/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * Copyright 2022 Blender Foundation. All rights reserved. */ #include "DNA_image_types.h" #include "DNA_material_types.h" #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_node_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "ED_paint.h" #include "ED_uvedit.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_math_color_blend.h" #include "BLI_task.h" #include "IMB_colormanagement.h" #include "IMB_imbuf.h" #include "BKE_brush.h" #include "BKE_image_wrappers.hh" #include "BKE_material.h" #include "BKE_pbvh.h" #include "BKE_pbvh_pixels.hh" #include "bmesh.h" #include "NOD_shader.h" #include "sculpt_intern.h" namespace blender::ed::sculpt_paint::paint::image { using namespace blender::bke::pbvh::pixels; using namespace blender::bke::image; struct ImageData { Image *image = nullptr; ImageUser *image_user = nullptr; ~ImageData() = default; static bool init_active_image(Object *ob, ImageData *r_image_data, PaintModeSettings *paint_mode_settings) { return BKE_paint_canvas_image_get( paint_mode_settings, ob, &r_image_data->image, &r_image_data->image_user); } }; struct TexturePaintingUserData { Object *ob; Brush *brush; PBVHNode **nodes; ImageData image_data; }; /** Reading and writing to image buffer with 4 float channels. */ class ImageBufferFloat4 { private: int pixel_offset; public: void set_image_position(ImBuf *image_buffer, ushort2 image_pixel_position) { pixel_offset = int(image_pixel_position.y) * image_buffer->x + int(image_pixel_position.x); } void next_pixel() { pixel_offset += 1; } float4 read_pixel(ImBuf *image_buffer) const { return &image_buffer->rect_float[pixel_offset * 4]; } void write_pixel(ImBuf *image_buffer, const float4 pixel_data) const { copy_v4_v4(&image_buffer->rect_float[pixel_offset * 4], pixel_data); } const char *get_colorspace_name(ImBuf *image_buffer) { return IMB_colormanagement_get_float_colorspace(image_buffer); } }; /** Reading and writing to image buffer with 4 byte channels. */ class ImageBufferByte4 { private: int pixel_offset; public: void set_image_position(ImBuf *image_buffer, ushort2 image_pixel_position) { pixel_offset = int(image_pixel_position.y) * image_buffer->x + int(image_pixel_position.x); } void next_pixel() { pixel_offset += 1; } float4 read_pixel(ImBuf *image_buffer) const { float4 result; rgba_uchar_to_float(result, static_cast( static_cast(&(image_buffer->rect[pixel_offset])))); return result; } void write_pixel(ImBuf *image_buffer, const float4 pixel_data) const { rgba_float_to_uchar( static_cast(static_cast(&image_buffer->rect[pixel_offset])), pixel_data); } const char *get_colorspace_name(ImBuf *image_buffer) { return IMB_colormanagement_get_rect_colorspace(image_buffer); } }; template class PaintingKernel { ImageBuffer image_accessor; SculptSession *ss; const Brush *brush; const int thread_id; const MVert *mvert; float4 brush_color; float brush_strength; SculptBrushTestFn brush_test_fn; SculptBrushTest test; /* Pointer to the last used image buffer to detect when buffers are switched. */ void *last_used_image_buffer_ptr = nullptr; const char *last_used_color_space = nullptr; public: explicit PaintingKernel(SculptSession *ss, const Brush *brush, const int thread_id, const MVert *mvert) : ss(ss), brush(brush), thread_id(thread_id), mvert(mvert) { init_brush_strength(); init_brush_test(); } bool paint(const Triangles &triangles, const PackedPixelRow &pixel_row, ImBuf *image_buffer) { image_accessor.set_image_position(image_buffer, pixel_row.start_image_coordinate); const TrianglePaintInput triangle = triangles.get_paint_input(pixel_row.triangle_index); float3 pixel_pos = get_start_pixel_pos(triangle, pixel_row); const float3 delta_pixel_pos = get_delta_pixel_pos(triangle, pixel_row, pixel_pos); bool pixels_painted = false; for (int x = 0; x < pixel_row.num_pixels; x++) { if (!brush_test_fn(&test, pixel_pos)) { pixel_pos += delta_pixel_pos; image_accessor.next_pixel(); continue; } float4 color = image_accessor.read_pixel(image_buffer); const float3 normal(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); const float3 face_normal(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); const float mask = 0.0f; const float falloff_strength = SCULPT_brush_strength_factor( ss, brush, pixel_pos, sqrtf(test.dist), normal, face_normal, mask, 0, thread_id); float4 paint_color = brush_color * falloff_strength * brush_strength; float4 buffer_color; blend_color_mix_float(buffer_color, color, paint_color); buffer_color *= brush->alpha; IMB_blend_color_float(color, color, buffer_color, static_cast(brush->blend)); image_accessor.write_pixel(image_buffer, color); pixels_painted = true; image_accessor.next_pixel(); pixel_pos += delta_pixel_pos; } return pixels_painted; } void init_brush_color(ImBuf *image_buffer) { const char *to_colorspace = image_accessor.get_colorspace_name(image_buffer); if (last_used_color_space == to_colorspace) { return; } copy_v3_v3(brush_color, ss->cache->invert ? BKE_brush_secondary_color_get(ss->scene, brush) : BKE_brush_color_get(ss->scene, brush)); /* NOTE: Brush colors are stored in sRGB. We use math color to follow other areas that * use brush colors. From there on we use IMB_colormanagement to convert the brush color to the * colorspace of the texture. This isn't ideal, but would need more refactoring to make sure * that brush colors are stored in scene linear by default. */ srgb_to_linearrgb_v3_v3(brush_color, brush_color); brush_color[3] = 1.0f; const char *from_colorspace = IMB_colormanagement_role_colorspace_name_get( COLOR_ROLE_SCENE_LINEAR); ColormanageProcessor *cm_processor = IMB_colormanagement_colorspace_processor_new( from_colorspace, to_colorspace); IMB_colormanagement_processor_apply_v4(cm_processor, brush_color); IMB_colormanagement_processor_free(cm_processor); last_used_color_space = to_colorspace; } private: void init_brush_strength() { brush_strength = ss->cache->bstrength; } void init_brush_test() { brush_test_fn = SCULPT_brush_test_init_with_falloff_shape(ss, &test, brush->falloff_shape); } /** * Extract the starting pixel position from the given encoded_pixels belonging to the triangle. */ float3 get_start_pixel_pos(const TrianglePaintInput &triangle, const PackedPixelRow &encoded_pixels) const { return init_pixel_pos(triangle, encoded_pixels.start_barycentric_coord); } /** * Extract the delta pixel position that will be used to advance a Pixel instance to the next * pixel. */ float3 get_delta_pixel_pos(const TrianglePaintInput &triangle, const PackedPixelRow &encoded_pixels, const float3 &start_pixel) const { float3 result = init_pixel_pos( triangle, encoded_pixels.start_barycentric_coord + triangle.delta_barycentric_coord_u); return result - start_pixel; } float3 init_pixel_pos(const TrianglePaintInput &triangle, const float2 &barycentric_weights) const { const int3 &vert_indices = triangle.vert_indices; float3 result; const float3 barycentric(barycentric_weights.x, barycentric_weights.y, 1.0f - barycentric_weights.x - barycentric_weights.y); interp_v3_v3v3v3(result, mvert[vert_indices[0]].co, mvert[vert_indices[1]].co, mvert[vert_indices[2]].co, barycentric); return result; } }; static std::vector init_triangle_brush_test(SculptSession *ss, Triangles &triangles, const MVert *mvert) { std::vector brush_test(triangles.size()); SculptBrushTest test; SCULPT_brush_test_init(ss, &test); float3 brush_min_bounds(test.location[0] - test.radius, test.location[1] - test.radius, test.location[2] - test.radius); float3 brush_max_bounds(test.location[0] + test.radius, test.location[1] + test.radius, test.location[2] + test.radius); for (int triangle_index = 0; triangle_index < triangles.size(); triangle_index++) { TrianglePaintInput &triangle = triangles.get_paint_input(triangle_index); float3 triangle_min_bounds(mvert[triangle.vert_indices[0]].co); float3 triangle_max_bounds(triangle_min_bounds); for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { const float3 &pos = mvert[triangle.vert_indices[i]].co; triangle_min_bounds.x = min_ff(triangle_min_bounds.x, pos.x); triangle_min_bounds.y = min_ff(triangle_min_bounds.y, pos.y); triangle_min_bounds.z = min_ff(triangle_min_bounds.z, pos.z); triangle_max_bounds.x = max_ff(triangle_max_bounds.x, pos.x); triangle_max_bounds.y = max_ff(triangle_max_bounds.y, pos.y); triangle_max_bounds.z = max_ff(triangle_max_bounds.z, pos.z); } brush_test[triangle_index] = isect_aabb_aabb_v3( brush_min_bounds, brush_max_bounds, triangle_min_bounds, triangle_max_bounds); } return brush_test; } static void do_paint_pixels(void *__restrict userdata, const int n, const TaskParallelTLS *__restrict tls) { TexturePaintingUserData *data = static_cast(userdata); Object *ob = data->ob; SculptSession *ss = ob->sculpt; const Brush *brush = data->brush; PBVHNode *node = data->nodes[n]; NodeData &node_data = BKE_pbvh_pixels_node_data_get(*node); const int thread_id = BLI_task_parallel_thread_id(tls); MVert *mvert = SCULPT_mesh_deformed_mverts_get(ss); std::vector brush_test = init_triangle_brush_test(ss, node_data.triangles, mvert); PaintingKernel kernel_float4(ss, brush, thread_id, mvert); PaintingKernel kernel_byte4(ss, brush, thread_id, mvert); ImageUser image_user = *data->image_data.image_user; bool pixels_updated = false; for (UDIMTilePixels &tile_data : node_data.tiles) { LISTBASE_FOREACH (ImageTile *, tile, &data->image_data.image->tiles) { ImageTileWrapper image_tile(tile); if (image_tile.get_tile_number() == tile_data.tile_number) { image_user.tile = image_tile.get_tile_number(); ImBuf *image_buffer = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(data->image_data.image, &image_user, nullptr); if (image_buffer == nullptr) { continue; } if (image_buffer->rect_float != nullptr) { kernel_float4.init_brush_color(image_buffer); } else { kernel_byte4.init_brush_color(image_buffer); } for (const PackedPixelRow &pixel_row : tile_data.pixel_rows) { if (!brush_test[pixel_row.triangle_index]) { continue; } bool pixels_painted = false; if (image_buffer->rect_float != nullptr) { pixels_painted = kernel_float4.paint(node_data.triangles, pixel_row, image_buffer); } else { pixels_painted = kernel_byte4.paint(node_data.triangles, pixel_row, image_buffer); } if (pixels_painted) { tile_data.mark_dirty(pixel_row); } } BKE_image_release_ibuf(data->image_data.image, image_buffer, nullptr); pixels_updated |= tile_data.flags.dirty; break; } } } node_data.flags.dirty |= pixels_updated; } static void undo_region_tiles( ImBuf *ibuf, int x, int y, int w, int h, int *tx, int *ty, int *tw, int *th) { int srcx = 0, srcy = 0; IMB_rectclip(ibuf, nullptr, &x, &y, &srcx, &srcy, &w, &h); *tw = ((x + w - 1) >> ED_IMAGE_UNDO_TILE_BITS); *th = ((y + h - 1) >> ED_IMAGE_UNDO_TILE_BITS); *tx = (x >> ED_IMAGE_UNDO_TILE_BITS); *ty = (y >> ED_IMAGE_UNDO_TILE_BITS); } static void push_undo(const NodeData &node_data, Image &image, ImageUser &image_user, const image::ImageTileWrapper &image_tile, ImBuf &image_buffer, ImBuf **tmpibuf) { for (const UDIMTileUndo &tile_undo : node_data.undo_regions) { if (tile_undo.tile_number != image_tile.get_tile_number()) { continue; } int tilex, tiley, tilew, tileh; PaintTileMap *undo_tiles = ED_image_paint_tile_map_get(); undo_region_tiles(&image_buffer, tile_undo.region.xmin, tile_undo.region.ymin, BLI_rcti_size_x(&tile_undo.region), BLI_rcti_size_y(&tile_undo.region), &tilex, &tiley, &tilew, &tileh); for (int ty = tiley; ty <= tileh; ty++) { for (int tx = tilex; tx <= tilew; tx++) { ED_image_paint_tile_push(undo_tiles, &image, &image_buffer, tmpibuf, &image_user, tx, ty, nullptr, nullptr, true, true); } } } } static void do_push_undo_tile(void *__restrict userdata, const int n, const TaskParallelTLS *__restrict UNUSED(tls)) { TexturePaintingUserData *data = static_cast(userdata); PBVHNode *node = data->nodes[n]; NodeData &node_data = BKE_pbvh_pixels_node_data_get(*node); Image *image = data->image_data.image; ImageUser *image_user = data->image_data.image_user; ImBuf *tmpibuf = nullptr; ImageUser local_image_user = *image_user; LISTBASE_FOREACH (ImageTile *, tile, &image->tiles) { image::ImageTileWrapper image_tile(tile); local_image_user.tile = image_tile.get_tile_number(); ImBuf *image_buffer = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(image, &local_image_user, nullptr); if (image_buffer == nullptr) { continue; } push_undo(node_data, *image, *image_user, image_tile, *image_buffer, &tmpibuf); BKE_image_release_ibuf(image, image_buffer, nullptr); } if (tmpibuf) { IMB_freeImBuf(tmpibuf); } } static void do_mark_dirty_regions(void *__restrict userdata, const int n, const TaskParallelTLS *__restrict UNUSED(tls)) { TexturePaintingUserData *data = static_cast(userdata); PBVHNode *node = data->nodes[n]; BKE_pbvh_pixels_mark_image_dirty(*node, *data->image_data.image, *data->image_data.image_user); } } // namespace blender::ed::sculpt_paint::paint::image extern "C" { using namespace blender::ed::sculpt_paint::paint::image; bool SCULPT_paint_image_canvas_get(PaintModeSettings *paint_mode_settings, Object *ob, Image **r_image, ImageUser **r_image_user) { *r_image = nullptr; *r_image_user = nullptr; ImageData image_data; if (!ImageData::init_active_image(ob, &image_data, paint_mode_settings)) { return false; } *r_image = image_data.image; *r_image_user = image_data.image_user; return true; } bool SCULPT_use_image_paint_brush(PaintModeSettings *settings, Object *ob) { if (!U.experimental.use_sculpt_texture_paint) { return false; } if (ob->type != OB_MESH) { return false; } Image *image; ImageUser *image_user; return BKE_paint_canvas_image_get(settings, ob, &image, &image_user); } void SCULPT_do_paint_brush_image( PaintModeSettings *paint_mode_settings, Sculpt *sd, Object *ob, PBVHNode **nodes, int totnode) { Brush *brush = BKE_paint_brush(&sd->paint); TexturePaintingUserData data = {nullptr}; data.ob = ob; data.brush = brush; data.nodes = nodes; if (!ImageData::init_active_image(ob, &data.image_data, paint_mode_settings)) { return; } TaskParallelSettings settings; BKE_pbvh_parallel_range_settings(&settings, true, totnode); BLI_task_parallel_range(0, totnode, &data, do_push_undo_tile, &settings); BLI_task_parallel_range(0, totnode, &data, do_paint_pixels, &settings); TaskParallelSettings settings_flush; BKE_pbvh_parallel_range_settings(&settings_flush, false, totnode); BLI_task_parallel_range(0, totnode, &data, do_mark_dirty_regions, &settings_flush); } }