/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include "curves_sculpt_intern.hh" #include "BLI_float4x4.hh" #include "BLI_index_mask_ops.hh" #include "BLI_kdtree.h" #include "BLI_length_parameterize.hh" #include "BLI_rand.hh" #include "BLI_vector.hh" #include "PIL_time.h" #include "DEG_depsgraph.h" #include "BKE_attribute_math.hh" #include "BKE_brush.h" #include "BKE_bvhutils.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_curves.hh" #include "BKE_mesh.h" #include "BKE_mesh_runtime.h" #include "BKE_paint.h" #include "BKE_spline.hh" #include "DNA_brush_enums.h" #include "DNA_brush_types.h" #include "DNA_curves_types.h" #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_meshdata_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "DNA_space_types.h" #include "ED_screen.h" #include "ED_view3d.h" /** * The code below uses a prefix naming convention to indicate the coordinate space: * - `cu`: Local space of the curves object that is being edited. * - `su`: Local space of the surface object. * - `wo`: World space. * - `re`: 2D coordinates within the region. */ namespace blender::ed::sculpt_paint { using blender::bke::CurvesGeometry; /** * Drags the tip point of each curve and resamples the rest of the curve. */ class SnakeHookOperation : public CurvesSculptStrokeOperation { private: float2 last_mouse_position_re_; CurvesBrush3D brush_3d_; friend struct SnakeHookOperatorExecutor; public: void on_stroke_extended(bContext *C, const StrokeExtension &stroke_extension) override; }; /** * Utility class that actually executes the update when the stroke is updated. That's useful * because it avoids passing a very large number of parameters between functions. */ struct SnakeHookOperatorExecutor { SnakeHookOperation *self_ = nullptr; bContext *C_ = nullptr; Scene *scene_ = nullptr; Object *object_ = nullptr; ARegion *region_ = nullptr; View3D *v3d_ = nullptr; RegionView3D *rv3d_ = nullptr; CurvesSculpt *curves_sculpt_ = nullptr; Brush *brush_ = nullptr; float brush_radius_re_; float brush_strength_; eBrushFalloffShape falloff_shape_; Curves *curves_id_ = nullptr; CurvesGeometry *curves_ = nullptr; float4x4 curves_to_world_mat_; float4x4 world_to_curves_mat_; float2 brush_pos_prev_re_; float2 brush_pos_re_; float2 brush_pos_diff_re_; void execute(SnakeHookOperation &self, bContext *C, const StrokeExtension &stroke_extension) { BLI_SCOPED_DEFER([&]() { self.last_mouse_position_re_ = stroke_extension.mouse_position; }); self_ = &self; C_ = C; scene_ = CTX_data_scene(C); object_ = CTX_data_active_object(C); region_ = CTX_wm_region(C); v3d_ = CTX_wm_view3d(C); rv3d_ = CTX_wm_region_view3d(C); curves_sculpt_ = scene_->toolsettings->curves_sculpt; brush_ = BKE_paint_brush(&curves_sculpt_->paint); brush_radius_re_ = BKE_brush_size_get(scene_, brush_); brush_strength_ = BKE_brush_alpha_get(scene_, brush_); falloff_shape_ = static_cast(brush_->falloff_shape); curves_to_world_mat_ = object_->obmat; world_to_curves_mat_ = curves_to_world_mat_.inverted(); curves_id_ = static_cast(object_->data); curves_ = &CurvesGeometry::wrap(curves_id_->geometry); if (curves_->curves_num() == 0) { return; } brush_pos_prev_re_ = self.last_mouse_position_re_; brush_pos_re_ = stroke_extension.mouse_position; brush_pos_diff_re_ = brush_pos_re_ - brush_pos_prev_re_; if (stroke_extension.is_first) { if (falloff_shape_ == PAINT_FALLOFF_SHAPE_SPHERE) { std::optional brush_3d = sample_curves_3d_brush( *C_, *object_, brush_pos_re_, brush_radius_re_); if (brush_3d.has_value()) { self_->brush_3d_ = *brush_3d; } } return; } if (falloff_shape_ == PAINT_FALLOFF_SHAPE_SPHERE) { this->spherical_snake_hook(); } else if (falloff_shape_ == PAINT_FALLOFF_SHAPE_TUBE) { this->projected_snake_hook(); } else { BLI_assert_unreachable(); } curves_->tag_positions_changed(); DEG_id_tag_update(&curves_id_->id, ID_RECALC_GEOMETRY); ED_region_tag_redraw(region_); } void projected_snake_hook() { MutableSpan positions_cu = curves_->positions_for_write(); float4x4 projection; ED_view3d_ob_project_mat_get(rv3d_, object_, projection.values); threading::parallel_for(curves_->curves_range(), 256, [&](const IndexRange curves_range) { for (const int curve_i : curves_range) { const IndexRange points = curves_->points_for_curve(curve_i); const int last_point_i = points.last(); const float3 old_pos_cu = positions_cu[last_point_i]; float2 old_pos_re; ED_view3d_project_float_v2_m4(region_, old_pos_cu, old_pos_re, projection.values); const float distance_to_brush_re = math::distance(old_pos_re, brush_pos_prev_re_); if (distance_to_brush_re > brush_radius_re_) { continue; } const float radius_falloff = BKE_brush_curve_strength( brush_, distance_to_brush_re, brush_radius_re_); const float weight = brush_strength_ * radius_falloff; const float2 new_position_re = old_pos_re + brush_pos_diff_re_ * weight; float3 new_position_wo; ED_view3d_win_to_3d( v3d_, region_, curves_to_world_mat_ * old_pos_cu, new_position_re, new_position_wo); const float3 new_position_cu = world_to_curves_mat_ * new_position_wo; this->move_last_point_and_resample(positions_cu.slice(points), new_position_cu); } }); } void spherical_snake_hook() { MutableSpan positions_cu = curves_->positions_for_write(); float4x4 projection; ED_view3d_ob_project_mat_get(rv3d_, object_, projection.values); float3 brush_start_wo, brush_end_wo; ED_view3d_win_to_3d(v3d_, region_, curves_to_world_mat_ * self_->brush_3d_.position_cu, brush_pos_prev_re_, brush_start_wo); ED_view3d_win_to_3d(v3d_, region_, curves_to_world_mat_ * self_->brush_3d_.position_cu, brush_pos_re_, brush_end_wo); const float3 brush_start_cu = world_to_curves_mat_ * brush_start_wo; const float3 brush_end_cu = world_to_curves_mat_ * brush_end_wo; const float3 brush_diff_cu = brush_end_cu - brush_start_cu; const float brush_radius_cu = self_->brush_3d_.radius_cu; const float brush_radius_sq_cu = pow2f(brush_radius_cu); threading::parallel_for(curves_->curves_range(), 256, [&](const IndexRange curves_range) { for (const int curve_i : curves_range) { const IndexRange points = curves_->points_for_curve(curve_i); const int last_point_i = points.last(); const float3 old_pos_cu = positions_cu[last_point_i]; const float distance_to_brush_sq_cu = dist_squared_to_line_segment_v3( old_pos_cu, brush_start_cu, brush_end_cu); if (distance_to_brush_sq_cu > brush_radius_sq_cu) { continue; } const float distance_to_brush_cu = std::sqrt(distance_to_brush_sq_cu); const float radius_falloff = BKE_brush_curve_strength( brush_, distance_to_brush_cu, brush_radius_cu); const float weight = brush_strength_ * radius_falloff; const float3 new_pos_cu = old_pos_cu + weight * brush_diff_cu; this->move_last_point_and_resample(positions_cu.slice(points), new_pos_cu); } }); } void move_last_point_and_resample(MutableSpan positions, const float3 &new_last_position) const { /* Find the accumulated length of each point in the original curve, * treating it as a poly curve for performance reasons and simplicity. */ Array orig_lengths(length_parameterize::lengths_num(positions.size(), false)); length_parameterize::accumulate_lengths(positions, false, orig_lengths); const float orig_total_length = orig_lengths.last(); /* Find the factor by which the new curve is shorter or longer than the original. */ const float new_last_segment_length = math::distance(positions.last(1), new_last_position); const float new_total_length = orig_lengths.last(1) + new_last_segment_length; const float length_factor = new_total_length / orig_total_length; /* Calculate the lengths to sample the original curve with by scaling the original lengths. */ Array new_lengths(positions.size() - 1); new_lengths.first() = 0.0f; for (const int i : new_lengths.index_range().drop_front(1)) { new_lengths[i] = orig_lengths[i - 1] * length_factor; } Array indices(positions.size() - 1); Array factors(positions.size() - 1); length_parameterize::create_samples_from_sorted_lengths( orig_lengths, new_lengths, false, indices, factors); Array new_positions(positions.size() - 1); length_parameterize::linear_interpolation(positions, indices, factors, new_positions); positions.drop_back(1).copy_from(new_positions); positions.last() = new_last_position; } }; void SnakeHookOperation::on_stroke_extended(bContext *C, const StrokeExtension &stroke_extension) { SnakeHookOperatorExecutor executor; executor.execute(*this, C, stroke_extension); } std::unique_ptr new_snake_hook_operation() { return std::make_unique(); } } // namespace blender::ed::sculpt_paint