/** * $Id: editaction.c 17746 2008-12-08 11:19:44Z aligorith $ * * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): Joshua Leung * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_arithb.h" #include "DNA_listBase.h" #include "DNA_action_types.h" #include "DNA_armature_types.h" #include "DNA_camera_types.h" #include "DNA_curve_types.h" #include "DNA_ipo_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_space_types.h" #include "DNA_constraint_types.h" #include "DNA_key_types.h" #include "DNA_lamp_types.h" #include "DNA_material_types.h" #include "DNA_userdef_types.h" #include "DNA_gpencil_types.h" #include "DNA_windowmanager_types.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "RNA_define.h" #include "BKE_action.h" #include "BKE_depsgraph.h" #include "BKE_ipo.h" #include "BKE_key.h" #include "BKE_material.h" #include "BKE_object.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_utildefines.h" #include "UI_view2d.h" #include "ED_anim_api.h" #include "ED_keyframing.h" #include "ED_keyframes_draw.h" #include "ED_keyframes_edit.h" #include "ED_screen.h" #include "ED_space_api.h" #include "WM_api.h" #include "WM_types.h" #include "action_intern.h" /* ************************************************************************** */ /* KEYFRAME-RANGE STUFF */ /* *************************** Calculate Range ************************** */ /* Get the min/max keyframes*/ static void get_keyframe_extents (bAnimContext *ac, float *min, float *max) { ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; /* get data to filter, from Action or Dopesheet */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_SEL | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT | ANIMFILTER_IPOKEYS); ANIM_animdata_filter(&anim_data, filter, ac->data, ac->datatype); /* set large values to try to override */ *min= 999999999.0f; *max= -999999999.0f; /* check if any channels to set range with */ if (anim_data.first) { /* go through channels, finding max extents */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { Object *nob= ANIM_nla_mapping_get(ac, ale); Ipo *ipo= (Ipo *)ale->key_data; float tmin, tmax; /* get range and apply necessary scaling before */ calc_ipo_range(ipo, &tmin, &tmax); if (nob) { tmin= get_action_frame_inv(nob, tmin); tmax= get_action_frame_inv(nob, tmax); } /* try to set cur using these values, if they're more extreme than previously set values */ *min= MIN2(*min, tmin); *max= MAX2(*max, tmax); } /* free memory */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); } else { /* set default range */ if (ac->scene) { *min= (float)ac->scene->r.sfra; *max= (float)ac->scene->r.efra; } else { *min= -5; *max= 100; } } } /* ****************** Automatic Preview-Range Operator ****************** */ static int actkeys_previewrange_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; Scene *scene; float min, max; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; if (ac.scene == NULL) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; else scene= ac.scene; /* set the range directly */ get_keyframe_extents(&ac, &min, &max); scene->r.psfra= (int)floor(min + 0.5f); scene->r.pefra= (int)floor(max + 0.5f); /* set notifier tha things have changed */ ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); // FIXME... should be updating 'keyframes' data context or so instead! return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void ACT_OT_set_previewrange (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Auto-Set Preview Range"; ot->idname= "ACT_OT_set_previewrange"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= actkeys_previewrange_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_areaactive; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER/*|OPTYPE_UNDO*/; } /* ****************** View-All Operator ****************** */ static int actkeys_viewall_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; View2D *v2d; float extra; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; v2d= &ac.ar->v2d; /* set the horizontal range, with an extra offset so that the extreme keys will be in view */ get_keyframe_extents(&ac, &v2d->cur.xmin, &v2d->cur.xmax); extra= 0.05f * (v2d->cur.xmax - v2d->cur.xmin); v2d->cur.xmin -= extra; v2d->cur.xmax += extra; /* set vertical range */ v2d->cur.ymax= 0.0f; v2d->cur.ymin= (float)-(v2d->mask.ymax - v2d->mask.ymin); /* do View2D syncing */ UI_view2d_sync(CTX_wm_screen(C), CTX_wm_area(C), v2d, V2D_LOCK_COPY); /* set notifier tha things have changed */ ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); // FIXME... should be updating 'keyframes' data context or so instead! return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void ACT_OT_view_all (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "View All"; ot->idname= "ACT_OT_view_all"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= actkeys_viewall_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_areaactive; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER/*|OPTYPE_UNDO*/; } /* ************************************************************************** */ /* GENERAL STUFF */ // TODO: // - insert key /* ******************** Copy/Paste Keyframes Operator ************************* */ /* - The copy/paste buffer currently stores a set of Action Channels, with temporary * IPO-blocks, and also temporary IpoCurves which only contain the selected keyframes. * - Only pastes between compatable data is possible (i.e. same achan->name, ipo-curve type, etc.) * Unless there is only one element in the buffer, names are also tested to check for compatability. * - All pasted frames are offset by the same amount. This is calculated as the difference in the times of * the current frame and the 'first keyframe' (i.e. the earliest one in all channels). * - The earliest frame is calculated per copy operation. */ /* globals for copy/paste data (like for other copy/paste buffers) */ ListBase actcopybuf = {NULL, NULL}; static float actcopy_firstframe= 999999999.0f; /* This function frees any MEM_calloc'ed copy/paste buffer data */ // XXX find some header to put this in! void free_actcopybuf () { bActionChannel *achan, *anext; bConstraintChannel *conchan, *cnext; for (achan= actcopybuf.first; achan; achan= anext) { anext= achan->next; if (achan->ipo) { free_ipo(achan->ipo); MEM_freeN(achan->ipo); } for (conchan=achan->constraintChannels.first; conchan; conchan=cnext) { cnext= conchan->next; if (conchan->ipo) { free_ipo(conchan->ipo); MEM_freeN(conchan->ipo); } BLI_freelinkN(&achan->constraintChannels, conchan); } BLI_freelinkN(&actcopybuf, achan); } actcopybuf.first= actcopybuf.last= NULL; actcopy_firstframe= 999999999.0f; } /* ------------------- */ /* This function adds data to the copy/paste buffer, freeing existing data first * Only the selected action channels gets their selected keyframes copied. */ static short copy_action_keys (bAnimContext *ac) { ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; /* clear buffer first */ free_actcopybuf(); /* filter data */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_SEL | ANIMFILTER_IPOKEYS); ANIM_animdata_filter(&anim_data, filter, ac->data, ac->datatype); /* assume that each of these is an ipo-block */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { bActionChannel *achan; Ipo *ipo= ale->key_data; Ipo *ipn; IpoCurve *icu, *icn; BezTriple *bezt; int i; /* coerce an action-channel out of owner */ if (ale->ownertype == ANIMTYPE_ACHAN) { bActionChannel *achanO= ale->owner; achan= MEM_callocN(sizeof(bActionChannel), "ActCopyPasteAchan"); strcpy(achan->name, achanO->name); } else if (ale->ownertype == ANIMTYPE_SHAPEKEY) { achan= MEM_callocN(sizeof(bActionChannel), "ActCopyPasteAchan"); strcpy(achan->name, "#ACP_ShapeKey"); } else continue; BLI_addtail(&actcopybuf, achan); /* add constraint channel if needed, then add new ipo-block */ if (ale->type == ANIMTYPE_CONCHAN) { bConstraintChannel *conchanO= ale->data; bConstraintChannel *conchan; conchan= MEM_callocN(sizeof(bConstraintChannel), "ActCopyPasteConchan"); strcpy(conchan->name, conchanO->name); BLI_addtail(&achan->constraintChannels, conchan); conchan->ipo= ipn= MEM_callocN(sizeof(Ipo), "ActCopyPasteIpo"); } else { achan->ipo= ipn= MEM_callocN(sizeof(Ipo), "ActCopyPasteIpo"); } ipn->blocktype = ipo->blocktype; /* now loop through curves, and only copy selected keyframes */ for (icu= ipo->curve.first; icu; icu= icu->next) { /* allocate a new curve */ icn= MEM_callocN(sizeof(IpoCurve), "ActCopyPasteIcu"); icn->blocktype = icu->blocktype; icn->adrcode = icu->adrcode; BLI_addtail(&ipn->curve, icn); /* find selected BezTriples to add to the buffer (and set first frame) */ for (i=0, bezt=icu->bezt; i < icu->totvert; i++, bezt++) { if (BEZSELECTED(bezt)) { /* add to buffer ipo-curve */ insert_bezt_icu(icn, bezt); /* check if this is the earliest frame encountered so far */ if (bezt->vec[1][0] < actcopy_firstframe) actcopy_firstframe= bezt->vec[1][0]; } } } } /* check if anything ended up in the buffer */ if (ELEM(NULL, actcopybuf.first, actcopybuf.last)) // error("Nothing copied to buffer"); return -1; /* free temp memory */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); /* everything went fine */ return 0; } static short paste_action_keys (bAnimContext *ac) { ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; const Scene *scene= (ac->scene); const float offset = (float)(CFRA - actcopy_firstframe); char *actname = NULL, *conname = NULL; short no_name= 0; /* check if buffer is empty */ if (ELEM(NULL, actcopybuf.first, actcopybuf.last)) { //error("No data in buffer to paste"); return -1; } /* check if single channel in buffer (disregard names if so) */ if (actcopybuf.first == actcopybuf.last) no_name= 1; /* filter data */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_SEL | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT | ANIMFILTER_IPOKEYS); ANIM_animdata_filter(&anim_data, filter, ac->data, ac->datatype); /* from selected channels */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { Ipo *ipo_src = NULL; bActionChannel *achan; IpoCurve *ico, *icu; BezTriple *bezt; int i; /* find suitable IPO-block from buffer to paste from */ for (achan= actcopybuf.first; achan; achan= achan->next) { /* try to match data */ if (ale->ownertype == ANIMTYPE_ACHAN) { bActionChannel *achant= ale->owner; /* check if we have a corresponding action channel */ if ((no_name) || (strcmp(achan->name, achant->name)==0)) { actname= achant->name; /* check if this is a constraint channel */ if (ale->type == ANIMTYPE_CONCHAN) { bConstraintChannel *conchant= ale->data; bConstraintChannel *conchan; for (conchan=achan->constraintChannels.first; conchan; conchan=conchan->next) { if (strcmp(conchan->name, conchant->name)==0) { conname= conchant->name; ipo_src= conchan->ipo; break; } } if (ipo_src) break; } else { ipo_src= achan->ipo; break; } } } else if (ale->ownertype == ANIMTYPE_SHAPEKEY) { /* check if this action channel is "#ACP_ShapeKey" */ if ((no_name) || (strcmp(achan->name, "#ACP_ShapeKey")==0)) { actname= NULL; ipo_src= achan->ipo; break; } } } /* this shouldn't happen, but it might */ if (ipo_src == NULL) continue; /* loop over curves, pasting keyframes */ for (ico= ipo_src->curve.first; ico; ico= ico->next) { /* get IPO-curve to paste to (IPO-curve might not exist for destination, so gets created) */ icu= verify_ipocurve(ale->id, ico->blocktype, actname, conname, NULL, ico->adrcode, 1); if (icu) { /* just start pasting, with the the first keyframe on the current frame, and so on */ for (i=0, bezt=ico->bezt; i < ico->totvert; i++, bezt++) { /* temporarily apply offset to src beztriple while copying */ bezt->vec[0][0] += offset; bezt->vec[1][0] += offset; bezt->vec[2][0] += offset; /* insert the keyframe */ insert_bezt_icu(icu, bezt); /* un-apply offset from src beztriple after copying */ bezt->vec[0][0] -= offset; bezt->vec[1][0] -= offset; bezt->vec[2][0] -= offset; } /* recalculate channel's handles? */ calchandles_ipocurve(icu); } } } /* free temp memory */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); /* do depsgraph updates (for 3d-view)? */ #if 0 if ((ob) && (G.saction->pin==0)) { if (ob->type == OB_ARMATURE) DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_OB|OB_RECALC_DATA); else DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_OB); } #endif return 0; } /* ------------------- */ static int actkeys_copy_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* copy keyframes */ if (ac.datatype == ANIMCONT_GPENCIL) { // FIXME... } else { if (copy_action_keys(&ac)) { // XXX errors - need a way to inform the user printf("Action Copy: No keyframes copied to copy-paste buffer\n"); } } /* set notifier tha things have changed */ ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); // FIXME... should be updating 'keyframes' data context or so instead! return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void ACT_OT_keyframes_copy (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Copy Keyframes"; ot->idname= "ACT_OT_keyframes_copy"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= actkeys_copy_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_areaactive; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER/*|OPTYPE_UNDO*/; } static int actkeys_paste_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* paste keyframes */ if (ac.datatype == ANIMCONT_GPENCIL) { // FIXME... } else { if (paste_action_keys(&ac)) { // XXX errors - need a way to inform the user printf("Action Paste: Nothing to paste, as Copy-Paste buffer was empty.\n"); } } /* validate keyframes after editing */ ANIM_editkeyframes_refresh(&ac); /* set notifier tha things have changed */ ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); // FIXME... should be updating 'keyframes' data context or so instead! return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void ACT_OT_keyframes_paste (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Paste Keyframes"; ot->idname= "ACT_OT_keyframes_paste"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= actkeys_paste_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_areaactive; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER/*|OPTYPE_UNDO*/; } /* ******************** Delete Keyframes Operator ************************* */ static void delete_action_keys (bAnimContext *ac) { ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; /* filter data */ if (ac->datatype == ANIMCONT_GPENCIL) filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT); else filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT | ANIMFILTER_IPOKEYS); ANIM_animdata_filter(&anim_data, filter, ac->data, ac->datatype); /* loop through filtered data and delete selected keys */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { //if (ale->type == ANIMTYPE_GPLAYER) // delete_gplayer_frames((bGPDlayer *)ale->data); //else delete_ipo_keys((Ipo *)ale->key_data); } /* free filtered list */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); } /* ------------------- */ static int actkeys_delete_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* delete keyframes */ delete_action_keys(&ac); /* validate keyframes after editing */ ANIM_editkeyframes_refresh(&ac); /* set notifier tha things have changed */ ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); // FIXME... should be updating 'keyframes' data context or so instead! return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void ACT_OT_keyframes_delete (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Delete Keyframes"; ot->idname= "ACT_OT_keyframes_delete"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= actkeys_delete_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_areaactive; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER/*|OPTYPE_UNDO*/; } /* ******************** Clean Keyframes Operator ************************* */ static void clean_action_keys (bAnimContext *ac, float thresh) { ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; /* filter data */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT | ANIMFILTER_SEL | ANIMFILTER_ONLYICU); ANIM_animdata_filter(&anim_data, filter, ac->data, ac->datatype); /* loop through filtered data and clean curves */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) clean_ipo_curve((IpoCurve *)ale->key_data, thresh); /* free temp data */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); } /* ------------------- */ static int actkeys_clean_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; float thresh; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; if (ac.datatype == ANIMCONT_GPENCIL) return OPERATOR_PASS_THROUGH; /* get cleaning threshold */ thresh= RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "threshold"); /* clean keyframes */ clean_action_keys(&ac, thresh); /* validate keyframes after editing */ ANIM_editkeyframes_refresh(&ac); /* set notifier tha things have changed */ ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); // FIXME... should be updating 'keyframes' data context or so instead! return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void ACT_OT_keyframes_clean (wmOperatorType *ot) { PropertyRNA *prop; /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Clean Keyframes"; ot->idname= "ACT_OT_keyframes_clean"; /* api callbacks */ //ot->invoke= // XXX we need that number popup for this! ot->exec= actkeys_clean_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_areaactive; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER/*|OPTYPE_UNDO*/; /* properties */ prop= RNA_def_property(ot->srna, "threshold", PROP_FLOAT, PROP_NONE); RNA_def_property_float_default(prop, 0.001f); } /* ******************** Sample Keyframes Operator *********************** */ /* little cache for values... */ typedef struct tempFrameValCache { float frame, val; } tempFrameValCache; /* Evaluates the curves between each selected keyframe on each frame, and keys the value */ static void sample_action_keys (bAnimContext *ac) { ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; /* filter data */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT | ANIMFILTER_ONLYICU); ANIM_animdata_filter(&anim_data, filter, ac->data, ac->datatype); /* loop through filtered data and add keys between selected keyframes on every frame */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { IpoCurve *icu= (IpoCurve *)ale->key_data; BezTriple *bezt, *start=NULL, *end=NULL; tempFrameValCache *value_cache, *fp; int sfra, range; int i, n; /* find selected keyframes... once pair has been found, add keyframes */ for (i=0, bezt=icu->bezt; i < icu->totvert; i++, bezt++) { /* check if selected, and which end this is */ if (BEZSELECTED(bezt)) { if (start) { /* set end */ end= bezt; /* cache values then add keyframes using these values, as adding * keyframes while sampling will affect the outcome... */ range= (int)( ceil(end->vec[1][0] - start->vec[1][0]) ); sfra= (int)( floor(start->vec[1][0]) ); if (range) { value_cache= MEM_callocN(sizeof(tempFrameValCache)*range, "IcuFrameValCache"); /* sample values */ for (n=0, fp=value_cache; nframe= (float)(sfra + n); fp->val= eval_icu(icu, fp->frame); } /* add keyframes with these */ for (n=0, fp=value_cache; nframe, fp->val, 1); } /* free temp cache */ MEM_freeN(value_cache); /* as we added keyframes, we need to compensate so that bezt is at the right place */ bezt = icu->bezt + i + range - 1; i += (range - 1); } /* bezt was selected, so it now marks the start of a whole new chain to search */ start= bezt; end= NULL; } else { /* just set start keyframe */ start= bezt; end= NULL; } } } /* recalculate channel's handles? */ calchandles_ipocurve(icu); } /* admin and redraws */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); } /* ------------------- */ static int actkeys_sample_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; if (ac.datatype == ANIMCONT_GPENCIL) return OPERATOR_PASS_THROUGH; /* sample keyframes */ sample_action_keys(&ac); /* validate keyframes after editing */ ANIM_editkeyframes_refresh(&ac); /* set notifier tha things have changed */ ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); // FIXME... should be updating 'keyframes' data context or so instead! return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void ACT_OT_keyframes_sample (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Sample Keyframes"; ot->idname= "ACT_OT_keyframes_sample"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= actkeys_sample_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_areaactive; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER/*|OPTYPE_UNDO*/; } /* ************************************************************************** */ /* SETTINGS STUFF */ /* ******************** Set Extrapolation-Type Operator *********************** */ /* defines for set extrapolation-type for selected keyframes tool */ EnumPropertyItem prop_actkeys_expo_types[] = { {IPO_HORIZ, "CONSTANT", "Constant", ""}, {IPO_DIR, "DIRECTIONAL", "Extrapolation", ""}, {IPO_CYCL, "CYCLIC", "Cyclic", ""}, {IPO_CYCLX, "CYCLIC_EXTRAPOLATION", "Cyclic Extrapolation", ""}, {0, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; /* this function is responsible for setting extrapolation mode for keyframes */ static void setexpo_action_keys(bAnimContext *ac, short mode) { ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; /* filter data */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT | ANIMFILTER_IPOKEYS); ANIM_animdata_filter(&anim_data, filter, ac->data, ac->datatype); /* loop through setting mode per ipo-curve * Note: setting is on IPO-curve level not keyframe, so no need for Keyframe-Editing API */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) setexprap_ipoloop(ale->key_data, mode); /* cleanup */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); } /* ------------------- */ static int actkeys_expo_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; short mode; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; if (ac.datatype == ANIMCONT_GPENCIL) return OPERATOR_PASS_THROUGH; /* get handle setting mode */ mode= RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type"); /* set handle type */ setexpo_action_keys(&ac, mode); /* validate keyframes after editing */ ANIM_editkeyframes_refresh(&ac); /* set notifier tha things have changed */ ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); // FIXME... should be updating 'keyframes' data context or so instead! return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void ACT_OT_keyframes_expotype (wmOperatorType *ot) { PropertyRNA *prop; /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Set Keyframe Extrapolation"; ot->idname= "ACT_OT_keyframes_expotype"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= WM_menu_invoke; ot->exec= actkeys_expo_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_areaactive; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER/*|OPTYPE_UNDO*/; /* id-props */ prop= RNA_def_property(ot->srna, "type", PROP_ENUM, PROP_NONE); RNA_def_property_enum_items(prop, prop_actkeys_expo_types); } /* ******************** Set Interpolation-Type Operator *********************** */ /* defines for set ipo-type for selected keyframes tool */ EnumPropertyItem prop_actkeys_ipo_types[] = { {IPO_CONST, "CONSTANT", "Constant Interpolation", ""}, {IPO_LIN, "LINEAR", "Linear Interpolation", ""}, {IPO_BEZ, "BEZIER", "Bezier Interpolation", ""}, {0, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; /* this function is responsible for setting interpolation mode for keyframes */ static void setipo_action_keys(bAnimContext *ac, short mode) { ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; BeztEditFunc set_cb= ANIM_editkeyframes_ipo(mode); /* filter data */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT | ANIMFILTER_IPOKEYS); ANIM_animdata_filter(&anim_data, filter, ac->data, ac->datatype); /* loop through setting BezTriple interpolation * Note: we do not supply BeztEditData to the looper yet. Currently that's not necessary here... */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) ANIM_ipo_keys_bezier_loop(NULL, ale->key_data, NULL, set_cb, ANIM_editkeyframes_ipocurve_ipotype); /* cleanup */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); } /* ------------------- */ static int actkeys_ipo_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; short mode; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; if (ac.datatype == ANIMCONT_GPENCIL) return OPERATOR_PASS_THROUGH; /* get handle setting mode */ mode= RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type"); /* set handle type */ setipo_action_keys(&ac, mode); /* validate keyframes after editing */ ANIM_editkeyframes_refresh(&ac); /* set notifier tha things have changed */ ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); // FIXME... should be updating 'keyframes' data context or so instead! return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void ACT_OT_keyframes_ipotype (wmOperatorType *ot) { PropertyRNA *prop; /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Set Keyframe Interpolation"; ot->idname= "ACT_OT_keyframes_ipotype"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= WM_menu_invoke; ot->exec= actkeys_ipo_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_areaactive; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER/*|OPTYPE_UNDO*/; /* id-props */ prop= RNA_def_property(ot->srna, "type", PROP_ENUM, PROP_NONE); RNA_def_property_enum_items(prop, prop_actkeys_ipo_types); } /* ******************** Set Handle-Type Operator *********************** */ /* defines for set handle-type for selected keyframes tool */ EnumPropertyItem prop_actkeys_handletype_types[] = { {HD_AUTO, "AUTO", "Auto Handles", ""}, {HD_VECT, "VECTOR", "Vector Handles", ""}, {HD_FREE, "FREE", "Free Handles", ""}, {HD_ALIGN, "ALIGN", "Aligned Handles", ""}, // {-1, "TOGGLE", "Toggle between Free and Aligned Handles", ""}, {0, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; /* this function is responsible for setting handle-type of selected keyframes */ static void sethandles_action_keys(bAnimContext *ac, short mode) { ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; BeztEditFunc set_cb= ANIM_editkeyframes_handles(mode); /* filter data */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT | ANIMFILTER_IPOKEYS); ANIM_animdata_filter(&anim_data, filter, ac->data, ac->datatype); /* loop through setting flags for handles * Note: we do not supply BeztEditData to the looper yet. Currently that's not necessary here... */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { if (mode == -1) { BeztEditFunc toggle_cb; /* check which type of handle to set (free or aligned) * - check here checks for handles with free alignment already */ if (ANIM_ipo_keys_bezier_loop(NULL, ale->key_data, NULL, set_cb, NULL)) toggle_cb= ANIM_editkeyframes_handles(HD_FREE); else toggle_cb= ANIM_editkeyframes_handles(HD_ALIGN); /* set handle-type */ ANIM_ipo_keys_bezier_loop(NULL, ale->key_data, NULL, toggle_cb, calchandles_ipocurve); } else { /* directly set handle-type */ ANIM_ipo_keys_bezier_loop(NULL, ale->key_data, NULL, set_cb, calchandles_ipocurve); } } /* cleanup */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); } /* ------------------- */ static int actkeys_handletype_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; short mode; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; if (ac.datatype == ANIMCONT_GPENCIL) return OPERATOR_PASS_THROUGH; /* get handle setting mode */ mode= RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type"); /* set handle type */ sethandles_action_keys(&ac, mode); /* validate keyframes after editing */ ANIM_editkeyframes_refresh(&ac); /* set notifier tha things have changed */ ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); // FIXME... should be updating 'keyframes' data context or so instead! return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void ACT_OT_keyframes_handletype (wmOperatorType *ot) { PropertyRNA *prop; /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Set Keyframe Handle Type"; ot->idname= "ACT_OT_keyframes_handletype"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= WM_menu_invoke; ot->exec= actkeys_handletype_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_areaactive; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER/*|OPTYPE_UNDO*/; /* id-props */ prop= RNA_def_property(ot->srna, "type", PROP_ENUM, PROP_NONE); RNA_def_property_enum_items(prop, prop_actkeys_handletype_types); } /* ************************************************************************** */ /* TRANSFORM STUFF */ /* ***************** Snap Current Frame Operator *********************** */ /* helper callback for actkeys_cfrasnap_exec() -> used to help get the average time of all selected beztriples */ // TODO: if some other code somewhere needs this, it'll be time to port this over to keyframes_edit.c!!! static short bezt_calc_average(BeztEditData *bed, BezTriple *bezt) { /* only if selected */ if (bezt->f2 & SELECT) { /* store average time in float (only do rounding at last step */ bed->f1 += bezt->vec[1][0]; /* increment number of items */ bed->i1++; } return 0; } /* snap current-frame indicator to 'average time' of selected keyframe */ static int actkeys_cfrasnap_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; ListBase anim_data= {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; BeztEditData bed; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* init edit data */ memset(&bed, 0, sizeof(BeztEditData)); /* loop over action data, averaging values */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_IPOKEYS); ANIM_animdata_filter(&anim_data, filter, ac.data, ac.datatype); for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) ANIM_ipo_keys_bezier_loop(&bed, ale->key_data, NULL, bezt_calc_average, NULL); BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); /* set the new current frame value, based on the average time */ if (bed.i1) { Scene *scene= ac.scene; CFRA= (int)floor((bed.f1 / bed.i1) + 0.5f); } /* set notifier tha things have changed */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE|ND_FRAME, ac.scene); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void ACT_OT_keyframes_cfrasnap (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Snap Current Frame to Keys"; ot->idname= "ACT_OT_keyframes_cfrasnap"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= actkeys_cfrasnap_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_areaactive; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER/*|OPTYPE_UNDO*/; } /* ******************** Snap Keyframes Operator *********************** */ /* defines for snap keyframes tool */ EnumPropertyItem prop_actkeys_snap_types[] = { {ACTKEYS_SNAP_CFRA, "CFRA", "Current frame", ""}, {ACTKEYS_SNAP_NEAREST_FRAME, "NEAREST_FRAME", "Nearest Frame", ""}, // XXX as single entry? {ACTKEYS_SNAP_NEAREST_SECOND, "NEAREST_SECOND", "Nearest Second", ""}, // XXX as single entry? {ACTKEYS_SNAP_NEAREST_MARKER, "NEAREST_MARKER", "Nearest Marker", ""}, {0, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; /* this function is responsible for snapping keyframes to frame-times */ static void snap_action_keys(bAnimContext *ac, short mode) { ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; BeztEditData bed; BeztEditFunc edit_cb; /* filter data */ if (ac->datatype == ANIMCONT_GPENCIL) filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT); else filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT | ANIMFILTER_ONLYICU); ANIM_animdata_filter(&anim_data, filter, ac->data, ac->datatype); /* get beztriple editing callbacks */ edit_cb= ANIM_editkeyframes_snap(mode); memset(&bed, 0, sizeof(BeztEditData)); bed.scene= ac->scene; /* snap keyframes */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { Object *nob= ANIM_nla_mapping_get(ac, ale); if (nob) { ANIM_nla_mapping_apply_ipocurve(nob, ale->key_data, 0, 1); ANIM_icu_keys_bezier_loop(&bed, ale->key_data, NULL, edit_cb, calchandles_ipocurve); ANIM_nla_mapping_apply_ipocurve(nob, ale->key_data, 1, 1); } //else if (ale->type == ACTTYPE_GPLAYER) // snap_gplayer_frames(ale->data, mode); else ANIM_icu_keys_bezier_loop(&bed, ale->key_data, NULL, edit_cb, calchandles_ipocurve); } BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); } /* ------------------- */ static int actkeys_snap_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; short mode; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* get snapping mode */ mode= RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type"); /* snap keyframes */ snap_action_keys(&ac, mode); /* validate keyframes after editing */ ANIM_editkeyframes_refresh(&ac); /* set notifier tha things have changed */ ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); // FIXME... should be updating 'keyframes' data context or so instead! return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void ACT_OT_keyframes_snap (wmOperatorType *ot) { PropertyRNA *prop; /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Snap Keys"; ot->idname= "ACT_OT_keyframes_snap"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= WM_menu_invoke; ot->exec= actkeys_snap_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_areaactive; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER/*|OPTYPE_UNDO*/; /* id-props */ prop= RNA_def_property(ot->srna, "type", PROP_ENUM, PROP_NONE); RNA_def_property_enum_items(prop, prop_actkeys_snap_types); } /* ******************** Mirror Keyframes Operator *********************** */ /* defines for mirror keyframes tool */ EnumPropertyItem prop_actkeys_mirror_types[] = { {ACTKEYS_MIRROR_CFRA, "CFRA", "Current frame", ""}, {ACTKEYS_MIRROR_YAXIS, "YAXIS", "Vertical Axis", ""}, {ACTKEYS_MIRROR_XAXIS, "XAXIS", "Horizontal Axis", ""}, {ACTKEYS_MIRROR_MARKER, "MARKER", "First Selected Marker", ""}, {0, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; /* this function is responsible for mirroring keyframes */ static void mirror_action_keys(bAnimContext *ac, short mode) { ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; BeztEditData bed; BeztEditFunc edit_cb; /* get beztriple editing callbacks */ edit_cb= ANIM_editkeyframes_mirror(mode); memset(&bed, 0, sizeof(BeztEditData)); bed.scene= ac->scene; /* for 'first selected marker' mode, need to find first selected marker first! */ // XXX should this be made into a helper func in the API? if (mode == ACTKEYS_MIRROR_MARKER) { Scene *scene= ac->scene; TimeMarker *marker= NULL; /* find first selected marker */ for (marker= scene->markers.first; marker; marker=marker->next) { if (marker->flag & SELECT) { break; } } /* store marker's time (if available) */ if (marker) bed.f1= (float)marker->frame; else return; } /* filter data */ if (ac->datatype == ANIMCONT_GPENCIL) filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT); else filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT | ANIMFILTER_ONLYICU); ANIM_animdata_filter(&anim_data, filter, ac->data, ac->datatype); /* mirror keyframes */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { Object *nob= ANIM_nla_mapping_get(ac, ale); if (nob) { ANIM_nla_mapping_apply_ipocurve(nob, ale->key_data, 0, 1); ANIM_icu_keys_bezier_loop(&bed, ale->key_data, NULL, edit_cb, calchandles_ipocurve); ANIM_nla_mapping_apply_ipocurve(nob, ale->key_data, 1, 1); } //else if (ale->type == ACTTYPE_GPLAYER) // snap_gplayer_frames(ale->data, mode); else ANIM_icu_keys_bezier_loop(&bed, ale->key_data, NULL, edit_cb, calchandles_ipocurve); } BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); } /* ------------------- */ static int actkeys_mirror_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; short mode; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* get mirroring mode */ mode= RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type"); /* mirror keyframes */ mirror_action_keys(&ac, mode); /* validate keyframes after editing */ ANIM_editkeyframes_refresh(&ac); /* set notifier tha things have changed */ ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); // FIXME... should be updating 'keyframes' data context or so instead! return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void ACT_OT_keyframes_mirror (wmOperatorType *ot) { PropertyRNA *prop; /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Mirror Keys"; ot->idname= "ACT_OT_keyframes_mirror"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= WM_menu_invoke; ot->exec= actkeys_mirror_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_areaactive; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER/*|OPTYPE_UNDO*/; /* id-props */ prop= RNA_def_property(ot->srna, "type", PROP_ENUM, PROP_NONE); RNA_def_property_enum_items(prop, prop_actkeys_mirror_types); } /* ************************************************************************** */