/** * $Id: * * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2008 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "DNA_vec_types.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_library.h" #include "BKE_main.h" #include "BKE_screen.h" #include "BKE_utildefines.h" #include "BIF_gl.h" #include "BIF_glutil.h" #include "WM_api.h" #include "WM_types.h" #include "ED_area.h" #include "ED_screen.h" #include "ED_screen_types.h" #include "wm_subwindow.h" #include "screen_intern.h" /* own module include */ /* ******************* screen vert, edge, area managing *********************** */ static ScrVert *screen_addvert(bScreen *sc, short x, short y) { ScrVert *sv= MEM_callocN(sizeof(ScrVert), "addscrvert"); sv->vec.x= x; sv->vec.y= y; BLI_addtail(&sc->vertbase, sv); return sv; } static void sortscrvert(ScrVert **v1, ScrVert **v2) { ScrVert *tmp; if (*v1 > *v2) { tmp= *v1; *v1= *v2; *v2= tmp; } } static ScrEdge *screen_addedge(bScreen *sc, ScrVert *v1, ScrVert *v2) { ScrEdge *se= MEM_callocN(sizeof(ScrEdge), "addscredge"); sortscrvert(&v1, &v2); se->v1= v1; se->v2= v2; BLI_addtail(&sc->edgebase, se); return se; } ScrEdge *screen_findedge(bScreen *sc, ScrVert *v1, ScrVert *v2) { ScrEdge *se; sortscrvert(&v1, &v2); for (se= sc->edgebase.first; se; se= se->next) if(se->v1==v1 && se->v2==v2) return se; return NULL; } void removedouble_scrverts(bScreen *sc) { ScrVert *v1, *verg; ScrEdge *se; ScrArea *sa; verg= sc->vertbase.first; while(verg) { if(verg->newv==NULL) { /* !!! */ v1= verg->next; while(v1) { if(v1->newv==NULL) { /* !?! */ if(v1->vec.x==verg->vec.x && v1->vec.y==verg->vec.y) { /* printf("doublevert\n"); */ v1->newv= verg; } } v1= v1->next; } } verg= verg->next; } /* replace pointers in edges and faces */ se= sc->edgebase.first; while(se) { if(se->v1->newv) se->v1= se->v1->newv; if(se->v2->newv) se->v2= se->v2->newv; /* edges changed: so.... */ sortscrvert(&(se->v1), &(se->v2)); se= se->next; } sa= sc->areabase.first; while(sa) { if(sa->v1->newv) sa->v1= sa->v1->newv; if(sa->v2->newv) sa->v2= sa->v2->newv; if(sa->v3->newv) sa->v3= sa->v3->newv; if(sa->v4->newv) sa->v4= sa->v4->newv; sa= sa->next; } /* remove */ verg= sc->vertbase.first; while(verg) { v1= verg->next; if(verg->newv) { BLI_remlink(&sc->vertbase, verg); MEM_freeN(verg); } verg= v1; } } void removenotused_scrverts(bScreen *sc) { ScrVert *sv, *svn; ScrEdge *se; /* we assume edges are ok */ se= sc->edgebase.first; while(se) { se->v1->flag= 1; se->v2->flag= 1; se= se->next; } sv= sc->vertbase.first; while(sv) { svn= sv->next; if(sv->flag==0) { BLI_remlink(&sc->vertbase, sv); MEM_freeN(sv); } else sv->flag= 0; sv= svn; } } void removedouble_scredges(bScreen *sc) { ScrEdge *verg, *se, *sn; /* compare */ verg= sc->edgebase.first; while(verg) { se= verg->next; while(se) { sn= se->next; if(verg->v1==se->v1 && verg->v2==se->v2) { BLI_remlink(&sc->edgebase, se); MEM_freeN(se); } se= sn; } verg= verg->next; } } void removenotused_scredges(bScreen *sc) { ScrEdge *se, *sen; ScrArea *sa; int a=0; /* sets flags when edge is used in area */ sa= sc->areabase.first; while(sa) { se= screen_findedge(sc, sa->v1, sa->v2); if(se==0) printf("error: area %d edge 1 doesn't exist\n", a); else se->flag= 1; se= screen_findedge(sc, sa->v2, sa->v3); if(se==0) printf("error: area %d edge 2 doesn't exist\n", a); else se->flag= 1; se= screen_findedge(sc, sa->v3, sa->v4); if(se==0) printf("error: area %d edge 3 doesn't exist\n", a); else se->flag= 1; se= screen_findedge(sc, sa->v4, sa->v1); if(se==0) printf("error: area %d edge 4 doesn't exist\n", a); else se->flag= 1; sa= sa->next; a++; } se= sc->edgebase.first; while(se) { sen= se->next; if(se->flag==0) { BLI_remlink(&sc->edgebase, se); MEM_freeN(se); } else se->flag= 0; se= sen; } } /* adds no space data */ static ScrArea *screen_addarea(bScreen *sc, ScrVert *v1, ScrVert *v2, ScrVert *v3, ScrVert *v4, short headertype, short spacetype) { ScrArea *sa= MEM_callocN(sizeof(ScrArea), "addscrarea"); sa->v1= v1; sa->v2= v2; sa->v3= v3; sa->v4= v4; sa->headertype= headertype; sa->spacetype= spacetype; BLI_addtail(&sc->areabase, sa); return sa; } static void screen_delarea(bScreen *sc, ScrArea *sa) { /* XXX need context to cancel operators ED_area_exit(C, sa); */ BKE_screen_area_free(sa); BLI_remlink(&sc->areabase, sa); MEM_freeN(sa); } /* return 0: no split possible */ /* else return (integer) screencoordinate split point */ static short testsplitpoint(wmWindow *win, ScrArea *sa, char dir, float fac) { short x, y; // area big enough? if(sa->v4->vec.x- sa->v1->vec.x <= 2*AREAMINX) return 0; if(sa->v2->vec.y- sa->v1->vec.y <= 2*AREAMINY) return 0; // to be sure if(fac<0.0) fac= 0.0; if(fac>1.0) fac= 1.0; if(dir=='h') { y= sa->v1->vec.y+ fac*(sa->v2->vec.y- sa->v1->vec.y); if(y- sa->v1->vec.y < AREAMINY) y= sa->v1->vec.y+ AREAMINY; else if(sa->v2->vec.y- y < AREAMINY) y= sa->v2->vec.y- AREAMINY; else y-= (y % AREAGRID); return y; } else { x= sa->v1->vec.x+ fac*(sa->v4->vec.x- sa->v1->vec.x); if(x- sa->v1->vec.x < AREAMINX) x= sa->v1->vec.x+ AREAMINX; else if(sa->v4->vec.x- x < AREAMINX) x= sa->v4->vec.x- AREAMINX; else x-= (x % AREAGRID); return x; } } ScrArea *area_split(wmWindow *win, bScreen *sc, ScrArea *sa, char dir, float fac) { ScrArea *newa=NULL; ScrVert *sv1, *sv2; short split; if(sa==0) return NULL; split= testsplitpoint(win, sa, dir, fac); if(split==0) return NULL; if(dir=='h') { /* new vertices */ sv1= screen_addvert(sc, sa->v1->vec.x, split); sv2= screen_addvert(sc, sa->v4->vec.x, split); /* new edges */ screen_addedge(sc, sa->v1, sv1); screen_addedge(sc, sv1, sa->v2); screen_addedge(sc, sa->v3, sv2); screen_addedge(sc, sv2, sa->v4); screen_addedge(sc, sv1, sv2); /* new areas: top */ newa= screen_addarea(sc, sv1, sa->v2, sa->v3, sv2, sa->headertype, sa->spacetype); area_copy_data(newa, sa, 0); /* area below */ sa->v2= sv1; sa->v3= sv2; } else { /* new vertices */ sv1= screen_addvert(sc, split, sa->v1->vec.y); sv2= screen_addvert(sc, split, sa->v2->vec.y); /* new edges */ screen_addedge(sc, sa->v1, sv1); screen_addedge(sc, sv1, sa->v4); screen_addedge(sc, sa->v2, sv2); screen_addedge(sc, sv2, sa->v3); screen_addedge(sc, sv1, sv2); /* new areas: left */ newa= screen_addarea(sc, sa->v1, sa->v2, sv2, sv1, sa->headertype, sa->spacetype); area_copy_data(newa, sa, 0); /* area right */ sa->v1= sv1; sa->v2= sv2; } /* remove double vertices en edges */ removedouble_scrverts(sc); removedouble_scredges(sc); removenotused_scredges(sc); return newa; } /* empty screen, with 1 dummy area without spacedata */ /* uses window size */ bScreen *screen_add(wmWindow *win, char *name) { bScreen *sc; ScrVert *sv1, *sv2, *sv3, *sv4; sc= alloc_libblock(&G.main->screen, ID_SCR, name); sc->scene= G.scene; sc->do_refresh= 1; win->screen= sc; sv1= screen_addvert(sc, 0, 0); sv2= screen_addvert(sc, 0, win->sizey-1); sv3= screen_addvert(sc, win->sizex-1, win->sizey-1); sv4= screen_addvert(sc, win->sizex-1, 0); screen_addedge(sc, sv1, sv2); screen_addedge(sc, sv2, sv3); screen_addedge(sc, sv3, sv4); screen_addedge(sc, sv4, sv1); /* dummy type, no spacedata */ screen_addarea(sc, sv1, sv2, sv3, sv4, HEADERDOWN, SPACE_INFO); return sc; } static void screen_copy(bScreen *to, bScreen *from) { ScrVert *s1, *s2; ScrEdge *se; ScrArea *sa, *saf; /* free contents of 'to', is from blenkernel screen.c */ free_screen(to); BLI_duplicatelist(&to->vertbase, &from->vertbase); BLI_duplicatelist(&to->edgebase, &from->edgebase); BLI_duplicatelist(&to->areabase, &from->areabase); to->regionbase.first= to->regionbase.last= NULL; s2= to->vertbase.first; for(s1= from->vertbase.first; s1; s1= s1->next, s2= s2->next) { s1->newv= s2; } for(se= to->edgebase.first; se; se= se->next) { se->v1= se->v1->newv; se->v2= se->v2->newv; sortscrvert(&(se->v1), &(se->v2)); } saf= from->areabase.first; for(sa= to->areabase.first; sa; sa= sa->next, saf= saf->next) { sa->v1= sa->v1->newv; sa->v2= sa->v2->newv; sa->v3= sa->v3->newv; sa->v4= sa->v4->newv; sa->spacedata.first= sa->spacedata.last= NULL; sa->uiblocks.first= sa->uiblocks.last= NULL; sa->panels.first= sa->panels.last= NULL; sa->regionbase.first= sa->regionbase.last= NULL; sa->actionzones.first= sa->actionzones.last= NULL; sa->scriptlink.totscript= 0; area_copy_data(sa, saf, 0); } /* put at zero (needed?) */ for(s1= from->vertbase.first; s1; s1= s1->next) s1->newv= NULL; } /* with sa as center, sb is located at: 0=W, 1=N, 2=E, 3=S */ /* -1 = not valid check */ /* used with join operator */ int area_getorientation(bScreen *screen, ScrArea *sa, ScrArea *sb) { ScrVert *sav1, *sav2, *sav3, *sav4; ScrVert *sbv1, *sbv2, *sbv3, *sbv4; if(sa==NULL || sb==NULL) return -1; sav1= sa->v1; sav2= sa->v2; sav3= sa->v3; sav4= sa->v4; sbv1= sb->v1; sbv2= sb->v2; sbv3= sb->v3; sbv4= sb->v4; if(sav1==sbv4 && sav2==sbv3) { /* sa to right of sb = W */ return 0; } else if(sav2==sbv1 && sav3==sbv4) { /* sa to bottom of sb = N */ return 1; } else if(sav3==sbv2 && sav4==sbv1) { /* sa to left of sb = E */ return 2; } else if(sav1==sbv2 && sav4==sbv3) { /* sa on top of sb = S*/ return 3; } return -1; } /* Helper function to join 2 areas, it has a return value, 0=failed 1=success * used by the split, join operators */ int screen_area_join(bScreen* scr, ScrArea *sa1, ScrArea *sa2) { int dir; dir = area_getorientation(scr, sa1, sa2); /*printf("dir is : %i \n", dir);*/ if (dir < 0) { if (sa1 ) sa1->flag &= ~AREA_FLAG_DRAWJOINFROM; if (sa2 ) sa2->flag &= ~AREA_FLAG_DRAWJOINTO; return 0; } if(dir == 0) { sa1->v1= sa2->v1; sa1->v2= sa2->v2; screen_addedge(scr, sa1->v2, sa1->v3); screen_addedge(scr, sa1->v1, sa1->v4); } else if(dir == 1) { sa1->v2= sa2->v2; sa1->v3= sa2->v3; screen_addedge(scr, sa1->v1, sa1->v2); screen_addedge(scr, sa1->v3, sa1->v4); } else if(dir == 2) { sa1->v3= sa2->v3; sa1->v4= sa2->v4; screen_addedge(scr, sa1->v2, sa1->v3); screen_addedge(scr, sa1->v1, sa1->v4); } else if(dir == 3) { sa1->v1= sa2->v1; sa1->v4= sa2->v4; screen_addedge(scr, sa1->v1, sa1->v2); screen_addedge(scr, sa1->v3, sa1->v4); } screen_delarea(scr, sa2); removedouble_scrverts(scr); sa1->flag &= ~AREA_FLAG_DRAWJOINFROM; return 1; } /* test if screen vertices should be scaled */ static void screen_test_scale(bScreen *sc, int winsizex, int winsizey) { ScrVert *sv=NULL; ScrArea *sa, *san; int sizex, sizey; float facx, facy, tempf, min[2], max[2]; /* calculate size */ min[0]= min[1]= 10000.0f; max[0]= max[1]= 0.0f; for(sv= sc->vertbase.first; sv; sv= sv->next) { min[0]= MIN2(min[0], sv->vec.x); min[1]= MIN2(min[1], sv->vec.y); max[0]= MAX2(max[0], sv->vec.x); max[1]= MAX2(max[1], sv->vec.y); } /* always make 0.0 left under */ for(sv= sc->vertbase.first; sv; sv= sv->next) { sv->vec.x -= min[0]; sv->vec.y -= min[1]; } sizex= max[0]-min[0]; sizey= max[1]-min[1]; if(sizex!= winsizex || sizey!= winsizey) { facx= winsizex; facx/= (float)sizex; facy= winsizey; facy/= (float)sizey; /* make sure it fits! */ for(sv= sc->vertbase.first; sv; sv= sv->next) { tempf= ((float)sv->vec.x)*facx; sv->vec.x= (short)(tempf+0.5); sv->vec.x+= AREAGRID-1; sv->vec.x-= (sv->vec.x % AREAGRID); CLAMP(sv->vec.x, 0, winsizex); tempf= ((float)sv->vec.y )*facy; sv->vec.y= (short)(tempf+0.5); sv->vec.y+= AREAGRID-1; sv->vec.y-= (sv->vec.y % AREAGRID); CLAMP(sv->vec.y, 0, winsizey); } } /* test for collapsed areas. This could happen in some blender version... */ for(sa= sc->areabase.first; sa; sa= san) { san= sa->next; if(sa->v1==sa->v2 || sa->v3==sa->v4 || sa->v2==sa->v3) screen_delarea(sc, sa); } } /* *********************** DRAWING **************************************** */ #define SCR_BACK 0.55 #define SCR_ROUND 12 /* draw vertical shape visualising future joining (left as well * right direction of future joining) */ static void draw_horizontal_join_shape(ScrArea *sa, char dir) { vec2f points[10]; short i; float w, h; float width = sa->v3->vec.x - sa->v1->vec.x; float height = sa->v3->vec.y - sa->v1->vec.y; if(heightv1->vec.x; points[0].y = sa->v1->vec.y + height/2; points[1].x = sa->v1->vec.x; points[1].y = sa->v1->vec.y; points[2].x = sa->v4->vec.x - w; points[2].y = sa->v4->vec.y; points[3].x = sa->v4->vec.x - w; points[3].y = sa->v4->vec.y + height/2 - 2*h; points[4].x = sa->v4->vec.x - 2*w; points[4].y = sa->v4->vec.y + height/2; points[5].x = sa->v4->vec.x - w; points[5].y = sa->v4->vec.y + height/2 + 2*h; points[6].x = sa->v3->vec.x - w; points[6].y = sa->v3->vec.y; points[7].x = sa->v2->vec.x; points[7].y = sa->v2->vec.y; points[8].x = sa->v4->vec.x; points[8].y = sa->v4->vec.y + height/2 - h; points[9].x = sa->v4->vec.x; points[9].y = sa->v4->vec.y + height/2 + h; if(dir=='l') { /* when direction is left, then we flip direction of arrow */ float cx = sa->v1->vec.x + width; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { points[i].x -= cx; points[i].x = -points[i].x; points[i].x += sa->v1->vec.x; } } glBegin(GL_POLYGON); for(i=0;i<5;i++) glVertex2f(points[i].x, points[i].y); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_POLYGON); for(i=4;i<8;i++) glVertex2f(points[i].x, points[i].y); glVertex2f(points[0].x, points[0].y); glEnd(); glRectf(points[2].x, points[2].y, points[8].x, points[8].y); glRectf(points[6].x, points[6].y, points[9].x, points[9].y); } /* draw vertical shape visualising future joining (up/down direction) */ static void draw_vertical_join_shape(ScrArea *sa, char dir) { vec2f points[10]; short i; float w, h; float width = sa->v3->vec.x - sa->v1->vec.x; float height = sa->v3->vec.y - sa->v1->vec.y; if(heightv1->vec.x + width/2; points[0].y = sa->v3->vec.y; points[1].x = sa->v2->vec.x; points[1].y = sa->v2->vec.y; points[2].x = sa->v1->vec.x; points[2].y = sa->v1->vec.y + h; points[3].x = sa->v1->vec.x + width/2 - 2*w; points[3].y = sa->v1->vec.y + h; points[4].x = sa->v1->vec.x + width/2; points[4].y = sa->v1->vec.y + 2*h; points[5].x = sa->v1->vec.x + width/2 + 2*w; points[5].y = sa->v1->vec.y + h; points[6].x = sa->v4->vec.x; points[6].y = sa->v4->vec.y + h; points[7].x = sa->v3->vec.x; points[7].y = sa->v3->vec.y; points[8].x = sa->v1->vec.x + width/2 - w; points[8].y = sa->v1->vec.y; points[9].x = sa->v1->vec.x + width/2 + w; points[9].y = sa->v1->vec.y; if(dir=='u') { /* when direction is up, then we flip direction of arrow */ float cy = sa->v1->vec.y + height; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { points[i].y -= cy; points[i].y = -points[i].y; points[i].y += sa->v1->vec.y; } } glBegin(GL_POLYGON); for(i=0;i<5;i++) glVertex2f(points[i].x, points[i].y); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_POLYGON); for(i=4;i<8;i++) glVertex2f(points[i].x, points[i].y); glVertex2f(points[0].x, points[0].y); glEnd(); glRectf(points[2].x, points[2].y, points[8].x, points[8].y); glRectf(points[6].x, points[6].y, points[9].x, points[9].y); } /* draw join shape due to direction of joining */ static void draw_join_shape(ScrArea *sa, char dir) { if(dir=='u' || dir=='d') draw_vertical_join_shape(sa, dir); else draw_horizontal_join_shape(sa, dir); } /* draw screen area darker with arrow (visualisation of future joining) */ static void scrarea_draw_shape_dark(ScrArea *sa, char dir) { glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glColor4ub(0, 0, 0, 50); draw_join_shape(sa, dir); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } /* draw screen area ligher with arrow shape ("eraser" of previous dark shape) */ static void scrarea_draw_shape_light(ScrArea *sa, char dir) { glBlendFunc(GL_DST_COLOR, GL_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_BLEND); /* value 181 was hardly computed: 181~105 */ glColor4ub(255, 255, 255, 50); /* draw_join_shape(sa, dir); */ glRecti(sa->v1->vec.x, sa->v1->vec.y, sa->v3->vec.x, sa->v3->vec.y); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } /** screen edges drawing **/ static void drawscredge_area(ScrArea *sa) { short x1= sa->v1->vec.x; short y1= sa->v1->vec.y; short x2= sa->v3->vec.x; short y2= sa->v3->vec.y; cpack(0x0); /* right border area */ sdrawline(x2, y1, x2, y2); /* left border area */ if(x1>0) { /* otherwise it draws the emboss of window over */ sdrawline(x1, y1, x1, y2); } /* top border area */ sdrawline(x1, y2, x2, y2); /* bottom border area */ sdrawline(x1, y1, x2, y1); } /* ****************** EXPORTED API TO OTHER MODULES *************************** */ bScreen *ED_screen_duplicate(wmWindow *win, bScreen *sc) { bScreen *newsc; if(sc->full != SCREENNORMAL) return NULL; /* XXX handle this case! */ /* make new empty screen: */ newsc= screen_add(win, sc->id.name+2); /* copy all data */ screen_copy(newsc, sc); return newsc; } void ED_screen_do_listen(wmWindow *win, wmNotifier *note) { /* generic notes */ switch(note->type) { case WM_NOTE_WINDOW_REDRAW: win->screen->do_draw= 1; break; case WM_NOTE_SCREEN_CHANGED: win->screen->do_draw= win->screen->do_refresh= 1; break; case WM_NOTE_GESTURE_REDRAW: win->screen->do_gesture= 1; /* XXX gestures are stored in window, draw per region... a bit weak? wait for proper composite? (ton) */ break; } } void ED_screen_draw(wmWindow *win) { ScrArea *sa; ScrArea *sa1=NULL; ScrArea *sa2=NULL; int dir = -1; int dira = -1; wm_subwindow_set(win, win->screen->mainwin); for(sa= win->screen->areabase.first; sa; sa= sa->next) { if (sa->flag & AREA_FLAG_DRAWJOINFROM) sa1 = sa; if (sa->flag & AREA_FLAG_DRAWJOINTO) sa2 = sa; drawscredge_area(sa); } /* blended join arrow */ if (sa1 && sa2) { dir = area_getorientation(win->screen, sa1, sa2); if (dir >= 0) { switch(dir) { case 0: /* W */ dir = 'r'; dira = 'l'; break; case 1: /* N */ dir = 'd'; dira = 'u'; break; case 2: /* E */ dir = 'l'; dira = 'r'; break; case 3: /* S */ dir = 'u'; dira = 'd'; break; } } scrarea_draw_shape_dark(sa2, dir); scrarea_draw_shape_light(sa1, dira); } if(G.f & G_DEBUG) printf("draw screen\n"); win->screen->do_draw= 0; } /* make this screen usable */ /* for file read and first use, for scaling window, area moves */ void ED_screen_refresh(wmWindowManager *wm, wmWindow *win) { ScrArea *sa; ARegion *ar; rcti winrct= {0, win->sizex, 0, win->sizey}; screen_test_scale(win->screen, win->sizex, win->sizey); if(win->screen->mainwin==0) win->screen->mainwin= wm_subwindow_open(win, &winrct); else wm_subwindow_position(win, win->screen->mainwin, &winrct); for(sa= win->screen->areabase.first; sa; sa= sa->next) { /* set spacetype and region callbacks */ /* sets subwindow */ ED_area_initialize(wm, win, sa); } for(ar= win->screen->regionbase.first; ar; ar= ar->next) { /* set subwindow */ ED_region_initialize(wm, win, ar); } if(G.f & G_DEBUG) printf("set screen\n"); win->screen->do_refresh= 0; } /* file read, set all screens, ... */ void ED_screens_initialize(wmWindowManager *wm) { wmWindow *win; for(win= wm->windows.first; win; win= win->next) { if(win->screen==NULL) win->screen= G.main->screen.first; ED_screen_refresh(wm, win); } } void ED_region_exit(bContext *C, ARegion *ar) { WM_operator_cancel(C, &ar->modalops, NULL); WM_event_remove_handlers(&ar->handlers); } void ED_area_exit(bContext *C, ScrArea *sa) { ARegion *ar; for(ar= sa->regionbase.first; ar; ar= ar->next) ED_region_exit(C, ar); WM_operator_cancel(C, &sa->modalops, NULL); WM_event_remove_handlers(&sa->handlers); } void ED_screen_exit(bContext *C, wmWindow *window, bScreen *screen) { ScrArea *sa; ARegion *ar; for(ar= screen->regionbase.first; ar; ar= ar->next) ED_region_exit(C, ar); for(sa= screen->areabase.first; sa; sa= sa->next) ED_area_exit(C, sa); WM_operator_cancel(C, &window->modalops, NULL); WM_event_remove_handlers(&window->handlers); } /* called in wm_event_system.c. sets state var in screen */ void ED_screen_set_subwinactive(wmWindow *win) { if(win->screen) { wmEvent *event= win->eventstate; ScrArea *sa; for(sa= win->screen->areabase.first; sa; sa= sa->next) { if(event->x > sa->totrct.xmin && event->x < sa->totrct.xmax) if(event->y > sa->totrct.ymin && event->y < sa->totrct.ymax) break; } if(sa) { ARegion *ar; for(ar= sa->regionbase.first; ar; ar= ar->next) { if(BLI_in_rcti(&ar->winrct, event->x, event->y)) win->screen->subwinactive= ar->swinid; } } else win->screen->subwinactive= win->screen->mainwin; } }