/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2009 by Nicholas Bishop * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): Jason Wilkins, Tom Musgrove. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * */ /** \file blender/editors/sculpt_paint/paint_stroke.c * \ingroup edsculpt */ #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_brush_types.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_paint.h" #include "BKE_brush.h" #include "WM_api.h" #include "WM_types.h" #include "BIF_gl.h" #include "BIF_glutil.h" #include "ED_screen.h" #include "ED_view3d.h" #include "paint_intern.h" /* still needed for sculpt_stroke_get_location, should be removed eventually (TODO) */ #include "sculpt_intern.h" #include #include typedef struct PaintStroke { void *mode_data; void *smooth_stroke_cursor; wmTimer *timer; /* Cached values */ ViewContext vc; bglMats mats; Brush *brush; float last_mouse_position[2]; /* Set whether any stroke step has yet occurred e.g. in sculpt mode, stroke doesn't start until cursor passes over the mesh */ int stroke_started; /* event that started stroke, for modal() return */ int event_type; StrokeGetLocation get_location; StrokeTestStart test_start; StrokeUpdateStep update_step; StrokeDone done; } PaintStroke; /*** Cursor ***/ static void paint_draw_smooth_stroke(bContext *C, int x, int y, void *customdata) { Brush *brush = paint_brush(paint_get_active(CTX_data_scene(C))); PaintStroke *stroke = customdata; glColor4ubv(paint_get_active(CTX_data_scene(C))->paint_cursor_col); glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glEnable(GL_BLEND); if(stroke && brush && (brush->flag & BRUSH_SMOOTH_STROKE)) { ARegion *ar = CTX_wm_region(C); sdrawline(x, y, (int)stroke->last_mouse_position[0] - ar->winrct.xmin, (int)stroke->last_mouse_position[1] - ar->winrct.ymin); } glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); } typedef struct Snapshot { float size[3]; float ofs[3]; float rot; int brush_size; int winx; int winy; int brush_map_mode; int curve_changed_timestamp; } Snapshot; static int same_snap(Snapshot* snap, Brush* brush, ViewContext* vc) { MTex* mtex = &brush->mtex; return (mtex->tex && mtex->ofs[0] == snap->ofs[0] && mtex->ofs[1] == snap->ofs[1] && mtex->ofs[2] == snap->ofs[2] && mtex->size[0] == snap->size[0] && mtex->size[1] == snap->size[1] && mtex->size[2] == snap->size[2] && mtex->rot == snap->rot) && ((mtex->brush_map_mode == MTEX_MAP_MODE_FIXED && brush_size(brush) <= snap->brush_size) || (brush_size(brush) == snap->brush_size)) && // make brush smaller shouldn't cause a resample mtex->brush_map_mode == snap->brush_map_mode && vc->ar->winx == snap->winx && vc->ar->winy == snap->winy; } static void make_snap(Snapshot* snap, Brush* brush, ViewContext* vc) { if (brush->mtex.tex) { snap->brush_map_mode = brush->mtex.brush_map_mode; copy_v3_v3(snap->ofs, brush->mtex.ofs); copy_v3_v3(snap->size, brush->mtex.size); snap->rot = brush->mtex.rot; } else { snap->brush_map_mode = -1; snap->ofs[0]= snap->ofs[1]= snap->ofs[2]= -1; snap->size[0]= snap->size[1]= snap->size[2]= -1; snap->rot = -1; } snap->brush_size = brush_size(brush); snap->winx = vc->ar->winx; snap->winy = vc->ar->winy; } static int load_tex(Sculpt *sd, Brush* br, ViewContext* vc) { static GLuint overlay_texture = 0; static int init = 0; static int tex_changed_timestamp = -1; static int curve_changed_timestamp = -1; static Snapshot snap; static int old_size = -1; GLubyte* buffer = NULL; int size; int j; int refresh; #ifndef _OPENMP (void)sd; /* quied unused warning */ #endif if (br->mtex.brush_map_mode == MTEX_MAP_MODE_TILED && !br->mtex.tex) return 0; refresh = !overlay_texture || (br->mtex.tex && (!br->mtex.tex->preview || br->mtex.tex->preview->changed_timestamp[0] != tex_changed_timestamp)) || !br->curve || br->curve->changed_timestamp != curve_changed_timestamp || !same_snap(&snap, br, vc); if (refresh) { if (br->mtex.tex && br->mtex.tex->preview) tex_changed_timestamp = br->mtex.tex->preview->changed_timestamp[0]; if (br->curve) curve_changed_timestamp = br->curve->changed_timestamp; make_snap(&snap, br, vc); if (br->mtex.brush_map_mode == MTEX_MAP_MODE_FIXED) { int s = brush_size(br); int r = 1; for (s >>= 1; s > 0; s >>= 1) r++; size = (1<flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) for (j= 0; j < size; j++) { int i; float y; float len; for (i= 0; i < size; i++) { // largely duplicated from tex_strength const float rotation = -br->mtex.rot; float radius = brush_size(br); int index = j*size + i; float x; float avg; x = (float)i/size; y = (float)j/size; x -= 0.5f; y -= 0.5f; if (br->mtex.brush_map_mode == MTEX_MAP_MODE_TILED) { x *= vc->ar->winx / radius; y *= vc->ar->winy / radius; } else { x *= 2; y *= 2; } len = sqrtf(x*x + y*y); if ((br->mtex.brush_map_mode == MTEX_MAP_MODE_TILED) || len <= 1) { /* it is probably worth optimizing for those cases where the texture is not rotated by skipping the calls to atan2, sqrtf, sin, and cos. */ if (br->mtex.tex && (rotation > 0.001f || rotation < -0.001f)) { const float angle = atan2f(y, x) + rotation; x = len * cosf(angle); y = len * sinf(angle); } x *= br->mtex.size[0]; y *= br->mtex.size[1]; x += br->mtex.ofs[0]; y += br->mtex.ofs[1]; avg = br->mtex.tex ? paint_get_tex_pixel(br, x, y) : 1; avg += br->texture_sample_bias; if (br->mtex.brush_map_mode == MTEX_MAP_MODE_FIXED) avg *= brush_curve_strength(br, len, 1); /* Falloff curve */ buffer[index] = 255 - (GLubyte)(255*avg); } else { buffer[index] = 0; } } } if (!overlay_texture) glGenTextures(1, &overlay_texture); } else { size= old_size; } glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, overlay_texture); if (refresh) { if (!init) { glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_ALPHA, size, size, 0, GL_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer); init = 1; } else { glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, size, size, GL_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer); } if (buffer) MEM_freeN(buffer); } glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); if (br->mtex.brush_map_mode == MTEX_MAP_MODE_FIXED) { glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP); } return 1; } static int project_brush_radius(RegionView3D* rv3d, float radius, float location[3], bglMats* mats) { float view[3], nonortho[3], ortho[3], offset[3], p1[2], p2[2]; ED_view3d_global_to_vector(rv3d, location, view); // create a vector that is not orthogonal to view if (fabsf(view[0]) < 0.1f) { nonortho[0] = view[0] + 1.0f; nonortho[1] = view[1]; nonortho[2] = view[2]; } else if (fabsf(view[1]) < 0.1f) { nonortho[0] = view[0]; nonortho[1] = view[1] + 1.0f; nonortho[2] = view[2]; } else { nonortho[0] = view[0]; nonortho[1] = view[1]; nonortho[2] = view[2] + 1.0f; } // get a vector in the plane of the view cross_v3_v3v3(ortho, nonortho, view); normalize_v3(ortho); // make a point on the surface of the brush tagent to the view mul_v3_fl(ortho, radius); add_v3_v3v3(offset, location, ortho); // project the center of the brush, and the tagent point to the view onto the screen projectf(mats, location, p1); projectf(mats, offset, p2); // the distance between these points is the size of the projected brush in pixels return len_v2v2(p1, p2); } static int sculpt_get_brush_geometry(bContext* C, int x, int y, int* pixel_radius, float location[3]) { struct PaintStroke *stroke; float window[2]; int hit; stroke = paint_stroke_new(C, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); window[0] = x + stroke->vc.ar->winrct.xmin; window[1] = y + stroke->vc.ar->winrct.ymin; if(stroke->vc.obact->sculpt && stroke->vc.obact->sculpt->pbvh && sculpt_stroke_get_location(C, stroke, location, window)) { *pixel_radius = project_brush_radius(stroke->vc.rv3d, brush_unprojected_radius(stroke->brush), location, &stroke->mats); if (*pixel_radius == 0) *pixel_radius = brush_size(stroke->brush); mul_m4_v3(stroke->vc.obact->obmat, location); hit = 1; } else { Sculpt* sd = CTX_data_tool_settings(C)->sculpt; Brush* brush = paint_brush(&sd->paint); *pixel_radius = brush_size(brush); hit = 0; } paint_stroke_free(stroke); return hit; } /* Draw an overlay that shows what effect the brush's texture will have on brush strength */ /* TODO: sculpt only for now */ static void paint_draw_alpha_overlay(Sculpt *sd, Brush *brush, ViewContext *vc, int x, int y) { rctf quad; /* check for overlay mode */ if(!(brush->flag & BRUSH_TEXTURE_OVERLAY) || !(ELEM(brush->mtex.brush_map_mode, MTEX_MAP_MODE_FIXED, MTEX_MAP_MODE_TILED))) return; /* save lots of GL state TODO: check on whether all of these are needed? */ glPushAttrib(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT| GL_CURRENT_BIT| GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT| GL_ENABLE_BIT| GL_LINE_BIT| GL_POLYGON_BIT| GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT| GL_TRANSFORM_BIT| GL_VIEWPORT_BIT| GL_TEXTURE_BIT); if(load_tex(sd, brush, vc)) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); glDepthFunc(GL_ALWAYS); glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); if(brush->mtex.brush_map_mode == MTEX_MAP_MODE_FIXED) { /* brush rotation */ glTranslatef(0.5, 0.5, 0); glRotatef((double)((brush->flag & BRUSH_RAKE) ? sd->last_angle : sd->special_rotation) * (180.0/M_PI), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); glTranslatef(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0); /* scale based on tablet pressure */ if(sd->draw_pressure && brush_use_size_pressure(brush)) { glTranslatef(0.5f, 0.5f, 0); glScalef(1.0f/sd->pressure_value, 1.0f/sd->pressure_value, 1); glTranslatef(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0); } if(sd->draw_anchored) { const float *aim = sd->anchored_initial_mouse; const rcti *win = &vc->ar->winrct; quad.xmin = aim[0]-sd->anchored_size - win->xmin; quad.ymin = aim[1]-sd->anchored_size - win->ymin; quad.xmax = aim[0]+sd->anchored_size - win->xmin; quad.ymax = aim[1]+sd->anchored_size - win->ymin; } else { const int radius= brush_size(brush); quad.xmin = x - radius; quad.ymin = y - radius; quad.xmax = x + radius; quad.ymax = y + radius; } } else { quad.xmin = 0; quad.ymin = 0; quad.xmax = vc->ar->winrct.xmax - vc->ar->winrct.xmin; quad.ymax = vc->ar->winrct.ymax - vc->ar->winrct.ymin; } /* set quad color */ glColor4f(U.sculpt_paint_overlay_col[0], U.sculpt_paint_overlay_col[1], U.sculpt_paint_overlay_col[2], brush->texture_overlay_alpha / 100.0f); /* draw textured quad */ glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(quad.xmin, quad.ymin); glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(quad.xmax, quad.ymin); glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(quad.xmax, quad.ymax); glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(quad.xmin, quad.ymax); glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); } glPopAttrib(); } /* Special actions taken when paint cursor goes over mesh */ /* TODO: sculpt only for now */ static void paint_cursor_on_hit(Sculpt *sd, Brush *brush, ViewContext *vc, float location[3], float *visual_strength) { float unprojected_radius, projected_radius; /* TODO: check whether this should really only be done when brush is over mesh? */ if(sd->draw_pressure && brush_use_alpha_pressure(brush)) (*visual_strength) *= sd->pressure_value; if(sd->draw_anchored) projected_radius = sd->anchored_size; else { if(brush->flag & BRUSH_ANCHORED) projected_radius = 8; else projected_radius = brush_size(brush); } unprojected_radius = paint_calc_object_space_radius(vc, location, projected_radius); if(sd->draw_pressure && brush_use_size_pressure(brush)) unprojected_radius *= sd->pressure_value; if(!brush_use_locked_size(brush)) brush_set_unprojected_radius(brush, unprojected_radius); } static void paint_draw_cursor(bContext *C, int x, int y, void *UNUSED(unused)) { Paint *paint = paint_get_active(CTX_data_scene(C)); Brush *brush = paint_brush(paint); ViewContext vc; float final_radius; float translation[2]; float outline_alpha, *outline_col; /* set various defaults */ translation[0] = x; translation[1] = y; outline_alpha = 0.5; outline_col = brush->add_col; final_radius = brush_size(brush); /* check that brush drawing is enabled */ if(!(paint->flags & PAINT_SHOW_BRUSH)) return; /* can't use stroke vc here because this will be called during mouse over too, not just during a stroke */ view3d_set_viewcontext(C, &vc); /* TODO: as sculpt and other paint modes are unified, this special mode of drawing will go away */ if(vc.obact->sculpt) { Sculpt *sd = CTX_data_tool_settings(C)->sculpt; float location[3]; int pixel_radius, hit; const float root_alpha = brush_alpha(brush); float visual_strength = root_alpha*root_alpha; const float min_alpha = 0.20f; const float max_alpha = 0.80f; /* this is probably here so that rake takes into account the brush movements before the stroke starts, but this doesn't really belong in draw code (TODO) */ { const float u = 0.5f; const float v = 1 - u; const float r = 20; const float dx = sd->last_x - x; const float dy = sd->last_y - y; if(dx*dx + dy*dy >= r*r) { sd->last_angle = atan2(dx, dy); sd->last_x = u*sd->last_x + v*x; sd->last_y = u*sd->last_y + v*y; } } /* test if brush is over the mesh */ hit = sculpt_get_brush_geometry(C, x, y, &pixel_radius, location); /* draw overlay */ paint_draw_alpha_overlay(sd, brush, &vc, x, y); if(brush_use_locked_size(brush)) brush_set_size(brush, pixel_radius); /* check if brush is subtracting, use different color then */ /* TODO: no way currently to know state of pen flip or invert key modifier without starting a stroke */ if((!(brush->flag & BRUSH_INVERTED) ^ !(brush->flag & BRUSH_DIR_IN)) && ELEM5(brush->sculpt_tool, SCULPT_TOOL_DRAW, SCULPT_TOOL_INFLATE, SCULPT_TOOL_CLAY, SCULPT_TOOL_PINCH, SCULPT_TOOL_CREASE)) outline_col = brush->sub_col; /* only do if brush is over the mesh */ if(hit) paint_cursor_on_hit(sd, brush, &vc, location, &visual_strength); /* don't show effect of strength past the soft limit */ if(visual_strength > 1) visual_strength = 1; outline_alpha = ((paint->flags & PAINT_SHOW_BRUSH_ON_SURFACE) ? min_alpha + (visual_strength*(max_alpha-min_alpha)) : 0.50f); if(sd->draw_anchored) { final_radius = sd->anchored_size; translation[0] = sd->anchored_initial_mouse[0] - vc.ar->winrct.xmin; translation[1] = sd->anchored_initial_mouse[1] - vc.ar->winrct.ymin; } } /* make lines pretty */ glEnable(GL_BLEND); glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); /* set brush color */ glColor4f(outline_col[0], outline_col[1], outline_col[2], outline_alpha); /* draw brush outline */ glTranslatef(translation[0], translation[1], 0); glutil_draw_lined_arc(0.0, M_PI*2.0, final_radius, 40); glTranslatef(-translation[0], -translation[1], 0); /* restore GL state */ glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); } /* if this is a tablet event, return tablet pressure and set *pen_flip to 1 if the eraser tool is being used, 0 otherwise */ static float event_tablet_data(wmEvent *event, int *pen_flip) { int erasor = 0; float pressure = 1; if(event->custom == EVT_DATA_TABLET) { wmTabletData *wmtab= event->customdata; erasor = (wmtab->Active == EVT_TABLET_ERASER); pressure = (wmtab->Active != EVT_TABLET_NONE) ? wmtab->Pressure : 1; } if(pen_flip) (*pen_flip) = erasor; return pressure; } /* Put the location of the next stroke dot into the stroke RNA and apply it to the mesh */ static void paint_brush_stroke_add_step(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event, float mouse_in[2]) { Paint *paint = paint_get_active(CTX_data_scene(C)); Brush *brush = paint_brush(paint); PaintStroke *stroke = op->customdata; float mouse[3]; PointerRNA itemptr; float location[3]; float pressure; int pen_flip; /* see if tablet affects event */ pressure = event_tablet_data(event, &pen_flip); /* TODO: as sculpt and other paint modes are unified, this separation will go away */ if(stroke->vc.obact->sculpt) { float delta[3]; brush_jitter_pos(brush, mouse_in, mouse); /* XXX: meh, this is round about because brush_jitter_pos isn't written in the best way to be reused here */ if(brush->flag & BRUSH_JITTER_PRESSURE) { sub_v3_v3v3(delta, mouse, mouse_in); mul_v3_fl(delta, pressure); add_v3_v3v3(mouse, mouse_in, delta); } } else copy_v3_v3(mouse, mouse_in); /* TODO: can remove the if statement once all modes have this */ if(stroke->get_location) stroke->get_location(C, stroke, location, mouse); else zero_v3(location); /* Add to stroke */ RNA_collection_add(op->ptr, "stroke", &itemptr); RNA_float_set_array(&itemptr, "location", location); RNA_float_set_array(&itemptr, "mouse", mouse); RNA_boolean_set(&itemptr, "pen_flip", pen_flip); RNA_float_set(&itemptr, "pressure", pressure); stroke->last_mouse_position[0] = mouse[0]; stroke->last_mouse_position[1] = mouse[1]; stroke->update_step(C, stroke, &itemptr); } /* Returns zero if no sculpt changes should be made, non-zero otherwise */ static int paint_smooth_stroke(PaintStroke *stroke, float output[2], wmEvent *event) { output[0] = event->x; output[1] = event->y; if ((stroke->brush->flag & BRUSH_SMOOTH_STROKE) && !ELEM4(stroke->brush->sculpt_tool, SCULPT_TOOL_GRAB, SCULPT_TOOL_THUMB, SCULPT_TOOL_ROTATE, SCULPT_TOOL_SNAKE_HOOK) && !(stroke->brush->flag & BRUSH_ANCHORED) && !(stroke->brush->flag & BRUSH_RESTORE_MESH)) { float u = stroke->brush->smooth_stroke_factor, v = 1.0f - u; float dx = stroke->last_mouse_position[0] - event->x, dy = stroke->last_mouse_position[1] - event->y; /* If the mouse is moving within the radius of the last move, don't update the mouse position. This allows sharp turns. */ if(dx*dx + dy*dy < stroke->brush->smooth_stroke_radius * stroke->brush->smooth_stroke_radius) return 0; output[0] = event->x * v + stroke->last_mouse_position[0] * u; output[1] = event->y * v + stroke->last_mouse_position[1] * u; } return 1; } /* For brushes with stroke spacing enabled, moves mouse in steps towards the final mouse location. */ static int paint_space_stroke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event, const float final_mouse[2]) { PaintStroke *stroke = op->customdata; int cnt = 0; if(paint_space_stroke_enabled(stroke->brush)) { float mouse[2]; float vec[2]; float length, scale; copy_v2_v2(mouse, stroke->last_mouse_position); sub_v2_v2v2(vec, final_mouse, mouse); length = len_v2(vec); if(length > FLT_EPSILON) { int steps; int i; float pressure= 1.0f; /* XXX mysterious :) what has 'use size' do with this here... if you don't check for it, pressure fails */ if(brush_use_size_pressure(stroke->brush)) pressure = event_tablet_data(event, NULL); if(pressure > FLT_EPSILON) { scale = (brush_size(stroke->brush)*pressure*stroke->brush->spacing/50.0f) / length; if(scale > FLT_EPSILON) { mul_v2_fl(vec, scale); steps = (int)(1.0f / scale); for(i = 0; i < steps; ++i, ++cnt) { add_v2_v2(mouse, vec); paint_brush_stroke_add_step(C, op, event, mouse); } } } } } return cnt; } /**** Public API ****/ PaintStroke *paint_stroke_new(bContext *C, StrokeGetLocation get_location, StrokeTestStart test_start, StrokeUpdateStep update_step, StrokeDone done, int event_type) { PaintStroke *stroke = MEM_callocN(sizeof(PaintStroke), "PaintStroke"); stroke->brush = paint_brush(paint_get_active(CTX_data_scene(C))); view3d_set_viewcontext(C, &stroke->vc); view3d_get_transformation(stroke->vc.ar, stroke->vc.rv3d, stroke->vc.obact, &stroke->mats); stroke->get_location = get_location; stroke->test_start = test_start; stroke->update_step = update_step; stroke->done = done; stroke->event_type= event_type; /* for modal, return event */ return stroke; } void paint_stroke_free(PaintStroke *stroke) { MEM_freeN(stroke); } /* Returns zero if the stroke dots should not be spaced, non-zero otherwise */ int paint_space_stroke_enabled(Brush *br) { return (br->flag & BRUSH_SPACE) && !(br->flag & BRUSH_ANCHORED) && !ELEM4(br->sculpt_tool, SCULPT_TOOL_GRAB, SCULPT_TOOL_THUMB, SCULPT_TOOL_ROTATE, SCULPT_TOOL_SNAKE_HOOK); } int paint_stroke_modal(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { PaintStroke *stroke = op->customdata; float mouse[2]; int first= 0; if(!stroke->stroke_started) { stroke->last_mouse_position[0] = event->x; stroke->last_mouse_position[1] = event->y; stroke->stroke_started = stroke->test_start(C, op, event); if(stroke->stroke_started) { stroke->smooth_stroke_cursor = WM_paint_cursor_activate(CTX_wm_manager(C), paint_poll, paint_draw_smooth_stroke, stroke); if(stroke->brush->flag & BRUSH_AIRBRUSH) stroke->timer = WM_event_add_timer(CTX_wm_manager(C), CTX_wm_window(C), TIMER, stroke->brush->rate); } first= 1; //ED_region_tag_redraw(ar); } if(event->type == stroke->event_type && event->val == KM_RELEASE) { /* exit stroke, free data */ if(stroke->smooth_stroke_cursor) WM_paint_cursor_end(CTX_wm_manager(C), stroke->smooth_stroke_cursor); if(stroke->timer) WM_event_remove_timer(CTX_wm_manager(C), CTX_wm_window(C), stroke->timer); stroke->done(C, stroke); MEM_freeN(stroke); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } else if(first || ELEM(event->type, MOUSEMOVE, INBETWEEN_MOUSEMOVE) || (event->type == TIMER && (event->customdata == stroke->timer))) { if(stroke->stroke_started) { if(paint_smooth_stroke(stroke, mouse, event)) { if(paint_space_stroke_enabled(stroke->brush)) { if(!paint_space_stroke(C, op, event, mouse)) { //ED_region_tag_redraw(ar); } } else { paint_brush_stroke_add_step(C, op, event, mouse); } } else { ;//ED_region_tag_redraw(ar); } } } /* we want the stroke to have the first daub at the start location instead of waiting till we have moved the space distance */ if(first && stroke->stroke_started && paint_space_stroke_enabled(stroke->brush) && !(stroke->brush->flag & BRUSH_ANCHORED) && !(stroke->brush->flag & BRUSH_SMOOTH_STROKE)) { paint_brush_stroke_add_step(C, op, event, mouse); } return OPERATOR_RUNNING_MODAL; } int paint_stroke_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { PaintStroke *stroke = op->customdata; /* only when executed for the first time */ if(stroke->stroke_started == 0) { /* XXX stroke->last_mouse_position is unset, this may cause problems */ stroke->test_start(C, op, NULL); stroke->stroke_started= 1; } RNA_BEGIN(op->ptr, itemptr, "stroke") { stroke->update_step(C, stroke, &itemptr); } RNA_END; stroke->done(C, stroke); MEM_freeN(stroke); op->customdata = NULL; return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } ViewContext *paint_stroke_view_context(PaintStroke *stroke) { return &stroke->vc; } void *paint_stroke_mode_data(struct PaintStroke *stroke) { return stroke->mode_data; } void paint_stroke_set_mode_data(PaintStroke *stroke, void *mode_data) { stroke->mode_data = mode_data; } int paint_poll(bContext *C) { Paint *p = paint_get_active(CTX_data_scene(C)); Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); return p && ob && paint_brush(p) && CTX_wm_area(C)->spacetype == SPACE_VIEW3D && CTX_wm_region(C)->regiontype == RGN_TYPE_WINDOW; } void paint_cursor_start(bContext *C, int (*poll)(bContext *C)) { Paint *p = paint_get_active(CTX_data_scene(C)); if(p && !p->paint_cursor) p->paint_cursor = WM_paint_cursor_activate(CTX_wm_manager(C), poll, paint_draw_cursor, NULL); }