/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2011 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup spclip */ #include "DNA_gpencil_types.h" #include "DNA_movieclip_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "IMB_colormanagement.h" #include "IMB_imbuf.h" #include "IMB_imbuf_types.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_math_base.h" #include "BLI_rect.h" #include "BLI_string.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_image.h" #include "BKE_movieclip.h" #include "BKE_tracking.h" #include "ED_clip.h" #include "ED_gpencil.h" #include "ED_mask.h" #include "ED_screen.h" #include "BIF_glutil.h" #include "GPU_immediate.h" #include "GPU_immediate_util.h" #include "GPU_matrix.h" #include "GPU_state.h" #include "WM_types.h" #include "UI_interface.h" #include "UI_resources.h" #include "UI_view2d.h" #include "BLF_api.h" #include "clip_intern.h" // own include /*********************** main area drawing *************************/ static void draw_keyframe(int frame, int cfra, int sfra, float framelen, int width, uint pos) { int height = (frame == cfra) ? 22 : 10; int x = (frame - sfra) * framelen; if (width == 1) { immBegin(GPU_PRIM_LINES, 2); immVertex2i(pos, x, 0); immVertex2i(pos, x, height * UI_DPI_FAC); immEnd(); } else { immRecti(pos, x, 0, x + width, height * UI_DPI_FAC); } } static int generic_track_get_markersnr(MovieTrackingTrack *track, MovieTrackingPlaneTrack *plane_track) { if (track) { return track->markersnr; } else if (plane_track) { return plane_track->markersnr; } return 0; } static int generic_track_get_marker_framenr(MovieTrackingTrack *track, MovieTrackingPlaneTrack *plane_track, int marker_index) { if (track) { BLI_assert(marker_index < track->markersnr); return track->markers[marker_index].framenr; } else if (plane_track) { BLI_assert(marker_index < plane_track->markersnr); return plane_track->markers[marker_index].framenr; } return 0; } static bool generic_track_is_marker_enabled(MovieTrackingTrack *track, MovieTrackingPlaneTrack *plane_track, int marker_index) { if (track) { BLI_assert(marker_index < track->markersnr); return (track->markers[marker_index].flag & MARKER_DISABLED) == 0; } else if (plane_track) { return true; } return false; } static bool generic_track_is_marker_keyframed(MovieTrackingTrack *track, MovieTrackingPlaneTrack *plane_track, int marker_index) { if (track) { BLI_assert(marker_index < track->markersnr); return (track->markers[marker_index].flag & MARKER_TRACKED) == 0; } else if (plane_track) { BLI_assert(marker_index < plane_track->markersnr); return (plane_track->markers[marker_index].flag & PLANE_MARKER_TRACKED) == 0; } return false; } static void draw_movieclip_cache(SpaceClip *sc, ARegion *region, MovieClip *clip, Scene *scene) { float x; int *points, totseg, i, a; float sfra = SFRA, efra = EFRA, framelen = region->winx / (efra - sfra + 1); MovieTracking *tracking = &clip->tracking; MovieTrackingObject *act_object = BKE_tracking_object_get_active(tracking); MovieTrackingTrack *act_track = BKE_tracking_track_get_active(&clip->tracking); MovieTrackingPlaneTrack *act_plane_track = BKE_tracking_plane_track_get_active(&clip->tracking); MovieTrackingReconstruction *reconstruction = BKE_tracking_get_active_reconstruction(tracking); GPU_blend(true); GPU_blend_set_func_separate( GPU_SRC_ALPHA, GPU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GPU_ONE, GPU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); /* cache background */ ED_region_cache_draw_background(region); /* cached segments -- could be useful to debug caching strategies */ BKE_movieclip_get_cache_segments(clip, &sc->user, &totseg, &points); ED_region_cache_draw_cached_segments(region, totseg, points, sfra, efra); uint pos = GPU_vertformat_attr_add( immVertexFormat(), "pos", GPU_COMP_I32, 2, GPU_FETCH_INT_TO_FLOAT); immBindBuiltinProgram(GPU_SHADER_2D_UNIFORM_COLOR); /* track */ if (act_track || act_plane_track) { for (i = sfra - clip->start_frame + 1, a = 0; i <= efra - clip->start_frame + 1; i++) { int framenr; int markersnr = generic_track_get_markersnr(act_track, act_plane_track); while (a < markersnr) { int marker_framenr = generic_track_get_marker_framenr(act_track, act_plane_track, a); if (marker_framenr >= i) { break; } if (a < markersnr - 1 && generic_track_get_marker_framenr(act_track, act_plane_track, a + 1) > i) { break; } a++; } a = min_ii(a, markersnr - 1); if (generic_track_is_marker_enabled(act_track, act_plane_track, a)) { framenr = generic_track_get_marker_framenr(act_track, act_plane_track, a); if (framenr != i) { immUniformColor4ub(128, 128, 0, 96); } else if (generic_track_is_marker_keyframed(act_track, act_plane_track, a)) { immUniformColor4ub(255, 255, 0, 196); } else { immUniformColor4ub(255, 255, 0, 96); } immRecti(pos, (i - sfra + clip->start_frame - 1) * framelen, 0, (i - sfra + clip->start_frame) * framelen, 4 * UI_DPI_FAC); } } } /* failed frames */ if (reconstruction->flag & TRACKING_RECONSTRUCTED) { int n = reconstruction->camnr; MovieReconstructedCamera *cameras = reconstruction->cameras; immUniformColor4ub(255, 0, 0, 96); for (i = sfra, a = 0; i <= efra; i++) { bool ok = false; while (a < n) { if (cameras[a].framenr == i) { ok = true; break; } else if (cameras[a].framenr > i) { break; } a++; } if (!ok) { immRecti(pos, (i - sfra + clip->start_frame - 1) * framelen, 0, (i - sfra + clip->start_frame) * framelen, 8 * UI_DPI_FAC); } } } GPU_blend(false); /* current frame */ x = (sc->user.framenr - sfra) / (efra - sfra + 1) * region->winx; immUniformThemeColor(TH_CFRAME); immRecti(pos, x, 0, x + ceilf(framelen), 8 * UI_DPI_FAC); immUnbindProgram(); ED_region_cache_draw_curfra_label(sc->user.framenr, x, 8.0f * UI_DPI_FAC); pos = GPU_vertformat_attr_add(immVertexFormat(), "pos", GPU_COMP_I32, 2, GPU_FETCH_INT_TO_FLOAT); immBindBuiltinProgram(GPU_SHADER_2D_UNIFORM_COLOR); /* solver keyframes */ immUniformColor4ub(175, 255, 0, 255); draw_keyframe(act_object->keyframe1 + clip->start_frame - 1, CFRA, sfra, framelen, 2, pos); draw_keyframe(act_object->keyframe2 + clip->start_frame - 1, CFRA, sfra, framelen, 2, pos); immUnbindProgram(); /* movie clip animation */ if ((sc->mode == SC_MODE_MASKEDIT) && sc->mask_info.mask) { ED_mask_draw_frames(sc->mask_info.mask, region, CFRA, sfra, efra); } } static void draw_movieclip_notes(SpaceClip *sc, ARegion *region) { MovieClip *clip = ED_space_clip_get_clip(sc); MovieTracking *tracking = &clip->tracking; char str[256] = {0}; bool full_redraw = false; if (tracking->stats) { BLI_strncpy(str, tracking->stats->message, sizeof(str)); full_redraw = true; } else { if (sc->flag & SC_LOCK_SELECTION) { strcpy(str, "Locked"); } } if (str[0]) { float fill_color[4] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.6f}; ED_region_info_draw(region, str, fill_color, full_redraw); } } static void draw_movieclip_muted(ARegion *region, int width, int height, float zoomx, float zoomy) { int x, y; uint pos = GPU_vertformat_attr_add(immVertexFormat(), "pos", GPU_COMP_F32, 2, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT); immBindBuiltinProgram(GPU_SHADER_2D_UNIFORM_COLOR); /* find window pixel coordinates of origin */ UI_view2d_view_to_region(®ion->v2d, 0.0f, 0.0f, &x, &y); immUniformColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); immRectf(pos, x, y, x + zoomx * width, y + zoomy * height); immUnbindProgram(); } static void draw_movieclip_buffer(const bContext *C, SpaceClip *sc, ARegion *region, ImBuf *ibuf, int width, int height, float zoomx, float zoomy) { MovieClip *clip = ED_space_clip_get_clip(sc); int filter = GL_LINEAR; int x, y; /* find window pixel coordinates of origin */ UI_view2d_view_to_region(®ion->v2d, 0.0f, 0.0f, &x, &y); /* checkerboard for case alpha */ if (ibuf->planes == 32) { GPU_blend(true); GPU_blend_set_func_separate( GPU_SRC_ALPHA, GPU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GPU_ONE, GPU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); imm_draw_box_checker_2d(x, y, x + zoomx * ibuf->x, y + zoomy * ibuf->y); } /* non-scaled proxy shouldn't use filtering */ if ((clip->flag & MCLIP_USE_PROXY) == 0 || ELEM(sc->user.render_size, MCLIP_PROXY_RENDER_SIZE_FULL, MCLIP_PROXY_RENDER_SIZE_100)) { filter = GL_NEAREST; } ED_draw_imbuf_ctx(C, ibuf, x, y, filter, zoomx * width / ibuf->x, zoomy * height / ibuf->y); if (ibuf->planes == 32) { GPU_blend(false); } if (sc->flag & SC_SHOW_METADATA) { rctf frame; BLI_rctf_init(&frame, 0.0f, ibuf->x, 0.0f, ibuf->y); ED_region_image_metadata_draw( x, y, ibuf, &frame, zoomx * width / ibuf->x, zoomy * height / ibuf->y); } } static void draw_stabilization_border( SpaceClip *sc, ARegion *region, int width, int height, float zoomx, float zoomy) { int x, y; MovieClip *clip = ED_space_clip_get_clip(sc); /* find window pixel coordinates of origin */ UI_view2d_view_to_region(®ion->v2d, 0.0f, 0.0f, &x, &y); /* draw boundary border for frame if stabilization is enabled */ if (sc->flag & SC_SHOW_STABLE && clip->tracking.stabilization.flag & TRACKING_2D_STABILIZATION) { const uint shdr_pos = GPU_vertformat_attr_add( immVertexFormat(), "pos", GPU_COMP_F32, 2, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT); /* Exclusive OR allows to get orig value when second operand is 0, * and negative of orig value when second operand is 1. */ glEnable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP); glLogicOp(GL_XOR); GPU_matrix_push(); GPU_matrix_translate_2f(x, y); GPU_matrix_scale_2f(zoomx, zoomy); GPU_matrix_mul(sc->stabmat); immBindBuiltinProgram(GPU_SHADER_2D_LINE_DASHED_UNIFORM_COLOR); float viewport_size[4]; GPU_viewport_size_get_f(viewport_size); immUniform2f("viewport_size", viewport_size[2] / UI_DPI_FAC, viewport_size[3] / UI_DPI_FAC); immUniform1i("colors_len", 0); /* "simple" mode */ immUniformColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); immUniform1f("dash_width", 6.0f); immUniform1f("dash_factor", 0.5f); imm_draw_box_wire_2d(shdr_pos, 0.0f, 0.0f, width, height); immUnbindProgram(); GPU_matrix_pop(); glDisable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP); } } enum { PATH_POINT_FLAG_KEYFRAME = (1 << 0), }; typedef struct TrachPathPoint { float co[2]; uchar flag; } TrackPathPoint; static void marker_to_path_point(SpaceClip *sc, const MovieTrackingTrack *track, const MovieTrackingMarker *marker, TrackPathPoint *point) { add_v2_v2v2(point->co, marker->pos, track->offset); ED_clip_point_undistorted_pos(sc, point->co, point->co); point->flag = 0; if ((marker->flag & MARKER_TRACKED) == 0) { point->flag |= PATH_POINT_FLAG_KEYFRAME; } } static int track_to_path_segment(SpaceClip *sc, MovieTrackingTrack *track, int direction, TrackPathPoint *path) { const int count = sc->path_length; int current_frame = ED_space_clip_get_clip_frame_number(sc); const MovieTrackingMarker *marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get_exact(track, current_frame); /* Check whether there is marker at exact current frame. * If not, we don't have anything to be put to path. */ if (marker == NULL || (marker->flag & MARKER_DISABLED)) { return 0; } /* Index inside of path array where we write data to. */ int point_index = count; int path_length = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { marker_to_path_point(sc, track, marker, &path[point_index]); /* Move to the next marker along the path segment. */ path_length++; point_index += direction; current_frame += direction; marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get_exact(track, current_frame); if (marker == NULL || (marker->flag & MARKER_DISABLED)) { /* Reached end of tracked segment. */ break; } } return path_length; } static void draw_track_path_points(const TrackPathPoint *path, uint position_attribute, const int start_point, const int num_points) { if (num_points == 0) { return; } immBegin(GPU_PRIM_POINTS, num_points); for (int i = 0; i < num_points; i++) { const TrackPathPoint *point = &path[i + start_point]; immVertex2fv(position_attribute, point->co); } immEnd(); } static void draw_track_path_keyframe_points(const TrackPathPoint *path, uint position_attribute, const int start_point, const int num_points) { immBeginAtMost(GPU_PRIM_POINTS, num_points); for (int i = 0; i < num_points; i++) { const TrackPathPoint *point = &path[i + start_point]; if (point->flag & PATH_POINT_FLAG_KEYFRAME) { immVertex2fv(position_attribute, point->co); } } immEnd(); } static void draw_track_path_lines(const TrackPathPoint *path, uint position_attribute, const int start_point, const int num_points) { if (num_points < 2) { return; } immBegin(GPU_PRIM_LINE_STRIP, num_points); for (int i = 0; i < num_points; i++) { const TrackPathPoint *point = &path[i + start_point]; immVertex2fv(position_attribute, point->co); } immEnd(); } static void draw_track_path(SpaceClip *sc, MovieClip *UNUSED(clip), MovieTrackingTrack *track) { #define MAX_STATIC_PATH 64 const int count = sc->path_length; TrackPathPoint path_static[(MAX_STATIC_PATH + 1) * 2]; TrackPathPoint *path; const bool tiny = (sc->flag & SC_SHOW_TINY_MARKER) != 0; if (count == 0) { /* Early output, nothing to bother about here. */ return; } /* Try to use stack allocated memory when possibly, only use heap allocation * for really long paths. */ path = (count < MAX_STATIC_PATH) ? path_static : MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*path) * (count + 1) * 2, "path"); /* Collect path information. */ const int num_points_before = track_to_path_segment(sc, track, -1, path); const int num_points_after = track_to_path_segment(sc, track, 1, path); if (num_points_before == 0 && num_points_after == 0) { return; } int num_all_points = num_points_before + num_points_after; /* If both leading and trailing parts of the path are there the center point is counted twice. */ if (num_points_before != 0 && num_points_after != 0) { num_all_points -= 1; } const int path_start_index = count - num_points_before + 1; const int path_center_index = count; const uint position_attribute = GPU_vertformat_attr_add( immVertexFormat(), "pos", GPU_COMP_F32, 2, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT); immBindBuiltinProgram(GPU_SHADER_2D_UNIFORM_COLOR); /* Draw path outline. */ if (!tiny) { immUniformThemeColor(TH_MARKER_OUTLINE); if (TRACK_VIEW_SELECTED(sc, track)) { GPU_point_size(5.0f); draw_track_path_points(path, position_attribute, path_start_index, num_all_points); GPU_point_size(7.0f); draw_track_path_keyframe_points(path, position_attribute, path_start_index, num_all_points); } /* Draw darker outline for actual path, all line segments at once. */ GPU_line_width(3.0f); draw_track_path_lines(path, position_attribute, path_start_index, num_all_points); } /* Draw all points. */ GPU_point_size(3.0f); immUniformThemeColor(TH_PATH_BEFORE); draw_track_path_points(path, position_attribute, path_start_index, num_points_before); immUniformThemeColor(TH_PATH_AFTER); draw_track_path_points(path, position_attribute, path_center_index, num_points_after); /* Connect points with color coded segments. */ GPU_line_width(1); immUniformThemeColor(TH_PATH_BEFORE); draw_track_path_lines(path, position_attribute, path_start_index, num_points_before); immUniformThemeColor(TH_PATH_AFTER); draw_track_path_lines(path, position_attribute, path_center_index, num_points_after); /* Draw all bigger points corresponding to keyframes. */ GPU_point_size(5.0f); immUniformThemeColor(TH_PATH_KEYFRAME_BEFORE); draw_track_path_keyframe_points(path, position_attribute, path_start_index, num_points_before); immUniformThemeColor(TH_PATH_KEYFRAME_AFTER); draw_track_path_keyframe_points(path, position_attribute, path_center_index, num_points_after); if (path != path_static) { MEM_freeN(path); } immUnbindProgram(); #undef MAX_STATIC_PATH } static void draw_marker_outline(SpaceClip *sc, MovieTrackingTrack *track, MovieTrackingMarker *marker, const float marker_pos[2], int width, int height, uint position) { int tiny = sc->flag & SC_SHOW_TINY_MARKER; bool show_search = false; float px[2]; px[0] = 1.0f / width / sc->zoom; px[1] = 1.0f / height / sc->zoom; GPU_line_width(tiny ? 1.0f : 3.0f); immUniformThemeColor(TH_MARKER_OUTLINE); if ((marker->flag & MARKER_DISABLED) == 0) { float pos[2]; float p[2]; add_v2_v2v2(pos, marker->pos, track->offset); ED_clip_point_undistorted_pos(sc, pos, pos); sub_v2_v2v2(p, pos, marker_pos); if (isect_point_quad_v2(p, marker->pattern_corners[0], marker->pattern_corners[1], marker->pattern_corners[2], marker->pattern_corners[3])) { GPU_point_size(tiny ? 3.0f : 4.0f); immBegin(GPU_PRIM_POINTS, 1); immVertex2f(position, pos[0], pos[1]); immEnd(); } else { immBegin(GPU_PRIM_LINES, 8); immVertex2f(position, pos[0] + px[0] * 2, pos[1]); immVertex2f(position, pos[0] + px[0] * 8, pos[1]); immVertex2f(position, pos[0] - px[0] * 2, pos[1]); immVertex2f(position, pos[0] - px[0] * 8, pos[1]); immVertex2f(position, pos[0], pos[1] - px[1] * 2); immVertex2f(position, pos[0], pos[1] - px[1] * 8); immVertex2f(position, pos[0], pos[1] + px[1] * 2); immVertex2f(position, pos[0], pos[1] + px[1] * 8); immEnd(); } } /* pattern and search outline */ GPU_matrix_push(); GPU_matrix_translate_2fv(marker_pos); if (sc->flag & SC_SHOW_MARKER_PATTERN) { immBegin(GPU_PRIM_LINE_LOOP, 4); immVertex2fv(position, marker->pattern_corners[0]); immVertex2fv(position, marker->pattern_corners[1]); immVertex2fv(position, marker->pattern_corners[2]); immVertex2fv(position, marker->pattern_corners[3]); immEnd(); } show_search = (TRACK_VIEW_SELECTED(sc, track) && ((marker->flag & MARKER_DISABLED) == 0 || (sc->flag & SC_SHOW_MARKER_PATTERN) == 0)) != 0; if (sc->flag & SC_SHOW_MARKER_SEARCH && show_search) { imm_draw_box_wire_2d(position, marker->search_min[0], marker->search_min[1], marker->search_max[0], marker->search_max[1]); } GPU_matrix_pop(); } static void track_colors(MovieTrackingTrack *track, int act, float col[3], float scol[3]) { if (track->flag & TRACK_CUSTOMCOLOR) { if (act) { UI_GetThemeColor3fv(TH_ACT_MARKER, scol); } else { copy_v3_v3(scol, track->color); } mul_v3_v3fl(col, track->color, 0.5f); } else { UI_GetThemeColor3fv(TH_MARKER, col); if (act) { UI_GetThemeColor3fv(TH_ACT_MARKER, scol); } else { UI_GetThemeColor3fv(TH_SEL_MARKER, scol); } } } static void draw_marker_areas(SpaceClip *sc, MovieTrackingTrack *track, MovieTrackingMarker *marker, const float marker_pos[2], int width, int height, int act, int sel, const uint shdr_pos) { int tiny = sc->flag & SC_SHOW_TINY_MARKER; bool show_search = false; float col[3], scol[3]; float px[2]; track_colors(track, act, col, scol); px[0] = 1.0f / width / sc->zoom; px[1] = 1.0f / height / sc->zoom; GPU_line_width(1.0f); /* Since we are switching solid and dashed lines in rather complex logic here, * just always go with dashed shader. */ immUnbindProgram(); immBindBuiltinProgram(GPU_SHADER_2D_LINE_DASHED_UNIFORM_COLOR); float viewport_size[4]; GPU_viewport_size_get_f(viewport_size); immUniform2f("viewport_size", viewport_size[2] / UI_DPI_FAC, viewport_size[3] / UI_DPI_FAC); immUniform1i("colors_len", 0); /* "simple" mode */ /* marker position and offset position */ if ((track->flag & SELECT) == sel && (marker->flag & MARKER_DISABLED) == 0) { float pos[2], p[2]; if (track->flag & TRACK_LOCKED) { if (act) { immUniformThemeColor(TH_ACT_MARKER); } else if (track->flag & SELECT) { immUniformThemeColorShade(TH_LOCK_MARKER, 64); } else { immUniformThemeColor(TH_LOCK_MARKER); } } else { immUniformColor3fv((track->flag & SELECT) ? scol : col); } add_v2_v2v2(pos, marker->pos, track->offset); ED_clip_point_undistorted_pos(sc, pos, pos); sub_v2_v2v2(p, pos, marker_pos); if (isect_point_quad_v2(p, marker->pattern_corners[0], marker->pattern_corners[1], marker->pattern_corners[2], marker->pattern_corners[3])) { GPU_point_size(tiny ? 1.0f : 2.0f); immUniform1f("dash_factor", 2.0f); /* Solid "line" */ immBegin(GPU_PRIM_POINTS, 1); immVertex2f(shdr_pos, pos[0], pos[1]); immEnd(); } else { immUniform1f("dash_factor", 2.0f); /* Solid line */ immBegin(GPU_PRIM_LINES, 8); immVertex2f(shdr_pos, pos[0] + px[0] * 3, pos[1]); immVertex2f(shdr_pos, pos[0] + px[0] * 7, pos[1]); immVertex2f(shdr_pos, pos[0] - px[0] * 3, pos[1]); immVertex2f(shdr_pos, pos[0] - px[0] * 7, pos[1]); immVertex2f(shdr_pos, pos[0], pos[1] - px[1] * 3); immVertex2f(shdr_pos, pos[0], pos[1] - px[1] * 7); immVertex2f(shdr_pos, pos[0], pos[1] + px[1] * 3); immVertex2f(shdr_pos, pos[0], pos[1] + px[1] * 7); immEnd(); immUniformColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); immUniform1f("dash_width", 6.0f); immUniform1f("dash_factor", 0.5f); glEnable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP); glLogicOp(GL_XOR); immBegin(GPU_PRIM_LINES, 2); immVertex2fv(shdr_pos, pos); immVertex2fv(shdr_pos, marker_pos); immEnd(); glDisable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP); } } /* pattern */ GPU_matrix_push(); GPU_matrix_translate_2fv(marker_pos); if (track->flag & TRACK_LOCKED) { if (act) { immUniformThemeColor(TH_ACT_MARKER); } else if (track->pat_flag & SELECT) { immUniformThemeColorShade(TH_LOCK_MARKER, 64); } else { immUniformThemeColor(TH_LOCK_MARKER); } } else if (marker->flag & MARKER_DISABLED) { if (act) { immUniformThemeColor(TH_ACT_MARKER); } else if (track->pat_flag & SELECT) { immUniformThemeColorShade(TH_DIS_MARKER, 128); } else { immUniformThemeColor(TH_DIS_MARKER); } } else { immUniformColor3fv((track->pat_flag & SELECT) ? scol : col); } if (tiny) { immUniform1f("dash_width", 6.0f); immUniform1f("dash_factor", 0.5f); } else { immUniform1f("dash_factor", 2.0f); /* Solid line */ } if ((track->pat_flag & SELECT) == sel && (sc->flag & SC_SHOW_MARKER_PATTERN)) { immBegin(GPU_PRIM_LINE_LOOP, 4); immVertex2fv(shdr_pos, marker->pattern_corners[0]); immVertex2fv(shdr_pos, marker->pattern_corners[1]); immVertex2fv(shdr_pos, marker->pattern_corners[2]); immVertex2fv(shdr_pos, marker->pattern_corners[3]); immEnd(); } /* search */ show_search = (TRACK_VIEW_SELECTED(sc, track) && ((marker->flag & MARKER_DISABLED) == 0 || (sc->flag & SC_SHOW_MARKER_PATTERN) == 0)) != 0; if ((track->search_flag & SELECT) == sel && (sc->flag & SC_SHOW_MARKER_SEARCH) && show_search) { imm_draw_box_wire_2d(shdr_pos, marker->search_min[0], marker->search_min[1], marker->search_max[0], marker->search_max[1]); } GPU_matrix_pop(); /* Restore default shader */ immUnbindProgram(); const uint pos = GPU_vertformat_attr_add( immVertexFormat(), "pos", GPU_COMP_F32, 2, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT); BLI_assert(pos == shdr_pos); UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(pos); immBindBuiltinProgram(GPU_SHADER_2D_UNIFORM_COLOR); } static float get_shortest_pattern_side(MovieTrackingMarker *marker) { int i, next; float len_sq = FLT_MAX; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { float cur_len; next = (i + 1) % 4; cur_len = len_squared_v2v2(marker->pattern_corners[i], marker->pattern_corners[next]); len_sq = min_ff(cur_len, len_sq); } return sqrtf(len_sq); } static void draw_marker_slide_square( float x, float y, float dx, float dy, int outline, const float px[2], uint pos) { float tdx, tdy; tdx = dx; tdy = dy; if (outline) { tdx += px[0]; tdy += px[1]; } immRectf(pos, x - tdx, y - tdy, x + tdx, y + tdy); } static void draw_marker_slide_triangle( float x, float y, float dx, float dy, int outline, const float px[2], uint pos) { float tdx, tdy; tdx = dx * 2.0f; tdy = dy * 2.0f; if (outline) { tdx += px[0]; tdy += px[1]; } immBegin(GPU_PRIM_TRIS, 3); immVertex2f(pos, x, y); immVertex2f(pos, x - tdx, y); immVertex2f(pos, x, y + tdy); immEnd(); } static void draw_marker_slide_zones(SpaceClip *sc, MovieTrackingTrack *track, MovieTrackingMarker *marker, const float marker_pos[2], int outline, int sel, int act, int width, int height, uint pos) { float dx, dy, patdx, patdy, searchdx, searchdy; int tiny = sc->flag & SC_SHOW_TINY_MARKER; float col[3], scol[3], px[2], side; if ((tiny && outline) || (marker->flag & MARKER_DISABLED)) { return; } if (!TRACK_VIEW_SELECTED(sc, track) || track->flag & TRACK_LOCKED) { return; } track_colors(track, act, col, scol); if (outline) { immUniformThemeColor(TH_MARKER_OUTLINE); } GPU_matrix_push(); GPU_matrix_translate_2fv(marker_pos); dx = 6.0f / width / sc->zoom; dy = 6.0f / height / sc->zoom; side = get_shortest_pattern_side(marker); patdx = min_ff(dx * 2.0f / 3.0f, side / 6.0f) * UI_DPI_FAC; patdy = min_ff(dy * 2.0f / 3.0f, side * width / height / 6.0f) * UI_DPI_FAC; searchdx = min_ff(dx, (marker->search_max[0] - marker->search_min[0]) / 6.0f) * UI_DPI_FAC; searchdy = min_ff(dy, (marker->search_max[1] - marker->search_min[1]) / 6.0f) * UI_DPI_FAC; px[0] = 1.0f / sc->zoom / width / sc->scale; px[1] = 1.0f / sc->zoom / height / sc->scale; if ((sc->flag & SC_SHOW_MARKER_SEARCH) && ((track->search_flag & SELECT) == sel || outline)) { if (!outline) { immUniformColor3fv((track->search_flag & SELECT) ? scol : col); } /* search offset square */ draw_marker_slide_square( marker->search_min[0], marker->search_max[1], searchdx, searchdy, outline, px, pos); /* search re-sizing triangle */ draw_marker_slide_triangle( marker->search_max[0], marker->search_min[1], searchdx, searchdy, outline, px, pos); } if ((sc->flag & SC_SHOW_MARKER_PATTERN) && ((track->pat_flag & SELECT) == sel || outline)) { int i; float pat_min[2], pat_max[2]; /* float dx = 12.0f / width, dy = 12.0f / height;*/ /* XXX UNUSED */ float tilt_ctrl[2]; if (!outline) { immUniformColor3fv((track->pat_flag & SELECT) ? scol : col); } /* pattern's corners sliding squares */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { draw_marker_slide_square(marker->pattern_corners[i][0], marker->pattern_corners[i][1], patdx / 1.5f, patdy / 1.5f, outline, px, pos); } /* ** sliders to control overall pattern ** */ add_v2_v2v2(tilt_ctrl, marker->pattern_corners[1], marker->pattern_corners[2]); BKE_tracking_marker_pattern_minmax(marker, pat_min, pat_max); GPU_line_width(outline ? 3.0f : 1.0f); immBegin(GPU_PRIM_LINES, 2); immVertex2f(pos, 0.0f, 0.0f); immVertex2fv(pos, tilt_ctrl); immEnd(); /* slider to control pattern tilt */ draw_marker_slide_square(tilt_ctrl[0], tilt_ctrl[1], patdx, patdy, outline, px, pos); } GPU_matrix_pop(); } static void draw_marker_texts(SpaceClip *sc, MovieTrackingTrack *track, MovieTrackingMarker *marker, const float marker_pos[2], int act, int width, int height, float zoomx, float zoomy) { char str[128] = {0}, state[64] = {0}; float dx = 0.0f, dy = 0.0f, fontsize, pos[3]; uiStyle *style = U.uistyles.first; int fontid = style->widget.uifont_id; if (!TRACK_VIEW_SELECTED(sc, track)) { return; } BLF_size(fontid, 11.0f * U.pixelsize, U.dpi); fontsize = BLF_height_max(fontid); if (marker->flag & MARKER_DISABLED) { if (act) { UI_FontThemeColor(fontid, TH_ACT_MARKER); } else { uchar color[4]; UI_GetThemeColorShade4ubv(TH_DIS_MARKER, 128, color); BLF_color4ubv(fontid, color); } } else { UI_FontThemeColor(fontid, act ? TH_ACT_MARKER : TH_SEL_MARKER); } if ((sc->flag & SC_SHOW_MARKER_SEARCH) && ((marker->flag & MARKER_DISABLED) == 0 || (sc->flag & SC_SHOW_MARKER_PATTERN) == 0)) { dx = marker->search_min[0]; dy = marker->search_min[1]; } else if (sc->flag & SC_SHOW_MARKER_PATTERN) { float pat_min[2], pat_max[2]; BKE_tracking_marker_pattern_minmax(marker, pat_min, pat_max); dx = pat_min[0]; dy = pat_min[1]; } pos[0] = (marker_pos[0] + dx) * width; pos[1] = (marker_pos[1] + dy) * height; pos[2] = 0.0f; mul_m4_v3(sc->stabmat, pos); pos[0] = pos[0] * zoomx; pos[1] = pos[1] * zoomy - fontsize; if (marker->flag & MARKER_DISABLED) { strcpy(state, "disabled"); } else if (marker->framenr != ED_space_clip_get_clip_frame_number(sc)) { strcpy(state, "estimated"); } else if (marker->flag & MARKER_TRACKED) { strcpy(state, "tracked"); } else { strcpy(state, "keyframed"); } if (state[0]) { BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s: %s", track->name, state); } else { BLI_strncpy(str, track->name, sizeof(str)); } BLF_position(fontid, pos[0], pos[1], 0.0f); BLF_draw(fontid, str, sizeof(str)); pos[1] -= fontsize; if (track->flag & TRACK_HAS_BUNDLE) { BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Average error: %.3f", track->error); BLF_position(fontid, pos[0], pos[1], 0.0f); BLF_draw(fontid, str, sizeof(str)); pos[1] -= fontsize; } if (track->flag & TRACK_LOCKED) { BLF_position(fontid, pos[0], pos[1], 0.0f); BLF_draw(fontid, "locked", 6); } } static void plane_track_colors(bool is_active, float color[3], float selected_color[3]) { UI_GetThemeColor3fv(TH_MARKER, color); UI_GetThemeColor3fv(is_active ? TH_ACT_MARKER : TH_SEL_MARKER, selected_color); } static void getArrowEndPoint(const int width, const int height, const float zoom, const float start_corner[2], const float end_corner[2], float end_point[2]) { float direction[2]; float max_length; sub_v2_v2v2(direction, end_corner, start_corner); direction[0] *= width; direction[1] *= height; max_length = normalize_v2(direction); mul_v2_fl(direction, min_ff(32.0f / zoom, max_length)); direction[0] /= width; direction[1] /= height; add_v2_v2v2(end_point, start_corner, direction); } static void homogeneous_2d_to_gl_matrix(/*const*/ float matrix[3][3], float gl_matrix[4][4]) { gl_matrix[0][0] = matrix[0][0]; gl_matrix[0][1] = matrix[0][1]; gl_matrix[0][2] = 0.0f; gl_matrix[0][3] = matrix[0][2]; gl_matrix[1][0] = matrix[1][0]; gl_matrix[1][1] = matrix[1][1]; gl_matrix[1][2] = 0.0f; gl_matrix[1][3] = matrix[1][2]; gl_matrix[2][0] = 0.0f; gl_matrix[2][1] = 0.0f; gl_matrix[2][2] = 1.0f; gl_matrix[2][3] = 0.0f; gl_matrix[3][0] = matrix[2][0]; gl_matrix[3][1] = matrix[2][1]; gl_matrix[3][2] = 0.0f; gl_matrix[3][3] = matrix[2][2]; } static void draw_plane_marker_image(Scene *scene, MovieTrackingPlaneTrack *plane_track, MovieTrackingPlaneMarker *plane_marker) { Image *image = plane_track->image; ImBuf *ibuf; void *lock; if (image == NULL) { return; } ibuf = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(image, NULL, &lock); if (ibuf) { uchar *display_buffer; void *cache_handle; if (image->flag & IMA_VIEW_AS_RENDER) { display_buffer = IMB_display_buffer_acquire( ibuf, &scene->view_settings, &scene->display_settings, &cache_handle); } else { display_buffer = IMB_display_buffer_acquire( ibuf, NULL, &scene->display_settings, &cache_handle); } if (display_buffer) { GLuint texid; float frame_corners[4][2] = {{0.0f, 0.0f}, {1.0f, 0.0f}, {1.0f, 1.0f}, {0.0f, 1.0f}}; float perspective_matrix[3][3]; float gl_matrix[4][4]; bool transparent = false; BKE_tracking_homography_between_two_quads( frame_corners, plane_marker->corners, perspective_matrix); homogeneous_2d_to_gl_matrix(perspective_matrix, gl_matrix); if (plane_track->image_opacity != 1.0f || ibuf->planes == 32) { transparent = true; GPU_blend(true); GPU_blend_set_func_separate( GPU_SRC_ALPHA, GPU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GPU_ONE, GPU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } glGenTextures(1, (GLuint *)&texid); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texid); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, ibuf->x, ibuf->y, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, display_buffer); GPU_matrix_push(); GPU_matrix_mul(gl_matrix); GPUVertFormat *imm_format = immVertexFormat(); uint pos = GPU_vertformat_attr_add(imm_format, "pos", GPU_COMP_F32, 3, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT); uint texCoord = GPU_vertformat_attr_add( imm_format, "texCoord", GPU_COMP_F32, 2, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT); immBindBuiltinProgram(GPU_SHADER_3D_IMAGE_MODULATE_ALPHA); immUniform1f("alpha", plane_track->image_opacity); immUniform1i("image", 0); immBegin(GPU_PRIM_TRI_FAN, 4); immAttr2f(texCoord, 0.0f, 0.0f); immVertex3f(pos, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); immAttr2f(texCoord, 1.0f, 0.0f); immVertex3f(pos, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); immAttr2f(texCoord, 1.0f, 1.0f); immVertex3f(pos, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); immAttr2f(texCoord, 0.0f, 1.0f); immVertex3f(pos, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); immEnd(); immUnbindProgram(); GPU_matrix_pop(); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); if (transparent) { GPU_blend(false); } } IMB_display_buffer_release(cache_handle); } BKE_image_release_ibuf(image, ibuf, lock); } static void draw_plane_marker_ex(SpaceClip *sc, Scene *scene, MovieTrackingPlaneTrack *plane_track, MovieTrackingPlaneMarker *plane_marker, bool is_active_track, bool draw_outline, int width, int height) { bool tiny = (sc->flag & SC_SHOW_TINY_MARKER) != 0; bool is_selected_track = (plane_track->flag & SELECT) != 0; const bool has_image = plane_track->image != NULL && BKE_image_has_ibuf(plane_track->image, NULL); const bool draw_plane_quad = !has_image || plane_track->image_opacity == 0.0f; float px[2]; float color[3], selected_color[3]; px[0] = 1.0f / width / sc->zoom; px[1] = 1.0f / height / sc->zoom; /* Draw image */ if (draw_outline == false) { draw_plane_marker_image(scene, plane_track, plane_marker); } if (draw_plane_quad || is_selected_track) { const uint shdr_pos = GPU_vertformat_attr_add( immVertexFormat(), "pos", GPU_COMP_F32, 2, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT); immBindBuiltinProgram(GPU_SHADER_2D_LINE_DASHED_UNIFORM_COLOR); float viewport_size[4]; GPU_viewport_size_get_f(viewport_size); immUniform2f("viewport_size", viewport_size[2] / UI_DPI_FAC, viewport_size[3] / UI_DPI_FAC); immUniform1i("colors_len", 0); /* "simple" mode */ if (is_selected_track) { plane_track_colors(is_active_track, color, selected_color); } if (draw_plane_quad) { const bool stipple = !draw_outline && tiny; const bool thick = draw_outline && !tiny; GPU_line_width(thick ? 3.0f : 1.0f); if (stipple) { immUniform1f("dash_width", 6.0f); immUniform1f("dash_factor", 0.5f); } else { immUniform1f("dash_factor", 2.0f); /* Solid line */ } if (draw_outline) { immUniformThemeColor(TH_MARKER_OUTLINE); } else { immUniformColor3fv(is_selected_track ? selected_color : color); } /* Draw rectangle itself. */ immBegin(GPU_PRIM_LINE_LOOP, 4); immVertex2fv(shdr_pos, plane_marker->corners[0]); immVertex2fv(shdr_pos, plane_marker->corners[1]); immVertex2fv(shdr_pos, plane_marker->corners[2]); immVertex2fv(shdr_pos, plane_marker->corners[3]); immEnd(); /* Draw axis. */ if (!draw_outline) { float end_point[2]; immUniformColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); immBegin(GPU_PRIM_LINES, 2); getArrowEndPoint(width, height, sc->zoom, plane_marker->corners[0], plane_marker->corners[1], end_point); immVertex2fv(shdr_pos, plane_marker->corners[0]); immVertex2fv(shdr_pos, end_point); immEnd(); immUniformColor3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); immBegin(GPU_PRIM_LINES, 2); getArrowEndPoint(width, height, sc->zoom, plane_marker->corners[0], plane_marker->corners[3], end_point); immVertex2fv(shdr_pos, plane_marker->corners[0]); immVertex2fv(shdr_pos, end_point); immEnd(); } } immUnbindProgram(); /* Draw sliders. */ if (is_selected_track) { immBindBuiltinProgram(GPU_SHADER_2D_UNIFORM_COLOR); if (draw_outline) { immUniformThemeColor(TH_MARKER_OUTLINE); } else { immUniformColor3fv(selected_color); } int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { draw_marker_slide_square(plane_marker->corners[i][0], plane_marker->corners[i][1], 3.0f * px[0], 3.0f * px[1], draw_outline, px, shdr_pos); } immUnbindProgram(); } } } static void draw_plane_marker_outline(SpaceClip *sc, Scene *scene, MovieTrackingPlaneTrack *plane_track, MovieTrackingPlaneMarker *plane_marker, int width, int height) { draw_plane_marker_ex(sc, scene, plane_track, plane_marker, false, true, width, height); } static void draw_plane_marker(SpaceClip *sc, Scene *scene, MovieTrackingPlaneTrack *plane_track, MovieTrackingPlaneMarker *plane_marker, bool is_active_track, int width, int height) { draw_plane_marker_ex( sc, scene, plane_track, plane_marker, is_active_track, false, width, height); } static void draw_plane_track(SpaceClip *sc, Scene *scene, MovieTrackingPlaneTrack *plane_track, int framenr, bool is_active_track, int width, int height) { MovieTrackingPlaneMarker *plane_marker; plane_marker = BKE_tracking_plane_marker_get(plane_track, framenr); draw_plane_marker_outline(sc, scene, plane_track, plane_marker, width, height); draw_plane_marker(sc, scene, plane_track, plane_marker, is_active_track, width, height); } /* Draw all kind of tracks. */ static void draw_tracking_tracks(SpaceClip *sc, Scene *scene, ARegion *region, MovieClip *clip, int width, int height, float zoomx, float zoomy) { float x, y; MovieTracking *tracking = &clip->tracking; ListBase *tracksbase = BKE_tracking_get_active_tracks(tracking); ListBase *plane_tracks_base = BKE_tracking_get_active_plane_tracks(tracking); MovieTrackingTrack *track, *act_track; MovieTrackingPlaneTrack *plane_track, *active_plane_track; MovieTrackingMarker *marker; int framenr = ED_space_clip_get_clip_frame_number(sc); int undistort = sc->user.render_flag & MCLIP_PROXY_RENDER_UNDISTORT; float *marker_pos = NULL, *fp, *active_pos = NULL, cur_pos[2]; /* ** find window pixel coordinates of origin ** */ /* UI_view2d_view_to_region_no_clip return integer values, this could * lead to 1px flickering when view is locked to selection during playback. * to avoid this flickering, calculate base point in the same way as it happens * in UI_view2d_view_to_region_no_clip, but do it in floats here */ UI_view2d_view_to_region_fl(®ion->v2d, 0.0f, 0.0f, &x, &y); GPU_matrix_push(); GPU_matrix_translate_2f(x, y); GPU_matrix_push(); GPU_matrix_scale_2f(zoomx, zoomy); GPU_matrix_mul(sc->stabmat); GPU_matrix_scale_2f(width, height); act_track = BKE_tracking_track_get_active(tracking); /* Draw plane tracks */ active_plane_track = BKE_tracking_plane_track_get_active(tracking); for (plane_track = plane_tracks_base->first; plane_track; plane_track = plane_track->next) { if ((plane_track->flag & PLANE_TRACK_HIDDEN) == 0) { draw_plane_track( sc, scene, plane_track, framenr, plane_track == active_plane_track, width, height); } } if (sc->user.render_flag & MCLIP_PROXY_RENDER_UNDISTORT) { int count = 0; /* count */ track = tracksbase->first; while (track) { if ((track->flag & TRACK_HIDDEN) == 0) { marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get(track, framenr); if (MARKER_VISIBLE(sc, track, marker)) { count++; } } track = track->next; } /* undistort */ if (count) { marker_pos = MEM_callocN(2 * sizeof(float) * count, "draw_tracking_tracks marker_pos"); track = tracksbase->first; fp = marker_pos; while (track) { if ((track->flag & TRACK_HIDDEN) == 0) { marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get(track, framenr); if (MARKER_VISIBLE(sc, track, marker)) { ED_clip_point_undistorted_pos(sc, marker->pos, fp); if (track == act_track) { active_pos = fp; } fp += 2; } } track = track->next; } } } if (sc->flag & SC_SHOW_TRACK_PATH) { track = tracksbase->first; while (track) { if ((track->flag & TRACK_HIDDEN) == 0) { draw_track_path(sc, clip, track); } track = track->next; } } uint position = GPU_vertformat_attr_add( immVertexFormat(), "pos", GPU_COMP_F32, 2, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT); immBindBuiltinProgram(GPU_SHADER_2D_UNIFORM_COLOR); /* markers outline and non-selected areas */ track = tracksbase->first; fp = marker_pos; while (track) { if ((track->flag & TRACK_HIDDEN) == 0) { marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get(track, framenr); if (MARKER_VISIBLE(sc, track, marker)) { copy_v2_v2(cur_pos, fp ? fp : marker->pos); draw_marker_outline(sc, track, marker, cur_pos, width, height, position); draw_marker_areas(sc, track, marker, cur_pos, width, height, 0, 0, position); draw_marker_slide_zones(sc, track, marker, cur_pos, 1, 0, 0, width, height, position); draw_marker_slide_zones(sc, track, marker, cur_pos, 0, 0, 0, width, height, position); if (fp) { fp += 2; } } } track = track->next; } /* selected areas only, so selection wouldn't be overlapped by * non-selected areas */ track = tracksbase->first; fp = marker_pos; while (track) { if ((track->flag & TRACK_HIDDEN) == 0) { int act = track == act_track; marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get(track, framenr); if (MARKER_VISIBLE(sc, track, marker)) { if (!act) { copy_v2_v2(cur_pos, fp ? fp : marker->pos); draw_marker_areas(sc, track, marker, cur_pos, width, height, 0, 1, position); draw_marker_slide_zones(sc, track, marker, cur_pos, 0, 1, 0, width, height, position); } if (fp) { fp += 2; } } } track = track->next; } /* active marker would be displayed on top of everything else */ if (act_track) { if ((act_track->flag & TRACK_HIDDEN) == 0) { marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get(act_track, framenr); if (MARKER_VISIBLE(sc, act_track, marker)) { copy_v2_v2(cur_pos, active_pos ? active_pos : marker->pos); draw_marker_areas(sc, act_track, marker, cur_pos, width, height, 1, 1, position); draw_marker_slide_zones(sc, act_track, marker, cur_pos, 0, 1, 1, width, height, position); } } } if (sc->flag & SC_SHOW_BUNDLES) { MovieTrackingObject *object = BKE_tracking_object_get_active(tracking); float pos[4], vec[4], mat[4][4], aspy; GPU_point_size(3.0f); aspy = 1.0f / clip->tracking.camera.pixel_aspect; BKE_tracking_get_projection_matrix(tracking, object, framenr, width, height, mat); track = tracksbase->first; while (track) { if ((track->flag & TRACK_HIDDEN) == 0 && track->flag & TRACK_HAS_BUNDLE) { marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get(track, framenr); if (MARKER_VISIBLE(sc, track, marker)) { float npos[2]; copy_v3_v3(vec, track->bundle_pos); vec[3] = 1; mul_v4_m4v4(pos, mat, vec); pos[0] = (pos[0] / (pos[3] * 2.0f) + 0.5f) * width; pos[1] = (pos[1] / (pos[3] * 2.0f) + 0.5f) * height * aspy; BKE_tracking_distort_v2(tracking, width, height, pos, npos); if (npos[0] >= 0.0f && npos[1] >= 0.0f && npos[0] <= width && npos[1] <= height * aspy) { vec[0] = (marker->pos[0] + track->offset[0]) * width; vec[1] = (marker->pos[1] + track->offset[1]) * height * aspy; sub_v2_v2(vec, npos); if (len_squared_v2(vec) < (3.0f * 3.0f)) { immUniformColor3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); } else { immUniformColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } immBegin(GPU_PRIM_POINTS, 1); if (undistort) { immVertex2f(position, pos[0] / width, pos[1] / (height * aspy)); } else { immVertex2f(position, npos[0] / width, npos[1] / (height * aspy)); } immEnd(); } } } track = track->next; } } immUnbindProgram(); GPU_matrix_pop(); if (sc->flag & SC_SHOW_NAMES) { /* scaling should be cleared before drawing texts, otherwise font would also be scaled */ track = tracksbase->first; fp = marker_pos; while (track) { if ((track->flag & TRACK_HIDDEN) == 0) { marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get(track, framenr); if (MARKER_VISIBLE(sc, track, marker)) { int act = track == act_track; copy_v2_v2(cur_pos, fp ? fp : marker->pos); draw_marker_texts(sc, track, marker, cur_pos, act, width, height, zoomx, zoomy); if (fp) { fp += 2; } } } track = track->next; } } GPU_matrix_pop(); if (marker_pos) { MEM_freeN(marker_pos); } } static void draw_distortion(SpaceClip *sc, ARegion *region, MovieClip *clip, int width, int height, float zoomx, float zoomy) { float x, y; const int n = 10; float tpos[2], grid[11][11][2]; MovieTracking *tracking = &clip->tracking; bGPdata *gpd = NULL; float aspy = 1.0f / tracking->camera.pixel_aspect; float dx = (float)width / n, dy = (float)height / n * aspy; float offsx = 0.0f, offsy = 0.0f; if (!tracking->camera.focal) { return; } if ((sc->flag & SC_SHOW_GRID) == 0 && (sc->flag & SC_MANUAL_CALIBRATION) == 0) { return; } UI_view2d_view_to_region_fl(®ion->v2d, 0.0f, 0.0f, &x, &y); GPU_matrix_push(); GPU_matrix_translate_2f(x, y); GPU_matrix_scale_2f(zoomx, zoomy); GPU_matrix_mul(sc->stabmat); GPU_matrix_scale_2f(width, height); uint position = GPU_vertformat_attr_add( immVertexFormat(), "pos", GPU_COMP_F32, 2, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT); immBindBuiltinProgram(GPU_SHADER_2D_UNIFORM_COLOR); /* grid */ if (sc->flag & SC_SHOW_GRID) { float val[4][2], idx[4][2]; float min[2], max[2]; for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++) { if (a < 2) { val[a][a % 2] = FLT_MAX; } else { val[a][a % 2] = -FLT_MAX; } } for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= n; j++) { if (i == 0 || j == 0 || i == n || j == n) { const float pos[2] = {dx * j, dy * i}; BKE_tracking_distort_v2(tracking, width, height, pos, tpos); for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++) { int ok; if (a < 2) { ok = tpos[a % 2] < val[a][a % 2]; } else { ok = tpos[a % 2] > val[a][a % 2]; } if (ok) { copy_v2_v2(val[a], tpos); idx[a][0] = j; idx[a][1] = i; } } } } } INIT_MINMAX2(min, max); for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++) { const float pos[2] = {idx[a][0] * dx, idx[a][1] * dy}; BKE_tracking_undistort_v2(tracking, width, height, pos, tpos); minmax_v2v2_v2(min, max, tpos); } dx = (max[0] - min[0]) / n; dy = (max[1] - min[1]) / n; for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= n; j++) { const float pos[2] = {min[0] + dx * j, min[1] + dy * i}; BKE_tracking_distort_v2(tracking, width, height, pos, grid[i][j]); grid[i][j][0] /= width; grid[i][j][1] /= height * aspy; } } immUniformColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { immBegin(GPU_PRIM_LINE_STRIP, n + 1); for (int j = 0; j <= n; j++) { immVertex2fv(position, grid[i][j]); } immEnd(); } for (int j = 0; j <= n; j++) { immBegin(GPU_PRIM_LINE_STRIP, n + 1); for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { immVertex2fv(position, grid[i][j]); } immEnd(); } } if (sc->gpencil_src != SC_GPENCIL_SRC_TRACK) { gpd = clip->gpd; } if (sc->flag & SC_MANUAL_CALIBRATION && gpd) { bGPDlayer *layer = gpd->layers.first; while (layer) { bGPDframe *frame = layer->frames.first; if (layer->flag & GP_LAYER_HIDE) { layer = layer->next; continue; } immUniformColor4fv(layer->color); GPU_line_width(layer->thickness); GPU_point_size((float)(layer->thickness + 2)); while (frame) { bGPDstroke *stroke = frame->strokes.first; while (stroke) { if (stroke->flag & GP_STROKE_2DSPACE) { if (stroke->totpoints > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < stroke->totpoints - 1; i++) { float pos[2], npos[2], dpos[2], len; int steps; pos[0] = (stroke->points[i].x + offsx) * width; pos[1] = (stroke->points[i].y + offsy) * height * aspy; npos[0] = (stroke->points[i + 1].x + offsx) * width; npos[1] = (stroke->points[i + 1].y + offsy) * height * aspy; len = len_v2v2(pos, npos); steps = ceil(len / 5.0f); /* we want to distort only long straight lines */ if (stroke->totpoints == 2) { BKE_tracking_undistort_v2(tracking, width, height, pos, pos); BKE_tracking_undistort_v2(tracking, width, height, npos, npos); } sub_v2_v2v2(dpos, npos, pos); mul_v2_fl(dpos, 1.0f / steps); immBegin(GPU_PRIM_LINE_STRIP, steps + 1); for (int j = 0; j <= steps; j++) { BKE_tracking_distort_v2(tracking, width, height, pos, tpos); immVertex2f(position, tpos[0] / width, tpos[1] / (height * aspy)); add_v2_v2(pos, dpos); } immEnd(); } } else if (stroke->totpoints == 1) { immBegin(GPU_PRIM_POINTS, 1); immVertex2f(position, stroke->points[0].x + offsx, stroke->points[0].y + offsy); immEnd(); } } stroke = stroke->next; } frame = frame->next; } layer = layer->next; } } immUnbindProgram(); GPU_matrix_pop(); } void clip_draw_main(const bContext *C, SpaceClip *sc, ARegion *region) { MovieClip *clip = ED_space_clip_get_clip(sc); Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); ImBuf *ibuf = NULL; int width, height; float zoomx, zoomy; ED_space_clip_get_size(sc, &width, &height); ED_space_clip_get_zoom(sc, region, &zoomx, &zoomy); /* if no clip, nothing to do */ if (!clip) { ED_region_grid_draw(region, zoomx, zoomy, 0.0f, 0.0f); return; } if (sc->flag & SC_SHOW_STABLE) { float translation[2]; float aspect = clip->tracking.camera.pixel_aspect; float smat[4][4], ismat[4][4]; if ((sc->flag & SC_MUTE_FOOTAGE) == 0) { ibuf = ED_space_clip_get_stable_buffer(sc, sc->loc, &sc->scale, &sc->angle); } if (ibuf != NULL && width != ibuf->x) { mul_v2_v2fl(translation, sc->loc, (float)width / ibuf->x); } else { copy_v2_v2(translation, sc->loc); } BKE_tracking_stabilization_data_to_mat4( width, height, aspect, translation, sc->scale, sc->angle, sc->stabmat); unit_m4(smat); smat[0][0] = 1.0f / width; smat[1][1] = 1.0f / height; invert_m4_m4(ismat, smat); mul_m4_series(sc->unistabmat, smat, sc->stabmat, ismat); } else if ((sc->flag & SC_MUTE_FOOTAGE) == 0) { ibuf = ED_space_clip_get_buffer(sc); zero_v2(sc->loc); sc->scale = 1.0f; unit_m4(sc->stabmat); unit_m4(sc->unistabmat); } if (ibuf) { draw_movieclip_buffer(C, sc, region, ibuf, width, height, zoomx, zoomy); IMB_freeImBuf(ibuf); } else if (sc->flag & SC_MUTE_FOOTAGE) { draw_movieclip_muted(region, width, height, zoomx, zoomy); } else { ED_region_grid_draw(region, zoomx, zoomy, 0.0f, 0.0f); } if (width && height) { draw_stabilization_border(sc, region, width, height, zoomx, zoomy); draw_tracking_tracks(sc, scene, region, clip, width, height, zoomx, zoomy); draw_distortion(sc, region, clip, width, height, zoomx, zoomy); } } void clip_draw_cache_and_notes(const bContext *C, SpaceClip *sc, ARegion *region) { Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); MovieClip *clip = ED_space_clip_get_clip(sc); if (clip) { draw_movieclip_cache(sc, region, clip, scene); draw_movieclip_notes(sc, region); } } /* draw grease pencil */ void clip_draw_grease_pencil(bContext *C, int onlyv2d) { SpaceClip *sc = CTX_wm_space_clip(C); MovieClip *clip = ED_space_clip_get_clip(sc); if (!clip) { return; } if (onlyv2d) { bool is_track_source = sc->gpencil_src == SC_GPENCIL_SRC_TRACK; /* if manual calibration is used then grease pencil data * associated with the clip is already drawn in draw_distortion */ if ((sc->flag & SC_MANUAL_CALIBRATION) == 0 || is_track_source) { GPU_matrix_push(); GPU_matrix_mul(sc->unistabmat); if (is_track_source) { MovieTrackingTrack *track = BKE_tracking_track_get_active(&sc->clip->tracking); if (track) { int framenr = ED_space_clip_get_clip_frame_number(sc); MovieTrackingMarker *marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get(track, framenr); GPU_matrix_translate_2fv(marker->pos); } } ED_annotation_draw_2dimage(C); GPU_matrix_pop(); } } else { ED_annotation_draw_view2d(C, 0); } }