/** * $Id: * * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2009 Blender Foundation, Joshua Leung * All rights reserved. * * * Contributor(s): Joshua Leung (major recode) * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include #include #include #include "DNA_anim_types.h" #include "DNA_action_types.h" #include "DNA_nla_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_space_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "DNA_windowmanager_types.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_arithb.h" #include "BLI_rand.h" #include "BKE_animsys.h" #include "BKE_action.h" #include "BKE_fcurve.h" #include "BKE_nla.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_library.h" #include "BKE_main.h" #include "BKE_report.h" #include "BKE_screen.h" #include "BKE_utildefines.h" #include "ED_anim_api.h" #include "ED_keyframes_edit.h" #include "ED_markers.h" #include "ED_space_api.h" #include "ED_screen.h" #include "ED_transform.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "RNA_define.h" #include "RNA_enum_types.h" #include "WM_api.h" #include "WM_types.h" #include "UI_interface.h" #include "UI_resources.h" #include "UI_view2d.h" #include "nla_intern.h" // own include #include "nla_private.h" // FIXME... maybe this shouldn't be included? /* *********************************************** */ /* 'Special' Editing */ /* ******************** Tweak-Mode Operators ***************************** */ /* 'Tweak mode' allows the action referenced by the active NLA-strip to be edited * as if it were the normal Active-Action of its AnimData block. */ static int nlaedit_enable_tweakmode_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; int ok=0; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* get a list of the AnimData blocks being shown in the NLA */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_ANIMDATA); ANIM_animdata_filter(&ac, &anim_data, filter, ac.data, ac.datatype); /* if no blocks, popup error? */ if (anim_data.first == NULL) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "No AnimData blocks to enter tweakmode for"); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } /* for each AnimData block with NLA-data, try setting it in tweak-mode */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { AnimData *adt= ale->data; /* try entering tweakmode if valid */ ok += BKE_nla_tweakmode_enter(adt); } /* free temp data */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); /* if we managed to enter tweakmode on at least one AnimData block, * set the flag for this in the active scene and send notifiers */ if (ac.scene && ok) { /* set editing flag */ ac.scene->flag |= SCE_NLA_EDIT_ON; /* set notifier that things have changed */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION|ND_NLA_ACTCHANGE, NULL); } else { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "No active strip(s) to enter tweakmode on."); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } /* done */ return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void NLA_OT_tweakmode_enter (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Enter Tweak Mode"; ot->idname= "NLA_OT_tweakmode_enter"; ot->description= "Enter tweaking mode for the action referenced by the active strip."; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= nlaedit_enable_tweakmode_exec; ot->poll= nlaop_poll_tweakmode_off; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* ------------- */ static int nlaedit_disable_tweakmode_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* get a list of the AnimData blocks being shown in the NLA */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_ANIMDATA); ANIM_animdata_filter(&ac, &anim_data, filter, ac.data, ac.datatype); /* if no blocks, popup error? */ if (anim_data.first == NULL) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "No AnimData blocks to enter tweakmode for"); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } /* for each AnimData block with NLA-data, try exitting tweak-mode */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { AnimData *adt= ale->data; /* try entering tweakmode if valid */ BKE_nla_tweakmode_exit(adt); } /* free temp data */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); /* if we managed to enter tweakmode on at least one AnimData block, * set the flag for this in the active scene and send notifiers */ if (ac.scene) { /* clear editing flag */ ac.scene->flag &= ~SCE_NLA_EDIT_ON; /* set notifier that things have changed */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION|ND_NLA_ACTCHANGE, NULL); } /* done */ return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void NLA_OT_tweakmode_exit (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Exit Tweak Mode"; ot->idname= "NLA_OT_tweakmode_exit"; ot->description= "Exit tweaking mode for the action referenced by the active strip."; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= nlaedit_disable_tweakmode_exec; ot->poll= nlaop_poll_tweakmode_on; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* *********************************************** */ /* NLA Editing Operations (Constructive/Destructive) */ /* ******************** Add Action-Clip Operator ***************************** */ /* Add a new Action-Clip strip to the active track (or the active block if no space in the track) */ /* pop up menu allowing user to choose the action to use */ static int nlaedit_add_actionclip_invoke (bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *evt) { Main *m= CTX_data_main(C); bAction *act; uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; pup= uiPupMenuBegin(C, "Add Action Clip", 0); layout= uiPupMenuLayout(pup); /* loop through Actions in Main database, adding as items in the menu */ for (act= m->action.first; act; act= act->id.next) uiItemStringO(layout, act->id.name+2, 0, "NLA_OT_add_actionclip", "action", act->id.name); uiItemS(layout); uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } /* add the specified action as new strip */ static int nlaedit_add_actionclip_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; Scene *scene; ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter, items; bAction *act = NULL; char actname[22]; float cfra; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; scene= ac.scene; cfra= (float)CFRA; /* get action to use */ RNA_string_get(op->ptr, "action", actname); act= (bAction *)find_id("AC", actname+2); if (act == NULL) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "No valid Action to add."); //printf("Add strip - actname = '%s' \n", actname); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } /* get a list of the editable tracks being shown in the NLA * - this is limited to active ones for now, but could be expanded to */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_ACTIVE | ANIMFILTER_NLATRACKS | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT); items= ANIM_animdata_filter(&ac, &anim_data, filter, ac.data, ac.datatype); if (items == 0) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "No active track(s) to add strip to."); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } /* for every active track, try to add strip to free space in track or to the top of the stack if no space */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { NlaTrack *nlt= (NlaTrack *)ale->data; AnimData *adt= BKE_animdata_from_id(ale->id); NlaStrip *strip= NULL; /* create a new strip, and offset it to start on the current frame */ strip= add_nlastrip(act); strip->end += (cfra - strip->start); strip->start = cfra; /* firstly try adding strip to our current track, but if that fails, add to a new track */ if (BKE_nlatrack_add_strip(nlt, strip) == 0) { /* trying to add to the current failed (no space), * so add a new track to the stack, and add to that... */ nlt= add_nlatrack(adt, NULL); BKE_nlatrack_add_strip(nlt, strip); } } /* free temp data */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); /* set notifier that things have changed */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION|ND_NLA_EDIT, NULL); /* done */ return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void NLA_OT_add_actionclip (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Add Action Strip"; ot->idname= "NLA_OT_add_actionclip"; ot->description= "Add an Action-Clip strip (i.e. an NLA Strip referencing an Action) to the active track."; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= nlaedit_add_actionclip_invoke; ot->exec= nlaedit_add_actionclip_exec; ot->poll= nlaop_poll_tweakmode_off; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; /* props */ // TODO: this would be nicer as an ID-pointer... RNA_def_string(ot->srna, "action", "", 21, "Action", "Name of Action to add as a new Action-Clip Strip."); } /* ******************** Add Transition Operator ***************************** */ /* Add a new transition strip between selected strips */ static int nlaedit_add_transition_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; int done = 0; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* get a list of the editable tracks being shown in the NLA */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_NLATRACKS | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT); ANIM_animdata_filter(&ac, &anim_data, filter, ac.data, ac.datatype); /* for each track, find pairs of strips to add transitions to */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { NlaTrack *nlt= (NlaTrack *)ale->data; NlaStrip *s1, *s2; /* get initial pair of strips */ if ELEM(nlt->strips.first, NULL, nlt->strips.last) continue; s1= nlt->strips.first; s2= s1->next; /* loop over strips */ for (; s1 && s2; s1=s2, s2=s2->next) { NlaStrip *strip; /* check if both are selected */ if ELEM(0, (s1->flag & NLASTRIP_FLAG_SELECT), (s2->flag & NLASTRIP_FLAG_SELECT)) continue; /* check if there's space between the two */ if (IS_EQ(s1->end, s2->start)) continue; /* make neither one is a transition * - although this is impossible to create with the standard tools, * the user may have altered the settings */ if (ELEM(NLASTRIP_TYPE_TRANSITION, s1->type, s2->type)) continue; /* allocate new strip */ strip= MEM_callocN(sizeof(NlaStrip), "NlaStrip"); BLI_insertlinkafter(&nlt->strips, s1, strip); /* set the type */ strip->type= NLASTRIP_TYPE_TRANSITION; /* generic settings * - selected flag to highlight this to the user * - auto-blends to ensure that blend in/out values are automatically * determined by overlaps of strips */ strip->flag = NLASTRIP_FLAG_SELECT|NLASTRIP_FLAG_AUTO_BLENDS; /* range is simply defined as the endpoints of the adjacent strips */ strip->start = s1->end; strip->end = s2->start; /* scale and repeat aren't of any use, but shouldn't ever be 0 */ strip->scale= 1.0f; strip->repeat = 1.0f; /* make note of this */ done++; } } /* free temp data */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); /* was anything added? */ if (done) { /* set notifier that things have changed */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION|ND_NLA_EDIT, NULL); /* done */ return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } else { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Needs at least a pair of adjacent selected strips with a gap between them."); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } } void NLA_OT_add_transition (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Add Transition"; ot->idname= "NLA_OT_add_transition"; ot->description= "Add a transition strip between two adjacent selected strips."; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= nlaedit_add_transition_exec; ot->poll= nlaop_poll_tweakmode_off; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* ******************** Add Meta-Strip Operator ***************************** */ /* Add new meta-strips incorporating the selected strips */ /* add the specified action as new strip */ static int nlaedit_add_meta_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* get a list of the editable tracks being shown in the NLA */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_NLATRACKS | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT); ANIM_animdata_filter(&ac, &anim_data, filter, ac.data, ac.datatype); /* for each track, find pairs of strips to add transitions to */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { NlaTrack *nlt= (NlaTrack *)ale->data; /* create meta-strips from the continuous chains of selected strips */ BKE_nlastrips_make_metas(&nlt->strips, 0); } /* free temp data */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); /* set notifier that things have changed */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION|ND_NLA_EDIT, NULL); /* done */ return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void NLA_OT_add_meta (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Add Meta-Strips"; ot->idname= "NLA_OT_add_meta"; ot->description= "Add new meta-strips incorporating the selected strips."; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= nlaedit_add_meta_exec; ot->poll= nlaop_poll_tweakmode_off; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* ******************** Remove Meta-Strip Operator ***************************** */ /* Separate out the strips held by the selected meta-strips */ static int nlaedit_remove_meta_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* get a list of the editable tracks being shown in the NLA */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_NLATRACKS | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT); ANIM_animdata_filter(&ac, &anim_data, filter, ac.data, ac.datatype); /* for each track, find pairs of strips to add transitions to */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { NlaTrack *nlt= (NlaTrack *)ale->data; /* clear all selected meta-strips, regardless of whether they are temporary or not */ BKE_nlastrips_clear_metas(&nlt->strips, 1, 0); } /* free temp data */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); /* set notifier that things have changed */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION|ND_NLA_EDIT, NULL); /* done */ return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void NLA_OT_remove_meta (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Remove Meta-Strips"; ot->idname= "NLA_OT_remove_meta"; ot->description= "Separate out the strips held by the selected meta-strips."; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= nlaedit_remove_meta_exec; ot->poll= nlaop_poll_tweakmode_off; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* ******************** Duplicate Strips Operator ************************** */ /* Duplicates the selected NLA-Strips, putting them on new tracks above the one * the originals were housed in. */ static int nlaedit_duplicate_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; short done = 0; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* get a list of editable tracks being shown in the NLA */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_NLATRACKS | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT); ANIM_animdata_filter(&ac, &anim_data, filter, ac.data, ac.datatype); /* duplicate strips in tracks starting from the last one so that we're * less likely to duplicate strips we just duplicated... */ for (ale= anim_data.last; ale; ale= ale->prev) { NlaTrack *nlt= (NlaTrack *)ale->data; AnimData *adt= BKE_animdata_from_id(ale->id); NlaStrip *strip, *nstrip, *next; NlaTrack *track; for (strip= nlt->strips.first; strip; strip= next) { next= strip->next; /* if selected, split the strip at its midpoint */ if (strip->flag & NLASTRIP_FLAG_SELECT) { /* make a copy (assume that this is possible) */ nstrip= copy_nlastrip(strip); /* in case there's no space in the track above, or we haven't got a reference to it yet, try adding */ if (BKE_nlatrack_add_strip(nlt->next, nstrip) == 0) { /* need to add a new track above the one above the current one * - if the current one is the last one, nlt->next will be NULL, which defaults to adding * at the top of the stack anyway... */ track= add_nlatrack(adt, nlt->next); BKE_nlatrack_add_strip(track, nstrip); } /* deselect the original and the active flag */ strip->flag &= ~(NLASTRIP_FLAG_SELECT|NLASTRIP_FLAG_ACTIVE); done++; } } } /* free temp data */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); if (done) { /* set notifier that things have changed */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION|ND_NLA_EDIT, NULL); /* done */ return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } else return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } static int nlaedit_duplicate_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { nlaedit_duplicate_exec(C, op); RNA_int_set(op->ptr, "mode", TFM_TIME_TRANSLATE); // XXX WM_operator_name_call(C, "TFM_OT_transform", WM_OP_INVOKE_REGION_WIN, op->ptr); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void NLA_OT_duplicate (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Duplicate Strips"; ot->idname= "NLA_OT_duplicate"; ot->description= "Duplicate selected NLA-Strips, adding the new strips in new tracks above the originals."; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= nlaedit_duplicate_invoke; ot->exec= nlaedit_duplicate_exec; ot->poll= nlaop_poll_tweakmode_off; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; /* to give to transform */ RNA_def_int(ot->srna, "mode", TFM_TRANSLATION, 0, INT_MAX, "Mode", "", 0, INT_MAX); } /* ******************** Delete Strips Operator ***************************** */ /* Deletes the selected NLA-Strips */ static int nlaedit_delete_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* get a list of the editable tracks being shown in the NLA */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_NLATRACKS | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT); ANIM_animdata_filter(&ac, &anim_data, filter, ac.data, ac.datatype); /* for each NLA-Track, delete all selected strips */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { NlaTrack *nlt= (NlaTrack *)ale->data; NlaStrip *strip, *nstrip; for (strip= nlt->strips.first; strip; strip= nstrip) { nstrip= strip->next; /* if selected, delete */ if (strip->flag & NLASTRIP_FLAG_SELECT) { /* if a strip either side of this was a transition, delete those too */ if ((strip->prev) && (strip->prev->type == NLASTRIP_TYPE_TRANSITION)) free_nlastrip(&nlt->strips, strip->prev); if ((nstrip) && (nstrip->type == NLASTRIP_TYPE_TRANSITION)) { nstrip= nstrip->next; free_nlastrip(&nlt->strips, strip->next); } /* finally, delete this strip */ free_nlastrip(&nlt->strips, strip); } } } /* free temp data */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); /* set notifier that things have changed */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION|ND_NLA_EDIT, NULL); /* done */ return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void NLA_OT_delete (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Delete Strips"; ot->idname= "NLA_OT_delete"; ot->description= "Delete selected strips."; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= nlaedit_delete_exec; ot->poll= nlaop_poll_tweakmode_off; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* ******************** Split Strips Operator ***************************** */ /* Splits the selected NLA-Strips into two strips at the midpoint of the strip */ // TODO's? // - multiple splits // - variable-length splits? /* split a given Action-Clip strip */ static void nlaedit_split_strip_actclip (NlaTrack *nlt, NlaStrip *strip) { NlaStrip *nstrip; float midframe, midaframe, len; /* calculate the frames to do the splitting at */ /* strip extents */ len= strip->end - strip->start; if (IS_EQ(len, 0.0f)) return; else midframe= strip->start + (len / 2.0f); /* action range */ len= strip->actend - strip->actstart; if (IS_EQ(len, 0.0f)) midaframe= strip->actend; else midaframe= strip->actstart + (len / 2.0f); /* make a copy (assume that this is possible) and append * it immediately after the current strip */ nstrip= copy_nlastrip(strip); BLI_insertlinkafter(&nlt->strips, strip, nstrip); /* set the endpoint of the first strip and the start of the new strip * to the midframe values calculated above */ strip->end= midframe; nstrip->start= midframe; strip->actend= midaframe; nstrip->actstart= midaframe; /* clear the active flag from the copy */ nstrip->flag &= ~NLASTRIP_FLAG_ACTIVE; } /* split a given Meta strip */ static void nlaedit_split_strip_meta (NlaTrack *nlt, NlaStrip *strip) { /* simply ungroup it for now... */ BKE_nlastrips_clear_metastrip(&nlt->strips, strip); } /* ----- */ static int nlaedit_split_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* get a list of editable tracks being shown in the NLA */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_NLATRACKS | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT); ANIM_animdata_filter(&ac, &anim_data, filter, ac.data, ac.datatype); /* for each NLA-Track, split all selected strips into two strips */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { NlaTrack *nlt= (NlaTrack *)ale->data; NlaStrip *strip, *next; for (strip= nlt->strips.first; strip; strip= next) { next= strip->next; /* if selected, split the strip at its midpoint */ if (strip->flag & NLASTRIP_FLAG_SELECT) { /* splitting method depends on the type of strip */ switch (strip->type) { case NLASTRIP_TYPE_CLIP: /* action-clip */ nlaedit_split_strip_actclip(nlt, strip); break; case NLASTRIP_TYPE_META: /* meta-strips need special handling */ nlaedit_split_strip_meta(nlt, strip); break; default: /* for things like Transitions, do not split! */ break; } } } } /* free temp data */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); /* set notifier that things have changed */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION|ND_NLA_EDIT, NULL); /* done */ return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void NLA_OT_split (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Split Strips"; ot->idname= "NLA_OT_split"; ot->description= "Split selected strips at their midpoints."; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= nlaedit_split_exec; ot->poll= nlaop_poll_tweakmode_off; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* *********************************************** */ /* NLA Editing Operations (Modifying) */ /* ******************** Toggle Muting Operator ************************** */ /* Toggles whether strips are muted or not */ static int nlaedit_toggle_mute_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* get a list of the editable tracks being shown in the NLA */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_NLATRACKS | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT); ANIM_animdata_filter(&ac, &anim_data, filter, ac.data, ac.datatype); /* go over all selected strips */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { NlaTrack *nlt= (NlaTrack *)ale->data; NlaStrip *strip; /* for every selected strip, toggle muting */ for (strip= nlt->strips.first; strip; strip= strip->next) { if (strip->flag & NLASTRIP_FLAG_SELECT) { /* just flip the mute flag for now */ // TODO: have a pre-pass to check if mute all or unmute all? strip->flag ^= NLASTRIP_FLAG_MUTED; } } } /* free temp data */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); /* set notifier that things have changed */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION|ND_NLA_EDIT, NULL); /* done */ return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void NLA_OT_mute_toggle (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Toggle Muting"; ot->idname= "NLA_OT_mute_toggle"; ot->description= "Mute or un-muted selected strips."; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= nlaedit_toggle_mute_exec; ot->poll= nlaop_poll_tweakmode_off; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* ******************** Move Strips Up Operator ************************** */ /* Tries to move the selected strips into the track above if possible. */ static int nlaedit_move_up_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* get a list of the editable tracks being shown in the NLA */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_NLATRACKS | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT); ANIM_animdata_filter(&ac, &anim_data, filter, ac.data, ac.datatype); /* since we're potentially moving strips from lower tracks to higher tracks, we should * loop over the tracks in reverse order to avoid moving earlier strips up multiple tracks */ for (ale= anim_data.last; ale; ale= ale->prev) { NlaTrack *nlt= (NlaTrack *)ale->data; NlaTrack *nltn= nlt->next; NlaStrip *strip, *stripn; /* if this track has no tracks after it, skip for now... */ if (nltn == NULL) continue; /* for every selected strip, try to move */ for (strip= nlt->strips.first; strip; strip= stripn) { stripn= strip->next; if (strip->flag & NLASTRIP_FLAG_SELECT) { /* check if the track above has room for this strip */ if (BKE_nlatrack_has_space(nltn, strip->start, strip->end)) { /* remove from its current track, and add to the one above (it 'should' work, so no need to worry) */ BLI_remlink(&nlt->strips, strip); BKE_nlatrack_add_strip(nltn, strip); } } } } /* free temp data */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); /* set notifier that things have changed */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION|ND_NLA_EDIT, NULL); /* done */ return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void NLA_OT_move_up (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Move Strips Up"; ot->idname= "NLA_OT_move_up"; ot->description= "Move selected strips up a track if there's room."; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= nlaedit_move_up_exec; ot->poll= nlaop_poll_tweakmode_off; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* ******************** Move Strips Down Operator ************************** */ /* Tries to move the selected strips into the track above if possible. */ static int nlaedit_move_down_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* get a list of the editable tracks being shown in the NLA */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_NLATRACKS | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT); ANIM_animdata_filter(&ac, &anim_data, filter, ac.data, ac.datatype); /* loop through the tracks in normal order, since we're pushing strips down, * strips won't get operated on twice */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { NlaTrack *nlt= (NlaTrack *)ale->data; NlaTrack *nltp= nlt->prev; NlaStrip *strip, *stripn; /* if this track has no tracks before it, skip for now... */ if (nltp == NULL) continue; /* for every selected strip, try to move */ for (strip= nlt->strips.first; strip; strip= stripn) { stripn= strip->next; if (strip->flag & NLASTRIP_FLAG_SELECT) { /* check if the track below has room for this strip */ if (BKE_nlatrack_has_space(nltp, strip->start, strip->end)) { /* remove from its current track, and add to the one above (it 'should' work, so no need to worry) */ BLI_remlink(&nlt->strips, strip); BKE_nlatrack_add_strip(nltp, strip); } } } } /* free temp data */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); /* set notifier that things have changed */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION|ND_NLA_EDIT, NULL); /* done */ return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void NLA_OT_move_down (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Move Strips Down"; ot->idname= "NLA_OT_move_down"; ot->description= "Move selected strips down a track if there's room."; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= nlaedit_move_down_exec; ot->poll= nlaop_poll_tweakmode_off; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* ******************** Apply Scale Operator ***************************** */ /* Reset the scaling of the selected strips to 1.0f */ /* apply scaling to keyframe */ static short bezt_apply_nlamapping (BeztEditData *bed, BezTriple *bezt) { /* NLA-strip which has this scaling is stored in bed->data */ NlaStrip *strip= (NlaStrip *)bed->data; /* adjust all the times */ bezt->vec[0][0]= nlastrip_get_frame(strip, bezt->vec[0][0], NLATIME_CONVERT_MAP); bezt->vec[1][0]= nlastrip_get_frame(strip, bezt->vec[1][0], NLATIME_CONVERT_MAP); bezt->vec[2][0]= nlastrip_get_frame(strip, bezt->vec[2][0], NLATIME_CONVERT_MAP); /* nothing to return or else we exit */ return 0; } static int nlaedit_apply_scale_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; BeztEditData bed; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* get a list of the editable tracks being shown in the NLA */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_NLATRACKS | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT); ANIM_animdata_filter(&ac, &anim_data, filter, ac.data, ac.datatype); /* init the editing data */ memset(&bed, 0, sizeof(BeztEditData)); /* for each NLA-Track, apply scale of all selected strips */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { NlaTrack *nlt= (NlaTrack *)ale->data; NlaStrip *strip; for (strip= nlt->strips.first; strip; strip= strip->next) { /* strip must be selected, and must be action-clip only (transitions don't have scale) */ if ((strip->flag & NLASTRIP_FLAG_SELECT) && (strip->type == NLASTRIP_TYPE_CLIP)) { /* if the referenced action is used by other strips, make this strip use its own copy */ if (strip->act == NULL) continue; if (strip->act->id.us > 1) { /* make a copy of the Action to work on */ bAction *act= copy_action(strip->act); /* set this as the new referenced action, decrementing the users of the old one */ strip->act->id.us--; strip->act= act; } /* setup iterator, and iterate over all the keyframes in the action, applying this scaling */ bed.data= strip; ANIM_animchanneldata_keys_bezier_loop(&bed, strip->act, ALE_ACT, NULL, bezt_apply_nlamapping, calchandles_fcurve, 0); /* clear scale of strip now that it has been applied, * and recalculate the extents of the action now that it has been scaled * but leave everything else alone */ strip->scale= 1.0f; calc_action_range(strip->act, &strip->actstart, &strip->actend, 1); } } } /* free temp data */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); /* set notifier that things have changed */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION|ND_NLA_EDIT, NULL); /* done */ return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void NLA_OT_apply_scale (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Apply Scale"; ot->idname= "NLA_OT_apply_scale"; ot->description= "Apply scaling of selected strips to their referenced Actions."; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= nlaedit_apply_scale_exec; ot->poll= nlaop_poll_tweakmode_off; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* ******************** Clear Scale Operator ***************************** */ /* Reset the scaling of the selected strips to 1.0f */ static int nlaedit_clear_scale_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* get a list of the editable tracks being shown in the NLA */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_NLATRACKS | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT); ANIM_animdata_filter(&ac, &anim_data, filter, ac.data, ac.datatype); /* for each NLA-Track, reset scale of all selected strips */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { NlaTrack *nlt= (NlaTrack *)ale->data; NlaStrip *strip; for (strip= nlt->strips.first; strip; strip= strip->next) { /* strip must be selected, and must be action-clip only (transitions don't have scale) */ if ((strip->flag & NLASTRIP_FLAG_SELECT) && (strip->type == NLASTRIP_TYPE_CLIP)) { PointerRNA strip_ptr; RNA_pointer_create(NULL, &RNA_NlaStrip, strip, &strip_ptr); RNA_float_set(&strip_ptr, "scale", 1.0f); } } } /* free temp data */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); /* set notifier that things have changed */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION|ND_NLA_EDIT, NULL); /* done */ return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void NLA_OT_clear_scale (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Clear Scale"; ot->idname= "NLA_OT_clear_scale"; ot->description= "Reset scaling of selected strips."; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= nlaedit_clear_scale_exec; ot->poll= nlaop_poll_tweakmode_off; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* ******************** Snap Strips Operator ************************** */ /* Moves the start-point of the selected strips to the specified places */ /* defines for snap keyframes tool */ EnumPropertyItem prop_nlaedit_snap_types[] = { {NLAEDIT_SNAP_CFRA, "CFRA", 0, "Current frame", ""}, {NLAEDIT_SNAP_NEAREST_FRAME, "NEAREST_FRAME", 0, "Nearest Frame", ""}, // XXX as single entry? {NLAEDIT_SNAP_NEAREST_SECOND, "NEAREST_SECOND", 0, "Nearest Second", ""}, // XXX as single entry? {NLAEDIT_SNAP_NEAREST_MARKER, "NEAREST_MARKER", 0, "Nearest Marker", ""}, {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL} }; static int nlaedit_snap_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; Scene *scene; int mode = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type"); float secf; /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* get a list of the editable tracks being shown in the NLA */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_NLATRACKS | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT); ANIM_animdata_filter(&ac, &anim_data, filter, ac.data, ac.datatype); /* get some necessary vars */ scene= ac.scene; secf= (float)FPS; /* since we may add tracks, perform this in reverse order */ for (ale= anim_data.last; ale; ale= ale->prev) { ListBase tmp_strips = {NULL, NULL}; AnimData *adt= BKE_animdata_from_id(ale->id); NlaTrack *nlt= (NlaTrack *)ale->data; NlaStrip *strip, *stripn; NlaTrack *track; /* create meta-strips from the continuous chains of selected strips */ BKE_nlastrips_make_metas(&nlt->strips, 1); /* apply the snapping to all the temp meta-strips, then put them in a separate list to be added * back to the original only if they still fit */ for (strip= nlt->strips.first; strip; strip= stripn) { stripn= strip->next; if (strip->flag & NLASTRIP_FLAG_TEMP_META) { float start, end; /* get the existing end-points */ start= strip->start; end= strip->end; /* calculate new start position based on snapping mode */ switch (mode) { case NLAEDIT_SNAP_CFRA: /* to current frame */ strip->start= (float)CFRA; break; case NLAEDIT_SNAP_NEAREST_FRAME: /* to nearest frame */ strip->start= (float)(floor(start+0.5)); break; case NLAEDIT_SNAP_NEAREST_SECOND: /* to nearest second */ strip->start= ((float)floor(start/secf + 0.5f) * secf); break; case NLAEDIT_SNAP_NEAREST_MARKER: /* to nearest marker */ strip->start= (float)ED_markers_find_nearest_marker_time(ac.markers, start); break; default: /* just in case... no snapping */ strip->start= start; break; } /* get new endpoint based on start-point (and old length) */ strip->end= strip->start + (end - start); /* apply transforms to meta-strip to its children */ BKE_nlameta_flush_transforms(strip); /* remove strip from track, and add to the temp buffer */ BLI_remlink(&nlt->strips, strip); BLI_addtail(&tmp_strips, strip); } } /* try adding each meta-strip back to the track one at a time, to make sure they'll fit */ for (strip= tmp_strips.first; strip; strip= stripn) { stripn= strip->next; /* remove from temp-strips list */ BLI_remlink(&tmp_strips, strip); /* in case there's no space in the current track, try adding */ if (BKE_nlatrack_add_strip(nlt, strip) == 0) { /* need to add a new track above the current one */ track= add_nlatrack(adt, nlt); BKE_nlatrack_add_strip(track, strip); /* clear temp meta-strips on this new track, as we may not be able to get back to it */ BKE_nlastrips_clear_metas(&track->strips, 0, 1); } } /* remove the meta-strips now that we're done */ BKE_nlastrips_clear_metas(&nlt->strips, 0, 1); } /* free temp data */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); /* set notifier that things have changed */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION|ND_NLA_EDIT, NULL); /* done */ return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void NLA_OT_snap (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Snap Strips"; ot->idname= "NLA_OT_snap"; ot->description= "Move start of strips to specified time."; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= WM_menu_invoke; ot->exec= nlaedit_snap_exec; ot->poll= nlaop_poll_tweakmode_off; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; /* properties */ RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", prop_nlaedit_snap_types, 0, "Type", ""); } /* *********************************************** */ /* NLA Modifiers */ /* ******************** Add F-Modifier Operator *********************** */ /* present a special customised popup menu for this, with some filtering */ static int nla_fmodifier_add_invoke (bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; int i; pup= uiPupMenuBegin(C, "Add F-Modifier", 0); layout= uiPupMenuLayout(pup); /* start from 1 to skip the 'Invalid' modifier type */ for (i = 1; i < FMODIFIER_NUM_TYPES; i++) { FModifierTypeInfo *fmi= get_fmodifier_typeinfo(i); /* check if modifier is valid for this context */ if (fmi == NULL) continue; if (i == FMODIFIER_TYPE_CYCLES) /* we already have repeat... */ continue; /* add entry to add this type of modifier */ uiItemEnumO(layout, fmi->name, 0, "NLA_OT_fmodifier_add", "type", i); } uiItemS(layout); uiPupMenuEnd(C, pup); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } static int nla_fmodifier_add_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { bAnimContext ac; ListBase anim_data = {NULL, NULL}; bAnimListElem *ale; int filter; FModifier *fcm; int type= RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type"); short onlyActive = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "only_active"); /* get editor data */ if (ANIM_animdata_get_context(C, &ac) == 0) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* get a list of the editable tracks being shown in the NLA */ filter= (ANIMFILTER_VISIBLE | ANIMFILTER_NLATRACKS | ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT); ANIM_animdata_filter(&ac, &anim_data, filter, ac.data, ac.datatype); /* for each NLA-Track, add the specified modifier to all selected strips */ for (ale= anim_data.first; ale; ale= ale->next) { NlaTrack *nlt= (NlaTrack *)ale->data; NlaStrip *strip; int i = 1; for (strip= nlt->strips.first; strip; strip=strip->next, i++) { /* only add F-Modifier if on active strip? */ if ((onlyActive) && (strip->flag & NLASTRIP_FLAG_ACTIVE)==0) continue; /* add F-Modifier of specified type to selected, and make it the active one */ fcm= add_fmodifier(&strip->modifiers, type); if (fcm) set_active_fmodifier(&strip->modifiers, fcm); else { char errormsg[128]; sprintf(errormsg, "Modifier couldn't be added to (%s : %d). See console for details.", nlt->name, i); BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, errormsg); } } } /* free temp data */ BLI_freelistN(&anim_data); /* set notifier that things have changed */ // FIXME: this doesn't really do it justice... WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION, NULL); /* done */ return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void NLA_OT_fmodifier_add (wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Add F-Modifier"; ot->idname= "NLA_OT_fmodifier_add"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= nla_fmodifier_add_invoke; ot->exec= nla_fmodifier_add_exec; ot->poll= nlaop_poll_tweakmode_off; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; /* id-props */ RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", fmodifier_type_items, 0, "Type", ""); RNA_def_boolean(ot->srna, "only_active", 0, "Only Active", "Only add F-Modifier of the specified type to the active strip."); } /* *********************************************** */