/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2006 by Nicholas Bishop * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): Jason Wilkins, Tom Musgrove. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * Implements the Sculpt Mode tools * */ /** \file blender/editors/sculpt_paint/sculpt.c * \ingroup edsculpt */ #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_dial.h" #include "BLI_task.h" #include "BLI_threads.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BLI_ghash.h" #include "BLT_translation.h" #include "DNA_customdata_types.h" #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_meshdata_types.h" #include "DNA_node_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_brush_types.h" #include "BKE_pbvh.h" #include "BKE_brush.h" #include "BKE_ccg.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_depsgraph.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_image.h" #include "BKE_key.h" #include "BKE_library.h" #include "BKE_mesh.h" #include "BKE_mesh_mapping.h" #include "BKE_modifier.h" #include "BKE_multires.h" #include "BKE_paint.h" #include "BKE_report.h" #include "BKE_node.h" #include "BKE_object.h" #include "BKE_subsurf.h" #include "BKE_colortools.h" #include "WM_api.h" #include "WM_types.h" #include "ED_sculpt.h" #include "ED_object.h" #include "ED_screen.h" #include "ED_view3d.h" #include "paint_intern.h" #include "sculpt_intern.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "RNA_define.h" #include "GPU_buffers.h" #include "GPU_extensions.h" #include "UI_interface.h" #include "UI_resources.h" #include "bmesh.h" #include "bmesh_tools.h" #include #include #include /*Maybe move silhouette GL Drawing into a seperate file*/ #include "BIF_gl.h" #include "BIF_glutil.h" #include "ED_space_api.h" #include "bmesh.h" #include "bmesh_tools.h" #include "BKE_cdderivedmesh.h" #include "BKE_editmesh.h" #include "BKE_editmesh_bvh.h" #include "ED_mesh.h" #include "BLI_polyfill2d.h" #include "BLI_polyfill2d_beautify.h" #include "BLI_memarena.h" #include "BLI_heap.h" #include "BLI_edgehash.h" #include "BLI_linklist.h" #include "BLI_alloca.h" #include "BLI_array.h" #define DEBUG_TIME #ifdef DEBUG_TIME # include "PIL_time.h" # include "PIL_time_utildefines.h" #endif #define SIL_STROKE_STORE_CHUNK 512 #define SIL_STROKE_STORE_CHUNK_S 128 /* Store bias is used to bias a close estimate since resizing is more expensive than bigger array on first allocate*/ #define STORE_ESTIMATE_BIAS 0.1f /* Fillet Blur determines the fuzziness wether a vert is intersecting or not. * Important for example if two shapes with the same thickness intersect. */ #define SIL_FILLET_BLUR_MAX 0.3f #define SIL_FILLET_BLUR_MIN 0.001f #define SIL_FILLET_INTERSECTION_EPSILON 0.00001f #define SIL_TRIANGULATION_FACT 0.7f /* 1 = position dependent 0 = order dependent */ /*#define USE_WATERTIGHT*/ /*#define DEBUG_DRAW*/ #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW /* static void bl_debug_draw(void);*/ /* add these locally when using these functions for testing */ extern void bl_debug_draw_quad_clear(void); extern void bl_debug_draw_quad_add(const float v0[3], const float v1[3], const float v2[3], const float v3[3]); extern void bl_debug_draw_edge_add(const float v0[3], const float v1[3]); extern void bl_debug_color_set(const unsigned int col); static void bl_debug_draw_medge_add(Mesh *me, int e){ bl_debug_draw_edge_add(me->mvert[me->medge[e].v1].co, me->mvert[me->medge[e].v2].co); } static void bl_debug_draw_point(const float pos[3],const float thickness) { float h = thickness*0.5; float v1[] = {pos[0]-h,pos[1]-h,pos[2]}; float v2[] = {pos[0]-h,pos[1]+h,pos[2]}; float v3[] = {pos[0]+h,pos[1]-h,pos[2]}; float v4[] = {pos[0]+h,pos[1]+h,pos[2]}; bl_debug_draw_quad_add(v1,v2,v3,v4); } #endif typedef struct { float bmin[3], bmax[3]; } BB; /* init data: * Silhouette Data */ typedef struct SilhouetteStroke { float *points; float *points_v2; int totvert; int max_verts; BB bb; } SilhouetteStroke; #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW void bl_debug_draw_BB_add(BB *bb,const unsigned int col){ float v1[3],v2[3],v3[3],v4[3]; float xd[3], yd[3], zd[3]; bl_debug_color_set(col); xd[0] = bb->bmax[0]-bb->bmin[0]; xd[1] = 0.0f; xd[2] = 0.0f; yd[0] = 0.0f; yd[1] = bb->bmax[1]-bb->bmin[1]; yd[2] = 0.0f; zd[0] = 0.0f; zd[1] = 0.0f; zd[2] = bb->bmax[2]-bb->bmin[2]; copy_v3_v3(v1,bb->bmin); copy_v3_v3(v2,bb->bmin); add_v3_v3(v2,xd); add_v3_v3v3(v3,v1,yd); add_v3_v3v3(v4,v2,yd); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(v1,v2); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(v1,v3); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(v2,v4); copy_v3_v3(v1,v3); copy_v3_v3(v2,v4); add_v3_v3v3(v3,v1,zd); add_v3_v3v3(v4,v2,zd); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(v1,v2); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(v1,v3); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(v2,v4); copy_v3_v3(v1,v3); copy_v3_v3(v2,v4); sub_v3_v3v3(v3,v1,yd); sub_v3_v3v3(v4,v2,yd); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(v1,v2); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(v1,v3); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(v2,v4); copy_v3_v3(v1,v3); copy_v3_v3(v2,v4); sub_v3_v3v3(v3,v1,zd); sub_v3_v3v3(v4,v2,zd); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(v1,v2); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(v1,v3); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(v2,v4); } #endif typedef struct IntersectionData { float *intersection_points; /* exact positions where the two shapes connect */ GHash *edge_hash; int num_intersection_points; /* 3 times intersection point count*/ } IntersectionData; typedef enum { SILHOUETTE_DEFAULT = 0, SILHOUETTE_DO_SUBTRACT = 1 } SilhouetteToolFlags; typedef enum { SIL_INIT = 0, SIL_DRAWING = 1, SIL_OP = 2 } SilhouetteState; typedef struct SilhouetteData { ARegion *ar; /* region that Silhouette started drawn in */ void *draw_handle; /* for drawing preview loop */ ViewContext vc; SilhouetteStroke *current_stroke; Object *ob; BMEditMesh *em; /*Triangulated stroke for spine generation*/ Scene *scene; float add_col[3]; /* preview color */ float sub_col[3]; float last_mouse_pos[2]; SilhouetteState state; /* Operator state */ float depth; /* Depth or thickness of the generated shape */ float smoothness; /* Smoothness of the generated shape */ int resolution; /* Subdivision of the shape*/ bool do_subtract; /* Is in subtractive mode? Clipping brush functionality */ float anchor[3]; /* Origin point of the reference plane */ float z_vec[3]; /* Orientation of the reference plane */ MeshElemMap *emap; /* Original Mesh vert -> edges map */ GHash *i_edges; /* Edges crossing the both shapes. (only orig mesh)*/ int *fillet_ring_orig; /* ring_edges to connect to in the orig mesh */ int *fillet_ring_orig_start; /* start positions to each individual ring */ int *fillet_ring_new; /* ring_edges to connect to in the new mesh */ int *fillet_ring_new_start; /* start positions to each individual ring */ int max_fillet_ring_new_start, max_fillet_ring_orig_start; int max_fillet_ring_new, max_fillet_ring_orig; float *exact_isect_points; /* Exact intersection points. same ring order as fillet ring new */ int *exact_isect_points_start; /* length = num_rings_new */ int exact_points_tot; int num_rings, fillet_ring_tot, num_rings_new, fillet_ring_tot_new; int *inter_tris; /* Triangles intersecting the silhouette mesh. Points to MLooptri bvh->mloop */ int num_inter_tris; int *tri_nodebind; /* offsets in inter_tri arr to address node specific tris. */ int num_inter_nodes; GHash *l1_vert_hash; /* verthash used in first stage to gather all subprocess verts. Contains at first same data as v_to_rm */ int *v_to_rm; int num_v_to_rm; BB *fillet_ring_bbs; /* every ring gets a Bounding box to check intersection with branches */ BB *fillet_ring_bbs_new; IntersectionData *isect_chunk; int num_isect_data; int isect_chunk_tot; } SilhouetteData; /** \name Tool Capabilities * * Avoid duplicate checks, internal logic only, * share logic with #rna_def_sculpt_capabilities where possible. * * \{ */ /* Check if there are any active modifiers in stack (used for flushing updates at enter/exit sculpt mode) */ static bool sculpt_has_active_modifiers(Scene *scene, Object *ob) { ModifierData *md; VirtualModifierData virtualModifierData; md = modifiers_getVirtualModifierList(ob, &virtualModifierData); /* exception for shape keys because we can edit those */ for (; md; md = md->next) { if (modifier_isEnabled(scene, md, eModifierMode_Realtime)) return 1; } return 0; } static bool sculpt_tool_needs_original(const char sculpt_tool) { return ELEM(sculpt_tool, SCULPT_TOOL_GRAB, SCULPT_TOOL_ROTATE, SCULPT_TOOL_THUMB, SCULPT_TOOL_LAYER); } static bool sculpt_tool_is_proxy_used(const char sculpt_tool) { return ELEM(sculpt_tool, SCULPT_TOOL_SMOOTH, SCULPT_TOOL_LAYER); } /** * Test whether the #StrokeCache.sculpt_normal needs update in #do_brush_action */ static int sculpt_brush_needs_normal(const Brush *brush, float normal_weight) { return ((SCULPT_TOOL_HAS_NORMAL_WEIGHT(brush->sculpt_tool) && (normal_weight > 0.0f)) || ELEM(brush->sculpt_tool, SCULPT_TOOL_BLOB, SCULPT_TOOL_CREASE, SCULPT_TOOL_DRAW, SCULPT_TOOL_LAYER, SCULPT_TOOL_NUDGE, SCULPT_TOOL_ROTATE, SCULPT_TOOL_THUMB) || (brush->mtex.brush_map_mode == MTEX_MAP_MODE_AREA)); } /** \} */ static bool sculpt_brush_needs_rake_rotation(const Brush *brush) { return SCULPT_TOOL_HAS_RAKE(brush->sculpt_tool) && (brush->rake_factor != 0.0f); } /* Factor of brush to have rake point following behind * (could be configurable but this is reasonable default). */ #define SCULPT_RAKE_BRUSH_FACTOR 0.25f struct SculptRakeData { float follow_dist; float follow_co[3]; } SculptRakeData; typedef enum StrokeFlags { CLIP_X = 1, CLIP_Y = 2, CLIP_Z = 4 } StrokeFlags; /* Cache stroke properties. Used because * RNA property lookup isn't particularly fast. * * For descriptions of these settings, check the operator properties. */ typedef struct StrokeCache { /* Invariants */ float initial_radius; float scale[3]; int flag; float clip_tolerance[3]; float initial_mouse[2]; /* Variants */ float radius; float radius_squared; float true_location[3]; float location[3]; bool pen_flip; bool invert; float pressure; float mouse[2]; float bstrength; float normal_weight; /* from brush (with optional override) */ /* The rest is temporary storage that isn't saved as a property */ bool first_time; /* Beginning of stroke may do some things special */ /* from ED_view3d_ob_project_mat_get() */ float projection_mat[4][4]; /* Clean this up! */ struct ViewContext *vc; struct Brush *brush; float special_rotation; float grab_delta[3], grab_delta_symmetry[3]; float old_grab_location[3], orig_grab_location[3]; /* screen-space rotation defined by mouse motion */ float rake_rotation[4], rake_rotation_symmetry[4]; bool is_rake_rotation_valid; struct SculptRakeData rake_data; int symmetry; /* Symmetry index between 0 and 7 bit combo 0 is Brush only; * 1 is X mirror; 2 is Y mirror; 3 is XY; 4 is Z; 5 is XZ; 6 is YZ; 7 is XYZ */ int mirror_symmetry_pass; /* the symmetry pass we are currently on between 0 and 7*/ float true_view_normal[3]; float view_normal[3]; /* sculpt_normal gets calculated by calc_sculpt_normal(), then the * sculpt_normal_symm gets updated quickly with the usual symmetry * transforms */ float sculpt_normal[3]; float sculpt_normal_symm[3]; /* Used for area texture mode, local_mat gets calculated by * calc_brush_local_mat() and used in tex_strength(). */ float brush_local_mat[4][4]; float plane_offset[3]; /* used to shift the plane around when doing tiled strokes */ int tile_pass; float last_center[3]; int radial_symmetry_pass; float symm_rot_mat[4][4]; float symm_rot_mat_inv[4][4]; bool original; float anchored_location[3]; float vertex_rotation; /* amount to rotate the vertices when using rotate brush */ struct Dial *dial; char saved_active_brush_name[MAX_ID_NAME]; char saved_mask_brush_tool; int saved_smooth_size; /* smooth tool copies the size of the current tool */ bool alt_smooth; float plane_trim_squared; bool supports_gravity; float true_gravity_direction[3]; float gravity_direction[3]; rcti previous_r; /* previous redraw rectangle */ rcti current_r; /* current redraw rectangle */ } StrokeCache; /* reduce brush spacing step size when the geometry curves away from the view */ static void set_adaptive_space_factor(Sculpt *sd) { Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&(sd->paint)); /*TODO: Reasonable 2D View 3D conversion * Currently somewhere about 1bu / 200px */ brush->adaptive_space_factor = 1.0f/200.0f; } /************** Access to original unmodified vertex data *************/ typedef struct { BMLog *bm_log; SculptUndoNode *unode; float (*coords)[3]; short (*normals)[3]; const float *vmasks; /* Original coordinate, normal, and mask */ const float *co; const short *no; float mask; } SculptOrigVertData; /* Initialize a SculptOrigVertData for accessing original vertex data; * handles BMesh, mesh, and multires */ static void sculpt_orig_vert_data_unode_init(SculptOrigVertData *data, Object *ob, SculptUndoNode *unode) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; BMesh *bm = ss->bm; memset(data, 0, sizeof(*data)); data->unode = unode; if (bm) { data->bm_log = ss->bm_log; } else { data->coords = data->unode->co; data->normals = data->unode->no; data->vmasks = data->unode->mask; } } /* Initialize a SculptOrigVertData for accessing original vertex data; * handles BMesh, mesh, and multires */ static void sculpt_orig_vert_data_init(SculptOrigVertData *data, Object *ob, PBVHNode *node) { SculptUndoNode *unode; unode = sculpt_undo_push_node(ob, node, SCULPT_UNDO_COORDS); sculpt_orig_vert_data_unode_init(data, ob, unode); } /* Update a SculptOrigVertData for a particular vertex from the PBVH * iterator */ static void sculpt_orig_vert_data_update(SculptOrigVertData *orig_data, PBVHVertexIter *iter) { if (orig_data->unode->type == SCULPT_UNDO_COORDS) { if (orig_data->bm_log) { BM_log_original_vert_data( orig_data->bm_log, iter->bm_vert, &orig_data->co, &orig_data->no); } else { orig_data->co = orig_data->coords[iter->i]; orig_data->no = orig_data->normals[iter->i]; } } else if (orig_data->unode->type == SCULPT_UNDO_MASK) { if (orig_data->bm_log) { orig_data->mask = BM_log_original_mask(orig_data->bm_log, iter->bm_vert); } else { orig_data->mask = orig_data->vmasks[iter->i]; } } } static void sculpt_rake_data_update(struct SculptRakeData *srd, const float co[3]) { float rake_dist = len_v3v3(srd->follow_co, co); if (rake_dist > srd->follow_dist) { interp_v3_v3v3(srd->follow_co, srd->follow_co, co, rake_dist - srd->follow_dist); } } static void sculpt_rake_rotate( const SculptSession *ss, const float sculpt_co[3], const float v_co[3], float factor, float r_delta[3]) { float vec_rot[3]; #if 0 /* lerp */ sub_v3_v3v3(vec_rot, v_co, sculpt_co); mul_qt_v3(ss->cache->rake_rotation_symmetry, vec_rot); add_v3_v3(vec_rot, sculpt_co); sub_v3_v3v3(r_delta, vec_rot, v_co); mul_v3_fl(r_delta, factor); #else /* slerp */ float q_interp[4]; sub_v3_v3v3(vec_rot, v_co, sculpt_co); copy_qt_qt(q_interp, ss->cache->rake_rotation_symmetry); mul_fac_qt_fl(q_interp, factor); mul_qt_v3(q_interp, vec_rot); add_v3_v3(vec_rot, sculpt_co); sub_v3_v3v3(r_delta, vec_rot, v_co); #endif } /** * Align the grab delta to the brush normal. * * \param grab_delta: Typically from `ss->cache->grab_delta_symmetry`. */ static void sculpt_project_v3_normal_align(SculptSession *ss, const float normal_weight, float grab_delta[3]) { /* signed to support grabbing in (to make a hole) as well as out. */ const float len_signed = dot_v3v3(ss->cache->sculpt_normal_symm, grab_delta); /* this scale effectively projects the offset so dragging follows the cursor, * as the normal points towards the view, the scale increases. */ float len_view_scale; { float view_aligned_normal[3]; project_plane_v3_v3v3(view_aligned_normal, ss->cache->sculpt_normal_symm, ss->cache->view_normal); len_view_scale = fabsf(dot_v3v3(view_aligned_normal, ss->cache->sculpt_normal_symm)); len_view_scale = (len_view_scale > FLT_EPSILON) ? 1.0f / len_view_scale : 1.0f; } mul_v3_fl(grab_delta, 1.0f - normal_weight); madd_v3_v3fl(grab_delta, ss->cache->sculpt_normal_symm, (len_signed * normal_weight) * len_view_scale); } /** \name SculptProjectVector * * Fast-path for #project_plane_v3_v3v3 * * \{ */ typedef struct SculptProjectVector { float plane[3]; float len_sq; float len_sq_inv_neg; bool is_valid; } SculptProjectVector; /** * \param plane Direction, can be any length. */ static void sculpt_project_v3_cache_init( SculptProjectVector *spvc, const float plane[3]) { copy_v3_v3(spvc->plane, plane); spvc->len_sq = len_squared_v3(spvc->plane); spvc->is_valid = (spvc->len_sq > FLT_EPSILON); spvc->len_sq_inv_neg = (spvc->is_valid) ? -1.0f / spvc->len_sq : 0.0f; } /** * Calculate the projection. */ static void sculpt_project_v3( const SculptProjectVector *spvc, const float vec[3], float r_vec[3]) { #if 0 project_plane_v3_v3v3(r_vec, vec, spvc->plane); #else /* inline the projection, cache `-1.0 / dot_v3_v3(v_proj, v_proj)` */ madd_v3_v3fl(r_vec, spvc->plane, dot_v3v3(vec, spvc->plane) * spvc->len_sq_inv_neg); #endif } /** \} */ /**********************************************************************/ /* Returns true if the stroke will use dynamic topology, false * otherwise. * * Factors: some brushes like grab cannot do dynamic topology. * Others, like smooth, are better without. Same goes for alt- * key smoothing. */ static bool sculpt_stroke_is_dynamic_topology( const SculptSession *ss, const Brush *brush) { return ((BKE_pbvh_type(ss->pbvh) == PBVH_BMESH) && (!ss->cache || (!ss->cache->alt_smooth)) && /* Requires mesh restore, which doesn't work with * dynamic-topology */ !(brush->flag & BRUSH_ANCHORED) && !(brush->flag & BRUSH_DRAG_DOT) && SCULPT_TOOL_HAS_DYNTOPO(brush->sculpt_tool)); } /*** paint mesh ***/ /* Single struct used by all BLI_task threaded callbacks, let's avoid adding 10's of those... */ typedef struct SculptThreadedTaskData { Sculpt *sd; Object *ob; Brush *brush; PBVHNode **nodes; int totnode; /* Data specific to some callbacks. */ /* Note: even if only one or two of those are used at a time, keeping them separated, names help figuring out * what it is, and memory overhead is ridiculous anyway... */ float flippedbstrength; float angle; float strength; bool smooth_mask; bool has_bm_orco; SilhouetteData *sil; struct SpineBranch *branch; int totedge; SculptProjectVector *spvc; float *offset; float *grab_delta; float *cono; float *area_no; float *area_no_sp; float *area_co; float (*mat)[4]; float (*vertCos)[3]; /* 0=towards view, 1=flipped */ float (*area_cos)[3]; float (*area_nos)[3]; int *count; ThreadMutex mutex; } SculptThreadedTaskData; static void paint_mesh_restore_co_task_cb(void *userdata, const int n) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; SculptUndoNode *unode; SculptUndoType type = (data->brush->sculpt_tool == SCULPT_TOOL_MASK ? SCULPT_UNDO_MASK : SCULPT_UNDO_COORDS); if (ss->bm) { unode = sculpt_undo_push_node(data->ob, data->nodes[n], type); } else { unode = sculpt_undo_get_node(data->nodes[n]); } if (unode) { PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptOrigVertData orig_data; sculpt_orig_vert_data_unode_init(&orig_data, data->ob, unode); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { sculpt_orig_vert_data_update(&orig_data, &vd); if (orig_data.unode->type == SCULPT_UNDO_COORDS) { copy_v3_v3(vd.co, orig_data.co); if (vd.no) copy_v3_v3_short(vd.no, orig_data.no); else normal_short_to_float_v3(vd.fno, orig_data.no); } else if (orig_data.unode->type == SCULPT_UNDO_MASK) { *vd.mask = orig_data.mask; } if (vd.mvert) vd.mvert->flag |= ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE; } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; BKE_pbvh_node_mark_update(data->nodes[n]); } } static void paint_mesh_restore_co(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); PBVHNode **nodes; int totnode; BKE_pbvh_search_gather(ss->pbvh, NULL, NULL, &nodes, &totnode); /* Disable OpenMP when dynamic-topology is enabled. Otherwise, new entries might be inserted by * sculpt_undo_push_node() into the GHash used internally by BM_log_original_vert_co() by a different thread. * See T33787. */ SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, }; BLI_task_parallel_range( 0, totnode, &data, paint_mesh_restore_co_task_cb, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && !ss->bm && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT)); if (nodes) MEM_freeN(nodes); } /*** BVH Tree ***/ static void sculpt_extend_redraw_rect_previous(Object *ob, rcti *rect) { /* expand redraw rect with redraw rect from previous step to * prevent partial-redraw issues caused by fast strokes. This is * needed here (not in sculpt_flush_update) as it was before * because redraw rectangle should be the same in both of * optimized PBVH draw function and 3d view redraw (if not -- some * mesh parts could disappear from screen (sergey) */ SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; if (ss->cache) { if (!BLI_rcti_is_empty(&ss->cache->previous_r)) BLI_rcti_union(rect, &ss->cache->previous_r); } } /* Get a screen-space rectangle of the modified area */ static bool sculpt_get_redraw_rect(ARegion *ar, RegionView3D *rv3d, Object *ob, rcti *rect) { PBVH *pbvh = ob->sculpt->pbvh; float bb_min[3], bb_max[3]; if (!pbvh) return 0; BKE_pbvh_redraw_BB(pbvh, bb_min, bb_max); /* convert 3D bounding box to screen space */ if (!paint_convert_bb_to_rect(rect, bb_min, bb_max, ar, rv3d, ob)) { return 0; } return 1; } void ED_sculpt_redraw_planes_get(float planes[4][4], ARegion *ar, RegionView3D *rv3d, Object *ob) { PBVH *pbvh = ob->sculpt->pbvh; /* copy here, original will be used below */ rcti rect = ob->sculpt->cache->current_r; sculpt_extend_redraw_rect_previous(ob, &rect); paint_calc_redraw_planes(planes, ar, rv3d, ob, &rect); /* we will draw this rect, so now we can set it as the previous partial rect. * Note that we don't update with the union of previous/current (rect), only with * the current. Thus we avoid the rectangle needlessly growing to include * all the stroke area */ ob->sculpt->cache->previous_r = ob->sculpt->cache->current_r; /* clear redraw flag from nodes */ if (pbvh) BKE_pbvh_update(pbvh, PBVH_UpdateRedraw, NULL); } /************************ Brush Testing *******************/ typedef struct SculptBrushTest { float radius_squared; float location[3]; float dist; int mirror_symmetry_pass; /* View3d clipping - only set rv3d for clipping */ RegionView3D *clip_rv3d; } SculptBrushTest; static void sculpt_brush_test_init(SculptSession *ss, SculptBrushTest *test) { RegionView3D *rv3d = ss->cache->vc->rv3d; test->radius_squared = ss->cache->radius_squared; copy_v3_v3(test->location, ss->cache->location); test->dist = 0.0f; /* just for initialize */ test->mirror_symmetry_pass = ss->cache->mirror_symmetry_pass; if (rv3d->rflag & RV3D_CLIPPING) { test->clip_rv3d = rv3d; } else { test->clip_rv3d = NULL; } } BLI_INLINE bool sculpt_brush_test_clipping(const SculptBrushTest *test, const float co[3]) { RegionView3D *rv3d = test->clip_rv3d; if (!rv3d) { return false; } float symm_co[3]; flip_v3_v3(symm_co, co, test->mirror_symmetry_pass); return ED_view3d_clipping_test(rv3d, symm_co, true); } static bool sculpt_brush_test(SculptBrushTest *test, const float co[3]) { float distsq = len_squared_v3v3(co, test->location); if (distsq <= test->radius_squared) { if (sculpt_brush_test_clipping(test, co)) { return 0; } test->dist = sqrtf(distsq); return 1; } else { return 0; } } static bool sculpt_brush_test_sq(SculptBrushTest *test, const float co[3]) { float distsq = len_squared_v3v3(co, test->location); if (distsq <= test->radius_squared) { if (sculpt_brush_test_clipping(test, co)) { return 0; } test->dist = distsq; return 1; } else { return 0; } } static bool sculpt_brush_test_fast(const SculptBrushTest *test, const float co[3]) { if (sculpt_brush_test_clipping(test, co)) { return 0; } return len_squared_v3v3(co, test->location) <= test->radius_squared; } static bool sculpt_brush_test_cube(SculptBrushTest *test, const float co[3], float local[4][4]) { float side = M_SQRT1_2; float local_co[3]; if (sculpt_brush_test_clipping(test, co)) { return 0; } mul_v3_m4v3(local_co, local, co); local_co[0] = fabsf(local_co[0]); local_co[1] = fabsf(local_co[1]); local_co[2] = fabsf(local_co[2]); if (local_co[0] <= side && local_co[1] <= side && local_co[2] <= side) { float p = 4.0f; test->dist = ((powf(local_co[0], p) + powf(local_co[1], p) + powf(local_co[2], p)) / powf(side, p)); return 1; } else { return 0; } } static float frontface(Brush *br, const float sculpt_normal[3], const short no[3], const float fno[3]) { if (br->flag & BRUSH_FRONTFACE) { float dot; if (no) { float tmp[3]; normal_short_to_float_v3(tmp, no); dot = dot_v3v3(tmp, sculpt_normal); } else { dot = dot_v3v3(fno, sculpt_normal); } return dot > 0 ? dot : 0; } else { return 1; } } #if 0 static bool sculpt_brush_test_cyl(SculptBrushTest *test, float co[3], float location[3], const float area_no[3]) { if (sculpt_brush_test_fast(test, co)) { float t1[3], t2[3], t3[3], dist; sub_v3_v3v3(t1, location, co); sub_v3_v3v3(t2, x2, location); cross_v3_v3v3(t3, area_no, t1); dist = len_v3(t3) / len_v3(t2); test->dist = dist; return 1; } return 0; } #endif /* ===== Sculpting ===== * */ static void flip_v3(float v[3], const char symm) { flip_v3_v3(v, v, symm); } static float calc_overlap(StrokeCache *cache, const char symm, const char axis, const float angle) { float mirror[3]; float distsq; /* flip_v3_v3(mirror, cache->traced_location, symm); */ flip_v3_v3(mirror, cache->true_location, symm); if (axis != 0) { float mat[3][3]; axis_angle_to_mat3_single(mat, axis, angle); mul_m3_v3(mat, mirror); } /* distsq = len_squared_v3v3(mirror, cache->traced_location); */ distsq = len_squared_v3v3(mirror, cache->true_location); if (distsq <= 4.0f * (cache->radius_squared)) return (2.0f * (cache->radius) - sqrtf(distsq)) / (2.0f * (cache->radius)); else return 0; } static float calc_radial_symmetry_feather(Sculpt *sd, StrokeCache *cache, const char symm, const char axis) { int i; float overlap; overlap = 0; for (i = 1; i < sd->radial_symm[axis - 'X']; ++i) { const float angle = 2 * M_PI * i / sd->radial_symm[axis - 'X']; overlap += calc_overlap(cache, symm, axis, angle); } return overlap; } static float calc_symmetry_feather(Sculpt *sd, StrokeCache *cache) { if (sd->paint.symmetry_flags & PAINT_SYMMETRY_FEATHER) { float overlap; int symm = cache->symmetry; int i; overlap = 0; for (i = 0; i <= symm; i++) { if (i == 0 || (symm & i && (symm != 5 || i != 3) && (symm != 6 || (i != 3 && i != 5)))) { overlap += calc_overlap(cache, i, 0, 0); overlap += calc_radial_symmetry_feather(sd, cache, i, 'X'); overlap += calc_radial_symmetry_feather(sd, cache, i, 'Y'); overlap += calc_radial_symmetry_feather(sd, cache, i, 'Z'); } } return 1 / overlap; } else { return 1; } } /** \name Calculate Normal and Center * * Calculate geometry surrounding the brush center. * (optionally using original coordinates). * * Functions are: * - #calc_area_center * - #calc_area_normal * - #calc_area_normal_and_center * * \note These are all _very_ similar, when changing one, check others. * \{ */ static void calc_area_normal_and_center_task_cb(void *userdata, const int n) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; float (*area_nos)[3] = data->area_nos; float (*area_cos)[3] = data->area_cos; PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptBrushTest test; SculptUndoNode *unode; float private_co[2][3] = {{0.0f}}; float private_no[2][3] = {{0.0f}}; int private_count[2] = {0}; bool use_original; unode = sculpt_undo_push_node(data->ob, data->nodes[n], SCULPT_UNDO_COORDS); sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); use_original = (ss->cache->original && (unode->co || unode->bm_entry)); /* when the mesh is edited we can't rely on original coords * (original mesh may not even have verts in brush radius) */ if (use_original && data->has_bm_orco) { float (*orco_coords)[3]; int (*orco_tris)[3]; int orco_tris_num; int i; BKE_pbvh_node_get_bm_orco_data(data->nodes[n], &orco_tris, &orco_tris_num, &orco_coords); for (i = 0; i < orco_tris_num; i++) { const float *co_tri[3] = { orco_coords[orco_tris[i][0]], orco_coords[orco_tris[i][1]], orco_coords[orco_tris[i][2]], }; float co[3]; closest_on_tri_to_point_v3(co, test.location, UNPACK3(co_tri)); if (sculpt_brush_test_fast(&test, co)) { float no[3]; int flip_index; normal_tri_v3(no, UNPACK3(co_tri)); flip_index = (dot_v3v3(ss->cache->view_normal, no) <= 0.0f); if (area_cos) add_v3_v3(private_co[flip_index], co); if (area_nos) add_v3_v3(private_no[flip_index], no); private_count[flip_index] += 1; } } } else { BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { const float *co; const short *no_s; /* bm_vert only */ if (use_original) { if (unode->bm_entry) { BM_log_original_vert_data(ss->bm_log, vd.bm_vert, &co, &no_s); } else { co = unode->co[vd.i]; no_s = unode->no[vd.i]; } } else { co = vd.co; } if (sculpt_brush_test_fast(&test, co)) { float no_buf[3]; const float *no; int flip_index; if (use_original) { normal_short_to_float_v3(no_buf, no_s); no = no_buf; } else { if (vd.no) { normal_short_to_float_v3(no_buf, vd.no); no = no_buf; } else { no = vd.fno; } } flip_index = (dot_v3v3(ss->cache->view_normal, no) <= 0.0f); if (area_cos) add_v3_v3(private_co[flip_index], co); if (area_nos) add_v3_v3(private_no[flip_index], no); private_count[flip_index] += 1; } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } BLI_mutex_lock(&data->mutex); /* for flatten center */ if (area_cos) { add_v3_v3(area_cos[0], private_co[0]); add_v3_v3(area_cos[1], private_co[1]); } /* for area normal */ if (area_nos) { add_v3_v3(area_nos[0], private_no[0]); add_v3_v3(area_nos[1], private_no[1]); } /* weights */ data->count[0] += private_count[0]; data->count[1] += private_count[1]; BLI_mutex_unlock(&data->mutex); } static void calc_area_center( Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode, float r_area_co[3]) { const Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; const bool has_bm_orco = ss->bm && sculpt_stroke_is_dynamic_topology(ss, brush); int n; /* 0=towards view, 1=flipped */ float area_cos[2][3] = {{0.0f}}; int count[2] = {0}; SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .nodes = nodes, .totnode = totnode, .has_bm_orco = has_bm_orco, .area_cos = area_cos, .area_nos = NULL, .count = count, }; BLI_mutex_init(&data.mutex); BLI_task_parallel_range( 0, totnode, &data, calc_area_normal_and_center_task_cb, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT)); BLI_mutex_end(&data.mutex); /* for flatten center */ for (n = 0; n < ARRAY_SIZE(area_cos); n++) { if (count[n] != 0) { mul_v3_v3fl(r_area_co, area_cos[n], 1.0f / count[n]); break; } } if (n == 2) { zero_v3(r_area_co); } } static void calc_area_normal( Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode, float r_area_no[3]) { const Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; const bool has_bm_orco = ss->bm && sculpt_stroke_is_dynamic_topology(ss, brush); int n; /* 0=towards view, 1=flipped */ float area_nos[2][3] = {{0.0f}}; int count[2] = {0}; SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .nodes = nodes, .totnode = totnode, .has_bm_orco = has_bm_orco, .area_cos = NULL, .area_nos = area_nos, .count = count, }; BLI_mutex_init(&data.mutex); BLI_task_parallel_range( 0, totnode, &data, calc_area_normal_and_center_task_cb, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT)); BLI_mutex_end(&data.mutex); /* for area normal */ for (n = 0; n < ARRAY_SIZE(area_nos); n++) { if (normalize_v3_v3(r_area_no, area_nos[n]) != 0.0f) { break; } } } /* this calculates flatten center and area normal together, * amortizing the memory bandwidth and loop overhead to calculate both at the same time */ static void calc_area_normal_and_center( Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode, float r_area_no[3], float r_area_co[3]) { const Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; const bool has_bm_orco = ss->bm && sculpt_stroke_is_dynamic_topology(ss, brush); int n; /* 0=towards view, 1=flipped */ float area_cos[2][3] = {{0.0f}}; float area_nos[2][3] = {{0.0f}}; int count[2] = {0}; SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .nodes = nodes, .totnode = totnode, .has_bm_orco = has_bm_orco, .area_cos = area_cos, .area_nos = area_nos, .count = count, }; BLI_mutex_init(&data.mutex); BLI_task_parallel_range( 0, totnode, &data, calc_area_normal_and_center_task_cb, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT)); BLI_mutex_end(&data.mutex); /* for flatten center */ for (n = 0; n < ARRAY_SIZE(area_cos); n++) { if (count[n] != 0) { mul_v3_v3fl(r_area_co, area_cos[n], 1.0f / count[n]); break; } } if (n == 2) { zero_v3(r_area_co); } /* for area normal */ for (n = 0; n < ARRAY_SIZE(area_nos); n++) { if (normalize_v3_v3(r_area_no, area_nos[n]) != 0.0f) { break; } } } /** \} */ /* Return modified brush strength. Includes the direction of the brush, positive * values pull vertices, negative values push. Uses tablet pressure and a * special multiplier found experimentally to scale the strength factor. */ static float brush_strength( const Sculpt *sd, const StrokeCache *cache, const float feather, const UnifiedPaintSettings *ups) { const Scene *scene = cache->vc->scene; const Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush((Paint *)&sd->paint); /* Primary strength input; square it to make lower values more sensitive */ const float root_alpha = BKE_brush_alpha_get(scene, brush); float alpha = root_alpha * root_alpha; float dir = (brush->flag & BRUSH_DIR_IN) ? -1 : 1; float pressure = BKE_brush_use_alpha_pressure(scene, brush) ? cache->pressure : 1; float pen_flip = cache->pen_flip ? -1 : 1; float invert = cache->invert ? -1 : 1; float overlap = ups->overlap_factor; /* spacing is integer percentage of radius, divide by 50 to get * normalized diameter */ float flip = dir * invert * pen_flip; switch (brush->sculpt_tool) { case SCULPT_TOOL_CLAY: case SCULPT_TOOL_CLAY_STRIPS: case SCULPT_TOOL_DRAW: case SCULPT_TOOL_LAYER: return alpha * flip * pressure * overlap * feather; case SCULPT_TOOL_MASK: overlap = (1 + overlap) / 2; switch ((BrushMaskTool)brush->mask_tool) { case BRUSH_MASK_DRAW: return alpha * flip * pressure * overlap * feather; case BRUSH_MASK_SMOOTH: return alpha * pressure * feather; } case SCULPT_TOOL_CREASE: case SCULPT_TOOL_BLOB: return alpha * flip * pressure * overlap * feather; case SCULPT_TOOL_INFLATE: if (flip > 0) { return 0.250f * alpha * flip * pressure * overlap * feather; } else { return 0.125f * alpha * flip * pressure * overlap * feather; } case SCULPT_TOOL_FILL: case SCULPT_TOOL_SCRAPE: case SCULPT_TOOL_FLATTEN: if (flip > 0) { overlap = (1 + overlap) / 2; return alpha * flip * pressure * overlap * feather; } else { /* reduce strength for DEEPEN, PEAKS, and CONTRAST */ return 0.5f * alpha * flip * pressure * overlap * feather; } case SCULPT_TOOL_SMOOTH: return alpha * pressure * feather; case SCULPT_TOOL_PINCH: if (flip > 0) { return alpha * flip * pressure * overlap * feather; } else { return 0.25f * alpha * flip * pressure * overlap * feather; } case SCULPT_TOOL_NUDGE: overlap = (1 + overlap) / 2; return alpha * pressure * overlap * feather; case SCULPT_TOOL_THUMB: return alpha * pressure * feather; case SCULPT_TOOL_SNAKE_HOOK: return root_alpha * feather; case SCULPT_TOOL_GRAB: return root_alpha * feather; case SCULPT_TOOL_ROTATE: return alpha * pressure * feather; default: return 0; } } /* Return a multiplier for brush strength on a particular vertex. */ static float tex_strength(SculptSession *ss, Brush *br, const float brush_point[3], const float len, const short vno[3], const float fno[3], const float mask, const int thread_id) { StrokeCache *cache = ss->cache; const Scene *scene = cache->vc->scene; MTex *mtex = &br->mtex; float avg = 1; float rgba[4]; float point[3]; sub_v3_v3v3(point, brush_point, cache->plane_offset); if (!mtex->tex) { avg = 1; } else if (mtex->brush_map_mode == MTEX_MAP_MODE_3D) { /* Get strength by feeding the vertex * location directly into a texture */ avg = BKE_brush_sample_tex_3D(scene, br, point, rgba, 0, ss->tex_pool); } else if (ss->texcache) { float symm_point[3], point_2d[2]; float x = 0.0f, y = 0.0f; /* Quite warnings */ /* if the active area is being applied for symmetry, flip it * across the symmetry axis and rotate it back to the original * position in order to project it. This insures that the * brush texture will be oriented correctly. */ flip_v3_v3(symm_point, point, cache->mirror_symmetry_pass); if (cache->radial_symmetry_pass) mul_m4_v3(cache->symm_rot_mat_inv, symm_point); ED_view3d_project_float_v2_m4(cache->vc->ar, symm_point, point_2d, cache->projection_mat); /* still no symmetry supported for other paint modes. * Sculpt does it DIY */ if (mtex->brush_map_mode == MTEX_MAP_MODE_AREA) { /* Similar to fixed mode, but projects from brush angle * rather than view direction */ mul_m4_v3(cache->brush_local_mat, symm_point); x = symm_point[0]; y = symm_point[1]; x *= br->mtex.size[0]; y *= br->mtex.size[1]; x += br->mtex.ofs[0]; y += br->mtex.ofs[1]; avg = paint_get_tex_pixel(&br->mtex, x, y, ss->tex_pool, thread_id); avg += br->texture_sample_bias; } else { const float point_3d[3] = {point_2d[0], point_2d[1], 0.0f}; avg = BKE_brush_sample_tex_3D(scene, br, point_3d, rgba, 0, ss->tex_pool); } } /* Falloff curve */ avg *= BKE_brush_curve_strength(br, len, cache->radius); avg *= frontface(br, cache->view_normal, vno, fno); /* Paint mask */ avg *= 1.0f - mask; return avg; } typedef struct { Sculpt *sd; SculptSession *ss; float radius_squared; bool original; } SculptSearchSphereData; /* Test AABB against sphere */ static bool sculpt_search_sphere_cb(PBVHNode *node, void *data_v) { SculptSearchSphereData *data = data_v; float *center = data->ss->cache->location, nearest[3]; float t[3], bb_min[3], bb_max[3]; int i; if (data->original) BKE_pbvh_node_get_original_BB(node, bb_min, bb_max); else BKE_pbvh_node_get_BB(node, bb_min, bb_max); for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (bb_min[i] > center[i]) nearest[i] = bb_min[i]; else if (bb_max[i] < center[i]) nearest[i] = bb_max[i]; else nearest[i] = center[i]; } sub_v3_v3v3(t, center, nearest); return len_squared_v3(t) < data->radius_squared; } /* Handles clipping against a mirror modifier and SCULPT_LOCK axis flags */ static void sculpt_clip(Sculpt *sd, SculptSession *ss, float co[3], const float val[3]) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (sd->flags & (SCULPT_LOCK_X << i)) continue; if ((ss->cache->flag & (CLIP_X << i)) && (fabsf(co[i]) <= ss->cache->clip_tolerance[i])) co[i] = 0.0f; else co[i] = val[i]; } } /* Calculate primary direction of movement for many brushes */ static void calc_sculpt_normal( Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode, float r_area_no[3]) { const Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); const SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; switch (brush->sculpt_plane) { case SCULPT_DISP_DIR_VIEW: copy_v3_v3(r_area_no, ss->cache->true_view_normal); break; case SCULPT_DISP_DIR_X: ARRAY_SET_ITEMS(r_area_no, 1, 0, 0); break; case SCULPT_DISP_DIR_Y: ARRAY_SET_ITEMS(r_area_no, 0, 1, 0); break; case SCULPT_DISP_DIR_Z: ARRAY_SET_ITEMS(r_area_no, 0, 0, 1); break; case SCULPT_DISP_DIR_AREA: calc_area_normal(sd, ob, nodes, totnode, r_area_no); break; default: break; } } static void update_sculpt_normal(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { const Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); StrokeCache *cache = ob->sculpt->cache; if (cache->mirror_symmetry_pass == 0 && cache->radial_symmetry_pass == 0 && (cache->first_time || !(brush->flag & BRUSH_ORIGINAL_NORMAL))) { calc_sculpt_normal(sd, ob, nodes, totnode, cache->sculpt_normal); copy_v3_v3(cache->sculpt_normal_symm, cache->sculpt_normal); } else { copy_v3_v3(cache->sculpt_normal_symm, cache->sculpt_normal); flip_v3(cache->sculpt_normal_symm, cache->mirror_symmetry_pass); mul_m4_v3(cache->symm_rot_mat, cache->sculpt_normal_symm); } } static void calc_local_y(ViewContext *vc, const float center[3], float y[3]) { Object *ob = vc->obact; float loc[3], mval_f[2] = {0.0f, 1.0f}; float zfac; mul_v3_m4v3(loc, ob->imat, center); zfac = ED_view3d_calc_zfac(vc->rv3d, loc, NULL); ED_view3d_win_to_delta(vc->ar, mval_f, y, zfac); normalize_v3(y); add_v3_v3(y, ob->loc); mul_m4_v3(ob->imat, y); } static void calc_brush_local_mat(const Brush *brush, Object *ob, float local_mat[4][4]) { const StrokeCache *cache = ob->sculpt->cache; float tmat[4][4]; float mat[4][4]; float scale[4][4]; float angle, v[3]; float up[3]; /* Ensure ob->imat is up to date */ invert_m4_m4(ob->imat, ob->obmat); /* Initialize last column of matrix */ mat[0][3] = 0; mat[1][3] = 0; mat[2][3] = 0; mat[3][3] = 1; /* Get view's up vector in object-space */ calc_local_y(cache->vc, cache->location, up); /* Calculate the X axis of the local matrix */ cross_v3_v3v3(v, up, cache->sculpt_normal); /* Apply rotation (user angle, rake, etc.) to X axis */ angle = brush->mtex.rot - cache->special_rotation; rotate_v3_v3v3fl(mat[0], v, cache->sculpt_normal, angle); /* Get other axes */ cross_v3_v3v3(mat[1], cache->sculpt_normal, mat[0]); copy_v3_v3(mat[2], cache->sculpt_normal); /* Set location */ copy_v3_v3(mat[3], cache->location); /* Scale by brush radius */ normalize_m4(mat); scale_m4_fl(scale, cache->radius); mul_m4_m4m4(tmat, mat, scale); /* Return inverse (for converting from modelspace coords to local * area coords) */ invert_m4_m4(local_mat, tmat); } static void update_brush_local_mat(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob) { StrokeCache *cache = ob->sculpt->cache; if (cache->mirror_symmetry_pass == 0 && cache->radial_symmetry_pass == 0) { calc_brush_local_mat(BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint), ob, cache->brush_local_mat); } } /* For the smooth brush, uses the neighboring vertices around vert to calculate * a smoothed location for vert. Skips corner vertices (used by only one * polygon.) */ static void neighbor_average(SculptSession *ss, float avg[3], unsigned vert) { const MeshElemMap *vert_map = &ss->pmap[vert]; const MVert *mvert = ss->mvert; float (*deform_co)[3] = ss->deform_cos; /* Don't modify corner vertices */ if (vert_map->count > 1) { int i, total = 0; zero_v3(avg); for (i = 0; i < vert_map->count; i++) { const MPoly *p = &ss->mpoly[vert_map->indices[i]]; unsigned f_adj_v[2]; if (poly_get_adj_loops_from_vert(p, ss->mloop, vert, f_adj_v) != -1) { int j; for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(f_adj_v); j += 1) { if (vert_map->count != 2 || ss->pmap[f_adj_v[j]].count <= 2) { add_v3_v3(avg, deform_co ? deform_co[f_adj_v[j]] : mvert[f_adj_v[j]].co); total++; } } } } if (total > 0) { mul_v3_fl(avg, 1.0f / total); return; } } copy_v3_v3(avg, deform_co ? deform_co[vert] : mvert[vert].co); } /* Similar to neighbor_average(), but returns an averaged mask value * instead of coordinate. Also does not restrict based on border or * corner vertices. */ static float neighbor_average_mask(SculptSession *ss, unsigned vert) { const float *vmask = ss->vmask; float avg = 0; int i, total = 0; for (i = 0; i < ss->pmap[vert].count; i++) { const MPoly *p = &ss->mpoly[ss->pmap[vert].indices[i]]; unsigned f_adj_v[2]; if (poly_get_adj_loops_from_vert(p, ss->mloop, vert, f_adj_v) != -1) { int j; for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(f_adj_v); j += 1) { avg += vmask[f_adj_v[j]]; total++; } } } if (total > 0) return avg / (float)total; else return vmask[vert]; } /* Same logic as neighbor_average(), but for bmesh rather than mesh */ static void bmesh_neighbor_average(float avg[3], BMVert *v) { /* logic for 3 or more is identical */ const int vfcount = BM_vert_face_count_ex(v, 3); /* Don't modify corner vertices */ if (vfcount > 1) { BMIter liter; BMLoop *l; int i, total = 0; zero_v3(avg); BM_ITER_ELEM (l, &liter, v, BM_LOOPS_OF_VERT) { const BMVert *adj_v[2] = {l->prev->v, l->next->v}; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(adj_v); i++) { const BMVert *v_other = adj_v[i]; if (vfcount != 2 || BM_vert_face_count_ex(v_other, 2) <= 2) { add_v3_v3(avg, v_other->co); total++; } } } if (total > 0) { mul_v3_fl(avg, 1.0f / total); return; } } copy_v3_v3(avg, v->co); } /* Same logic as neighbor_average_mask(), but for bmesh rather than mesh */ static float bmesh_neighbor_average_mask(BMVert *v, const int cd_vert_mask_offset) { BMIter liter; BMLoop *l; float avg = 0; int i, total = 0; BM_ITER_ELEM (l, &liter, v, BM_LOOPS_OF_VERT) { /* skip this vertex */ const BMVert *adj_v[2] = {l->prev->v, l->next->v}; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(adj_v); i++) { const BMVert *v_other = adj_v[i]; const float *vmask = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(v_other, cd_vert_mask_offset); avg += (*vmask); total++; } } if (total > 0) { return avg / (float)total; } else { const float *vmask = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(v, cd_vert_mask_offset); return (*vmask); } } /* Note: uses after-struct allocated mem to store actual cache... */ typedef struct SculptDoBrushSmoothGridDataChunk { size_t tmpgrid_size; } SculptDoBrushSmoothGridDataChunk; static void do_smooth_brush_mesh_task_cb_ex( void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int thread_id) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Sculpt *sd = data->sd; Brush *brush = data->brush; const bool smooth_mask = data->smooth_mask; float bstrength = data->strength; PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptBrushTest test; CLAMP(bstrength, 0.0f, 1.0f); sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { if (sculpt_brush_test(&test, vd.co)) { const float fade = bstrength * tex_strength( ss, brush, vd.co, test.dist, vd.no, vd.fno, smooth_mask ? 0.0f : (vd.mask ? *vd.mask : 0.0f), thread_id); if (smooth_mask) { float val = neighbor_average_mask(ss, vd.vert_indices[vd.i]) - *vd.mask; val *= fade * bstrength; *vd.mask += val; CLAMP(*vd.mask, 0.0f, 1.0f); } else { float avg[3], val[3]; neighbor_average(ss, avg, vd.vert_indices[vd.i]); sub_v3_v3v3(val, avg, vd.co); madd_v3_v3v3fl(val, vd.co, val, fade); sculpt_clip(sd, ss, vd.co, val); } if (vd.mvert) vd.mvert->flag |= ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE; } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } static void do_smooth_brush_bmesh_task_cb_ex( void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int thread_id) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Sculpt *sd = data->sd; Brush *brush = data->brush; const bool smooth_mask = data->smooth_mask; float bstrength = data->strength; PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptBrushTest test; CLAMP(bstrength, 0.0f, 1.0f); sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { if (sculpt_brush_test(&test, vd.co)) { const float fade = bstrength * tex_strength( ss, brush, vd.co, test.dist, vd.no, vd.fno, smooth_mask ? 0.0f : *vd.mask, thread_id); if (smooth_mask) { float val = bmesh_neighbor_average_mask(vd.bm_vert, vd.cd_vert_mask_offset) - *vd.mask; val *= fade * bstrength; *vd.mask += val; CLAMP(*vd.mask, 0.0f, 1.0f); } else { float avg[3], val[3]; bmesh_neighbor_average(avg, vd.bm_vert); sub_v3_v3v3(val, avg, vd.co); madd_v3_v3v3fl(val, vd.co, val, fade); sculpt_clip(sd, ss, vd.co, val); } if (vd.mvert) vd.mvert->flag |= ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE; } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } static void do_smooth_brush_multires_task_cb_ex( void *userdata, void *userdata_chunk, const int n, const int thread_id) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptDoBrushSmoothGridDataChunk *data_chunk = userdata_chunk; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Sculpt *sd = data->sd; Brush *brush = data->brush; const bool smooth_mask = data->smooth_mask; float bstrength = data->strength; SculptBrushTest test; CCGElem **griddata, *gddata; CCGKey key; float (*tmpgrid_co)[3] = NULL; float tmprow_co[2][3]; float *tmpgrid_mask = NULL; float tmprow_mask[2]; BLI_bitmap * const *grid_hidden; int *grid_indices, totgrid, gridsize; int i, x, y; sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); CLAMP(bstrength, 0.0f, 1.0f); BKE_pbvh_node_get_grids(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], &grid_indices, &totgrid, NULL, &gridsize, &griddata); BKE_pbvh_get_grid_key(ss->pbvh, &key); grid_hidden = BKE_pbvh_grid_hidden(ss->pbvh); if (smooth_mask) tmpgrid_mask = (void *)(data_chunk + 1); else tmpgrid_co = (void *)(data_chunk + 1); for (i = 0; i < totgrid; i++) { int gi = grid_indices[i]; const BLI_bitmap *gh = grid_hidden[gi]; gddata = griddata[gi]; if (smooth_mask) memset(tmpgrid_mask, 0, data_chunk->tmpgrid_size); else memset(tmpgrid_co, 0, data_chunk->tmpgrid_size); for (y = 0; y < gridsize - 1; y++) { const int v = y * gridsize; if (smooth_mask) { tmprow_mask[0] = (*CCG_elem_offset_mask(&key, gddata, v) + *CCG_elem_offset_mask(&key, gddata, v + gridsize)); } else { add_v3_v3v3(tmprow_co[0], CCG_elem_offset_co(&key, gddata, v), CCG_elem_offset_co(&key, gddata, v + gridsize)); } for (x = 0; x < gridsize - 1; x++) { const int v1 = x + y * gridsize; const int v2 = v1 + 1; const int v3 = v1 + gridsize; const int v4 = v3 + 1; if (smooth_mask) { float tmp; tmprow_mask[(x + 1) % 2] = (*CCG_elem_offset_mask(&key, gddata, v2) + *CCG_elem_offset_mask(&key, gddata, v4)); tmp = tmprow_mask[(x + 1) % 2] + tmprow_mask[x % 2]; tmpgrid_mask[v1] += tmp; tmpgrid_mask[v2] += tmp; tmpgrid_mask[v3] += tmp; tmpgrid_mask[v4] += tmp; } else { float tmp[3]; add_v3_v3v3(tmprow_co[(x + 1) % 2], CCG_elem_offset_co(&key, gddata, v2), CCG_elem_offset_co(&key, gddata, v4)); add_v3_v3v3(tmp, tmprow_co[(x + 1) % 2], tmprow_co[x % 2]); add_v3_v3(tmpgrid_co[v1], tmp); add_v3_v3(tmpgrid_co[v2], tmp); add_v3_v3(tmpgrid_co[v3], tmp); add_v3_v3(tmpgrid_co[v4], tmp); } } } /* blend with existing coordinates */ for (y = 0; y < gridsize; y++) { for (x = 0; x < gridsize; x++) { float *co; const float *fno; float *mask; const int index = y * gridsize + x; if (gh) { if (BLI_BITMAP_TEST(gh, index)) continue; } co = CCG_elem_offset_co(&key, gddata, index); fno = CCG_elem_offset_no(&key, gddata, index); mask = CCG_elem_offset_mask(&key, gddata, index); if (sculpt_brush_test(&test, co)) { const float strength_mask = (smooth_mask ? 0.0f : *mask); const float fade = bstrength * tex_strength( ss, brush, co, test.dist, NULL, fno, strength_mask, thread_id); float f = 1.0f / 16.0f; if (x == 0 || x == gridsize - 1) f *= 2.0f; if (y == 0 || y == gridsize - 1) f *= 2.0f; if (smooth_mask) { *mask += ((tmpgrid_mask[index] * f) - *mask) * fade; } else { float *avg = tmpgrid_co[index]; float val[3]; mul_v3_fl(avg, f); sub_v3_v3v3(val, avg, co); madd_v3_v3v3fl(val, co, val, fade); sculpt_clip(sd, ss, co, val); } } } } } } static void smooth( Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, const int totnode, float bstrength, const bool smooth_mask) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); const int max_iterations = 4; const float fract = 1.0f / max_iterations; PBVHType type = BKE_pbvh_type(ss->pbvh); int iteration, count; float last; CLAMP(bstrength, 0.0f, 1.0f); count = (int)(bstrength * max_iterations); last = max_iterations * (bstrength - count * fract); if (type == PBVH_FACES && !ss->pmap) { BLI_assert(!"sculpt smooth: pmap missing"); return; } set_adaptive_space_factor(sd); for (iteration = 0; iteration <= count; ++iteration) { const float strength = (iteration != count) ? 1.0f : last; SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, .smooth_mask = smooth_mask, .strength = strength, }; switch (type) { case PBVH_GRIDS: { int gridsize; size_t size; SculptDoBrushSmoothGridDataChunk *data_chunk; BKE_pbvh_node_get_grids(ss->pbvh, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &gridsize, NULL); size = (size_t)gridsize; size = sizeof(float) * size * size * (smooth_mask ? 1 : 3); data_chunk = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*data_chunk) + size, __func__); data_chunk->tmpgrid_size = size; size += sizeof(*data_chunk); BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, data_chunk, size, do_smooth_brush_multires_task_cb_ex, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); MEM_freeN(data_chunk); break; } case PBVH_FACES: BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, NULL, 0, do_smooth_brush_mesh_task_cb_ex, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); break; case PBVH_BMESH: BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, NULL, 0, do_smooth_brush_bmesh_task_cb_ex, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); break; } if (ss->multires) multires_stitch_grids(ob); } } static void do_smooth_brush(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; smooth(sd, ob, nodes, totnode, ss->cache->bstrength, false); } static void do_mask_brush_draw_task_cb_ex( void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int thread_id) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = data->brush; const float bstrength = ss->cache->bstrength; PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptBrushTest test; sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { if (sculpt_brush_test(&test, vd.co)) { const float fade = tex_strength(ss, brush, vd.co, test.dist, vd.no, vd.fno, 0.0f, thread_id); (*vd.mask) += fade * bstrength; CLAMP(*vd.mask, 0, 1); if (vd.mvert) vd.mvert->flag |= ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE; } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } } static void do_mask_brush_draw(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); set_adaptive_space_factor(sd); /* threaded loop over nodes */ SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, }; BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, NULL, 0, do_mask_brush_draw_task_cb_ex, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); } static void do_mask_brush(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); switch ((BrushMaskTool)brush->mask_tool) { case BRUSH_MASK_DRAW: do_mask_brush_draw(sd, ob, nodes, totnode); break; case BRUSH_MASK_SMOOTH: smooth(sd, ob, nodes, totnode, ss->cache->bstrength, true); break; } } static void do_draw_brush_task_cb_ex( void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int thread_id) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = data->brush; const float *offset = data->offset; PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptBrushTest test; float (*proxy)[3]; proxy = BKE_pbvh_node_add_proxy(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n])->co; sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { if (sculpt_brush_test(&test, vd.co)) { /* offset vertex */ const float fade = tex_strength( ss, brush, vd.co, test.dist, vd.no, vd.fno, vd.mask ? *vd.mask : 0.0f, thread_id); mul_v3_v3fl(proxy[vd.i], offset, fade); if (vd.mvert) vd.mvert->flag |= ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE; } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } static void do_draw_brush(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); float offset[3]; const float bstrength = ss->cache->bstrength; /* offset with as much as possible factored in already */ mul_v3_v3fl(offset, ss->cache->sculpt_normal_symm, ss->cache->radius); mul_v3_v3(offset, ss->cache->scale); mul_v3_fl(offset, bstrength); set_adaptive_space_factor(sd); /* threaded loop over nodes */ SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, .offset = offset, }; BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, NULL, 0, do_draw_brush_task_cb_ex, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); } static void do_crease_brush_task_cb_ex( void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int thread_id) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = data->brush; SculptProjectVector *spvc = data->spvc; const float flippedbstrength = data->flippedbstrength; const float *offset = data->offset; PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptBrushTest test; float (*proxy)[3]; proxy = BKE_pbvh_node_add_proxy(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n])->co; sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { if (sculpt_brush_test(&test, vd.co)) { /* offset vertex */ const float fade = tex_strength( ss, brush, vd.co, test.dist, vd.no, vd.fno, vd.mask ? *vd.mask : 0.0f, thread_id); float val1[3]; float val2[3]; /* first we pinch */ sub_v3_v3v3(val1, test.location, vd.co); mul_v3_fl(val1, fade * flippedbstrength); sculpt_project_v3(spvc, val1, val1); /* then we draw */ mul_v3_v3fl(val2, offset, fade); add_v3_v3v3(proxy[vd.i], val1, val2); if (vd.mvert) vd.mvert->flag |= ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE; } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } static void do_crease_brush(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; const Scene *scene = ss->cache->vc->scene; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); float offset[3]; float bstrength = ss->cache->bstrength; float flippedbstrength, crease_correction; float brush_alpha; SculptProjectVector spvc; /* offset with as much as possible factored in already */ mul_v3_v3fl(offset, ss->cache->sculpt_normal_symm, ss->cache->radius); mul_v3_v3(offset, ss->cache->scale); mul_v3_fl(offset, bstrength); /* we divide out the squared alpha and multiply by the squared crease to give us the pinch strength */ crease_correction = brush->crease_pinch_factor * brush->crease_pinch_factor; brush_alpha = BKE_brush_alpha_get(scene, brush); if (brush_alpha > 0.0f) crease_correction /= brush_alpha * brush_alpha; /* we always want crease to pinch or blob to relax even when draw is negative */ flippedbstrength = (bstrength < 0) ? -crease_correction * bstrength : crease_correction * bstrength; if (brush->sculpt_tool == SCULPT_TOOL_BLOB) flippedbstrength *= -1.0f; /* Use surface normal for 'spvc', so the vertices are pinched towards a line instead of a single point. * Without this we get a 'flat' surface surrounding the pinch */ sculpt_project_v3_cache_init(&spvc, ss->cache->sculpt_normal_symm); set_adaptive_space_factor(sd); /* threaded loop over nodes */ SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, .spvc = &spvc, .offset = offset, .flippedbstrength = flippedbstrength, }; BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, NULL, 0, do_crease_brush_task_cb_ex, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); } static void do_pinch_brush_task_cb_ex( void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int thread_id) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = data->brush; PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptBrushTest test; float (*proxy)[3]; const float bstrength = ss->cache->bstrength; proxy = BKE_pbvh_node_add_proxy(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n])->co; sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { if (sculpt_brush_test(&test, vd.co)) { const float fade = bstrength * tex_strength( ss, brush, vd.co, test.dist, vd.no, vd.fno, vd.mask ? *vd.mask : 0.0f, thread_id); float val[3]; sub_v3_v3v3(val, test.location, vd.co); mul_v3_v3fl(proxy[vd.i], val, fade); if (vd.mvert) vd.mvert->flag |= ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE; } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } static void do_pinch_brush(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); set_adaptive_space_factor(sd); SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, }; BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, NULL, 0, do_pinch_brush_task_cb_ex, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); } static void do_grab_brush_task_cb_ex( void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int thread_id) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = data->brush; const float *grab_delta = data->grab_delta; PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptBrushTest test; SculptOrigVertData orig_data; float (*proxy)[3]; const float bstrength = ss->cache->bstrength; sculpt_orig_vert_data_init(&orig_data, data->ob, data->nodes[n]); proxy = BKE_pbvh_node_add_proxy(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n])->co; sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { sculpt_orig_vert_data_update(&orig_data, &vd); if (sculpt_brush_test(&test, orig_data.co)) { const float fade = bstrength * tex_strength( ss, brush, orig_data.co, test.dist, orig_data.no, NULL, vd.mask ? *vd.mask : 0.0f, thread_id); mul_v3_v3fl(proxy[vd.i], grab_delta, fade); if (vd.mvert) vd.mvert->flag |= ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE; } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } static void do_grab_brush(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); float grab_delta[3]; copy_v3_v3(grab_delta, ss->cache->grab_delta_symmetry); if (ss->cache->normal_weight > 0.0f) { sculpt_project_v3_normal_align(ss, ss->cache->normal_weight, grab_delta); } set_adaptive_space_factor(sd); SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, .grab_delta = grab_delta, }; BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, NULL, 0, do_grab_brush_task_cb_ex, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); } static void do_nudge_brush_task_cb_ex( void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int thread_id) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = data->brush; const float *cono = data->cono; PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptBrushTest test; float (*proxy)[3]; const float bstrength = ss->cache->bstrength; proxy = BKE_pbvh_node_add_proxy(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n])->co; sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { if (sculpt_brush_test(&test, vd.co)) { const float fade = bstrength * tex_strength( ss, brush, vd.co, test.dist, vd.no, vd.fno, vd.mask ? *vd.mask : 0.0f, thread_id); mul_v3_v3fl(proxy[vd.i], cono, fade); if (vd.mvert) vd.mvert->flag |= ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE; } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } static void do_nudge_brush(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); float grab_delta[3]; float tmp[3], cono[3]; copy_v3_v3(grab_delta, ss->cache->grab_delta_symmetry); cross_v3_v3v3(tmp, ss->cache->sculpt_normal_symm, grab_delta); cross_v3_v3v3(cono, tmp, ss->cache->sculpt_normal_symm); set_adaptive_space_factor(sd); SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, .cono = cono, }; BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, NULL, 0, do_nudge_brush_task_cb_ex, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); } static void do_snake_hook_brush_task_cb_ex( void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int thread_id) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = data->brush; SculptProjectVector *spvc = data->spvc; const float *grab_delta = data->grab_delta; PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptBrushTest test; float (*proxy)[3]; const float bstrength = ss->cache->bstrength; const bool do_rake_rotation = ss->cache->is_rake_rotation_valid; const bool do_pinch = (brush->crease_pinch_factor != 0.5f); const float pinch = do_pinch ? (2.0f * (0.5f - brush->crease_pinch_factor) * (len_v3(grab_delta) / ss->cache->radius)) : 0.0f; proxy = BKE_pbvh_node_add_proxy(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n])->co; sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { if (sculpt_brush_test(&test, vd.co)) { const float fade = bstrength * tex_strength( ss, brush, vd.co, test.dist, vd.no, vd.fno, vd.mask ? *vd.mask : 0.0f, thread_id); mul_v3_v3fl(proxy[vd.i], grab_delta, fade); /* negative pinch will inflate, helps maintain volume */ if (do_pinch) { float delta_pinch_init[3], delta_pinch[3]; sub_v3_v3v3(delta_pinch, vd.co, test.location); /* important to calculate based on the grabbed location (intentionally ignore fade here). */ add_v3_v3(delta_pinch, grab_delta); sculpt_project_v3(spvc, delta_pinch, delta_pinch); copy_v3_v3(delta_pinch_init, delta_pinch); float pinch_fade = pinch * fade; /* when reducing, scale reduction back by how close to the center we are, * so we don't pinch into nothingness */ if (pinch > 0.0f) { /* square to have even less impact for close vertices */ pinch_fade *= pow2f(min_ff(1.0f, len_v3(delta_pinch) / ss->cache->radius)); } mul_v3_fl(delta_pinch, 1.0f + pinch_fade); sub_v3_v3v3(delta_pinch, delta_pinch_init, delta_pinch); add_v3_v3(proxy[vd.i], delta_pinch); } if (do_rake_rotation) { float delta_rotate[3]; sculpt_rake_rotate(ss, test.location, vd.co, fade, delta_rotate); add_v3_v3(proxy[vd.i], delta_rotate); } if (vd.mvert) vd.mvert->flag |= ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE; } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } static void do_snake_hook_brush(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); const float bstrength = ss->cache->bstrength; float grab_delta[3]; SculptProjectVector spvc; copy_v3_v3(grab_delta, ss->cache->grab_delta_symmetry); if (bstrength < 0) negate_v3(grab_delta); if (ss->cache->normal_weight > 0.0f) { sculpt_project_v3_normal_align(ss, ss->cache->normal_weight, grab_delta); } /* optionally pinch while painting */ if (brush->crease_pinch_factor != 0.5f) { sculpt_project_v3_cache_init(&spvc, grab_delta); } set_adaptive_space_factor(sd); SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, .spvc = &spvc, .grab_delta = grab_delta, }; BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, NULL, 0, do_snake_hook_brush_task_cb_ex, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); } static void do_thumb_brush_task_cb_ex( void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int thread_id) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = data->brush; const float *cono = data->cono; PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptBrushTest test; SculptOrigVertData orig_data; float (*proxy)[3]; const float bstrength = ss->cache->bstrength; sculpt_orig_vert_data_init(&orig_data, data->ob, data->nodes[n]); proxy = BKE_pbvh_node_add_proxy(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n])->co; sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { sculpt_orig_vert_data_update(&orig_data, &vd); if (sculpt_brush_test(&test, orig_data.co)) { const float fade = bstrength * tex_strength( ss, brush, orig_data.co, test.dist, orig_data.no, NULL, vd.mask ? *vd.mask : 0.0f, thread_id); mul_v3_v3fl(proxy[vd.i], cono, fade); if (vd.mvert) vd.mvert->flag |= ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE; } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } static void do_thumb_brush(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); float grab_delta[3]; float tmp[3], cono[3]; copy_v3_v3(grab_delta, ss->cache->grab_delta_symmetry); cross_v3_v3v3(tmp, ss->cache->sculpt_normal_symm, grab_delta); cross_v3_v3v3(cono, tmp, ss->cache->sculpt_normal_symm); set_adaptive_space_factor(sd); SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, .cono = cono, }; BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, NULL, 0, do_thumb_brush_task_cb_ex, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); } static void do_rotate_brush_task_cb_ex( void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int thread_id) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = data->brush; const float angle = data->angle; PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptBrushTest test; SculptOrigVertData orig_data; float (*proxy)[3]; const float bstrength = ss->cache->bstrength; sculpt_orig_vert_data_init(&orig_data, data->ob, data->nodes[n]); proxy = BKE_pbvh_node_add_proxy(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n])->co; sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { sculpt_orig_vert_data_update(&orig_data, &vd); if (sculpt_brush_test(&test, orig_data.co)) { float vec[3], rot[3][3]; const float fade = bstrength * tex_strength( ss, brush, orig_data.co, test.dist, orig_data.no, NULL, vd.mask ? *vd.mask : 0.0f, thread_id); sub_v3_v3v3(vec, orig_data.co, ss->cache->location); axis_angle_normalized_to_mat3(rot, ss->cache->sculpt_normal_symm, angle * fade); mul_v3_m3v3(proxy[vd.i], rot, vec); add_v3_v3(proxy[vd.i], ss->cache->location); sub_v3_v3(proxy[vd.i], orig_data.co); if (vd.mvert) vd.mvert->flag |= ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE; } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } static void do_rotate_brush(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); static const int flip[8] = { 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1 }; const float angle = ss->cache->vertex_rotation * flip[ss->cache->mirror_symmetry_pass]; set_adaptive_space_factor(sd); SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, .angle = angle, }; BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, NULL, 0, do_rotate_brush_task_cb_ex, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); } static void do_layer_brush_task_cb_ex( void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int thread_id) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Sculpt *sd = data->sd; Brush *brush = data->brush; const float *offset = data->offset; PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptBrushTest test; SculptOrigVertData orig_data; float *layer_disp; const float bstrength = ss->cache->bstrength; const float lim = (bstrength < 0) ? -data->brush->height : data->brush->height; /* XXX: layer brush needs conversion to proxy but its more complicated */ /* proxy = BKE_pbvh_node_add_proxy(ss->pbvh, nodes[n])->co; */ sculpt_orig_vert_data_init(&orig_data, data->ob, data->nodes[n]); /* Why does this have to be thread-protected? */ BLI_mutex_lock(&data->mutex); layer_disp = BKE_pbvh_node_layer_disp_get(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n]); BLI_mutex_unlock(&data->mutex); sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { sculpt_orig_vert_data_update(&orig_data, &vd); if (sculpt_brush_test(&test, orig_data.co)) { const float fade = bstrength * tex_strength( ss, brush, vd.co, test.dist, vd.no, vd.fno, vd.mask ? *vd.mask : 0.0f, thread_id); float *disp = &layer_disp[vd.i]; float val[3]; *disp += fade; /* Don't let the displacement go past the limit */ if ((lim < 0.0f && *disp < lim) || (lim >= 0.0f && *disp > lim)) *disp = lim; mul_v3_v3fl(val, offset, *disp); if (!ss->multires && !ss->bm && ss->layer_co && (brush->flag & BRUSH_PERSISTENT)) { int index = vd.vert_indices[vd.i]; /* persistent base */ add_v3_v3(val, ss->layer_co[index]); } else { add_v3_v3(val, orig_data.co); } sculpt_clip(sd, ss, vd.co, val); if (vd.mvert) vd.mvert->flag |= ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE; } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } static void do_layer_brush(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); float offset[3]; mul_v3_v3v3(offset, ss->cache->scale, ss->cache->sculpt_normal_symm); set_adaptive_space_factor(sd); SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, .offset = offset, }; BLI_mutex_init(&data.mutex); BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, NULL, 0, do_layer_brush_task_cb_ex, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); BLI_mutex_end(&data.mutex); } static void do_inflate_brush_task_cb_ex( void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int thread_id) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = data->brush; PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptBrushTest test; float (*proxy)[3]; const float bstrength = ss->cache->bstrength; proxy = BKE_pbvh_node_add_proxy(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n])->co; sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { if (sculpt_brush_test(&test, vd.co)) { const float fade = bstrength * tex_strength( ss, brush, vd.co, test.dist, vd.no, vd.fno, vd.mask ? *vd.mask : 0.0f, thread_id); float val[3]; if (vd.fno) copy_v3_v3(val, vd.fno); else normal_short_to_float_v3(val, vd.no); mul_v3_fl(val, fade * ss->cache->radius); mul_v3_v3v3(proxy[vd.i], val, ss->cache->scale); if (vd.mvert) vd.mvert->flag |= ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE; } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } static void do_inflate_brush(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); set_adaptive_space_factor(sd); SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, }; BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, NULL, 0, do_inflate_brush_task_cb_ex, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); } static void calc_sculpt_plane( Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode, float r_area_no[3], float r_area_co[3]) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); if (ss->cache->mirror_symmetry_pass == 0 && ss->cache->radial_symmetry_pass == 0 && ss->cache->tile_pass == 0 && (ss->cache->first_time || !(brush->flag & BRUSH_ORIGINAL_NORMAL))) { switch (brush->sculpt_plane) { case SCULPT_DISP_DIR_VIEW: copy_v3_v3(r_area_no, ss->cache->true_view_normal); break; case SCULPT_DISP_DIR_X: ARRAY_SET_ITEMS(r_area_no, 1, 0, 0); break; case SCULPT_DISP_DIR_Y: ARRAY_SET_ITEMS(r_area_no, 0, 1, 0); break; case SCULPT_DISP_DIR_Z: ARRAY_SET_ITEMS(r_area_no, 0, 0, 1); break; case SCULPT_DISP_DIR_AREA: calc_area_normal_and_center(sd, ob, nodes, totnode, r_area_no, r_area_co); break; default: break; } /* for flatten center */ /* flatten center has not been calculated yet if we are not using the area normal */ if (brush->sculpt_plane != SCULPT_DISP_DIR_AREA) calc_area_center(sd, ob, nodes, totnode, r_area_co); /* for area normal */ copy_v3_v3(ss->cache->sculpt_normal, r_area_no); /* for flatten center */ copy_v3_v3(ss->cache->last_center, r_area_co); } else { /* for area normal */ copy_v3_v3(r_area_no, ss->cache->sculpt_normal); /* for flatten center */ copy_v3_v3(r_area_co, ss->cache->last_center); /* for area normal */ flip_v3(r_area_no, ss->cache->mirror_symmetry_pass); /* for flatten center */ flip_v3(r_area_co, ss->cache->mirror_symmetry_pass); /* for area normal */ mul_m4_v3(ss->cache->symm_rot_mat, r_area_no); /* for flatten center */ mul_m4_v3(ss->cache->symm_rot_mat, r_area_co); /* shift the plane for the current tile */ add_v3_v3(r_area_co, ss->cache->plane_offset); } } /* Projects a point onto a plane along the plane's normal */ static void point_plane_project( float intr[3], const float co[3], const float plane_normal[3], const float plane_center[3]) { sub_v3_v3v3(intr, co, plane_center); mul_v3_v3fl(intr, plane_normal, dot_v3v3(plane_normal, intr)); sub_v3_v3v3(intr, co, intr); } static int plane_trim(const StrokeCache *cache, const Brush *brush, const float val[3]) { return (!(brush->flag & BRUSH_PLANE_TRIM) || ((dot_v3v3(val, val) <= cache->radius_squared * cache->plane_trim_squared))); } static bool plane_point_side_flip( const float co[3], const float plane_normal[3], const float plane_center[3], const bool flip) { float delta[3]; float d; sub_v3_v3v3(delta, co, plane_center); d = dot_v3v3(plane_normal, delta); if (flip) d = -d; return d <= 0.0f; } static int plane_point_side(const float co[3], const float plane_normal[3], const float plane_center[3]) { float delta[3]; sub_v3_v3v3(delta, co, plane_center); return dot_v3v3(plane_normal, delta) <= 0.0f; } static float get_offset(Sculpt *sd, SculptSession *ss) { Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); float rv = brush->plane_offset; if (brush->flag & BRUSH_OFFSET_PRESSURE) { rv *= ss->cache->pressure; } return rv; } static void do_flatten_brush_task_cb_ex( void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int thread_id) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = data->brush; const float *area_no = data->area_no; const float *area_co = data->area_co; PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptBrushTest test; float (*proxy)[3]; const float bstrength = ss->cache->bstrength; proxy = BKE_pbvh_node_add_proxy(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n])->co; sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { if (sculpt_brush_test_sq(&test, vd.co)) { float intr[3]; float val[3]; point_plane_project(intr, vd.co, area_no, area_co); sub_v3_v3v3(val, intr, vd.co); if (plane_trim(ss->cache, brush, val)) { const float fade = bstrength * tex_strength( ss, brush, vd.co, sqrtf(test.dist), vd.no, vd.fno, vd.mask ? *vd.mask : 0.0f, thread_id); mul_v3_v3fl(proxy[vd.i], val, fade); if (vd.mvert) vd.mvert->flag |= ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE; } } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } static void do_flatten_brush(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); const float radius = ss->cache->radius; float area_no[3]; float area_co[3]; float offset = get_offset(sd, ss); float displace; float temp[3]; calc_sculpt_plane(sd, ob, nodes, totnode, area_no, area_co); displace = radius * offset; mul_v3_v3v3(temp, area_no, ss->cache->scale); mul_v3_fl(temp, displace); add_v3_v3(area_co, temp); set_adaptive_space_factor(sd); SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, .area_no = area_no, .area_co = area_co, }; BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, NULL, 0, do_flatten_brush_task_cb_ex, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); } static void do_clay_brush_task_cb_ex( void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int thread_id) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = data->brush; const float *area_no = data->area_no; const float *area_co = data->area_co; PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptBrushTest test; float (*proxy)[3]; const bool flip = (ss->cache->bstrength < 0); const float bstrength = flip ? -ss->cache->bstrength : ss->cache->bstrength; proxy = BKE_pbvh_node_add_proxy(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n])->co; sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { if (sculpt_brush_test_sq(&test, vd.co)) { if (plane_point_side_flip(vd.co, area_no, area_co, flip)) { float intr[3]; float val[3]; point_plane_project(intr, vd.co, area_no, area_co); sub_v3_v3v3(val, intr, vd.co); if (plane_trim(ss->cache, brush, val)) { /* note, the normal from the vertices is ignored, * causes glitch with planes, see: T44390 */ const float fade = bstrength * tex_strength( ss, brush, vd.co, sqrtf(test.dist), vd.no, vd.fno, vd.mask ? *vd.mask : 0.0f, thread_id); mul_v3_v3fl(proxy[vd.i], val, fade); if (vd.mvert) vd.mvert->flag |= ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE; } } } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } static void do_clay_brush(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); const bool flip = (ss->cache->bstrength < 0); const float radius = flip ? -ss->cache->radius : ss->cache->radius; float offset = get_offset(sd, ss); float displace; float area_no[3]; float area_co[3]; float temp[3]; calc_sculpt_plane(sd, ob, nodes, totnode, area_no, area_co); displace = radius * (0.25f + offset); mul_v3_v3v3(temp, area_no, ss->cache->scale); mul_v3_fl(temp, displace); add_v3_v3(area_co, temp); /* add_v3_v3v3(p, ss->cache->location, area_no); */ set_adaptive_space_factor(sd); SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, .area_no = area_no, .area_co = area_co, }; BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, NULL, 0, do_clay_brush_task_cb_ex, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); } static void do_clay_strips_brush_task_cb_ex( void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int thread_id) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = data->brush; float (*mat)[4] = data->mat; const float *area_no_sp = data->area_no_sp; const float *area_co = data->area_co; PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptBrushTest test; float (*proxy)[3]; const bool flip = (ss->cache->bstrength < 0); const float bstrength = flip ? -ss->cache->bstrength : ss->cache->bstrength; proxy = BKE_pbvh_node_add_proxy(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n])->co; sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { if (sculpt_brush_test_cube(&test, vd.co, mat)) { if (plane_point_side_flip(vd.co, area_no_sp, area_co, flip)) { float intr[3]; float val[3]; point_plane_project(intr, vd.co, area_no_sp, area_co); sub_v3_v3v3(val, intr, vd.co); if (plane_trim(ss->cache, brush, val)) { /* note, the normal from the vertices is ignored, * causes glitch with planes, see: T44390 */ const float fade = bstrength * tex_strength( ss, brush, vd.co, ss->cache->radius * test.dist, vd.no, vd.fno, vd.mask ? *vd.mask : 0.0f, thread_id); mul_v3_v3fl(proxy[vd.i], val, fade); if (vd.mvert) vd.mvert->flag |= ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE; } } } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } static void do_clay_strips_brush(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); const bool flip = (ss->cache->bstrength < 0); const float radius = flip ? -ss->cache->radius : ss->cache->radius; const float offset = get_offset(sd, ss); const float displace = radius * (0.25f + offset); float area_no_sp[3]; /* the sculpt-plane normal (whatever its set to) */ float area_no[3]; /* geometry normal */ float area_co[3]; float temp[3]; float mat[4][4]; float scale[4][4]; float tmat[4][4]; calc_sculpt_plane(sd, ob, nodes, totnode, area_no_sp, area_co); if (brush->sculpt_plane != SCULPT_DISP_DIR_AREA || (brush->flag & BRUSH_ORIGINAL_NORMAL)) calc_area_normal(sd, ob, nodes, totnode, area_no); else copy_v3_v3(area_no, area_no_sp); /* delay the first daub because grab delta is not setup */ if (ss->cache->first_time) return; mul_v3_v3v3(temp, area_no_sp, ss->cache->scale); mul_v3_fl(temp, displace); add_v3_v3(area_co, temp); /* init mat */ cross_v3_v3v3(mat[0], area_no, ss->cache->grab_delta_symmetry); mat[0][3] = 0; cross_v3_v3v3(mat[1], area_no, mat[0]); mat[1][3] = 0; copy_v3_v3(mat[2], area_no); mat[2][3] = 0; copy_v3_v3(mat[3], ss->cache->location); mat[3][3] = 1; normalize_m4(mat); /* scale mat */ scale_m4_fl(scale, ss->cache->radius); mul_m4_m4m4(tmat, mat, scale); invert_m4_m4(mat, tmat); set_adaptive_space_factor(sd); SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, .area_no_sp = area_no_sp, .area_co = area_co, .mat = mat, }; BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, NULL, 0, do_clay_strips_brush_task_cb_ex, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); } static void do_fill_brush_task_cb_ex( void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int thread_id) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = data->brush; const float *area_no = data->area_no; const float *area_co = data->area_co; PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptBrushTest test; float (*proxy)[3]; const float bstrength = ss->cache->bstrength; proxy = BKE_pbvh_node_add_proxy(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n])->co; sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { if (sculpt_brush_test_sq(&test, vd.co)) { if (plane_point_side(vd.co, area_no, area_co)) { float intr[3]; float val[3]; point_plane_project(intr, vd.co, area_no, area_co); sub_v3_v3v3(val, intr, vd.co); if (plane_trim(ss->cache, brush, val)) { const float fade = bstrength * tex_strength( ss, brush, vd.co, sqrtf(test.dist), vd.no, vd.fno, vd.mask ? *vd.mask : 0.0f, thread_id); mul_v3_v3fl(proxy[vd.i], val, fade); if (vd.mvert) vd.mvert->flag |= ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE; } } } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } static void do_fill_brush(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); const float radius = ss->cache->radius; float area_no[3]; float area_co[3]; float offset = get_offset(sd, ss); float displace; float temp[3]; calc_sculpt_plane(sd, ob, nodes, totnode, area_no, area_co); displace = radius * offset; mul_v3_v3v3(temp, area_no, ss->cache->scale); mul_v3_fl(temp, displace); add_v3_v3(area_co, temp); set_adaptive_space_factor(sd); SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, .area_no = area_no, .area_co = area_co, }; BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, NULL, 0, do_fill_brush_task_cb_ex, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); } static void do_scrape_brush_task_cb_ex( void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int thread_id) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = data->brush; const float *area_no = data->area_no; const float *area_co = data->area_co; PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptBrushTest test; float (*proxy)[3]; const float bstrength = ss->cache->bstrength; proxy = BKE_pbvh_node_add_proxy(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n])->co; sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { if (sculpt_brush_test_sq(&test, vd.co)) { if (!plane_point_side(vd.co, area_no, area_co)) { float intr[3]; float val[3]; point_plane_project(intr, vd.co, area_no, area_co); sub_v3_v3v3(val, intr, vd.co); if (plane_trim(ss->cache, brush, val)) { const float fade = bstrength * tex_strength( ss, brush, vd.co, sqrtf(test.dist), vd.no, vd.fno, vd.mask ? *vd.mask : 0.0f, thread_id); mul_v3_v3fl(proxy[vd.i], val, fade); if (vd.mvert) vd.mvert->flag |= ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE; } } } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } static void do_scrape_brush(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); const float radius = ss->cache->radius; float area_no[3]; float area_co[3]; float offset = get_offset(sd, ss); float displace; float temp[3]; calc_sculpt_plane(sd, ob, nodes, totnode, area_no, area_co); displace = -radius * offset; mul_v3_v3v3(temp, area_no, ss->cache->scale); mul_v3_fl(temp, displace); add_v3_v3(area_co, temp); set_adaptive_space_factor(sd); SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, .area_no = area_no, .area_co = area_co, }; BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, NULL, 0, do_scrape_brush_task_cb_ex, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); } static void do_gravity_task_cb_ex( void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int thread_id) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = data->brush; float *offset = data->offset; PBVHVertexIter vd; SculptBrushTest test; float (*proxy)[3]; proxy = BKE_pbvh_node_add_proxy(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n])->co; sculpt_brush_test_init(ss, &test); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { if (sculpt_brush_test_sq(&test, vd.co)) { const float fade = tex_strength( ss, brush, vd.co, sqrtf(test.dist), vd.no, vd.fno, vd.mask ? *vd.mask : 0.0f, thread_id); mul_v3_v3fl(proxy[vd.i], offset, fade); if (vd.mvert) vd.mvert->flag |= ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE; } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } static void do_gravity(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode, float bstrength) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); float offset[3]/*, area_no[3]*/; float gravity_vector[3]; mul_v3_v3fl(gravity_vector, ss->cache->gravity_direction, -ss->cache->radius_squared); /* offset with as much as possible factored in already */ mul_v3_v3v3(offset, gravity_vector, ss->cache->scale); mul_v3_fl(offset, bstrength); set_adaptive_space_factor(sd); /* threaded loop over nodes */ SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, .offset = offset, }; BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, NULL, 0, do_gravity_task_cb_ex, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); } void sculpt_vertcos_to_key(Object *ob, KeyBlock *kb, float (*vertCos)[3]) { Mesh *me = (Mesh *)ob->data; float (*ofs)[3] = NULL; int a; const int kb_act_idx = ob->shapenr - 1; KeyBlock *currkey; /* for relative keys editing of base should update other keys */ if (BKE_keyblock_is_basis(me->key, kb_act_idx)) { ofs = BKE_keyblock_convert_to_vertcos(ob, kb); /* calculate key coord offsets (from previous location) */ for (a = 0; a < me->totvert; a++) { sub_v3_v3v3(ofs[a], vertCos[a], ofs[a]); } /* apply offsets on other keys */ for (currkey = me->key->block.first; currkey; currkey = currkey->next) { if ((currkey != kb) && (currkey->relative == kb_act_idx)) { BKE_keyblock_update_from_offset(ob, currkey, ofs); } } MEM_freeN(ofs); } /* modifying of basis key should update mesh */ if (kb == me->key->refkey) { MVert *mvert = me->mvert; for (a = 0; a < me->totvert; a++, mvert++) copy_v3_v3(mvert->co, vertCos[a]); BKE_mesh_calc_normals(me); } /* apply new coords on active key block, no need to re-allocate kb->data here! */ BKE_keyblock_update_from_vertcos(ob, kb, vertCos); } /* Note: we do the topology update before any brush actions to avoid * issues with the proxies. The size of the proxy can't change, so * topology must be updated first. */ static void sculpt_topology_update(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, Brush *brush, UnifiedPaintSettings *UNUSED(ups)) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; SculptSearchSphereData data; PBVHNode **nodes = NULL; float radius; int n, totnode; /* Build a list of all nodes that are potentially within the * brush's area of influence */ data.ss = ss; data.sd = sd; radius = ss->cache->radius * 1.25f; data.radius_squared = radius * radius; data.original = sculpt_tool_needs_original(brush->sculpt_tool) ? true : ss->cache->original; BKE_pbvh_search_gather(ss->pbvh, sculpt_search_sphere_cb, &data, &nodes, &totnode); /* Only act if some verts are inside the brush area */ if (totnode) { PBVHTopologyUpdateMode mode = 0; float location[3]; if (sd->flags & SCULPT_DYNTOPO_SUBDIVIDE) mode |= PBVH_Subdivide; if ((sd->flags & SCULPT_DYNTOPO_COLLAPSE) || (brush->sculpt_tool == SCULPT_TOOL_SIMPLIFY)) { mode |= PBVH_Collapse; } for (n = 0; n < totnode; n++) { sculpt_undo_push_node(ob, nodes[n], brush->sculpt_tool == SCULPT_TOOL_MASK ? SCULPT_UNDO_MASK : SCULPT_UNDO_COORDS); BKE_pbvh_node_mark_update(nodes[n]); if (BKE_pbvh_type(ss->pbvh) == PBVH_BMESH) { BKE_pbvh_node_mark_topology_update(nodes[n]); BKE_pbvh_bmesh_node_save_orig(nodes[n]); } } if (BKE_pbvh_type(ss->pbvh) == PBVH_BMESH) { BKE_pbvh_bmesh_update_topology( ss->pbvh, mode, ss->cache->location, (brush->flag & BRUSH_FRONTFACE) ? ss->cache->view_normal : NULL, ss->cache->radius); } MEM_freeN(nodes); /* update average stroke position */ copy_v3_v3(location, ss->cache->true_location); mul_m4_v3(ob->obmat, location); } } static void do_brush_action_task_cb(void *userdata, const int n) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; sculpt_undo_push_node(data->ob, data->nodes[n], data->brush->sculpt_tool == SCULPT_TOOL_MASK ? SCULPT_UNDO_MASK : SCULPT_UNDO_COORDS); BKE_pbvh_node_mark_update(data->nodes[n]); } static void do_brush_action(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, Brush *brush, UnifiedPaintSettings *ups) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; SculptSearchSphereData data; PBVHNode **nodes = NULL; int totnode; /* Build a list of all nodes that are potentially within the brush's area of influence */ data.ss = ss; data.sd = sd; data.radius_squared = ss->cache->radius_squared; data.original = sculpt_tool_needs_original(brush->sculpt_tool) ? true : ss->cache->original; BKE_pbvh_search_gather(ss->pbvh, sculpt_search_sphere_cb, &data, &nodes, &totnode); /* Only act if some verts are inside the brush area */ if (totnode) { float location[3]; SculptThreadedTaskData task_data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, }; BLI_task_parallel_range( 0, totnode, &task_data, do_brush_action_task_cb, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT)); if (sculpt_brush_needs_normal(brush, ss->cache->normal_weight)) update_sculpt_normal(sd, ob, nodes, totnode); if (brush->mtex.brush_map_mode == MTEX_MAP_MODE_AREA) update_brush_local_mat(sd, ob); /* Apply one type of brush action */ switch (brush->sculpt_tool) { case SCULPT_TOOL_DRAW: do_draw_brush(sd, ob, nodes, totnode); break; case SCULPT_TOOL_SMOOTH: do_smooth_brush(sd, ob, nodes, totnode); break; case SCULPT_TOOL_CREASE: do_crease_brush(sd, ob, nodes, totnode); break; case SCULPT_TOOL_BLOB: do_crease_brush(sd, ob, nodes, totnode); break; case SCULPT_TOOL_PINCH: do_pinch_brush(sd, ob, nodes, totnode); break; case SCULPT_TOOL_INFLATE: do_inflate_brush(sd, ob, nodes, totnode); break; case SCULPT_TOOL_GRAB: do_grab_brush(sd, ob, nodes, totnode); break; case SCULPT_TOOL_ROTATE: do_rotate_brush(sd, ob, nodes, totnode); break; case SCULPT_TOOL_SNAKE_HOOK: do_snake_hook_brush(sd, ob, nodes, totnode); break; case SCULPT_TOOL_NUDGE: do_nudge_brush(sd, ob, nodes, totnode); break; case SCULPT_TOOL_THUMB: do_thumb_brush(sd, ob, nodes, totnode); break; case SCULPT_TOOL_LAYER: do_layer_brush(sd, ob, nodes, totnode); break; case SCULPT_TOOL_FLATTEN: do_flatten_brush(sd, ob, nodes, totnode); break; case SCULPT_TOOL_CLAY: do_clay_brush(sd, ob, nodes, totnode); break; case SCULPT_TOOL_CLAY_STRIPS: do_clay_strips_brush(sd, ob, nodes, totnode); break; case SCULPT_TOOL_FILL: do_fill_brush(sd, ob, nodes, totnode); break; case SCULPT_TOOL_SCRAPE: do_scrape_brush(sd, ob, nodes, totnode); break; case SCULPT_TOOL_MASK: do_mask_brush(sd, ob, nodes, totnode); break; } if (!ELEM(brush->sculpt_tool, SCULPT_TOOL_SMOOTH, SCULPT_TOOL_MASK) && brush->autosmooth_factor > 0) { if (brush->flag & BRUSH_INVERSE_SMOOTH_PRESSURE) { smooth(sd, ob, nodes, totnode, brush->autosmooth_factor * (1 - ss->cache->pressure), false); } else { smooth(sd, ob, nodes, totnode, brush->autosmooth_factor, false); } } if (ss->cache->supports_gravity) do_gravity(sd, ob, nodes, totnode, sd->gravity_factor); MEM_freeN(nodes); /* update average stroke position */ copy_v3_v3(location, ss->cache->true_location); mul_m4_v3(ob->obmat, location); add_v3_v3(ups->average_stroke_accum, location); ups->average_stroke_counter++; /* update last stroke position */ ups->last_stroke_valid = true; } } /* flush displacement from deformed PBVH vertex to original mesh */ static void sculpt_flush_pbvhvert_deform(Object *ob, PBVHVertexIter *vd) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Mesh *me = ob->data; float disp[3], newco[3]; int index = vd->vert_indices[vd->i]; sub_v3_v3v3(disp, vd->co, ss->deform_cos[index]); mul_m3_v3(ss->deform_imats[index], disp); add_v3_v3v3(newco, disp, ss->orig_cos[index]); copy_v3_v3(ss->deform_cos[index], vd->co); copy_v3_v3(ss->orig_cos[index], newco); if (!ss->kb) copy_v3_v3(me->mvert[index].co, newco); } static void sculpt_combine_proxies_task_cb(void *userdata, const int n) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Sculpt *sd = data->sd; Object *ob = data->ob; /* these brushes start from original coordinates */ const bool use_orco = ELEM(data->brush->sculpt_tool, SCULPT_TOOL_GRAB, SCULPT_TOOL_ROTATE, SCULPT_TOOL_THUMB); PBVHVertexIter vd; PBVHProxyNode *proxies; int proxy_count; float (*orco)[3] = NULL; if (use_orco && !ss->bm) orco = sculpt_undo_push_node(data->ob, data->nodes[n], SCULPT_UNDO_COORDS)->co; BKE_pbvh_node_get_proxies(data->nodes[n], &proxies, &proxy_count); BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { float val[3]; int p; if (use_orco) { if (ss->bm) { copy_v3_v3(val, BM_log_original_vert_co(ss->bm_log, vd.bm_vert)); } else { copy_v3_v3(val, orco[vd.i]); } } else { copy_v3_v3(val, vd.co); } for (p = 0; p < proxy_count; p++) add_v3_v3(val, proxies[p].co[vd.i]); sculpt_clip(sd, ss, vd.co, val); if (ss->modifiers_active) sculpt_flush_pbvhvert_deform(ob, &vd); } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; BKE_pbvh_node_free_proxies(data->nodes[n]); } static void sculpt_combine_proxies(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); PBVHNode **nodes; int totnode; BKE_pbvh_gather_proxies(ss->pbvh, &nodes, &totnode); /* first line is tools that don't support proxies */ if (ss->cache->supports_gravity || (sculpt_tool_is_proxy_used(brush->sculpt_tool) == false)) { SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, }; BLI_task_parallel_range( 0, totnode, &data, sculpt_combine_proxies_task_cb, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT)); } if (nodes) MEM_freeN(nodes); } /* copy the modified vertices from bvh to the active key */ static void sculpt_update_keyblock(Object *ob) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; float (*vertCos)[3]; /* Keyblock update happens after handling deformation caused by modifiers, * so ss->orig_cos would be updated with new stroke */ if (ss->orig_cos) vertCos = ss->orig_cos; else vertCos = BKE_pbvh_get_vertCos(ss->pbvh); if (vertCos) { sculpt_vertcos_to_key(ob, ss->kb, vertCos); if (vertCos != ss->orig_cos) MEM_freeN(vertCos); } } static void sculpt_flush_stroke_deform_task_cb(void *userdata, const int n) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; Object *ob = data->ob; float (*vertCos)[3] = data->vertCos; PBVHVertexIter vd; BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, data->nodes[n], vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { sculpt_flush_pbvhvert_deform(ob, &vd); if (vertCos) { int index = vd.vert_indices[vd.i]; copy_v3_v3(vertCos[index], ss->orig_cos[index]); } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; } /* flush displacement from deformed PBVH to original layer */ static void sculpt_flush_stroke_deform(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); if (sculpt_tool_is_proxy_used(brush->sculpt_tool)) { /* this brushes aren't using proxies, so sculpt_combine_proxies() wouldn't * propagate needed deformation to original base */ int totnode; Mesh *me = (Mesh *)ob->data; PBVHNode **nodes; float (*vertCos)[3] = NULL; if (ss->kb) { vertCos = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*vertCos) * me->totvert, "flushStrokeDeofrm keyVerts"); /* mesh could have isolated verts which wouldn't be in BVH, * to deal with this we copy old coordinates over new ones * and then update coordinates for all vertices from BVH */ memcpy(vertCos, ss->orig_cos, sizeof(*vertCos) * me->totvert); } BKE_pbvh_search_gather(ss->pbvh, NULL, NULL, &nodes, &totnode); SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .sd = sd, .ob = ob, .brush = brush, .nodes = nodes, .vertCos = vertCos, }; BLI_task_parallel_range( 0, totnode, &data, sculpt_flush_stroke_deform_task_cb, ((sd->flags & SCULPT_USE_OPENMP) && totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT)); if (vertCos) { sculpt_vertcos_to_key(ob, ss->kb, vertCos); MEM_freeN(vertCos); } MEM_freeN(nodes); /* Modifiers could depend on mesh normals, so we should update them/ * Note, then if sculpting happens on locked key, normals should be re-calculated * after applying coords from keyblock on base mesh */ BKE_mesh_calc_normals(me); } else if (ss->kb) { sculpt_update_keyblock(ob); } } /* Flip all the editdata across the axis/axes specified by symm. Used to * calculate multiple modifications to the mesh when symmetry is enabled. */ static void calc_brushdata_symm(Sculpt *sd, StrokeCache *cache, const char symm, const char axis, const float angle, const float UNUSED(feather)) { (void)sd; /* unused */ flip_v3_v3(cache->location, cache->true_location, symm); flip_v3_v3(cache->grab_delta_symmetry, cache->grab_delta, symm); flip_v3_v3(cache->view_normal, cache->true_view_normal, symm); /* XXX This reduces the length of the grab delta if it approaches the line of symmetry * XXX However, a different approach appears to be needed */ #if 0 if (sd->paint.symmetry_flags & SCULPT_SYMMETRY_FEATHER) { float frac = 1.0f / max_overlap_count(sd); float reduce = (feather - frac) / (1 - frac); printf("feather: %f frac: %f reduce: %f\n", feather, frac, reduce); if (frac < 1) mul_v3_fl(cache->grab_delta_symmetry, reduce); } #endif unit_m4(cache->symm_rot_mat); unit_m4(cache->symm_rot_mat_inv); zero_v3(cache->plane_offset); if (axis) { /* expects XYZ */ rotate_m4(cache->symm_rot_mat, axis, angle); rotate_m4(cache->symm_rot_mat_inv, axis, -angle); } mul_m4_v3(cache->symm_rot_mat, cache->location); mul_m4_v3(cache->symm_rot_mat, cache->grab_delta_symmetry); if (cache->supports_gravity) { flip_v3_v3(cache->gravity_direction, cache->true_gravity_direction, symm); mul_m4_v3(cache->symm_rot_mat, cache->gravity_direction); } if (cache->is_rake_rotation_valid) { flip_qt_qt(cache->rake_rotation_symmetry, cache->rake_rotation, symm); } } typedef void (*BrushActionFunc)(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, Brush *brush, UnifiedPaintSettings *ups); static void do_tiled(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, Brush *brush, UnifiedPaintSettings *ups, BrushActionFunc action) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; StrokeCache *cache = ss->cache; const float radius = cache->radius; const float *bbMin = ob->bb->vec[0]; const float *bbMax = ob->bb->vec[6]; const float *step = sd->paint.tile_offset; int dim; /* These are integer locations, for real location: multiply with step and add orgLoc. So 0,0,0 is at orgLoc. */ int start[3]; int end[3]; int cur[3]; float orgLoc[3]; /* position of the "prototype" stroke for tiling */ copy_v3_v3(orgLoc, cache->location); for (dim = 0; dim < 3; ++dim) { if ((sd->paint.symmetry_flags & (PAINT_TILE_X << dim)) && step[dim] > 0) { start[dim] = (bbMin[dim] - orgLoc[dim] - radius) / step[dim]; end[dim] = (bbMax[dim] - orgLoc[dim] + radius) / step[dim]; } else start[dim] = end[dim] = 0; } /* first do the "untiled" position to initialize the stroke for this location */ cache->tile_pass = 0; action(sd, ob, brush, ups); /* now do it for all the tiles */ copy_v3_v3_int(cur, start); for (cur[0] = start[0]; cur[0] <= end[0]; ++cur[0]) { for (cur[1] = start[1]; cur[1] <= end[1]; ++cur[1]) { for (cur[2] = start[2]; cur[2] <= end[2]; ++cur[2]) { if (!cur[0] && !cur[1] && !cur[2]) continue; /* skip tile at orgLoc, this was already handled before all others */ ++cache->tile_pass; for (dim = 0; dim < 3; ++dim) { cache->location[dim] = cur[dim] * step[dim] + orgLoc[dim]; cache->plane_offset[dim] = cur[dim] * step[dim]; } action(sd, ob, brush, ups); } } } } static void do_radial_symmetry(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, Brush *brush, UnifiedPaintSettings *ups, BrushActionFunc action, const char symm, const int axis, const float feather) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; int i; for (i = 1; i < sd->radial_symm[axis - 'X']; ++i) { const float angle = 2 * M_PI * i / sd->radial_symm[axis - 'X']; ss->cache->radial_symmetry_pass = i; calc_brushdata_symm(sd, ss->cache, symm, axis, angle, feather); do_tiled(sd, ob, brush, ups, action); } } /* noise texture gives different values for the same input coord; this * can tear a multires mesh during sculpting so do a stitch in this * case */ static void sculpt_fix_noise_tear(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); MTex *mtex = &brush->mtex; if (ss->multires && mtex->tex && mtex->tex->type == TEX_NOISE) multires_stitch_grids(ob); } static void do_symmetrical_brush_actions(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, BrushActionFunc action, UnifiedPaintSettings *ups) { Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; StrokeCache *cache = ss->cache; const char symm = sd->paint.symmetry_flags & PAINT_SYMM_AXIS_ALL; int i; float feather = calc_symmetry_feather(sd, ss->cache); cache->bstrength = brush_strength(sd, cache, feather, ups); cache->symmetry = symm; /* symm is a bit combination of XYZ - 1 is mirror X; 2 is Y; 3 is XY; 4 is Z; 5 is XZ; 6 is YZ; 7 is XYZ */ for (i = 0; i <= symm; ++i) { if (i == 0 || (symm & i && (symm != 5 || i != 3) && (symm != 6 || (i != 3 && i != 5)))) { cache->mirror_symmetry_pass = i; cache->radial_symmetry_pass = 0; calc_brushdata_symm(sd, cache, i, 0, 0, feather); do_tiled(sd, ob, brush, ups, action); do_radial_symmetry(sd, ob, brush, ups, action, i, 'X', feather); do_radial_symmetry(sd, ob, brush, ups, action, i, 'Y', feather); do_radial_symmetry(sd, ob, brush, ups, action, i, 'Z', feather); } } } static void sculpt_update_tex(const Scene *scene, Sculpt *sd, SculptSession *ss) { Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); const int radius = BKE_brush_size_get(scene, brush); if (ss->texcache) { MEM_freeN(ss->texcache); ss->texcache = NULL; } if (ss->tex_pool) { BKE_image_pool_free(ss->tex_pool); ss->tex_pool = NULL; } /* Need to allocate a bigger buffer for bigger brush size */ ss->texcache_side = 2 * radius; if (!ss->texcache || ss->texcache_side > ss->texcache_actual) { ss->texcache = BKE_brush_gen_texture_cache(brush, radius, false); ss->texcache_actual = ss->texcache_side; ss->tex_pool = BKE_image_pool_new(); } } int sculpt_mode_poll(bContext *C) { Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); return ob && ob->mode & OB_MODE_SCULPT; } int sculpt_mode_poll_view3d(bContext *C) { return (sculpt_mode_poll(C) && CTX_wm_region_view3d(C)); } int sculpt_poll_view3d(bContext *C) { return (sculpt_poll(C) && CTX_wm_region_view3d(C)); } int sculpt_poll(bContext *C) { return sculpt_mode_poll(C) && paint_poll(C); } static const char *sculpt_tool_name(Sculpt *sd) { Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); switch ((BrushSculptTool)brush->sculpt_tool) { case SCULPT_TOOL_DRAW: return "Draw Brush"; case SCULPT_TOOL_SMOOTH: return "Smooth Brush"; case SCULPT_TOOL_CREASE: return "Crease Brush"; case SCULPT_TOOL_BLOB: return "Blob Brush"; case SCULPT_TOOL_PINCH: return "Pinch Brush"; case SCULPT_TOOL_INFLATE: return "Inflate Brush"; case SCULPT_TOOL_GRAB: return "Grab Brush"; case SCULPT_TOOL_NUDGE: return "Nudge Brush"; case SCULPT_TOOL_THUMB: return "Thumb Brush"; case SCULPT_TOOL_LAYER: return "Layer Brush"; case SCULPT_TOOL_FLATTEN: return "Flatten Brush"; case SCULPT_TOOL_CLAY: return "Clay Brush"; case SCULPT_TOOL_CLAY_STRIPS: return "Clay Strips Brush"; case SCULPT_TOOL_FILL: return "Fill Brush"; case SCULPT_TOOL_SCRAPE: return "Scrape Brush"; case SCULPT_TOOL_SNAKE_HOOK: return "Snake Hook Brush"; case SCULPT_TOOL_ROTATE: return "Rotate Brush"; case SCULPT_TOOL_MASK: return "Mask Brush"; case SCULPT_TOOL_SIMPLIFY: return "Simplify Brush"; } return "Sculpting"; } /** * Operator for applying a stroke (various attributes including mouse path) * using the current brush. */ static void sculpt_cache_free(StrokeCache *cache) { if (cache->dial) MEM_freeN(cache->dial); MEM_freeN(cache); } /* Initialize mirror modifier clipping */ static void sculpt_init_mirror_clipping(Object *ob, SculptSession *ss) { ModifierData *md; int i; for (md = ob->modifiers.first; md; md = md->next) { if (md->type == eModifierType_Mirror && (md->mode & eModifierMode_Realtime)) { MirrorModifierData *mmd = (MirrorModifierData *)md; if (mmd->flag & MOD_MIR_CLIPPING) { /* check each axis for mirroring */ for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (mmd->flag & (MOD_MIR_AXIS_X << i)) { /* enable sculpt clipping */ ss->cache->flag |= CLIP_X << i; /* update the clip tolerance */ if (mmd->tolerance > ss->cache->clip_tolerance[i]) { ss->cache->clip_tolerance[i] = mmd->tolerance; } } } } } } } /* Initialize the stroke cache invariants from operator properties */ static void sculpt_update_cache_invariants( bContext *C, Sculpt *sd, SculptSession *ss, wmOperator *op, const float mouse[2]) { StrokeCache *cache = MEM_callocN(sizeof(StrokeCache), "stroke cache"); Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); UnifiedPaintSettings *ups = &CTX_data_tool_settings(C)->unified_paint_settings; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); ViewContext *vc = paint_stroke_view_context(op->customdata); Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); float mat[3][3]; float viewDir[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}; float max_scale; int i; int mode; ss->cache = cache; /* Set scaling adjustment */ if (brush->sculpt_tool == SCULPT_TOOL_LAYER) { max_scale = 1.0f; } else { max_scale = 0.0f; for (i = 0; i < 3; i ++) { max_scale = max_ff(max_scale, fabsf(ob->size[i])); } } cache->scale[0] = max_scale / ob->size[0]; cache->scale[1] = max_scale / ob->size[1]; cache->scale[2] = max_scale / ob->size[2]; cache->plane_trim_squared = brush->plane_trim * brush->plane_trim; cache->flag = 0; sculpt_init_mirror_clipping(ob, ss); /* Initial mouse location */ if (mouse) copy_v2_v2(cache->initial_mouse, mouse); else zero_v2(cache->initial_mouse); mode = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "mode"); cache->invert = mode == BRUSH_STROKE_INVERT; cache->alt_smooth = mode == BRUSH_STROKE_SMOOTH; cache->normal_weight = brush->normal_weight; /* interpret invert as following normal, for grab brushes */ if (SCULPT_TOOL_HAS_NORMAL_WEIGHT(brush->sculpt_tool)) { if (cache->invert) { cache->invert = false; cache->normal_weight = (cache->normal_weight == 0.0f); } } /* not very nice, but with current events system implementation * we can't handle brush appearance inversion hotkey separately (sergey) */ if (cache->invert) ups->draw_inverted = true; else ups->draw_inverted = false; /* Alt-Smooth */ if (cache->alt_smooth) { if (brush->sculpt_tool == SCULPT_TOOL_MASK) { cache->saved_mask_brush_tool = brush->mask_tool; brush->mask_tool = BRUSH_MASK_SMOOTH; } else { Paint *p = &sd->paint; Brush *br; int size = BKE_brush_size_get(scene, brush); BLI_strncpy(cache->saved_active_brush_name, brush->id.name + 2, sizeof(cache->saved_active_brush_name)); br = (Brush *)BKE_libblock_find_name(ID_BR, "Smooth"); if (br) { BKE_paint_brush_set(p, br); brush = br; cache->saved_smooth_size = BKE_brush_size_get(scene, brush); BKE_brush_size_set(scene, brush, size); curvemapping_initialize(brush->curve); } } } copy_v2_v2(cache->mouse, cache->initial_mouse); copy_v2_v2(ups->tex_mouse, cache->initial_mouse); /* Truly temporary data that isn't stored in properties */ cache->vc = vc; cache->brush = brush; /* cache projection matrix */ ED_view3d_ob_project_mat_get(cache->vc->rv3d, ob, cache->projection_mat); invert_m4_m4(ob->imat, ob->obmat); copy_m3_m4(mat, cache->vc->rv3d->viewinv); mul_m3_v3(mat, viewDir); copy_m3_m4(mat, ob->imat); mul_m3_v3(mat, viewDir); normalize_v3_v3(cache->true_view_normal, viewDir); cache->supports_gravity = (!ELEM(brush->sculpt_tool, SCULPT_TOOL_MASK, SCULPT_TOOL_SMOOTH, SCULPT_TOOL_SIMPLIFY) && (sd->gravity_factor > 0.0f)); /* get gravity vector in world space */ if (cache->supports_gravity) { if (sd->gravity_object) { Object *gravity_object = sd->gravity_object; copy_v3_v3(cache->true_gravity_direction, gravity_object->obmat[2]); } else { cache->true_gravity_direction[0] = cache->true_gravity_direction[1] = 0.0; cache->true_gravity_direction[2] = 1.0; } /* transform to sculpted object space */ mul_m3_v3(mat, cache->true_gravity_direction); normalize_v3(cache->true_gravity_direction); } /* Initialize layer brush displacements and persistent coords */ if (brush->sculpt_tool == SCULPT_TOOL_LAYER) { /* not supported yet for multires or dynamic topology */ if (!ss->multires && !ss->bm && !ss->layer_co && (brush->flag & BRUSH_PERSISTENT)) { if (!ss->layer_co) ss->layer_co = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float) * 3 * ss->totvert, "sculpt mesh vertices copy"); if (ss->deform_cos) { memcpy(ss->layer_co, ss->deform_cos, ss->totvert); } else { for (i = 0; i < ss->totvert; ++i) { copy_v3_v3(ss->layer_co[i], ss->mvert[i].co); } } } if (ss->bm) { /* Free any remaining layer displacements from nodes. If not and topology changes * from using another tool, then next layer toolstroke can access past disp array bounds */ BKE_pbvh_free_layer_disp(ss->pbvh); } } /* Make copies of the mesh vertex locations and normals for some tools */ if (brush->flag & BRUSH_ANCHORED) { cache->original = 1; } if (SCULPT_TOOL_HAS_ACCUMULATE(brush->sculpt_tool)) { if (!(brush->flag & BRUSH_ACCUMULATE)) { cache->original = 1; } } cache->first_time = 1; #define PIXEL_INPUT_THRESHHOLD 5 if (brush->sculpt_tool == SCULPT_TOOL_ROTATE) cache->dial = BLI_dial_initialize(cache->initial_mouse, PIXEL_INPUT_THRESHHOLD); #undef PIXEL_INPUT_THRESHHOLD } static void sculpt_update_brush_delta(UnifiedPaintSettings *ups, Object *ob, Brush *brush) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; StrokeCache *cache = ss->cache; const float mouse[2] = { cache->mouse[0], cache->mouse[1] }; int tool = brush->sculpt_tool; if (ELEM(tool, SCULPT_TOOL_GRAB, SCULPT_TOOL_NUDGE, SCULPT_TOOL_CLAY_STRIPS, SCULPT_TOOL_SNAKE_HOOK, SCULPT_TOOL_THUMB)) { float grab_location[3], imat[4][4], delta[3], loc[3]; if (cache->first_time) { copy_v3_v3(cache->orig_grab_location, cache->true_location); } else if (tool == SCULPT_TOOL_SNAKE_HOOK) add_v3_v3(cache->true_location, cache->grab_delta); /* compute 3d coordinate at same z from original location + mouse */ mul_v3_m4v3(loc, ob->obmat, cache->orig_grab_location); ED_view3d_win_to_3d(cache->vc->v3d, cache->vc->ar, loc, mouse, grab_location); /* compute delta to move verts by */ if (!cache->first_time) { switch (tool) { case SCULPT_TOOL_GRAB: case SCULPT_TOOL_THUMB: sub_v3_v3v3(delta, grab_location, cache->old_grab_location); invert_m4_m4(imat, ob->obmat); mul_mat3_m4_v3(imat, delta); add_v3_v3(cache->grab_delta, delta); break; case SCULPT_TOOL_CLAY_STRIPS: case SCULPT_TOOL_NUDGE: case SCULPT_TOOL_SNAKE_HOOK: if (brush->flag & BRUSH_ANCHORED) { float orig[3]; mul_v3_m4v3(orig, ob->obmat, cache->orig_grab_location); sub_v3_v3v3(cache->grab_delta, grab_location, orig); } else { sub_v3_v3v3(cache->grab_delta, grab_location, cache->old_grab_location); } invert_m4_m4(imat, ob->obmat); mul_mat3_m4_v3(imat, cache->grab_delta); break; } } else { zero_v3(cache->grab_delta); } copy_v3_v3(cache->old_grab_location, grab_location); if (tool == SCULPT_TOOL_GRAB) copy_v3_v3(cache->anchored_location, cache->true_location); else if (tool == SCULPT_TOOL_THUMB) copy_v3_v3(cache->anchored_location, cache->orig_grab_location); if (ELEM(tool, SCULPT_TOOL_GRAB, SCULPT_TOOL_THUMB)) { /* location stays the same for finding vertices in brush radius */ copy_v3_v3(cache->true_location, cache->orig_grab_location); ups->draw_anchored = true; copy_v2_v2(ups->anchored_initial_mouse, cache->initial_mouse); ups->anchored_size = ups->pixel_radius; } /* handle 'rake' */ cache->is_rake_rotation_valid = false; if (cache->first_time) { copy_v3_v3(cache->rake_data.follow_co, grab_location); } if (sculpt_brush_needs_rake_rotation(brush)) { cache->rake_data.follow_dist = cache->radius * SCULPT_RAKE_BRUSH_FACTOR; if (!is_zero_v3(cache->grab_delta)) { const float eps = 0.00001f; float v1[3], v2[3]; copy_v3_v3(v1, cache->rake_data.follow_co); copy_v3_v3(v2, cache->rake_data.follow_co); sub_v3_v3(v2, cache->grab_delta); sub_v3_v3(v1, grab_location); sub_v3_v3(v2, grab_location); if ((normalize_v3(v2) > eps) && (normalize_v3(v1) > eps) && (len_squared_v3v3(v1, v2) > eps)) { const float rake_dist_sq = len_squared_v3v3(cache->rake_data.follow_co, grab_location); const float rake_fade = (rake_dist_sq > SQUARE(cache->rake_data.follow_dist)) ? 1.0f : sqrtf(rake_dist_sq) / cache->rake_data.follow_dist; float axis[3], angle; float tquat[4]; rotation_between_vecs_to_quat(tquat, v1, v2); /* use axis-angle to scale rotation since the factor may be above 1 */ quat_to_axis_angle(axis, &angle, tquat); normalize_v3(axis); angle *= brush->rake_factor * rake_fade; axis_angle_normalized_to_quat(cache->rake_rotation, axis, angle); cache->is_rake_rotation_valid = true; } } sculpt_rake_data_update(&cache->rake_data, grab_location); } } } /* Initialize the stroke cache variants from operator properties */ static void sculpt_update_cache_variants(bContext *C, Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PointerRNA *ptr) { Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); UnifiedPaintSettings *ups = &scene->toolsettings->unified_paint_settings; SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; StrokeCache *cache = ss->cache; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); /* RNA_float_get_array(ptr, "location", cache->traced_location); */ if (cache->first_time || !((brush->flag & BRUSH_ANCHORED) || (brush->sculpt_tool == SCULPT_TOOL_SNAKE_HOOK) || (brush->sculpt_tool == SCULPT_TOOL_ROTATE)) ) { RNA_float_get_array(ptr, "location", cache->true_location); } cache->pen_flip = RNA_boolean_get(ptr, "pen_flip"); RNA_float_get_array(ptr, "mouse", cache->mouse); /* XXX: Use pressure value from first brush step for brushes which don't * support strokes (grab, thumb). They depends on initial state and * brush coord/pressure/etc. * It's more an events design issue, which doesn't split coordinate/pressure/angle * changing events. We should avoid this after events system re-design */ if (paint_supports_dynamic_size(brush, ePaintSculpt) || cache->first_time) { cache->pressure = RNA_float_get(ptr, "pressure"); } /* Truly temporary data that isn't stored in properties */ if (cache->first_time) { if (!BKE_brush_use_locked_size(scene, brush)) { cache->initial_radius = paint_calc_object_space_radius(cache->vc, cache->true_location, BKE_brush_size_get(scene, brush)); BKE_brush_unprojected_radius_set(scene, brush, cache->initial_radius); } else { cache->initial_radius = BKE_brush_unprojected_radius_get(scene, brush); } } if (BKE_brush_use_size_pressure(scene, brush) && paint_supports_dynamic_size(brush, ePaintSculpt)) { cache->radius = cache->initial_radius * cache->pressure; } else { cache->radius = cache->initial_radius; } cache->radius_squared = cache->radius * cache->radius; if (brush->flag & BRUSH_ANCHORED) { /* true location has been calculated as part of the stroke system already here */ if (brush->flag & BRUSH_EDGE_TO_EDGE) { RNA_float_get_array(ptr, "location", cache->true_location); } cache->radius = paint_calc_object_space_radius(cache->vc, cache->true_location, ups->pixel_radius); cache->radius_squared = cache->radius * cache->radius; copy_v3_v3(cache->anchored_location, cache->true_location); } sculpt_update_brush_delta(ups, ob, brush); if (brush->sculpt_tool == SCULPT_TOOL_ROTATE) { cache->vertex_rotation = -BLI_dial_angle(cache->dial, cache->mouse) * cache->bstrength; ups->draw_anchored = true; copy_v2_v2(ups->anchored_initial_mouse, cache->initial_mouse); copy_v3_v3(cache->anchored_location, cache->true_location); ups->anchored_size = ups->pixel_radius; } cache->special_rotation = ups->brush_rotation; } /* Returns true if any of the smoothing modes are active (currently * one of smooth brush, autosmooth, mask smooth, or shift-key * smooth) */ static bool sculpt_any_smooth_mode(const Brush *brush, StrokeCache *cache, int stroke_mode) { return ((stroke_mode == BRUSH_STROKE_SMOOTH) || (cache && cache->alt_smooth) || (brush->sculpt_tool == SCULPT_TOOL_SMOOTH) || (brush->autosmooth_factor > 0) || ((brush->sculpt_tool == SCULPT_TOOL_MASK) && (brush->mask_tool == BRUSH_MASK_SMOOTH))); } static void sculpt_stroke_modifiers_check(const bContext *C, Object *ob) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; if (ss->kb || ss->modifiers_active) { Sculpt *sd = CTX_data_tool_settings(C)->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); BKE_sculpt_update_mesh_elements(CTX_data_scene(C), sd, ob, sculpt_any_smooth_mode(brush, ss->cache, 0), false); } } typedef struct { SculptSession *ss; const float *ray_start, *ray_normal; bool hit; float dist; bool original; } SculptRaycastData; typedef struct { const float *ray_start, *ray_normal; bool hit; float dist; float detail; } SculptDetailRaycastData; static void sculpt_raycast_cb(PBVHNode *node, void *data_v, float *tmin) { if (BKE_pbvh_node_get_tmin(node) < *tmin) { SculptRaycastData *srd = data_v; float (*origco)[3] = NULL; bool use_origco = false; if (srd->original && srd->ss->cache) { if (BKE_pbvh_type(srd->ss->pbvh) == PBVH_BMESH) { use_origco = true; } else { /* intersect with coordinates from before we started stroke */ SculptUndoNode *unode = sculpt_undo_get_node(node); origco = (unode) ? unode->co : NULL; use_origco = origco ? true : false; } } if (BKE_pbvh_node_raycast(srd->ss->pbvh, node, origco, use_origco, srd->ray_start, srd->ray_normal, &srd->dist)) { srd->hit = 1; *tmin = srd->dist; } } } static void sculpt_raycast_detail_cb(PBVHNode *node, void *data_v, float *tmin) { if (BKE_pbvh_node_get_tmin(node) < *tmin) { SculptDetailRaycastData *srd = data_v; if (BKE_pbvh_bmesh_node_raycast_detail(node, srd->ray_start, srd->ray_normal, &srd->dist, &srd->detail)) { srd->hit = 1; *tmin = srd->dist; } } } static float sculpt_raycast_init( ViewContext *vc, const float mouse[2], float ray_start[3], float ray_end[3], float ray_normal[3], bool original) { float obimat[4][4]; float dist; Object *ob = vc->obact; RegionView3D *rv3d = vc->ar->regiondata; /* TODO: what if the segment is totally clipped? (return == 0) */ ED_view3d_win_to_segment(vc->ar, vc->v3d, mouse, ray_start, ray_end, true); invert_m4_m4(obimat, ob->obmat); mul_m4_v3(obimat, ray_start); mul_m4_v3(obimat, ray_end); sub_v3_v3v3(ray_normal, ray_end, ray_start); dist = normalize_v3(ray_normal); if ((rv3d->is_persp == false) && /* if the ray is clipped, don't adjust its start/end */ ((rv3d->rflag & RV3D_CLIPPING) == 0)) { BKE_pbvh_raycast_project_ray_root(ob->sculpt->pbvh, original, ray_start, ray_end, ray_normal); /* recalculate the normal */ sub_v3_v3v3(ray_normal, ray_end, ray_start); dist = normalize_v3(ray_normal); } return dist; } /* Do a raycast in the tree to find the 3d brush location * (This allows us to ignore the GL depth buffer) * Returns 0 if the ray doesn't hit the mesh, non-zero otherwise */ bool sculpt_stroke_get_location(bContext *C, float out[3], const float mouse[2]) { Object *ob; SculptSession *ss; StrokeCache *cache; float ray_start[3], ray_end[3], ray_normal[3], dist; SculptRaycastData srd; bool original; ViewContext vc; view3d_set_viewcontext(C, &vc); ob = vc.obact; ss = ob->sculpt; cache = ss->cache; original = (cache) ? cache->original : 0; sculpt_stroke_modifiers_check(C, ob); dist = sculpt_raycast_init(&vc, mouse, ray_start, ray_end, ray_normal, original); srd.original = original; srd.ss = ob->sculpt; srd.hit = 0; srd.ray_start = ray_start; srd.ray_normal = ray_normal; srd.dist = dist; BKE_pbvh_raycast(ss->pbvh, sculpt_raycast_cb, &srd, ray_start, ray_normal, srd.original); copy_v3_v3(out, ray_normal); mul_v3_fl(out, srd.dist); add_v3_v3(out, ray_start); return srd.hit; } static void sculpt_brush_init_tex(const Scene *scene, Sculpt *sd, SculptSession *ss) { Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); MTex *mtex = &brush->mtex; /* init mtex nodes */ if (mtex->tex && mtex->tex->nodetree) ntreeTexBeginExecTree(mtex->tex->nodetree); /* has internal flag to detect it only does it once */ /* TODO: Shouldn't really have to do this at the start of every * stroke, but sculpt would need some sort of notification when * changes are made to the texture. */ sculpt_update_tex(scene, sd, ss); } static bool sculpt_brush_stroke_init(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); Sculpt *sd = CTX_data_tool_settings(C)->sculpt; SculptSession *ss = CTX_data_active_object(C)->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); int mode = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "mode"); bool is_smooth; bool need_mask = false; if (brush->sculpt_tool == SCULPT_TOOL_MASK) { need_mask = true; } view3d_operator_needs_opengl(C); sculpt_brush_init_tex(scene, sd, ss); is_smooth = sculpt_any_smooth_mode(brush, NULL, mode); BKE_sculpt_update_mesh_elements(scene, sd, ob, is_smooth, need_mask); return 1; } static void sculpt_restore_mesh(Sculpt *sd, Object *ob) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); /* Restore the mesh before continuing with anchored stroke */ if ((brush->flag & BRUSH_ANCHORED) || (brush->sculpt_tool == SCULPT_TOOL_GRAB && BKE_brush_use_size_pressure(ss->cache->vc->scene, brush)) || (brush->flag & BRUSH_DRAG_DOT)) { paint_mesh_restore_co(sd, ob); } } /* Copy the PBVH bounding box into the object's bounding box */ void sculpt_update_object_bounding_box(Object *ob) { if (ob->bb) { float bb_min[3], bb_max[3]; BKE_pbvh_bounding_box(ob->sculpt->pbvh, bb_min, bb_max); BKE_boundbox_init_from_minmax(ob->bb, bb_min, bb_max); } } static void sculpt_flush_update(bContext *C) { Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; ARegion *ar = CTX_wm_region(C); MultiresModifierData *mmd = ss->multires; if (mmd) multires_mark_as_modified(ob, MULTIRES_COORDS_MODIFIED); if (ob->derivedFinal) /* VBO no longer valid */ GPU_drawobject_free(ob->derivedFinal); if (ss->kb || ss->modifiers_active) { DAG_id_tag_update(&ob->id, OB_RECALC_DATA); ED_region_tag_redraw(ar); } else { rcti r; BKE_pbvh_update(ss->pbvh, PBVH_UpdateBB, NULL); /* Update the object's bounding box too so that the object * doesn't get incorrectly clipped during drawing in * draw_mesh_object(). [#33790] */ sculpt_update_object_bounding_box(ob); if (sculpt_get_redraw_rect(ar, CTX_wm_region_view3d(C), ob, &r)) { if (ss->cache) { ss->cache->current_r = r; } /* previous is not set in the current cache else * the partial rect will always grow */ sculpt_extend_redraw_rect_previous(ob, &r); r.xmin += ar->winrct.xmin - 2; r.xmax += ar->winrct.xmin + 2; r.ymin += ar->winrct.ymin - 2; r.ymax += ar->winrct.ymin + 2; ss->partial_redraw = 1; ED_region_tag_redraw_partial(ar, &r); } } } /* Returns whether the mouse/stylus is over the mesh (1) * or over the background (0) */ static bool over_mesh(bContext *C, struct wmOperator *UNUSED(op), float x, float y) { float mouse[2], co[3]; mouse[0] = x; mouse[1] = y; return sculpt_stroke_get_location(C, co, mouse); } static bool sculpt_stroke_test_start(bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, const float mouse[2]) { /* Don't start the stroke until mouse goes over the mesh. * note: mouse will only be null when re-executing the saved stroke. * We have exception for 'exec' strokes since they may not set 'mouse', only 'location', see: T52195. */ if (((op->flag & OP_IS_INVOKE) == 0) || (mouse == NULL) || over_mesh(C, op, mouse[0], mouse[1])) { Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Sculpt *sd = CTX_data_tool_settings(C)->sculpt; ED_view3d_init_mats_rv3d(ob, CTX_wm_region_view3d(C)); sculpt_update_cache_invariants(C, sd, ss, op, mouse); sculpt_undo_push_begin(sculpt_tool_name(sd)); return 1; } else return 0; } static void sculpt_stroke_update_step(bContext *C, struct PaintStroke *UNUSED(stroke), PointerRNA *itemptr) { UnifiedPaintSettings *ups = &CTX_data_tool_settings(C)->unified_paint_settings; Sculpt *sd = CTX_data_tool_settings(C)->sculpt; Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; const Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); sculpt_stroke_modifiers_check(C, ob); sculpt_update_cache_variants(C, sd, ob, itemptr); sculpt_restore_mesh(sd, ob); if (sd->flags & SCULPT_DYNTOPO_DETAIL_CONSTANT) { BKE_pbvh_bmesh_detail_size_set(ss->pbvh, 1.0f / sd->constant_detail); } else if (sd->flags & SCULPT_DYNTOPO_DETAIL_BRUSH) { BKE_pbvh_bmesh_detail_size_set(ss->pbvh, ss->cache->radius * sd->detail_percent / 100.0f); } else { BKE_pbvh_bmesh_detail_size_set( ss->pbvh, (ss->cache->radius / (float)ups->pixel_radius) * (float)(sd->detail_size * U.pixelsize) / 0.4f); } if (sculpt_stroke_is_dynamic_topology(ss, brush)) { do_symmetrical_brush_actions(sd, ob, sculpt_topology_update, ups); } do_symmetrical_brush_actions(sd, ob, do_brush_action, ups); sculpt_combine_proxies(sd, ob); /* hack to fix noise texture tearing mesh */ sculpt_fix_noise_tear(sd, ob); /* TODO(sergey): This is not really needed for the solid shading, * which does use pBVH drawing anyway, but texture and wireframe * requires this. * * Could be optimized later, but currently don't think it's so * much common scenario. * * Same applies to the DAG_id_tag_update() invoked from * sculpt_flush_update(). */ if (ss->modifiers_active) { sculpt_flush_stroke_deform(sd, ob); } else if (ss->kb) { sculpt_update_keyblock(ob); } ss->cache->first_time = false; /* Cleanup */ sculpt_flush_update(C); } static void sculpt_brush_exit_tex(Sculpt *sd) { Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); MTex *mtex = &brush->mtex; if (mtex->tex && mtex->tex->nodetree) ntreeTexEndExecTree(mtex->tex->nodetree->execdata); } static void sculpt_stroke_done(const bContext *C, struct PaintStroke *UNUSED(stroke)) { Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Sculpt *sd = CTX_data_tool_settings(C)->sculpt; /* Finished */ if (ss->cache) { UnifiedPaintSettings *ups = &CTX_data_tool_settings(C)->unified_paint_settings; Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); ups->draw_inverted = false; sculpt_stroke_modifiers_check(C, ob); /* Alt-Smooth */ if (ss->cache->alt_smooth) { if (brush->sculpt_tool == SCULPT_TOOL_MASK) { brush->mask_tool = ss->cache->saved_mask_brush_tool; } else { Paint *p = &sd->paint; BKE_brush_size_set(scene, ss->cache->brush, ss->cache->saved_smooth_size); brush = (Brush *)BKE_libblock_find_name(ID_BR, ss->cache->saved_active_brush_name); if (brush) { BKE_paint_brush_set(p, brush); } } } sculpt_cache_free(ss->cache); ss->cache = NULL; sculpt_undo_push_end(C); BKE_pbvh_update(ss->pbvh, PBVH_UpdateOriginalBB, NULL); if (BKE_pbvh_type(ss->pbvh) == PBVH_BMESH) BKE_pbvh_bmesh_after_stroke(ss->pbvh); /* optimization: if there is locked key and active modifiers present in */ /* the stack, keyblock is updating at each step. otherwise we could update */ /* keyblock only when stroke is finished */ if (ss->kb && !ss->modifiers_active) sculpt_update_keyblock(ob); ss->partial_redraw = 0; /* try to avoid calling this, only for e.g. linked duplicates now */ if (((Mesh *)ob->data)->id.us > 1) DAG_id_tag_update(&ob->id, OB_RECALC_DATA); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_DRAW, ob); } sculpt_brush_exit_tex(sd); } static int sculpt_brush_stroke_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *event) { struct PaintStroke *stroke; int ignore_background_click; int retval; if (!sculpt_brush_stroke_init(C, op)) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; stroke = paint_stroke_new(C, op, sculpt_stroke_get_location, sculpt_stroke_test_start, sculpt_stroke_update_step, NULL, sculpt_stroke_done, event->type); op->customdata = stroke; /* For tablet rotation */ ignore_background_click = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "ignore_background_click"); if (ignore_background_click && !over_mesh(C, op, event->x, event->y)) { paint_stroke_data_free(op); return OPERATOR_PASS_THROUGH; } if ((retval = op->type->modal(C, op, event)) == OPERATOR_FINISHED) { paint_stroke_data_free(op); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } /* add modal handler */ WM_event_add_modal_handler(C, op); OPERATOR_RETVAL_CHECK(retval); BLI_assert(retval == OPERATOR_RUNNING_MODAL); return OPERATOR_RUNNING_MODAL; } static int sculpt_brush_stroke_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { if (!sculpt_brush_stroke_init(C, op)) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; op->customdata = paint_stroke_new(C, op, sculpt_stroke_get_location, sculpt_stroke_test_start, sculpt_stroke_update_step, NULL, sculpt_stroke_done, 0); /* frees op->customdata */ paint_stroke_exec(C, op); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } static void sculpt_brush_stroke_cancel(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Sculpt *sd = CTX_data_tool_settings(C)->sculpt; const Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); /* XXX Canceling strokes that way does not work with dynamic topology, user will have to do real undo for now. * See T46456. */ if (ss->cache && !sculpt_stroke_is_dynamic_topology(ss, brush)) { paint_mesh_restore_co(sd, ob); } paint_stroke_cancel(C, op); if (ss->cache) { sculpt_cache_free(ss->cache); ss->cache = NULL; } sculpt_brush_exit_tex(sd); } static void SCULPT_OT_brush_stroke(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Sculpt"; ot->idname = "SCULPT_OT_brush_stroke"; ot->description = "Sculpt a stroke into the geometry"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke = sculpt_brush_stroke_invoke; ot->modal = paint_stroke_modal; ot->exec = sculpt_brush_stroke_exec; ot->poll = sculpt_poll; ot->cancel = sculpt_brush_stroke_cancel; /* flags (sculpt does own undo? (ton) */ ot->flag = OPTYPE_BLOCKING; /* properties */ paint_stroke_operator_properties(ot); RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "ignore_background_click", 0, "Ignore Background Click", "Clicks on the background do not start the stroke"); } /**** Reset the copy of the mesh that is being sculpted on (currently just for the layer brush) ****/ static int sculpt_set_persistent_base_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op)) { SculptSession *ss = CTX_data_active_object(C)->sculpt; if (ss) { if (ss->layer_co) MEM_freeN(ss->layer_co); ss->layer_co = NULL; } return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } static void SCULPT_OT_set_persistent_base(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Set Persistent Base"; ot->idname = "SCULPT_OT_set_persistent_base"; ot->description = "Reset the copy of the mesh that is being sculpted on"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec = sculpt_set_persistent_base_exec; ot->poll = sculpt_mode_poll; ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; } /****************** Topology tools Silhouette ******************/ /* Axis-aligned bounding box (Same as in pbvh_intern.h)*/ /* TODO: import BB functions */ /* Expand the bounding box to include a new coordinate */ static float BB_c_dist_bb(BB *bb1, BB *bb2) { float v1[3], v2[3]; add_v3_v3v3(v1, bb1->bmin, bb1->bmax); mul_v3_fl(v1, 0.5f); add_v3_v3v3(v2, bb2->bmin, bb2->bmax); mul_v3_fl(v2, 0.5f); sub_v3_v3(v2, v1); return len_v3(v2); } static float BB_get_volume(BB *bb) { return (bb->bmax[0] - bb->bmin[0]) * (bb->bmax[1] - bb->bmin[1]) * (bb->bmax[2] - bb->bmin[2]); } static void BB_expand(BB *bb, const float co[3]) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { bb->bmin[i] = min_ff(bb->bmin[i], co[i]); bb->bmax[i] = max_ff(bb->bmax[i], co[i]); } } static void BB_reset(BB *bb) { bb->bmin[0] = bb->bmin[1] = bb->bmin[2] = FLT_MAX; bb->bmax[0] = bb->bmax[1] = bb->bmax[2] = -FLT_MAX; } static bool bb_intersect(BB *bb1, BB *bb2) { int i; /* min is inclusive max is exclusive? BB*/ for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if(bb1->bmin[i] >= bb2->bmax[i] || bb1->bmax[i] < bb2->bmin[i]){ return false; } } return true; } static void silhouette_stroke_free(SilhouetteStroke *stroke) { if (stroke) { if (stroke->points) { MEM_SAFE_FREE(stroke->points); } MEM_SAFE_FREE(stroke); } } static SilhouetteStroke *silhouette_stroke_new() { SilhouetteStroke *stroke = MEM_callocN(sizeof(SilhouetteStroke), "SilhouetteStroke"); stroke->points = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * 3 * SIL_STROKE_STORE_CHUNK,"SilhouetteStrokePoints"); stroke->points_v2 = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * 2 * SIL_STROKE_STORE_CHUNK,"SilhouetteStrokePoints"); stroke->totvert = 0; stroke->max_verts = SIL_STROKE_STORE_CHUNK; BB_reset(&stroke->bb); return stroke; } static SilhouetteData *silhouette_data_new(bContext *C) { SilhouetteData *sil = MEM_callocN(sizeof(SilhouetteData), "SilhouetteData"); Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); Sculpt *sd = CTX_data_tool_settings(C)->sculpt; View3D *v3d = CTX_wm_view3d(C); const float *fp = ED_view3d_cursor3d_get(scene, v3d); sil->ar = CTX_wm_region(C); sil->current_stroke = silhouette_stroke_new(); view3d_set_viewcontext(C, &sil->vc); sil->add_col[0] = 1.00; /* add mode color is light red */ sil->add_col[1] = 0.39; sil->add_col[2] = 0.39; sil->sub_col[0] = 0.39; /* subtract mode color is light blue */ sil->sub_col[1] = 0.39; sil->sub_col[2] = 1.00; /*Load RNA Data if present */ sil->smoothness = sd->silhouette_smoothness / 100.0f; sil->depth = fmax(sd->silhouette_depth, 0.05f); sil->resolution = sd->silhouette_resolution; sil->do_subtract = sd->silhouette_flags & SILHOUETTE_DO_SUBTRACT; copy_v3_v3(sil->anchor, fp); /* Intersection variables */ sil->fillet_ring_orig = NULL; sil->fillet_ring_orig_start = NULL; sil->fillet_ring_orig = NULL; sil->fillet_ring_orig_start = NULL; sil->fillet_ring_bbs = NULL; sil->isect_chunk = NULL; sil->fillet_ring_new = NULL; sil->fillet_ring_new_start = NULL; sil->inter_tris = NULL; sil->tri_nodebind = NULL; sil->v_to_rm = NULL; sil->l1_vert_hash = NULL; sil->scene = scene; sil->ob = obedit; sil->state = SIL_INIT; return sil; } static void silhouette_data_free(struct wmOperator *op) { SilhouetteData *data; data = op->customdata; if (data) { silhouette_stroke_free(data->current_stroke); if (data->fillet_ring_orig) { MEM_freeN(data->fillet_ring_orig); } if (data->fillet_ring_orig_start) { MEM_freeN(data->fillet_ring_orig_start); } if (data->fillet_ring_new) { MEM_freeN(data->fillet_ring_new); } if (data->fillet_ring_new_start) { MEM_freeN(data->fillet_ring_new_start); } if (data->fillet_ring_bbs) { MEM_freeN(data->fillet_ring_bbs); } if (data->inter_tris) { MEM_freeN(data->inter_tris); } if (data->tri_nodebind) { MEM_freeN(data->tri_nodebind); } if (data->v_to_rm) { MEM_freeN(data->v_to_rm); } if (data->isect_chunk) { /*TODO: Free Intersection Data first! */ MEM_freeN(data->isect_chunk); } MEM_SAFE_FREE(data); } } static void silhoute_stroke_point_to_3d(SilhouetteData *sil, int point, float r_v[3]) { copy_v3_v3(r_v, &sil->current_stroke->points[point]); /*ED_view3d_win_to_3d(sil->vc.v3d, sil->ar, sil->anchor, &sil->current_stroke->points[point], r_v);*/ } #if 0 /* TODO: Add dynamic memory allocation */ static void silhouette_stroke_add_3Dpoint(SilhouetteStroke *stroke, float point[3]) { if (stroke->totvert >= stroke->max_verts) { stroke->max_verts += SIL_STROKE_STORE_CHUNK; stroke->points = MEM_reallocN(stroke->points, sizeof(float) * 3 * stroke->max_verts); stroke->points_v2 = MEM_reallocN(stroke->points_v2, sizeof(float) * 2 * stroke->max_verts); } copy_v3_v3(&stroke->points[stroke->totvert * 3], point); stroke->totvert ++; } #endif static void silhouette_stroke_add_point(SilhouetteData *sil, SilhouetteStroke *stroke, float point[2]) { float bb_exp[3], z_vec[3]; if (stroke->totvert >= stroke->max_verts) { stroke->max_verts += SIL_STROKE_STORE_CHUNK; stroke->points = MEM_reallocN(stroke->points, sizeof(float) * 3 * stroke->max_verts); stroke->points_v2 = MEM_reallocN(stroke->points_v2, sizeof(float) * 2 * stroke->max_verts); } copy_v2_v2(&stroke->points_v2[stroke->totvert * 2], point); ED_view3d_win_to_3d(sil->vc.v3d, sil->ar, sil->anchor, point, &sil->current_stroke->points[stroke->totvert * 3]); mul_v3_v3fl(z_vec, sil->z_vec, sil->depth); add_v3_v3v3(bb_exp, &sil->current_stroke->points[stroke->totvert * 3], z_vec); BB_expand(&stroke->bb, bb_exp); sub_v3_v3v3(bb_exp, &sil->current_stroke->points[stroke->totvert * 3], z_vec); BB_expand(&stroke->bb, bb_exp); stroke->totvert ++; } /* Set reference plane, 3D plane which is drawn on in 2D */ static void silhouette_set_ref_plane(SilhouetteData *sil) { /*Get the view vector. Same as ED_view3d_global_to_vector from the center of screen or orthographic*/ negate_v3_v3(sil->z_vec, sil->vc.rv3d->viewinv[2]); normalize_v3(sil->z_vec); /*ED_view3d_global_to_vector(sil->ar->regiondata, sil->anchor, sil->z_vec);*/ } static void sculpt_silhouette_stroke_update(float mouse[2], SilhouetteData *sil) { float anchor[3]; silhouette_set_ref_plane(sil); SilhouetteStroke *stroke = sil->current_stroke; sil->last_mouse_pos[0] = mouse[0]; sil->last_mouse_pos[1] = mouse[1]; silhouette_stroke_add_point(sil, stroke, sil->last_mouse_pos); interp_v3_v3v3(anchor, sil->anchor, &stroke->points[stroke->totvert * 3 - 3], 1 / stroke->totvert); copy_v3_v3(sil->anchor, anchor); ED_region_tag_redraw(sil->ar); copy_v2_v2(sil->last_mouse_pos,mouse); } typedef enum { BRANCH_INIT = 0, BRANCH_EDGE_GEN = 1 /* Edges on the ends are stored (used primarly for bridging) */ } BranchState; /* Spine Memory * The Spine is a treelike representation of the drawn shape. * It is used to determine the topology of the shape. * The Spine is generated in 4 steps * 1. Triangulate the hull drawn by the sculptor. This uses a BMesh triangulation method * 2. Traverse all triangles, starting from the first, marching from one tri to its neighbouring tris. * 3. Every step gets stored into a branch. Two new branches are created when a tri with 3 neighbours is hit. Traversing ends when a tri with one neighbour is hit. * 4. Small, stubby, branches are dissolved into the parent branches. * This results in a tree with 3 types of branches. One end, the Caps. Two ends, the Tubes. Three ends, the t-intersections.*/ typedef struct SpineBranch{ int totpoints; /* Number of points of the spine. */ int totforks; /* Number of connected adjacent branches */ float *points; /* Points of the spine. Generated from tri-centers */ int tot_hull_points; int *hull_points; /* Hullpoints, pointer to stroke points */ int idx; /* Index in the Spine branches array */ int *terminal_points; /* Description of the connected branches. Per fork 2 ints (point,branch_idx) */ BranchState flag; int *e_start_arr; /* Edges on the ends are stored (used primarly for bridging) */ int fs_bs_offset; /* Frontside edge offset to backside*/ int *e_flip_side_ends; /* Front and backside connecting edges of each part*/ bool intersecting; BB bb; /* Boundingbox of each branch. Used for intersection testing */ }SpineBranch; /* Main Tree Container */ typedef struct Spine{ int totbranches; SpineBranch **branches; /* All branches. Can contain Null pointers if branches got removed*/ }Spine; typedef struct { SculptSession *ss; BB *bb_target; bool original; } SculptSearchBBData; /* Search nodes to integrate another BB into (used for silhouette)*/ static bool sculpt_search_BB_cb(PBVHNode *node, void *data_v) { SculptSearchBBData *data = data_v; BB *bb_target = data->bb_target; float bb_min[3], bb_max[3]; int i; BKE_pbvh_node_get_BB(node, bb_min, bb_max); /* min is inclusive max is exclusive? BB*/ for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if(bb_target->bmin[i] >= bb_max[i] || bb_target->bmax[i] < bb_min[i]){ return false; } } return true; } static int get_adjacent_faces(BMFace *f, BMFace **ad_f, BMFace *last_f) { int ad_faces = 0; /* There should only be tris in a triangulated mesh. */ BLI_assert(f->len == 3); /* Loop edges in faces */ BMLoop *f_t_l = f->l_first; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { /* Loop faces connected to this edge */ BMLoop *t_l = f_t_l; while (t_l != f_t_l->radial_prev && ad_faces < 3) { if (t_l->f != f && t_l->f != last_f) { ad_f[ad_faces] = t_l->f; ad_faces++; } t_l = t_l->radial_next; } if (t_l->f != f && t_l->f != last_f) { ad_f[ad_faces] = t_l->f; ad_faces++; } f_t_l = f_t_l->next; } return ad_faces; } #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW static void debug_branch(SpineBranch *sb, unsigned int color) { float v1[3], v2[3]; if (sb->totpoints > 1) { bl_debug_color_set(color); for (int j = 1; j < sb->totpoints; j++) { copy_v3_v3(v1,&sb->points[j*3-3]); copy_v3_v3(v2,&sb->points[j*3 ]); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(v1,v2); } } bl_debug_color_set(color); /*for(int j = 0; j < sb->tot_hull_points; j++){ silhoute_stroke_point_to_3d(sil, sb->hull_points[j]*2, v1); bl_debug_draw_point(v1, 0.2f); }*/ /*SpineBranch *rsb;*/ /*unsigned int forkcol = 0xFFFF00; for(int j = 1; j < sb->totforks; j++){ printf("Branch fork %i, stroke ids: %i, %i\n", j, sb->terminal_points[j*4], sb->terminal_points[j*4+3]); if (spine->branches[sb->terminal_points[j*4+2]] && spine->branches[sb->terminal_points[j*4+2]]->totforks > 0) { bl_debug_color_set(forkcol); silhoute_stroke_point_to_3d(sil, sb->terminal_points[j*4]*2, v1); bl_debug_draw_point(v1, 0.2f); silhoute_stroke_point_to_3d(sil, sb->terminal_points[j*4+3]*2, v1); bl_debug_draw_point(v1, 0.2f); bl_debug_color_set(color); } }*/ } static void debug_spine(Spine *spine) { char color = 0; for (int i = 0; i < spine->totbranches; i++) { if (spine->branches[i]) { bl_debug_color_set(color); SpineBranch *sb = spine->branches[i]; debug_branch(sb, color); color += 90; } } bl_debug_color_set(0x000000); } #endif static void free_spine_branch(SpineBranch *branch) { if (branch->points) { MEM_freeN(branch->points); } if (branch->hull_points) { MEM_freeN(branch->hull_points); } if (branch->terminal_points) { MEM_freeN(branch->terminal_points); } if (branch->flag & BRANCH_EDGE_GEN) { MEM_freeN(branch->e_start_arr); MEM_freeN(branch->e_flip_side_ends); } MEM_freeN(branch); } static void detach_branch(SpineBranch *b, SpineBranch *db) { bool clear = false; /* Find the branch to be disconnected in the fork array and shift all following forward */ for (int i = 0; i < b->totforks; i++) { if (b->terminal_points[i * 2 + 1] == db->idx) { clear = true; } else if (clear) { b->terminal_points[i * 2 - 2] = b->terminal_points[i * 2 ]; b->terminal_points[i * 2 - 1] = b->terminal_points[i * 2 + 1]; } } if (clear) { b->totforks --; } } static void dissolve_branch(Spine *spine, SpineBranch *branch, SpineBranch *t_branch) { /* Dissolve all connected branches recursively which arent from the target subbranch */ for (int i = 0; i < branch->totforks; i++) { if (branch->terminal_points[i * 2 + 1] != t_branch->idx) { dissolve_branch(spine, spine->branches[branch->terminal_points[i * 2 + 1]], branch); } } detach_branch(t_branch, branch); /* Copy Hullpoints from the dissolving branch to the target branch */ for (int i = 0; i < branch->tot_hull_points; i++) { t_branch->hull_points[t_branch->tot_hull_points] = branch->hull_points[i]; t_branch->tot_hull_points ++; } spine->branches[branch->idx] = NULL; free_spine_branch(branch); } static SpineBranch *new_spine_branch(int idx, int max_alloc, int hull_max) { SpineBranch *branch = MEM_callocN(sizeof(SpineBranch), "Spine Branch"); branch->totpoints = 0; branch->totforks = 0; /*TODO: way to big, maybe shrink if done creating or dynamic arrays?*/ branch->points = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * 3 * max_alloc, __func__); branch->hull_points = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * hull_max * 2 * 3, "Spine Hull"); branch->terminal_points = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * 3 * 2, "Spine terminal"); BB_reset(&branch->bb); branch->idx = idx; return branch; } static Spine *new_spine(int max_alloc, int hull_max) { Spine *s = MEM_callocN(sizeof(Spine),"Silhouette Spine"); s->branches = MEM_callocN(sizeof(SpineBranch *) * max_alloc,"branches"); s->totbranches = 1; s->branches[0] = new_spine_branch(0, max_alloc, hull_max); return s; } static void free_spine(Spine *spine) { for (int i = 0; i < spine->totbranches; i++) { if (spine->branches[i]) { free_spine_branch(spine->branches[i]); } } MEM_freeN(spine->branches); } static SpineBranch *spine_branchoff(Spine *spine, SpineBranch *current_branch, int max_alloc, int hull_max) { SpineBranch *new_branch = new_spine_branch(spine->totbranches, max_alloc, hull_max); spine->branches[spine->totbranches] = new_branch; current_branch->terminal_points[current_branch->totforks * 2 ] = current_branch->totpoints - 1; current_branch->terminal_points[current_branch->totforks * 2 + 1] = spine->totbranches; copy_v3_v3(&new_branch->points[0], ¤t_branch->points[current_branch->totpoints * 3 - 3]); new_branch->totpoints = 1; new_branch->terminal_points[0] = 0; new_branch->terminal_points[1] = current_branch->idx; current_branch->totforks ++; new_branch->totforks = 1; spine->totbranches ++; return new_branch; } static void add_face_to_branch(SpineBranch *branch, BMFace *f) { float center[3]; BM_face_calc_center_mean_weighted(f, center); copy_v3_v3(branch->points + branch->totpoints * 3, center); branch->totpoints++; branch->hull_points[branch->tot_hull_points ] = BM_elem_index_get(f->l_first->v); branch->hull_points[branch->tot_hull_points + 1] = BM_elem_index_get(f->l_first->next->v); branch->hull_points[branch->tot_hull_points + 2] = BM_elem_index_get(f->l_first->prev->v); branch->tot_hull_points += 3; } static int calc_mid_spine_rec(BMFace *f, Spine *spine, SpineBranch *active_branch, BMFace *last_f, int max_alloc, int hull_max) { BMFace **ad_f = MEM_callocN(sizeof(BMFace *) * 3,__func__); int adjacent_faces = get_adjacent_faces(f, ad_f, last_f); int added_points = 0; /* Points added by the current branch */ int sub_added_points = 0; /* Points added by child branches */ /* TODO Maybe not duplicates? */ add_face_to_branch(active_branch, f); added_points ++; SpineBranch *new_branch; if (adjacent_faces == 1) { added_points += calc_mid_spine_rec(ad_f[0], spine, active_branch, f, max_alloc, hull_max); } else if (adjacent_faces == 2) { /* Longer Branches? if(last_f != NULL){ float v_tmp[3], v_origin[3], v_branch1[3], v_branch2[3]; BM_face_calc_center_mean_weighted(f, v_tmp); BM_face_calc_center_mean_weighted(last_f, v_origin); sub_v3_v3(v_origin, v_tmp); BM_face_calc_center_mean_weighted(ad_f[0], v_branch1); sub_v3_v3(v_branch1, v_tmp); normalize_v3(v_branch1); BM_face_calc_center_mean_weighted(ad_f[1], v_branch2); sub_v3_v3(v_branch2, v_tmp); normalize_v3(v_branch2); //switch branches depending on angle if(dot_v3v3(v_origin, v_branch1) < dot_v3v3(v_origin, v_branch2)){ ad_f[2] = ad_f[0]; ad_f[0] = ad_f[1]; ad_f[1] = ad_f[2]; } }*/ new_branch = spine_branchoff(spine, active_branch, max_alloc, hull_max); sub_added_points = calc_mid_spine_rec(ad_f[0], spine, new_branch, f, max_alloc, hull_max); /* Controls when to remove small/stubby branches */ if (sub_added_points < 20 && new_branch->totforks < 3) { dissolve_branch(spine, new_branch, active_branch); } added_points += sub_added_points; new_branch = spine_branchoff(spine, active_branch, max_alloc, hull_max); sub_added_points = calc_mid_spine_rec(ad_f[1], spine, new_branch, f, max_alloc, hull_max); if (sub_added_points < 20 && new_branch->totforks < 3) { dissolve_branch(spine, new_branch, active_branch); } added_points += sub_added_points; } MEM_freeN(ad_f); return added_points; } static void calc_bb_spine(Spine *spine, SilhouetteStroke *stroke, SilhouetteData *sil) { SpineBranch *a_b; float point[3], z_vec[3]; for (int b = 0; b < spine->totbranches; b++) { a_b = spine->branches[b]; if(a_b) { for (int i = 0; i < a_b->tot_hull_points; i++) { mul_v3_v3fl(z_vec, sil->z_vec, sil->depth); add_v3_v3v3(point, &stroke->points[a_b->hull_points[i] * 3], z_vec); BB_expand(&a_b->bb, point); sub_v3_v3v3(point, &stroke->points[a_b->hull_points[i] * 3], z_vec); BB_expand(&a_b->bb, point); } } } } static Spine *silhouette_generate_spine(SilhouetteData *sil, SilhouetteStroke *stroke) { BMesh *bm; const struct BMeshCreateParams bm_create_params = {0}; BMVert **vert_arr = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(BMVert *) * stroke->totvert, __func__); BMFace *f; BMVert *v; float v_co[3]; /* Generate a BMesh from the drawn hull */ bm = BM_mesh_create(&bm_mesh_allocsize_default, &bm_create_params); for (int i = 0; i < stroke->totvert; i++) { silhoute_stroke_point_to_3d(sil, i * 3, v_co); v = BM_vert_create( bm, v_co, NULL, BM_CREATE_NOP); BM_elem_index_set(v,i); vert_arr[i] = v; } f = BM_face_create_ngon_verts(bm, vert_arr, stroke->totvert, NULL, BM_CREATE_NO_DOUBLE, true, true); BM_face_normal_update(f); int save_max = (2 * stroke->totvert - 2) * 2; int faces_array_tot = save_max;/* Upper limit -convexhull verts for precise calc */ BMFace **faces_array = BLI_array_alloca(faces_array, faces_array_tot); struct MemArena *pf_arena; struct Heap *pf_heap; struct EdgeHash *pf_ehash; pf_arena = BLI_memarena_new(BLI_POLYFILL_ARENA_SIZE, __func__); pf_heap = BLI_heap_new_ex(BLI_POLYFILL_ALLOC_NGON_RESERVE); pf_ehash = BLI_edgehash_new_ex(__func__, BLI_POLYFILL_ALLOC_NGON_RESERVE); /* Triangulate to traverse faces */ BM_face_triangulate(bm, f, faces_array, &faces_array_tot, NULL, NULL, NULL, MOD_TRIANGULATE_QUAD_BEAUTY, MOD_TRIANGULATE_NGON_BEAUTY, false, pf_arena, pf_heap, pf_ehash); /* Debug triangulated face: for (int i = 0; i < faces_array_tot; i++){ f = faces_array[i]; bl_debug_draw_edge_add(f->l_first->e->v1->co,f->l_first->e->v2->co); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(f->l_first->next->e->v1->co,f->l_first->next->e->v2->co); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(f->l_first->next->next->e->v1->co,f->l_first->next->next->e->v2->co); }*/ /* start traversing at the first face */ f = faces_array[0]; Spine *spine = new_spine(save_max, stroke->totvert); printf("Verts in stroke: %i\n", stroke->totvert); /* traverse recursively */ calc_mid_spine_rec(f, spine, spine->branches[0], NULL, save_max, stroke->totvert); printf("Spine generated with %i Branches.\n", spine->totbranches); #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW /*debug_spine(spine);*/ #endif calc_bb_spine(spine, stroke, sil); return spine; } /* * d ** | ******c * * | | * * | | * * | | * * | | * ---------- -------- * * | | * * smooth | * a _________|______ b * Interpolate between the three points resulting in a vertex line between a and c. * Smoothness regulates the cutoff to start a circular interpolation */ static void calc_vert_quarter(Mesh *me, float a[3], float b[3], float c[3], int v_steps, int w_h_steps, float smoothness, bool flip, bool flip_side){ int v_start = me->totvert; int v_pos = flip ? v_start + v_steps + w_h_steps - 1 - (flip_side ? 1 : 0): v_start; float inv_smooth = 1.0f - smoothness; float v1[3], v2[3], v3[3], v4[3], v5[3], up[3], side[3], d[3]; float f_sin, f_cos; int s_steps_w = inv_smooth * w_h_steps; int s_steps_v = fmax(1, inv_smooth * v_steps); int s_steps_c = v_steps - s_steps_v + w_h_steps - s_steps_w; ED_mesh_vertices_add(me, NULL, v_steps + w_h_steps - (flip_side ? 1 : 0)); sub_v3_v3v3(up, c, b); add_v3_v3v3(d, a, up); mul_v3_fl(up, 1.0f / (float)v_steps); sub_v3_v3v3(side, a, b); if (w_h_steps > 0) { mul_v3_fl(side, 1.0f / (float)(w_h_steps)); } mul_v3_v3fl(v2, side, s_steps_w); add_v3_v3(v2, c); copy_v3_v3(v1, a); for (int v = 0; v < s_steps_v; v++) { if (!flip_side || v > 0) { copy_v3_v3(me->mvert[v_pos].co, v1); me->mvert[v_pos].flag = 0; me->mvert[v_pos].bweight = 0; v_pos += flip ? - 1 : 1; } if (v < s_steps_v - 1) { add_v3_v3(v1, up); } } sub_v3_v3v3(v3, d, v1); sub_v3_v3v3(v4, d, v2); sub_v3_v3(v1, v4); for (int c = 1; c < s_steps_c + 1; c++) { f_sin = sin(((float)c / (float)(s_steps_c + 1)) * M_PI / 2); f_cos = cos(((float)c / (float)(s_steps_c + 1)) * M_PI / 2); mul_v3_v3fl(v2, v4, f_cos); add_v3_v3v3(v5, v2, v1); mul_v3_v3fl(v2, v3, f_sin); add_v3_v3(v5, v2); copy_v3_v3(me->mvert[v_pos].co, v5); me->mvert[v_pos].flag = 0; me->mvert[v_pos].bweight = 0; v_pos += flip ? - 1 : 1; } add_v3_v3(v1, v3); for (int w = 0; w < s_steps_w; w++) { copy_v3_v3(me->mvert[v_pos].co, v1); me->mvert[v_pos].flag = 0; me->mvert[v_pos].bweight = 0; sub_v3_v3(v1, side); v_pos += flip ? - 1 : 1; } } /* W_steps needs to be uneven! */ static void calc_vert_half(Mesh *me, float left[3], float right[3], float center[3], float upper_center[3], int v_steps, int w_steps, float smoothness, bool flip_side) { int half_w = w_steps / 2; calc_vert_quarter(me, left, center, upper_center, v_steps, half_w, smoothness, false, flip_side); ED_mesh_vertices_add(me, NULL, 1); copy_v3_v3(me->mvert[me->totvert - 1].co, upper_center); me->mvert[me->totvert - 1].flag = 0; me->mvert[me->totvert - 1].bweight = 0; calc_vert_quarter(me, right, center, upper_center, v_steps, half_w, smoothness, true, flip_side); } /* Create standardised Mesh. Simple UxV rectangular grid. (Edges, Loops, Polys):*/ static void generate_mesh_grid_f_e(Mesh *me, int u_steps, int v_steps, int v_start, bool n_flip) { int face_count = (u_steps - 1) * (v_steps - 1); int e_start = me->totedge; int l_start = me->totloop; int p_start = me->totpoly; int p_pos = 0, l_pos = 0, e_pos = 0, v_pos = 0; int edges_per_side = face_count * 2 + u_steps + v_steps - 2; /*TODO: drag out of branch loop*/ ED_mesh_edges_add(me, NULL, edges_per_side); ED_mesh_loops_add(me, NULL, face_count * 4); ED_mesh_polys_add(me, NULL, face_count); for (int u = 0; u < u_steps; u++) { for (int v = 0; v < v_steps; v++) { /* add edges */ if (v < v_steps - 1 && u < u_steps - 1) { e_pos = e_start + u * (v_steps * 2 - 1) + v * 2; me->medge[e_pos].crease = 0; me->medge[e_pos].bweight = 0; me->medge[e_pos].flag = 0; me->medge[e_pos].v1 = v_start + u * v_steps + v; me->medge[e_pos].v2 = v_start + u * v_steps + v + 1; me->medge[e_pos + 1].crease = 0; me->medge[e_pos + 1].bweight = 0; me->medge[e_pos + 1].flag = 0; me->medge[e_pos + 1].v1 = v_start + u * v_steps + v; me->medge[e_pos + 1].v2 = v_start + (u + 1) * v_steps + v; /* add loops */ l_pos = l_start + u * 4 * (v_steps - 1) + v * 4; v_pos = v_start + u * v_steps + v; me->mloop[l_pos].v = v_pos; me->mloop[l_pos].e = e_pos; if (n_flip) { /* clockwise */ me->mloop[l_pos + 1].v = v_pos + 1; me->mloop[l_pos + 1].e = e_pos + 3; me->mloop[l_pos + 2].v = v_pos + v_steps + 1; me->mloop[l_pos + 2].e = e_pos + v_steps * 2 - 1; me->mloop[l_pos + 3].v = v_pos + v_steps; me->mloop[l_pos + 3].e = e_pos + 1; } else { /* anti clockwise */ me->mloop[l_pos + 1].v = v_pos + v_steps; me->mloop[l_pos + 1].e = e_pos + 1; me->mloop[l_pos + 2].v = v_pos + v_steps + 1; me->mloop[l_pos + 2].e = e_pos + v_steps * 2 - 1; me->mloop[l_pos + 3].v = v_pos + 1; me->mloop[l_pos + 3].e = e_pos + 3; } /* add Polys */ p_pos = p_start + u * (v_steps - 1) + v; me->mpoly[p_pos].totloop = 4; me->mpoly[p_pos].loopstart = l_pos; me->mpoly[p_pos].mat_nr = 0; me->mpoly[p_pos].flag = 0; me->mpoly[p_pos].pad = 0; } else if (v == v_steps - 1 && u != u_steps - 1){ e_pos = e_start + u * (v_steps * 2 - 1) + v * 2; me->medge[e_pos].crease = 0; me->medge[e_pos].bweight = 0; me->medge[e_pos].flag = 0; me->medge[e_pos].v1 = v_start + u * v_steps + v; me->medge[e_pos].v2 = v_start + (u + 1) * v_steps + v; } else if (u == u_steps - 1 && v != v_steps - 1) { e_pos = e_start + u * (v_steps * 2 - 1) + v; me->medge[e_pos].crease = 0; me->medge[e_pos].bweight = 0; me->medge[e_pos].flag = 0; me->medge[e_pos].v1 = v_start + u * v_steps + v; me->medge[e_pos].v2 = v_start + u * v_steps + v + 1; } } } } static void bridge_loops(Mesh *me, int e_start_a, int e_start_b, int totvert, bool flip, int a_stride, int b_stride, bool n_flip) { int e_start = me->totedge; int l_start = me->totloop; int p_start = me->totpoly; ED_mesh_edges_add(me, NULL, totvert); ED_mesh_loops_add(me, NULL, 4 * totvert - 4); ED_mesh_polys_add(me, NULL, totvert - 1); for (int i = 0; i < totvert; i++) { me->medge[e_start + i].crease = 0; me->medge[e_start + i].bweight = 0; me->medge[e_start + i].flag = 0; if (i < totvert - 1) { if (flip) { me->medge[e_start + i].v1 = me->medge[e_start_a + i * a_stride].v1; me->medge[e_start + i].v2 = me->medge[e_start_b - i * b_stride].v2; } else { me->medge[e_start + i].v1 = me->medge[e_start_a + i * a_stride].v1; me->medge[e_start + i].v2 = me->medge[e_start_b + i * b_stride].v1; } me->mloop[l_start + i * 4 + 0].v = me->medge[e_start_a + i * a_stride].v1; me->mloop[l_start + i * 4 + 0].e = e_start_a + i * a_stride; me->mloop[l_start + i * 4 + (n_flip? 3 : 1)].v = me->medge[e_start_a + i * a_stride].v2; me->mloop[l_start + i * 4 + (n_flip? 3 : 1)].e = e_start + i + 1; if (flip) { me->mloop[l_start + i * 4 + 2].v = me->medge[e_start_b - i * b_stride].v1; me->mloop[l_start + i * 4 + 2].e = e_start_b - i * b_stride; me->mloop[l_start + i * 4 + (n_flip? 1 : 3)].v = me->medge[e_start_b - i * b_stride].v2; } else { me->mloop[l_start + i * 4 + 2].v = me->medge[e_start_b + i * b_stride].v2; me->mloop[l_start + i * 4 + 2].e = e_start_b + i * b_stride; me->mloop[l_start + i * 4 + (n_flip? 1 : 3)].v = me->medge[e_start_b + i * b_stride].v1; } me->mloop[l_start + i * 4 + (n_flip? 1 : 3)].e = e_start + i; me->mpoly[p_start + i].loopstart = l_start + i * 4; me->mpoly[p_start + i].totloop = 4; me->mpoly[p_start + i].mat_nr = 0; me->mpoly[p_start + i].flag = 0; me->mpoly[p_start + i].pad = 0; } else { if (flip) { me->medge[e_start + i].v1 = me->medge[e_start_a + (i - 1) * a_stride].v2; me->medge[e_start + i].v2 = me->medge[e_start_b - (i - 1) * b_stride].v1; } else { me->medge[e_start + i].v1 = me->medge[e_start_a + (i - 1) * a_stride].v2; me->medge[e_start + i].v2 = me->medge[e_start_b + (i - 1) * b_stride].v2; } } } } /* * Generate a quad from three edges. Returning the newly created edge. * ___a___ * | | * b new * | | * ___c___ */ static int add_quad(Mesh *me, int edge_b, int edge_a, int edge_c, bool flip) { int v_a, v_c; MEdge e_a, e_b, e_c; int e_start = me->totedge; int l_start = me->totloop; int p_start = me->totpoly; bool b_flip = false; e_a = me->medge[edge_a]; e_b = me->medge[edge_b]; e_c = me->medge[edge_c]; if (e_a.v1 == e_b.v1 || e_a.v1 == e_b.v2){ b_flip = (e_a.v1 == e_b.v1); v_a = e_a.v2; } else { b_flip = (e_a.v2 == e_b.v1); v_a = e_a.v1; } if (e_c.v1 == e_b.v1 || e_c.v1 == e_b.v2){ v_c = e_c.v2; } else { v_c = e_c.v1; } ED_mesh_edges_add(me, NULL, 1); me->medge[e_start].v2 = v_a; me->medge[e_start].v1 = v_c; me->medge[e_start].crease = 0; me->medge[e_start].bweight = 0; me->medge[e_start].flag = 0; ED_mesh_loops_add(me, NULL, 4); me->mloop[l_start].v = b_flip ? e_b.v1 : e_b.v2; me->mloop[l_start].e = edge_a; me->mloop[l_start + (flip ? 1 : 3)].v = v_a; me->mloop[l_start + (flip ? 1 : 3)].e = e_start; me->mloop[l_start + 2].v = v_c; me->mloop[l_start + 2].e = edge_c; me->mloop[l_start + (flip ? 3 : 1)].v = b_flip ? e_b.v2 : e_b.v1; me->mloop[l_start + (flip ? 3 : 1)].e = edge_b; ED_mesh_polys_add(me, NULL, 1); me->mpoly[p_start].loopstart = l_start; me->mpoly[p_start].totloop = 4; me->mpoly[p_start].mat_nr = 0; me->mpoly[p_start].flag = 0; me->mpoly[p_start].pad = 0; return e_start; } static void add_face(Mesh *me, int e1, int e2, int e3, int e4, int l_start, int p_start, bool flip){ int comp_v1; if (me->medge[e1].v1 == me->medge[e2].v1 || me->medge[e1].v1 == me->medge[e2].v2) { comp_v1 = me->medge[e1].v1; me->mloop[l_start].v = me->medge[e1].v2; me->mloop[l_start].e = e1; } else { comp_v1 = me->medge[e1].v2; me->mloop[l_start].v = me->medge[e1].v1; me->mloop[l_start].e = e1; } if (me->medge[e2].v1 == comp_v1) { me->mloop[l_start + (flip ? 3 : 1)].v = me->medge[e2].v1; comp_v1 = me->medge[e2].v2; } else { me->mloop[l_start + (flip ? 3 : 1)].v = me->medge[e2].v2; comp_v1 = me->medge[e2].v1; } me->mloop[l_start + (flip ? 3 : 1)].e = e2; if (me->medge[e3].v1 == comp_v1) { me->mloop[l_start + 2].v = me->medge[e3].v1; comp_v1 = me->medge[e3].v2; } else { me->mloop[l_start + 2].v = me->medge[e3].v2; comp_v1 = me->medge[e3].v1; } me->mloop[l_start + 2].e = e3; if (me->medge[e4].v1 == comp_v1) { me->mloop[l_start + (flip ? 1 : 3)].v = me->medge[e4].v1; comp_v1 = me->medge[e4].v2; } else { me->mloop[l_start + (flip ? 1 : 3)].v = me->medge[e4].v2; comp_v1 = me->medge[e4].v1; } me->mloop[l_start + (flip ? 1 : 3)].e = e4; me->mpoly[p_start].totloop = 4; me->mpoly[p_start].loopstart = l_start; me->mpoly[p_start].mat_nr = 0; me->mpoly[p_start].flag = 0; me->mpoly[p_start].pad = 0; } /* TODO: is there a sort function already?*/ static int cmpfunc (const void * a, const void * b) { return ( *(int*)a - *(int*)b ); } /* Generate the Tube shape for branches with two ends. */ static void fill_tube(Mesh *me, float *left, float *right, int totl, int totr, int u_steps, float z_vec[3], int v_steps, int w_steps, float smoothness, int *r_edge_loop_ends, bool n_g_flip, bool flip_side) { float step_l = left[totl * 4 - 1] / (float)u_steps; float step_r = right[totr * 4 - 1] / (float)u_steps; float a, b, f; float v1[3], v2[3], v3[3], v4[3]; int l_u_pos_i = 1, r_u_pos_i = totr - 2; const int v_start = me->totvert; const int e_start = me->totedge; for (int u = 0; u < u_steps; u++) { while (l_u_pos_i < totl - 1 && left[l_u_pos_i * 4 + 3] <= step_l * (float)u) { l_u_pos_i ++; } while (r_u_pos_i > 0 && right[r_u_pos_i * 4 + 3] > step_r * (float)(u_steps - u - 1)) { r_u_pos_i --; } /* Interpolate over the points of each side. Interpolate an even point distribution along the line */ if (totl > 1) { a = left[l_u_pos_i * 4 - 1]; b = left[l_u_pos_i * 4 + 3]; if (a != b) { f = (step_l * (float)u - a) / (b - a); } else { f = 0.0f; } interp_v3_v3v3(v1, &left[l_u_pos_i * 4 - 4], &left[l_u_pos_i * 4], f); } else { copy_v3_v3(v1, &left[0]); } if (totr > 1) { a = right[r_u_pos_i * 4 + 7]; b = right[r_u_pos_i * 4 + 3]; if (a != b) { f = (step_r * (float)(u_steps - u - 1) - a) / (b - a); } else { f = 0.0f; } interp_v3_v3v3(v2, &right[r_u_pos_i * 4 + 4], &right[r_u_pos_i * 4], f); } else { copy_v3_v3(v2, &right[0]); } add_v3_v3v3(v3, v1, v2); mul_v3_fl(v3, 0.5f); add_v3_v3v3(v4, v3, z_vec); /* v1 left, v2 right, v3 center bottom, v4 center top */ calc_vert_half(me, v1, v2, v3, v4, v_steps, w_steps, smoothness, flip_side); } generate_mesh_grid_f_e(me, u_steps, v_steps * 2 + w_steps - (flip_side ? 2 : 0), v_start, n_g_flip); if (!flip_side) { r_edge_loop_ends[0] = e_start; r_edge_loop_ends[1] = 2; r_edge_loop_ends[2] = me->totedge - v_steps * 2 - w_steps + 1; r_edge_loop_ends[3] = 1; } else { r_edge_loop_ends[4] = e_start; r_edge_loop_ends[5] = 2; r_edge_loop_ends[6] = me->totedge - v_steps * 2 - w_steps + 3; r_edge_loop_ends[7] = 1; } } static int get_cyclic_offset(SpineBranch *branch) { int cyclic_offset = 0, n_i = 0; if (branch->hull_points[0] == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < branch->tot_hull_points; i++) { if (n_i > 0) { cyclic_offset ++; } if (branch->hull_points[i] + 1 != branch->hull_points[i + 1] && branch->hull_points[i] != branch->hull_points[i + 1] && i < branch->tot_hull_points - 1) { n_i ++; cyclic_offset = 0; } } } return cyclic_offset; } /* Generate the Cap for branches with one ends. */ static void add_ss_cap(SilhouetteData *sil, SpineBranch *branch, Mesh *me, float z_vec[3], float depth, int v_steps, int w_steps, float smoothness, bool n_g_flip, bool flip_side) { float *cap_p = NULL; float v1[3], m_center[3], m_center_up[3], left_ref[3], right_ref[3]; float totlength = 0.0f; float step_size = depth / (float)w_steps; int cyclic_offset = 0, n_i = 0; int e_cap_start_a, e_cap_start_b, e_cap_start_c; int e_corner_a, e_corner_b; int cap_end_flip_e_start, cap_end_flip_start_a_l, cap_end_flip_start_b_l; int cap_end_flip_start_a_r, cap_end_flip_start_b_r, e_cap_tube_start, e_cap_tube_end; int e_flip_tube_end[2]; BLI_array_declare(cap_p); if (!flip_side) { branch->fs_bs_offset = me->totedge; } if (branch->tot_hull_points <= 0) { return; } /* calc and sort hullpoints for the three sides */ qsort (branch->hull_points, branch->tot_hull_points, sizeof(int), cmpfunc); cyclic_offset = get_cyclic_offset(branch); for (int i = 0; i < branch->tot_hull_points; i++) { n_i = branch->tot_hull_points + i - cyclic_offset; BLI_array_grow_items(cap_p, 4); silhoute_stroke_point_to_3d(sil, branch->hull_points[n_i % branch->tot_hull_points] * 3, &cap_p[i * 4]); if (i > 0) { cap_p[i * 4 + 3] = len_v3v3(&cap_p[i * 4], v1) + cap_p[i * 4 - 1]; } else { cap_p[i * 4 + 3] = 0.0f; } copy_v3_v3(v1, &cap_p[i * 4]); } if (!(branch->flag & BRANCH_EDGE_GEN)) { branch->e_start_arr = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * 4, "edge startposition array"); branch->e_flip_side_ends = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * 2, "fs bs edges"); branch->flag |= BRANCH_EDGE_GEN; } totlength = cap_p[branch->tot_hull_points * 4 - 1]; float cap_length = fmin(totlength, (w_steps * step_size)); step_size = cap_length / (float)w_steps; float cap_pos = (totlength - cap_length) * 0.5f; float a, b, f; int u_pos_i = 0; int v_start; int u_steps; int e_start_tube[8]; int totl = 0, totr = 0; int e_flip_start; int e_flip_offset = 0; /* carry edgecount difference in both sides to refrence opposing edges by subtracting totedge - flip offset. Only valid if flip_side = true*/ /* If the cap is big enough a tube is added between the cap and the last branch. */ if (totlength > step_size * w_steps) { int side_l = cap_pos; float *left = NULL, *right = NULL; float n_off_right; BLI_array_declare(left); BLI_array_declare(right); while (cap_p[u_pos_i * 4 + 3] < side_l) { BLI_array_grow_items(left, 4); left[totl * 4 ] = cap_p[u_pos_i * 4 ]; left[totl * 4 + 1] = cap_p[u_pos_i * 4 + 1]; left[totl * 4 + 2] = cap_p[u_pos_i * 4 + 2]; left[totl * 4 + 3] = cap_p[u_pos_i * 4 + 3]; totl ++; u_pos_i ++; } while (cap_p[u_pos_i * 4 + 3] < totlength - side_l) { u_pos_i ++; } while (u_pos_i < branch->tot_hull_points) { if (totr == 0) { n_off_right = cap_p[u_pos_i * 4 + 3]; } BLI_array_grow_items(right, 4); right[totr * 4 ] = cap_p[u_pos_i * 4 ]; right[totr * 4 + 1] = cap_p[u_pos_i * 4 + 1]; right[totr * 4 + 2] = cap_p[u_pos_i * 4 + 2]; right[totr * 4 + 3] = cap_p[u_pos_i * 4 + 3] - n_off_right; totr ++; u_pos_i ++; } if (totl >= 1 && totr >= 1) { u_steps = fmax(2.0f, fmax(left[totl * 4 - 1], right[totr * 4 - 1]) / (float)(2 * depth / v_steps)); e_flip_start = me->totedge; fill_tube(me, left, right, totl, totr, u_steps, z_vec, v_steps, w_steps, smoothness, e_start_tube, n_g_flip, flip_side); copy_v3_v3(left_ref, &left[totl * 4 - 4]); copy_v3_v3(right_ref, &right[0]); cap_length = totlength - left[totl * 4 - 1] - right[totr * 4 - 1]; if (flip_side) { branch->e_flip_side_ends[0] = me->totedge; bridge_loops(me, e_flip_start + 1, e_flip_start - branch->fs_bs_offset + 1, u_steps, false, ((v_steps - 1) * 2 + w_steps) * 2 - 1, (v_steps * 2 + w_steps) * 2 - 1, !n_g_flip); branch->e_flip_side_ends[1] = me->totedge; e_flip_tube_end[0] = me->totedge - 1; bridge_loops(me, e_flip_start + ((v_steps - 1) * 2 + w_steps) * 2 - 2, e_flip_start - branch->fs_bs_offset + (v_steps * 2 + w_steps) * 2 - 2, u_steps, false, ((v_steps - 1) * 2 + w_steps) * 2 - 1, (v_steps * 2 + w_steps) * 2 - 1, n_g_flip); e_flip_tube_end[1] = me->totedge - 1; e_flip_offset += u_steps * 2 - 2; } } BLI_array_free(left); BLI_array_free(right); } if (totlength <= step_size * w_steps || totl == 0 || totr == 0) { copy_v3_v3(left_ref, &cap_p[0]); copy_v3_v3(right_ref, &cap_p[branch->tot_hull_points * 4 - 4]); } cap_pos = (totlength - cap_length) / 2.0f; step_size = cap_length / (w_steps + 2); interp_v3_v3v3(m_center, left_ref, right_ref, 0.5f); add_v3_v3v3(m_center_up, m_center, z_vec); /* Add connecting edge */ v_start = me->totvert; e_cap_start_a = me->totedge; calc_vert_half(me, left_ref, right_ref, m_center, m_center_up, v_steps, w_steps, smoothness, flip_side); /*TODO connect to flipside */ ED_mesh_edges_add(me, NULL, v_steps * 2 + w_steps - 1 - (flip_side ? 2 : 0)); for(int v = 0; v < v_steps * 2 + w_steps - 1 - (flip_side ? 2 : 0); v++){ me->medge[e_cap_start_a + v].v1 = v_start + v; me->medge[e_cap_start_a + v].v2 = v_start + v + 1; me->medge[e_cap_start_a + v].crease = 0; me->medge[e_cap_start_a + v].bweight = 0; me->medge[e_cap_start_a + v].flag = 0; } e_flip_offset += 2; cap_pos += step_size; u_pos_i = 1; v_start = me->totvert; for (int u = 0; u < w_steps; u++) { while (u_pos_i < branch->tot_hull_points && cap_p[u_pos_i * 4 + 3] <= cap_pos) { u_pos_i ++; } interp_v3_v3v3(m_center, left_ref, right_ref, smoothness * 0.5f + (1.0f - smoothness) * ((float)u / w_steps)); add_v3_v3v3(m_center_up, m_center, z_vec); a = cap_p[u_pos_i * 4 - 1]; b = cap_p[u_pos_i * 4 + 3]; if (a != b) { f = (cap_pos - a) / (b - a); } else { f = 0.0f; } interp_v3_v3v3(v1, &cap_p[u_pos_i * 4 - 4], &cap_p[u_pos_i * 4], f); calc_vert_quarter(me, v1, m_center, m_center_up, v_steps, 0, smoothness, false, flip_side); cap_pos += step_size; } e_cap_start_b = me->totedge; generate_mesh_grid_f_e(me, w_steps, v_steps - (flip_side ? 1 : 0), v_start, n_g_flip); e_cap_start_c = me->totedge; if (flip_side) { cap_end_flip_e_start = me->totedge; bridge_loops(me, e_cap_start_b + 1, e_cap_start_b - branch->fs_bs_offset + e_flip_offset + 1, w_steps, false, v_steps * 2 - 3, v_steps * 2 - 1, !n_g_flip); e_flip_offset += w_steps - 1; } bridge_loops(me, e_cap_start_a, e_cap_start_b, v_steps - (flip_side ? 1 : 0), false, 1, 2, !n_g_flip); e_corner_a = me->totedge - 1; cap_end_flip_start_a_l = me->totedge - v_steps + 1; cap_end_flip_start_b_l = me->totedge - v_steps + 1 - branch->fs_bs_offset + e_flip_offset; bridge_loops(me, e_cap_start_a + v_steps - (flip_side ? 1 : 0), e_cap_start_b + 2 * v_steps - 2 - (flip_side ? 2 : 0), w_steps, false, 1, 2 * v_steps - 1 - (flip_side ? 2 : 0), !n_g_flip); e_corner_b = me->totedge - 1; bridge_loops(me, e_cap_start_a + v_steps - (flip_side ? 1 : 0) + w_steps, e_cap_start_c - 1, v_steps - (flip_side ? 1 : 0), true, 1, 1, !n_g_flip); cap_end_flip_start_a_r = me->totedge - 1; cap_end_flip_start_b_r = me->totedge - branch->fs_bs_offset + e_flip_offset + 1; ED_mesh_loops_add(me, NULL, 6); ED_mesh_polys_add(me, NULL, 2); /* corner a */ me->mloop[me->totloop - 6].v = me->medge[e_cap_start_a + v_steps -(flip_side ? 1 : 0) - 1].v1; me->mloop[me->totloop - 6].e = e_cap_start_a + v_steps -(flip_side ? 1 : 0) - 1; me->mloop[me->totloop - (n_g_flip ? 5 : 4)].v = me->medge[e_corner_a + 1].v1; me->mloop[me->totloop - (n_g_flip ? 5 : 4)].e = e_corner_a + 1; me->mloop[me->totloop - (n_g_flip ? 4 : 5)].v = me->medge[e_corner_a].v2; me->mloop[me->totloop - (n_g_flip ? 4 : 5)].e = e_corner_a; me->mpoly[me->totpoly - 2].loopstart = me->totloop - 6; me->mpoly[me->totpoly - 2].totloop = 3; me->mpoly[me->totpoly - 2].mat_nr = 0; me->mpoly[me->totpoly - 2].flag = 0; me->mpoly[me->totpoly - 2].pad = 0; /* corner b*/ me->mloop[me->totloop - 3].v = me->medge[e_cap_start_a + v_steps -(flip_side ? 1 : 0) + w_steps - 1].v1; me->mloop[me->totloop - 3].e = e_cap_start_a + v_steps -(flip_side ? 1 : 0) + w_steps - 1; me->mloop[me->totloop - (n_g_flip ? 2 : 1)].v = me->medge[e_corner_b + 1].v1; me->mloop[me->totloop - (n_g_flip ? 2 : 1)].e = e_corner_b + 1; me->mloop[me->totloop - (n_g_flip ? 1 : 2)].v = me->medge[e_corner_b].v2; me->mloop[me->totloop - (n_g_flip ? 1 : 2)].e = e_corner_b; me->mpoly[me->totpoly - 1].loopstart = me->totloop - 3; me->mpoly[me->totpoly - 1].totloop = 3; me->mpoly[me->totpoly - 1].mat_nr = 0; me->mpoly[me->totpoly - 1].flag = 0; me->mpoly[me->totpoly - 1].pad = 0; if (totlength <= step_size * w_steps || totl == 0 || totr == 0) { branch->e_start_arr[flip_side ? 2 : 0] = e_cap_start_a; branch->e_start_arr[flip_side ? 3 : 1] = 1; } else { e_cap_tube_start = me->totedge; bridge_loops(me, e_cap_start_a, e_start_tube[flip_side ? 6 : 2], v_steps * 2 + w_steps - (flip_side ? 2 : 0), false, 1, 1, n_g_flip); e_cap_tube_end = me->totedge - 1; e_flip_offset += 2; branch->e_start_arr[flip_side ? 2 : 0] = e_start_tube[flip_side ? 4 : 0]; branch->e_start_arr[flip_side ? 3 : 1] = e_start_tube[flip_side ? 5 : 1]; } if (!flip_side) { branch->fs_bs_offset = me->totedge - branch->fs_bs_offset; } else { add_quad(me, cap_end_flip_e_start, cap_end_flip_start_a_l, cap_end_flip_start_b_l, !n_g_flip); add_quad(me, cap_end_flip_e_start + w_steps - 1, cap_end_flip_start_a_r, cap_end_flip_start_b_r, n_g_flip); if (totlength <= step_size * w_steps || totl == 0 || totr == 0) { branch->e_flip_side_ends[0] = me->totedge - 2; branch->e_flip_side_ends[1] = me->totedge - 1; } else { ED_mesh_loops_add(me, NULL, 8); ED_mesh_polys_add(me, NULL, 2); add_face(me, e_flip_tube_end[0], e_cap_tube_start - branch->fs_bs_offset + e_flip_offset, me->totedge - 2, e_cap_tube_start, me->totloop - 8, me->totpoly - 2, n_g_flip); add_face(me, e_flip_tube_end[1], e_cap_tube_end - branch->fs_bs_offset + e_flip_offset + 2, me->totedge - 1, e_cap_tube_end, me->totloop - 4, me->totpoly - 1, !n_g_flip); } } BLI_array_free(cap_p); } static int calc_branch_orientation(Spine *spine, SpineBranch *branch, float point[3], int f_s) { int s = 0; float last_dist = len_v3v3(&spine->branches[branch->terminal_points[1]]->points[spine->branches[branch->terminal_points[1]]->totpoints * 3 - 3], point); if (spine->branches[branch->terminal_points[3]]->totpoints < 2 || spine->branches[branch->terminal_points[5]]->totpoints < 2) { return f_s; } float curr_dist = len_v3v3(&spine->branches[branch->terminal_points[3]]->points[3], point); if(last_dist > curr_dist){ last_dist = curr_dist; s = 1; } curr_dist = len_v3v3(&spine->branches[branch->terminal_points[5]]->points[3], point); if(last_dist > curr_dist){ last_dist = curr_dist; s = 2; } return s; } /* Generate a T-Intersection for branches with three ends. */ static void add_ss_tinter(SilhouetteData *sil, Spine *spine, SpineBranch *branch, Mesh *me, float z_vec[3], float depth, int v_steps, int w_steps, float smoothness, bool n_g_flip, bool flip_side) { float *sa = NULL; int b_start[3] = {0,0,0}, b_tot[3] = {0,0,0}; int filler = 0; int cyclic_offset = 0, n_i = 0; int pos_i_sa, u_steps; float step_length, a, b, f; float v1[3], v2[3], v3[3], v4[3], center[3], center_up[3]; float center_s[3 * 3]; int w_h_steps = w_steps / 2; int v_start, v_start_center; int e_start[3], e_start_center, e_start_inner[3], e_t_sign[6]; int stride_le; int ori[3]; int e_flip_offset = 0; /* carry edgecount difference in both sides to refrence opposing edges by subtracting totedge - flip offset. Only valid if flip_side = true*/ int e_flip_start[3]; int e_flip_q_l[3], e_flip_q_r[3]; BLI_array_declare(sa); if (!flip_side) { branch->fs_bs_offset = me->totedge; } /* calc and sort hullpoints for the three sides */ qsort (branch->hull_points, branch->tot_hull_points, sizeof(int), cmpfunc); if (branch->hull_points[0] == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < branch->tot_hull_points; i++) { if (n_i > 2) { cyclic_offset ++; } if (branch->hull_points[i] + 1 != branch->hull_points[i + 1] && branch->hull_points[i] != branch->hull_points[i + 1] && i < branch->tot_hull_points - 1) { n_i ++; cyclic_offset = 0; } } } if (branch->tot_hull_points <= 0) { return; } b_start[0] = 0; filler = 0; for (int i = 0; i < branch->tot_hull_points; i++) { n_i = branch->tot_hull_points + i - cyclic_offset; BLI_array_grow_items(sa, 4); silhoute_stroke_point_to_3d(sil, branch->hull_points[n_i % branch->tot_hull_points] * 3, &sa[b_start[filler] + b_tot[filler] * 4]); if(b_tot[filler] == 0){ sa[b_start[filler] + b_tot[filler] * 4 + 3] = 0.0f; }else{ sa[b_start[filler] + b_tot[filler] * 4 + 3] = len_v3v3(&sa[b_start[filler] + b_tot[filler] * 4 - 4], &sa[b_start[filler] + b_tot[filler] * 4]) + sa[b_start[filler] + b_tot[filler] * 4 - 1]; } b_tot[filler] ++; if (branch->hull_points[n_i % branch->tot_hull_points] + 1 != branch->hull_points[(n_i + 1) % branch->tot_hull_points] && branch->hull_points[n_i % branch->tot_hull_points] != branch->hull_points[(n_i + 1) % branch->tot_hull_points] && !(cyclic_offset != 0 && b_tot[0] <= cyclic_offset)) { if ((filler + 1) % 3 > 0){ b_start[(filler + 1) % 3] = b_start[filler] + b_tot[filler] * 4; } filler = (filler + 1) % 3; } } u_steps = 5; zero_v3(center); for (int s = 0; s < 3; s++) { copy_v3_v3(¢er_s[s * 3], &sa[b_start[s]]); add_v3_v3(¢er_s[s * 3], &sa[b_start[(s + 2) % 3] + b_tot[(s + 2) % 3] * 4 - 4]); mul_v3_fl(¢er_s[s * 3], 0.5f); add_v3_v3(center, ¢er_s[s * 3]); } mul_v3_fl(center, 1.0f/3.0f); add_v3_v3v3(center_up, center, z_vec); for (int s = 0; s < 3; s++) { /*TODO: Better max funktion (int)*/ u_steps = fmax(u_steps, len_v3v3(¢er_s[(s + 1) % 3 * 3], ¢er_s[s * 3]) / (float)(2 * depth / v_steps)); } /*needs to be uneven*/ u_steps |= 1; if (!(branch->flag & BRANCH_EDGE_GEN)) { branch->e_start_arr = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * 12,"edge startposition array"); branch->e_flip_side_ends = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * 6, "fs bs edges"); branch->flag |= BRANCH_EDGE_GEN; } v_start_center = me->totvert; ED_mesh_vertices_add(me, NULL, u_steps + u_steps / 2); e_start_center = me->totedge; ED_mesh_edges_add(me, NULL, (u_steps / 2) * 3); for (int s = 0; s < 3; s++) { step_length = sa[b_start[s] + b_tot[s] * 4 - 1] / (float)u_steps; add_v3_v3v3(v3, ¢er_s[s * 3], z_vec); v_start = me->totvert; ori[s] = calc_branch_orientation(spine, branch, ¢er_s[s * 3], s); branch->e_start_arr[(flip_side ? 6 : 0) + ori[s] * 2] = me->totedge; branch->e_start_arr[(flip_side ? 6 : 0) + ori[s] * 2 + 1] = 1; calc_vert_half(me, &sa[b_start[s]], &sa[b_start[(s + 2) % 3] + b_tot[(s + 2) % 3] * 4 - 4], ¢er_s[s * 3], v3, v_steps, w_steps, smoothness, flip_side); e_start[s] = me->totedge; ED_mesh_edges_add(me, NULL, v_steps * 2 + w_steps - 1 - (flip_side ? 2 : 0)); for(int v = 0; v < v_steps * 2 + w_steps - 1 - (flip_side ? 2 : 0); v++){ me->medge[e_start[s] + v].v1 = v_start + v; me->medge[e_start[s] + v].v2 = v_start + v + 1; me->medge[e_start[s] + v].crease = 0; me->medge[e_start[s] + v].bweight = 0; me->medge[e_start[s] + v].flag = 0; } e_flip_offset += 2; v_start = me->totvert; for (int u = 1; u < u_steps - 1; u++) { pos_i_sa = 1; while (pos_i_sa < b_tot[s] && sa[b_start[s] + pos_i_sa * 4 + 3] <= step_length * (float)u) { pos_i_sa ++; } /* Interpolate over the points of each side. Interpolate an even point distribution along the line */ if (b_tot[s] < 2) { copy_v3_v3(v1, &sa[b_start[s]]); } else { a = sa[b_start[s] + pos_i_sa * 4 - 1]; b = sa[b_start[s] + pos_i_sa * 4 + 3]; if (a != b) { f = (step_length * (float)u - a) / (b - a); } else { f = 0.0f; } interp_v3_v3v3(v1, &sa[b_start[s] + pos_i_sa * 4 - 4], &sa[b_start[s] + pos_i_sa * 4], f); } f = fabs((float)(u_steps / 2 - u) / ((float)u_steps / 2.0f)); if (u < u_steps / 2){ interp_v3_v3v3(v4, center, ¢er_s[s * 3], f); add_v3_v3v3(v2, v4, z_vec); copy_v3_v3(me->mvert[v_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2) + u].co, v2); me->mvert[v_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2) + u].flag = 0; me->mvert[v_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2) + u].bweight = 0; } else if (u == u_steps / 2) { copy_v3_v3(v4, center); add_v3_v3v3(v2, v4, z_vec); if (s == 0) { /* Add center at v2 */ copy_v3_v3(me->mvert[v_start_center].co, v2); me->mvert[v_start_center].flag = 0; me->mvert[v_start_center].bweight = 0; } } else { interp_v3_v3v3(v4, center, ¢er_s[(s + 1) % 3 * 3], f); add_v3_v3v3(v2, v4, z_vec); } calc_vert_quarter(me, v1, v4, v2, v_steps, w_h_steps, smoothness, false, flip_side); } me->medge[e_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2)].v1 = me->medge[e_start[s] + v_steps - (flip_side ? 1 : 0) + w_steps / 2].v1; me->medge[e_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2)].v2 = v_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2) + 1; me->medge[e_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2)].crease = 0; me->medge[e_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2)].bweight = 0; me->medge[e_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2)].flag = 0; for (int u = 1; u < u_steps / 2 - 1; u++) { me->medge[e_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2) + u].v1 = v_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2) + u; me->medge[e_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2) + u].v2 = v_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2) + 1 + u; me->medge[e_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2) + u].crease = 0; me->medge[e_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2) + u].bweight = 0; me->medge[e_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2) + u].flag = 0; } me->medge[e_start_center + (s + 1) * (u_steps / 2) - 1].v1 = v_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2) + 1 + (u_steps / 2 - 2); me->medge[e_start_center + (s + 1) * (u_steps / 2) - 1].v2 = v_start_center; me->medge[e_start_center + (s + 1) * (u_steps / 2) - 1].crease = 0; me->medge[e_start_center + (s + 1) * (u_steps / 2) - 1].bweight = 0; me->medge[e_start_center + (s + 1) * (u_steps / 2) - 1].flag = 0; e_start_inner[s] = me->totedge; generate_mesh_grid_f_e(me, u_steps - 2, v_steps - (flip_side ? 1 : 0) + w_steps / 2, v_start, n_g_flip); if (flip_side) { e_flip_start[s] = me->totedge; bridge_loops(me, e_start_inner[s] + 1, e_start_inner[s] - branch->fs_bs_offset + e_flip_offset + 1, u_steps - 2, false, (v_steps - 1 + w_steps / 2) * 2 - 1, (v_steps + w_steps / 2) * 2 - 1, !n_g_flip); e_flip_offset += u_steps - 3; } } for(int s = 0; s < 3; s++){ int e_end_a, e_end_b; bridge_loops(me, e_start_inner[s], e_start[s], v_steps -(flip_side ? 1 : 0) + w_steps / 2, false, 2, 1, n_g_flip); e_flip_offset += 1; if (flip_side) { e_flip_q_l[0] = e_flip_start[s]; e_flip_q_l[1] = me->totedge - (v_steps + w_steps / 2) + 1; e_flip_q_l[2] = me->totedge - (v_steps + w_steps / 2) - branch->fs_bs_offset + e_flip_offset; } e_end_a = me->totedge; bridge_loops(me, e_start_inner[(s + 2) % 3] + (u_steps - 3) * (2 * (v_steps -(flip_side ? 1 : 0) + w_steps / 2) - 1), e_start[s] + v_steps * 2 -(flip_side ? 2 : 0) + w_steps - 2, v_steps -(flip_side ? 1 : 0) + w_steps / 2, true, 1, 1, !n_g_flip); if (flip_side) { e_flip_q_r[0] = e_flip_start[(s + 2) % 3] + u_steps - 3; e_flip_q_r[1] = me->totedge - (v_steps + w_steps / 2) + 1; e_flip_q_r[2] = me->totedge - (v_steps + w_steps / 2) + 1 - branch->fs_bs_offset + e_flip_offset; } e_end_b = me->totedge; int e_side_a, e_side_b; e_side_a = add_quad(me, e_start[s] + v_steps -(flip_side ? 1 : 0) + w_steps / 2, e_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2), e_end_b - 1, !n_g_flip); e_side_b = add_quad(me, e_start[s] + v_steps -(flip_side ? 1 : 0) + w_steps / 2 - 1, e_end_a - 1, e_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2), !n_g_flip); stride_le = (2 * (v_steps -(flip_side ? 1 : 0) + w_steps / 2) - 1); for (int u = 1; u < u_steps / 2 - 1; u++) { e_side_b = add_quad(me, e_side_b, e_start_inner[s] - 1 + stride_le * u, e_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2) + u, !n_g_flip); e_side_a = add_quad(me, e_side_a, e_start_inner[(s + 2) % 3] - 1 + stride_le * (u_steps - 2 - u), e_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2) + u, n_g_flip); } e_t_sign[s * 2] = add_quad(me, e_side_b, e_start_inner[s] - 1 + stride_le * ((u_steps / 2) - 1), e_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2) + u_steps / 2 - 1, !n_g_flip); e_t_sign[s * 2 + 1] = e_side_a; if (flip_side) { branch->e_flip_side_ends[ori[s] * 2] = me->totedge; add_quad(me, e_flip_q_l[0], e_flip_q_l[1], e_flip_q_l[2], !n_g_flip); branch->e_flip_side_ends[ori[s] * 2 + 1] = me->totedge; add_quad(me, e_flip_q_r[0], e_flip_q_r[1], e_flip_q_r[2], n_g_flip); e_flip_offset -= 1; } } for(int s = 0; s < 3; s++){ ED_mesh_loops_add(me, NULL, 4); me->mloop[me->totloop - 4].v = me->medge[e_t_sign[(s + 2) % 3 * 2]].v1; me->mloop[me->totloop - 4].e = e_t_sign[(s + 2) % 3 * 2]; me->mloop[me->totloop - (n_g_flip ? 3 : 1)].v = me->medge[e_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2) + u_steps / 2 - 1].v1; me->mloop[me->totloop - (n_g_flip ? 3 : 1)].e = e_start_center + s * (u_steps / 2) + u_steps / 2 - 1; me->mloop[me->totloop - 2].v = me->medge[e_start_inner[(s + 2) % 3] - 1 + stride_le * ((u_steps / 2))].v2; me->mloop[me->totloop - 2].e = e_t_sign[s * 2 + 1]; me->mloop[me->totloop - (n_g_flip ? 1 : 3)].v = me->medge[e_start_inner[(s + 2) % 3] - 1 + stride_le * ((u_steps / 2))].v1; me->mloop[me->totloop - (n_g_flip ? 1 : 3)].e = e_start_inner[(s + 2) % 3] - 1 + stride_le * ((u_steps / 2)); ED_mesh_polys_add(me, NULL, 1); me->mpoly[me->totpoly - 1].loopstart = me->totloop - 4; me->mpoly[me->totpoly - 1].totloop = 4; me->mpoly[me->totpoly - 1].mat_nr = 0; me->mpoly[me->totpoly - 1].flag = 0; me->mpoly[me->totpoly - 1].pad = 0; } if (!flip_side) { branch->fs_bs_offset = me->totedge - branch->fs_bs_offset; } BLI_array_free(sa); } static void add_ss_tube(SilhouetteData *sil, SpineBranch *branch, Mesh *me, float z_vec[3], float depth, int v_steps, int w_steps, float w_fact, bool n_g_flip, bool flip_side) { /* x y z l (accumulative length)*/ float *left = NULL, *right = NULL; int totl = 0, totr = 0; int u_steps = 0; bool f_swap = false; int cyclic_offset = 0, n_i = 0; int e_start = 0; int t1, t2, t3, t4; BLI_array_declare(left); BLI_array_declare(right); if (!flip_side) { branch->fs_bs_offset = me->totedge; } /* Calc and sort Hullpoints to left and right side */ qsort (branch->hull_points, branch->tot_hull_points, sizeof(int), cmpfunc); if (branch->hull_points[0] == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < branch->tot_hull_points; i++) { if (n_i > 1) { cyclic_offset ++; } if (branch->hull_points[i] + 1 != branch->hull_points[i + 1] && branch->hull_points[i] != branch->hull_points[i + 1] && i < branch->tot_hull_points - 1) { n_i ++; cyclic_offset = 0; } } } /* fill left and right arrays with hull points. */ for (int i = 0; i < branch->tot_hull_points; i++){ n_i = branch->tot_hull_points + (i - cyclic_offset); if (!f_swap) { BLI_array_grow_items(left, 4); silhoute_stroke_point_to_3d(sil, branch->hull_points[n_i % branch->tot_hull_points] * 3, &left[totl * 4]); if (totl > 0) { left[totl * 4 + 3] = len_v3v3(&left[totl * 4],&left[totl * 4 - 4]) + left[totl * 4 - 1]; } else { left[totl * 4 + 3] = 0.0f; } totl ++; } else { BLI_array_grow_items(right, 4); silhoute_stroke_point_to_3d(sil, branch->hull_points[n_i % branch->tot_hull_points] * 3, &right[totr*4]); if (totr > 0) { right[totr * 4 + 3] = len_v3v3(&right[totr * 4],&right[totr * 4 - 4]) + right[totr * 4 - 1]; } else { right[totr * 4 + 3] = 0.0f; } totr ++; } if (branch->hull_points[n_i % branch->tot_hull_points] + 1 != branch->hull_points[(n_i + 1) % branch->tot_hull_points] && branch->hull_points[n_i % branch->tot_hull_points] != branch->hull_points[(n_i + 1) % branch->tot_hull_points] && !(cyclic_offset != 0 && totl <= cyclic_offset)) { f_swap = !f_swap; } } if (totl < 1 && totr < 1) { return; } u_steps = fmax(2.0f, fmax(left[totl * 4 - 1], right[totr * 4 - 1]) / (float)(2 * depth / v_steps)); if (!(branch->flag & BRANCH_EDGE_GEN)) { branch->e_start_arr = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * 8, "edge startposition array"); branch->e_flip_side_ends = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * 4, "fs bs edges"); branch->flag |= BRANCH_EDGE_GEN; } e_start = me->totedge; fill_tube(me, left, right, totl, totr, u_steps, z_vec, v_steps, w_steps, w_fact, branch->e_start_arr, n_g_flip, flip_side); if (flip_side) { branch->e_flip_side_ends[0] = me->totedge; bridge_loops(me, e_start + 1, e_start - branch->fs_bs_offset + 1, u_steps, false, ((v_steps - 1) * 2 + w_steps) * 2 - 1, (v_steps * 2 + w_steps) * 2 - 1, !n_g_flip); branch->e_flip_side_ends[1] = me->totedge; branch->e_flip_side_ends[2] = me->totedge - 1; bridge_loops(me, e_start + ((v_steps - 1) * 2 + w_steps) * 2 - 2, e_start - branch->fs_bs_offset + (v_steps * 2 + w_steps) * 2 - 2, u_steps, false, ((v_steps - 1) * 2 + w_steps) * 2 - 1, (v_steps * 2 + w_steps) * 2 - 1, n_g_flip); branch->e_flip_side_ends[3] = me->totedge - 1; } else { branch->fs_bs_offset = me->totedge - branch->fs_bs_offset; } if (branch->hull_points[0] == 0 && flip_side) { t1 = branch->e_start_arr[0]; t2 = branch->e_start_arr[1]; t3 = branch->e_start_arr[4]; t4 = branch->e_start_arr[5]; branch->e_start_arr[0] = branch->e_start_arr[2]; branch->e_start_arr[1] = branch->e_start_arr[3]; branch->e_start_arr[4] = branch->e_start_arr[6]; branch->e_start_arr[5] = branch->e_start_arr[7]; branch->e_start_arr[2] = t1; branch->e_start_arr[3] = t2; branch->e_start_arr[6] = t3; branch->e_start_arr[7] = t4; t1 = branch->e_flip_side_ends[0]; t2 = branch->e_flip_side_ends[1]; branch->e_flip_side_ends[0] = branch->e_flip_side_ends[2]; branch->e_flip_side_ends[1] = branch->e_flip_side_ends[3]; branch->e_flip_side_ends[2] = t1; branch->e_flip_side_ends[3] = t2; } BLI_array_free(left); BLI_array_free(right); } /* TODO: Fix for incomplete Spine Generation. Delete? It calculates the real amount of adjacent branches not counting empty ones.*/ static int r_branch_count(Spine *spine, SpineBranch *b) { int r_forks = 0; for (int i = 0; i < b->totforks; i++) { if (spine->branches[b->terminal_points[i * 2 + 1]]) { r_forks ++; } } return r_forks; } /* TODO: T-Intersections are sometimes misordered! Connects the different Branches if they have the BRANCH_EDGE_GEN flag set. */ static void bridge_all_parts_rec(Mesh *me, Spine *spine, SpineBranch *active_branch, SpineBranch *prev_branch, int verts_per_loop, bool n_g_flip) { int b_fork_off, a_fork_off, a_fork_off_inv, b_fork_off_inv, comp_e_start, comp_e_start_flip; float dist_a, dist_b; a_fork_off = 0; for (int i = 0; i < active_branch->totforks; i++) { SpineBranch *comp = spine->branches[active_branch->terminal_points[i * 2 + 1]]; if (comp && comp != prev_branch) { if (active_branch->flag & BRANCH_EDGE_GEN && comp->flag & BRANCH_EDGE_GEN) { b_fork_off = 0; for (int sb = 0; sb < comp->totforks; sb++) { if (spine->branches[comp->terminal_points[sb * 2 + 1]]) { if (comp->terminal_points[sb * 2 + 1] == active_branch->idx) { break; } b_fork_off ++; } } /* TODO: Might fail with thin geometry */ dist_a = len_v3v3(me->mvert[me->medge[active_branch->e_start_arr[a_fork_off * 2]].v1].co, me->mvert[me->medge[comp->e_start_arr[b_fork_off * 2]].v1].co); dist_b = len_v3v3(me->mvert[me->medge[active_branch->e_start_arr[a_fork_off * 2]].v1].co, me->mvert[me->medge[comp->e_start_arr[b_fork_off * 2] + (verts_per_loop - 2 - 0) * comp->e_start_arr[b_fork_off * 2 + 1]].v2].co); /* TODO: Tube bug inverse? if (comp->hull_points[0] == 0) { bl_debug_color_set(0x0000ff); bl_debug_draw_medge_add(me, comp->e_start_arr[b_fork_off * 2] + comp->e_start_arr[b_fork_off * 2 + 1] * (verts_per_loop - 2)); bl_debug_color_set(0x000000); }*/ a_fork_off_inv = a_fork_off * 2 + active_branch->totforks * 2; b_fork_off_inv = b_fork_off * 2 + comp->totforks * 2; if (dist_a > dist_b) { comp_e_start = comp->e_start_arr[b_fork_off * 2] + comp->e_start_arr[b_fork_off * 2 + 1] * (verts_per_loop - 2); comp_e_start_flip = comp->e_start_arr[b_fork_off_inv] + comp->e_start_arr[b_fork_off_inv + 1] * (verts_per_loop - 4); } else { comp_e_start = comp->e_start_arr[b_fork_off * 2]; comp_e_start_flip = comp->e_start_arr[b_fork_off_inv]; } bridge_loops(me, active_branch->e_start_arr[a_fork_off * 2], comp_e_start, verts_per_loop, (dist_a > dist_b), active_branch->e_start_arr[a_fork_off * 2 + 1], comp->e_start_arr[b_fork_off * 2 + 1], !n_g_flip ^ (dist_a > dist_b) ^ !comp->hull_points[0]); bridge_loops(me, active_branch->e_start_arr[a_fork_off_inv], comp_e_start_flip, verts_per_loop - 2, (dist_a > dist_b), active_branch->e_start_arr[a_fork_off_inv + 1], comp->e_start_arr[b_fork_off_inv + 1], n_g_flip ^ (dist_a > dist_b) ^ (!comp->hull_points[0])); ED_mesh_loops_add(me, NULL, 8); ED_mesh_polys_add(me, NULL, 2); add_face(me, me->totedge - 1, active_branch->e_flip_side_ends[a_fork_off * 2 + 1], me->totedge - verts_per_loop + 1, comp->e_flip_side_ends[b_fork_off * 2 + ((dist_a > dist_b) ? 0 : 1)], me->totloop - 8, me->totpoly - 2, n_g_flip ^ (dist_a > dist_b) ^ (!comp->hull_points[0])); add_face(me, me->totedge - verts_per_loop + 2, active_branch->e_flip_side_ends[a_fork_off * 2], me->totedge - verts_per_loop * 2 + 2, comp->e_flip_side_ends[b_fork_off * 2 + ((dist_a > dist_b) ? 1 : 0)], me->totloop - 4, me->totpoly - 1, !n_g_flip ^ (dist_a > dist_b) ^ (!comp->hull_points[0])); } bridge_all_parts_rec(me, spine, comp, active_branch, verts_per_loop, n_g_flip); } if (comp) { a_fork_off ++; } } } static void bridge_all_parts(Mesh *me, Spine *spine, int verts_per_loop, bool n_g_flip) { SpineBranch *active_branch = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < spine->totbranches; i++) { if (!active_branch) { active_branch = spine->branches[i]; } else { break; } } if (!active_branch) { /* No Branches in the spine. Should not happen. */ return; } bridge_all_parts_rec(me, spine, active_branch, NULL, verts_per_loop, n_g_flip); } static bool calc_stroke_normal_ori(SilhouetteStroke *stroke, float z_vec[3]) { float n[3]; /*TODO: stroke points to multidimensional array*/ cross_poly_v3(n, (float (*)[3])stroke->points, stroke->totvert); return dot_v3v3(n, z_vec) <= 0; } static IntersectionData *add_isect_chunk(SilhouetteData *sil) { if (!sil->isect_chunk) { sil->isect_chunk = MEM_callocN(sizeof(IntersectionData) * 10, "isect data"); sil->isect_chunk_tot = 10; } else { if (sil->num_isect_data >= sil->isect_chunk_tot) { sil->isect_chunk_tot += 10; sil->isect_chunk = MEM_reallocN(sil->isect_chunk, sizeof(IntersectionData) * sil->isect_chunk_tot); } } sil->num_isect_data ++; return &sil->isect_chunk[sil->num_isect_data - 1]; } #if 0 static void prep_float_shared_mem(float **mem, int *r_num, int *r_start, int len, const char *str) { if (!mem) { *r_start = 0; *mem = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * len, str); *r_num = len; } else { *r_start = *r_num; *r_num = *r_num + len; *mem = MEM_reallocN(*mem, sizeof(float) * (*r_num)); } } #endif static void prep_int_shared_mem(int **mem, int *r_num, int *r_start, int len, const char *str) { int *memory = *mem; if (!memory) { *r_start = 0; memory = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * len, str); *r_num = len; } else { *r_start = *r_num; *r_num = *r_num + len; memory = MEM_reallocN(memory, sizeof(int) * (*r_num)); } *mem = memory; } /*TODO: Maybe add real normal calc */ static bool shared_dir_normal(float e1[3], float e2[3], float v1[3], float v2[3], float v3[3]) { float d1[3], d2[3], n[3], e[3]; sub_v3_v3v3(d1, v2, v1); sub_v3_v3v3(d2, v3, v1); sub_v3_v3v3(e, e2, e1); cross_v3_v3v3(n, d1, d2); return dot_v3v3(n, e) > 0; } static void do_calc_sil_intersect_task_cb_ex(void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int UNUSED(thread_id)) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; PBVH *bvh = ss->pbvh; SilhouetteData *sil = data->sil; Mesh *me = data->ob->data; PBVHNode *curr_node = data->nodes[n]; SpineBranch *branch = data->branch; BB t_node_bb; float p1[3], p2[3]; int e_start = me->totedge - data->totedge; int tri_node_bind; int tri_node_bind_tot; float t_lambda; const MLoopTri *ltris; MLoopTri lt; BKE_pbvh_get_tri(bvh, <ris); GHash *edge_hash = BLI_ghash_int_new("edges within intersection"); float *int_points = NULL; bool e_flip_orientation; #ifdef USE_WATERTIGHT float dir[3]; float e_length; struct IsectRayPrecalc isect_precalc; #endif IntersectionData *i_data; BLI_array_declare(int_points); for (int r = 0; r < sil->num_rings; r++) { if (!branch || bb_intersect(&branch->bb, &sil->fillet_ring_bbs[r]) || true) { BKE_pbvh_node_get_BB(curr_node, (float (*))&t_node_bb.bmin, (float (*))&t_node_bb.bmax); if (!branch || bb_intersect(&t_node_bb, &branch->bb)) { #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW if (branch) { debug_branch(branch, 0x00ff00); } #endif tri_node_bind = sil->tri_nodebind[n]; tri_node_bind_tot = n + 1 < sil->num_inter_nodes ? sil->tri_nodebind[n + 1] - sil->tri_nodebind[n] : sil->num_inter_tris - sil->tri_nodebind[n]; for (int e = 0; e < data->totedge; e++) { copy_v3_v3(p1, me->mvert[me->medge[e_start + e].v1].co); copy_v3_v3(p2, me->mvert[me->medge[e_start + e].v2].co); #ifdef USE_WATERTIGHT sub_v3_v3v3(dir, p2, p1); isect_ray_tri_watertight_v3_precalc(&isect_precalc, dir); e_length = len_v3(dir); #endif for (int tri_i = 0; tri_i < tri_node_bind_tot; tri_i ++) { lt = ltris[sil->inter_tris[tri_node_bind + tri_i]]; #ifdef USE_WATERTIGHT if (isect_ray_tri_watertight_v3( p1, &isect_precalc, me->mvert[me->mloop[lt.tri[0]].v].co, me->mvert[me->mloop[lt.tri[1]].v].co, me->mvert[me->mloop[lt.tri[2]].v].co, &t_lambda, NULL)) { /* TODO: Epsilon needed? */ if (t_lambda >= 0.0f && t_lambda <= 1.0f) { e_flip_orientation = shared_dir_normal(p1, p2, me->mvert[me->mloop[lt.tri[0]].v].co, me->mvert[me->mloop[lt.tri[1]].v].co, me->mvert[me->mloop[lt.tri[2]].v].co); /*TODO: Bad practise? Pointer is negative if edge orientation needs to be flipped to target inwards. */ BLI_ghash_insert(edge_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(e_start + e), SET_INT_IN_POINTER(e_flip_orientation ? (BLI_array_count(int_points) + 1) : -(BLI_array_count(int_points) + 1))); BLI_array_grow_items(int_points, 3); interp_v3_v3v3(&int_points[BLI_array_count(int_points) - 3], p1, p2, t_lambda); #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW /*if(t_lambda > 0.999999f || t_lambda < 0.000001f) { bl_debug_color_set(0xff3333); } else { bl_debug_color_set(0x0000ff); } bl_debug_draw_point(&int_points[BLI_array_count(int_points) - 3], 0.05f); bl_debug_color_set(0x000000); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(p1, p2); bl_debug_color_set(0x000000);*/ #endif break; } } #else if (isect_line_segment_tri_epsilon_v3(p1, p2, me->mvert[me->mloop[lt.tri[0]].v].co, me->mvert[me->mloop[lt.tri[1]].v].co, me->mvert[me->mloop[lt.tri[2]].v].co, &t_lambda, NULL, SIL_FILLET_INTERSECTION_EPSILON)) { e_flip_orientation = shared_dir_normal(p1, p2, me->mvert[me->mloop[lt.tri[0]].v].co, me->mvert[me->mloop[lt.tri[1]].v].co, me->mvert[me->mloop[lt.tri[2]].v].co); BLI_ghash_insert(edge_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(e_start + e), SET_INT_IN_POINTER(e_flip_orientation ? (BLI_array_count(int_points) + 1) : -(BLI_array_count(int_points) + 1))); BLI_array_grow_items(int_points, 3); interp_v3_v3v3(&int_points[BLI_array_count(int_points) - 3], p1, p2, t_lambda); #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW /*if(t_lambda > 0.999999f || t_lambda < 0.000001f) { bl_debug_color_set(0xff3333); } else { bl_debug_color_set(0x0000ff); } bl_debug_color_set(0x000000); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(p1, p2); bl_debug_color_set(0x000000);*/ #endif break; } #endif } } } BLI_mutex_lock(&data->mutex); if (BLI_array_count(int_points) > 0) { i_data = add_isect_chunk(sil); i_data->edge_hash = edge_hash; i_data->intersection_points = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * BLI_array_count(int_points), "exact intersecting points"); i_data->num_intersection_points = BLI_array_count(int_points); memcpy(i_data->intersection_points, int_points, BLI_array_count(int_points) * sizeof(float)); } BLI_mutex_unlock(&data->mutex); BLI_array_free(int_points); return; } } BLI_array_free(int_points); BLI_ghash_free(edge_hash, NULL, NULL); } #if 0 static void remove_connected_from_edgehash(MeshElemMap *emap, GHash *edge_hash, int v) { for (int e = 0; e < emap[v].count; e++) { BLI_ghash_remove(edge_hash, emap[v].indices[e], NULL, NULL); } } static void remove_connected_from_edgehash_list(MeshElemMap *emap, GHash **edge_hash, int num_hash, int v) { for (int e = 0; e < emap[v].count; e++) { for(int i = 0; i < num_hash; i++) { BLI_ghash_remove(edge_hash[i], emap[v].indices[e], NULL, NULL); } } } static bool is_dead_end (Mesh *me, GHash *vert_hash, MeshElemMap *emap, int edge, int e_vert) { int c_v; MEdge *c_e; int s_v = me->medge[edge].v1 == e_vert ? me->medge[edge].v2 : me->medge[edge].v1; for (int e = 0; e < emap[s_v].count; e++) { c_v = me->medge[emap[s_v].indices[e]].v1 == s_v ? me->medge[emap[s_v].indices[e]].v2 : me->medge[emap[s_v].indices[e]].v1; if(!BLI_ghash_haskey(vert_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(c_v))){ for (int e2 = 0; e2 < emap[c_v].count; e2++) { c_e = &me->medge[emap[c_v].indices[e2]]; if (c_e->v1 == e_vert || c_e->v2 == e_vert) { return false; } } } } return true; } static bool has_cross_border_neighbour(Mesh *me, GHash *vert_hash, MeshElemMap *emap, int edge, int l_v_edge, int depth) { int v_edge; v_edge = me->medge[edge].v1 == l_v_edge ? me->medge[edge].v2 : me->medge[edge].v1; if (depth == 0) { return BLI_ghash_haskey(vert_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(v_edge)); } else { if(!BLI_ghash_haskey(vert_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(v_edge))){ for (int e = 0; e < emap[v_edge].count; e++) { if(emap[v_edge].indices[e] != edge) { if(has_cross_border_neighbour(me, vert_hash, emap, emap[v_edge].indices[e], v_edge, depth - 1)){ return true; } } } } } return false; } /* Get the adjacent edge which connects the edges within the edge_hash. Used to create multiple ordered loops * v_edge is the endpoint off curr_edge from which to branch off * TODO: One wide strips might get cutoff */ static int get_adjacent_edge(Mesh *me, MeshElemMap *emap, int curr_edge, int v_edge, GHash *edge_hash, GHash *vert_hash) { int r_edge = -1; for (int e = 0; e < emap[v_edge].count; e++) { if(emap[v_edge].indices[e] != curr_edge && has_cross_border_neighbour(me, vert_hash, emap, emap[v_edge].indices[e], v_edge, 1)) { r_edge = emap[v_edge].indices[e]; if (!is_dead_end(me, vert_hash, emap, r_edge, v_edge)) { return r_edge; } } } for (int e = 0; e < emap[v_edge].count; e++) { if(emap[v_edge].indices[e] != curr_edge && has_cross_border_neighbour(me, vert_hash, emap, emap[v_edge].indices[e], v_edge, 2)) { return emap[v_edge].indices[e]; } } /*End Of Loop. Shouldn't happen with two manifold meshes*/ return r_edge; } static int get_adjacent_edge_from_list(Mesh *me, MeshElemMap *emap, int curr_edge, int v_edge, GHash **edge_hash, int num_hash, GHash *vert_hash) { int r_edge = -1; for (int e = 0; e < emap[v_edge].count; e++) { for (int i = 0; i < num_hash; i++) { if(emap[v_edge].indices[e] != curr_edge && has_cross_border_neighbour(me, vert_hash, emap, emap[v_edge].indices[e], v_edge, 1)) { r_edge = emap[v_edge].indices[e]; if (!is_dead_end(me, vert_hash, emap, r_edge, v_edge)) { return r_edge; } } } } for (int e = 0; e < emap[v_edge].count; e++) { for (int i = 0; i < num_hash; i++) { if(emap[v_edge].indices[e] != curr_edge && has_cross_border_neighbour(me, vert_hash, emap, emap[v_edge].indices[e], v_edge, 2)) { return emap[v_edge].indices[e]; } } } /*End Of Loop. Shouldn't happen with two manifold meshes*/ return r_edge; } #endif static void check_preceding_intersecting_edges(Object *ob, SilhouetteData *sil, SpineBranch *branch, PBVHNode **nodes, int tot_edge) { printf("Checking preceding edges.\n Total edges to check: %i\n Total Triangles: %i\n Total Nodes: %i\n", tot_edge, sil->num_inter_tris, sil->num_inter_nodes); /* threaded loop over nodes */ SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .ob = ob, .nodes = nodes, .sil = sil, .branch = branch, .totedge = tot_edge }; #ifdef DEBUG_TIME TIMEIT_START(parallel_intersect); #endif BLI_mutex_init(&data.mutex); BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, sil->num_inter_nodes, &data, NULL, 0, do_calc_sil_intersect_task_cb_ex, (sil->num_inter_nodes > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); BLI_mutex_end(&data.mutex); #ifdef DEBUG_TIME TIMEIT_END(parallel_intersect); #endif } static void crawl_mesh_rec (Mesh *me, MeshElemMap *emap, GHash *vert_hash, GHash **edge_hashes, int num_hashes, int orig) { int v_c; for(int e = 0; e < emap[orig].count; e++) { for (int i = 0; i < num_hashes; i++) { if (BLI_ghash_haskey(edge_hashes[i], SET_INT_IN_POINTER(emap[orig].indices[e]))) { goto next_edge; } } v_c = me->medge[emap[orig].indices[e]].v1 == orig ? me->medge[emap[orig].indices[e]].v2 : me->medge[emap[orig].indices[e]].v1; if (BLI_ghash_reinsert(vert_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(v_c), SET_INT_IN_POINTER(v_c), NULL, NULL)) { crawl_mesh_rec(me, emap, vert_hash, edge_hashes, num_hashes, v_c); } next_edge:; } } #if 0 /*TODO Ordering is needed to get exact values. skipping for now. Precision lost if edge_hash edges are concave*/ static bool verts_connected(Mesh *me, MeshElemMap *emap, int v1, int v2) { int vc; /*TODO:remove*/ if (v2 == -1) { return true; } if (v1 == v2) { return true; } for(int e = 0; e < emap[v1].count; e++) { vc = me->medge[emap[v1].indices[e]].v1 == v1 ? me->medge[emap[v1].indices[e]].v2 : me->medge[emap[v1].indices[e]].v1; if (vc == v2) { return true; } } return false; } static void add_points_in_order(Mesh *me, MeshElemMap *emap, IntersectionData *data, SilhouetteData *sil, int num_hash, int *exact_p_pos, int exact_p_tot, int v, int *last_v) { int flag = 0, tot = 0, vc; void *p_idx; for (int e = 0; e < emap[v].count; e++) { for (int eh = 0; eh < num_hash; eh++) { if (BLI_ghash_haskey(data[eh].edge_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(emap[v].indices[e]))) { flag |= 1 << e; tot ++; } } } for(int i = 0; i < tot; i++) { for (int e = 0; e < emap[v].count; e++) { if (flag & (1 << e)) { vc = me->medge[emap[v].indices[e]].v1 == v ? me->medge[emap[v].indices[e]].v2 : me->medge[emap[v].indices[e]].v1; if(verts_connected(me, emap, vc, *last_v)) { for(int j = 0; j < num_hash; j++) { p_idx = BLI_ghash_lookup(data[j].edge_hash, emap[v].indices[e]); if(p_idx) { copy_v3_v3(&sil->exact_isect_points[*exact_p_pos], &data[j].intersection_points[abs(GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(p_idx)) - 1]); *exact_p_pos = *exact_p_pos + 1; *last_v = vc; if (*exact_p_pos == exact_p_tot) { return; } break; } } } } } } } /*TODO: Implement amethod to find the outmost vertice. Needed if starting vert has multiple edges from the edgehash*/ /*static int get_first_to_sort(MEdge *edge, IntersectionData *data, MeshElemMap *emap, int v1) { }*/ static void order_exact_points(Mesh *me, MeshElemMap *emap, IntersectionData *data, SilhouetteData *sil, int num_hash) { int r_size; MEdge edge; int exact_p_pos = 0; int vc = - 1; sil->exact_isect_points = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * 3 * sil->fillet_ring_tot_new, "exact points intersection"); sil->exact_isect_points_start = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * sil->num_rings_new, "exact points isect start"); for (int r = 0; r < sil->num_rings_new; r++) { r_size = r + 1 < sil->num_rings_new ? sil->fillet_ring_new_start[r + 1] - sil->fillet_ring_new_start[r] : sil->fillet_ring_tot_new - sil->fillet_ring_new_start[r]; sil->exact_isect_points_start[r] = exact_p_pos; for (int i = 0; i < r_size; i++) { edge = me->medge[sil->fillet_ring_new[sil->fillet_ring_new_start[r] + i]]; vc = edge.v1 == vc ? edge.v2 : edge.v1; add_points_in_order(emap, data, sil, num_hash, &exact_p_pos, vc); } } sil->exact_points_tot = exact_p_pos; sil->exact_isect_points = MEM_reallocN(sil->exact_isect_points, sizeof(float) * 3 * exact_p_pos); } #endif static void calc_ring_bbs(Mesh *me, BB **ring_bbs, int *data, int num_rings, int *start_arr, int tot) { int len, edge; BB *ring_bb_data = *ring_bbs; BB *curr; if (num_rings > tot) { return; } ring_bb_data = MEM_callocN(sizeof(BB) * num_rings, "ring bb mem"); for (int r = 0; r < num_rings; r++) { len = r + 1 < num_rings ? start_arr[r + 1] - start_arr[r] : tot - start_arr[r]; curr = &ring_bb_data[r]; BB_reset(curr); for (int e = 0; e < len; e++) { edge = data[start_arr[r] + e]; BB_expand(curr, me->mvert[me->medge[edge].v1].co); BB_expand(curr, me->mvert[me->medge[edge].v2].co); } } *ring_bbs = ring_bb_data; } static bool is_in_edgehashes(int edge, IntersectionData *i_data, int num_i_data) { for(int i = 0; i < num_i_data; i++) { if (BLI_ghash_haskey(i_data[i].edge_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(edge))) { return true; } } return false; } static bool find_next_cross_edge(Mesh *me, int c_edge, int l_c_edge, MeshElemMap *emap, GHash *vert_hash, IntersectionData *i_data, int num_i_data, int *r_c_edge) { int vc, vc2, vc3, vin, vex; if (BLI_ghash_haskey(vert_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(me->medge[c_edge].v1))) { vin = me->medge[c_edge].v1; vex = me->medge[c_edge].v2; } else { vin = me->medge[c_edge].v2; vex = me->medge[c_edge].v1; } /* Search for right turns */ for (int e = 0; e < emap[vin].count; e++) { if (emap[vin].indices[e] != c_edge && emap[vin].indices[e] != l_c_edge) { vc = me->medge[emap[vin].indices[e]].v1 == vin ? me->medge[emap[vin].indices[e]].v2 : me->medge[emap[vin].indices[e]].v1; if (!BLI_ghash_haskey(vert_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(vc)) && is_in_edgehashes(emap[vin].indices[e], i_data, num_i_data)) { /* Found corner edge */ *r_c_edge = emap[vin].indices[e]; return true; } } } /* Search for straights */ for (int e = 0; e < emap[vin].count; e++) { vc = me->medge[emap[vin].indices[e]].v1 == vin ? me->medge[emap[vin].indices[e]].v2 : me->medge[emap[vin].indices[e]].v1; if (BLI_ghash_haskey(vert_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(vc))) { for (int e2 = 0; e2 < emap[vc].count; e2++) { if (emap[vc].indices[e2] != c_edge && emap[vc].indices[e2] != l_c_edge) { vc2 = me->medge[emap[vc].indices[e2]].v1 == vc ? me->medge[emap[vc].indices[e2]].v2 : me->medge[emap[vc].indices[e2]].v1; if (!BLI_ghash_haskey(vert_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(vc2)) && is_in_edgehashes(emap[vc].indices[e2], i_data, num_i_data)) { for (int e3 = 0; e3 < emap[vin].count; e3++) { vc3 = me->medge[emap[vex].indices[e3]].v1 == vex ? me->medge[emap[vex].indices[e3]].v2 : me->medge[emap[vex].indices[e3]].v1; if (vc2 == vc3) { *r_c_edge = emap[vc].indices[e2]; return true; } } } } } } } /* Search for left turns */ for (int e = 0; e < emap[vex].count; e++) { if (emap[vex].indices[e] != c_edge && emap[vex].indices[e] != l_c_edge) { vc = me->medge[emap[vex].indices[e]].v1 == vex ? me->medge[emap[vex].indices[e]].v2 : me->medge[emap[vex].indices[e]].v1; if (BLI_ghash_haskey(vert_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(vc)) && is_in_edgehashes(emap[vex].indices[e], i_data, num_i_data)) { /* Found corner edge */ *r_c_edge = emap[vex].indices[e]; return true; } } } /* Invalid startedge or maybe NGon support? */ return false; } static void remove_from_hash_add_exact(SilhouetteData *sil, int cross_edge, bool add_exact, IntersectionData *i_data, int num_i_data) { int p_idx; void *vl = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < num_i_data; i++) { vl = BLI_ghash_popkey(i_data[i].edge_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(cross_edge), NULL); if (vl) { if (add_exact) { p_idx = abs(GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(vl)) - 1; copy_v3_v3(&sil->exact_isect_points[sil->exact_points_tot * 3], &i_data[i].intersection_points[p_idx]); sil->exact_points_tot = sil->exact_points_tot + 1; } return; } } } static void add_edges_to_ring(Mesh *me, MeshElemMap *emap, GHash *vert_hash, int lv_ring, int cv_ring, int **edge_data, int *edge_tot, int *max) { int *edge_d = *edge_data; int tot_edge = *edge_tot; int vc, vc2; if(lv_ring == cv_ring) { return; } if (!edge_d) { edge_d = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * SIL_STROKE_STORE_CHUNK_S, "ring edges"); *max = SIL_STROKE_STORE_CHUNK_S; *edge_data = edge_d; } if (tot_edge + 1 >= *max) { *max = *max + SIL_STROKE_STORE_CHUNK_S; edge_d = MEM_reallocN(edge_d, *max * sizeof(int)); *edge_data = edge_d; } for (int e = 0; e < emap[lv_ring].count; e++) { vc = me->medge[emap[lv_ring].indices[e]].v1 == lv_ring ? me->medge[emap[lv_ring].indices[e]].v2 : me->medge[emap[lv_ring].indices[e]].v1; if (vc == cv_ring) { edge_d[tot_edge] = emap[lv_ring].indices[e]; *edge_tot = tot_edge + 1; return; } } for (int e = 0; e < emap[lv_ring].count; e++) { vc = me->medge[emap[lv_ring].indices[e]].v1 == lv_ring ? me->medge[emap[lv_ring].indices[e]].v2 : me->medge[emap[lv_ring].indices[e]].v1; if (!BLI_ghash_haskey(vert_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(vc))){ for (int e2 = 0; e2 < emap[vc].count; e2 ++) { vc2 = me->medge[emap[vc].indices[e2]].v1 == vc ? me->medge[emap[vc].indices[e2]].v2 : me->medge[emap[vc].indices[e2]].v1; if (vc2 == cv_ring) { edge_d[tot_edge] = emap[lv_ring].indices[e]; edge_d[tot_edge + 1] = emap[vc].indices[e2]; *edge_tot = tot_edge + 2; return; } } } } } static void add_ring(int start, int *num_rings, int **edge_data_start, int *max) { int *edge_data_s = *edge_data_start; int num_r = *num_rings; if (!edge_data_s) { edge_data_s = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * 10, "ring start positions"); *edge_data_start = edge_data_s; *max = 10; } if (num_r >= *max) { *max = *max + 5; edge_data_s = MEM_reallocN(edge_data_s, *max * sizeof(int)); *edge_data_start = edge_data_s; } edge_data_s[num_r] = start; *num_rings = num_r + 1; } /*TODO: NGon support */ static void find_edgering_hash(Mesh *me, SilhouetteData *sil, GHash *vert_hash, IntersectionData *i_data, int num_i_data, MeshElemMap *emap, int **edge_data, int **edge_data_start, int *edge_tot, int *num_rings, int *start_max, int *ring_max, bool secondary) { GHashIterState pop_state; void *tkey, *tv; int first_e, last_e, current_e, next_e, inside_vert; int v1, v2; int lv_ring, cv_ring, curr_ring_start = 0; *num_rings = 0; int breaker = me->totedge; GHash **isect_ghash_dupe; if (secondary) { isect_ghash_dupe = MEM_callocN(sizeof(GHash *) * sil->num_isect_data, "edge hash duplicate"); for (int i = 0; i < sil->num_isect_data; i++) { isect_ghash_dupe[i] = BLI_ghash_copy(i_data[i].edge_hash, NULL, NULL); } } for (int i_data_id = 0; i_data_id < num_i_data; i_data_id ++) { memset(&pop_state, 0, sizeof(GHashIterState)); while (BLI_ghash_pop(i_data[i_data_id].edge_hash, &pop_state, &tkey, &tv)) { first_e = (int) tkey; v1 = me->medge[first_e].v1; v2 = me->medge[first_e].v2; if (secondary) { inside_vert = ((int)tv > 0) ^ sil->do_subtract ? me->medge[first_e].v1 : me->medge[first_e].v2; crawl_mesh_rec(me, emap, vert_hash, isect_ghash_dupe, sil->num_isect_data, inside_vert); } if (BLI_ghash_haskey(vert_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(v1)) != BLI_ghash_haskey(vert_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(v2))) { lv_ring = BLI_ghash_haskey(vert_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(v1)) ? v2 : v1; last_e = NULL; current_e = first_e; if (secondary) { if (*num_rings >= sil->num_rings) { printf("invalid ring alignment.\n"); return; } else { sil->exact_isect_points_start[*num_rings] = sil->exact_points_tot; } } breaker = me->totedge; add_ring(curr_ring_start, num_rings, edge_data_start, start_max); do { if (find_next_cross_edge(me, current_e, last_e, emap, vert_hash, i_data, num_i_data, &next_e)) { cv_ring = BLI_ghash_haskey(vert_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(me->medge[next_e].v1)) ? me->medge[next_e].v2 : me->medge[next_e].v1; add_edges_to_ring(me, emap, vert_hash, lv_ring, cv_ring, edge_data, edge_tot, ring_max); lv_ring = cv_ring; remove_from_hash_add_exact(sil, next_e, secondary, i_data, num_i_data); last_e = current_e; current_e = next_e; } else { /* Invalid start edge */ first_e = next_e; } breaker --; } while (first_e != current_e && breaker > 0); BLI_assert(breaker > 0); if (curr_ring_start == *edge_tot) { *num_rings = *num_rings - 1; } curr_ring_start = *edge_tot; } else { /* Can be both within verthash but not outside. Within happens on crossborder intersections. */ BLI_assert(BLI_ghash_haskey(vert_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(v1))); } } } } static void add_points_in_order(MeshElemMap *emap, IntersectionData *data, SilhouetteData *sil, int num_hash, int *e_pos, int v) { void *vl; int p_idx; for (int e = 0; e < emap[v].count; e++) { for (int h = 0; h < num_hash; h++) { vl = BLI_ghash_lookup(data[h].edge_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(emap[v].indices[e])); if (vl) { p_idx = abs(GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(vl)) - 1; copy_v3_v3(&sil->exact_isect_points[*e_pos * 3], &data[h].intersection_points[p_idx]); *e_pos = *e_pos + 1; return; } } } } static void combine_intersection_data(Mesh *me, SilhouetteData *sil) { IntersectionData *data = sil->isect_chunk; MeshElemMap *emap; GHash *vert_hash = BLI_ghash_int_new("vertices within intersection"); int *emap_mem; int tot_exact_points = 0; GHashIterator gh_iter; int idx; if (!data) { return; } /* TODO: Maybe only generate partial map with only the silhouette inside? */ BKE_mesh_vert_edge_map_create(&emap, &emap_mem, me->medge, me->totvert, me->totedge); for (int i = 0; i < sil->num_isect_data; i++) { tot_exact_points += BLI_ghash_size(data[i].edge_hash); } sil->exact_isect_points = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * 3 * tot_exact_points, "exact points intersection"); sil->exact_isect_points_start = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * sil->num_rings, "exact points isect start"); sil->exact_points_tot = 0; find_edgering_hash(me, sil, vert_hash, sil->isect_chunk, sil->num_isect_data, emap, &sil->fillet_ring_new, &sil->fillet_ring_new_start, &sil->fillet_ring_tot_new, &sil->num_rings_new, &sil->max_fillet_ring_new_start, &sil->max_fillet_ring_new, true); calc_ring_bbs(me, &sil->fillet_ring_bbs_new, sil->fillet_ring_new, sil->num_rings_new, sil->fillet_ring_new_start, sil->fillet_ring_tot_new); #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW int trsize, trstart; float v1t[3], v2t[3]; for(int i = 0; i < sil->num_rings_new; i++) { trstart = sil->fillet_ring_new_start[i]; trsize = i + 1 < sil->num_rings_new ? sil->fillet_ring_new_start[i + 1] - trstart : sil->fillet_ring_tot_new - trstart; for(int j = 0; j < trsize; j++) { bl_debug_color_set(0x0000ff); bl_debug_draw_medge_add(me, sil->fillet_ring_new[trstart + j]); bl_debug_color_set(0x000000); } trstart = sil->exact_isect_points_start[i]; trsize = i + 1 < sil->num_rings_new ? sil->exact_isect_points_start[i + 1] - trstart : sil->exact_points_tot - trstart; for(int j = 0; j < trsize; j++) { bl_debug_color_set(0xffffff); copy_v3_v3(v1t, &sil->exact_isect_points[(trstart + j) * 3]); copy_v3_v3(v2t, (j + 1 < trsize ? &sil->exact_isect_points[(trstart + j) * 3 + 3] : &sil->exact_isect_points[trstart * 3])); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(v1t, v2t); bl_debug_color_set(0x000000); } } #endif if (BLI_ghash_size(vert_hash) > 0) { sil->v_to_rm = MEM_reallocN(sil->v_to_rm, sizeof(int) * (sil->num_v_to_rm + BLI_ghash_size(vert_hash))); GHASH_ITER_INDEX (gh_iter, vert_hash, idx) { sil->v_to_rm[sil->num_v_to_rm + idx] = BLI_ghashIterator_getKey(&gh_iter); } sil->num_v_to_rm += BLI_ghash_size(vert_hash); } MEM_freeN(emap); MEM_freeN(emap_mem); } static float orient_falloff(int pa, int pb, float o_off, bool invert, float *dist_a, float *dist_b, float tot_dist_a, float tot_dist_b) { float val; float p1, p2; p1 = (dist_a[pa] / tot_dist_a); if (invert) { p2 = fmod(2.0f - (dist_b[pb] / tot_dist_b) + o_off, 1.0f); } else { p2 = fmod((dist_b[pb] / tot_dist_b) + o_off, 1.0f); } val = fabs(p2 - p1); val = val > 0.5f ? (1.0f - val) * 2.0f : val * 2.0f; /* Try quadratic falloff */ val = val * val; val = val * (1.0f - SIL_TRIANGULATION_FACT) + SIL_TRIANGULATION_FACT; return val; } static void find_triangulation_rec(Mesh *me, int *map, int pas, int pae, int pbs, int pbe, int *a_verts, int *b_verts, int a_size, int b_size, float orient_off, bool invert, float *dist_a, float *dist_b, float tot_dist_a, float tot_dist_b) { int pas2, pbs2; float min_d = FLT_MAX; int min_b = 0; int min_a = 0; float v1[3]; float d; if (pbs == pbe) { while (pas != pae) { map[pas] = pbs; pas = (pas + 1) % a_size; } } else if (pas != pae) { /* Find the vert in a which is closest to ring b */ pas2 = (pas + 1) % a_size; while (pas2 != pae) { pbs2 = pbs; do { sub_v3_v3v3(v1, me->mvert[a_verts[pas2]].co, me->mvert[b_verts[pbs2]].co); d = len_v3(v1) * orient_falloff(pas2, pbs2, orient_off, invert, dist_a, dist_b, tot_dist_a, tot_dist_b); if (d < min_d) { min_d = d; min_b = pbs2; min_a = pas2; } if (invert) { pbs2 = (pbs2 + b_size - 1) % b_size; } else { pbs2 = (pbs2 + 1) % b_size; } } while ((!invert && pbs2 != (pbe + 1) % b_size) || (invert && pbs2 != (pbe + b_size - 1) % b_size)); pas2 = (pas2 + 1) % a_size; } map[min_a] = min_b; if (min_a != (pas + 1) % a_size) { find_triangulation_rec(me, map, pas, min_a, pbs, min_b, a_verts, b_verts, a_size, b_size, orient_off, invert, dist_a, dist_b, tot_dist_a, tot_dist_b); } if ((min_a + 1) % a_size != pae) { find_triangulation_rec(me, map, min_a, pae, min_b, pbe, a_verts, b_verts, a_size, b_size, orient_off, invert, dist_a, dist_b, tot_dist_a, tot_dist_b); } } } static int find_mvp(Mesh *me, int *a_verts, int a_size, int start, int tot) { float max_dot = - 2.0f; int mvp = 0; float e1[3], e2[3]; float dot; int c_pos; c_pos = (start + tot / 2) % a_size; for (int v = 0; v < tot; v++) { sub_v3_v3v3(e1, me->mvert[a_verts[c_pos]].co, me->mvert[a_verts[(c_pos + a_size - 1) % a_size]].co); sub_v3_v3v3(e2, me->mvert[a_verts[c_pos]].co, me->mvert[a_verts[(c_pos + 1) % a_size]].co); dot = dot_v3v3(e1,e2); if (max_dot < dot) { max_dot = dot; mvp = c_pos; } c_pos = (start + ((c_pos - start + 1) % tot)) % a_size; } return mvp; } /* Recusiveley find a triangulation, connect the two closest points and split the rings in to subrings... * a_data is bigger than b_data */ static int *find_triangulation(Mesh *me, int *a_verts, int *b_verts, int a_size, int b_size, float *dist_a, float *dist_b, float tot_dist_a, float tot_dist_b, float *o_off_out, bool *r_invert) { int *map; float d = FLT_MAX, d2; float v1[3]; float n1[3], n2[3]; int pas, pbs; float o_off; int s_pos; bool invert; map = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * a_size, "triangulation map"); for (int i = 0; i < a_size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < b_size; j++) { sub_v3_v3v3(v1, me->mvert[a_verts[i]].co, me->mvert[b_verts[j]].co); d2 = len_v3(v1); if (d2 < d) { pas = i; pbs = j; d = d2; } } } sub_v3_v3v3(n1, me->mvert[a_verts[(pas + (int)fmin(b_size, 3)) % a_size]].co, me->mvert[a_verts[pas]].co); sub_v3_v3v3(n2, me->mvert[b_verts[(pbs + (int)fmin(b_size, 3)) % b_size]].co, me->mvert[b_verts[pbs]].co); invert = dot_v3v3(n1, n2) < 0; #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW /*bl_debug_color_set(0x0099ff); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(me->mvert[a_verts[pas]].co, me->mvert[b_verts[pbs]].co); bl_debug_color_set(0x000000);*/ #endif *r_invert = invert; if (invert) { o_off = 1.0f + (dist_a[pas] / tot_dist_a) - (1.0f - (dist_b[pbs] / tot_dist_b)); *o_off_out = -o_off; } else { o_off = 1.0f + (dist_a[pas] / tot_dist_a) - (dist_b[pbs] / tot_dist_b); *o_off_out = o_off; } map[(pas + 1) % a_size] = pbs; map[pas] = pbs; find_triangulation_rec(me, map, (pas + 1) % a_size, pas, (invert ? (pbs + b_size - 1) % b_size : (pbs + 1) % b_size), pbs, a_verts, b_verts, a_size, b_size, o_off, (dot_v3v3(n1, n2) < 0), dist_a, dist_b, tot_dist_a, tot_dist_b); s_pos = 0; int active_block_start; int active_block; int active_block_count; int active_block_mvp; float start_i, end_i; int t_i; float f; while (s_pos < a_size) { if (map[s_pos] != map[(s_pos + 1) % a_size] && map[(s_pos + 1) % a_size] == map[(s_pos + 2) % a_size]) { active_block_start = (s_pos + 1) % a_size; active_block = map[active_block_start]; active_block_count = 1; t_i = (active_block_start + 1) % a_size; for(int i = 0; i < a_size; i++) { if (map[t_i] == active_block) { active_block_count ++; t_i = (t_i + 1) % a_size; } else if (map[t_i] == map[(t_i + 1) % a_size]){ active_block = map[t_i]; active_block_count ++; t_i = (t_i + 1) % a_size; } else { start_i = map[(active_block_start + a_size - 1) % a_size]; end_i = map[(active_block_start + active_block_count) % a_size]; if (invert) { if (start_i < end_i) { start_i += b_size; } } else { if (start_i > end_i) { end_i += b_size; } } for (int i = 0; i < active_block_count; i++) { f = (float)i / (float)active_block_count; map[(active_block_start + i) % a_size] = (int)lroundf(end_i * f + start_i * (1.0f - f)) % b_size; } break; } } active_block_mvp = find_mvp(me, a_verts, a_size, active_block_start, active_block_count); //map[active_block_mvp] = -map[active_block_mvp]; s_pos += active_block_count + 1; } else { //map[s_pos] = -map[s_pos]; s_pos ++; } } return map; } static int find_complement_ring(SilhouetteData *sil, int r) { float min_vol_d = FLT_MAX, min_d = FLT_MAX; float avrg_vol = 0, avrg_d = 0; int min_vol_r, min_d_r; int tot = sil->num_rings; float r_vol; float c_vol_d, c_d; BB *b1, *b2; min_vol_r = r; min_d_r = r; b1 = &sil->fillet_ring_bbs[r]; r_vol = BB_get_volume(b1); for (int i = 0; i < tot; i++) { if (i != r) { b2 = &sil->fillet_ring_bbs_new[i]; c_d = BB_c_dist_bb(b1,b2); c_vol_d = fabs(BB_get_volume(b2) - r_vol); if (min_vol_d > c_vol_d) { min_vol_d = c_vol_d; min_vol_r = i; } avrg_vol += c_vol_d / tot; if (min_d > c_d) { min_d = c_d; min_d_r = i; } avrg_d += c_d / tot; } } if (min_vol_r == min_d_r) { return min_vol_r; } else if ((min_vol_d / avrg_vol) > (min_d / avrg_d)){ return min_d_r; } else { return min_vol_r; } } /* TODO: Already exists? Move to Math_geom? */ static float closest_seg_seg_v3(float r_close[3], const float e1[3], const float e2[3], const float l1[3], const float l2[3]) { float v[3], d1[3], d2[3], po[3], r[3]; float mat[3][3]; float lambd; sub_v3_v3v3(d1, e2, e1); sub_v3_v3v3(d2, l1, l2); cross_v3_v3v3(v, d1, d2); copy_v3_v3(mat[0], d1); copy_v3_v3(mat[1], v); copy_v3_v3(mat[2], d2); sub_v3_v3v3(po, l1, e1); invert_m3(mat); mul_v3_m3v3(r, mat, po); lambd = fmax(fmin(r[0], 1.0f), 0.0f); mul_v3_fl(d1, lambd); add_v3_v3v3(r_close, e1, d1); return lambd; } static void find_closest_exact_p(float e1[3], float e2[3], float *exact_p, int tot, float r[3]) { float min_d = FLT_MAX, t_d; int pf; float p[3], p1[3], p2[3]; pf = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tot; i++) { t_d = len_v3v3(e2, &exact_p[i * 3]); if (t_d < min_d) { copy_v3_v3(p, e2); min_d = t_d; pf = i; } } copy_v3_v3(p1, &exact_p[pf * 3]); if (len_v3v3(p, &exact_p[((pf + 1) % tot) * 3]) > len_v3v3(p, &exact_p[((pf + tot - 1) % tot) * 3])) { copy_v3_v3(p2, &exact_p[((pf + tot - 1) % tot) * 3]); } else { copy_v3_v3(p2, &exact_p[((pf + 1) % tot) * 3]); } closest_seg_seg_v3(r, p1, p2, e1, e2); } static int cyclic_dist (int a, int b, int a_size, bool invert) { if (invert) { return (a_size + a - b) % a_size; } else { return (a_size + b - a) % a_size; } } static void gen_fillet_velp(Mesh *me, float *exact_p, int exact_p_tot, int *a_verts, int *b_verts, int *a_edges, int *b_edges, int a_size, int b_size, int *map, bool inverse, bool subtract) { /*If aligned exact points are aligned to a*/ float v1[3], v2[3]; int v_start, e_start, l_pos, p_pos, e_pos; int holes = 0, next_i, aoff, boff, hole, hole_edges = 0, hole_size; int *hole_pos = NULL; int av, bv, cv, ae, be, ce; int j; BLI_array_declare(hole_pos); aoff = me->medge[a_edges[0]].v1 == a_verts[0] ? 0 : 1; boff = me->medge[b_edges[0]].v1 == b_verts[0] ? 0 : 1; v_start = me->totvert; e_start = me->totedge; ED_mesh_vertices_add(me, NULL, a_size); ED_mesh_edges_add(me, NULL, a_size * 3); for(int i = 0; i < a_size; i++) { if (map[i] != map[(i + 1) % a_size]) { if ((map[i] + 1) % b_size != map[(i + 1) % a_size] && (map[i] + b_size - 1) % b_size != map[(i + 1) % a_size]) { if (inverse) { hole = (b_size + map[i] - map[(i + 1) % a_size]) % b_size - 1; holes += hole; } else { hole = (b_size + map[(i + 1) % a_size] - map[i]) % b_size - 1; holes += hole; } BLI_array_append(hole_pos, i); if (hole > 1) { hole_edges += hole - 1; } } } copy_v3_v3(v1, me->mvert[a_verts[i]].co); find_closest_exact_p(v1, me->mvert[b_verts[map[i]]].co, exact_p, exact_p_tot, v2); me->mvert[v_start + i].flag = 0; me->mvert[v_start + i].bweight = 0; copy_v3_v3(me->mvert[v_start + i].co, v2); me->medge[e_start + 3 * i].v1 = a_verts[i]; me->medge[e_start + 3 * i].v2 = v_start + i; me->medge[e_start + 3 * i].crease = 0; me->medge[e_start + 3 * i].bweight = 0; me->medge[e_start + 3 * i].flag = 0; me->medge[e_start + 3 * i + 1].v1 = v_start + i; me->medge[e_start + 3 * i + 1].v2 = v_start + (i + 1) % a_size; me->medge[e_start + 3 * i + 1].crease = 0; me->medge[e_start + 3 * i + 1].bweight = 0; me->medge[e_start + 3 * i + 1].flag = 0; me->medge[e_start + 3 * i + 2].v1 = v_start + i; me->medge[e_start + 3 * i + 2].v2 = b_verts[map[i]]; me->medge[e_start + 3 * i + 2].crease = 0; me->medge[e_start + 3 * i + 2].bweight = 0; me->medge[e_start + 3 * i + 2].flag = 0; } l_pos = me->totloop; p_pos = me->totpoly; ED_mesh_loops_add(me, NULL, a_size * 7 + (b_size - holes) + 6 * holes); ED_mesh_polys_add(me, NULL, a_size * 2 + hole_edges + holes); for (int i = 0; i < a_size; i++) { next_i = (i + 1) % a_size; me->mloop[l_pos].v = a_verts[i]; me->mloop[l_pos].e = e_start + 3 * i; l_pos ++; me->mloop[l_pos + (inverse != subtract ? 2 : 0)].v = v_start + i; me->mloop[l_pos + (inverse != subtract ? 2 : 0)].e = e_start + 3 * i + 1; l_pos ++; me->mloop[l_pos].v = v_start + next_i; me->mloop[l_pos].e = e_start + 3 * next_i; l_pos ++; me->mloop[l_pos - (inverse != subtract ? 2 : 0)].v = a_verts[next_i]; me->mloop[l_pos - (inverse != subtract ? 2 : 0)].e = a_edges[(i + aoff) % a_size]; l_pos ++; me->mpoly[p_pos].loopstart = l_pos - 4; me->mpoly[p_pos].totloop = 4; me->mpoly[p_pos].mat_nr = 0; me->mpoly[p_pos].flag = 0; p_pos ++; if (map[i] == map[next_i]) { /*Triangle*/ me->mloop[l_pos].v = v_start + i; me->mloop[l_pos].e = e_start + 3 * i + 2; l_pos ++; me->mloop[l_pos + (inverse != subtract ? 1 : 0)].v = b_verts[map[i]]; me->mloop[l_pos + (inverse != subtract ? 1 : 0)].e = e_start + 3 * next_i + 2; l_pos ++; me->mloop[l_pos - (inverse != subtract ? 1 : 0)].v = v_start + next_i; me->mloop[l_pos - (inverse != subtract ? 1 : 0)].e = e_start + 3 * i + 1; l_pos ++; me->mpoly[p_pos].loopstart = l_pos - 3; me->mpoly[p_pos].totloop = 3; me->mpoly[p_pos].mat_nr = 0; me->mpoly[p_pos].flag = 0; p_pos ++; } else { if (cyclic_dist(map[i], map[next_i], b_size, inverse) <= 1) { /* Quad */ me->mloop[l_pos].v = v_start + i; me->mloop[l_pos].e = e_start + 3 * i + 2; l_pos ++; me->mloop[l_pos + (inverse != subtract ? 2 : 0)].v = b_verts[map[i]]; me->mloop[l_pos + (inverse != subtract ? 2 : 0)].e = b_edges[(map[i] + boff) % b_size]; l_pos ++; me->mloop[l_pos].v = b_verts[map[next_i]]; me->mloop[l_pos].e = e_start + 3 * next_i + 2; l_pos ++; me->mloop[l_pos - (inverse != subtract ? 2 : 0)].v = v_start + next_i; me->mloop[l_pos - (inverse != subtract ? 2 : 0)].e = e_start + 3 * i + 1; l_pos ++; me->mpoly[p_pos].loopstart = l_pos - 4; me->mpoly[p_pos].totloop = 4; me->mpoly[p_pos].mat_nr = 0; me->mpoly[p_pos].flag = 0; p_pos ++; } } } hole_edges += holes; if (hole_edges > 0) { e_pos = me->totedge; ED_mesh_edges_add(me, NULL, hole_edges); } for (int i = 0; i < BLI_array_count(hole_pos); i++) { hole_size = cyclic_dist(map[hole_pos[i]], map[(hole_pos[i] + 1) % a_size], b_size, inverse) - 1; ae = e_start + 3 * hole_pos[i] + 2; cv = me->medge[e_start + 3 * hole_pos[i] + 2].v2; bv = me->medge[e_start + 3 * hole_pos[i] + 2].v1; for (j = 0; j < hole_size; j++) { be = b_edges[(b_size + map[hole_pos[i]] + (inverse ? -j : j + 1)) % b_size]; me->mloop[l_pos].v = bv; me->mloop[l_pos].e = ae; l_pos ++; me->mloop[l_pos + (inverse != subtract ? 1 : 0)].v = cv; me->mloop[l_pos + (inverse != subtract ? 1 : 0)].e = be; l_pos ++; av = me->medge[be].v1 == cv ? me->medge[be].v2 : me->medge[be].v1; me->medge[e_pos].v1 = av; me->medge[e_pos].v2 = bv; me->medge[e_pos].crease = 0; me->medge[e_pos].bweight = 0; me->medge[e_pos].flag = 0; ce = e_pos; e_pos ++; me->mloop[l_pos - (inverse != subtract ? 1 : 0)].v = av; me->mloop[l_pos - (inverse != subtract ? 1 : 0)].e = ce; l_pos ++; me->mpoly[p_pos].loopstart = l_pos - 3; me->mpoly[p_pos].totloop = 3; me->mpoly[p_pos].mat_nr = 0; me->mpoly[p_pos].flag = 0; p_pos ++; ae = ce; cv = av; } be = b_edges[(b_size + map[hole_pos[i]] + (inverse ? -j : j + 1)) % b_size]; me->mloop[l_pos].v = bv; me->mloop[l_pos].e = ae; l_pos ++; me->mloop[l_pos + (inverse != subtract ? 2 : 0)].v = av; me->mloop[l_pos + (inverse != subtract ? 2 : 0)].e = be; l_pos ++; me->mloop[l_pos].v = me->medge[e_start + 3 * ((hole_pos[i] + 1) % a_size) + 2].v2; me->mloop[l_pos].e = e_start + 3 * ((hole_pos[i] + 1) % a_size) + 2; l_pos ++; me->mloop[l_pos - (inverse != subtract ? 2 : 0)].v = me->medge[e_start + 3 * ((hole_pos[i] + 1) % a_size) + 2].v1; me->mloop[l_pos - (inverse != subtract ? 2 : 0)].e = e_start + 3 * hole_pos[i] + 1; l_pos ++; me->mpoly[p_pos].loopstart = l_pos - 4; me->mpoly[p_pos].totloop = 4; me->mpoly[p_pos].mat_nr = 0; me->mpoly[p_pos].flag = 0; p_pos ++; } BLI_array_free(hole_pos); } static void generate_fillet_topology(Mesh *me, SilhouetteData *sil) { int r_start, r_size; int r_orig_start, r_orig_size; int r_new_start, r_new_size; int *a_data, *b_data; /* a_data is the bigger ring which gets decimate to the b_data ring*/ int a_size, b_size; float v1[3], v2[3]; int *triangulation_map; int *a_verts, *b_verts; MEdge ce1, ce2; int a_start_v, b_start_v; float *dist_a, *dist_b; float tot_dist_a, tot_dist_b; float o_off; bool invert; int exact_p_start; int exact_p_tot; int r2; /*Generate the fillets from the edgerings and the exact intersection points.*/ if (sil->num_rings == sil->num_rings_new) { /* Allocate a mempool to store the distances along the rings * could be reallocated for every ring but once bigger should be faster. */ dist_a = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * (int)fmax(sil->fillet_ring_tot,sil->fillet_ring_tot_new), "distances orig"); dist_b = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * (int)fmin(sil->fillet_ring_tot,sil->fillet_ring_tot_new), "distances new"); /* TODO: check if ring order is implied and aligned between new and orig*/ for (int r = 0; r < sil->num_rings; r++) { r_orig_start = sil->fillet_ring_orig_start[r]; r_orig_size = r + 1 < sil->num_rings ? sil->fillet_ring_orig_start[r + 1] - r_orig_start : sil->fillet_ring_tot - r_orig_start; r2 = find_complement_ring(sil, r); r_new_start = sil->fillet_ring_new_start[r2]; r_new_size = r2 + 1 < sil->num_rings ? sil->fillet_ring_new_start[r2 + 1] - r_new_start : sil->fillet_ring_tot_new - r_new_start; if (r_new_size > r_orig_size) { a_data = &sil->fillet_ring_new[r_new_start]; b_data = &sil->fillet_ring_orig[r_orig_start]; a_size = r_new_size; b_size = r_orig_size; } else { a_data = &sil->fillet_ring_orig[r_orig_start]; b_data = &sil->fillet_ring_new[r_new_start]; a_size = r_orig_size; b_size = r_new_size; } a_verts = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * a_size, "verts in ring a"); b_verts = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * b_size, "verts in ring b"); ce1 = me->medge[a_data[0]]; ce2 = me->medge[a_data[a_size - 1]]; a_start_v = (ce1.v1 == ce2.v1 || ce1.v1 == ce2.v2) ? ce1.v2 : ce1.v1; ce1 = me->medge[b_data[0]]; ce2 = me->medge[b_data[b_size - 1]]; b_start_v = (ce1.v1 == ce2.v1 || ce1.v1 == ce2.v2) ? ce1.v2 : ce1.v1; a_verts[0] = a_start_v; for(int i = 1; i < a_size; i++) { ce1 = me->medge[a_data[i]]; a_verts[i] = a_verts[i - 1] == ce1.v1 ? ce1.v2 : ce1.v1; } b_verts[0] = b_start_v; for(int i = 1; i < b_size; i++) { ce1 = me->medge[b_data[i]]; b_verts[i] = b_verts[i - 1] == ce1.v1 ? ce1.v2 : ce1.v1; } dist_a[0] = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < a_size; i++) { ce1 = me->medge[a_data[i]]; sub_v3_v3v3(v1, me->mvert[ce1.v1].co, me->mvert[ce1.v2].co); if (i < a_size - 1) { dist_a[i + 1] = len_v3(v1) + dist_a[i]; } else { tot_dist_a = len_v3(v1) + dist_a[i]; } } dist_b[0] = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < b_size; i++) { ce1 = me->medge[b_data[i]]; sub_v3_v3v3(v1, me->mvert[ce1.v1].co, me->mvert[ce1.v2].co); if (i < b_size - 1) { dist_b[i + 1] = len_v3(v1) + dist_b[i]; } else { tot_dist_b = len_v3(v1) + dist_b[i]; } } triangulation_map = find_triangulation(me, a_verts, b_verts, a_size, b_size, dist_a, dist_b, tot_dist_a, tot_dist_b, &o_off, &invert); exact_p_start = sil->exact_isect_points_start[r2]; exact_p_tot = r2 + 1 < sil->num_rings_new ? sil->exact_isect_points_start[r2 + 1] - exact_p_start : sil->exact_points_tot - exact_p_start; gen_fillet_velp(me, &sil->exact_isect_points[exact_p_start * 3], exact_p_tot, a_verts, b_verts, a_data, b_data, a_size, b_size, triangulation_map, invert, sil->do_subtract); #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW /*bl_debug_color_set(0xFFCC33); for(int e = 0; e < a_size; e++) { printf("TMap %i [%i]\n", e, triangulation_map[e]); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(me->mvert[a_verts[e]].co, me->mvert[b_verts[triangulation_map[e]]].co); } bl_debug_color_set(0x000000); for (int i = 0; i < a_size; i++) { float fact = (dist_a[i] / tot_dist_a); bl_debug_color_set((int)((0x0000ff) * fact) + 0x003300); bl_debug_draw_medge_add(me, a_data[i]); bl_debug_color_set(0x000000); } for (int i = 0; i < b_size; i++) { float fact; if (invert) { fact = fmod((dist_b[i] / tot_dist_b) + o_off,1.0f); } else { fact = fmod(2.0f - (dist_b[i] / tot_dist_b) + o_off,1.0f); } bl_debug_color_set((int)((0x0000ff) * fact)); bl_debug_draw_medge_add(me, b_data[i]); bl_debug_color_set(0x000000); } r_start = sil->exact_isect_points_start[r]; r_size = r + 1 < sil->num_rings ? sil->exact_isect_points_start[r + 1] - r_start : sil->exact_points_tot - r_start; for (int i = 0; i < r_size; i++) { bl_debug_color_set(0xffffff); copy_v3_v3(v1, &sil->exact_isect_points[(r_start + i) * 3]); copy_v3_v3(v2, (i + 1 < r_size ? &sil->exact_isect_points[(r_start + i) * 3 + 3] : &sil->exact_isect_points[r_start * 3])); bl_debug_draw_edge_add(v1, v2); bl_debug_color_set(0x000000); }*/ #endif } } else { printf("Couldn't transition the intersecting parts. Algorithm produced a non matching ringlayout.\n"); #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW for (int r = 0; r < sil->num_rings; r++) { bl_debug_draw_BB_add(&sil->fillet_ring_bbs[r], 0x0000ff); } for (int r = 0; r < sil->num_rings_new; r++) { bl_debug_draw_BB_add(&sil->fillet_ring_bbs_new[r], 0x00ffff); int deb_start = sil->fillet_ring_new_start[r]; int deb_tot = r + 1 < sil->num_rings_new ? sil->fillet_ring_new_start[r + 1] - deb_start : sil->fillet_ring_tot_new - deb_start; for(int j = 0; j < deb_tot; j++) { bl_debug_color_set(0x0000ff * ((float)r / sil->num_rings_new)); bl_debug_draw_medge_add(me, sil->fillet_ring_new[deb_start + j]); bl_debug_color_set(0x000000); } } #endif BLI_assert(false); } } /* Generates a 3D shape from a stroke. */ static void silhouette_create_shape_mesh(bContext *C, Mesh *me, SilhouetteData *sil, SilhouetteStroke *stroke, PBVHNode **nodes) { Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); float z_vec[3] = {0.0f,0.0f,1.0f}; float inv_z_vec[3]; float depth = sil->depth; int ss_level = fmax(sil->resolution, 1); int v_steps = (1 << ss_level) + 2; bool n_ori = false; int e_start; bool subtract = sil->do_subtract; /* TODO: RNA Init*/ copy_v3_v3(z_vec, sil->z_vec); normalize_v3(z_vec); n_ori = calc_stroke_normal_ori(stroke, z_vec); /* Generate spine */ Spine *spine = silhouette_generate_spine(sil, stroke); SpineBranch *a_branch; mul_v3_fl(z_vec, depth); mul_v3_v3fl(inv_z_vec, z_vec, -1.0f); int w_steps = v_steps / 2 + 2; float smoothness = sil->smoothness; for (int i = 0; i < spine->totbranches; i++) { a_branch = spine->branches[i]; if (a_branch) { int r_forks = r_branch_count(spine, a_branch); e_start = me->totedge; switch (r_forks) { case 1: add_ss_cap(sil, a_branch, me, z_vec, depth, v_steps, w_steps, smoothness, n_ori != subtract, false); add_ss_cap(sil, a_branch, me, inv_z_vec, depth, v_steps, w_steps, smoothness, !n_ori != subtract, true); #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW /*debug_branch(a_branch, 0x00ff00);*/ #endif break; case 2: add_ss_tube(sil, a_branch, me, z_vec, depth, v_steps, w_steps, smoothness, n_ori != subtract, false); add_ss_tube(sil, a_branch, me, inv_z_vec, depth, v_steps, w_steps, smoothness, !n_ori != subtract, true); #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW /*debug_branch(a_branch, 0xff0000);*/ #endif break; case 3: add_ss_tinter(sil, spine, a_branch, me, z_vec, depth, v_steps, w_steps, smoothness, n_ori != subtract, false); add_ss_tinter(sil, spine, a_branch, me, inv_z_vec, depth, v_steps, w_steps, smoothness, !n_ori != subtract, true); #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW /*debug_branch(a_branch, 0x0000ff);*/ #endif break; } check_preceding_intersecting_edges(ob, sil, a_branch, nodes, me->totedge - e_start); } } e_start = me->totedge; bridge_all_parts(me, spine, v_steps * 2 + w_steps, n_ori != subtract); check_preceding_intersecting_edges(ob, sil, NULL, nodes, me->totedge - e_start); printf("Total %i nodes.\n", sil->num_inter_nodes); if (sil->num_inter_nodes) { combine_intersection_data(me, sil); generate_fillet_topology(me, sil); } /*printf("Joining %i isect data.\n", sil->num_isect_data); for (int i = 0; i < sil->num_isect_data; i++) { IntersectionData *isect_data = &sil->isect_chunk[i]; GHash *i_edge_hash = isect_data->edge_hash; GHashIterator gh_iter; int e_key; GHASH_ITER(gh_iter, i_edge_hash) { e_key = BLI_ghashIterator_getKey(&gh_iter); bl_debug_color_set(0x0000ff); bl_debug_draw_medge_add(me, e_key); bl_debug_color_set(0x000000); } }*/ free_spine(spine); ED_mesh_update(me, C, 1, 1); } /* Adds additional points to the stroke if start and end are far apart. */ static void stroke_smooth_cap(SilhouetteData *sil, SilhouetteStroke *stroke, float max_dist) { float v1[2], v2[2], dv[2]; float length = 0; copy_v2_v2(v1, &stroke->points_v2[0]); copy_v2_v2(v2, &stroke->points_v2[stroke->totvert * 2 - 2]); sub_v2_v2v2(dv,v1,v2); length = len_v2(dv); if (length > max_dist) { int steps = floorf(length / (float)max_dist); mul_v2_fl(dv, 1.0f / (float)steps); for (int i = 1; i < steps; i++) { mul_v2_v2fl(v1, dv, i); add_v2_v2(v1, v2); silhouette_stroke_add_point(sil, stroke, v1); } } } /*TODO:Remove Temp debug function*/ static char *cd_type_name(int t) { char *name = ""; switch(t) { case -1 : name = "CD_AUTO_FROM_NAME ";break; case 0 : name = "CD_MVERT ";break; case 1 : name = "CD_MSTICKY ";break; /* DEPRECATED */ case 2 : name = "CD_MDEFORMVERT ";break; case 3 : name = "CD_MEDGE ";break; case 4 : name = "CD_MFACE ";break; case 5 : name = "CD_MTFACE ";break; case 6 : name = "CD_MCOL ";break; case 7 : name = "CD_ORIGINDEX ";break; case 8 : name = "CD_NORMAL ";break; /* CD_POLYINDEX = 9, */ case 10 : name = "CD_PROP_FLT ";break; case 11 : name = "CD_PROP_INT ";break; case 12 : name = "CD_PROP_STR ";break; case 13 : name = "CD_ORIGSPACE ";break; /* for modifier stack face location mapping */ case 14 : name = "CD_ORCO ";break; case 15 : name = "CD_MTEXPOLY ";break; case 16 : name = "CD_MLOOPUV ";break; case 17 : name = "CD_MLOOPCOL ";break; case 18 : name = "CD_TANGENT ";break; case 19 : name = "CD_MDISPS ";break; case 20 : name = "CD_PREVIEW_MCOL ";break; /* for displaying weightpaint colors */ /* CD_ID_MCOL = 21, */ case 22 : name = "CD_TEXTURE_MLOOPCOL";break; case 23 : name = "CD_CLOTH_ORCO ";break; case 24 : name = "CD_RECAST ";break; /* BMESH ONLY START */ case 25 : name = "CD_MPOLY ";break; case 26 : name = "CD_MLOOP ";break; case 27 : name = "CD_SHAPE_KEYINDEX ";break; case 28 : name = "CD_SHAPEKEY ";break; case 29 : name = "CD_BWEIGHT ";break; case 30 : name = "CD_CREASE ";break; case 31 : name = "CD_ORIGSPACE_MLOOP ";break; case 32 : name = "CD_PREVIEW_MLOOPCOL";break; case 33 : name = "CD_BM_ELEM_PYPTR ";break; /* BMESH ONLY END */ case 34 : name = "CD_PAINT_MASK ";break; case 35 : name = "CD_GRID_PAINT_MASK ";break; case 36 : name = "CD_MVERT_SKIN ";break; case 37 : name = "CD_FREESTYLE_EDGE ";break; case 38 : name = "CD_FREESTYLE_FACE ";break; case 39 : name = "CD_MLOOPTANGENT ";break; case 40 : name = "CD_TESSLOOPNORMAL ";break; case 41 : name = "CD_CUSTOMLOOPNORMAL";break; case 42 : name = "CD_NUMTYPES ";break; default: name = "No Name"; } return name; } #if 0 static void debug_cd(Mesh *me) { char *name = ""; printf("Debugging Custom Data:\n\n"); printf("%i Customdata Layers in vdata\n", CustomData_number_of_layers_typemask(&me->vdata, CD_MASK_EVERYTHING)); printf("%i Customdata Layers in edata\n", CustomData_number_of_layers_typemask(&me->edata, CD_MASK_EVERYTHING)); printf("%i Customdata Layers in ldata\n", CustomData_number_of_layers_typemask(&me->ldata, CD_MASK_EVERYTHING)); printf("%i Customdata Layers in pdata\n", CustomData_number_of_layers_typemask(&me->pdata, CD_MASK_EVERYTHING)); for (int i = 0; i < CustomData_number_of_layers_typemask(&me->vdata, CD_MASK_EVERYTHING); i++) { name = cd_type_name(me->vdata.layers[i].type); printf("Layer found with name %s\n", name); } for (int i = 0; i < CustomData_number_of_layers_typemask(&me->edata, CD_MASK_EVERYTHING); i++) { name = cd_type_name(me->edata.layers[i].type); printf("Layer found with name %s\n", name); } for (int i = 0; i < CustomData_number_of_layers_typemask(&me->ldata, CD_MASK_EVERYTHING); i++) { name = cd_type_name(me->ldata.layers[i].type); printf("Layer found with name %s\n", name); } for (int i = 0; i < CustomData_number_of_layers_typemask(&me->pdata, CD_MASK_EVERYTHING); i++) { name = cd_type_name(me->pdata.layers[i].type); printf("Layer found with name %s\n", name); } } #endif /* Copy customdata from source to destination. Layers need to be matching! * redirect_map needs to be the new positions ofelements in the dest array. -1 marks elements which do not get copied over. */ static void CustomData_copy_partial(const struct CustomData *source, struct CustomData *dest, CustomDataMask mask, int *redirect_map, int tot_elem) { int num_layers_to_copy; int d_size; CustomDataLayer *curr_l, *dest_l; char *name; num_layers_to_copy = CustomData_number_of_layers_typemask(source, mask); for (int l = 0; l < num_layers_to_copy; l++) { curr_l = &source->layers[l]; dest_l = &dest->layers[l]; if (CD_TYPE_AS_MASK(curr_l->type) & mask) { for (int i = 0; i < tot_elem; i++) { if(redirect_map[i] != -1) { d_size = CustomData_sizeof(curr_l->type); memcpy(((char *)dest_l->data) + redirect_map[i] * d_size, ((char* )curr_l->data) + i * d_size, d_size); } } name = cd_type_name(curr_l->type); printf("Layer %s copied %i values of size %i.\n", name, tot_elem, CustomData_sizeof(curr_l->type)); } } } /* Function used to remove vertices from a basic mesh * Can be optimised easily be introucing multithreading * Parts and ideas how multithreading can be introduced are marked with "MT:" * TODO: Add Multithreading */ static void remove_verts_from_mesh(Mesh *me, int *v_to_rm, int num_v_to_rm){ int *v_rd_table, *e_rd_table, *l_rd_table, *p_rd_table; int next_del = 0, next_del_pos = 0; MEdge e; MLoop l; MPoly p; int n_totvert, n_totedge, n_totloop, n_totpoly; CustomData vdata, edata, ldata, pdata; if(num_v_to_rm == 0) { return; } /* MT: Prefix Sum / Scan to calculate new positions for vertices. * Calculating the new positions with the vertices removed */ v_rd_table = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * me->totvert, "Vertex redirect table"); qsort(v_to_rm, num_v_to_rm, sizeof(int), cmpfunc); n_totvert = 0; next_del = v_to_rm[0]; for (int i = 0; i < me->totvert; i++) { if (i == next_del) { if (next_del_pos + 1 < num_v_to_rm) { next_del_pos ++; next_del = v_to_rm[next_del_pos]; } v_rd_table[i] = -1; } else { v_rd_table[i] = n_totvert; n_totvert ++; } } /* MT: parallelize loop, !shared access to sum value * Calculate new edge positions + remap vertice pointer */ e_rd_table = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * me->totedge, "Edge redirect table"); n_totedge = 0; for (int i = 0; i < me->totedge; i++) { e = me->medge[i]; if(v_rd_table[e.v1] == -1 || v_rd_table[e.v2] == -1) { e_rd_table[i] = -1; } else { e.v1 = v_rd_table[e.v1]; e.v2 = v_rd_table[e.v2]; me->medge[i] = e; e_rd_table[i] = n_totedge; n_totedge ++; } } /* MT: same as above * Calculate new loop positions + remap edge pointers */ l_rd_table = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * me->totloop, "Loop redirect table"); for (int i = 0; i < me->totloop; i++) { l = me->mloop[i]; if(v_rd_table[l.v] == -1 || e_rd_table[l.e] == -1) { l_rd_table[i] = -1; } else { l.v = v_rd_table[l.v]; l.e = e_rd_table[l.e]; me->mloop[i] = l; l_rd_table[i] = 1; } } /* MT: same as above * Subtract unused loops * Calculate new poly positions + remap pointers */ p_rd_table = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * me->totpoly, "Poly redirect table"); n_totpoly = 0; for (int i = 0; i < me->totpoly; i++) { p = me->mpoly[i]; for(int l = p.loopstart; l < p.loopstart + p.totloop; l++){ if(l_rd_table[l] == -1) { p_rd_table[i] = -1; /* Subtract unused loops */ for(int l2 = p.loopstart; l2 < p.loopstart + p.totloop; l2++){ l_rd_table[l2] = -1; } /* TODO: Bad practise? easily solved other way*/ goto skip_poly; } } p_rd_table[i] = n_totpoly; n_totpoly ++; skip_poly:; } /* Scan/Prefix sum the valid loops */ n_totloop = 0; for (int i = 0; i < me->totloop; i++) { if(l_rd_table[i] != -1) { l_rd_table[i] = n_totloop; n_totloop ++; } } /* Polys need to be iterated twice since loops depend on polys and vice versa. */ for (int i = 0; i < me->totpoly; i++) { if (p_rd_table[i] != -1) { p = me->mpoly[i]; me->mpoly[i].loopstart = l_rd_table[me->mpoly[i].loopstart]; } } /*Redirection tables are done. Continue to copy and allocate new Customdata blocks*/ CustomData_copy(&me->vdata, &vdata, CD_MASK_EVERYTHING, CD_CALLOC, n_totvert); CustomData_copy(&me->edata, &edata, CD_MASK_EVERYTHING, CD_CALLOC, n_totedge); CustomData_copy(&me->ldata, &ldata, CD_MASK_EVERYTHING, CD_CALLOC, n_totloop); CustomData_copy(&me->pdata, &pdata, CD_MASK_EVERYTHING, CD_CALLOC, n_totpoly); CustomData_copy_partial(&me->vdata, &vdata, CD_MASK_EVERYTHING, v_rd_table, me->totvert); CustomData_copy_partial(&me->edata, &edata, CD_MASK_EVERYTHING, e_rd_table, me->totedge); CustomData_copy_partial(&me->ldata, &ldata, CD_MASK_EVERYTHING, l_rd_table, me->totloop); CustomData_copy_partial(&me->pdata, &pdata, CD_MASK_EVERYTHING, p_rd_table, me->totpoly); CustomData_free(&me->vdata, me->totvert); CustomData_free(&me->edata, me->totedge); CustomData_free(&me->ldata, me->totloop); CustomData_free(&me->pdata, me->totpoly); me->vdata = vdata; me->edata = edata; me->ldata = ldata; me->pdata = pdata; me->totvert = n_totvert; me->totedge = n_totedge; me->totloop = n_totloop; me->totpoly = n_totpoly; BKE_mesh_update_customdata_pointers(me, true); } /* We calculate a start and an endpoint of the two node ends intersecting. Now we need to determine the right side on which the intersection happens * Returning the points in correct order (positive looping results in inner side); */ static void order_positive_is_inside(Mesh *me, SilhouetteData *sil, MeshElemMap *emap, int *r11, int *r12, int r1_start, int r1_tot, int r2_start, int r2_tot) { int dist_1; int center; int comp_v1, comp_v2; int comp_e; int tmp_swap; if (*r11 > *r12) { dist_1 = r1_tot - *r11 + *r12; } else { dist_1 = *r12 - *r11; } center = r1_start + (*r11 + (dist_1 / 2)) % r1_tot; comp_v1 = me->medge[sil->fillet_ring_orig[center]].v2; for (int e = 0; e < emap[comp_v1].count; e++) { comp_e = emap[comp_v1].indices[e]; if (comp_e != sil->fillet_ring_orig[center] && comp_e != sil->fillet_ring_orig[center + 1] && comp_e != sil->fillet_ring_orig[center - 1]) { comp_v2 = me->medge[comp_e].v1 == comp_v1 ? me->medge[comp_e].v2 : me->medge[comp_e].v1; for (int e_l = 0; e_l < r2_tot; e_l ++) { if (me->medge[sil->fillet_ring_orig[r2_start + e_l]].v2 == comp_v2) { return; } } } } tmp_swap = *r11; *r11 = *r12; *r12 = tmp_swap; return; } static void add_values_to_ring(int ring, int start, SilhouetteData *sil, int *r_ring_data) { int ring_size; bool written = false; int edge; if(sil->fillet_ring_orig_start[ring + 1] < sil->num_rings) { ring_size = sil->fillet_ring_orig_start[ring + 1] - sil->fillet_ring_orig_start[ring]; } else { ring_size = sil->fillet_ring_tot - sil->fillet_ring_orig_start[ring]; } for(int i = 0; i < ring_size; i++) { //edge = sil->fillet_ring_orig[sil->fillet_ring_start + i]; //if (written && is_on_edge(sil, edge)) } } static void join_node_separated_rings(SilhouetteData *sil, Mesh *me, MeshElemMap *emap) { int *m_ring_data; int a_ring = 0; if(!sil->num_rings) { return; } m_ring_data = MEM_callocN(sil->fillet_ring_tot * sizeof(int), "merged ring data"); add_values_to_ring(a_ring, NULL, sil, m_ring_data); for (int r1 = 1; r1 < sil->num_rings - 1; r1++) { for (int r2 = r1 + 1; r2 < sil->num_rings; r2++) { if (bb_intersect(&sil->fillet_ring_bbs[r1], &sil->fillet_ring_bbs[r2])) { } } } MEM_freeN(m_ring_data); } /* Calculate the intersections with existing geometry. Used to connect the new Silhouette to the old mesh * Fillets are the smooth transition from one part to another. */ static void do_calc_fillet_line_task_cb_ex(void *userdata, void *UNUSED(userdata_chunk), const int n, const int UNUSED(thread_id)) { SculptThreadedTaskData *data = userdata; SculptSession *ss = data->ob->sculpt; PBVH *bvh = ss->pbvh; SilhouetteData *sil = data->sil; Mesh *me = data->ob->data; PBVHNode *curr_node = data->nodes[n]; PBVHVertexIter vd; float point[2], p_on_plane[3], delta_p[3]; float sil_plane[4]; float fuzz; MEdge e_comp; int v_i, vd_i; GHash *vert_hash = BLI_ghash_int_new("vertices within intersection"); GHash *edge_hash = BLI_ghash_int_new("edges on the intersection"); int *edge_ring_fillet = NULL; int *ring_start = NULL; int v_rm_start_in_shared_arr = 0, int_e_start_in_shared_arr = 0, fillet_edge_ring_start_shared_arr = 0, fillet_ring_start_start_shared_arr = 0, inter_tris_start_in_shared_arr = 0; int r_size; int idx; int *tris = NULL; int tot_tris; IntersectionData *i_data; /*TODO: Replace GHash with GSet wherever possible*/ /*GHashIterState state;*/ GHashIterator gh_iter; plane_from_point_normal_v3(sil_plane, sil->anchor, sil->z_vec); /* TODO: Is this a unique vert iteration? If not edges might be added twice by different threads */ BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_begin(ss->pbvh, curr_node, vd, PBVH_ITER_UNIQUE) { /* get the interior vertices of the 2d drawn silhouette and all relevant vertices * Ignores smoothness, assuming the smoothness blures the fillets anyways it should be ok. */ fuzz = SIL_FILLET_BLUR_MIN + sil->smoothness * 0.01f * SIL_FILLET_BLUR_MAX; closest_to_plane_v3(p_on_plane, sil_plane, vd.co); sub_v3_v3v3(delta_p, p_on_plane, vd.co); if (len_v3(delta_p) <= sil->depth + fuzz) { if (!BLI_ghash_haskey(vert_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(vd.vert_indices[vd.i]))) { ED_view3d_project_float_v2_m4(sil->ar, p_on_plane, point, data->mat); if (isect_point_poly_v2(point, (float(*)[2])sil->current_stroke->points_v2, sil->current_stroke->totvert, false)){ if (!BLI_ghash_haskey(vert_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(vd.vert_indices[vd.i]))) { BLI_ghash_insert(vert_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(vd.vert_indices[vd.i]), SET_INT_IN_POINTER(vd.vert_indices[vd.i])); vd_i = vd.vert_indices[vd.i]; for (int e = 0; e < sil->emap[vd_i].count; e++){ e_comp = me->medge[sil->emap[vd_i].indices[e]]; v_i = e_comp.v1 == vd_i ? e_comp.v2 : e_comp.v1; if (!BLI_ghash_haskey(vert_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(v_i))) { closest_to_plane_v3(p_on_plane, sil_plane, me->mvert[v_i].co); sub_v3_v3v3(delta_p, p_on_plane, me->mvert[v_i].co); ED_view3d_project_float_v2_m4(sil->ar, p_on_plane, point, data->mat); if (!isect_point_poly_v2(point, (float(*)[2])sil->current_stroke->points_v2, sil->current_stroke->totvert, false) || len_v3(delta_p) > sil->depth + fuzz) { BLI_ghash_insert(edge_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(sil->emap[vd_i].indices[e]), SET_INT_IN_POINTER(sil->emap[vd_i].indices[e])); } } } } } } } } BKE_pbvh_vertex_iter_end; /*TODO: tris need to be freed somewhere!*/ BKE_pbvh_get_node_tris_from_verts(bvh, curr_node, vert_hash, &tris, &tot_tris); /* Finished writing all vertices which are within the intersection and need to be removed. * write them to the shared array. Lock the mutex to avoid collisions */ BLI_mutex_lock(&data->mutex); prep_int_shared_mem(&sil->v_to_rm, &sil->num_v_to_rm, &v_rm_start_in_shared_arr, BLI_ghash_size(vert_hash), "verts to remove"); if (!sil->l1_vert_hash) { sil->l1_vert_hash = BLI_ghash_int_new("vertices within intersection stage 1"); } /* Copy vertice data over.*/ GHASH_ITER_INDEX (gh_iter, vert_hash, idx) { v_i = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_ghashIterator_getKey(&gh_iter)); BLI_ghash_insert(sil->l1_vert_hash, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(v_i), SET_INT_IN_POINTER(v_i)); sil->v_to_rm[v_rm_start_in_shared_arr + idx] = BLI_ghashIterator_getKey(&gh_iter); } i_data = add_isect_chunk(sil); i_data->edge_hash = edge_hash; /* Copy tris over */ if (tot_tris > 0) { prep_int_shared_mem(&sil->inter_tris, &sil->num_inter_tris, &inter_tris_start_in_shared_arr, tot_tris, "tris in intersection"); memcpy(sil->inter_tris + inter_tris_start_in_shared_arr, tris, tot_tris * sizeof(int)); } sil->tri_nodebind[n] = inter_tris_start_in_shared_arr; BLI_mutex_unlock(&data->mutex); BLI_ghash_free(vert_hash, NULL, NULL); } static void do_calc_fillet_line(Object *ob, SilhouetteData *sil, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { Mesh *me = ob->data; float projmat[4][4]; MeshElemMap *emap; int *emap_mem; RegionView3D *rv3d; View3D *v3d; rv3d = sil->ar->regiondata; v3d = sil->vc.v3d; BKE_mesh_vert_edge_map_create(&emap, &emap_mem, me->medge, me->totvert, me->totedge); sil->emap = emap; sil->tri_nodebind = MEM_callocN(totnode * sizeof(int), "bind nodes to triarr"); sil->num_inter_nodes = totnode; mul_m4_m4m4(projmat, (float (*)[4])rv3d->persmat, ob->obmat); /* threaded loop over nodes */ SculptThreadedTaskData data = { .ob = ob, .nodes = nodes, .sil = sil, .mat = projmat }; BLI_mutex_init(&data.mutex); BLI_task_parallel_range_ex( 0, totnode, &data, NULL, 0, do_calc_fillet_line_task_cb_ex, (totnode > SCULPT_THREADED_LIMIT), false); BLI_mutex_end(&data.mutex); /* sil->l1_vert_hash now contains the interior vertices of the original geometry. isect_chunk contains only the edgehashes which cross interior and exterior verts. Now generate edgrings from this.*/ find_edgering_hash(me, sil, sil->l1_vert_hash, sil->isect_chunk, sil->num_isect_data, emap, &sil->fillet_ring_orig, &sil->fillet_ring_orig_start, &sil->fillet_ring_tot, &sil->num_rings, &sil->max_fillet_ring_orig_start, &sil->max_fillet_ring_orig, false); #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW for (int r = 0; r < sil->num_rings; r++) { int r_start = sil->fillet_ring_orig_start[r]; int r_tot = r + 1 < sil->num_rings ? sil->fillet_ring_orig_start[r + 1] - r_start : sil->fillet_ring_tot - r_start; printf("Ring %i starting at %i with %i edges.\n", r, r_start, r_tot); for (int i = 0; i < r_tot; i++) { bl_debug_color_set(0x0000ff * ((float)r / (float)sil->num_rings)); bl_debug_draw_medge_add(me, sil->fillet_ring_orig[r_start + i]); bl_debug_color_set(0x000000); } } #endif calc_ring_bbs(me, &sil->fillet_ring_bbs, sil->fillet_ring_orig, sil->num_rings, sil->fillet_ring_orig_start, sil->fillet_ring_tot); printf("Found %i rings.\n", sil->num_rings); MEM_freeN(sil->isect_chunk); sil->isect_chunk = NULL; sil->num_isect_data = 0; sil->isect_chunk_tot = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW for (int r = 0; r < sil->num_rings; r ++) { /*bl_debug_draw_BB_add(&sil->fillet_ring_bbs[r], 0xffffff);*/ } #endif MEM_freeN(emap); MEM_freeN(emap_mem); } static void sculpt_silhouette_calc_mesh(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { /*finalize stroke*/ Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); SilhouetteData *sil = op->customdata; Mesh *me = ob->data; /*Sculpt *sd = CTX_data_tool_settings(C)->sculpt;*/ SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; PBVH *bvh = ss->pbvh; SculptSearchBBData data; Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); PBVHNode **nodes = NULL; SilhouetteStroke *stroke = sil->current_stroke; stroke_smooth_cap(sil, stroke, 10.0f); int totnode; data.ss = ss; data.bb_target = &stroke->bb; /* get the pbvh nodes intersecting the silhouette BB */ BKE_pbvh_search_gather(ss->pbvh, sculpt_search_BB_cb, &data, &nodes, &totnode); /* Only act if some verts are inside the silhouette drawn */ if (totnode) { printf("Connect to geometry\n"); do_calc_fillet_line(ob, sil, nodes, totnode); } silhouette_create_shape_mesh(C, me, sil, stroke, nodes); if (sil->v_to_rm) { printf("Removing vertices/edges/loops/polys from mesh.\n"); remove_verts_from_mesh(me, sil->v_to_rm, sil->num_v_to_rm); MEM_freeN(sil->v_to_rm); sil->v_to_rm = NULL; } /* Rebuild mesh caches * TODO: Proper PBVH etc. */ BKE_mesh_calc_edges(me, false, true); BKE_mesh_tessface_clear(me); BKE_mesh_calc_normals(me); DAG_id_tag_update(&me->id, OB_RECALC_ALL); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GEOM | ND_DATA, me); /*bool test_out; if(!BKE_mesh_validate_arrays(me, me->mvert, me->totvert, me->medge, me->totedge, me->mface, me->totface, me->mloop, me->totloop, me->mpoly, me->totpoly, me->dvert, true, false, &test_out)) { printf("Mesh invalid.\n"); }*/ BKE_object_free_derived_caches(ob); } static void sculpt_silhouette_stroke_done(bContext *UNUSED(C), wmOperator *op) { #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW SilhouetteData *sil = op->customdata; for (int i = 1; i < sil->current_stroke->totvert; i ++) { float v1[3], v2[3]; copy_v3_v3(v1, &sil->current_stroke->points[i * 3 - 3]); copy_v3_v3(v2, &sil->current_stroke->points[i * 3]); /*bl_debug_draw_edge_add(v1,v2);*/ } #endif /*cleanup*/ silhouette_data_free(op); op->customdata = NULL; } /* Stop drawing the UI*/ static void sculpt_silhouette_clean_draw(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { SilhouetteData *sil = op->customdata; WM_cursor_modal_restore(CTX_wm_window(C)); ED_region_draw_cb_exit(sil->ar->type,sil->draw_handle); ED_region_tag_redraw(sil->ar); } static int sculpt_silhouette_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { int v_start, e_start, l_start, p_start; SilhouetteData *sil = op->customdata; Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); Mesh *me = ob->data; if (!sil) { sil = silhouette_data_new(C); silhouette_set_ref_plane(sil); op->customdata = sil; } /*TODO: Add undo for fillets etc*/ if (sil->current_stroke->totvert > 3) { /*sculpt_undo_push_begin("draw Silhouette");*/ v_start = me->totvert; e_start = me->totedge; l_start = me->totloop; p_start = me->totpoly; sculpt_silhouette_calc_mesh(C, op); sculpt_silhouette_stroke_done(C, op); /*sculpt_undo_silhouette_push(ob, v_start, e_start, l_start, p_start); sculpt_undo_push_end(C);*/ } return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } static int sculpt_silhouette_modal(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *event) { float mouse[2]; SilhouetteData *sil = op->customdata; copy_v2_fl2(mouse, event->mval[0], event->mval[1]); printf("."); if (event->val == KM_RELEASE) { sculpt_silhouette_clean_draw(C, op); if (sil->state == SIL_DRAWING) { silhouette_set_ref_plane(sil); return sculpt_silhouette_exec(C, op); } return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } else { if (sil->state == SIL_DRAWING) { /*TODO: Add spacing */ sculpt_silhouette_stroke_update(mouse, op->customdata); } return OPERATOR_RUNNING_MODAL; } } /* UI Indicator for the tool. TODO: beautify */ static void sculpt_silhouette_draw(const bContext *UNUSED(C),struct ARegion *UNUSED(ar), void *arg) { SilhouetteData *sil = arg; if (!sil) { return; } const SilhouetteStroke *stroke = sil->current_stroke; if (!stroke) { return; } glLineWidth(1.0f); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); /* set brush color */ if (!sil->do_subtract) { glColor4f(sil->add_col[0], sil->add_col[1], sil->add_col[2], 0.2f); } else { glColor4f(sil->sub_col[0], sil->sub_col[1], sil->sub_col[2], 0.2f); } if (stroke->points) { glBegin(GL_POLYGON); for (int i = 0; i < stroke->totvert; i++) { glVertex3f(stroke->points[3 * i], stroke->points[3 * i + 1], stroke->points[3 * i + 2]); } glEnd(); } /* restore GL state */ glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); } static int sculpt_silhouette_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { printf("Drawing Silhouette\n"); SilhouetteData *sil_data; int mode; sil_data = silhouette_data_new(C); op->customdata = sil_data; mode = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "mode"); sil_data->do_subtract = mode == BRUSH_STROKE_INVERT; /* Tag for UI to be drawn */ ED_region_tag_redraw(sil_data->ar); sil_data->draw_handle = ED_region_draw_cb_activate(sil_data->ar->type, sculpt_silhouette_draw, op->customdata, REGION_DRAW_PRE_VIEW); sil_data->state = SIL_DRAWING; /* add modal handler */ WM_event_add_modal_handler(C, op); return OPERATOR_RUNNING_MODAL; } static int sculpt_silhouette_poll(bContext *UNUSED(C)) { /* TODO; */ return 1; } static void SCULPT_OT_silhouette_draw(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Draw Silhouette"; ot->idname = "SCULPT_OT_silhouette_draw"; ot->description = "Draw a new silhoutte for the sculpt"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke = sculpt_silhouette_invoke; ot->modal = sculpt_silhouette_modal; ot->exec = sculpt_silhouette_exec; ot->poll = sculpt_silhouette_poll; ot->cancel = sculpt_silhouette_stroke_done; paint_stroke_operator_properties(ot); /* flags */ ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* end Silhouette */ /************************** Dynamic Topology **************************/ static void sculpt_dynamic_topology_triangulate(BMesh *bm) { if (bm->totloop != bm->totface * 3) { BM_mesh_triangulate(bm, MOD_TRIANGULATE_QUAD_BEAUTY, MOD_TRIANGULATE_NGON_EARCLIP, false, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } void sculpt_pbvh_clear(Object *ob) { SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; DerivedMesh *dm = ob->derivedFinal; /* Clear out any existing DM and PBVH */ if (ss->pbvh) BKE_pbvh_free(ss->pbvh); ss->pbvh = NULL; if (dm) dm->getPBVH(NULL, dm); BKE_object_free_derived_caches(ob); } void sculpt_dyntopo_node_layers_add(SculptSession *ss) { int cd_node_layer_index; char layer_id[] = "_dyntopo_node_id"; cd_node_layer_index = CustomData_get_named_layer_index(&ss->bm->vdata, CD_PROP_INT, layer_id); if (cd_node_layer_index == -1) { BM_data_layer_add_named(ss->bm, &ss->bm->vdata, CD_PROP_INT, layer_id); cd_node_layer_index = CustomData_get_named_layer_index(&ss->bm->vdata, CD_PROP_INT, layer_id); } ss->cd_vert_node_offset = CustomData_get_n_offset( &ss->bm->vdata, CD_PROP_INT, cd_node_layer_index - CustomData_get_layer_index(&ss->bm->vdata, CD_PROP_INT)); ss->bm->vdata.layers[cd_node_layer_index].flag |= CD_FLAG_TEMPORARY; cd_node_layer_index = CustomData_get_named_layer_index(&ss->bm->pdata, CD_PROP_INT, layer_id); if (cd_node_layer_index == -1) { BM_data_layer_add_named(ss->bm, &ss->bm->pdata, CD_PROP_INT, layer_id); cd_node_layer_index = CustomData_get_named_layer_index(&ss->bm->pdata, CD_PROP_INT, layer_id); } ss->cd_face_node_offset = CustomData_get_n_offset( &ss->bm->pdata, CD_PROP_INT, cd_node_layer_index - CustomData_get_layer_index(&ss->bm->pdata, CD_PROP_INT)); ss->bm->pdata.layers[cd_node_layer_index].flag |= CD_FLAG_TEMPORARY; } void sculpt_update_after_dynamic_topology_toggle(bContext *C) { Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); Sculpt *sd = scene->toolsettings->sculpt; /* Create the PBVH */ BKE_sculpt_update_mesh_elements(scene, sd, ob, false, false); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_DRAW, ob); } void sculpt_dynamic_topology_enable(bContext *C) { Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Mesh *me = ob->data; const BMAllocTemplate allocsize = BMALLOC_TEMPLATE_FROM_ME(me); sculpt_pbvh_clear(ob); ss->bm_smooth_shading = (scene->toolsettings->sculpt->flags & SCULPT_DYNTOPO_SMOOTH_SHADING) != 0; /* Dynamic topology doesn't ensure selection state is valid, so remove [#36280] */ BKE_mesh_mselect_clear(me); /* Create triangles-only BMesh */ ss->bm = BM_mesh_create( &allocsize, &((struct BMeshCreateParams){.use_toolflags = false,})); BM_mesh_bm_from_me( ss->bm, me, (&(struct BMeshFromMeshParams){ .calc_face_normal = true, .use_shapekey = true, .active_shapekey = ob->shapenr, })); sculpt_dynamic_topology_triangulate(ss->bm); BM_data_layer_add(ss->bm, &ss->bm->vdata, CD_PAINT_MASK); sculpt_dyntopo_node_layers_add(ss); /* make sure the data for existing faces are initialized */ if (me->totpoly != ss->bm->totface) { BM_mesh_normals_update(ss->bm); } /* Enable dynamic topology */ me->flag |= ME_SCULPT_DYNAMIC_TOPOLOGY; /* Enable logging for undo/redo */ ss->bm_log = BM_log_create(ss->bm); /* Refresh */ sculpt_update_after_dynamic_topology_toggle(C); } /* Free the sculpt BMesh and BMLog * * If 'unode' is given, the BMesh's data is copied out to the unode * before the BMesh is deleted so that it can be restored from */ void sculpt_dynamic_topology_disable(bContext *C, SculptUndoNode *unode) { Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Mesh *me = ob->data; sculpt_pbvh_clear(ob); if (unode) { /* Free all existing custom data */ CustomData_free(&me->vdata, me->totvert); CustomData_free(&me->edata, me->totedge); CustomData_free(&me->fdata, me->totface); CustomData_free(&me->ldata, me->totloop); CustomData_free(&me->pdata, me->totpoly); /* Copy over stored custom data */ me->totvert = unode->bm_enter_totvert; me->totloop = unode->bm_enter_totloop; me->totpoly = unode->bm_enter_totpoly; me->totedge = unode->bm_enter_totedge; me->totface = 0; CustomData_copy(&unode->bm_enter_vdata, &me->vdata, CD_MASK_MESH, CD_DUPLICATE, unode->bm_enter_totvert); CustomData_copy(&unode->bm_enter_edata, &me->edata, CD_MASK_MESH, CD_DUPLICATE, unode->bm_enter_totedge); CustomData_copy(&unode->bm_enter_ldata, &me->ldata, CD_MASK_MESH, CD_DUPLICATE, unode->bm_enter_totloop); CustomData_copy(&unode->bm_enter_pdata, &me->pdata, CD_MASK_MESH, CD_DUPLICATE, unode->bm_enter_totpoly); BKE_mesh_update_customdata_pointers(me, false); } else { BKE_sculptsession_bm_to_me(ob, true); } /* Clear data */ me->flag &= ~ME_SCULPT_DYNAMIC_TOPOLOGY; /* typically valid but with global-undo they can be NULL, [#36234] */ if (ss->bm) { BM_mesh_free(ss->bm); ss->bm = NULL; } if (ss->bm_log) { BM_log_free(ss->bm_log); ss->bm_log = NULL; } /* Refresh */ sculpt_update_after_dynamic_topology_toggle(C); } static int sculpt_dynamic_topology_toggle_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op)) { Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; WM_cursor_wait(1); if (ss->bm) { sculpt_undo_push_begin("Dynamic topology disable"); sculpt_undo_push_node(ob, NULL, SCULPT_UNDO_DYNTOPO_END); sculpt_dynamic_topology_disable(C, NULL); } else { sculpt_undo_push_begin("Dynamic topology enable"); sculpt_dynamic_topology_enable(C); sculpt_undo_push_node(ob, NULL, SCULPT_UNDO_DYNTOPO_BEGIN); } sculpt_undo_push_end(C); WM_cursor_wait(0); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } enum eDynTopoWarnFlag { DYNTOPO_WARN_VDATA = (1 << 0), DYNTOPO_WARN_EDATA = (1 << 1), DYNTOPO_WARN_LDATA = (1 << 2), DYNTOPO_WARN_MODIFIER = (1 << 3), }; static int dyntopo_warning_popup(bContext *C, wmOperatorType *ot, enum eDynTopoWarnFlag flag) { uiPopupMenu *pup = UI_popup_menu_begin(C, IFACE_("Warning!"), ICON_ERROR); uiLayout *layout = UI_popup_menu_layout(pup); if (flag & (DYNTOPO_WARN_VDATA | DYNTOPO_WARN_EDATA | DYNTOPO_WARN_LDATA)) { const char *msg_error = TIP_("Vertex Data Detected!"); const char *msg = TIP_("Dyntopo will not preserve vertex colors, UVs, or other customdata"); uiItemL(layout, msg_error, ICON_INFO); uiItemL(layout, msg, ICON_NONE); uiItemS(layout); } if (flag & DYNTOPO_WARN_MODIFIER) { const char *msg_error = TIP_("Generative Modifiers Detected!"); const char *msg = TIP_("Keeping the modifiers will increase polycount when returning to object mode"); uiItemL(layout, msg_error, ICON_INFO); uiItemL(layout, msg, ICON_NONE); uiItemS(layout); } uiItemFullO_ptr(layout, ot, IFACE_("OK"), ICON_NONE, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, 0); UI_popup_menu_end(C, pup); return OPERATOR_INTERFACE; } static enum eDynTopoWarnFlag sculpt_dynamic_topology_check(bContext *C) { Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); Mesh *me = ob->data; SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); enum eDynTopoWarnFlag flag = 0; BLI_assert(ss->bm == NULL); UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(ss); for (int i = 0; i < CD_NUMTYPES; i++) { if (!ELEM(i, CD_MVERT, CD_MEDGE, CD_MFACE, CD_MLOOP, CD_MPOLY, CD_PAINT_MASK, CD_ORIGINDEX)) { if (CustomData_has_layer(&me->vdata, i)) { flag |= DYNTOPO_WARN_VDATA; } if (CustomData_has_layer(&me->edata, i)) { flag |= DYNTOPO_WARN_EDATA; } if (CustomData_has_layer(&me->ldata, i)) { flag |= DYNTOPO_WARN_LDATA; } } } { VirtualModifierData virtualModifierData; ModifierData *md = modifiers_getVirtualModifierList(ob, &virtualModifierData); /* exception for shape keys because we can edit those */ for (; md; md = md->next) { const ModifierTypeInfo *mti = modifierType_getInfo(md->type); if (!modifier_isEnabled(scene, md, eModifierMode_Realtime)) continue; if (mti->type == eModifierTypeType_Constructive) { flag |= DYNTOPO_WARN_MODIFIER; break; } } } return flag; } static int sculpt_dynamic_topology_toggle_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; if (!ss->bm) { enum eDynTopoWarnFlag flag = sculpt_dynamic_topology_check(C); if (flag) { /* The mesh has customdata that will be lost, let the user confirm this is OK */ return dyntopo_warning_popup(C, op->type, flag); } } return sculpt_dynamic_topology_toggle_exec(C, op); } static void SCULPT_OT_dynamic_topology_toggle(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Dynamic Topology Toggle"; ot->idname = "SCULPT_OT_dynamic_topology_toggle"; ot->description = "Dynamic topology alters the mesh topology while sculpting"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke = sculpt_dynamic_topology_toggle_invoke; ot->exec = sculpt_dynamic_topology_toggle_exec; ot->poll = sculpt_mode_poll; ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; } /************************* SCULPT_OT_optimize *************************/ static int sculpt_optimize_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op)) { Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); sculpt_pbvh_clear(ob); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_DRAW, ob); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } static int sculpt_and_dynamic_topology_poll(bContext *C) { Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); return sculpt_mode_poll(C) && ob->sculpt->bm; } /* The BVH gets less optimal more quickly with dynamic topology than * regular sculpting. There is no doubt more clever stuff we can do to * optimize it on the fly, but for now this gives the user a nicer way * to recalculate it than toggling modes. */ static void SCULPT_OT_optimize(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Optimize"; ot->idname = "SCULPT_OT_optimize"; ot->description = "Recalculate the sculpt BVH to improve performance"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec = sculpt_optimize_exec; ot->poll = sculpt_and_dynamic_topology_poll; ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; } /********************* Dynamic topology symmetrize ********************/ static int sculpt_symmetrize_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op)) { Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); const Sculpt *sd = CTX_data_tool_settings(C)->sculpt; SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; /* To simplify undo for symmetrize, all BMesh elements are logged * as deleted, then after symmetrize operation all BMesh elements * are logged as added (as opposed to attempting to store just the * parts that symmetrize modifies) */ sculpt_undo_push_begin("Dynamic topology symmetrize"); sculpt_undo_push_node(ob, NULL, SCULPT_UNDO_DYNTOPO_SYMMETRIZE); BM_log_before_all_removed(ss->bm, ss->bm_log); BM_mesh_toolflags_set(ss->bm, true); /* Symmetrize and re-triangulate */ BMO_op_callf(ss->bm, BMO_FLAG_DEFAULTS, "symmetrize input=%avef direction=%i dist=%f", sd->symmetrize_direction, 0.00001f); sculpt_dynamic_topology_triangulate(ss->bm); /* bisect operator flags edges (keep tags clean for edge queue) */ BM_mesh_elem_hflag_disable_all(ss->bm, BM_EDGE, BM_ELEM_TAG, false); BM_mesh_toolflags_set(ss->bm, false); /* Finish undo */ BM_log_all_added(ss->bm, ss->bm_log); sculpt_undo_push_end(C); /* Redraw */ sculpt_pbvh_clear(ob); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_DRAW, ob); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } static void SCULPT_OT_symmetrize(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Symmetrize"; ot->idname = "SCULPT_OT_symmetrize"; ot->description = "Symmetrize the topology modifications"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec = sculpt_symmetrize_exec; ot->poll = sculpt_and_dynamic_topology_poll; } /**** Toggle operator for turning sculpt mode on or off ****/ static void sculpt_init_session(Scene *scene, Object *ob) { ob->sculpt = MEM_callocN(sizeof(SculptSession), "sculpt session"); BKE_sculpt_update_mesh_elements(scene, scene->toolsettings->sculpt, ob, 0, false); } static int sculpt_mode_toggle_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); ToolSettings *ts = CTX_data_tool_settings(C); Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); const int mode_flag = OB_MODE_SCULPT; const bool is_mode_set = (ob->mode & mode_flag) != 0; Mesh *me; MultiresModifierData *mmd = BKE_sculpt_multires_active(scene, ob); int flush_recalc = 0; if (!is_mode_set) { if (!ED_object_mode_compat_set(C, ob, mode_flag, op->reports)) { return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } } me = BKE_mesh_from_object(ob); /* multires in sculpt mode could have different from object mode subdivision level */ flush_recalc |= mmd && mmd->sculptlvl != mmd->lvl; /* if object has got active modifiers, it's dm could be different in sculpt mode */ flush_recalc |= sculpt_has_active_modifiers(scene, ob); if (is_mode_set) { if (mmd) multires_force_update(ob); /* Always for now, so leaving sculpt mode always ensures scene is in * a consistent state. */ if (true || flush_recalc || (ob->sculpt && ob->sculpt->bm)) { DAG_id_tag_update(&ob->id, OB_RECALC_DATA); } if (me->flag & ME_SCULPT_DYNAMIC_TOPOLOGY) { /* Dynamic topology must be disabled before exiting sculpt * mode to ensure the undo stack stays in a consistent * state */ sculpt_dynamic_topology_toggle_exec(C, NULL); /* store so we know to re-enable when entering sculpt mode */ me->flag |= ME_SCULPT_DYNAMIC_TOPOLOGY; } /* Leave sculptmode */ ob->mode &= ~mode_flag; BKE_sculptsession_free(ob); paint_cursor_delete_textures(); } else { /* Enter sculptmode */ ob->mode |= mode_flag; if (flush_recalc) DAG_id_tag_update(&ob->id, OB_RECALC_DATA); /* Create persistent sculpt mode data */ if (!ts->sculpt) { ts->sculpt = MEM_callocN(sizeof(Sculpt), "sculpt mode data"); /* Turn on X plane mirror symmetry by default */ ts->sculpt->paint.symmetry_flags |= PAINT_SYMM_X; ts->sculpt->paint.flags |= PAINT_SHOW_BRUSH; /* Make sure at least dyntopo subdivision is enabled */ ts->sculpt->flags |= SCULPT_DYNTOPO_SUBDIVIDE | SCULPT_DYNTOPO_COLLAPSE; } if (!ts->sculpt->detail_size) ts->sculpt->detail_size = 12; if (!ts->sculpt->detail_percent) ts->sculpt->detail_percent = 25; if (ts->sculpt->constant_detail == 0.0f) ts->sculpt->constant_detail = 3.0f; /* Set sane default tiling offsets */ if (!ts->sculpt->paint.tile_offset[0]) ts->sculpt->paint.tile_offset[0] = 1.0f; if (!ts->sculpt->paint.tile_offset[1]) ts->sculpt->paint.tile_offset[1] = 1.0f; if (!ts->sculpt->paint.tile_offset[2]) ts->sculpt->paint.tile_offset[2] = 1.0f; /* Create sculpt mode session data */ if (ob->sculpt) BKE_sculptsession_free(ob); sculpt_init_session(scene, ob); /* Mask layer is required */ if (mmd) { /* XXX, we could attempt to support adding mask data mid-sculpt mode (with multi-res) * but this ends up being quite tricky (and slow) */ BKE_sculpt_mask_layers_ensure(ob, mmd); } if (!(fabsf(ob->size[0] - ob->size[1]) < 1e-4f && fabsf(ob->size[1] - ob->size[2]) < 1e-4f)) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_WARNING, "Object has non-uniform scale, sculpting may be unpredictable"); } else if (is_negative_m4(ob->obmat)) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_WARNING, "Object has negative scale, sculpting may be unpredictable"); } BKE_paint_init(scene, ePaintSculpt, PAINT_CURSOR_SCULPT); paint_cursor_start(C, sculpt_poll_view3d); /* Check dynamic-topology flag; re-enter dynamic-topology mode when changing modes, * As long as no data was added that is not supported. */ if (me->flag & ME_SCULPT_DYNAMIC_TOPOLOGY) { const char *message_unsupported = NULL; if (me->totloop != me->totpoly * 3) { message_unsupported = TIP_("non-triangle face"); } else if (mmd != NULL) { message_unsupported = TIP_("multi-res modifier"); } else { enum eDynTopoWarnFlag flag = sculpt_dynamic_topology_check(C); if (flag == 0) { /* pass */ } else if (flag & DYNTOPO_WARN_VDATA) { message_unsupported = TIP_("vertex data"); } else if (flag & DYNTOPO_WARN_EDATA) { message_unsupported = TIP_("edge data"); } else if (flag & DYNTOPO_WARN_LDATA) { message_unsupported = TIP_("face data"); } else if (flag & DYNTOPO_WARN_MODIFIER) { message_unsupported = TIP_("constructive modifier"); } else { BLI_assert(0); } } if (message_unsupported == NULL) { /* undo push is needed to prevent memory leak */ sculpt_undo_push_begin("Dynamic topology enable"); sculpt_dynamic_topology_enable(C); sculpt_undo_push_node(ob, NULL, SCULPT_UNDO_DYNTOPO_BEGIN); } else { BKE_reportf(op->reports, RPT_WARNING, "Dynamic Topology found: %s, disabled", message_unsupported); me->flag &= ~ME_SCULPT_DYNAMIC_TOPOLOGY; } } } if (ob->derivedFinal) /* VBO no longer valid */ GPU_drawobject_free(ob->derivedFinal); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_MODE, scene); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } static void SCULPT_OT_sculptmode_toggle(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Sculpt Mode"; ot->idname = "SCULPT_OT_sculptmode_toggle"; ot->description = "Toggle sculpt mode in 3D view"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec = sculpt_mode_toggle_exec; ot->poll = ED_operator_object_active_editable_mesh; ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; } static int sculpt_and_dynamic_topology_constant_detail_poll(bContext *C) { Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); Sculpt *sd = CTX_data_tool_settings(C)->sculpt; return sculpt_mode_poll(C) && ob->sculpt->bm && (sd->flags & SCULPT_DYNTOPO_DETAIL_CONSTANT); } static int sculpt_detail_flood_fill_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op)) { Sculpt *sd = CTX_data_tool_settings(C)->sculpt; Object *ob = CTX_data_active_object(C); SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; float size; float bb_min[3], bb_max[3]; int i, totnodes; PBVHNode **nodes; BKE_pbvh_search_gather(ss->pbvh, NULL, NULL, &nodes, &totnodes); if (!totnodes) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; for (i = 0; i < totnodes; i++) { BKE_pbvh_node_mark_topology_update(nodes[i]); } /* get the bounding box, store the size to bb_max and center (zero) to bb_min */ BKE_pbvh_bounding_box(ob->sculpt->pbvh, bb_min, bb_max); sub_v3_v3(bb_max, bb_min); zero_v3(bb_min); size = max_fff(bb_max[0], bb_max[1], bb_max[2]); /* update topology size */ BKE_pbvh_bmesh_detail_size_set(ss->pbvh, 1.0f / sd->constant_detail); sculpt_undo_push_begin("Dynamic topology flood fill"); sculpt_undo_push_node(ob, NULL, SCULPT_UNDO_COORDS); while (BKE_pbvh_bmesh_update_topology( ss->pbvh, PBVH_Collapse | PBVH_Subdivide, bb_min, NULL, size)) { for (i = 0; i < totnodes; i++) BKE_pbvh_node_mark_topology_update(nodes[i]); } MEM_freeN(nodes); sculpt_undo_push_end(C); /* force rebuild of pbvh for better BB placement */ sculpt_pbvh_clear(ob); /* Redraw */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_DRAW, ob); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } static void SCULPT_OT_detail_flood_fill(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Detail Flood Fill"; ot->idname = "SCULPT_OT_detail_flood_fill"; ot->description = "Flood fill the mesh with the selected detail setting"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec = sculpt_detail_flood_fill_exec; ot->poll = sculpt_and_dynamic_topology_constant_detail_poll; ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; } static void sample_detail(bContext *C, int ss_co[2]) { ViewContext vc; Object *ob; Sculpt *sd; float ray_start[3], ray_end[3], ray_normal[3], dist; SculptDetailRaycastData srd; float mouse[2] = {ss_co[0], ss_co[1]}; view3d_set_viewcontext(C, &vc); sd = CTX_data_tool_settings(C)->sculpt; ob = vc.obact; sculpt_stroke_modifiers_check(C, ob); dist = sculpt_raycast_init(&vc, mouse, ray_start, ray_end, ray_normal, false); srd.hit = 0; srd.ray_start = ray_start; srd.ray_normal = ray_normal; srd.dist = dist; srd.detail = sd->constant_detail; BKE_pbvh_raycast(ob->sculpt->pbvh, sculpt_raycast_detail_cb, &srd, ray_start, ray_normal, false); if (srd.hit) { /* convert edge length to detail resolution */ sd->constant_detail = 1.0f / srd.detail; } } static int sculpt_sample_detail_size_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { int ss_co[2]; RNA_int_get_array(op->ptr, "location", ss_co); sample_detail(C, ss_co); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } static int sculpt_sample_detail_size_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *UNUSED(e)) { ScrArea *sa = CTX_wm_area(C); ED_area_headerprint(sa, "Click on the mesh to set the detail"); WM_cursor_modal_set(CTX_wm_window(C), BC_EYEDROPPER_CURSOR); WM_event_add_modal_handler(C, op); return OPERATOR_RUNNING_MODAL; } static int sculpt_sample_detail_size_modal(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *e) { switch (e->type) { case LEFTMOUSE: if (e->val == KM_PRESS) { ScrArea *sa = CTX_wm_area(C); int ss_co[2] = {e->mval[0], e->mval[1]}; sample_detail(C, ss_co); RNA_int_set_array(op->ptr, "location", ss_co); WM_cursor_modal_restore(CTX_wm_window(C)); ED_area_headerprint(sa, NULL); WM_main_add_notifier(NC_SCENE | ND_TOOLSETTINGS, NULL); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } break; case RIGHTMOUSE: { ScrArea *sa = CTX_wm_area(C); WM_cursor_modal_restore(CTX_wm_window(C)); ED_area_headerprint(sa, NULL); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } } return OPERATOR_RUNNING_MODAL; } static void SCULPT_OT_sample_detail_size(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Sample Detail Size"; ot->idname = "SCULPT_OT_sample_detail_size"; ot->description = "Sample the mesh detail on clicked point"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke = sculpt_sample_detail_size_invoke; ot->exec = sculpt_sample_detail_size_exec; ot->modal = sculpt_sample_detail_size_modal; ot->poll = sculpt_and_dynamic_topology_constant_detail_poll; ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; RNA_def_int_array(ot->srna, "location", 2, NULL, 0, SHRT_MAX, "Location", "Screen Coordinates of sampling", 0, SHRT_MAX); } static int sculpt_set_detail_size_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op)) { Sculpt *sd = CTX_data_tool_settings(C)->sculpt; PointerRNA props_ptr; wmOperatorType *ot = WM_operatortype_find("WM_OT_radial_control", true); WM_operator_properties_create_ptr(&props_ptr, ot); if (sd->flags & SCULPT_DYNTOPO_DETAIL_CONSTANT) { set_brush_rc_props(&props_ptr, "sculpt", "constant_detail_resolution", NULL, 0); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "data_path_primary", "tool_settings.sculpt.constant_detail_resolution"); } else if (sd->flags & SCULPT_DYNTOPO_DETAIL_BRUSH) { set_brush_rc_props(&props_ptr, "sculpt", "constant_detail_resolution", NULL, 0); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "data_path_primary", "tool_settings.sculpt.detail_percent"); } else { set_brush_rc_props(&props_ptr, "sculpt", "detail_size", NULL, 0); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "data_path_primary", "tool_settings.sculpt.detail_size"); } WM_operator_name_call_ptr(C, ot, WM_OP_INVOKE_DEFAULT, &props_ptr); WM_operator_properties_free(&props_ptr); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } static void SCULPT_OT_set_detail_size(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name = "Set Detail Size"; ot->idname = "SCULPT_OT_set_detail_size"; ot->description = "Set the mesh detail (either relative or constant one, depending on current dyntopo mode)"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec = sculpt_set_detail_size_exec; ot->poll = sculpt_and_dynamic_topology_poll; ot->flag = OPTYPE_REGISTER | OPTYPE_UNDO; } void ED_operatortypes_sculpt(void) { WM_operatortype_append(SCULPT_OT_brush_stroke); WM_operatortype_append(SCULPT_OT_sculptmode_toggle); WM_operatortype_append(SCULPT_OT_set_persistent_base); WM_operatortype_append(SCULPT_OT_silhouette_draw); WM_operatortype_append(SCULPT_OT_dynamic_topology_toggle); WM_operatortype_append(SCULPT_OT_optimize); WM_operatortype_append(SCULPT_OT_symmetrize); WM_operatortype_append(SCULPT_OT_detail_flood_fill); WM_operatortype_append(SCULPT_OT_sample_detail_size); WM_operatortype_append(SCULPT_OT_set_detail_size); }