/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2008 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * * Contributor(s): Blender Foundation * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file blender/editors/space_file/filesel.c * \ingroup spfile */ #include #include #include #include #include /* path/file handeling stuff */ #ifdef WIN32 # include # include # include "BLI_winstuff.h" #else # include # include # include #endif #include "DNA_space_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "DNA_userdef_types.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BLI_fileops_types.h" #include "BLI_fnmatch.h" #include "BKE_appdir.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_main.h" #include "BLF_api.h" #include "ED_fileselect.h" #include "WM_api.h" #include "WM_types.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "UI_interface.h" #include "UI_interface_icons.h" #include "file_intern.h" #include "filelist.h" FileSelectParams *ED_fileselect_get_params(struct SpaceFile *sfile) { if (!sfile->params) { ED_fileselect_set_params(sfile); } return sfile->params; } /** * \note RNA_struct_property_is_set_ex is used here because we want * the previously used settings to be used here rather then overriding them */ short ED_fileselect_set_params(SpaceFile *sfile) { FileSelectParams *params; wmOperator *op = sfile->op; /* create new parameters if necessary */ if (!sfile->params) { sfile->params = MEM_callocN(sizeof(FileSelectParams), "fileselparams"); /* set path to most recently opened .blend */ BLI_split_dirfile(G.main->name, sfile->params->dir, sfile->params->file, sizeof(sfile->params->dir), sizeof(sfile->params->file)); sfile->params->filter_glob[0] = '\0'; /* set the default thumbnails size */ sfile->params->thumbnail_size = 128; } params = sfile->params; /* set the parameters from the operator, if it exists */ if (op) { PropertyRNA *prop; const bool is_files = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "files") != NULL); const bool is_filepath = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filepath") != NULL); const bool is_filename = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filename") != NULL); const bool is_directory = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "directory") != NULL); const bool is_relative_path = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "relative_path") != NULL); BLI_strncpy_utf8(params->title, RNA_struct_ui_name(op->type->srna), sizeof(params->title)); if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filemode"))) { params->type = RNA_property_int_get(op->ptr, prop); } else { params->type = FILE_SPECIAL; } if (is_filepath && RNA_struct_property_is_set_ex(op->ptr, "filepath", false)) { char name[FILE_MAX]; RNA_string_get(op->ptr, "filepath", name); if (params->type == FILE_LOADLIB) { BLI_strncpy(params->dir, name, sizeof(params->dir)); sfile->params->file[0] = '\0'; } else { BLI_split_dirfile(name, sfile->params->dir, sfile->params->file, sizeof(sfile->params->dir), sizeof(sfile->params->file)); } } else { if (is_directory && RNA_struct_property_is_set_ex(op->ptr, "directory", false)) { RNA_string_get(op->ptr, "directory", params->dir); sfile->params->file[0] = '\0'; } if (is_filename && RNA_struct_property_is_set_ex(op->ptr, "filename", false)) { RNA_string_get(op->ptr, "filename", params->file); } } if (params->dir[0]) { BLI_cleanup_dir(G.main->name, params->dir); BLI_path_abs(params->dir, G.main->name); } if (is_directory == true && is_filename == false && is_filepath == false && is_files == false) { params->flag |= FILE_DIRSEL_ONLY; } else { params->flag &= ~FILE_DIRSEL_ONLY; } params->filter = 0; if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_blender"))) params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_BLENDER : 0; if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_backup"))) params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_BLENDER_BACKUP : 0; if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_image"))) params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_IMAGE : 0; if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_movie"))) params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_MOVIE : 0; if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_python"))) params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_PYSCRIPT : 0; if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_font"))) params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_FTFONT : 0; if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_sound"))) params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_SOUND : 0; if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_text"))) params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_TEXT : 0; if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_folder"))) params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_FOLDER : 0; if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_btx"))) params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_BTX : 0; if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_collada"))) params->filter |= RNA_property_boolean_get(op->ptr, prop) ? FILE_TYPE_COLLADA : 0; if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "filter_glob"))) { RNA_property_string_get(op->ptr, prop, params->filter_glob); params->filter |= (FILE_TYPE_OPERATOR | FILE_TYPE_FOLDER); } else { params->filter_glob[0] = '\0'; } if (params->filter != 0) { if (U.uiflag & USER_FILTERFILEEXTS) { params->flag |= FILE_FILTER; } else { params->flag &= ~FILE_FILTER; } } if (U.uiflag & USER_HIDE_DOT) { params->flag |= FILE_HIDE_DOT; } else { params->flag &= ~FILE_HIDE_DOT; } if (params->type == FILE_LOADLIB) { params->flag |= RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "link") ? FILE_LINK : 0; params->flag |= RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "autoselect") ? FILE_AUTOSELECT : 0; params->flag |= RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "active_layer") ? FILE_ACTIVELAY : 0; } if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "display_type"))) { params->display = RNA_property_enum_get(op->ptr, prop); } if (params->display == FILE_DEFAULTDISPLAY) { if (U.uiflag & USER_SHOW_THUMBNAILS) { if (params->filter & (FILE_TYPE_IMAGE | FILE_TYPE_MOVIE)) params->display = FILE_IMGDISPLAY; else params->display = FILE_SHORTDISPLAY; } else { params->display = FILE_SHORTDISPLAY; } } if (is_relative_path) { if ((prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "relative_path"))) { if (!RNA_property_is_set_ex(op->ptr, prop, false)) { RNA_property_boolean_set(op->ptr, prop, (U.flag & USER_RELPATHS) != 0); } } } } else { /* default values, if no operator */ params->type = FILE_UNIX; params->flag |= FILE_HIDE_DOT; params->flag &= ~FILE_DIRSEL_ONLY; params->display = FILE_SHORTDISPLAY; params->filter = 0; params->filter_glob[0] = '\0'; } /* operator has no setting for this */ params->sort = FILE_SORT_ALPHA; params->active_file = -1; /* initialize the list with previous folders */ if (!sfile->folders_prev) sfile->folders_prev = folderlist_new(); if (!sfile->params->dir[0]) { if (G.main->name[0]) { BLI_split_dir_part(G.main->name, sfile->params->dir, sizeof(sfile->params->dir)); } else { const char *doc_path = BKE_appdir_folder_default(); if (doc_path) { BLI_strncpy(sfile->params->dir, doc_path, sizeof(sfile->params->dir)); } } } folderlist_pushdir(sfile->folders_prev, sfile->params->dir); /* switching thumbnails needs to recalc layout [#28809] */ if (sfile->layout) { sfile->layout->dirty = true; } return 1; } void ED_fileselect_reset_params(SpaceFile *sfile) { sfile->params->type = FILE_UNIX; sfile->params->flag = 0; sfile->params->title[0] = '\0'; sfile->params->active_file = -1; } int ED_fileselect_layout_numfiles(FileLayout *layout, ARegion *ar) { int numfiles; /* Values in pixels. * * - *_item: size of each (row|col), (including padding) * - *_view: (x|y) size of the view. * - *_over: extra pixels, to take into account, when the fit isnt exact * (needed since you may see the end of the previous column and the beginning of the next). * * Could be more clever and take scrolling into account, * but for now don't bother. */ if (layout->flag & FILE_LAYOUT_HOR) { const int x_item = layout->tile_w + (2 * layout->tile_border_x); const int x_view = (int)(BLI_rctf_size_x(&ar->v2d.cur)); const int x_over = x_item - (x_view % x_item); numfiles = (int)((float)(x_view + x_over) / (float)(x_item)); return numfiles * layout->rows; } else { const int y_item = layout->tile_h + (2 * layout->tile_border_y); const int y_view = (int)(BLI_rctf_size_y(&ar->v2d.cur)); const int y_over = y_item - (y_view % y_item); numfiles = (int)((float)(y_view + y_over) / (float)(y_item)); return numfiles * layout->columns; } } static bool is_inside(int x, int y, int cols, int rows) { return ((x >= 0) && (x < cols) && (y >= 0) && (y < rows)); } FileSelection ED_fileselect_layout_offset_rect(FileLayout *layout, const rcti *rect) { int colmin, colmax, rowmin, rowmax; FileSelection sel; sel.first = sel.last = -1; if (layout == NULL) return sel; colmin = (rect->xmin) / (layout->tile_w + 2 * layout->tile_border_x); rowmin = (rect->ymin) / (layout->tile_h + 2 * layout->tile_border_y); colmax = (rect->xmax) / (layout->tile_w + 2 * layout->tile_border_x); rowmax = (rect->ymax) / (layout->tile_h + 2 * layout->tile_border_y); if (is_inside(colmin, rowmin, layout->columns, layout->rows) || is_inside(colmax, rowmax, layout->columns, layout->rows) ) { CLAMP(colmin, 0, layout->columns - 1); CLAMP(rowmin, 0, layout->rows - 1); CLAMP(colmax, 0, layout->columns - 1); CLAMP(rowmax, 0, layout->rows - 1); } if ((colmin > layout->columns - 1) || (rowmin > layout->rows - 1)) { sel.first = -1; } else { if (layout->flag & FILE_LAYOUT_HOR) sel.first = layout->rows * colmin + rowmin; else sel.first = colmin + layout->columns * rowmin; } if ((colmax > layout->columns - 1) || (rowmax > layout->rows - 1)) { sel.last = -1; } else { if (layout->flag & FILE_LAYOUT_HOR) sel.last = layout->rows * colmax + rowmax; else sel.last = colmax + layout->columns * rowmax; } return sel; } int ED_fileselect_layout_offset(FileLayout *layout, int x, int y) { int offsetx, offsety; int active_file; if (layout == NULL) return -1; offsetx = (x) / (layout->tile_w + 2 * layout->tile_border_x); offsety = (y) / (layout->tile_h + 2 * layout->tile_border_y); if (offsetx > layout->columns - 1) return -1; if (offsety > layout->rows - 1) return -1; if (layout->flag & FILE_LAYOUT_HOR) active_file = layout->rows * offsetx + offsety; else active_file = offsetx + layout->columns * offsety; return active_file; } void ED_fileselect_layout_tilepos(FileLayout *layout, int tile, int *x, int *y) { if (layout->flag == FILE_LAYOUT_HOR) { *x = layout->tile_border_x + (tile / layout->rows) * (layout->tile_w + 2 * layout->tile_border_x); *y = layout->tile_border_y + (tile % layout->rows) * (layout->tile_h + 2 * layout->tile_border_y); } else { *x = layout->tile_border_x + ((tile) % layout->columns) * (layout->tile_w + 2 * layout->tile_border_x); *y = layout->tile_border_y + ((tile) / layout->columns) * (layout->tile_h + 2 * layout->tile_border_y); } } float file_string_width(const char *str) { uiStyle *style = UI_style_get(); float width; UI_fontstyle_set(&style->widget); if (style->widget.kerning == 1) { /* for BLF_width */ BLF_enable(style->widget.uifont_id, BLF_KERNING_DEFAULT); } width = BLF_width(style->widget.uifont_id, str, BLF_DRAW_STR_DUMMY_MAX); if (style->widget.kerning == 1) { BLF_disable(style->widget.uifont_id, BLF_KERNING_DEFAULT); } return width; } float file_font_pointsize(void) { #if 0 float s; char tmp[2] = "X"; uiStyle *style = UI_style_get(); UI_fontstyle_set(&style->widget); s = BLF_height(style->widget.uifont_id, tmp); return style->widget.points; #else uiStyle *style = UI_style_get(); UI_fontstyle_set(&style->widget); return style->widget.points * UI_DPI_FAC; #endif } static void column_widths(struct FileList *files, struct FileLayout *layout) { int i; int numfiles = filelist_numfiles(files); for (i = 0; i < MAX_FILE_COLUMN; ++i) { layout->column_widths[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; (i < numfiles); ++i) { struct direntry *file = filelist_file(files, i); if (file) { float len; len = file_string_width(file->relname); if (len > layout->column_widths[COLUMN_NAME]) layout->column_widths[COLUMN_NAME] = len; len = file_string_width(file->date); if (len > layout->column_widths[COLUMN_DATE]) layout->column_widths[COLUMN_DATE] = len; len = file_string_width(file->time); if (len > layout->column_widths[COLUMN_TIME]) layout->column_widths[COLUMN_TIME] = len; len = file_string_width(file->size); if (len > layout->column_widths[COLUMN_SIZE]) layout->column_widths[COLUMN_SIZE] = len; len = file_string_width(file->mode1); if (len > layout->column_widths[COLUMN_MODE1]) layout->column_widths[COLUMN_MODE1] = len; len = file_string_width(file->mode2); if (len > layout->column_widths[COLUMN_MODE2]) layout->column_widths[COLUMN_MODE2] = len; len = file_string_width(file->mode3); if (len > layout->column_widths[COLUMN_MODE3]) layout->column_widths[COLUMN_MODE3] = len; len = file_string_width(file->owner); if (len > layout->column_widths[COLUMN_OWNER]) layout->column_widths[COLUMN_OWNER] = len; } } } void ED_fileselect_init_layout(struct SpaceFile *sfile, ARegion *ar) { FileSelectParams *params = ED_fileselect_get_params(sfile); FileLayout *layout = NULL; View2D *v2d = &ar->v2d; int maxlen = 0; int numfiles; int textheight; if (sfile->layout == NULL) { sfile->layout = MEM_callocN(sizeof(struct FileLayout), "file_layout"); sfile->layout->dirty = true; } else if (sfile->layout->dirty == false) { return; } numfiles = filelist_numfiles(sfile->files); textheight = (int)file_font_pointsize(); layout = sfile->layout; layout->textheight = textheight; if (params->display == FILE_IMGDISPLAY) { layout->prv_w = ((float)params->thumbnail_size / 20.0f) * UI_UNIT_X; layout->prv_h = ((float)params->thumbnail_size / 20.0f) * UI_UNIT_Y; layout->tile_border_x = 0.3f * UI_UNIT_X; layout->tile_border_y = 0.3f * UI_UNIT_X; layout->prv_border_x = 0.3f * UI_UNIT_X; layout->prv_border_y = 0.3f * UI_UNIT_Y; layout->tile_w = layout->prv_w + 2 * layout->prv_border_x; layout->tile_h = layout->prv_h + 2 * layout->prv_border_y + textheight; layout->width = (int)(BLI_rctf_size_x(&v2d->cur) - 2 * layout->tile_border_x); layout->columns = layout->width / (layout->tile_w + 2 * layout->tile_border_x); if (layout->columns > 0) layout->rows = numfiles / layout->columns + 1; // XXX dirty, modulo is zero else { layout->columns = 1; layout->rows = numfiles + 1; // XXX dirty, modulo is zero } layout->height = sfile->layout->rows * (layout->tile_h + 2 * layout->tile_border_y) + layout->tile_border_y * 2; layout->flag = FILE_LAYOUT_VER; } else { int column_space = 0.6f * UI_UNIT_X; int column_icon_space = 0.2f * UI_UNIT_X; layout->prv_w = 0; layout->prv_h = 0; layout->tile_border_x = 0.4f * UI_UNIT_X; layout->tile_border_y = 0.1f * UI_UNIT_Y; layout->prv_border_x = 0; layout->prv_border_y = 0; layout->tile_h = textheight * 3 / 2; layout->height = (int)(BLI_rctf_size_y(&v2d->cur) - 2 * layout->tile_border_y); layout->rows = layout->height / (layout->tile_h + 2 * layout->tile_border_y); column_widths(sfile->files, layout); if (params->display == FILE_SHORTDISPLAY) { maxlen = ICON_DEFAULT_WIDTH_SCALE + column_icon_space + (int)layout->column_widths[COLUMN_NAME] + column_space + (int)layout->column_widths[COLUMN_SIZE] + column_space; } else { maxlen = ICON_DEFAULT_WIDTH_SCALE + column_icon_space + (int)layout->column_widths[COLUMN_NAME] + column_space + #ifndef WIN32 (int)layout->column_widths[COLUMN_MODE1] + column_space + (int)layout->column_widths[COLUMN_MODE2] + column_space + (int)layout->column_widths[COLUMN_MODE3] + column_space + (int)layout->column_widths[COLUMN_OWNER] + column_space + #endif (int)layout->column_widths[COLUMN_DATE] + column_space + (int)layout->column_widths[COLUMN_TIME] + column_space + (int)layout->column_widths[COLUMN_SIZE] + column_space; } layout->tile_w = maxlen; if (layout->rows > 0) layout->columns = numfiles / layout->rows + 1; // XXX dirty, modulo is zero else { layout->rows = 1; layout->columns = numfiles + 1; // XXX dirty, modulo is zero } layout->width = sfile->layout->columns * (layout->tile_w + 2 * layout->tile_border_x) + layout->tile_border_x * 2; layout->flag = FILE_LAYOUT_HOR; } layout->dirty = false; } FileLayout *ED_fileselect_get_layout(struct SpaceFile *sfile, ARegion *ar) { if (!sfile->layout) { ED_fileselect_init_layout(sfile, ar); } return sfile->layout; } void ED_file_change_dir(bContext *C, const bool checkdir) { wmWindowManager *wm = CTX_wm_manager(C); SpaceFile *sfile = CTX_wm_space_file(C); if (sfile->params) { ED_fileselect_clear(wm, sfile); /* Clear search string, it is very rare to want to keep that filter while changing dir, * and usually very annoying to keep it actually! */ sfile->params->filter_search[0] = '\0'; if (checkdir && !BLI_is_dir(sfile->params->dir)) { BLI_strncpy(sfile->params->dir, filelist_dir(sfile->files), sizeof(sfile->params->dir)); /* could return but just refresh the current dir */ } filelist_setdir(sfile->files, sfile->params->dir); if (folderlist_clear_next(sfile)) folderlist_free(sfile->folders_next); folderlist_pushdir(sfile->folders_prev, sfile->params->dir); file_draw_check(C); } } int file_select_match(struct SpaceFile *sfile, const char *pattern, char *matched_file) { int match = 0; int i; struct direntry *file; int n = filelist_numfiles(sfile->files); /* select any file that matches the pattern, this includes exact match * if the user selects a single file by entering the filename */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { file = filelist_file(sfile->files, i); /* Do not check wether file is a file or dir here! Causes T44243 (we do accept dirs at this stage). */ if (fnmatch(pattern, file->relname, 0) == 0) { file->selflag |= FILE_SEL_SELECTED; if (!match) { BLI_strncpy(matched_file, file->relname, FILE_MAX); } match++; } } return match; } int autocomplete_directory(struct bContext *C, char *str, void *UNUSED(arg_v)) { SpaceFile *sfile = CTX_wm_space_file(C); int match = AUTOCOMPLETE_NO_MATCH; /* search if str matches the beginning of name */ if (str[0] && sfile->files) { char dirname[FILE_MAX]; DIR *dir; struct dirent *de; BLI_split_dir_part(str, dirname, sizeof(dirname)); dir = opendir(dirname); if (dir) { AutoComplete *autocpl = UI_autocomplete_begin(str, FILE_MAX); while ((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if (FILENAME_IS_CURRPAR(de->d_name)) { /* pass */ } else { char path[FILE_MAX]; BLI_stat_t status; BLI_join_dirfile(path, sizeof(path), dirname, de->d_name); if (BLI_stat(path, &status) == 0) { if (S_ISDIR(status.st_mode)) { /* is subdir */ UI_autocomplete_update_name(autocpl, path); } } } } closedir(dir); match = UI_autocomplete_end(autocpl, str); if (match == AUTOCOMPLETE_FULL_MATCH) { BLI_add_slash(str); } } } return match; } int autocomplete_file(struct bContext *C, char *str, void *UNUSED(arg_v)) { SpaceFile *sfile = CTX_wm_space_file(C); int match = AUTOCOMPLETE_NO_MATCH; /* search if str matches the beginning of name */ if (str[0] && sfile->files) { AutoComplete *autocpl = UI_autocomplete_begin(str, FILE_MAX); int nentries = filelist_numfiles(sfile->files); int i; for (i = 0; i < nentries; ++i) { struct direntry *file = filelist_file(sfile->files, i); if (file && (S_ISREG(file->type) || S_ISDIR(file->type))) { UI_autocomplete_update_name(autocpl, file->relname); } } match = UI_autocomplete_end(autocpl, str); } return match; } void ED_fileselect_clear(struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct SpaceFile *sfile) { /* only NULL in rare cases - [#29734] */ if (sfile->files) { thumbnails_stop(wm, sfile->files); filelist_freelib(sfile->files); filelist_free(sfile->files); } sfile->params->highlight_file = -1; WM_main_add_notifier(NC_SPACE | ND_SPACE_FILE_LIST, NULL); } void ED_fileselect_exit(struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct SpaceFile *sfile) { if (!sfile) return; if (sfile->op) { WM_event_fileselect_event(wm, sfile->op, EVT_FILESELECT_EXTERNAL_CANCEL); sfile->op = NULL; } folderlist_free(sfile->folders_prev); folderlist_free(sfile->folders_next); if (sfile->files) { ED_fileselect_clear(wm, sfile); MEM_freeN(sfile->files); sfile->files = NULL; } }