/** * $Id: drawnode.c 17439 2008-11-13 09:57:11Z kakbarnf $ * * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2008 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * Contributor(s): Nathan Letwory * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include #include #include #include "DNA_ID.h" #include "DNA_node_types.h" #include "DNA_image_types.h" #include "DNA_material_types.h" #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_action_types.h" #include "DNA_color_types.h" #include "DNA_customdata_types.h" #include "DNA_gpencil_types.h" #include "DNA_ipo_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_space_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "DNA_texture_types.h" #include "DNA_text_types.h" #include "DNA_userdef_types.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_arithb.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_image.h" #include "BKE_library.h" #include "BKE_main.h" #include "BKE_material.h" #include "BKE_node.h" #include "BKE_object.h" #include "BKE_texture.h" #include "BKE_text.h" #include "BKE_utildefines.h" /* #include "BDR_gpencil.h" XXX */ #include "BIF_gl.h" #include "BIF_glutil.h" #include "BMF_Api.h" #include "WM_api.h" #include "ED_screen.h" #include "ED_util.h" #include "ED_types.h" #include "UI_text.h" #include "UI_interface.h" #include "UI_interface_icons.h" #include "UI_resources.h" #include "UI_view2d.h" #include "CMP_node.h" #include "SHD_node.h" #include "node_intern.h" // XXX interface.h extern void ui_dropshadow(rctf *rct, float radius, float aspect, int select); extern void ui_rasterpos_safe(float x, float y, float aspect); extern void gl_round_box(int mode, float minx, float miny, float maxx, float maxy, float rad); extern void ui_draw_tria_icon(float x, float y, float aspect, char dir); #if 0 // XXX static void snode_drawstring(void *curfont, SpaceNode *snode, char *str, int okwidth) { char drawstr[NODE_MAXSTR]; int width; if(str[0]==0 || okwidth<4) return; BLI_strncpy(drawstr, str, NODE_MAXSTR); width= snode->aspect*UI_GetStringWidth(curfont, drawstr, 0); if(width > okwidth) { int len= strlen(drawstr)-1; while(width > okwidth && len>=0) { drawstr[len]= 0; width= snode->aspect*UI_GetStringWidth(curfont, drawstr, 0); len--; } if(len==0) return; } UI_DrawString(curfont, drawstr, 0); } #endif static void node_scaling_widget(int color_id, float aspect, float xmin, float ymin, float xmax, float ymax) { float dx; float dy; dx= 0.5f*(xmax-xmin); dy= 0.5f*(ymax-ymin); UI_ThemeColorShade(color_id, +30); fdrawline(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax); fdrawline(xmin+dx, ymin, xmax, ymax-dy); UI_ThemeColorShade(color_id, -10); fdrawline(xmin, ymin+aspect, xmax, ymax+aspect); fdrawline(xmin+dx, ymin+aspect, xmax, ymax-dy+aspect); } /* based on settings in node, sets drawing rect info. each redraw! */ static void node_update(bNode *node) { bNodeSocket *nsock; float dy= node->locy; /* header */ dy-= NODE_DY; /* little bit space in top */ if(node->outputs.first) dy-= NODE_DYS/2; /* output sockets */ for(nsock= node->outputs.first; nsock; nsock= nsock->next) { if(!(nsock->flag & (SOCK_HIDDEN|SOCK_UNAVAIL))) { nsock->locx= node->locx + node->width; nsock->locy= dy - NODE_DYS; dy-= NODE_DY; } } node->prvr.xmin= node->butr.xmin= node->locx + NODE_DYS; node->prvr.xmax= node->butr.xmax= node->locx + node->width- NODE_DYS; /* preview rect? */ if(node->flag & NODE_PREVIEW) { /* only recalculate size when there's a preview actually, otherwise we use stored result */ if(node->preview && node->preview->rect) { float aspect= 1.0f; if(node->preview && node->preview->xsize && node->preview->ysize) aspect= (float)node->preview->ysize/(float)node->preview->xsize; dy-= NODE_DYS/2; node->prvr.ymax= dy; if(aspect <= 1.0f) node->prvr.ymin= dy - aspect*(node->width-NODE_DY); else { float dx= (node->width - NODE_DYS) - (node->width- NODE_DYS)/aspect; /* width correction of image */ node->prvr.ymin= dy - (node->width-NODE_DY); node->prvr.xmin+= 0.5f*dx; node->prvr.xmax-= 0.5f*dx; } dy= node->prvr.ymin - NODE_DYS/2; /* make sure that maximums are bigger or equal to minimums */ if(node->prvr.xmax < node->prvr.xmin) SWAP(float, node->prvr.xmax, node->prvr.xmin); if(node->prvr.ymax < node->prvr.ymin) SWAP(float, node->prvr.ymax, node->prvr.ymin); } else { float oldh= node->prvr.ymax - node->prvr.ymin; if(oldh==0.0f) oldh= 0.6f*node->width-NODE_DY; dy-= NODE_DYS/2; node->prvr.ymax= dy; node->prvr.ymin= dy - oldh; dy= node->prvr.ymin - NODE_DYS/2; } } /* XXX ugly hack, typeinfo for group is generated */ if(node->type == NODE_GROUP) ; // XXX node->typeinfo->butfunc= node_buts_group; /* buttons rect? */ if((node->flag & NODE_OPTIONS) && node->typeinfo->butfunc) { dy-= NODE_DYS/2; node->butr.ymax= dy; node->butr.ymin= dy - (float)node->typeinfo->butfunc(NULL, NULL, node, NULL); dy= node->butr.ymin - NODE_DYS/2; } /* input sockets */ for(nsock= node->inputs.first; nsock; nsock= nsock->next) { if(!(nsock->flag & (SOCK_HIDDEN|SOCK_UNAVAIL))) { nsock->locx= node->locx; nsock->locy= dy - NODE_DYS; dy-= NODE_DY; } } /* little bit space in end */ if(node->inputs.first || (node->flag & (NODE_OPTIONS|NODE_PREVIEW))==0 ) dy-= NODE_DYS/2; node->totr.xmin= node->locx; node->totr.xmax= node->locx + node->width; node->totr.ymax= node->locy; node->totr.ymin= dy; } /* based on settings in node, sets drawing rect info. each redraw! */ static void node_update_hidden(bNode *node) { bNodeSocket *nsock; float rad, drad, hiddenrad= HIDDEN_RAD; int totin=0, totout=0, tot; /* calculate minimal radius */ for(nsock= node->inputs.first; nsock; nsock= nsock->next) if(!(nsock->flag & (SOCK_HIDDEN|SOCK_UNAVAIL))) totin++; for(nsock= node->outputs.first; nsock; nsock= nsock->next) if(!(nsock->flag & (SOCK_HIDDEN|SOCK_UNAVAIL))) totout++; tot= MAX2(totin, totout); if(tot>4) { hiddenrad += 5.0f*(float)(tot-4); } node->totr.xmin= node->locx; node->totr.xmax= node->locx + 3*hiddenrad + node->miniwidth; node->totr.ymax= node->locy + (hiddenrad - 0.5f*NODE_DY); node->totr.ymin= node->totr.ymax - 2*hiddenrad; /* output sockets */ rad=drad= (float)M_PI/(1.0f + (float)totout); for(nsock= node->outputs.first; nsock; nsock= nsock->next) { if(!(nsock->flag & (SOCK_HIDDEN|SOCK_UNAVAIL))) { nsock->locx= node->totr.xmax - hiddenrad + (float)sin(rad)*hiddenrad; nsock->locy= node->totr.ymin + hiddenrad + (float)cos(rad)*hiddenrad; rad+= drad; } } /* input sockets */ rad=drad= - (float)M_PI/(1.0f + (float)totin); for(nsock= node->inputs.first; nsock; nsock= nsock->next) { if(!(nsock->flag & (SOCK_HIDDEN|SOCK_UNAVAIL))) { nsock->locx= node->totr.xmin + hiddenrad + (float)sin(rad)*hiddenrad; nsock->locy= node->totr.ymin + hiddenrad + (float)cos(rad)*hiddenrad; rad+= drad; } } } static int node_get_colorid(bNode *node) { if(node->typeinfo->nclass==NODE_CLASS_INPUT) return TH_NODE_IN_OUT; if(node->typeinfo->nclass==NODE_CLASS_OUTPUT) { if(node->flag & NODE_DO_OUTPUT) return TH_NODE_IN_OUT; else return TH_NODE; } if(node->typeinfo->nclass==NODE_CLASS_CONVERTOR) return TH_NODE_CONVERTOR; if(ELEM3(node->typeinfo->nclass, NODE_CLASS_OP_COLOR, NODE_CLASS_OP_VECTOR, NODE_CLASS_OP_FILTER)) return TH_NODE_OPERATOR; if(node->typeinfo->nclass==NODE_CLASS_GROUP) return TH_NODE_GROUP; return TH_NODE; } /* based on settings in node, sets drawing rect info. each redraw! */ /* note: this assumes only 1 group at a time is drawn (linked data) */ /* in node->totr the entire boundbox for the group is stored */ static void node_update_group(bNode *gnode) { bNodeTree *ngroup= (bNodeTree *)gnode->id; bNode *node; bNodeSocket *nsock; rctf *rect= &gnode->totr; int counter; /* center them, is a bit of abuse of locx and locy though */ for(node= ngroup->nodes.first; node; node= node->next) { node->locx+= gnode->locx; node->locy+= gnode->locy; if(node->flag & NODE_HIDDEN) node_update_hidden(node); else node_update(node); node->locx-= gnode->locx; node->locy-= gnode->locy; } counter= 1; for(node= ngroup->nodes.first; node; node= node->next) { if(counter) { *rect= node->totr; counter= 0; } else BLI_union_rctf(rect, &node->totr); } if(counter==1) return; /* should be prevented? */ rect->xmin-= NODE_DY; rect->ymin-= NODE_DY; rect->xmax+= NODE_DY; rect->ymax+= NODE_DY; /* output sockets */ for(nsock= gnode->outputs.first; nsock; nsock= nsock->next) { nsock->locx= rect->xmax; nsock->locy= nsock->tosock->locy; } /* input sockets */ for(nsock= gnode->inputs.first; nsock; nsock= nsock->next) { nsock->locx= rect->xmin; nsock->locy= nsock->tosock->locy; } } /* note: in cmp_util.c is similar code, for node_compo_pass_on() */ static void node_draw_mute_line(View2D *v2d, SpaceNode *snode, bNode *node) { bNodeSocket *valsock= NULL, *colsock= NULL, *vecsock= NULL; bNodeSocket *sock; float vec[4][3]; int a; vec[0][2]= vec[1][2]= vec[2][2]= vec[3][2]= 0.0; /* only 2d spline, set the Z to 0*/ /* connect the first value buffer in with first value out */ /* connect the first RGBA buffer in with first RGBA out */ /* test the inputs */ for(a=0, sock= node->inputs.first; sock; sock= sock->next, a++) { if(nodeCountSocketLinks(snode->edittree, sock)) { if(sock->type==SOCK_VALUE && valsock==NULL) valsock= sock; if(sock->type==SOCK_VECTOR && vecsock==NULL) vecsock= sock; if(sock->type==SOCK_RGBA && colsock==NULL) colsock= sock; } } /* outputs, draw lines */ UI_ThemeColor(TH_REDALERT); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glEnable( GL_LINE_SMOOTH ); if(valsock || colsock || vecsock) { for(a=0, sock= node->outputs.first; sock; sock= sock->next, a++) { if(nodeCountSocketLinks(snode->edittree, sock)) { vec[3][0]= sock->locx; vec[3][1]= sock->locy; if(sock->type==SOCK_VALUE && valsock) { vec[0][0]= valsock->locx; vec[0][1]= valsock->locy; node_draw_link_bezier(v2d, vec, TH_WIRE, TH_WIRE, 0); valsock= NULL; } if(sock->type==SOCK_VECTOR && vecsock) { vec[0][0]= vecsock->locx; vec[0][1]= vecsock->locy; node_draw_link_bezier(v2d, vec, TH_WIRE, TH_WIRE, 0); vecsock= NULL; } if(sock->type==SOCK_RGBA && colsock) { vec[0][0]= colsock->locx; vec[0][1]= colsock->locy; node_draw_link_bezier(v2d, vec, TH_WIRE, TH_WIRE, 0); colsock= NULL; } } } } glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable( GL_LINE_SMOOTH ); } /* nice AA filled circle */ /* this might have some more generic use */ static void circle_draw(float x, float y, float size, int type, int col[3]) { /* 16 values of sin function */ static float si[16] = { 0.00000000f, 0.39435585f,0.72479278f,0.93775213f, 0.99871650f,0.89780453f,0.65137248f,0.29936312f, -0.10116832f,-0.48530196f,-0.79077573f,-0.96807711f, -0.98846832f,-0.84864425f,-0.57126821f,-0.20129852f }; /* 16 values of cos function */ static float co[16] ={ 1.00000000f,0.91895781f,0.68896691f,0.34730525f, -0.05064916f,-0.44039415f,-0.75875812f,-0.95413925f, -0.99486932f,-0.87434661f,-0.61210598f,-0.25065253f, 0.15142777f,0.52896401f,0.82076344f,0.97952994f, }; int a; glColor3ub(col[0], col[1], col[2]); glBegin(GL_POLYGON); for(a=0; a<16; a++) glVertex2f(x+size*si[a], y+size*co[a]); glEnd(); glColor4ub(0, 0, 0, 150); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glEnable( GL_LINE_SMOOTH ); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for(a=0; a<16; a++) glVertex2f(x+size*si[a], y+size*co[a]); glEnd(); glDisable( GL_LINE_SMOOTH ); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } static void socket_circle_draw(bNodeSocket *sock, float size) { int col[3]; /* choose color based on sock flags */ if(sock->flag & SELECT) { if(sock->flag & SOCK_SEL) { col[0]= 240; col[1]= 200; col[2]= 40;} else if(sock->type==SOCK_VALUE) { col[0]= 200; col[1]= 200; col[2]= 200;} else if(sock->type==SOCK_VECTOR) { col[0]= 140; col[1]= 140; col[2]= 240;} else if(sock->type==SOCK_RGBA) { col[0]= 240; col[1]= 240; col[2]= 100;} else { col[0]= 140; col[1]= 240; col[2]= 140;} } else if(sock->flag & SOCK_SEL) { col[0]= 200; col[1]= 160; col[2]= 0;} else { if(sock->type==-1) { col[0]= 0; col[1]= 0; col[2]= 0;} else if(sock->type==SOCK_VALUE) { col[0]= 160; col[1]= 160; col[2]= 160;} else if(sock->type==SOCK_VECTOR) { col[0]= 100; col[1]= 100; col[2]= 200;} else if(sock->type==SOCK_RGBA) { col[0]= 200; col[1]= 200; col[2]= 40;} else { col[0]= 100; col[1]= 200; col[2]= 100;} } circle_draw(sock->locx, sock->locy, size, sock->type, col); } static void node_sync_cb(bContext *C, void *snode_v, void *node_v) { SpaceNode *snode= snode_v; if(snode->treetype==NTREE_SHADER) { nodeShaderSynchronizeID(node_v, 1); // allqueue(REDRAWBUTSSHADING, 0); } } /* ************** Socket callbacks *********** */ static void socket_vector_menu_cb(bContext *C, void *node_v, void *ntree_v) { if(node_v && ntree_v) { NodeTagChanged(ntree_v, node_v); // addqueue(curarea->win, UI_BUT_EVENT, B_NODE_EXEC+((bNode *)node_v)->nr); XXX } } /* NOTE: this is a block-menu, needs 0 events, otherwise the menu closes */ static uiBlock *socket_vector_menu(bContext *C, uiMenuBlockHandle *handle, void *socket_v) { SpaceNode *snode= (SpaceNode*)CTX_wm_space_data(C); ScrArea *sa= CTX_wm_area(C); bNode *node; bNodeSocket *sock= socket_v; bNodeStack *ns= &sock->ns; uiBlock *block; uiBut *bt; /* a bit ugly... retrieve the node the socket comes from */ for(node= snode->nodetree->nodes.first; node; node= node->next) { bNodeSocket *sockt; for(sockt= node->inputs.first; sockt; sockt= sockt->next) if(sockt==sock) break; if(sockt) break; } block= uiBeginBlock(C, handle->region, "socket menu", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV); /* use this for a fake extra empy space around the buttons */ uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "", -4, -4, 188, 68, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); bt= uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, 0, "X ", 0,40,180,20, ns->vec, ns->min, ns->max, 10, 0, ""); uiButSetFunc(bt, socket_vector_menu_cb, node, snode->nodetree); bt= uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, 0, "Y ", 0,20,180,20, ns->vec+1, ns->min, ns->max, 10, 0, ""); uiButSetFunc(bt, socket_vector_menu_cb, node, snode->nodetree); bt= uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, 0, "Z ", 0,0,180,20, ns->vec+2, ns->min, ns->max, 10, 0, ""); uiButSetFunc(bt, socket_vector_menu_cb, node, snode->nodetree); uiBlockSetDirection(block, UI_TOP); uiEndBlock(C, block); ED_area_tag_redraw(sa); return block; } /* not a callback */ static void node_draw_preview(bNodePreview *preview, rctf *prv) { float xscale= (prv->xmax-prv->xmin)/((float)preview->xsize); float yscale= (prv->ymax-prv->ymin)/((float)preview->ysize); float tile= (prv->xmax - prv->xmin) / 10.0f; float x, y; /* draw checkerboard backdrop to show alpha */ glColor3ub(120, 120, 120); glRectf(prv->xmin, prv->ymin, prv->xmax, prv->ymax); glColor3ub(160, 160, 160); for(y=prv->ymin; yymax; y+=tile*2) { for(x=prv->xmin; xxmax; x+=tile*2) { float tilex= tile, tiley= tile; if(x+tile > prv->xmax) tilex= prv->xmax-x; if(y+tile > prv->ymax) tiley= prv->ymax-y; glRectf(x, y, x + tilex, y + tiley); } } for(y=prv->ymin+tile; yymax; y+=tile*2) { for(x=prv->xmin+tile; xxmax; x+=tile*2) { float tilex= tile, tiley= tile; if(x+tile > prv->xmax) tilex= prv->xmax-x; if(y+tile > prv->ymax) tiley= prv->ymax-y; glRectf(x, y, x + tilex, y + tiley); } } #ifdef __APPLE__ // if(is_a_really_crappy_nvidia_card()) { XXX // float zoomx= curarea->winx/(float)(G.v2d->cur.xmax-G.v2d->cur.xmin); // float zoomy= curarea->winy/(float)(G.v2d->cur.ymax-G.v2d->cur.ymin); // glPixelZoom(zoomx*xscale, zoomy*yscale); // } // else #endif glPixelZoom(xscale, yscale); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); /* premul graphics */ glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); glaDrawPixelsTex(prv->xmin, prv->ymin, preview->xsize, preview->ysize, GL_FLOAT, preview->rect); glBlendFunc( GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glPixelZoom(1.0f, 1.0f); UI_ThemeColorShadeAlpha(TH_BACK, -15, +100); fdrawbox(prv->xmin, prv->ymin, prv->xmax, prv->ymax); } static void node_draw_basis(const bContext *C, ARegion *ar, SpaceNode *snode, bNode *node) { bNodeSocket *sock; uiBlock *block= NULL; uiBut *bt; rctf *rct= &node->totr; float /*slen,*/ iconofs; int /*ofs,*/ color_id= node_get_colorid(node); char showname[128]; /* 128 used below */ View2D *v2d = &ar->v2d; uiSetRoundBox(15-4); ui_dropshadow(rct, BASIS_RAD, snode->aspect, node->flag & SELECT); /* header */ if(color_id==TH_NODE) UI_ThemeColorShade(color_id, -20); else UI_ThemeColor(color_id); uiSetRoundBox(3); uiRoundBox(rct->xmin, rct->ymax-NODE_DY, rct->xmax, rct->ymax, BASIS_RAD); /* show/hide icons, note this sequence is copied in editnode.c */ iconofs= rct->xmax; if(node->typeinfo->flag & NODE_PREVIEW) { int icon_id; if(node->flag & (NODE_ACTIVE_ID|NODE_DO_OUTPUT)) icon_id= ICON_MATERIAL; else icon_id= ICON_MATERIAL_DEHLT; iconofs-= 18.0f; glEnable(GL_BLEND); UI_icon_draw_aspect_blended(iconofs, rct->ymax-NODE_DY+2, icon_id, snode->aspect, -60); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } if(node->type == NODE_GROUP) { iconofs-= 18.0f; glEnable(GL_BLEND); if(node->id->lib) { glPixelTransferf(GL_GREEN_SCALE, 0.7f); glPixelTransferf(GL_BLUE_SCALE, 0.3f); UI_icon_draw_aspect(iconofs, rct->ymax-NODE_DY+2, ICON_NODE, snode->aspect); glPixelTransferf(GL_GREEN_SCALE, 1.0f); glPixelTransferf(GL_BLUE_SCALE, 1.0f); } else { UI_icon_draw_aspect_blended(iconofs, rct->ymax-NODE_DY+2, ICON_NODE, snode->aspect, -60); } glDisable(GL_BLEND); } if(node->typeinfo->flag & NODE_OPTIONS) { iconofs-= 18.0f; glEnable(GL_BLEND); UI_icon_draw_aspect_blended(iconofs, rct->ymax-NODE_DY+2, ICON_BUTS, snode->aspect, -60); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } { /* always hide/reveil unused sockets */ int shade; iconofs-= 18.0f; // XXX re-enable /*if(node_has_hidden_sockets(node)) shade= -40; else*/ shade= -90; glEnable(GL_BLEND); UI_icon_draw_aspect_blended(iconofs, rct->ymax-NODE_DY+2, ICON_PLUS, snode->aspect, shade); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } /* title */ if(node->flag & SELECT) UI_ThemeColor(TH_TEXT_HI); else UI_ThemeColorBlendShade(TH_TEXT, color_id, 0.4f, 10); /* open/close entirely? */ ui_draw_tria_icon(rct->xmin+8.0f, rct->ymax-NODE_DY+4.0f, snode->aspect, 'v'); if(node->flag & SELECT) UI_ThemeColor(TH_TEXT_HI); else UI_ThemeColor(TH_TEXT); // ui_rasterpos_safe(rct->xmin+19.0f, rct->ymax-NODE_DY+5.0f, snode->aspect); if(node->flag & NODE_MUTED) sprintf(showname, "[%s]", node->name); else if(node->username[0]) sprintf(showname, "(%s) %s", node->username, node->name); else BLI_strncpy(showname, node->name, 128); block= uiBeginBlock(C, ar, "snode_drawstring_hack", UI_EMBOSSN, UI_HELV); // snode_drawstring(block->curfont, snode, showname, (int)(iconofs - rct->xmin-18.0f)); bt= uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, showname, (int)rct->xmin+19, (int)rct->ymax-NODE_DY+5, 100, 20, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiEndBlock(C, block); block= NULL; /* body */ UI_ThemeColor4(TH_NODE); glEnable(GL_BLEND); uiSetRoundBox(8); uiRoundBox(rct->xmin, rct->ymin, rct->xmax, rct->ymax-NODE_DY, BASIS_RAD); glDisable(GL_BLEND); /* scaling indicator */ node_scaling_widget(TH_NODE, snode->aspect, rct->xmax-BASIS_RAD*snode->aspect, rct->ymin, rct->xmax, rct->ymin+BASIS_RAD*snode->aspect); /* outline active emphasis */ if(node->flag & NODE_ACTIVE) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glColor4ub(200, 200, 200, 140); uiSetRoundBox(15-4); gl_round_box(GL_LINE_LOOP, rct->xmin, rct->ymin, rct->xmax, rct->ymax, BASIS_RAD); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } /* disable lines */ if(node->flag & NODE_MUTED) node_draw_mute_line(v2d, snode, node); /* we make buttons for input sockets, if... */ if(node->flag & NODE_OPTIONS) { if(node->inputs.first || node->typeinfo->butfunc) { char str[32]; /* make unique block name, also used for handling blocks in editnode.c */ sprintf(str, "node buttons %p", node); //block= uiNewBlock(&sa->uiblocks, str, UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, sa->win); block= uiBeginBlock(C, ar, str, UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV); uiBlockSetFlag(block, UI_BLOCK_NO_HILITE); // XXX if(snode->id) // XXX uiSetButLock(snode->id->lib!=NULL, ERROR_LIBDATA_MESSAGE); } } /* hurmf... another candidate for callback, have to see how this works first */ if(node->id && block && snode->treetype==NTREE_SHADER) nodeShaderSynchronizeID(node, 0); /* socket inputs, buttons */ for(sock= node->inputs.first; sock; sock= sock->next) { if(!(sock->flag & (SOCK_HIDDEN|SOCK_UNAVAIL))) { socket_circle_draw(sock, NODE_SOCKSIZE); if(block && sock->link==NULL) { float *butpoin= sock->ns.vec; if(sock->type==SOCK_VALUE) { bt= uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_NODE_EXEC+node->nr, sock->name, (short)sock->locx+NODE_DYS, (short)(sock->locy)-9, (short)node->width-NODE_DY, 17, butpoin, sock->ns.min, sock->ns.max, 10, 2, ""); uiButSetFunc(bt, node_sync_cb, snode, node); } else if(sock->type==SOCK_VECTOR) { uiDefBlockBut(block, socket_vector_menu, sock, sock->name, (short)sock->locx+NODE_DYS, (short)sock->locy-9, (short)node->width-NODE_DY, 17, ""); } else if(block && sock->type==SOCK_RGBA) { short labelw= (short)node->width-NODE_DY-40, width; if(labelw>0) width= 40; else width= (short)node->width-NODE_DY; bt= uiDefButF(block, COL, B_NODE_EXEC+node->nr, "", (short)(sock->locx+NODE_DYS), (short)sock->locy-8, width, 15, butpoin, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiButSetFunc(bt, node_sync_cb, snode, node); if(labelw>0) uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, sock->name, (short)(sock->locx+NODE_DYS) + 40, (short)sock->locy-8, labelw, 15, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); } } else { /* XXX fix UI_ThemeColor(TH_TEXT); ui_rasterpos_safe(sock->locx+8.0f, sock->locy-5.0f, snode->aspect); UI_DrawString(snode->curfont, sock->name, 0); */ } } } /* socket outputs */ for(sock= node->outputs.first; sock; sock= sock->next) { if(!(sock->flag & (SOCK_HIDDEN|SOCK_UNAVAIL))) { socket_circle_draw(sock, NODE_SOCKSIZE); /* XXX fix UI_ThemeColor(TH_TEXT); ofs= 0; slen= snode->aspect*UI_GetStringWidth(snode->curfont, sock->name, 0); while(slen > node->width) { ofs++; slen= snode->aspect*UI_GetStringWidth(snode->curfont, sock->name+ofs, 0); } ui_rasterpos_safe(sock->locx-8.0f-slen, sock->locy-5.0f, snode->aspect); UI_DrawString(snode->curfont, sock->name+ofs, 0); */ } } /* preview */ if(node->flag & NODE_PREVIEW) if(node->preview && node->preview->rect) node_draw_preview(node->preview, &node->prvr); /* buttons */ if(node->flag & NODE_OPTIONS) { if(block) { if(node->typeinfo->butfunc) { node->typeinfo->butfunc(block, snode->nodetree, node, &node->butr); } uiDrawBlock(C, block); } } if(block) uiEndBlock(C, block); } static void node_draw_hidden(View2D *v2d, SpaceNode *snode, bNode *node) { // uiBlock *block; // XXX HACK bNodeSocket *sock; rctf *rct= &node->totr; float dx, centy= 0.5f*(rct->ymax+rct->ymin); float hiddenrad= 0.5f*(rct->ymax-rct->ymin); int color_id= node_get_colorid(node); char showname[128]; /* 128 is used below */ /* shadow */ uiSetRoundBox(15); ui_dropshadow(rct, hiddenrad, snode->aspect, node->flag & SELECT); /* body */ UI_ThemeColor(color_id); uiRoundBox(rct->xmin, rct->ymin, rct->xmax, rct->ymax, hiddenrad); /* outline active emphasis */ if(node->flag & NODE_ACTIVE) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glColor4ub(200, 200, 200, 140); gl_round_box(GL_LINE_LOOP, rct->xmin, rct->ymin, rct->xmax, rct->ymax, hiddenrad); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } /* title */ if(node->flag & SELECT) UI_ThemeColor(TH_TEXT_HI); else UI_ThemeColorBlendShade(TH_TEXT, color_id, 0.4f, 10); /* open entirely icon */ ui_draw_tria_icon(rct->xmin+9.0f, centy-6.0f, snode->aspect, 'h'); /* disable lines */ if(node->flag & NODE_MUTED) node_draw_mute_line(v2d, snode, node); if(node->flag & SELECT) UI_ThemeColor(TH_TEXT_HI); else UI_ThemeColor(TH_TEXT); if(node->miniwidth>0.0f) { ui_rasterpos_safe(rct->xmin+21.0f, centy-4.0f, snode->aspect); if(node->flag & NODE_MUTED) sprintf(showname, "[%s]", node->name); else if(node->username[0]) sprintf(showname, "(%s)%s", node->username, node->name); else BLI_strncpy(showname, node->name, 128); /* XXX block= uiBeginBlock(C, ar, "snode_drawstring_hack", UI_EMBOSSN, UI_HELV); // snode_drawstring(block->curfont, snode, showname, (int)(iconofs - rct->xmin-18.0f)); bt= uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, showname, rct->xmin+21, centy-4, 100, 20, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiEndBlock(C, block); */ } /* scale widget thing */ UI_ThemeColorShade(color_id, -10); dx= 10.0f; fdrawline(rct->xmax-dx, centy-4.0f, rct->xmax-dx, centy+4.0f); fdrawline(rct->xmax-dx-3.0f*snode->aspect, centy-4.0f, rct->xmax-dx-3.0f*snode->aspect, centy+4.0f); UI_ThemeColorShade(color_id, +30); dx-= snode->aspect; fdrawline(rct->xmax-dx, centy-4.0f, rct->xmax-dx, centy+4.0f); fdrawline(rct->xmax-dx-3.0f*snode->aspect, centy-4.0f, rct->xmax-dx-3.0f*snode->aspect, centy+4.0f); /* sockets */ for(sock= node->inputs.first; sock; sock= sock->next) { if(!(sock->flag & (SOCK_HIDDEN|SOCK_UNAVAIL))) socket_circle_draw(sock, NODE_SOCKSIZE); } for(sock= node->outputs.first; sock; sock= sock->next) { if(!(sock->flag & (SOCK_HIDDEN|SOCK_UNAVAIL))) socket_circle_draw(sock, NODE_SOCKSIZE); } } static void node_draw_nodetree(const bContext *C, ARegion *ar, SpaceNode *snode, bNodeTree *ntree) { bNode *node; bNodeLink *link; int a; if(ntree==NULL) return; /* groups... */ /* node lines */ glEnable(GL_BLEND); glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); for(link= ntree->links.first; link; link= link->next) node_draw_link(&ar->v2d, snode, link); glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glDisable(GL_BLEND); /* not selected first */ for(a=0, node= ntree->nodes.first; node; node= node->next, a++) { node->nr= a; /* index of node in list, used for exec event code */ if(!(node->flag & SELECT)) { if(node->flag & NODE_GROUP_EDIT); else if(node->flag & NODE_HIDDEN) node_draw_hidden(&ar->v2d, snode, node); else node_draw_basis(C, ar, snode, node); } } /* selected */ for(node= ntree->nodes.first; node; node= node->next) { if(node->flag & SELECT) { if(node->flag & NODE_GROUP_EDIT); else if(node->flag & NODE_HIDDEN) node_draw_hidden(&ar->v2d, snode, node); else node_draw_basis(C, ar, snode, node); } } } /* fake links from groupnode to internal nodes */ static void node_draw_group_links(View2D *v2d, SpaceNode *snode, bNode *gnode) { bNodeLink fakelink; bNodeSocket *sock; glEnable(GL_BLEND); glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); fakelink.tonode= fakelink.fromnode= gnode; for(sock= gnode->inputs.first; sock; sock= sock->next) { if(!(sock->flag & (SOCK_HIDDEN|SOCK_UNAVAIL))) { if(sock->tosock) { fakelink.fromsock= sock; fakelink.tosock= sock->tosock; node_draw_link(v2d, snode, &fakelink); } } } for(sock= gnode->outputs.first; sock; sock= sock->next) { if(!(sock->flag & (SOCK_HIDDEN|SOCK_UNAVAIL))) { if(sock->tosock) { fakelink.tosock= sock; fakelink.fromsock= sock->tosock; node_draw_link(v2d, snode, &fakelink); } } } glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); } /* groups are, on creation, centered around 0,0 */ static void node_draw_group(const bContext *C, ARegion *ar, SpaceNode *snode, bNode *gnode) { bNodeTree *ngroup= (bNodeTree *)gnode->id; bNodeSocket *sock; rctf rect= gnode->totr; char showname[128]; /* backdrop header */ glEnable(GL_BLEND); uiSetRoundBox(3); UI_ThemeColorShadeAlpha(TH_NODE_GROUP, 0, -70); gl_round_box(GL_POLYGON, rect.xmin, rect.ymax, rect.xmax, rect.ymax+NODE_DY, BASIS_RAD); /* backdrop body */ UI_ThemeColorShadeAlpha(TH_BACK, -8, -70); uiSetRoundBox(12); gl_round_box(GL_POLYGON, rect.xmin, rect.ymin, rect.xmax, rect.ymax, BASIS_RAD); /* selection outline */ uiSetRoundBox(15); glColor4ub(200, 200, 200, 140); glEnable( GL_LINE_SMOOTH ); gl_round_box(GL_LINE_LOOP, rect.xmin, rect.ymin, rect.xmax, rect.ymax+NODE_DY, BASIS_RAD); glDisable( GL_LINE_SMOOTH ); glDisable(GL_BLEND); /* backdrop title */ UI_ThemeColor(TH_TEXT_HI); ui_rasterpos_safe(rect.xmin+8.0f, rect.ymax+5.0f, snode->aspect); if(gnode->username[0]) { strcpy(showname,"("); strcat(showname, gnode->username); strcat(showname,") "); strcat(showname, ngroup->id.name+2); } else strcpy(showname, ngroup->id.name+2); UI_DrawString(snode->curfont, showname, 0); /* links from groupsockets to the internal nodes */ node_draw_group_links(&ar->v2d, snode, gnode); /* group sockets */ for(sock= gnode->inputs.first; sock; sock= sock->next) if(!(sock->flag & (SOCK_HIDDEN|SOCK_UNAVAIL))) socket_circle_draw(sock, NODE_SOCKSIZE); for(sock= gnode->outputs.first; sock; sock= sock->next) if(!(sock->flag & (SOCK_HIDDEN|SOCK_UNAVAIL))) socket_circle_draw(sock, NODE_SOCKSIZE); /* and finally the whole tree */ node_draw_nodetree(C, ar, snode, ngroup); } void drawnodespace(const bContext *C, ARegion *ar, View2D *v2d) { float col[3]; View2DScrollers *scrollers; SpaceNode *snode= (SpaceNode*)CTX_wm_space_data(C); ScrArea *sa= CTX_wm_area(C); UI_GetThemeColor3fv(TH_BACK, col); glClearColor(col[0], col[1], col[2], 0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); UI_view2d_view_ortho(C, v2d); //uiFreeBlocksWin(&sa->uiblocks, sa->win); /* only set once */ glBlendFunc( GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); glEnable(GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3); /* aspect+font, set each time */ snode->aspect= (v2d->cur.xmax - v2d->cur.xmin)/((float)sa->winx); //snode->curfont= uiSetCurFont_ext(snode->aspect); UI_view2d_constant_grid_draw(C, v2d); /* backdrop */ draw_nodespace_back_pix(sa, snode); /* nodes */ snode_set_context(snode, CTX_data_scene(C)); if(snode->nodetree) { bNode *node; /* for now, we set drawing coordinates on each redraw */ for(node= snode->nodetree->nodes.first; node; node= node->next) { if(node->flag & NODE_GROUP_EDIT) node_update_group(node); else if(node->flag & NODE_HIDDEN) node_update_hidden(node); else node_update(node); } node_draw_nodetree(C, ar, snode, snode->nodetree); /* active group */ for(node= snode->nodetree->nodes.first; node; node= node->next) { if(node->flag & NODE_GROUP_EDIT) node_draw_group(C, ar, snode, node); } } /* draw grease-pencil ('canvas' strokes) */ /*if ((snode->flag & SNODE_DISPGP) && (snode->nodetree)) draw_gpencil_2dview(sa, 1);*/ /* restore viewport (not needed yet) */ /*mywinset(sa->win);*/ /* ortho at pixel level curarea */ /*myortho2(-0.375, sa->winx-0.375, -0.375, sa->winy-0.375);*/ /* draw grease-pencil (screen strokes) */ /*if ((snode->flag & SNODE_DISPGP) && (snode->nodetree)) draw_gpencil_2dview(sa, 0);*/ //draw_area_emboss(sa); /* it is important to end a view in a transform compatible with buttons */ /*bwin_scalematrix(sa->win, snode->blockscale, snode->blockscale, snode->blockscale); nodes_blockhandlers(sa);*/ //curarea->win_swap= WIN_BACK_OK; /* in the end, this is a delayed previewrender test, to allow buttons to be first */ /*if(snode->flag & SNODE_DO_PREVIEW) { addafterqueue(sa->win, RENDERPREVIEW, 1); snode->flag &= ~SNODE_DO_PREVIEW; }*/ /* reset view matrix */ UI_view2d_view_restore(C); /* scrollers */ scrollers= UI_view2d_scrollers_calc(C, v2d, 10, V2D_GRID_CLAMP, V2D_ARG_DUMMY, V2D_ARG_DUMMY); UI_view2d_scrollers_draw(C, v2d, scrollers); UI_view2d_scrollers_free(scrollers); }