/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2004 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): Joshua Leung * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file blender/editors/space_outliner/outliner_draw.c * \ingroup spoutliner */ #include "DNA_anim_types.h" #include "DNA_armature_types.h" #include "DNA_group_types.h" #include "DNA_lamp_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_sequence_types.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BLI_mempool.h" #include "BLF_translation.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_deform.h" #include "BKE_depsgraph.h" #include "BKE_fcurve.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_library.h" #include "BKE_main.h" #include "BKE_modifier.h" #include "BKE_report.h" #include "BKE_scene.h" #include "BKE_object.h" #include "ED_armature.h" #include "ED_keyframing.h" #include "ED_object.h" #include "ED_screen.h" #include "WM_api.h" #include "WM_types.h" #include "BIF_gl.h" #include "BIF_glutil.h" #include "UI_interface.h" #include "UI_interface_icons.h" #include "UI_resources.h" #include "UI_view2d.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "outliner_intern.h" /* disable - this is far too slow - campbell */ // #define USE_GROUP_SELECT /* ****************************************************** */ /* Tree Size Functions */ static void outliner_height(SpaceOops *soops, ListBase *lb, int *h) { TreeElement *te = lb->first; while (te) { TreeStoreElem *tselem = TREESTORE(te); if (TSELEM_OPEN(tselem, soops)) outliner_height(soops, &te->subtree, h); (*h) += UI_UNIT_Y; te = te->next; } } #if 0 // XXX this is currently disabled until te->xend is set correctly static void outliner_width(SpaceOops *soops, ListBase *lb, int *w) { TreeElement *te = lb->first; while (te) { // TreeStoreElem *tselem = TREESTORE(te); // XXX fixme... te->xend is not set yet if (!TSELEM_OPEN(tselem, soops)) { if (te->xend > *w) *w = te->xend; } outliner_width(soops, &te->subtree, w); te = te->next; } } #endif static void outliner_rna_width(SpaceOops *soops, ListBase *lb, int *w, int startx) { TreeElement *te = lb->first; while (te) { TreeStoreElem *tselem = TREESTORE(te); // XXX fixme... (currently, we're using a fixed length of 100)! #if 0 if (te->xend) { if (te->xend > *w) *w = te->xend; } #endif if (startx + 100 > *w) *w = startx + 100; if (TSELEM_OPEN(tselem, soops)) outliner_rna_width(soops, &te->subtree, w, startx + UI_UNIT_X); te = te->next; } } /* ****************************************************** */ static void restrictbutton_recursive_ebone(bContext *C, EditBone *ebone_parent, int flag, bool set_flag) { Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); bArmature *arm = obedit->data; EditBone *ebone; for (ebone = arm->edbo->first; ebone; ebone = ebone->next) { if (ED_armature_ebone_is_child_recursive(ebone_parent, ebone)) { if (set_flag) { ebone->flag &= ~(BONE_TIPSEL | BONE_SELECTED | BONE_ROOTSEL); ebone->flag |= flag; } else { ebone->flag &= ~flag; } } } } static void restrictbutton_recursive_bone(bContext *C, bArmature *arm, Bone *bone_parent, int flag, bool set_flag) { Bone *bone; for (bone = bone_parent->childbase.first; bone; bone = bone->next) { if (set_flag) { bone->flag &= ~(BONE_TIPSEL | BONE_SELECTED | BONE_ROOTSEL); bone->flag |= flag; } else { bone->flag &= ~flag; } restrictbutton_recursive_bone(C, arm, bone, flag, set_flag); } } static void restrictbutton_recursive_child(bContext *C, Scene *scene, Object *ob_parent, char flag, bool state, bool deselect, const char *rnapropname) { Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C); Object *ob; for (ob = bmain->object.first; ob; ob = ob->id.next) { if (BKE_object_is_child_recursive(ob_parent, ob)) { if (state) { ob->restrictflag |= flag; if (deselect) { ED_base_object_select(BKE_scene_base_find(scene, ob), BA_DESELECT); } } else { ob->restrictflag &= ~flag; } if (rnapropname) { PointerRNA ptr; PropertyRNA *prop; ID *id; bAction *action; FCurve *fcu; bool driven; RNA_id_pointer_create(&ob->id, &ptr); prop = RNA_struct_find_property(&ptr, rnapropname); fcu = rna_get_fcurve_context_ui(C, &ptr, prop, 0, NULL, &action, &driven); if (fcu && !driven) { id = ptr.id.data; if (autokeyframe_cfra_can_key(scene, id)) { ReportList *reports = CTX_wm_reports(C); short flag = ANIM_get_keyframing_flags(scene, 1); fcu->flag &= ~FCURVE_SELECTED; insert_keyframe(reports, id, action, ((fcu->grp) ? (fcu->grp->name) : (NULL)), fcu->rna_path, fcu->array_index, CFRA, flag); /* Assuming this is not necessary here, since 'ancestor' object button will do it anyway. */ /* WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ANIMATION | ND_KEYFRAME | NA_EDITED, NULL); */ } } } } } } static void restrictbutton_view_cb(bContext *C, void *poin, void *poin2) { Scene *scene = (Scene *)poin; Object *ob = (Object *)poin2; if (!common_restrict_check(C, ob)) return; /* deselect objects that are invisible */ if (ob->restrictflag & OB_RESTRICT_VIEW) { /* Ouch! There is no backwards pointer from Object to Base, * so have to do loop to find it. */ ED_base_object_select(BKE_scene_base_find(scene, ob), BA_DESELECT); } if (CTX_wm_window(C)->eventstate->ctrl) { restrictbutton_recursive_child(C, scene, ob, OB_RESTRICT_VIEW, (ob->restrictflag & OB_RESTRICT_VIEW) != 0, true, "hide"); } WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_OB_SELECT, scene); } static void restrictbutton_sel_cb(bContext *C, void *poin, void *poin2) { Scene *scene = (Scene *)poin; Object *ob = (Object *)poin2; if (!common_restrict_check(C, ob)) return; /* if select restriction has just been turned on */ if (ob->restrictflag & OB_RESTRICT_SELECT) { /* Ouch! There is no backwards pointer from Object to Base, * so have to do loop to find it. */ ED_base_object_select(BKE_scene_base_find(scene, ob), BA_DESELECT); } if (CTX_wm_window(C)->eventstate->ctrl) { restrictbutton_recursive_child(C, scene, ob, OB_RESTRICT_SELECT, (ob->restrictflag & OB_RESTRICT_SELECT) != 0, true, NULL); } WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_OB_SELECT, scene); } static void restrictbutton_rend_cb(bContext *C, void *poin, void *poin2) { Object *ob = (Object *)poin2; if (CTX_wm_window(C)->eventstate->ctrl) { restrictbutton_recursive_child(C, (Scene *)poin, ob, OB_RESTRICT_RENDER, (ob->restrictflag & OB_RESTRICT_RENDER) != 0, false, "hide_render"); } WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_OB_RENDER, poin); } static void restrictbutton_r_lay_cb(bContext *C, void *poin, void *UNUSED(poin2)) { WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE | ND_RENDER_OPTIONS, poin); } static void restrictbutton_modifier_cb(bContext *C, void *UNUSED(poin), void *poin2) { Object *ob = (Object *)poin2; DAG_id_tag_update(&ob->id, OB_RECALC_DATA); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_DRAW, ob); } static void restrictbutton_bone_visibility_cb(bContext *C, void *poin, void *poin2) { bArmature *arm = (bArmature *)poin; Bone *bone = (Bone *)poin2; if (bone->flag & BONE_HIDDEN_P) bone->flag &= ~(BONE_SELECTED | BONE_TIPSEL | BONE_ROOTSEL); if (CTX_wm_window(C)->eventstate->ctrl) { restrictbutton_recursive_bone(C, arm, bone, BONE_HIDDEN_P, (bone->flag & BONE_HIDDEN_P) != 0); } WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_POSE, NULL); } static void restrictbutton_bone_select_cb(bContext *C, void *poin, void *poin2) { bArmature *arm = (bArmature *)poin; Bone *bone = (Bone *)poin2; if (bone->flag & BONE_UNSELECTABLE) bone->flag &= ~(BONE_SELECTED | BONE_TIPSEL | BONE_ROOTSEL); if (CTX_wm_window(C)->eventstate->ctrl) { restrictbutton_recursive_bone(C, arm, bone, BONE_UNSELECTABLE, (bone->flag & BONE_UNSELECTABLE) != 0); } WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_POSE, NULL); } static void restrictbutton_ebone_select_cb(bContext *C, void *UNUSED(poin), void *poin2) { EditBone *ebone = (EditBone *)poin2; if (ebone->flag & BONE_UNSELECTABLE) { ebone->flag &= ~(BONE_SELECTED | BONE_TIPSEL | BONE_ROOTSEL); } if (CTX_wm_window(C)->eventstate->ctrl) { restrictbutton_recursive_ebone(C, ebone, BONE_UNSELECTABLE, (ebone->flag & BONE_UNSELECTABLE) != 0); } WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_POSE, NULL); } static void restrictbutton_ebone_visibility_cb(bContext *C, void *UNUSED(poin), void *poin2) { EditBone *ebone = (EditBone *)poin2; if (ebone->flag & BONE_HIDDEN_A) { ebone->flag &= ~(BONE_SELECTED | BONE_TIPSEL | BONE_ROOTSEL); } if (CTX_wm_window(C)->eventstate->ctrl) { restrictbutton_recursive_ebone(C, ebone, BONE_HIDDEN_A, (ebone->flag & BONE_HIDDEN_A) != 0); } WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_POSE, NULL); } static int group_restrict_flag(Group *gr, int flag) { GroupObject *gob; #ifdef USE_GROUP_SELECT for (gob = gr->gobject.first; gob; gob = gob->next) { if ((gob->ob->restrictflag & flag) == 0) return 0; } return 1; #else /* weak but fast */ if ((gob = gr->gobject.first)) if ((gob->ob->restrictflag & flag) == 0) return 0; return 1; #endif } static int group_select_flag(Group *gr) { GroupObject *gob; #ifdef USE_GROUP_SELECT for (gob = gr->gobject.first; gob; gob = gob->next) if ((gob->ob->flag & SELECT)) return 1; return 0; #else /* weak but fast */ if ((gob = gr->gobject.first)) if (gob->ob->flag & SELECT) return 1; return 0; #endif } void restrictbutton_gr_restrict_flag(void *poin, void *poin2, int flag) { Scene *scene = (Scene *)poin; GroupObject *gob; Group *gr = (Group *)poin2; if (group_restrict_flag(gr, flag)) { for (gob = gr->gobject.first; gob; gob = gob->next) { if (gob->ob->id.lib) continue; gob->ob->restrictflag &= ~flag; if (flag == OB_RESTRICT_VIEW) if (gob->ob->flag & SELECT) ED_base_object_select(BKE_scene_base_find(scene, gob->ob), BA_DESELECT); } } else { for (gob = gr->gobject.first; gob; gob = gob->next) { if (gob->ob->id.lib) continue; /* not in editmode */ if (scene->obedit != gob->ob) { gob->ob->restrictflag |= flag; if (ELEM(flag, OB_RESTRICT_SELECT, OB_RESTRICT_VIEW)) { if ((gob->ob->flag & SELECT)) { ED_base_object_select(BKE_scene_base_find(scene, gob->ob), BA_DESELECT); } } } } } } static void restrictbutton_gr_restrict_view(bContext *C, void *poin, void *poin2) { restrictbutton_gr_restrict_flag(poin, poin2, OB_RESTRICT_VIEW); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GROUP, NULL); } static void restrictbutton_gr_restrict_select(bContext *C, void *poin, void *poin2) { restrictbutton_gr_restrict_flag(poin, poin2, OB_RESTRICT_SELECT); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GROUP, NULL); } static void restrictbutton_gr_restrict_render(bContext *C, void *poin, void *poin2) { restrictbutton_gr_restrict_flag(poin, poin2, OB_RESTRICT_RENDER); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GROUP, NULL); } static void namebutton_cb(bContext *C, void *tsep, char *oldname) { SpaceOops *soops = CTX_wm_space_outliner(C); Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); BLI_mempool *ts = soops->treestore; TreeStoreElem *tselem = tsep; if (ts && tselem) { TreeElement *te = outliner_find_tse(soops, tselem); if (tselem->type == 0) { test_idbutton(tselem->id->name); // library.c, unique name and alpha sort switch (GS(tselem->id->name)) { case ID_MA: WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_MATERIAL, NULL); break; case ID_TE: WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_TEXTURE, NULL); break; case ID_IM: WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_IMAGE, NULL); break; case ID_SCE: WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE, NULL); break; default: WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_ID | NA_RENAME, NULL); break; } /* Check the library target exists */ if (te->idcode == ID_LI) { Library *lib = (Library *)tselem->id; char expanded[FILE_MAX]; BKE_library_filepath_set(lib, lib->name); BLI_strncpy(expanded, lib->name, sizeof(expanded)); BLI_path_abs(expanded, G.main->name); if (!BLI_exists(expanded)) { BKE_reportf(CTX_wm_reports(C), RPT_ERROR, "Library path '%s' does not exist, correct this before saving", expanded); } } } else { switch (tselem->type) { case TSE_DEFGROUP: defgroup_unique_name(te->directdata, (Object *)tselem->id); // id = object break; case TSE_NLA_ACTION: test_idbutton(tselem->id->name); break; case TSE_EBONE: { bArmature *arm = (bArmature *)tselem->id; if (arm->edbo) { EditBone *ebone = te->directdata; char newname[sizeof(ebone->name)]; /* restore bone name */ BLI_strncpy(newname, ebone->name, sizeof(ebone->name)); BLI_strncpy(ebone->name, oldname, sizeof(ebone->name)); ED_armature_bone_rename(obedit->data, oldname, newname); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_POSE, OBACT); } break; } case TSE_BONE: { Bone *bone = te->directdata; Object *ob; char newname[sizeof(bone->name)]; /* always make current object active */ tree_element_active(C, scene, soops, te, OL_SETSEL_NORMAL, true); ob = OBACT; /* restore bone name */ BLI_strncpy(newname, bone->name, sizeof(bone->name)); BLI_strncpy(bone->name, oldname, sizeof(bone->name)); ED_armature_bone_rename(ob->data, oldname, newname); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_POSE, ob); break; } case TSE_POSE_CHANNEL: { bPoseChannel *pchan = te->directdata; Object *ob; char newname[sizeof(pchan->name)]; /* always make current pose-bone active */ tree_element_active(C, scene, soops, te, OL_SETSEL_NORMAL, true); ob = OBACT; BLI_assert(ob->type == OB_ARMATURE); /* restore bone name */ BLI_strncpy(newname, pchan->name, sizeof(pchan->name)); BLI_strncpy(pchan->name, oldname, sizeof(pchan->name)); ED_armature_bone_rename(ob->data, oldname, newname); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_POSE, ob); break; } case TSE_POSEGRP: { Object *ob = (Object *)tselem->id; // id = object bActionGroup *grp = te->directdata; BLI_uniquename(&ob->pose->agroups, grp, CTX_DATA_(BLF_I18NCONTEXT_ID_ACTION, "Group"), '.', offsetof(bActionGroup, name), sizeof(grp->name)); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_POSE, ob); break; } case TSE_R_LAYER: break; } } tselem->flag &= ~TSE_TEXTBUT; } } static void outliner_draw_restrictbuts(uiBlock *block, Scene *scene, ARegion *ar, SpaceOops *soops, ListBase *lb) { uiBut *bt; TreeElement *te; TreeStoreElem *tselem; Object *ob = NULL; Group *gr = NULL; PropertyRNA *object_prop_hide, *object_prop_hide_select, *object_prop_hide_render; /* get RNA properties (once) */ object_prop_hide = RNA_struct_type_find_property(&RNA_Object, "hide"); object_prop_hide_select = RNA_struct_type_find_property(&RNA_Object, "hide_select"); object_prop_hide_render = RNA_struct_type_find_property(&RNA_Object, "hide_render"); BLI_assert(object_prop_hide && object_prop_hide_select && object_prop_hide_render); for (te = lb->first; te; te = te->next) { tselem = TREESTORE(te); if (te->ys + 2 * UI_UNIT_Y >= ar->v2d.cur.ymin && te->ys <= ar->v2d.cur.ymax) { /* objects have toggle-able restriction flags */ if (tselem->type == 0 && te->idcode == ID_OB) { PointerRNA ptr; ob = (Object *)tselem->id; RNA_pointer_create((ID *)ob, &RNA_Object, ob, &ptr); UI_block_emboss_set(block, UI_EMBOSS_NONE); bt = uiDefIconButR_prop(block, UI_BTYPE_ICON_TOGGLE, 0, ICON_RESTRICT_VIEW_OFF, (int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_VIEWX), te->ys, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &ptr, object_prop_hide, -1, 0, 0, -1, -1, TIP_("Restrict viewport visibility (Ctrl - Recursive)")); UI_but_func_set(bt, restrictbutton_view_cb, scene, ob); UI_but_flag_enable(bt, UI_BUT_DRAG_LOCK); bt = uiDefIconButR_prop(block, UI_BTYPE_ICON_TOGGLE, 0, ICON_RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF, (int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_SELECTX), te->ys, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &ptr, object_prop_hide_select, -1, 0, 0, -1, -1, TIP_("Restrict viewport selection (Ctrl - Recursive)")); UI_but_func_set(bt, restrictbutton_sel_cb, scene, ob); UI_but_flag_enable(bt, UI_BUT_DRAG_LOCK); bt = uiDefIconButR_prop(block, UI_BTYPE_ICON_TOGGLE, 0, ICON_RESTRICT_RENDER_OFF, (int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_RENDERX), te->ys, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &ptr, object_prop_hide_render, -1, 0, 0, -1, -1, TIP_("Restrict rendering (Ctrl - Recursive)")); UI_but_func_set(bt, restrictbutton_rend_cb, scene, ob); UI_but_flag_enable(bt, UI_BUT_DRAG_LOCK); UI_block_emboss_set(block, UI_EMBOSS); } if (tselem->type == 0 && te->idcode == ID_GR) { int restrict_bool; int but_flag = UI_BUT_DRAG_LOCK; gr = (Group *)tselem->id; if (gr->id.lib) but_flag |= UI_BUT_DISABLED; UI_block_emboss_set(block, UI_EMBOSS_NONE); restrict_bool = group_restrict_flag(gr, OB_RESTRICT_VIEW); bt = uiDefIconBut(block, UI_BTYPE_ICON_TOGGLE, 0, restrict_bool ? ICON_RESTRICT_VIEW_ON : ICON_RESTRICT_VIEW_OFF, (int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_VIEWX), te->ys, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, TIP_("Restrict/Allow visibility in the 3D View")); UI_but_func_set(bt, restrictbutton_gr_restrict_view, scene, gr); UI_but_flag_enable(bt, but_flag); restrict_bool = group_restrict_flag(gr, OB_RESTRICT_SELECT); bt = uiDefIconBut(block, UI_BTYPE_ICON_TOGGLE, 0, restrict_bool ? ICON_RESTRICT_SELECT_ON : ICON_RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF, (int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_SELECTX), te->ys, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, TIP_("Restrict/Allow selection in the 3D View")); UI_but_func_set(bt, restrictbutton_gr_restrict_select, scene, gr); UI_but_flag_enable(bt, but_flag); restrict_bool = group_restrict_flag(gr, OB_RESTRICT_RENDER); bt = uiDefIconBut(block, UI_BTYPE_ICON_TOGGLE, 0, restrict_bool ? ICON_RESTRICT_RENDER_ON : ICON_RESTRICT_RENDER_OFF, (int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_RENDERX), te->ys, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, TIP_("Restrict/Allow renderability")); UI_but_func_set(bt, restrictbutton_gr_restrict_render, scene, gr); UI_but_flag_enable(bt, but_flag); UI_block_emboss_set(block, UI_EMBOSS); } /* scene render layers and passes have toggle-able flags too! */ else if (tselem->type == TSE_R_LAYER) { UI_block_emboss_set(block, UI_EMBOSS_NONE); bt = uiDefIconButBitI(block, UI_BTYPE_ICON_TOGGLE_N, SCE_LAY_DISABLE, 0, ICON_CHECKBOX_HLT - 1, (int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_VIEWX), te->ys, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, te->directdata, 0, 0, 0, 0, TIP_("Render this RenderLayer")); UI_but_func_set(bt, restrictbutton_r_lay_cb, tselem->id, NULL); UI_but_flag_enable(bt, UI_BUT_DRAG_LOCK); UI_block_emboss_set(block, UI_EMBOSS); } else if (tselem->type == TSE_R_PASS) { int *layflag = te->directdata; int passflag = 1 << tselem->nr; UI_block_emboss_set(block, UI_EMBOSS_NONE); bt = uiDefIconButBitI(block, UI_BTYPE_ICON_TOGGLE, passflag, 0, ICON_CHECKBOX_HLT - 1, (int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_VIEWX), te->ys, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, layflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, TIP_("Render this Pass")); UI_but_func_set(bt, restrictbutton_r_lay_cb, tselem->id, NULL); UI_but_flag_enable(bt, UI_BUT_DRAG_LOCK); layflag++; /* is lay_xor */ if (ELEM(passflag, SCE_PASS_SPEC, SCE_PASS_SHADOW, SCE_PASS_AO, SCE_PASS_REFLECT, SCE_PASS_REFRACT, SCE_PASS_INDIRECT, SCE_PASS_EMIT, SCE_PASS_ENVIRONMENT)) { bt = uiDefIconButBitI(block, UI_BTYPE_TOGGLE, passflag, 0, (*layflag & passflag) ? ICON_DOT : ICON_BLANK1, (int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_SELECTX), te->ys, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, layflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, TIP_("Exclude this Pass from Combined")); UI_but_func_set(bt, restrictbutton_r_lay_cb, tselem->id, NULL); UI_but_flag_enable(bt, UI_BUT_DRAG_LOCK); } UI_block_emboss_set(block, UI_EMBOSS); } else if (tselem->type == TSE_MODIFIER) { ModifierData *md = (ModifierData *)te->directdata; ob = (Object *)tselem->id; UI_block_emboss_set(block, UI_EMBOSS_NONE); bt = uiDefIconButBitI(block, UI_BTYPE_ICON_TOGGLE_N, eModifierMode_Realtime, 0, ICON_RESTRICT_VIEW_OFF, (int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_VIEWX), te->ys, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &(md->mode), 0, 0, 0, 0, TIP_("Restrict/Allow visibility in the 3D View")); UI_but_func_set(bt, restrictbutton_modifier_cb, scene, ob); UI_but_flag_enable(bt, UI_BUT_DRAG_LOCK); bt = uiDefIconButBitI(block, UI_BTYPE_ICON_TOGGLE_N, eModifierMode_Render, 0, ICON_RESTRICT_RENDER_OFF, (int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_RENDERX), te->ys, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &(md->mode), 0, 0, 0, 0, TIP_("Restrict/Allow renderability")); UI_but_func_set(bt, restrictbutton_modifier_cb, scene, ob); UI_but_flag_enable(bt, UI_BUT_DRAG_LOCK); UI_block_emboss_set(block, UI_EMBOSS); } else if (tselem->type == TSE_POSE_CHANNEL) { bPoseChannel *pchan = (bPoseChannel *)te->directdata; Bone *bone = pchan->bone; ob = (Object *)tselem->id; UI_block_emboss_set(block, UI_EMBOSS_NONE); bt = uiDefIconButBitI(block, UI_BTYPE_ICON_TOGGLE, BONE_HIDDEN_P, 0, ICON_RESTRICT_VIEW_OFF, (int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_VIEWX), te->ys, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &(bone->flag), 0, 0, 0, 0, TIP_("Restrict/Allow visibility in the 3D View")); UI_but_func_set(bt, restrictbutton_bone_visibility_cb, ob->data, bone); UI_but_flag_enable(bt, UI_BUT_DRAG_LOCK); bt = uiDefIconButBitI(block, UI_BTYPE_ICON_TOGGLE, BONE_UNSELECTABLE, 0, ICON_RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF, (int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_SELECTX), te->ys, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &(bone->flag), 0, 0, 0, 0, TIP_("Restrict/Allow selection in the 3D View")); UI_but_func_set(bt, restrictbutton_bone_select_cb, ob->data, bone); UI_but_flag_enable(bt, UI_BUT_DRAG_LOCK); UI_block_emboss_set(block, UI_EMBOSS); } else if (tselem->type == TSE_EBONE) { EditBone *ebone = (EditBone *)te->directdata; UI_block_emboss_set(block, UI_EMBOSS_NONE); bt = uiDefIconButBitI(block, UI_BTYPE_ICON_TOGGLE, BONE_HIDDEN_A, 0, ICON_RESTRICT_VIEW_OFF, (int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_VIEWX), te->ys, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &(ebone->flag), 0, 0, 0, 0, TIP_("Restrict/Allow visibility in the 3D View")); UI_but_func_set(bt, restrictbutton_ebone_visibility_cb, NULL, ebone); UI_but_flag_enable(bt, UI_BUT_DRAG_LOCK); bt = uiDefIconButBitI(block, UI_BTYPE_ICON_TOGGLE, BONE_UNSELECTABLE, 0, ICON_RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF, (int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_SELECTX), te->ys, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &(ebone->flag), 0, 0, 0, 0, TIP_("Restrict/Allow selection in the 3D View")); UI_but_func_set(bt, restrictbutton_ebone_select_cb, NULL, ebone); UI_but_flag_enable(bt, UI_BUT_DRAG_LOCK); UI_block_emboss_set(block, UI_EMBOSS); } } if (TSELEM_OPEN(tselem, soops)) outliner_draw_restrictbuts(block, scene, ar, soops, &te->subtree); } } static void outliner_draw_rnacols(ARegion *ar, int sizex) { View2D *v2d = &ar->v2d; float miny = v2d->cur.ymin; if (miny < v2d->tot.ymin) miny = v2d->tot.ymin; UI_ThemeColorShadeAlpha(TH_BACK, -15, -200); /* draw column separator lines */ fdrawline((float)sizex, v2d->cur.ymax, (float)sizex, miny); fdrawline((float)sizex + OL_RNA_COL_SIZEX, v2d->cur.ymax, (float)sizex + OL_RNA_COL_SIZEX, miny); } static void outliner_draw_rnabuts(uiBlock *block, Scene *scene, ARegion *ar, SpaceOops *soops, int sizex, ListBase *lb) { TreeElement *te; TreeStoreElem *tselem; PointerRNA *ptr; PropertyRNA *prop; for (te = lb->first; te; te = te->next) { tselem = TREESTORE(te); if (te->ys + 2 * UI_UNIT_Y >= ar->v2d.cur.ymin && te->ys <= ar->v2d.cur.ymax) { if (tselem->type == TSE_RNA_PROPERTY) { ptr = &te->rnaptr; prop = te->directdata; if (!TSELEM_OPEN(tselem, soops)) { if (RNA_property_type(prop) == PROP_POINTER) { uiBut *but = uiDefAutoButR(block, ptr, prop, -1, "", ICON_NONE, sizex, te->ys, OL_RNA_COL_SIZEX, UI_UNIT_Y - 1); UI_but_flag_enable(but, UI_BUT_DISABLED); } else if (RNA_property_type(prop) == PROP_ENUM) { uiDefAutoButR(block, ptr, prop, -1, NULL, ICON_NONE, sizex, te->ys, OL_RNA_COL_SIZEX, UI_UNIT_Y - 1); } else { uiDefAutoButR(block, ptr, prop, -1, "", ICON_NONE, sizex, te->ys, OL_RNA_COL_SIZEX, UI_UNIT_Y - 1); } } } else if (tselem->type == TSE_RNA_ARRAY_ELEM) { ptr = &te->rnaptr; prop = te->directdata; uiDefAutoButR(block, ptr, prop, te->index, "", ICON_NONE, sizex, te->ys, OL_RNA_COL_SIZEX, UI_UNIT_Y - 1); } } if (TSELEM_OPEN(tselem, soops)) outliner_draw_rnabuts(block, scene, ar, soops, sizex, &te->subtree); } UI_block_emboss_set(block, UI_EMBOSS); } static void outliner_buttons(const bContext *C, uiBlock *block, ARegion *ar, TreeElement *te) { uiBut *bt; TreeStoreElem *tselem; int spx, dx, len; tselem = TREESTORE(te); BLI_assert(tselem->flag & TSE_TEXTBUT); /* If we add support to rename Sequence. * need change this. */ if (tselem->type == TSE_EBONE) len = sizeof(((EditBone *) 0)->name); else if (tselem->type == TSE_MODIFIER) len = sizeof(((ModifierData *) 0)->name); else if (tselem->id && GS(tselem->id->name) == ID_LI) len = sizeof(((Library *) 0)->name); else len = MAX_ID_NAME - 2; spx = te->xs + 1.8f * UI_UNIT_X; dx = ar->v2d.cur.xmax - (spx + 3.2f * UI_UNIT_X); bt = uiDefBut(block, UI_BTYPE_TEXT, OL_NAMEBUTTON, "", spx, te->ys, dx, UI_UNIT_Y - 1, (void *)te->name, 1.0, (float)len, 0, 0, ""); UI_but_func_rename_set(bt, namebutton_cb, tselem); /* returns false if button got removed */ if (false == UI_but_active_only(C, ar, block, bt)) { tselem->flag &= ~TSE_TEXTBUT; /* bad! (notifier within draw) without this, we don't get a refesh */ WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SPACE | ND_SPACE_OUTLINER, NULL); } } /* ****************************************************** */ /* Normal Drawing... */ /* make function calls a bit compacter */ struct DrawIconArg { uiBlock *block; ID *id; float xmax, x, y, xb, yb; float alpha; }; static void tselem_draw_icon_uibut(struct DrawIconArg *arg, int icon) { /* restrict column clip... it has been coded by simply overdrawing, doesnt work for buttons */ if (arg->x >= arg->xmax) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); UI_icon_draw_aspect(arg->x, arg->y, icon, 1.0f / UI_DPI_FAC, arg->alpha); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } else { uiBut *but = uiDefIconBut(arg->block, UI_BTYPE_LABEL, 0, icon, arg->xb, arg->yb, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, arg->alpha, (arg->id && arg->id->lib) ? arg->id->lib->name : ""); if (arg->id) UI_but_drag_set_id(but, arg->id); } } static void tselem_draw_icon(uiBlock *block, int xmax, float x, float y, TreeStoreElem *tselem, TreeElement *te, float alpha) { struct DrawIconArg arg; float aspect; /* icons tiny bit away from text */ x -= 0.15f * UI_UNIT_Y; /* make function calls a bit compacter */ arg.block = block; arg.id = tselem->id; arg.xmax = xmax; arg.xb = x; /* for ui buttons */ arg.yb = y; arg.alpha = alpha; /* placement of icons, copied from interface_widgets.c */ aspect = (0.8f * UI_UNIT_Y) / ICON_DEFAULT_HEIGHT; arg.x = x = x + 4.0f * aspect; arg.y = y = y + 0.1f * UI_UNIT_Y; if (tselem->type) { switch (tselem->type) { case TSE_ANIM_DATA: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_ANIM_DATA); break; // xxx case TSE_NLA: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_NLA); break; case TSE_NLA_TRACK: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_NLA); break; // XXX case TSE_NLA_ACTION: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_ACTION); break; case TSE_DRIVER_BASE: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_DRIVER); break; case TSE_DEFGROUP_BASE: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_GROUP_VERTEX); break; case TSE_BONE: case TSE_EBONE: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_BONE_DATA); break; case TSE_CONSTRAINT_BASE: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_CONSTRAINT); break; case TSE_MODIFIER_BASE: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MODIFIER); break; case TSE_LINKED_OB: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_OBJECT_DATA); break; case TSE_LINKED_PSYS: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_PARTICLES); break; case TSE_MODIFIER: { Object *ob = (Object *)tselem->id; ModifierData *md = BLI_findlink(&ob->modifiers, tselem->nr); switch ((ModifierType)md->type) { case eModifierType_Subsurf: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_SUBSURF); break; case eModifierType_Armature: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_ARMATURE); break; case eModifierType_Lattice: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_LATTICE); break; case eModifierType_Curve: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_CURVE); break; case eModifierType_Build: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_BUILD); break; case eModifierType_Mirror: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_MIRROR); break; case eModifierType_Decimate: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_DECIM); break; case eModifierType_Wave: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_WAVE); break; case eModifierType_Hook: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_HOOK); break; case eModifierType_Softbody: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_SOFT); break; case eModifierType_Boolean: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_BOOLEAN); break; case eModifierType_ParticleSystem: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_PARTICLES); break; case eModifierType_ParticleInstance: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_PARTICLES); break; case eModifierType_EdgeSplit: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_EDGESPLIT); break; case eModifierType_Array: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_ARRAY); break; case eModifierType_UVProject: case eModifierType_UVWarp: /* TODO, get own icon */ UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_UVPROJECT); break; case eModifierType_Displace: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_DISPLACE); break; case eModifierType_Shrinkwrap: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_SHRINKWRAP); break; case eModifierType_Cast: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_CAST); break; case eModifierType_MeshDeform: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_MESHDEFORM); break; case eModifierType_Bevel: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_BEVEL); break; case eModifierType_Smooth: case eModifierType_LaplacianSmooth: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_SMOOTH); break; case eModifierType_SimpleDeform: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_SIMPLEDEFORM); break; case eModifierType_Mask: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_MASK); break; case eModifierType_Cloth: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_CLOTH); break; case eModifierType_Explode: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_EXPLODE); break; case eModifierType_Collision: case eModifierType_Surface: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_PHYSICS); break; case eModifierType_Fluidsim: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_FLUIDSIM); break; case eModifierType_Multires: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_MULTIRES); break; case eModifierType_Smoke: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_SMOKE); break; case eModifierType_Solidify: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_SOLIDIFY); break; case eModifierType_Screw: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_SCREW); break; case eModifierType_Remesh: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_REMESH); break; case eModifierType_WeightVGEdit: case eModifierType_WeightVGMix: case eModifierType_WeightVGProximity: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_VERTEX_WEIGHT); break; case eModifierType_DynamicPaint: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_DYNAMICPAINT); break; case eModifierType_Ocean: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_OCEAN); break; case eModifierType_Warp: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_WARP); break; case eModifierType_Skin: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_SKIN); break; case eModifierType_Triangulate: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_TRIANGULATE); break; case eModifierType_MeshCache: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_MESHDEFORM); break; /* XXX, needs own icon */ case eModifierType_Wireframe: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_WIREFRAME); break; case eModifierType_LaplacianDeform: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_MESHDEFORM); break; /* XXX, needs own icon */ case eModifierType_DataTransfer: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_DATA_TRANSFER); break; case eModifierType_NormalEdit: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_NORMALEDIT); break; /* Default */ case eModifierType_None: case eModifierType_ShapeKey: case NUM_MODIFIER_TYPES: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_DOT); break; } break; } case TSE_POSE_BASE: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_ARMATURE_DATA); break; case TSE_POSE_CHANNEL: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_BONE_DATA); break; case TSE_PROXY: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_GHOST); break; case TSE_R_LAYER_BASE: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_RENDERLAYERS); break; case TSE_R_LAYER: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_RENDERLAYERS); break; case TSE_LINKED_LAMP: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_LAMP_DATA); break; case TSE_LINKED_MAT: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MATERIAL_DATA); break; case TSE_POSEGRP_BASE: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_GROUP_BONE); break; case TSE_SEQUENCE: if (te->idcode == SEQ_TYPE_MOVIE) UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_SEQUENCE); else if (te->idcode == SEQ_TYPE_META) UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_DOT); else if (te->idcode == SEQ_TYPE_SCENE) UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_SCENE); else if (te->idcode == SEQ_TYPE_SOUND_RAM) UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_SOUND); else if (te->idcode == SEQ_TYPE_IMAGE) UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_IMAGE_COL); else UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_PARTICLES); break; case TSE_SEQ_STRIP: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_LIBRARY_DATA_DIRECT); break; case TSE_SEQUENCE_DUP: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_OBJECT_DATA); break; case TSE_RNA_STRUCT: if (RNA_struct_is_ID(te->rnaptr.type)) { arg.id = (ID *)te->rnaptr.data; tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, RNA_struct_ui_icon(te->rnaptr.type)); } else UI_icon_draw(x, y, RNA_struct_ui_icon(te->rnaptr.type)); break; default: UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_DOT); break; } } else if (GS(tselem->id->name) == ID_OB) { Object *ob = (Object *)tselem->id; switch (ob->type) { case OB_LAMP: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_OUTLINER_OB_LAMP); break; case OB_MESH: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_OUTLINER_OB_MESH); break; case OB_CAMERA: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_OUTLINER_OB_CAMERA); break; case OB_CURVE: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_OUTLINER_OB_CURVE); break; case OB_MBALL: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_OUTLINER_OB_META); break; case OB_LATTICE: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_OUTLINER_OB_LATTICE); break; case OB_ARMATURE: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_OUTLINER_OB_ARMATURE); break; case OB_FONT: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_OUTLINER_OB_FONT); break; case OB_SURF: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_OUTLINER_OB_SURFACE); break; case OB_SPEAKER: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_OUTLINER_OB_SPEAKER); break; case OB_EMPTY: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_OUTLINER_OB_EMPTY); break; } } else { switch (GS(tselem->id->name)) { case ID_SCE: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_SCENE_DATA); break; case ID_ME: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_OUTLINER_DATA_MESH); break; case ID_CU: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_OUTLINER_DATA_CURVE); break; case ID_MB: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_OUTLINER_DATA_META); break; case ID_LT: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_OUTLINER_DATA_LATTICE); break; case ID_LA: { Lamp *la = (Lamp *)tselem->id; switch (la->type) { case LA_LOCAL: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_LAMP_POINT); break; case LA_SUN: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_LAMP_SUN); break; case LA_SPOT: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_LAMP_SPOT); break; case LA_HEMI: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_LAMP_HEMI); break; case LA_AREA: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_LAMP_AREA); break; default: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_OUTLINER_DATA_LAMP); break; } break; } case ID_MA: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_MATERIAL_DATA); break; case ID_TE: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_TEXTURE_DATA); break; case ID_IM: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_IMAGE_DATA); break; case ID_SPK: case ID_SO: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_OUTLINER_DATA_SPEAKER); break; case ID_AR: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_OUTLINER_DATA_ARMATURE); break; case ID_CA: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_OUTLINER_DATA_CAMERA); break; case ID_KE: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_SHAPEKEY_DATA); break; case ID_WO: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_WORLD_DATA); break; case ID_AC: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_ACTION); break; case ID_NLA: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_NLA); break; case ID_TXT: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_SCRIPT); break; case ID_GR: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_GROUP); break; case ID_LI: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_LIBRARY_DATA_DIRECT); break; case ID_LS: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_LINE_DATA); break; case ID_GD: tselem_draw_icon_uibut(&arg, ICON_GREASEPENCIL); break; } } } static void outliner_draw_iconrow(bContext *C, uiBlock *block, Scene *scene, SpaceOops *soops, ListBase *lb, int level, int xmax, int *offsx, int ys) { TreeElement *te; TreeStoreElem *tselem; eOLDrawState active; for (te = lb->first; te; te = te->next) { /* exit drawing early */ if ((*offsx) - UI_UNIT_X > xmax) break; tselem = TREESTORE(te); /* object hierarchy always, further constrained on level */ if (level < 1 || (tselem->type == 0 && te->idcode == ID_OB)) { /* active blocks get white circle */ if (tselem->type == 0) { if (te->idcode == ID_OB) { active = (OBACT == (Object *)tselem->id) ? OL_DRAWSEL_NORMAL : OL_DRAWSEL_NONE; } else if (scene->obedit && scene->obedit->data == tselem->id) { active = OL_DRAWSEL_NORMAL; } else { active = tree_element_active(C, scene, soops, te, OL_SETSEL_NONE, false); } } else { active = tree_element_type_active(NULL, scene, soops, te, tselem, OL_SETSEL_NONE, false); } if (active != OL_DRAWSEL_NONE) { float ufac = UI_UNIT_X / 20.0f; UI_draw_roundbox_corner_set(UI_CNR_ALL); glColor4ub(255, 255, 255, 100); UI_draw_roundbox( (float) *offsx - 1.0f * ufac, (float)ys + 1.0f * ufac, (float)*offsx + UI_UNIT_X - 2.0f * ufac, (float)ys + UI_UNIT_Y - ufac, (float)UI_UNIT_Y / 2.0f - ufac); glEnable(GL_BLEND); /* roundbox disables */ } tselem_draw_icon(block, xmax, (float)*offsx, (float)ys, tselem, te, 0.5f); te->xs = *offsx; te->ys = ys; te->xend = (short)*offsx + UI_UNIT_X; te->flag |= TE_ICONROW; // for click (*offsx) += UI_UNIT_X; } /* this tree element always has same amount of branches, so don't draw */ if (tselem->type != TSE_R_LAYER) outliner_draw_iconrow(C, block, scene, soops, &te->subtree, level + 1, xmax, offsx, ys); } } /* closed tree element */ static void outliner_set_coord_tree_element(SpaceOops *soops, TreeElement *te, int startx, int starty) { TreeElement *ten; /* store coord and continue, we need coordinates for elements outside view too */ te->xs = startx; te->ys = starty; for (ten = te->subtree.first; ten; ten = ten->next) { outliner_set_coord_tree_element(soops, ten, startx + UI_UNIT_X, starty); } } static void outliner_draw_tree_element( bContext *C, uiBlock *block, const uiFontStyle *fstyle, Scene *scene, ARegion *ar, SpaceOops *soops, TreeElement *te, int startx, int *starty, TreeElement **te_edit) { TreeElement *ten; TreeStoreElem *tselem; float ufac = UI_UNIT_X / 20.0f; int offsx = 0; eOLDrawState active = OL_DRAWSEL_NONE; tselem = TREESTORE(te); if (*starty + 2 * UI_UNIT_Y >= ar->v2d.cur.ymin && *starty <= ar->v2d.cur.ymax) { int xmax = ar->v2d.cur.xmax; unsigned char alpha = 128; if ((tselem->flag & TSE_TEXTBUT) && (*te_edit == NULL)) { *te_edit = te; } /* icons can be ui buts, we don't want it to overlap with restrict */ if ((soops->flag & SO_HIDE_RESTRICTCOLS) == 0) xmax -= OL_TOGW + UI_UNIT_X; glEnable(GL_BLEND); /* start by highlighting search matches * we don't expand items when searching in the datablocks but we * still want to highlight any filter matches. */ if ((SEARCHING_OUTLINER(soops) || (soops->outlinevis == SO_DATABLOCKS && soops->search_string[0] != 0)) && (tselem->flag & TSE_SEARCHMATCH)) { char col[4]; UI_GetThemeColorType4ubv(TH_MATCH, SPACE_OUTLINER, col); col[3] = alpha; glColor4ubv((GLubyte *)col); glRecti(startx, *starty + 1, ar->v2d.cur.xmax, *starty + UI_UNIT_Y - 1); } /* colors for active/selected data */ if (tselem->type == 0) { if (te->idcode == ID_SCE) { if (tselem->id == (ID *)scene) { glColor4ub(255, 255, 255, alpha); active = OL_DRAWSEL_ACTIVE; } } else if (te->idcode == ID_GR) { Group *gr = (Group *)tselem->id; if (group_select_flag(gr)) { char col[4]; UI_GetThemeColorType4ubv(TH_SELECT, SPACE_VIEW3D, col); col[3] = alpha; glColor4ubv((GLubyte *)col); active = OL_DRAWSEL_ACTIVE; } } else if (te->idcode == ID_OB) { Object *ob = (Object *)tselem->id; if (ob == OBACT || (ob->flag & SELECT)) { char col[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; /* outliner active ob: always white text, circle color now similar to view3d */ active = OL_DRAWSEL_ACTIVE; if (ob == OBACT) { if (ob->flag & SELECT) { UI_GetThemeColorType4ubv(TH_ACTIVE, SPACE_VIEW3D, col); col[3] = alpha; } active = OL_DRAWSEL_NORMAL; } else if (ob->flag & SELECT) { UI_GetThemeColorType4ubv(TH_SELECT, SPACE_VIEW3D, col); col[3] = alpha; } glColor4ubv((GLubyte *)col); } } else if (scene->obedit && scene->obedit->data == tselem->id) { glColor4ub(255, 255, 255, alpha); active = OL_DRAWSEL_ACTIVE; } else { if (tree_element_active(C, scene, soops, te, OL_SETSEL_NONE, false)) { glColor4ub(220, 220, 255, alpha); active = OL_DRAWSEL_ACTIVE; } } } else { if (tree_element_type_active(NULL, scene, soops, te, tselem, OL_SETSEL_NONE, false) != OL_DRAWSEL_NONE) { active = OL_DRAWSEL_ACTIVE; } glColor4ub(220, 220, 255, alpha); } /* active circle */ if (active != OL_DRAWSEL_NONE) { UI_draw_roundbox_corner_set(UI_CNR_ALL); UI_draw_roundbox( (float)startx + UI_UNIT_X, (float)*starty + 1.0f * ufac, (float)startx + 2.0f * UI_UNIT_X - 2.0f * ufac, (float)*starty + UI_UNIT_Y - 1.0f * ufac, UI_UNIT_Y / 2.0f - 1.0f * ufac); glEnable(GL_BLEND); /* roundbox disables it */ te->flag |= TE_ACTIVE; // for lookup in display hierarchies } /* open/close icon, only when sublevels, except for scene */ if (te->subtree.first || (tselem->type == 0 && te->idcode == ID_SCE) || (te->flag & TE_LAZY_CLOSED)) { int icon_x; if (tselem->type == 0 && ELEM(te->idcode, ID_OB, ID_SCE)) icon_x = startx; else icon_x = startx + 5 * ufac; // icons a bit higher if (TSELEM_OPEN(tselem, soops)) UI_icon_draw((float)icon_x, (float)*starty + 2 * ufac, ICON_DISCLOSURE_TRI_DOWN); else UI_icon_draw((float)icon_x, (float)*starty + 2 * ufac, ICON_DISCLOSURE_TRI_RIGHT); } offsx += UI_UNIT_X; /* datatype icon */ if (!(ELEM(tselem->type, TSE_RNA_PROPERTY, TSE_RNA_ARRAY_ELEM))) { tselem_draw_icon(block, xmax, (float)startx + offsx, (float)*starty, tselem, te, 1.0f); offsx += UI_UNIT_X; } else offsx += 2 * ufac; if (tselem->type == 0 && tselem->id->lib) { glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 0.5f); if (tselem->id->flag & LIB_INDIRECT) UI_icon_draw((float)startx + offsx, (float)*starty + 2 * ufac, ICON_LIBRARY_DATA_INDIRECT); else UI_icon_draw((float)startx + offsx, (float)*starty + 2 * ufac, ICON_LIBRARY_DATA_DIRECT); glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 1.0f); offsx += UI_UNIT_X; } glDisable(GL_BLEND); /* name */ if (active == OL_DRAWSEL_NORMAL) UI_ThemeColor(TH_TEXT_HI); else if (ELEM(tselem->type, TSE_RNA_PROPERTY, TSE_RNA_ARRAY_ELEM)) UI_ThemeColorBlend(TH_BACK, TH_TEXT, 0.75f); else UI_ThemeColor(TH_TEXT); UI_fontstyle_draw_simple(fstyle, startx + offsx, *starty + 5 * ufac, te->name); offsx += (int)(UI_UNIT_X + UI_fontstyle_string_width(fstyle, te->name)); /* closed item, we draw the icons, not when it's a scene, or master-server list though */ if (!TSELEM_OPEN(tselem, soops)) { if (te->subtree.first) { if (tselem->type == 0 && te->idcode == ID_SCE) { /* pass */ } else if (tselem->type != TSE_R_LAYER) { /* this tree element always has same amount of branches, so don't draw */ int tempx = startx + offsx; /* divider */ UI_ThemeColorShade(TH_BACK, -40); glRecti(tempx - 10.0f * ufac, *starty + 4.0f * ufac, tempx - 8.0f * ufac, *starty + UI_UNIT_Y - 4.0f * ufac); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 0.5); outliner_draw_iconrow(C, block, scene, soops, &te->subtree, 0, xmax, &tempx, *starty); glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 1.0); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } } } } /* store coord and continue, we need coordinates for elements outside view too */ te->xs = startx; te->ys = *starty; te->xend = startx + offsx; if (TSELEM_OPEN(tselem, soops)) { *starty -= UI_UNIT_Y; for (ten = te->subtree.first; ten; ten = ten->next) { outliner_draw_tree_element(C, block, fstyle, scene, ar, soops, ten, startx + UI_UNIT_X, starty, te_edit); } } else { for (ten = te->subtree.first; ten; ten = ten->next) { outliner_set_coord_tree_element(soops, ten, startx, *starty); } *starty -= UI_UNIT_Y; } } static void outliner_draw_hierarchy(SpaceOops *soops, ListBase *lb, int startx, int *starty) { TreeElement *te; TreeStoreElem *tselem; int y1, y2; if (BLI_listbase_is_empty(lb)) return; y1 = y2 = *starty; /* for vertical lines between objects */ for (te = lb->first; te; te = te->next) { y2 = *starty; tselem = TREESTORE(te); /* horizontal line? */ if (tselem->type == 0 && (te->idcode == ID_OB || te->idcode == ID_SCE)) glRecti(startx, *starty, startx + UI_UNIT_X, *starty - 1); *starty -= UI_UNIT_Y; if (TSELEM_OPEN(tselem, soops)) outliner_draw_hierarchy(soops, &te->subtree, startx + UI_UNIT_X, starty); } /* vertical line */ te = lb->last; if (te->parent || lb->first != lb->last) { tselem = TREESTORE(te); if (tselem->type == 0 && te->idcode == ID_OB) { glRecti(startx, y1 + UI_UNIT_Y, startx + 1, y2); } } } static void outliner_draw_struct_marks(ARegion *ar, SpaceOops *soops, ListBase *lb, int *starty) { TreeElement *te; TreeStoreElem *tselem; for (te = lb->first; te; te = te->next) { tselem = TREESTORE(te); /* selection status */ if (TSELEM_OPEN(tselem, soops)) if (tselem->type == TSE_RNA_STRUCT) glRecti(0, *starty + 1, (int)ar->v2d.cur.xmax, *starty + UI_UNIT_Y - 1); *starty -= UI_UNIT_Y; if (TSELEM_OPEN(tselem, soops)) { outliner_draw_struct_marks(ar, soops, &te->subtree, starty); if (tselem->type == TSE_RNA_STRUCT) fdrawline(0, (float)*starty + UI_UNIT_Y, ar->v2d.cur.xmax, (float)*starty + UI_UNIT_Y); } } } static void outliner_draw_selection(ARegion *ar, SpaceOops *soops, ListBase *lb, int *starty) { TreeElement *te; TreeStoreElem *tselem; for (te = lb->first; te; te = te->next) { tselem = TREESTORE(te); /* selection status */ if (tselem->flag & TSE_SELECTED) { glRecti(0, *starty + 1, (int)ar->v2d.cur.xmax, *starty + UI_UNIT_Y - 1); } *starty -= UI_UNIT_Y; if (TSELEM_OPEN(tselem, soops)) outliner_draw_selection(ar, soops, &te->subtree, starty); } } static void outliner_draw_tree(bContext *C, uiBlock *block, Scene *scene, ARegion *ar, SpaceOops *soops, TreeElement **te_edit) { const uiFontStyle *fstyle = UI_FSTYLE_WIDGET; TreeElement *te; int starty, startx; float col[3]; glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // only once if (ELEM(soops->outlinevis, SO_DATABLOCKS, SO_USERDEF)) { /* struct marks */ UI_ThemeColorShadeAlpha(TH_BACK, -15, -200); //UI_ThemeColorShade(TH_BACK, -20); starty = (int)ar->v2d.tot.ymax - UI_UNIT_Y - OL_Y_OFFSET; outliner_draw_struct_marks(ar, soops, &soops->tree, &starty); } /* always draw selection fill before hierarchy */ UI_GetThemeColor3fv(TH_SELECT_HIGHLIGHT, col); glColor3fv(col); starty = (int)ar->v2d.tot.ymax - UI_UNIT_Y - OL_Y_OFFSET; outliner_draw_selection(ar, soops, &soops->tree, &starty); // gray hierarchy lines UI_ThemeColorBlend(TH_BACK, TH_TEXT, 0.4f); starty = (int)ar->v2d.tot.ymax - UI_UNIT_Y / 2 - OL_Y_OFFSET; startx = 6; outliner_draw_hierarchy(soops, &soops->tree, startx, &starty); // items themselves starty = (int)ar->v2d.tot.ymax - UI_UNIT_Y - OL_Y_OFFSET; startx = 0; for (te = soops->tree.first; te; te = te->next) { outliner_draw_tree_element(C, block, fstyle, scene, ar, soops, te, startx, &starty, te_edit); } } static void outliner_back(ARegion *ar) { int ystart; UI_ThemeColorShade(TH_BACK, 6); ystart = (int)ar->v2d.tot.ymax; ystart = UI_UNIT_Y * (ystart / (UI_UNIT_Y)) - OL_Y_OFFSET; while (ystart + 2 * UI_UNIT_Y > ar->v2d.cur.ymin) { glRecti(0, ystart, (int)ar->v2d.cur.xmax, ystart + UI_UNIT_Y); ystart -= 2 * UI_UNIT_Y; } } static void outliner_draw_restrictcols(ARegion *ar) { int ystart; /* background underneath */ UI_ThemeColor(TH_BACK); glRecti((int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOGW), (int)(ar->v2d.cur.ymin - 1), (int)ar->v2d.cur.xmax, (int)ar->v2d.cur.ymax); UI_ThemeColorShade(TH_BACK, 6); ystart = (int)ar->v2d.tot.ymax; ystart = UI_UNIT_Y * (ystart / (UI_UNIT_Y)) - OL_Y_OFFSET; while (ystart + 2 * UI_UNIT_Y > ar->v2d.cur.ymin) { glRecti((int)ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOGW, ystart, (int)ar->v2d.cur.xmax, ystart + UI_UNIT_Y); ystart -= 2 * UI_UNIT_Y; } UI_ThemeColorShadeAlpha(TH_BACK, -15, -200); /* view */ sdrawline((int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_VIEWX), (int)ar->v2d.cur.ymax, (int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_VIEWX), (int)ar->v2d.cur.ymin); /* render */ sdrawline((int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_SELECTX), (int)ar->v2d.cur.ymax, (int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_SELECTX), (int)ar->v2d.cur.ymin); /* render */ sdrawline((int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_RENDERX), (int)ar->v2d.cur.ymax, (int)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - OL_TOG_RESTRICT_RENDERX), (int)ar->v2d.cur.ymin); } /* ****************************************************** */ /* Main Entrypoint - Draw contents of Outliner editor */ void draw_outliner(const bContext *C) { Main *mainvar = CTX_data_main(C); Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); ARegion *ar = CTX_wm_region(C); View2D *v2d = &ar->v2d; SpaceOops *soops = CTX_wm_space_outliner(C); uiBlock *block; int sizey = 0, sizex = 0, sizex_rna = 0; TreeElement *te_edit = NULL; outliner_build_tree(mainvar, scene, soops); // always /* get extents of data */ outliner_height(soops, &soops->tree, &sizey); if (ELEM(soops->outlinevis, SO_DATABLOCKS, SO_USERDEF)) { /* RNA has two columns: * - column 1 is (max_width + OL_RNA_COL_SPACEX) or * (OL_RNA_COL_X), whichever is wider... * - column 2 is fixed at OL_RNA_COL_SIZEX * * (*) XXX max width for now is a fixed factor of (UI_UNIT_X * (max_indention + 100)) */ /* get actual width of column 1 */ outliner_rna_width(soops, &soops->tree, &sizex_rna, 0); sizex_rna = max_ii(OL_RNA_COLX, sizex_rna + OL_RNA_COL_SPACEX); /* get width of data (for setting 'tot' rect, this is column 1 + column 2 + a bit extra) */ sizex = sizex_rna + OL_RNA_COL_SIZEX + 50; } else { /* width must take into account restriction columns (if visible) so that entries will still be visible */ //outliner_width(soops, &soops->tree, &sizex); // XXX should use outliner_width instead when te->xend will be set correctly... outliner_rna_width(soops, &soops->tree, &sizex, 0); /* constant offset for restriction columns */ // XXX this isn't that great yet... if ((soops->flag & SO_HIDE_RESTRICTCOLS) == 0) sizex += OL_TOGW * 3; } /* adds vertical offset */ sizey += OL_Y_OFFSET; /* update size of tot-rect (extents of data/viewable area) */ UI_view2d_totRect_set(v2d, sizex, sizey); /* force display to pixel coords */ v2d->flag |= (V2D_PIXELOFS_X | V2D_PIXELOFS_Y); /* set matrix for 2d-view controls */ UI_view2d_view_ortho(v2d); /* draw outliner stuff (background, hierarchy lines and names) */ outliner_back(ar); block = UI_block_begin(C, ar, __func__, UI_EMBOSS); outliner_draw_tree((bContext *)C, block, scene, ar, soops, &te_edit); if (ELEM(soops->outlinevis, SO_DATABLOCKS, SO_USERDEF)) { /* draw rna buttons */ outliner_draw_rnacols(ar, sizex_rna); outliner_draw_rnabuts(block, scene, ar, soops, sizex_rna, &soops->tree); } else if (!(soops->flag & SO_HIDE_RESTRICTCOLS)) { /* draw restriction columns */ outliner_draw_restrictcols(ar); outliner_draw_restrictbuts(block, scene, ar, soops, &soops->tree); } /* draw edit buttons if nessecery */ if (te_edit) { outliner_buttons(C, block, ar, te_edit); } UI_block_end(C, block); UI_block_draw(C, block); /* clear flag that allows quick redraws */ soops->storeflag &= ~SO_TREESTORE_REDRAW; }