/** * $Id: * * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2008 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * * Contributor(s): Andrea Weikert (c) 2008 Blender Foundation * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_screen.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_storage_types.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include "BLI_winstuff.h" #endif #include "DNA_space_types.h" #include "DNA_userdef_types.h" #include "ED_space_api.h" #include "ED_screen.h" #include "ED_fileselect.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "RNA_define.h" #include "UI_interface.h" #include "UI_view2d.h" #include "WM_api.h" #include "WM_types.h" #include "file_intern.h" #include "filelist.h" #include "fsmenu.h" #include #include #include /* for events */ #define NOTACTIVE 0 #define ACTIVATE 1 #define INACTIVATE 2 /* ---------- FILE SELECTION ------------ */ static int find_file_mouse_hor(SpaceFile *sfile, struct ARegion* ar, short x, short y) { float fx,fy; int active_file = -1; int numfiles = filelist_numfiles(sfile->files); View2D* v2d = &ar->v2d; UI_view2d_region_to_view(v2d, x, y, &fx, &fy); active_file = ED_fileselect_layout_offset(sfile->layout, v2d->tot.xmin + fx, v2d->tot.ymax - fy); printf("FINDFILE %d\n", active_file); if ( (active_file < 0) || (active_file >= numfiles) ) { active_file = -1; } return active_file; } static int find_file_mouse_vert(SpaceFile *sfile, struct ARegion* ar, short x, short y) { float fx,fy; int active_file = -1; int numfiles = filelist_numfiles(sfile->files); View2D* v2d = &ar->v2d; UI_view2d_region_to_view(v2d, x, y, &fx, &fy); active_file = ED_fileselect_layout_offset(sfile->layout, v2d->tot.xmin + fx, v2d->tot.ymax - fy); if ( (active_file < 0) || (active_file >= numfiles) ) { active_file = -1; } return active_file; } static void file_deselect_all(SpaceFile* sfile) { int numfiles = filelist_numfiles(sfile->files); int i; for ( i=0; i < numfiles; ++i) { struct direntry* file = filelist_file(sfile->files, i); if (file && (file->flags & ACTIVE)) { file->flags &= ~ACTIVE; } } } static void file_select(SpaceFile* sfile, FileSelectParams* params, ARegion* ar, const rcti* rect, short val) { int first_file = -1; int last_file = -1; int act_file; short selecting = (val == LEFTMOUSE); int numfiles = filelist_numfiles(sfile->files); params->selstate = NOTACTIVE; if ( (params->display == FILE_IMGDISPLAY) || (params->display == FILE_LONGDISPLAY) ) { first_file = find_file_mouse_hor(sfile, ar, rect->xmin, rect->ymax); last_file = find_file_mouse_hor(sfile, ar, rect->xmax, rect->ymin); } else { first_file = find_file_mouse_vert(sfile, ar, rect->xmin, rect->ymax); last_file = find_file_mouse_vert(sfile, ar, rect->xmax, rect->ymin); } /* select all valid files between first and last indicated */ if ( (first_file >= 0) && (first_file < numfiles) && (last_file >= 0) && (last_file < numfiles) ) { for (act_file = first_file; act_file <= last_file; act_file++) { struct direntry* file = filelist_file(sfile->files, act_file); if (selecting) file->flags |= ACTIVE; else file->flags &= ~ACTIVE; } } printf("Selecting %d %d\n", first_file, last_file); /* make the last file active */ if (last_file >= 0 && last_file < numfiles) { struct direntry* file = filelist_file(sfile->files, last_file); params->active_file = last_file; if(file && S_ISDIR(file->type)) { /* the path is too long and we are not going up! */ if (strcmp(file->relname, ".") && strcmp(file->relname, "..") && strlen(params->dir) + strlen(file->relname) >= FILE_MAX ) { // XXX error("Path too long, cannot enter this directory"); } else { if (strcmp(file->relname, "..")==0) { /* avoids /../../ */ BLI_parent_dir(params->dir); } else { strcat(params->dir, file->relname); strcat(params->dir,"/"); params->file[0] = '\0'; BLI_cleanup_dir(G.sce, params->dir); } filelist_setdir(sfile->files, params->dir); filelist_free(sfile->files); params->active_file = -1; } } else if (file) { if (file->relname) { BLI_strncpy(params->file, file->relname, FILE_MAXFILE); /* XXX if(event==MIDDLEMOUSE && filelist_gettype(sfile->files)) imasel_execute(sfile); */ } } /* XXX if(BIF_filelist_gettype(sfile->files)==FILE_MAIN) { active_imasel_object(sfile); } */ } } static int file_border_select_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { ARegion *ar= CTX_wm_region(C); SpaceFile *sfile= (SpaceFile*)CTX_wm_space_data(C); short val; rcti rect; val= RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "event_type"); rect.xmin= RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "xmin"); rect.ymin= RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "ymin"); rect.xmax= RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "xmax"); rect.ymax= RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "ymax"); file_select(sfile, sfile->params, ar, &rect, val ); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_WINDOW, NULL); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void FILE_OT_border_select(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Activate/Select File"; ot->idname= "FILE_OT_border_select"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= WM_border_select_invoke; ot->exec= file_border_select_exec; ot->modal= WM_border_select_modal; /* rna */ RNA_def_int(ot->srna, "event_type", 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, "Event Type", "", INT_MIN, INT_MAX); RNA_def_int(ot->srna, "xmin", 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, "X Min", "", INT_MIN, INT_MAX); RNA_def_int(ot->srna, "xmax", 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, "X Max", "", INT_MIN, INT_MAX); RNA_def_int(ot->srna, "ymin", 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, "Y Min", "", INT_MIN, INT_MAX); RNA_def_int(ot->srna, "ymax", 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, "Y Max", "", INT_MIN, INT_MAX); ot->poll= ED_operator_file_active; } static int file_select_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { ARegion *ar= CTX_wm_region(C); SpaceFile *sfile= (SpaceFile*)CTX_wm_space_data(C); short val; rcti rect; rect.xmin = rect.xmax = event->x - ar->winrct.xmin; rect.ymin = rect.ymax = event->y - ar->winrct.ymin; val = event->val; if (BLI_in_rcti(&ar->v2d.mask, rect.xmin, rect.ymin)) { /* single select, deselect all selected first */ file_deselect_all(sfile); file_select(sfile, sfile->params, ar, &rect, val ); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_WINDOW, NULL); } return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void FILE_OT_select(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Activate/Select File"; ot->idname= "FILE_OT_select"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= file_select_invoke; /* rna */ ot->poll= ED_operator_file_active; } static int file_select_all_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { ScrArea *sa= CTX_wm_area(C); SpaceFile *sfile= (SpaceFile*)CTX_wm_space_data(C); int numfiles = filelist_numfiles(sfile->files); int i; int select = 1; /* if any file is selected, deselect all first */ for ( i=0; i < numfiles; ++i) { struct direntry* file = filelist_file(sfile->files, i); if (file && (file->flags & ACTIVE)) { file->flags &= ~ACTIVE; select = 0; ED_area_tag_redraw(sa); } } /* select all only if previously no file was selected */ if (select) { for ( i=0; i < numfiles; ++i) { struct direntry* file = filelist_file(sfile->files, i); if(file && !S_ISDIR(file->type)) { file->flags |= ACTIVE; ED_area_tag_redraw(sa); } } } return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void FILE_OT_select_all(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Select/Deselect all files"; ot->idname= "FILE_OT_select_all"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= file_select_all_invoke; /* rna */ ot->poll= ED_operator_file_active; } /* ---------- BOOKMARKS ----------- */ static void set_active_bookmark(FileSelectParams* params, struct ARegion* ar, short x, short y) { int nentries = fsmenu_get_nentries(fsmenu_get(), FS_CATEGORY_BOOKMARKS); float fx, fy; short posy; UI_view2d_region_to_view(&ar->v2d, x, y, &fx, &fy); posy = ar->v2d.cur.ymax - 2*TILE_BORDER_Y - fy; posy -= U.fontsize*2.0f; /* header */ params->active_bookmark = ((float)posy / (U.fontsize*2.0f)); if (params->active_bookmark < 0 || params->active_bookmark > nentries) { params->active_bookmark = -1; } } static int file_select_bookmark_category(SpaceFile* sfile, ARegion* ar, short x, short y, FSMenuCategory category) { struct FSMenu* fsmenu = fsmenu_get(); int nentries = fsmenu_get_nentries(fsmenu, category); int linestep = U.fontsize*2.0f; short xs, ys; int i; int selected = -1; for (i=0; i < nentries; ++i) { fsmenu_get_pos(fsmenu, category, i, &xs, &ys); if ( (y<=ys) && (y>ys-linestep) ) { fsmenu_select_entry(fsmenu, category, i); selected = i; break; } } return selected; } static void file_select_bookmark(SpaceFile* sfile, ARegion* ar, short x, short y) { float fx, fy; int selected; FSMenuCategory category = FS_CATEGORY_SYSTEM; if (BLI_in_rcti(&ar->v2d.mask, x, y)) { char *entry; UI_view2d_region_to_view(&ar->v2d, x, y, &fx, &fy); selected = file_select_bookmark_category(sfile, ar, fx, fy, FS_CATEGORY_SYSTEM); if (selected<0) { category = FS_CATEGORY_BOOKMARKS; selected = file_select_bookmark_category(sfile, ar, fx, fy, category); } if (selected<0) { category = FS_CATEGORY_RECENT; selected = file_select_bookmark_category(sfile, ar, fx, fy, category); } if (selected>=0) { entry= fsmenu_get_entry(fsmenu_get(), category, selected); /* which string */ if (entry) { FileSelectParams* params = sfile->params; BLI_strncpy(params->dir, entry, sizeof(params->dir)); BLI_cleanup_dir(G.sce, params->dir); filelist_free(sfile->files); filelist_setdir(sfile->files, params->dir); params->file[0] = '\0'; params->active_file = -1; } } } } static int bookmark_select_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { ScrArea *sa= CTX_wm_area(C); ARegion *ar= CTX_wm_region(C); SpaceFile *sfile= (SpaceFile*)CTX_wm_space_data(C); short x, y; x = event->x - ar->winrct.xmin; y = event->y - ar->winrct.ymin; file_select_bookmark(sfile, ar, x, y); ED_area_tag_redraw(sa); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void FILE_OT_select_bookmark(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Select Directory"; ot->idname= "FILE_OT_select_bookmark"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= bookmark_select_invoke; ot->poll= ED_operator_file_active; } static int loadimages_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { ScrArea *sa= CTX_wm_area(C); SpaceFile *sfile= (SpaceFile*)CTX_wm_space_data(C); if (sfile->files) { filelist_loadimage_timer(sfile->files); if (filelist_changed(sfile->files)) { ED_area_tag_redraw(sa); } } return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void FILE_OT_loadimages(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Load Images"; ot->idname= "FILE_OT_loadimages"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= loadimages_invoke; ot->poll= ED_operator_file_active; } int file_hilight_set(SpaceFile *sfile, ARegion *ar, int mx, int my) { FileSelectParams* params; int numfiles, actfile; if(sfile==NULL || sfile->files==NULL) return 0; numfiles = filelist_numfiles(sfile->files); params = ED_fileselect_get_params(sfile); if ( (params->display == FILE_IMGDISPLAY) || (params->display == FILE_LONGDISPLAY)) { actfile = find_file_mouse_hor(sfile, ar, mx , my); } else { actfile = find_file_mouse_vert(sfile, ar, mx, my); } if (actfile >= 0 && actfile < numfiles ) { params->active_file=actfile; return 1; } return 0; } static int file_highlight_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { ARegion *ar= CTX_wm_region(C); SpaceFile *sfile= (SpaceFile*)CTX_wm_space_data(C); if( file_hilight_set(sfile, ar, event->x - ar->winrct.xmin, event->y - ar->winrct.ymin)) { ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); } return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void FILE_OT_highlight(struct wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Highlight File"; ot->idname= "FILE_OT_highlight"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= file_highlight_invoke; ot->poll= ED_operator_file_active; } int file_cancel_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *unused) { SpaceFile *sfile= (SpaceFile*)CTX_wm_space_data(C); WM_event_fileselect_event(C, sfile->op, EVT_FILESELECT_CANCEL); sfile->op = NULL; return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void FILE_OT_cancel(struct wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Cancel File Load"; ot->idname= "FILE_OT_cancel"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= file_cancel_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_file_active; } /* sends events now, so things get handled on windowqueue level */ int file_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *unused) { SpaceFile *sfile= (SpaceFile*)CTX_wm_space_data(C); char name[FILE_MAX]; if(sfile->op) { wmOperator *op= sfile->op; sfile->op = NULL; BLI_strncpy(name, sfile->params->dir, sizeof(name)); strcat(name, sfile->params->file); RNA_string_set(op->ptr, "filename", name); fsmenu_insert_entry(fsmenu_get(), FS_CATEGORY_RECENT, sfile->params->dir,0, 1); BLI_make_file_string(G.sce, name, BLI_gethome(), ".Bfs"); fsmenu_write_file(fsmenu_get(), name); WM_event_fileselect_event(C, op, EVT_FILESELECT_EXEC); } return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void FILE_OT_exec(struct wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Execute File Window"; ot->idname= "FILE_OT_exec"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= file_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_file_active; /* <- important, handler is on window level */ } int file_parent_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *unused) { SpaceFile *sfile= (SpaceFile*)CTX_wm_space_data(C); if(sfile->params) { BLI_parent_dir(sfile->params->dir); filelist_setdir(sfile->files, sfile->params->dir); filelist_free(sfile->files); sfile->params->active_file = -1; } ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void FILE_OT_parent(struct wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Parent File"; ot->idname= "FILE_OT_parent"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= file_parent_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_file_active; /* <- important, handler is on window level */ } int file_refresh_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *unused) { SpaceFile *sfile= (SpaceFile*)CTX_wm_space_data(C); if(sfile->params) { filelist_setdir(sfile->files, sfile->params->dir); filelist_free(sfile->files); sfile->params->active_file = -1; } ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void FILE_OT_refresh(struct wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Refresh Filelist"; ot->idname= "FILE_OT_refresh"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= file_refresh_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_file_active; /* <- important, handler is on window level */ } struct ARegion *file_buttons_region(struct ScrArea *sa) { ARegion *ar; for(ar= sa->regionbase.first; ar; ar= ar->next) if(ar->regiontype==RGN_TYPE_CHANNELS) return ar; return NULL; } int file_bookmark_toggle_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *unused) { ScrArea *sa= CTX_wm_area(C); ARegion *ar= file_buttons_region(sa); if(ar) { ar->flag ^= RGN_FLAG_HIDDEN; ar->v2d.flag &= ~V2D_IS_INITIALISED; /* XXX should become hide/unhide api? */ ED_area_initialize(CTX_wm_manager(C), CTX_wm_window(C), sa); ED_area_tag_redraw(sa); } return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void FILE_OT_bookmark_toggle(struct wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Toggle Bookmarks"; ot->idname= "FILE_OT_bookmark_toggle"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= file_bookmark_toggle_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_file_active; /* <- important, handler is on window level */ }