/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2008 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file blender/editors/render/render_internal.c * \ingroup edrend */ #include #include #include #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_threads.h" #include "BLI_rand.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "BKE_blender.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_image.h" #include "BKE_library.h" #include "BKE_main.h" #include "BKE_node.h" #include "BKE_multires.h" #include "BKE_report.h" #include "BKE_sequencer.h" #include "BKE_screen.h" #include "BKE_scene.h" #include "WM_api.h" #include "WM_types.h" #include "ED_screen.h" #include "ED_object.h" #include "RE_pipeline.h" #include "IMB_imbuf.h" #include "IMB_imbuf_types.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "RNA_define.h" #include "wm_window.h" #include "render_intern.h" /* Render Callbacks */ /* called inside thread! */ void image_buffer_rect_update(Scene *scene, RenderResult *rr, ImBuf *ibuf, volatile rcti *renrect) { float *rectf= NULL; int ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax; int rymin, rxmin, predivide, profile_from; unsigned char *rectc; /* if renrect argument, we only refresh scanlines */ if(renrect) { /* if ymax==recty, rendering of layer is ready, we should not draw, other things happen... */ if(rr->renlay==NULL || renrect->ymax>=rr->recty) return; /* xmin here is first subrect x coord, xmax defines subrect width */ xmin = renrect->xmin + rr->crop; xmax = renrect->xmax - xmin + rr->crop; if(xmax<2) return; ymin= renrect->ymin + rr->crop; ymax= renrect->ymax - ymin + rr->crop; if(ymax<2) return; renrect->ymin = renrect->ymax; } else { xmin = ymin = rr->crop; xmax = rr->rectx - 2*rr->crop; ymax = rr->recty - 2*rr->crop; } /* xmin ymin is in tile coords. transform to ibuf */ rxmin= rr->tilerect.xmin + xmin; if(rxmin >= ibuf->x) return; rymin= rr->tilerect.ymin + ymin; if(rymin >= ibuf->y) return; if(rxmin + xmax > ibuf->x) xmax= ibuf->x - rxmin; if(rymin + ymax > ibuf->y) ymax= ibuf->y - rymin; if(xmax < 1 || ymax < 1) return; /* find current float rect for display, first case is after composite... still weak */ if(rr->rectf) rectf= rr->rectf; else { if(rr->rect32) return; else { if(rr->renlay==NULL || rr->renlay->rectf==NULL) return; rectf= rr->renlay->rectf; } } if(rectf==NULL) return; if(ibuf->rect==NULL) imb_addrectImBuf(ibuf); rectf+= 4*(rr->rectx*ymin + xmin); rectc= (unsigned char*)(ibuf->rect + ibuf->x*rymin + rxmin); if(scene && (scene->r.color_mgt_flag & R_COLOR_MANAGEMENT)) { profile_from= IB_PROFILE_LINEAR_RGB; predivide= (scene->r.color_mgt_flag & R_COLOR_MANAGEMENT_PREDIVIDE); } else { profile_from= IB_PROFILE_SRGB; predivide= 0; } IMB_buffer_byte_from_float(rectc, rectf, 4, ibuf->dither, IB_PROFILE_SRGB, profile_from, predivide, xmax, ymax, ibuf->x, rr->rectx); } /* ****************************** render invoking ***************** */ /* set callbacks, exported to sequence render too. * Only call in foreground (UI) renders. */ static void screen_render_scene_layer_set(wmOperator *op, Main *mainp, Scene **scene, SceneRenderLayer **srl) { /* single layer re-render */ if(RNA_struct_property_is_set(op->ptr, "scene")) { Scene *scn; char scene_name[MAX_ID_NAME-2]; RNA_string_get(op->ptr, "scene", scene_name); scn = (Scene *)BLI_findstring(&mainp->scene, scene_name, offsetof(ID, name) + 2); if (scn) { /* camera switch wont have updated */ scn->r.cfra= (*scene)->r.cfra; scene_camera_switch_update(scn); *scene = scn; } } if(RNA_struct_property_is_set(op->ptr, "layer")) { SceneRenderLayer *rl; char rl_name[RE_MAXNAME]; RNA_string_get(op->ptr, "layer", rl_name); rl = (SceneRenderLayer *)BLI_findstring(&(*scene)->r.layers, rl_name, offsetof(SceneRenderLayer, name)); if (rl) *srl = rl; } } /* executes blocking render */ static int screen_render_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); SceneRenderLayer *srl= NULL; Render *re; Image *ima; View3D *v3d= CTX_wm_view3d(C); Main *mainp= CTX_data_main(C); unsigned int lay; const short is_animation= RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "animation"); const short is_write_still= RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "write_still"); struct Object *camera_override= v3d ? V3D_CAMERA_LOCAL(v3d) : NULL; /* custom scene and single layer re-render */ screen_render_scene_layer_set(op, mainp, &scene, &srl); if(!is_animation && is_write_still && BKE_imtype_is_movie(scene->r.im_format.imtype)) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Can't write a single file with an animation format selected"); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } re= RE_NewRender(scene->id.name); lay= (v3d)? v3d->lay: scene->lay; G.afbreek= 0; RE_test_break_cb(re, NULL, (int (*)(void *)) blender_test_break); ima= BKE_image_verify_viewer(IMA_TYPE_R_RESULT, "Render Result"); BKE_image_signal(ima, NULL, IMA_SIGNAL_FREE); BKE_image_backup_render(scene, ima); /* cleanup sequencer caches before starting user triggered render. * otherwise, invalidated cache entries can make their way into * the output rendering. We can't put that into RE_BlenderFrame, * since sequence rendering can call that recursively... (peter) */ seq_stripelem_cache_cleanup(); RE_SetReports(re, op->reports); if(is_animation) RE_BlenderAnim(re, mainp, scene, camera_override, lay, scene->r.sfra, scene->r.efra, scene->r.frame_step); else RE_BlenderFrame(re, mainp, scene, srl, camera_override, lay, scene->r.cfra, is_write_still); RE_SetReports(re, NULL); // no redraw needed, we leave state as we entered it ED_update_for_newframe(mainp, scene, CTX_wm_screen(C), 1); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE|ND_RENDER_RESULT, scene); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } typedef struct RenderJob { Main *main; Scene *scene; Render *re; wmWindow *win; SceneRenderLayer *srl; struct Object *camera_override; int lay; short anim, write_still; Image *image; ImageUser iuser; short *stop; short *do_update; float *progress; ReportList *reports; } RenderJob; static void render_freejob(void *rjv) { RenderJob *rj= rjv; MEM_freeN(rj); } /* str is IMA_MAX_RENDER_TEXT in size */ static void make_renderinfo_string(RenderStats *rs, Scene *scene, char *str) { char info_time_str[32]; // used to be extern to header_info.c uintptr_t mem_in_use, mmap_in_use, peak_memory; float megs_used_memory, mmap_used_memory, megs_peak_memory; char *spos= str; mem_in_use= MEM_get_memory_in_use(); mmap_in_use= MEM_get_mapped_memory_in_use(); peak_memory = MEM_get_peak_memory(); megs_used_memory= (mem_in_use-mmap_in_use)/(1024.0*1024.0); mmap_used_memory= (mmap_in_use)/(1024.0*1024.0); megs_peak_memory = (peak_memory)/(1024.0*1024.0); if(scene->lay & 0xFF000000) spos+= sprintf(spos, "Localview | "); else if(scene->r.scemode & R_SINGLE_LAYER) spos+= sprintf(spos, "Single Layer | "); if(rs->statstr) { spos+= sprintf(spos, "%s ", rs->statstr); } else { spos+= sprintf(spos, "Fra:%d ", (scene->r.cfra)); if(rs->totvert) spos+= sprintf(spos, "Ve:%d ", rs->totvert); if(rs->totface) spos+= sprintf(spos, "Fa:%d ", rs->totface); if(rs->tothalo) spos+= sprintf(spos, "Ha:%d ", rs->tothalo); if(rs->totstrand) spos+= sprintf(spos, "St:%d ", rs->totstrand); if(rs->totlamp) spos+= sprintf(spos, "La:%d ", rs->totlamp); spos+= sprintf(spos, "Mem:%.2fM (%.2fM, peak %.2fM) ", megs_used_memory, mmap_used_memory, megs_peak_memory); if(rs->curfield) spos+= sprintf(spos, "Field %d ", rs->curfield); if(rs->curblur) spos+= sprintf(spos, "Blur %d ", rs->curblur); } BLI_timestr(rs->lastframetime, info_time_str); spos+= sprintf(spos, "Time:%s ", info_time_str); if(rs->curfsa) spos+= sprintf(spos, "| Full Sample %d ", rs->curfsa); if(rs->infostr && rs->infostr[0]) spos+= sprintf(spos, "| %s ", rs->infostr); /* very weak... but 512 characters is quite safe */ if(spos >= str+IMA_MAX_RENDER_TEXT) if (G.f & G_DEBUG) printf("WARNING! renderwin text beyond limit \n"); } static void image_renderinfo_cb(void *rjv, RenderStats *rs) { RenderJob *rj= rjv; RenderResult *rr; rr= RE_AcquireResultRead(rj->re); if(rr) { /* malloc OK here, stats_draw is not in tile threads */ if(rr->text==NULL) rr->text= MEM_callocN(IMA_MAX_RENDER_TEXT, "rendertext"); make_renderinfo_string(rs, rj->scene, rr->text); } RE_ReleaseResult(rj->re); /* make jobs timer to send notifier */ *(rj->do_update)= 1; } static void render_progress_update(void *rjv, float progress) { RenderJob *rj= rjv; if(rj->progress && *rj->progress != progress) { *rj->progress = progress; /* make jobs timer to send notifier */ *(rj->do_update)= 1; } } static void image_rect_update(void *rjv, RenderResult *rr, volatile rcti *renrect) { RenderJob *rj= rjv; Image *ima= rj->image; ImBuf *ibuf; void *lock; /* only update if we are displaying the slot being rendered */ if(ima->render_slot != ima->last_render_slot) return; ibuf= BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(ima, &rj->iuser, &lock); if(ibuf) { image_buffer_rect_update(rj->scene, rr, ibuf, renrect); /* make jobs timer to send notifier */ *(rj->do_update)= 1; } BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, lock); } static void render_startjob(void *rjv, short *stop, short *do_update, float *progress) { RenderJob *rj= rjv; rj->stop= stop; rj->do_update= do_update; rj->progress= progress; RE_SetReports(rj->re, rj->reports); if(rj->anim) RE_BlenderAnim(rj->re, rj->main, rj->scene, rj->camera_override, rj->lay, rj->scene->r.sfra, rj->scene->r.efra, rj->scene->r.frame_step); else RE_BlenderFrame(rj->re, rj->main, rj->scene, rj->srl, rj->camera_override, rj->lay, rj->scene->r.cfra, rj->write_still); RE_SetReports(rj->re, NULL); } static void render_endjob(void *rjv) { RenderJob *rj= rjv; /* this render may be used again by the sequencer without the active 'Render' where the callbacks * would be re-assigned. assign dummy callbacks to avoid referencing freed renderjobs bug [#24508] */ RE_InitRenderCB(rj->re); if(rj->main != G.main) free_main(rj->main); /* else the frame will not update for the original value */ if(!(rj->scene->r.scemode & R_NO_FRAME_UPDATE)) ED_update_for_newframe(G.main, rj->scene, rj->win->screen, 1); /* XXX above function sets all tags in nodes */ ntreeCompositClearTags(rj->scene->nodetree); /* potentially set by caller */ rj->scene->r.scemode &= ~R_NO_FRAME_UPDATE; if(rj->srl) { nodeUpdateID(rj->scene->nodetree, &rj->scene->id); WM_main_add_notifier(NC_NODE|NA_EDITED, rj->scene); } /* XXX render stability hack */ G.rendering = 0; WM_main_add_notifier(NC_WINDOW, NULL); } /* called by render, check job 'stop' value or the global */ static int render_breakjob(void *rjv) { RenderJob *rj= rjv; if(G.afbreek) return 1; if(rj->stop && *(rj->stop)) return 1; return 0; } /* runs in thread, no cursor setting here works. careful with notifiers too (malloc conflicts) */ /* maybe need a way to get job send notifer? */ static void render_drawlock(void *UNUSED(rjv), int lock) { BKE_spacedata_draw_locks(lock); } /* catch esc */ static int screen_render_modal(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op), wmEvent *event) { /* no running blender, remove handler and pass through */ if(0==WM_jobs_test(CTX_wm_manager(C), CTX_data_scene(C))) { return OPERATOR_FINISHED|OPERATOR_PASS_THROUGH; } /* running render */ switch (event->type) { case ESCKEY: return OPERATOR_RUNNING_MODAL; break; } return OPERATOR_PASS_THROUGH; } /* using context, starts job */ static int screen_render_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { /* new render clears all callbacks */ Main *mainp; Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); SceneRenderLayer *srl=NULL; bScreen *screen= CTX_wm_screen(C); View3D *v3d= CTX_wm_view3d(C); Render *re; wmJob *steve; RenderJob *rj; Image *ima; int jobflag; const short is_animation= RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "animation"); const short is_write_still= RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "write_still"); struct Object *camera_override= v3d ? V3D_CAMERA_LOCAL(v3d) : NULL; const char *name; /* only one render job at a time */ if(WM_jobs_test(CTX_wm_manager(C), scene)) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; if(!RE_is_rendering_allowed(scene, camera_override, op->reports)) { return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } if(!is_animation && is_write_still && BKE_imtype_is_movie(scene->r.im_format.imtype)) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Can't write a single file with an animation format selected"); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } /* stop all running jobs, currently previews frustrate Render */ WM_jobs_stop_all(CTX_wm_manager(C)); /* get main */ if(G.rt == 101) { /* thread-safety experiment, copy main from the undo buffer */ mainp= BKE_undo_get_main(&scene); } else mainp= CTX_data_main(C); /* cancel animation playback */ if (screen->animtimer) ED_screen_animation_play(C, 0, 0); /* handle UI stuff */ WM_cursor_wait(1); /* flush multires changes (for sculpt) */ multires_force_render_update(CTX_data_active_object(C)); /* cleanup sequencer caches before starting user triggered render. * otherwise, invalidated cache entries can make their way into * the output rendering. We can't put that into RE_BlenderFrame, * since sequence rendering can call that recursively... (peter) */ seq_stripelem_cache_cleanup(); /* get editmode results */ ED_object_exit_editmode(C, 0); /* 0 = does not exit editmode */ // store spare // get view3d layer, local layer, make this nice api call to render // store spare /* ensure at least 1 area shows result */ render_view_open(C, event->x, event->y); jobflag= WM_JOB_EXCL_RENDER|WM_JOB_PRIORITY|WM_JOB_PROGRESS; /* custom scene and single layer re-render */ screen_render_scene_layer_set(op, mainp, &scene, &srl); if(RNA_struct_property_is_set(op->ptr, "layer")) jobflag |= WM_JOB_SUSPEND; /* job custom data */ rj= MEM_callocN(sizeof(RenderJob), "render job"); rj->main= mainp; rj->scene= scene; rj->win= CTX_wm_window(C); rj->srl = srl; rj->camera_override = camera_override; rj->lay = (v3d)? v3d->lay: scene->lay; rj->anim= is_animation; rj->write_still= is_write_still && !is_animation; rj->iuser.scene= scene; rj->iuser.ok= 1; rj->reports= op->reports; /* setup job */ if(RE_seq_render_active(scene, &scene->r)) name= "Sequence Render"; else name= "Render"; steve= WM_jobs_get(CTX_wm_manager(C), CTX_wm_window(C), scene, name, jobflag); WM_jobs_customdata(steve, rj, render_freejob); WM_jobs_timer(steve, 0.2, NC_SCENE|ND_RENDER_RESULT, 0); WM_jobs_callbacks(steve, render_startjob, NULL, NULL, render_endjob); /* get a render result image, and make sure it is empty */ ima= BKE_image_verify_viewer(IMA_TYPE_R_RESULT, "Render Result"); BKE_image_signal(ima, NULL, IMA_SIGNAL_FREE); BKE_image_backup_render(rj->scene, ima); rj->image= ima; /* setup new render */ re= RE_NewRender(scene->id.name); RE_test_break_cb(re, rj, render_breakjob); RE_draw_lock_cb(re, rj, render_drawlock); RE_display_draw_cb(re, rj, image_rect_update); RE_stats_draw_cb(re, rj, image_renderinfo_cb); RE_progress_cb(re, rj, render_progress_update); rj->re= re; G.afbreek= 0; WM_jobs_start(CTX_wm_manager(C), steve); WM_cursor_wait(0); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE|ND_RENDER_RESULT, scene); /* we set G.rendering here already instead of only in the job, this ensure * main loop or other scene updates are disabled in time, since they may * have started before the job thread */ G.rendering = 1; /* add modal handler for ESC */ WM_event_add_modal_handler(C, op); return OPERATOR_RUNNING_MODAL; } /* contextual render, using current scene, view3d? */ void RENDER_OT_render(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Render"; ot->description = "Render active scene"; ot->idname = "RENDER_OT_render"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke = screen_render_invoke; ot->modal = screen_render_modal; ot->exec = screen_render_exec; /*ot->poll = ED_operator_screenactive;*/ /* this isn't needed, causes failer in background mode */ RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "animation", 0, "Animation", "Render files from the animation range of this scene"); RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "write_still", 0, "Write Image", "Save rendered the image to the output path (used only when animation is disabled)"); RNA_def_string(ot->srna, "layer", "", RE_MAXNAME, "Render Layer", "Single render layer to re-render (used only when animation is disabled)"); RNA_def_string(ot->srna, "scene", "", MAX_ID_NAME-2, "Scene", "Scene to render, current scene if not specified"); }