[sss%t|]{(sss[%xNN]|), (%l|)}", ssss%t indicates the * menu title, sss or sss%xNN indicates an option, * if %xNN is given then NN is the return value if * that option is selected otherwise the return value * is the index of the option (starting with 1). %l * indicates a seperator. * * @param str String to be parsed. * @retval new menudata structure, free with menudata_free() */ MenuData *decompose_menu_string(char *str) { char *instr= BLI_strdup(str); MenuData *md= menudata_new(instr); char *nitem= NULL, *s= instr; int nicon=0, nretval= 1, nitem_is_title= 0; while (1) { char c= *s; if (c=='%') { if (s[1]=='x') { nretval= atoi(s+2); *s= '\0'; s++; } else if (s[1]=='t') { nitem_is_title= 1; *s= '\0'; s++; } else if (s[1]=='l') { nitem= "%l"; s++; } else if (s[1]=='i') { nicon= atoi(s+2); *s= '\0'; s++; } } else if (c=='|' || c=='\0') { if (nitem) { *s= '\0'; if (nitem_is_title) { menudata_set_title(md, nitem, nicon); nitem_is_title= 0; } else { /* prevent separator to get a value */ if(nitem[0]=='%' && nitem[1]=='l') menudata_add_item(md, nitem, -1, nicon); else menudata_add_item(md, nitem, nretval, nicon); nretval= md->nitems+1; } nitem= NULL; nicon= 0; } if (c=='\0') break; } else if (!nitem) nitem= s; s++; } return md; } void ui_set_name_menu(uiBut *but, int value) { MenuData *md; int i; md= decompose_menu_string(but->str); for (i=0; initems; i++) if (md->items[i].retval==value) strcpy(but->drawstr, md->items[i].str); menudata_free(md); } /******************** Creating Temporary regions ******************/ ARegion *ui_add_temporary_region(bScreen *sc) { ARegion *ar; ar= MEM_callocN(sizeof(ARegion), "area region"); BLI_addtail(&sc->regionbase, ar); ar->regiontype= RGN_TYPE_TEMPORARY; ar->alignment= RGN_ALIGN_FLOAT; return ar; } void ui_remove_temporary_region(bContext *C, bScreen *sc, ARegion *ar) { if(CTX_wm_window(C)) wm_draw_region_clear(CTX_wm_window(C), ar); ED_region_exit(C, ar); BKE_area_region_free(NULL, ar); /* NULL: no spacetype */ BLI_freelinkN(&sc->regionbase, ar); } /************************* Creating Tooltips **********************/ typedef struct uiTooltipData { rctf bbox; struct BMF_Font *font; char *tip; float aspect; } uiTooltipData; static void ui_tooltip_region_draw(const bContext *C, ARegion *ar) { uiTooltipData *data; int x1, y1, x2, y2; data= ar->regiondata; x1= ar->winrct.xmin; y1= ar->winrct.ymin; x2= ar->winrct.xmax; y2= ar->winrct.ymax; /* draw background */ glEnable(GL_BLEND); glColor4f(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f, 0.85f); uiSetRoundBox(15); uiRoundBox(data->bbox.xmin, 2, data->bbox.xmax+10, y2-y1-2, 5.0f); /* draw text */ glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); /* set the position for drawing text +6 in from the left edge, and leaving * an equal gap between the top of the background box and the top of the * string's bbox, and the bottom of the background box, and the bottom of * the string's bbox */ ui_rasterpos_safe(5, ((y2-data->bbox.ymax)+(y1+data->bbox.ymin))/2 - data->bbox.ymin - y1, data->aspect); UI_SetScale(1.0); UI_DrawString(data->font, data->tip, ui_translate_tooltips()); } static void ui_tooltip_region_free(ARegion *ar) { uiTooltipData *data; data= ar->regiondata; MEM_freeN(data->tip); MEM_freeN(data); ar->regiondata= NULL; } ARegion *ui_tooltip_create(bContext *C, ARegion *butregion, uiBut *but) { static ARegionType type; ARegion *ar; uiTooltipData *data; int x1, x2, y1, y2, winx, winy, ofsx, ofsy; if(!but->tip || strlen(but->tip)==0) return NULL; /* create area region */ ar= ui_add_temporary_region(CTX_wm_screen(C)); memset(&type, 0, sizeof(ARegionType)); type.draw= ui_tooltip_region_draw; type.free= ui_tooltip_region_free; ar->type= &type; /* create tooltip data */ data= MEM_callocN(sizeof(uiTooltipData), "uiTooltipData"); data->tip= BLI_strdup(but->tip); data->font= but->font; data->aspect= but->aspect; UI_GetBoundingBox(data->font, data->tip, ui_translate_tooltips(), &data->bbox); ar->regiondata= data; /* compute position */ ofsx= (but->block->panel)? but->block->panel->ofsx: 0; ofsy= (but->block->panel)? but->block->panel->ofsy: 0; x1= (but->x1+but->x2)/2 + ofsx; x2= x1+but->aspect*((data->bbox.xmax-data->bbox.xmin) + 8); y2= but->y1-10 + ofsy; y1= y2-but->aspect*((data->bbox.ymax+(data->bbox.ymax-data->bbox.ymin))); y2 += 8; x2 += 4; if(butregion) { /* XXX temp, region v2ds can be empty still */ if(butregion->v2d.cur.xmin != butregion->v2d.cur.xmax) { UI_view2d_to_region_no_clip(&butregion->v2d, x1, y1, &x1, &y1); UI_view2d_to_region_no_clip(&butregion->v2d, x2, y2, &x2, &y2); } x1 += butregion->winrct.xmin; x2 += butregion->winrct.xmin; y1 += butregion->winrct.ymin; y2 += butregion->winrct.ymin; } wm_window_get_size(CTX_wm_window(C), &winx, &winy); if(x2 > winx) { /* super size */ if(x2 > winx + x1) { x2= winx; x1= 0; } else { x1 -= x2-winx; x2= winx; } } if(y1 < 0) { y1 += 36; y2 += 36; } ar->winrct.xmin= x1; ar->winrct.ymin= y1; ar->winrct.xmax= x2; ar->winrct.ymax= y2; /* adds subwindow */ ED_region_init(C, ar); /* notify change and redraw */ ED_region_tag_redraw(ar); return ar; } void ui_tooltip_free(bContext *C, ARegion *ar) { ui_remove_temporary_region(C, CTX_wm_screen(C), ar); } /************************* Creating Menu Blocks **********************/ /* position block relative to but, result is in window space */ static void ui_block_position(wmWindow *window, ARegion *butregion, uiBut *but, uiBlock *block) { uiBut *bt; uiSafetyRct *saferct; rctf butrct; float aspect; int xsize, ysize, xof=0, yof=0, center; short dir1= 0, dir2=0; /* transform to window coordinates, using the source button region/block */ butrct.xmin= but->x1; butrct.xmax= but->x2; butrct.ymin= but->y1; butrct.ymax= but->y2; ui_block_to_window_fl(butregion, but->block, &butrct.xmin, &butrct.ymin); ui_block_to_window_fl(butregion, but->block, &butrct.xmax, &butrct.ymax); /* calc block rect */ if(block->minx == 0.0f && block->maxx == 0.0f) { if(block->buttons.first) { block->minx= block->miny= 10000; block->maxx= block->maxy= -10000; bt= block->buttons.first; while(bt) { if(bt->x1 < block->minx) block->minx= bt->x1; if(bt->y1 < block->miny) block->miny= bt->y1; if(bt->x2 > block->maxx) block->maxx= bt->x2; if(bt->y2 > block->maxy) block->maxy= bt->y2; bt= bt->next; } } else { /* we're nice and allow empty blocks too */ block->minx= block->miny= 0; block->maxx= block->maxy= 20; } } aspect= (float)(block->maxx - block->minx + 4); ui_block_to_window_fl(butregion, but->block, &block->minx, &block->miny); ui_block_to_window_fl(butregion, but->block, &block->maxx, &block->maxy); //block->minx-= 2.0; block->miny-= 2.0; //block->maxx+= 2.0; block->maxy+= 2.0; xsize= block->maxx - block->minx+4; // 4 for shadow ysize= block->maxy - block->miny+4; aspect/= (float)xsize; if(but) { int left=0, right=0, top=0, down=0; int winx, winy; wm_window_get_size(window, &winx, &winy); if(block->direction & UI_CENTER) center= ysize/2; else center= 0; if( butrct.xmin-xsize > 0.0) left= 1; if( butrct.xmax+xsize < winx) right= 1; if( butrct.ymin-ysize+center > 0.0) down= 1; if( butrct.ymax+ysize-center < winy) top= 1; dir1= block->direction & UI_DIRECTION; /* secundary directions */ if(dir1 & (UI_TOP|UI_DOWN)) { if(dir1 & UI_LEFT) dir2= UI_LEFT; else if(dir1 & UI_RIGHT) dir2= UI_RIGHT; dir1 &= (UI_TOP|UI_DOWN); } if(dir2==0) if(dir1==UI_LEFT || dir1==UI_RIGHT) dir2= UI_DOWN; if(dir2==0) if(dir1==UI_TOP || dir1==UI_DOWN) dir2= UI_LEFT; /* no space at all? dont change */ if(left || right) { if(dir1==UI_LEFT && left==0) dir1= UI_RIGHT; if(dir1==UI_RIGHT && right==0) dir1= UI_LEFT; /* this is aligning, not append! */ if(dir2==UI_LEFT && right==0) dir2= UI_RIGHT; if(dir2==UI_RIGHT && left==0) dir2= UI_LEFT; } if(down || top) { if(dir1==UI_TOP && top==0) dir1= UI_DOWN; if(dir1==UI_DOWN && down==0) dir1= UI_TOP; if(dir2==UI_TOP && top==0) dir2= UI_DOWN; if(dir2==UI_DOWN && down==0) dir2= UI_TOP; } if(dir1==UI_LEFT) { xof= butrct.xmin - block->maxx; if(dir2==UI_TOP) yof= butrct.ymin - block->miny-center; else yof= butrct.ymax - block->maxy+center; } else if(dir1==UI_RIGHT) { xof= butrct.xmax - block->minx; if(dir2==UI_TOP) yof= butrct.ymin - block->miny-center; else yof= butrct.ymax - block->maxy+center; } else if(dir1==UI_TOP) { yof= butrct.ymax - block->miny; if(dir2==UI_RIGHT) xof= butrct.xmax - block->maxx; else xof= butrct.xmin - block->minx; // changed direction? if((dir1 & block->direction)==0) { if(block->direction & UI_SHIFT_FLIPPED) xof+= dir2==UI_LEFT?25:-25; uiBlockFlipOrder(block); } } else if(dir1==UI_DOWN) { yof= butrct.ymin - block->maxy; if(dir2==UI_RIGHT) xof= butrct.xmax - block->maxx; else xof= butrct.xmin - block->minx; // changed direction? if((dir1 & block->direction)==0) { if(block->direction & UI_SHIFT_FLIPPED) xof+= dir2==UI_LEFT?25:-25; uiBlockFlipOrder(block); } } /* and now we handle the exception; no space below or to top */ if(top==0 && down==0) { if(dir1==UI_LEFT || dir1==UI_RIGHT) { // align with bottom of screen yof= ysize; } } /* or no space left or right */ if(left==0 && right==0) { if(dir1==UI_TOP || dir1==UI_DOWN) { // align with left size of screen xof= -block->minx+5; } } // apply requested offset in the block xof += block->xofs/block->aspect; yof += block->yofs/block->aspect; } /* apply */ for(bt= block->buttons.first; bt; bt= bt->next) { ui_block_to_window_fl(butregion, but->block, &bt->x1, &bt->y1); ui_block_to_window_fl(butregion, but->block, &bt->x2, &bt->y2); bt->x1 += xof; bt->x2 += xof; bt->y1 += yof; bt->y2 += yof; bt->aspect= 1.0; // ui_check_but recalculates drawstring size in pixels ui_check_but(bt); } block->minx += xof; block->miny += yof; block->maxx += xof; block->maxy += yof; /* safety calculus */ if(but) { float midx= (butrct.xmin+butrct.xmax)/2.0; float midy= (butrct.ymin+butrct.ymax)/2.0; /* when you are outside parent button, safety there should be smaller */ // parent button to left if( midx < block->minx ) block->safety.xmin= block->minx-3; else block->safety.xmin= block->minx-40; // parent button to right if( midx > block->maxx ) block->safety.xmax= block->maxx+3; else block->safety.xmax= block->maxx+40; // parent button on bottom if( midy < block->miny ) block->safety.ymin= block->miny-3; else block->safety.ymin= block->miny-40; // parent button on top if( midy > block->maxy ) block->safety.ymax= block->maxy+3; else block->safety.ymax= block->maxy+40; // exception for switched pulldowns... if(dir1 && (dir1 & block->direction)==0) { if(dir2==UI_RIGHT) block->safety.xmax= block->maxx+3; if(dir2==UI_LEFT) block->safety.xmin= block->minx-3; } block->direction= dir1; } else { block->safety.xmin= block->minx-40; block->safety.ymin= block->miny-40; block->safety.xmax= block->maxx+40; block->safety.ymax= block->maxy+40; } /* keep a list of these, needed for pulldown menus */ saferct= MEM_callocN(sizeof(uiSafetyRct), "uiSafetyRct"); saferct->parent= butrct; saferct->safety= block->safety; BLI_freelistN(&block->saferct); if(but) BLI_duplicatelist(&block->saferct, &but->block->saferct); BLI_addhead(&block->saferct, saferct); } static void ui_block_region_draw(const bContext *C, ARegion *ar) { uiBlock *block; for(block=ar->uiblocks.first; block; block=block->next) uiDrawBlock(C, block); } uiPopupBlockHandle *ui_popup_block_create(bContext *C, ARegion *butregion, uiBut *but, uiBlockCreateFunc create_func, uiBlockHandleCreateFunc handle_create_func, void *arg) { wmWindow *window= CTX_wm_window(C); static ARegionType type; ARegion *ar; uiBlock *block; uiBut *bt; uiPopupBlockHandle *handle; uiSafetyRct *saferct; /* create handle */ handle= MEM_callocN(sizeof(uiPopupBlockHandle), "uiPopupBlockHandle"); /* store context for operator */ handle->ctx_area= CTX_wm_area(C); handle->ctx_region= CTX_wm_region(C); /* create area region */ ar= ui_add_temporary_region(CTX_wm_screen(C)); memset(&type, 0, sizeof(ARegionType)); type.draw= ui_block_region_draw; ar->type= &type; UI_add_region_handlers(&ar->handlers); handle->region= ar; ar->regiondata= handle; /* create ui block */ if(create_func) block= create_func(C, handle->region, arg); else block= handle_create_func(C, handle, arg); block->handle= handle; if(!block->endblock) uiEndBlock(C, block); /* if this is being created from a button */ if(but) { if(ELEM3(but->type, BLOCK, PULLDOWN, HMENU)) block->xofs = -2; /* for proper alignment */ /* only used for automatic toolbox, so can set the shift flag */ if(but->flag & UI_MAKE_TOP) { block->direction= UI_TOP|UI_SHIFT_FLIPPED; uiBlockFlipOrder(block); } if(but->flag & UI_MAKE_DOWN) block->direction= UI_DOWN|UI_SHIFT_FLIPPED; if(but->flag & UI_MAKE_LEFT) block->direction |= UI_LEFT; if(but->flag & UI_MAKE_RIGHT) block->direction |= UI_RIGHT; ui_block_position(window, butregion, but, block); } else { /* keep a list of these, needed for pulldown menus */ saferct= MEM_callocN(sizeof(uiSafetyRct), "uiSafetyRct"); saferct->safety= block->safety; BLI_addhead(&block->saferct, saferct); block->flag |= UI_BLOCK_POPUP; } /* the block and buttons were positioned in window space as in 2.4x, now * these menu blocks are regions so we bring it back to region space. * additionally we add some padding for the menu shadow or rounded menus */ ar->winrct.xmin= block->minx + MENU_SHADOW_LEFT; ar->winrct.xmax= block->maxx + MENU_SHADOW_RIGHT; ar->winrct.ymin= block->miny + MENU_SHADOW_BOTTOM; ar->winrct.ymax= block->maxy + MENU_SHADOW_TOP + MENU_ROUNDED_TOP; block->minx -= ar->winrct.xmin; block->maxx -= ar->winrct.xmin; block->miny -= ar->winrct.ymin; block->maxy -= ar->winrct.ymin; for(bt= block->buttons.first; bt; bt= bt->next) { bt->x1 -= ar->winrct.xmin; bt->x2 -= ar->winrct.xmin; bt->y1 -= ar->winrct.ymin; bt->y2 -= ar->winrct.ymin; } block->flag |= UI_BLOCK_LOOP|UI_BLOCK_MOVEMOUSE_QUIT; /* adds subwindow */ ED_region_init(C, ar); /* get winmat now that we actually have the subwindow */ wmSubWindowSet(window, ar->swinid); // XXX ton, AA pixel space... wmOrtho2(0.0, (float)ar->winrct.xmax-ar->winrct.xmin+1, 0.0, (float)ar->winrct.ymax-ar->winrct.ymin+1); wm_subwindow_getmatrix(window, ar->swinid, block->winmat); /* notify change and redraw */ ED_region_tag_redraw(ar); return handle; } void ui_popup_block_free(bContext *C, uiPopupBlockHandle *handle) { ui_remove_temporary_region(C, CTX_wm_screen(C), handle->region); MEM_freeN(handle); } /***************************** Menu Button ***************************/ uiBlock *ui_block_func_MENU(bContext *C, uiPopupBlockHandle *handle, void *arg_but) { uiBut *but= arg_but; uiBlock *block; uiBut *bt; MenuData *md; ListBase lb; float aspect; int width, height, boxh, columns, rows, startx, starty, x1, y1, xmax, a; /* create the block */ block= uiBeginBlock(C, handle->region, "menu", UI_EMBOSSP, UI_HELV); block->dt= UI_EMBOSSP; block->flag= UI_BLOCK_LOOP|UI_BLOCK_REDRAW|UI_BLOCK_NUMSELECT; block->themecol= TH_MENU_ITEM; /* compute menu data */ md= decompose_menu_string(but->str); /* columns and row calculation */ columns= (md->nitems+20)/20; if(columns<1) columns= 1; if(columns>8) columns= (md->nitems+25)/25; rows= md->nitems/columns; if(rows<1) rows= 1; while(rows*columnsnitems) rows++; /* prevent scaling up of pupmenu */ aspect= but->aspect; if(aspect < 1.0f) aspect = 1.0f; /* size and location */ if(md->title) width= 1.5*aspect*strlen(md->title)+UI_GetStringWidth(block->curfont, md->title, ui_translate_menus()); else width= 0; for(a=0; anitems; a++) { xmax= aspect*UI_GetStringWidth(block->curfont, md->items[a].str, ui_translate_menus()); if(md->items[a].icon) xmax += 20*aspect; if(xmax>width) width= xmax; } width+= 10; if(width < (but->x2 - but->x1)) width = (but->x2 - but->x1); if(width<50) width=50; boxh= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; height= rows*boxh; if(md->title) height+= boxh; /* here we go! */ startx= but->x1; starty= but->y1; if(md->title) { uiBut *bt; uiSetCurFont(block, block->font+1); if (md->titleicon) { bt= uiDefIconTextBut(block, LABEL, 0, md->titleicon, md->title, startx, (short)(starty+rows*boxh), (short)width, (short)boxh, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); } else { bt= uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, md->title, startx, (short)(starty+rows*boxh), (short)width, (short)boxh, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); bt->flag= UI_TEXT_LEFT; } uiSetCurFont(block, block->font); } for(a=0; anitems; a++) { x1= startx + width*((int)(md->nitems-a-1)/rows); y1= starty - boxh*(rows - ((md->nitems - a - 1)%rows)) + (rows*boxh); if (strcmp(md->items[md->nitems-a-1].str, "%l")==0) { bt= uiDefBut(block, SEPR, B_NOP, "", x1, y1,(short)(width-(rows>1)), (short)(boxh-1), NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); } else if(md->items[md->nitems-a-1].icon) { bt= uiDefIconTextButF(block, BUTM|FLO, B_NOP, md->items[md->nitems-a-1].icon ,md->items[md->nitems-a-1].str, x1, y1,(short)(width-(rows>1)), (short)(boxh-1), &handle->retvalue, (float) md->items[md->nitems-a-1].retval, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); } else { bt= uiDefButF(block, BUTM|FLO, B_NOP, md->items[md->nitems-a-1].str, x1, y1,(short)(width-(rows>1)), (short)(boxh-1), &handle->retvalue, (float) md->items[md->nitems-a-1].retval, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); } } menudata_free(md); /* the code up here has flipped locations, because of change of preferred order */ /* thats why we have to switch list order too, to make arrowkeys work */ lb.first= lb.last= NULL; bt= block->buttons.first; while(bt) { uiBut *next= bt->next; BLI_remlink(&block->buttons, bt); BLI_addhead(&lb, bt); bt= next; } block->buttons= lb; block->direction= UI_TOP; uiEndBlock(C, block); return block; } uiBlock *ui_block_func_ICONROW(bContext *C, uiPopupBlockHandle *handle, void *arg_but) { uiBut *but= arg_but; uiBlock *block; int a; block= uiBeginBlock(C, handle->region, "menu", UI_EMBOSSP, UI_HELV); block->flag= UI_BLOCK_LOOP|UI_BLOCK_REDRAW|UI_BLOCK_NUMSELECT; block->themecol= TH_MENU_ITEM; for(a=(int)but->hardmin; a<=(int)but->hardmax; a++) { uiDefIconButF(block, BUTM|FLO, B_NOP, but->icon+(a-but->hardmin), 0, (short)(18*a), (short)(but->x2-but->x1-4), 18, &handle->retvalue, (float)a, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); } block->direction= UI_TOP; uiEndBlock(C, block); return block; } uiBlock *ui_block_func_ICONTEXTROW(bContext *C, uiPopupBlockHandle *handle, void *arg_but) { uiBut *but= arg_but; uiBlock *block; MenuData *md; int width, xmax, ypos, a; block= uiBeginBlock(C, handle->region, "menu", UI_EMBOSSP, UI_HELV); block->flag= UI_BLOCK_LOOP|UI_BLOCK_REDRAW|UI_BLOCK_NUMSELECT; block->themecol= TH_MENU_ITEM; md= decompose_menu_string(but->str); /* size and location */ /* expand menu width to fit labels */ if(md->title) width= 2*strlen(md->title)+UI_GetStringWidth(block->curfont, md->title, ui_translate_menus()); else width= 0; for(a=0; anitems; a++) { xmax= UI_GetStringWidth(block->curfont, md->items[a].str, ui_translate_menus()); if(xmax>width) width= xmax; } width+= 30; if (width<50) width=50; ypos = 1; /* loop through the menu options and draw them out with icons & text labels */ for(a=0; anitems; a++) { /* add a space if there's a separator (%l) */ if (strcmp(md->items[a].str, "%l")==0) { ypos +=3; } else { uiDefIconTextButF(block, BUTM|FLO, B_NOP, (short)((but->icon)+(md->items[a].retval-but->hardmin)), md->items[a].str, 0, ypos,(short)width, 19, &handle->retvalue, (float) md->items[a].retval, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); ypos += 20; } } if(md->title) { uiBut *bt; uiSetCurFont(block, block->font+1); bt= uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, md->title, 0, ypos, (short)width, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); uiSetCurFont(block, block->font); bt->flag= UI_TEXT_LEFT; } menudata_free(md); block->direction= UI_TOP; uiBoundsBlock(block, 3); uiEndBlock(C, block); return block; } static void ui_warp_pointer(short x, short y) { /* XXX 2.50 which function to use for this? */ #if 0 /* OSX has very poor mousewarp support, it sends events; this causes a menu being pressed immediately ... */ #ifndef __APPLE__ warp_pointer(x, y); #endif #endif } /********************* Color Button ****************/ /* picker sizes S hsize, F full size, D spacer, B button/pallette height */ #define SPICK 110.0 #define FPICK 180.0 #define DPICK 6.0 #define BPICK 24.0 #define UI_PALETTE_TOT 16 /* note; in tot+1 the old color is stored */ static float palette[UI_PALETTE_TOT+1][3]= { {0.93, 0.83, 0.81}, {0.88, 0.89, 0.73}, {0.69, 0.81, 0.57}, {0.51, 0.76, 0.64}, {0.37, 0.56, 0.61}, {0.33, 0.29, 0.55}, {0.46, 0.21, 0.51}, {0.40, 0.12, 0.18}, {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, {0.85, 0.85, 0.85}, {0.7, 0.7, 0.7}, {0.56, 0.56, 0.56}, {0.42, 0.42, 0.42}, {0.28, 0.28, 0.28}, {0.14, 0.14, 0.14}, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0} }; /* for picker, while editing hsv */ void ui_set_but_hsv(uiBut *but) { float col[3]; hsv_to_rgb(but->hsv[0], but->hsv[1], but->hsv[2], col, col+1, col+2); ui_set_but_vectorf(but, col); } static void update_picker_hex(uiBlock *block, float *rgb) { uiBut *bt; char col[16]; sprintf(col, "%02X%02X%02X", (unsigned int)(rgb[0]*255.0), (unsigned int)(rgb[1]*255.0), (unsigned int)(rgb[2]*255.0)); // this updates button strings, is hackish... but button pointers are on stack of caller function for(bt= block->buttons.first; bt; bt= bt->next) { if(strcmp(bt->str, "Hex: ")==0) { strcpy(bt->poin, col); ui_check_but(bt); break; } } } void ui_update_block_buts_hsv(uiBlock *block, float *hsv) { uiBut *bt; float r, g, b; float rgb[3]; // this updates button strings, is hackish... but button pointers are on stack of caller function hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0], hsv[1], hsv[2], &r, &g, &b); rgb[0] = r; rgb[1] = g; rgb[2] = b; update_picker_hex(block, rgb); for(bt= block->buttons.first; bt; bt= bt->next) { if(bt->type==HSVCUBE) { VECCOPY(bt->hsv, hsv); ui_set_but_hsv(bt); } else if(bt->str[1]==' ') { if(bt->str[0]=='R') { ui_set_but_val(bt, r); } else if(bt->str[0]=='G') { ui_set_but_val(bt, g); } else if(bt->str[0]=='B') { ui_set_but_val(bt, b); } else if(bt->str[0]=='H') { ui_set_but_val(bt, hsv[0]); } else if(bt->str[0]=='S') { ui_set_but_val(bt, hsv[1]); } else if(bt->str[0]=='V') { ui_set_but_val(bt, hsv[2]); } } } } static void ui_update_block_buts_hex(uiBlock *block, char *hexcol) { uiBut *bt; float r=0, g=0, b=0; float h, s, v; // this updates button strings, is hackish... but button pointers are on stack of caller function hex_to_rgb(hexcol, &r, &g, &b); rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b, &h, &s, &v); for(bt= block->buttons.first; bt; bt= bt->next) { if(bt->type==HSVCUBE) { bt->hsv[0] = h; bt->hsv[1] = s; bt->hsv[2] = v; ui_set_but_hsv(bt); } else if(bt->str[1]==' ') { if(bt->str[0]=='R') { ui_set_but_val(bt, r); } else if(bt->str[0]=='G') { ui_set_but_val(bt, g); } else if(bt->str[0]=='B') { ui_set_but_val(bt, b); } else if(bt->str[0]=='H') { ui_set_but_val(bt, h); } else if(bt->str[0]=='S') { ui_set_but_val(bt, s); } else if(bt->str[0]=='V') { ui_set_but_val(bt, v); } } } } /* bt1 is palette but, col1 is original color */ /* callback to copy from/to palette */ static void do_palette_cb(bContext *C, void *bt1, void *col1) { uiBut *but1= (uiBut *)bt1; float *col= (float *)col1; float *fp, hsv[3]; fp= (float *)but1->poin; /* XXX 2.50 bad access, how to solve? * if( (get_qual() & LR_CTRLKEY) ) { VECCOPY(fp, col); } else*/ { VECCOPY(col, fp); } rgb_to_hsv(col[0], col[1], col[2], hsv, hsv+1, hsv+2); ui_update_block_buts_hsv(but1->block, hsv); update_picker_hex(but1->block, col); } /* bt1 is num but, hsv1 is pointer to original color in hsv space*/ /* callback to handle changes in num-buts in picker */ static void do_palette1_cb(bContext *C, void *bt1, void *hsv1) { uiBut *but1= (uiBut *)bt1; float *hsv= (float *)hsv1; float *fp= NULL; if(but1->str[1]==' ') { if(but1->str[0]=='R') fp= (float *)but1->poin; else if(but1->str[0]=='G') fp= ((float *)but1->poin)-1; else if(but1->str[0]=='B') fp= ((float *)but1->poin)-2; } if(fp) { rgb_to_hsv(fp[0], fp[1], fp[2], hsv, hsv+1, hsv+2); } ui_update_block_buts_hsv(but1->block, hsv); } /* bt1 is num but, col1 is pointer to original color */ /* callback to handle changes in num-buts in picker */ static void do_palette2_cb(bContext *C, void *bt1, void *col1) { uiBut *but1= (uiBut *)bt1; float *rgb= (float *)col1; float *fp= NULL; if(but1->str[1]==' ') { if(but1->str[0]=='H') fp= (float *)but1->poin; else if(but1->str[0]=='S') fp= ((float *)but1->poin)-1; else if(but1->str[0]=='V') fp= ((float *)but1->poin)-2; } if(fp) { hsv_to_rgb(fp[0], fp[1], fp[2], rgb, rgb+1, rgb+2); } ui_update_block_buts_hsv(but1->block, fp); } static void do_palette_hex_cb(bContext *C, void *bt1, void *hexcl) { uiBut *but1= (uiBut *)bt1; char *hexcol= (char *)hexcl; ui_update_block_buts_hex(but1->block, hexcol); } /* used for both 3d view and image window */ static void do_palette_sample_cb(bContext *C, void *bt1, void *col1) /* frontbuf */ { /* XXX 2.50 this should become an operator? */ #if 0 uiBut *but1= (uiBut *)bt1; uiBut *but; float tempcol[4]; int x=0, y=0; short mval[2]; float hsv[3]; short capturing; int oldcursor; Window *win; unsigned short dev; oldcursor=get_cursor(); win=winlay_get_active_window(); while (get_mbut() & L_MOUSE) UI_wait_for_statechange(); SetBlenderCursor(BC_EYEDROPPER_CURSOR); /* loop and wait for a mouse click */ capturing = TRUE; while(capturing) { char ascii; short val; dev = extern_qread_ext(&val, &ascii); if(dev==INPUTCHANGE) break; if(get_mbut() & R_MOUSE) break; else if(get_mbut() & L_MOUSE) { uiGetMouse(mywinget(), mval); x= mval[0]; y= mval[1]; capturing = FALSE; break; } else if(dev==ESCKEY) break; } window_set_cursor(win, oldcursor); if(capturing) return; if(x<0 || y<0) return; /* if we've got a glick, use OpenGL to sample the color under the mouse pointer */ glReadBuffer(GL_FRONT); glReadPixels(x, y, 1, 1, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, tempcol); glReadBuffer(GL_BACK); /* and send that color back to the picker */ rgb_to_hsv(tempcol[0], tempcol[1], tempcol[2], hsv, hsv+1, hsv+2); ui_update_block_buts_hsv(but1->block, hsv); update_picker_hex(but1->block, tempcol); for (but= but1->block->buttons.first; but; but= but->next) { ui_check_but(but); ui_draw_but(but); } but= but1->block->buttons.first; ui_block_flush_back(but->block); #endif } /* color picker, Gimp version. mode: 'f' = floating panel, 'p' = popup */ /* col = read/write to, hsv/old/hexcol = memory for temporal use */ void uiBlockPickerButtons(uiBlock *block, float *col, float *hsv, float *old, char *hexcol, char mode, short retval) { uiBut *bt; float h, offs; int a; VECCOPY(old, col); // old color stored there, for palette_cb to work // the cube intersection bt= uiDefButF(block, HSVCUBE, retval, "", 0,DPICK+BPICK,FPICK,FPICK, col, 0.0, 0.0, 2, 0, ""); uiButSetFlag(bt, UI_NO_HILITE); bt= uiDefButF(block, HSVCUBE, retval, "", 0,0,FPICK,BPICK, col, 0.0, 0.0, 3, 0, ""); uiButSetFlag(bt, UI_NO_HILITE); // palette uiBlockSetEmboss(block, UI_EMBOSSP); bt=uiDefButF(block, COL, retval, "", FPICK+DPICK, 0, BPICK,BPICK, old, 0.0, 0.0, -1, 0, "Old color, click to restore"); uiButSetFunc(bt, do_palette_cb, bt, col); uiDefButF(block, COL, retval, "", FPICK+DPICK, BPICK+DPICK, BPICK,60-BPICK-DPICK, col, 0.0, 0.0, -1, 0, "Active color"); h= (DPICK+BPICK+FPICK-64)/(UI_PALETTE_TOT/2.0); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); for(a= -1+UI_PALETTE_TOT/2; a>=0; a--) { bt= uiDefButF(block, COL, retval, "", FPICK+DPICK, 65.0+(float)a*h, BPICK/2, h, palette[a+UI_PALETTE_TOT/2], 0.0, 0.0, -1, 0, "Click to choose, hold CTRL to store in palette"); uiButSetFunc(bt, do_palette_cb, bt, col); bt= uiDefButF(block, COL, retval, "", FPICK+DPICK+BPICK/2, 65.0+(float)a*h, BPICK/2, h, palette[a], 0.0, 0.0, -1, 0, "Click to choose, hold CTRL to store in palette"); uiButSetFunc(bt, do_palette_cb, bt, col); } uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiBlockSetEmboss(block, UI_EMBOSS); // buttons rgb_to_hsv(col[0], col[1], col[2], hsv, hsv+1, hsv+2); sprintf(hexcol, "%02X%02X%02X", (unsigned int)(col[0]*255.0), (unsigned int)(col[1]*255.0), (unsigned int)(col[2]*255.0)); offs= FPICK+2*DPICK+BPICK; /* note; made this a TOG now, with NULL pointer. Is because BUT now gets handled with a afterfunc */ bt= uiDefIconTextBut(block, TOG, UI_RETURN_OK, ICON_EYEDROPPER, "Sample", offs+55, 170, 85, 20, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Sample the color underneath the following mouse click (ESC or RMB to cancel)"); uiButSetFunc(bt, do_palette_sample_cb, bt, col); uiButSetFlag(bt, UI_TEXT_LEFT); bt= uiDefBut(block, TEX, retval, "Hex: ", offs, 140, 140, 20, hexcol, 0, 8, 0, 0, "Hex triplet for color (#RRGGBB)"); uiButSetFunc(bt, do_palette_hex_cb, bt, hexcol); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); bt= uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, retval, "R ", offs, 110, 140,20, col, 0.0, 1.0, 10, 3, ""); uiButSetFunc(bt, do_palette1_cb, bt, hsv); bt= uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, retval, "G ", offs, 90, 140,20, col+1, 0.0, 1.0, 10, 3, ""); uiButSetFunc(bt, do_palette1_cb, bt, hsv); bt= uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, retval, "B ", offs, 70, 140,20, col+2, 0.0, 1.0, 10, 3, ""); uiButSetFunc(bt, do_palette1_cb, bt, hsv); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); bt= uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, retval, "H ", offs, 40, 140,20, hsv, 0.0, 1.0, 10, 3, ""); uiButSetFunc(bt, do_palette2_cb, bt, col); bt= uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, retval, "S ", offs, 20, 140,20, hsv+1, 0.0, 1.0, 10, 3, ""); uiButSetFunc(bt, do_palette2_cb, bt, col); bt= uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, retval, "V ", offs, 0, 140,20, hsv+2, 0.0, 1.0, 10, 3, ""); uiButSetFunc(bt, do_palette2_cb, bt, col); uiBlockEndAlign(block); } uiBlock *ui_block_func_COL(bContext *C, uiPopupBlockHandle *handle, void *arg_but) { uiBut *but= arg_but; uiBlock *block; static float hsvcol[3], oldcol[3]; static char hexcol[128]; block= uiBeginBlock(C, handle->region, "colorpicker", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV); block->flag= UI_BLOCK_LOOP|UI_BLOCK_REDRAW|UI_BLOCK_KEEP_OPEN; block->themecol= TH_BUT_NUM; VECCOPY(handle->retvec, but->editvec); uiBlockPickerButtons(block, handle->retvec, hsvcol, oldcol, hexcol, 'p', 0); /* and lets go */ block->direction= UI_TOP; uiBoundsBlock(block, 3); return block; } /* ******************** PUPmenu ****************** */ static int pupmenu_set= 0; void uiPupMenuSetActive(int val) { pupmenu_set= val; } /* value== -1 read, otherwise set */ static int pupmenu_memory(char *str, int value) { static char mem[256], first=1; int val=0, nr=0; if(first) { memset(mem, 0, 256); first= 0; } while(str[nr]) { val+= str[nr]; nr++; } if(value >= 0) mem[ val & 255 ]= value; else return mem[ val & 255 ]; return 0; } #define PUP_LABELH 6 typedef struct uiPupMenuInfo { char *instr; int mx, my; int startx, starty; int maxrow; } uiPupMenuInfo; uiBlock *ui_block_func_PUPMENU(bContext *C, uiPopupBlockHandle *handle, void *arg_info) { uiBlock *block; uiPupMenuInfo *info; int columns, rows, mousemove[2]= {0, 0}, mousewarp= 0; int width, height, xmax, ymax, maxrow; int a, startx, starty, endx, endy, x1, y1; int lastselected; MenuData *md; info= arg_info; maxrow= info->maxrow; height= 0; /* block stuff first, need to know the font */ block= uiBeginBlock(C, handle->region, "menu", UI_EMBOSSP, UI_HELV); uiBlockSetFlag(block, UI_BLOCK_LOOP|UI_BLOCK_REDRAW|UI_BLOCK_RET_1|UI_BLOCK_NUMSELECT); block->themecol= TH_MENU_ITEM; block->direction= UI_DOWN; md= decompose_menu_string(info->instr); rows= md->nitems; columns= 1; /* size and location, title slightly bigger for bold */ if(md->title) { width= 2*strlen(md->title)+UI_GetStringWidth(uiBlockGetCurFont(block), md->title, ui_translate_buttons()); width /= columns; } else width= 0; for(a=0; anitems; a++) { xmax= UI_GetStringWidth(uiBlockGetCurFont(block), md->items[a].str, ui_translate_buttons()); if(xmax>width) width= xmax; if(strcmp(md->items[a].str, "%l")==0) height+= PUP_LABELH; else height+= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } width+= 10; if (width<50) width=50; wm_window_get_size(CTX_wm_window(C), &xmax, &ymax); /* set first item */ lastselected= 0; if(pupmenu_set) { lastselected= pupmenu_set-1; pupmenu_set= 0; } else if(md->nitems>1) { lastselected= pupmenu_memory(info->instr, -1); } startx= info->mx-(0.8*(width)); starty= info->my-height+MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT/2; if(lastselected>=0 && lastselectednitems) { for(a=0; anitems; a++) { if(a==lastselected) break; if( strcmp(md->items[a].str, "%l")==0) starty+= PUP_LABELH; else starty+=MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } //starty= info->my-height+MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT/2+lastselected*MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } if(startx<10) { startx= 10; } if(starty<10) { mousemove[1]= 10-starty; starty= 10; } endx= startx+width*columns; endy= starty+height; if(endx>xmax) { endx= xmax-10; startx= endx-width*columns; } if(endy>ymax-20) { mousemove[1]= ymax-endy-20; endy= ymax-20; starty= endy-height; } if(mousemove[0] || mousemove[1]) { ui_warp_pointer(info->mx+mousemove[0], info->my+mousemove[1]); mousemove[0]= info->mx; mousemove[1]= info->my; mousewarp= 1; } /* here we go! */ if(md->title) { uiBut *bt; char titlestr[256]; uiSetCurFont(block, UI_HELVB); if(md->titleicon) { width+= 20; sprintf(titlestr, " %s", md->title); uiDefIconTextBut(block, LABEL, 0, md->titleicon, titlestr, startx, (short)(starty+height), width, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); } else { bt= uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, md->title, startx, (short)(starty+height), columns*width, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); bt->flag= UI_TEXT_LEFT; } uiSetCurFont(block, UI_HELV); //uiDefBut(block, SEPR, 0, "", startx, (short)(starty+height)-MENU_SEPR_HEIGHT, width, MENU_SEPR_HEIGHT, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); } x1= startx + width*((int)a/rows); y1= starty + height - MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; // - MENU_SEPR_HEIGHT; for(a=0; anitems; a++) { char *name= md->items[a].str; int icon = md->items[a].icon; if(strcmp(name, "%l")==0) { uiDefBut(block, SEPR, B_NOP, "", x1, y1, width, PUP_LABELH, NULL, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); y1 -= PUP_LABELH; } else if (icon) { uiDefIconButF(block, BUTM, B_NOP, icon, x1, y1, width+16, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT-1, &handle->retvalue, (float) md->items[a].retval, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); y1 -= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } else { uiDefButF(block, BUTM, B_NOP, name, x1, y1, width, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT-1, &handle->retvalue, (float) md->items[a].retval, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); y1 -= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } } uiBoundsBlock(block, 1); uiEndBlock(C, block); menudata_free(md); /* XXX 2.5 need to store last selected */ #if 0 /* calculate last selected */ if(event & ui_return_ok) { lastselected= 0; for(a=0; anitems; a++) { if(val==md->items[a].retval) lastselected= a; } pupmenu_memory(info->instr, lastselected); } #endif /* XXX 2.5 need to warp back */ #if 0 if(mousemove[1] && (event & ui_return_out)==0) ui_warp_pointer(mousemove[0], mousemove[1]); return val; #endif return block; } uiBlock *ui_block_func_PUPMENUCOL(bContext *C, uiPopupBlockHandle *handle, void *arg_info) { uiBlock *block; uiPupMenuInfo *info; int columns, rows, mousemove[2]= {0, 0}, mousewarp; int width, height, xmax, ymax, maxrow; int a, startx, starty, endx, endy, x1, y1; float fvalue; MenuData *md; info= arg_info; maxrow= info->maxrow; height= 0; /* block stuff first, need to know the font */ block= uiBeginBlock(C, handle->region, "menu", UI_EMBOSSP, UI_HELV); uiBlockSetFlag(block, UI_BLOCK_LOOP|UI_BLOCK_REDRAW|UI_BLOCK_RET_1|UI_BLOCK_NUMSELECT); block->themecol= TH_MENU_ITEM; block->direction= UI_DOWN; md= decompose_menu_string(info->instr); /* columns and row calculation */ columns= (md->nitems+maxrow)/maxrow; if (columns<1) columns= 1; if(columns > 8) { maxrow += 5; columns= (md->nitems+maxrow)/maxrow; } rows= (int) md->nitems/columns; if (rows<1) rows= 1; while (rows*columns<(md->nitems+columns) ) rows++; /* size and location, title slightly bigger for bold */ if(md->title) { width= 2*strlen(md->title)+UI_GetStringWidth(uiBlockGetCurFont(block), md->title, ui_translate_buttons()); width /= columns; } else width= 0; for(a=0; anitems; a++) { xmax= UI_GetStringWidth(uiBlockGetCurFont(block), md->items[a].str, ui_translate_buttons()); if(xmax>width) width= xmax; } width+= 10; if (width<50) width=50; height= rows*MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; if (md->title) height+= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; wm_window_get_size(CTX_wm_window(C), &xmax, &ymax); /* find active item */ fvalue= handle->retvalue; for(a=0; anitems; a++) { if( md->items[a].retval== (int)fvalue ) break; } /* no active item? */ if(a==md->nitems) { if(md->title) a= -1; else a= 0; } if(a>0) startx = info->mx-width/2 - ((int)(a)/rows)*width; else startx= info->mx-width/2; starty = info->my-height + MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT/2 + ((a)%rows)*MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; if (md->title) starty+= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; if(startx<10) { mousemove[0]= 10-startx; startx= 10; } if(starty<10) { mousemove[1]= 10-starty; starty= 10; } endx= startx+width*columns; endy= starty+height; if(endx>xmax) { mousemove[0]= xmax-endx-10; endx= xmax-10; startx= endx-width*columns; } if(endy>ymax) { mousemove[1]= ymax-endy-10; endy= ymax-10; starty= endy-height; } if(mousemove[0] || mousemove[1]) { ui_warp_pointer(info->mx+mousemove[0], info->my+mousemove[1]); mousemove[0]= info->mx; mousemove[1]= info->my; mousewarp= 1; } /* here we go! */ if(md->title) { uiBut *bt; uiSetCurFont(block, UI_HELVB); if(md->titleicon) { } else { bt= uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, md->title, startx, (short)(starty+rows*MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT), columns*width, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); bt->flag= UI_TEXT_LEFT; } uiSetCurFont(block, UI_HELV); } for(a=0; anitems; a++) { char *name= md->items[a].str; int icon = md->items[a].icon; x1= startx + width*((int)a/rows); y1= starty - MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT*(a%rows) + (rows-1)*MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; if(strcmp(name, "%l")==0) { uiDefBut(block, SEPR, B_NOP, "", x1, y1, width, PUP_LABELH, NULL, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); y1 -= PUP_LABELH; } else if (icon) { uiDefIconButF(block, BUTM, B_NOP, icon, x1, y1, width+16, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT-1, &handle->retvalue, (float) md->items[a].retval, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); y1 -= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } else { uiDefButF(block, BUTM, B_NOP, name, x1, y1, width, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT-1, &handle->retvalue, (float) md->items[a].retval, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); y1 -= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } } uiBoundsBlock(block, 1); uiEndBlock(C, block); menudata_free(md); /* XXX 2.5 need to warp back */ #if 0 if((event & UI_RETURN_OUT)==0) ui_warp_pointer(mousemove[0], mousemove[1]); #endif return block; } /************************** Menu Definitions ***************************/ /* prototype */ static uiBlock *ui_block_func_MENU_ITEM(bContext *C, uiPopupBlockHandle *handle, void *arg_info); #define MAX_MENU_STR 64 /* type, internal */ #define MENU_ITEM_TITLE 0 #define MENU_ITEM_ITEM 1 #define MENU_ITEM_SEPARATOR 2 #define MENU_ITEM_OPNAME 10 #define MENU_ITEM_OPNAME_BOOL 11 #define MENU_ITEM_OPNAME_ENUM 12 #define MENU_ITEM_OPNAME_INT 13 #define MENU_ITEM_OPNAME_FLOAT 14 #define MENU_ITEM_OPNAME_STRING 15 #define MENU_ITEM_RNA_BOOL 20 #define MENU_ITEM_RNA_ENUM 21 #define MENU_ITEM_LEVEL 30 #define MENU_ITEM_LEVEL_OPNAME_ENUM 31 #define MENU_ITEM_LEVEL_RNA_ENUM 32 struct uiMenuItem { struct uiMenuItem *next, *prev; int type; int icon; char name[MAX_MENU_STR]; char *opname; /* static string */ char *propname; /* static string */ int retval, enumval, boolval, intval; float fltval; char *strval; int opcontext; uiMenuHandleFunc eventfunc; void *argv; uiMenuCreateFunc newlevel; PointerRNA rnapoin; ListBase items; }; typedef struct uiMenuInfo { uiMenuItem *head; int mx, my, popup, slideout; int startx, starty; } uiMenuInfo; /************************ Menu Definitions to uiBlocks ***********************/ const char *ui_menu_enumpropname(char *opname, const char *propname, int retval) { wmOperatorType *ot= WM_operatortype_find(opname); PointerRNA ptr; PropertyRNA *prop; if(!ot || !ot->srna) return ""; RNA_pointer_create(NULL, ot->srna, NULL, &ptr); prop= RNA_struct_find_property(&ptr, propname); if(prop) { const EnumPropertyItem *item; int totitem, i; RNA_property_enum_items(&ptr, prop, &item, &totitem); for (i=0; ifunc_argN); head->opcontext= lvl->opcontext; uiMenuItemsEnumO(head, lvl->opname, lvl->propname); } static void menu_item_enum_rna_menu(bContext *C, uiMenuItem *head, void *arg) { MenuItemLevel *lvl= (MenuItemLevel*)(((uiBut*)arg)->func_argN); head->opcontext= lvl->opcontext; uiMenuItemsEnumR(head, &lvl->rnapoin, lvl->propname); } static uiBlock *ui_block_func_MENU_ITEM(bContext *C, uiPopupBlockHandle *handle, void *arg_info) { uiBlock *block; uiBut *but; uiMenuInfo *info= arg_info; uiMenuItem *head, *item; MenuItemLevel *lvl; ScrArea *sa; ARegion *ar; static int counter= 0; int width, height, icon; int startx, starty, x1, y1; char str[16]; head= info->head; height= 0; /* block stuff first, need to know the font */ sprintf(str, "tb %d", counter++); block= uiBeginBlock(C, handle->region, str, UI_EMBOSSP, UI_HELV); uiBlockSetButmFunc(block, head->eventfunc, head->argv); block->themecol= TH_MENU_ITEM; block->direction= UI_DOWN; width= 50; // fixed with, uiMenuPopupBoundsBlock will compute actual width for(item= head->items.first; item; item= item->next) { if(0) height+= PUP_LABELH; // XXX sepr line else height+= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } startx= 0; starty= 0; /* here we go! */ if(head->name[0]) { char titlestr[256]; uiSetCurFont(block, UI_HELVB); if(head->icon) { width+= 20; sprintf(titlestr, " %s", head->name); uiDefIconTextBut(block, LABEL, 0, head->icon, titlestr, startx, (short)(starty+height), width, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); } else { but= uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, head->name, startx, (short)(starty+height), width, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); but->flag= UI_TEXT_LEFT; } uiSetCurFont(block, UI_HELV); //uiDefBut(block, SEPR, 0, "", startx, (short)(starty+height)-MENU_SEPR_HEIGHT, width, MENU_SEPR_HEIGHT, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); } x1= startx; y1= starty + height - MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; // - MENU_SEPR_HEIGHT; for(item= head->items.first; item; item= item->next) { if(item->type==MENU_ITEM_LEVEL) { uiDefIconTextMenuBut(block, item->newlevel, NULL, ICON_RIGHTARROW_THIN, item->name, x1, y1, width+16, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT-1, NULL); y1 -= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } else if(item->type==MENU_ITEM_LEVEL_OPNAME_ENUM) { but= uiDefIconTextMenuBut(block, menu_item_enum_opname_menu, NULL, ICON_RIGHTARROW_THIN, item->name, x1, y1, width+16, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT-1, NULL); /* XXX warning, abuse of func_arg! */ lvl= MEM_callocN(sizeof(MenuItemLevel), "MenuItemLevel"); lvl->opname= item->opname; lvl->propname= item->propname; lvl->opcontext= item->opcontext; but->poin= (char*)but; but->func_argN= lvl; y1 -= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } else if(item->type==MENU_ITEM_LEVEL_RNA_ENUM) { but= uiDefIconTextMenuBut(block, menu_item_enum_rna_menu, NULL, ICON_RIGHTARROW_THIN, item->name, x1, y1, width+16, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT-1, NULL); /* XXX warning, abuse of func_arg! */ lvl= MEM_callocN(sizeof(MenuItemLevel), "MenuItemLevel"); lvl->rnapoin= item->rnapoin; lvl->propname= item->propname; lvl->opcontext= item->opcontext; but->poin= (char*)but; but->func_argN= lvl; y1 -= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } else if(item->type==MENU_ITEM_OPNAME_BOOL) { but= uiDefIconTextButO(block, BUTM, item->opname, item->opcontext, item->icon, item->name, x1, y1, width+16, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT-1, ""); RNA_boolean_set(uiButGetOperatorPtrRNA(but), item->propname, item->boolval); y1 -= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } else if(item->type==MENU_ITEM_OPNAME_ENUM) { const char *name; char bname[64]; /* If no name is given, use the enum name */ if (item->name[0] == '\0') name= ui_menu_enumpropname(item->opname, item->propname, item->enumval); else name= item->name; BLI_strncpy(bname, name, sizeof(bname)); but= uiDefIconTextButO(block, BUTM, item->opname, item->opcontext, item->icon, bname, x1, y1, width+16, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT-1, ""); RNA_enum_set(uiButGetOperatorPtrRNA(but), item->propname, item->enumval); y1 -= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } else if(item->type==MENU_ITEM_OPNAME_INT) { but= uiDefIconTextButO(block, BUTM, item->opname, head->opcontext, item->icon, item->name, x1, y1, width+16, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT-1, ""); RNA_int_set(uiButGetOperatorPtrRNA(but), item->propname, item->intval); y1 -= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } else if(item->type==MENU_ITEM_OPNAME_FLOAT) { but= uiDefIconTextButO(block, BUTM, item->opname, item->opcontext, item->icon, item->name, x1, y1, width+16, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT-1, ""); RNA_float_set(uiButGetOperatorPtrRNA(but), item->propname, item->fltval); y1 -= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } else if(item->type==MENU_ITEM_OPNAME_STRING) { but= uiDefIconTextButO(block, BUTM, item->opname, item->opcontext, item->icon, item->name, x1, y1, width+16, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT-1, ""); RNA_string_set(uiButGetOperatorPtrRNA(but), item->propname, item->strval); y1 -= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } else if(item->type==MENU_ITEM_OPNAME) { uiDefIconTextButO(block, BUTM, item->opname, item->opcontext, item->icon, NULL, x1, y1, width+16, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT-1, NULL); y1 -= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } else if(item->type==MENU_ITEM_RNA_BOOL) { PropertyRNA *prop= RNA_struct_find_property(&item->rnapoin, item->propname); if(prop && RNA_property_type(&item->rnapoin, prop) == PROP_BOOLEAN) { icon= (RNA_property_boolean_get(&item->rnapoin, prop))? ICON_CHECKBOX_HLT: ICON_CHECKBOX_DEHLT; uiDefIconTextButR(block, TOG, 0, icon, NULL, x1, y1, width+16, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT-1, &item->rnapoin, item->propname, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL); } else { uiBlockSetButLock(block, 1, ""); uiDefIconTextBut(block, BUT, 0, ICON_BLANK1, item->propname, x1, y1, width+16, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT-1, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); uiBlockClearButLock(block); } y1 -= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } else if(item->type==MENU_ITEM_RNA_ENUM) { PropertyRNA *prop= RNA_struct_find_property(&item->rnapoin, item->propname); if(prop && RNA_property_type(&item->rnapoin, prop) == PROP_ENUM) { icon= (RNA_property_enum_get(&item->rnapoin, prop) == item->enumval)? ICON_CHECKBOX_HLT: ICON_CHECKBOX_DEHLT; uiDefIconTextButR(block, ROW, 0, icon, NULL, x1, y1, width+16, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT-1, &item->rnapoin, item->propname, 0, 0, item->enumval, 0, 0, NULL); } else { uiBlockSetButLock(block, 1, ""); uiDefIconTextBut(block, BUT, 0, ICON_BLANK1, item->propname, x1, y1, width+16, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT-1, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); uiBlockClearButLock(block); } y1 -= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } else if(item->type == MENU_ITEM_ITEM) { uiDefIconTextButF(block, BUTM, B_NOP, item->icon, item->name, x1, y1, width+16, MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT-1, &handle->retvalue, 0.0, 0.0, 0, item->retval, ""); y1 -= MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } else { uiDefBut(block, SEPR, 0, "", x1, y1, width+16, MENU_SEPR_HEIGHT-1, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); y1 -= MENU_SEPR_HEIGHT; } } if(info->popup) { uiBlockSetFlag(block, UI_BLOCK_LOOP|UI_BLOCK_REDRAW|UI_BLOCK_NUMSELECT|UI_BLOCK_RET_1); uiBlockSetDirection(block, UI_DOWN); /* here we set an offset for the mouse position */ uiMenuPopupBoundsBlock(block, 1, 0, -height+MENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT/2); } else { /* for a header menu we set the direction automatic */ if(!info->slideout) { sa= CTX_wm_area(C); ar= CTX_wm_region(C); if(sa && sa->headertype==HEADERDOWN) { if(ar && ar->regiontype == RGN_TYPE_HEADER) { uiBlockSetDirection(block, UI_TOP); uiBlockFlipOrder(block); } } } uiTextBoundsBlock(block, 50); } /* if menu slides out of other menu, override direction */ if(info->slideout) uiBlockSetDirection(block, UI_RIGHT); uiEndBlock(C, block); return block; } uiPopupBlockHandle *ui_popup_menu_create(bContext *C, ARegion *butregion, uiBut *but, uiMenuCreateFunc menu_func, void *arg) { uiPopupBlockHandle *handle; uiMenuItem *head; uiMenuInfo info; head= MEM_callocN(sizeof(uiMenuItem), "menu dummy"); head->opcontext= WM_OP_INVOKE_REGION_WIN; menu_func(C, head, arg); memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.head= head; info.slideout= (but && (but->block->flag & UI_BLOCK_LOOP)); handle= ui_popup_block_create(C, butregion, but, NULL, ui_block_func_MENU_ITEM, &info); BLI_freelistN(&head->items); MEM_freeN(head); return handle; } /*************************** Menu Creating API **************************/ /* internal add func */ static uiMenuItem *ui_menu_add_item(uiMenuItem *head, const char *name, int icon, int argval) { uiMenuItem *item= MEM_callocN(sizeof(uiMenuItem), "menu item"); BLI_strncpy(item->name, name, MAX_MENU_STR); if(icon) item->icon= icon; else item->icon= ICON_BLANK1; item->retval= argval; item->opcontext= head->opcontext; BLI_addtail(&head->items, item); return item; } /* set callback for regular items */ void uiMenuFunc(uiMenuItem *head, void (*eventfunc)(bContext *, void *, int), void *argv) { head->eventfunc= eventfunc; head->argv= argv; } /* optionally set different context for all items in one level */ void uiMenuContext(uiMenuItem *head, int opcontext) { head->opcontext= opcontext; } /* regular item, with retval */ void uiMenuItemVal(uiMenuItem *head, const char *name, int icon, int argval) { uiMenuItem *item= ui_menu_add_item(head, name, icon, argval); item->type = MENU_ITEM_ITEM; } /* regular operator item */ void uiMenuItemO(uiMenuItem *head, int icon, char *opname) { uiMenuItem *item= ui_menu_add_item(head, "", icon, 0); item->opname= opname; // static! item->type = MENU_ITEM_OPNAME; } /* single operator item with property */ void uiMenuItemEnumO(uiMenuItem *head, const char *name, int icon, char *opname, char *propname, int value) { uiMenuItem *item= ui_menu_add_item(head, name, icon, 0); item->opname= opname; // static! item->propname= propname; // static! item->enumval= value; item->type = MENU_ITEM_OPNAME_ENUM; } /* single operator item with property */ void uiMenuItemIntO(uiMenuItem *head, const char *name, int icon, char *opname, char *propname, int value) { uiMenuItem *item= ui_menu_add_item(head, name, icon, 0); item->opname= opname; // static! item->propname= propname; // static! item->intval= value; item->type = MENU_ITEM_OPNAME_INT; } /* single operator item with property */ void uiMenuItemFloatO(uiMenuItem *head, const char *name, int icon, char *opname, char *propname, float value) { uiMenuItem *item= ui_menu_add_item(head, name, icon, 0); item->opname= opname; // static! item->propname= propname; // static! item->fltval= value; item->type = MENU_ITEM_OPNAME_FLOAT; } /* single operator item with property */ void uiMenuItemBooleanO(uiMenuItem *head, const char *name, int icon, char *opname, char *propname, int value) { uiMenuItem *item= ui_menu_add_item(head, name, icon, 0); item->opname= opname; // static! item->propname= propname; // static! item->boolval= value; item->type = MENU_ITEM_OPNAME_BOOL; } /* single operator item with property */ void uiMenuItemStringO(uiMenuItem *head, const char *name, int icon, char *opname, char *propname, char *value) { uiMenuItem *item= ui_menu_add_item(head, name, icon, 0); item->opname= opname; // static! item->propname= propname; // static! item->strval= value; item->type = MENU_ITEM_OPNAME_STRING; } /* add all operator items with property */ void uiMenuItemsEnumO(uiMenuItem *head, char *opname, char *propname) { wmOperatorType *ot= WM_operatortype_find(opname); PointerRNA ptr; PropertyRNA *prop; if(!ot || !ot->srna) return; RNA_pointer_create(NULL, ot->srna, NULL, &ptr); prop= RNA_struct_find_property(&ptr, propname); if(prop && RNA_property_type(&ptr, prop) == PROP_ENUM) { const EnumPropertyItem *item; int totitem, i; RNA_property_enum_items(&ptr, prop, &item, &totitem); for (i=0; ipropname= propname; // static! item->rnapoin= *ptr; item->type = MENU_ITEM_RNA_BOOL; } void uiMenuItemEnumR(uiMenuItem *head, PointerRNA *ptr, char *propname, int value) { uiMenuItem *item= ui_menu_add_item(head, "", 0, 0); item->propname= propname; // static! item->rnapoin= *ptr; item->enumval= value; item->type = MENU_ITEM_RNA_ENUM; } /* add all rna items with property */ void uiMenuItemsEnumR(uiMenuItem *head, PointerRNA *ptr, char *propname) { PropertyRNA *prop; prop= RNA_struct_find_property(ptr, propname); if(prop && RNA_property_type(ptr, prop) == PROP_ENUM) { const EnumPropertyItem *item; int totitem, i; RNA_property_enum_items(ptr, prop, &item, &totitem); for (i=0; itype = MENU_ITEM_LEVEL; item->newlevel= newlevel; } /* make a new level from enum properties */ void uiMenuLevelEnumO(uiMenuItem *head, char *opname, char *propname) { uiMenuItem *item= ui_menu_add_item(head, "", 0, 0); wmOperatorType *ot; item->type = MENU_ITEM_LEVEL_OPNAME_ENUM; ot= WM_operatortype_find(opname); if(ot) BLI_strncpy(item->name, ot->name, MAX_MENU_STR); item->opname= opname; // static! item->propname= propname; // static! } /* make a new level from enum properties */ void uiMenuLevelEnumR(uiMenuItem *head, PointerRNA *ptr, char *propname) { uiMenuItem *item= ui_menu_add_item(head, "", 0, 0); PropertyRNA *prop; item->type = MENU_ITEM_LEVEL_RNA_ENUM; prop= RNA_struct_find_property(ptr, propname); if(prop) BLI_strncpy(item->name, RNA_property_ui_name(ptr, prop), MAX_MENU_STR); item->rnapoin= *ptr; item->propname= propname; // static! } /* separator */ void uiMenuSeparator(uiMenuItem *head) { uiMenuItem *item= ui_menu_add_item(head, "", 0, 0); item->type = MENU_ITEM_SEPARATOR; } /*************************** Popup Menu API **************************/ /* only return handler, and set optional title */ uiMenuItem *uiPupMenuBegin(const char *title, int icon) { uiMenuItem *item= MEM_callocN(sizeof(uiMenuItem), "menu start"); item->type = MENU_ITEM_TITLE; item->opcontext= WM_OP_EXEC_REGION_WIN; item->icon= icon; /* NULL is no title */ if(title) BLI_strncpy(item->name, title, MAX_MENU_STR); return item; } /* set the whole structure to work */ void uiPupMenuEnd(bContext *C, uiMenuItem *head) { wmWindow *window= CTX_wm_window(C); uiMenuInfo info; uiPopupBlockHandle *menu; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.popup= 1; info.mx= window->eventstate->x; info.my= window->eventstate->y; info.head= head; menu= ui_popup_block_create(C, NULL, NULL, NULL, ui_block_func_MENU_ITEM, &info); menu->popup= 1; UI_add_popup_handlers(C, &window->handlers, menu); WM_event_add_mousemove(C); BLI_freelistN(&head->items); MEM_freeN(head); } /* ************** standard pupmenus *************** */ /* this one can called with operatortype name and operators */ static uiPopupBlockHandle *ui_pup_menu(bContext *C, int maxrow, uiMenuHandleFunc func, void *arg, char *str, ...) { wmWindow *window= CTX_wm_window(C); uiPupMenuInfo info; uiPopupBlockHandle *menu; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.mx= window->eventstate->x; info.my= window->eventstate->y; info.maxrow= maxrow; info.instr= str; menu= ui_popup_block_create(C, NULL, NULL, NULL, ui_block_func_PUPMENU, &info); menu->popup= 1; UI_add_popup_handlers(C, &window->handlers, menu); WM_event_add_mousemove(C); menu->popup_func= func; menu->popup_arg= arg; return menu; } static void operator_name_cb(bContext *C, void *arg, int retval) { const char *opname= arg; if(opname && retval > 0) WM_operator_name_call(C, opname, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, NULL); } static void vconfirm_opname(bContext *C, char *opname, char *title, char *itemfmt, va_list ap) { char *s, buf[512]; s= buf; if (title) s+= sprintf(s, "%s%%t|", title); vsprintf(s, itemfmt, ap); ui_pup_menu(C, 0, operator_name_cb, opname, buf); } static void operator_cb(bContext *C, void *arg, int retval) { wmOperator *op= arg; if(op && retval > 0) WM_operator_call(C, op); else WM_operator_free(op); } static void confirm_cancel_operator(void *opv) { WM_operator_free(opv); } static void confirm_operator(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, char *title, char *item) { uiPopupBlockHandle *handle; char *s, buf[512]; s= buf; if (title) s+= sprintf(s, "%s%%t|%s", title, item); handle= ui_pup_menu(C, 0, operator_cb, op, buf); handle->cancel_func= confirm_cancel_operator; } void uiPupMenuOkee(bContext *C, char *opname, char *str, ...) { va_list ap; char titlestr[256]; sprintf(titlestr, "OK? %%i%d", ICON_HELP); va_start(ap, str); vconfirm_opname(C, opname, titlestr, str, ap); va_end(ap); } void uiPupMenuSaveOver(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, char *filename) { size_t len= strlen(filename); if(len==0) return; if(filename[len-1]=='/' || filename[len-1]=='\\') { uiPupMenuError(C, "Cannot overwrite a directory"); WM_operator_free(op); return; } if(BLI_exists(filename)==0) operator_cb(C, op, 1); else confirm_operator(C, op, "Save over", filename); } void uiPupMenuNotice(bContext *C, char *str, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, str); vconfirm_opname(C, NULL, NULL, str, ap); va_end(ap); } void uiPupMenuError(bContext *C, char *str, ...) { va_list ap; char nfmt[256]; char titlestr[256]; sprintf(titlestr, "Error %%i%d", ICON_ERROR); sprintf(nfmt, "%s", str); va_start(ap, str); vconfirm_opname(C, NULL, titlestr, nfmt, ap); va_end(ap); } void uiPupMenuReports(bContext *C, ReportList *reports) { Report *report; DynStr *ds; char *str; if(!reports || !reports->list.first) return; if(!CTX_wm_window(C)) return; ds= BLI_dynstr_new(); for(report=reports->list.first; report; report=report->next) { if(report->type >= RPT_ERROR) BLI_dynstr_appendf(ds, "Error %%i%d%%t|%s", ICON_ERROR, report->message); else if(report->type >= RPT_WARNING) BLI_dynstr_appendf(ds, "Warning %%i%d%%t|%s", ICON_ERROR, report->message); } str= BLI_dynstr_get_cstring(ds); ui_pup_menu(C, 0, NULL, NULL, str); MEM_freeN(str); BLI_dynstr_free(ds); } /*************************** Popup Block API **************************/ void uiPupBlockO(bContext *C, uiBlockCreateFunc func, void *arg, char *opname, int opcontext) { wmWindow *window= CTX_wm_window(C); uiPopupBlockHandle *handle; handle= ui_popup_block_create(C, NULL, NULL, func, NULL, arg); handle->popup= 1; handle->opname= opname; handle->opcontext= opcontext; UI_add_popup_handlers(C, &window->handlers, handle); WM_event_add_mousemove(C); } void uiPupBlock(bContext *C, uiBlockCreateFunc func, void *arg) { uiPupBlockO(C, func, arg, NULL, 0); }