/** * $Id$ * * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * Contributor(s): Blender Foundation, 2003-2009 * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #include #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_arithb.h" #include "BLI_storage_types.h" #include "IMB_imbuf_types.h" #include "IMB_imbuf.h" #include "DNA_ipo_types.h" #include "DNA_curve_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "DNA_space_types.h" #include "DNA_sequence_types.h" #include "DNA_view2d_types.h" #include "DNA_userdef_types.h" #include "DNA_sound_types.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_image.h" #include "BKE_library.h" #include "BKE_main.h" #include "BKE_plugin_types.h" #include "BKE_sequence.h" #include "BKE_scene.h" #include "BKE_utildefines.h" #include "BKE_report.h" #include "BIF_transform.h" #include "WM_api.h" #include "WM_types.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "RNA_define.h" /* for menu/popup icons etc etc*/ #include "UI_interface.h" #include "UI_resources.h" #include "ED_anim_api.h" #include "ED_space_api.h" #include "ED_types.h" #include "ED_screen.h" #include "ED_util.h" #include "UI_interface.h" #include "UI_resources.h" #include "UI_view2d.h" /* own include */ #include "sequencer_intern.h" /* XXX */ //static Sequence *_last_seq=0; //static int _last_seq_init=0; /* XXX */ static void error() {} static void waitcursor() {} static void activate_fileselect() {} static int pupmenu() {return 0;} static int okee() {return 0;} /* XXX */ /* RNA Enums, used in multiple files */ EnumPropertyItem sequencer_prop_effect_types[] = { {SEQ_CROSS, "CROSS", "Crossfade", "Crossfade effect strip type"}, {SEQ_ADD, "ADD", "Add", "Add effect strip type"}, {SEQ_SUB, "SUBTRACT", "Subtract", "Subtract effect strip type"}, {SEQ_ALPHAOVER, "ALPHA_OVER", "Alpha Over", "Alpha Over effect strip type"}, {SEQ_ALPHAUNDER, "ALPHA_UNDER", "Alpha Under", "Alpha Under effect strip type"}, {SEQ_GAMCROSS, "GAMMA_CROSS", "Gamma Cross", "Gamma Cross effect strip type"}, {SEQ_MUL, "MULTIPLY", "Multiply", "Multiply effect strip type"}, {SEQ_OVERDROP, "ALPHA_OVER_DROP", "Alpha Over Drop", "Alpha Over Drop effect strip type"}, {SEQ_PLUGIN, "PLUGIN", "Plugin", "Plugin effect strip type"}, {SEQ_WIPE, "WIPE", "Wipe", "Wipe effect strip type"}, {SEQ_GLOW, "GLOW", "Glow", "Glow effect strip type"}, {SEQ_TRANSFORM, "TRANSFORM", "Transform", "Transform effect strip type"}, {SEQ_COLOR, "COLOR", "Color", "Color effect strip type"}, {SEQ_SPEED, "SPEED", "Speed", "Color effect strip type"}, {0, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; /* mute operator */ EnumPropertyItem sequencer_prop_operate_types[] = { /* better name? */ {SEQ_SELECTED, "SELECTED", "Selected", ""}, {SEQ_UNSELECTED, "UNSELECTED", "Unselected ", ""}, {0, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; EnumPropertyItem prop_side_types[] = { {SEQ_SIDE_LEFT, "LEFT", "Left", ""}, {SEQ_SIDE_RIGHT, "RIGHT", "Right", ""}, {SEQ_SIDE_BOTH, "BOTH", "Both", ""}, {0, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; typedef struct TransSeq { int start, machine; int startstill, endstill; int startdisp, enddisp; int startofs, endofs; int final_left, final_right; int len; } TransSeq; Sequence *get_last_seq(Scene *scene) { Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); if(ed==NULL) return NULL; return ed->act_seq; } void set_last_seq(Scene *scene, Sequence *seq) { Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); if(ed==NULL) return; ed->act_seq= seq; } Sequence *get_forground_frame_seq(Scene *scene, int frame) { Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); Sequence *seq, *best_seq=NULL; int best_machine = -1; if(!ed) return NULL; for (seq=ed->seqbasep->first; seq; seq= seq->next) { if(seq->startdisp > frame || seq->enddisp <= frame) continue; /* only use elements you can see - not */ if (ELEM6(seq->type, SEQ_IMAGE, SEQ_META, SEQ_SCENE, SEQ_MOVIE, SEQ_MOVIE_AND_HD_SOUND, SEQ_COLOR)) { if (seq->machine > best_machine) { best_seq = seq; best_machine = seq->machine; } } } return best_seq; } void seq_rectf(Sequence *seq, rctf *rectf) { if(seq->startstill) rectf->xmin= seq->start; else rectf->xmin= seq->startdisp; rectf->ymin= seq->machine+SEQ_STRIP_OFSBOTTOM; if(seq->endstill) rectf->xmax= seq->start+seq->len; else rectf->xmax= seq->enddisp; rectf->ymax= seq->machine+SEQ_STRIP_OFSTOP; } static void change_plugin_seq(Scene *scene, char *str) /* called from fileselect */ { Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); struct SeqEffectHandle sh; Sequence *last_seq= get_last_seq(scene); if(last_seq && last_seq->type != SEQ_PLUGIN) return; sh = get_sequence_effect(last_seq); sh.free(last_seq); sh.init_plugin(last_seq, str); last_seq->machine = MAX3(last_seq->seq1->machine, last_seq->seq2->machine, last_seq->seq3->machine); if( seq_test_overlap(ed->seqbasep, last_seq) ) shuffle_seq(ed->seqbasep, last_seq); } void boundbox_seq(Scene *scene, rctf *rect) { Sequence *seq; Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); float min[2], max[2]; if(ed==NULL) return; min[0]= 0.0; max[0]= EFRA+1; min[1]= 0.0; max[1]= 8.0; seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { if( min[0] > seq->startdisp-1) min[0]= seq->startdisp-1; if( max[0] < seq->enddisp+1) max[0]= seq->enddisp+1; if( max[1] < seq->machine+2.0) max[1]= seq->machine+2.0; seq= seq->next; } rect->xmin= min[0]; rect->xmax= max[0]; rect->ymin= min[1]; rect->ymax= max[1]; } int mouse_frame_side(View2D *v2d, short mouse_x, int frame ) { short mval[2]; float mouseloc[2]; mval[0]= mouse_x; mval[1]= 0; /* choose the side based on which side of the playhead the mouse is on */ UI_view2d_region_to_view(v2d, mval[0], mval[1], &mouseloc[0], &mouseloc[1]); return mouseloc[0] > frame; } Sequence *find_neighboring_sequence(Scene *scene, Sequence *test, int lr, int sel) { /* looks to the left on lr==1, to the right on lr==2 sel - 0==unselected, 1==selected, -1==done care*/ Sequence *seq; Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); if(ed==NULL) return NULL; if (sel>0) sel = SELECT; seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { if( (seq!=test) && (test->machine==seq->machine) && (test->depth==seq->depth) && ((sel == -1) || (sel && (seq->flag & SELECT)) || (sel==0 && (seq->flag & SELECT)==0) )) { switch (lr) { case 1: if (test->startdisp == (seq->enddisp)) { return seq; } break; case 2: if (test->enddisp == (seq->startdisp)) { return seq; } break; } } seq= seq->next; } return NULL; } Sequence *find_next_prev_sequence(Scene *scene, Sequence *test, int lr, int sel) { /* looks to the left on lr==1, to the right on lr==2 sel - 0==unselected, 1==selected, -1==done care*/ Sequence *seq,*best_seq = NULL; Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); int dist, best_dist; best_dist = MAXFRAME*2; if(ed==NULL) return NULL; if (sel) sel = SELECT; seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { if( (seq!=test) && (test->machine==seq->machine) && (test->depth==seq->depth) && ((sel == -1) || (sel==(seq->flag & SELECT)))) { dist = MAXFRAME*2; switch (lr) { case 1: if (seq->enddisp <= test->startdisp) { dist = test->enddisp - seq->startdisp; } break; case 2: if (seq->startdisp >= test->enddisp) { dist = seq->startdisp - test->enddisp; } break; } if (dist==0) { best_seq = seq; break; } else if (dist < best_dist) { best_dist = dist; best_seq = seq; } } seq= seq->next; } return best_seq; /* can be null */ } Sequence *find_nearest_seq(Scene *scene, View2D *v2d, int *hand, short mval[2]) { Sequence *seq; Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); float x, y; float pixelx; float handsize; float displen; *hand= 0; if(ed==NULL) return NULL; pixelx = (v2d->cur.xmax - v2d->cur.xmin)/(v2d->mask.xmax - v2d->mask.xmin); UI_view2d_region_to_view(v2d, mval[0], mval[1], &x, &y); seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { if(seq->machine == (int)y) { /* check for both normal strips, and strips that have been flipped horizontally */ if( ((seq->startdisp < seq->enddisp) && (seq->startdisp<=x && seq->enddisp>=x)) || ((seq->startdisp > seq->enddisp) && (seq->startdisp>=x && seq->enddisp<=x)) ) { if(seq_tx_test(seq)) { /* clamp handles to defined size in pixel space */ handsize = seq->handsize; displen = (float)abs(seq->startdisp - seq->enddisp); if (displen / pixelx > 16) { /* dont even try to grab the handles of small strips */ /* Set the max value to handle to 1/3 of the total len when its less then 28. * This is important because otherwise selecting handles happens even when you click in the middle */ if ((displen/3) < 30*pixelx) { handsize = displen/3; } else { CLAMP(handsize, 7*pixelx, 30*pixelx); } if( handsize+seq->startdisp >=x ) *hand= 1; else if( -handsize+seq->enddisp <=x ) *hand= 2; } } return seq; } } seq= seq->next; } return 0; } void update_seq_ipo_rect(Scene *scene, View2D *v2d, Sequence *seq) { float start; float end; if (!seq || !seq->ipo) { return; } start = -5.0; end = 105.0; /* Adjust IPO window to sequence and avoid annoying snap-back to startframe when Lock Time is on */ if (0) { // XXX v2d->flag & V2D_VIEWLOCK) { if ((seq->flag & SEQ_IPO_FRAME_LOCKED) != 0) { start = -5.0 + seq->startdisp; end = 5.0 + seq->enddisp; } else { start = (float)scene->r.sfra - 0.1; end = scene->r.efra; } } seq->ipo->cur.xmin= start; seq->ipo->cur.xmax= end; } void update_seq_icu_rects(Sequence * seq) { IpoCurve *icu= NULL; struct SeqEffectHandle sh; if (!seq || !seq->ipo) { return; } if(!(seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT)) { return; } sh = get_sequence_effect(seq); for(icu= seq->ipo->curve.first; icu; icu= icu->next) { sh.store_icu_yrange(seq, icu->adrcode, &icu->ymin, &icu->ymax); } } static int seq_is_parent(Sequence *par, Sequence *seq) { return ((par->seq1 == seq) || (par->seq2 == seq) || (par->seq3 == seq)); } static int seq_is_predecessor(Sequence *pred, Sequence *seq) { if (!pred) return 0; if(pred == seq) return 0; else if(seq_is_parent(pred, seq)) return 1; else if(pred->seq1 && seq_is_predecessor(pred->seq1, seq)) return 1; else if(pred->seq2 && seq_is_predecessor(pred->seq2, seq)) return 1; else if(pred->seq3 && seq_is_predecessor(pred->seq3, seq)) return 1; return 0; } void deselect_all_seq(Scene *scene) { Sequence *seq; Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); if(ed==NULL) return; SEQP_BEGIN(ed, seq) { seq->flag &= SEQ_DESEL; } SEQ_END } void recurs_sel_seq(Sequence *seqm) { Sequence *seq; seq= seqm->seqbase.first; while(seq) { if(seqm->flag & (SEQ_LEFTSEL+SEQ_RIGHTSEL)) seq->flag &= SEQ_DESEL; else if(seqm->flag & SELECT) seq->flag |= SELECT; else seq->flag &= SEQ_DESEL; if(seq->seqbase.first) recurs_sel_seq(seq); seq= seq->next; } } Sequence *alloc_sequence(ListBase *lb, int cfra, int machine) { Sequence *seq; /*ed= scene->ed;*/ seq= MEM_callocN( sizeof(Sequence), "addseq"); BLI_addtail(lb, seq); //set_last_seq(scene, seq); // Probably not a great idea at such a low level anyway - Campbell *( (short *)seq->name )= ID_SEQ; seq->name[2]= 0; seq->flag= SELECT; seq->start= cfra; seq->machine= machine; seq->mul= 1.0; seq->blend_opacity = 100.0; return seq; } int event_to_efftype(int event) { if(event==2) return SEQ_CROSS; if(event==3) return SEQ_GAMCROSS; if(event==4) return SEQ_ADD; if(event==5) return SEQ_SUB; if(event==6) return SEQ_MUL; if(event==7) return SEQ_ALPHAOVER; if(event==8) return SEQ_ALPHAUNDER; if(event==9) return SEQ_OVERDROP; if(event==10) return SEQ_PLUGIN; if(event==13) return SEQ_WIPE; if(event==14) return SEQ_GLOW; if(event==15) return SEQ_TRANSFORM; if(event==16) return SEQ_COLOR; if(event==17) return SEQ_SPEED; return 0; } #if 0 static void reload_sound_strip(Scene *scene, char *name) { Editing *ed; Sequence *seq, *seqact; SpaceFile *sfile; Sequence *last_seq= get_last_seq(scene); ed= scene->ed; if(last_seq==0 || last_seq->type!=SEQ_SOUND) return; seqact= last_seq; /* last_seq changes in alloc_sequence */ /* search sfile */ // sfile= scrarea_find_space_of_type(curarea, SPACE_FILE); if(sfile==0) return; waitcursor(1); seq = sfile_to_snd_sequence(sfile, seqact->start, seqact->machine); printf("seq->type: %i\n", seq->type); if(seq && seq!=seqact) { /* i'm not sure about this one, seems to work without it -- sgefant */ seq_free_strip(seqact->strip); seqact->strip= seq->strip; seqact->len= seq->len; calc_sequence(seqact); seq->strip= 0; seq_free_sequence(ed, seq); BLI_remlink(ed->seqbasep, seq); seq= ed->seqbasep->first; } waitcursor(0); } #endif static void reload_image_strip(Scene *scene, char *name) { Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); Sequence *seq=NULL, *seqact; SpaceFile *sfile=NULL; Sequence *last_seq= get_last_seq(scene); if(last_seq==0 || last_seq->type!=SEQ_IMAGE) return; seqact= last_seq; /* last_seq changes in alloc_sequence */ /* search sfile */ // sfile= scrarea_find_space_of_type(curarea, SPACE_FILE); if(sfile==0) return; waitcursor(1); // seq= sfile_to_sequence(scene, sfile, seqact->start, seqact->machine, 1); // XXX ADD BACK if(seq && seq!=seqact) { seq_free_strip(seqact->strip); seqact->strip= seq->strip; seqact->len= seq->len; calc_sequence(seqact); seq->strip= 0; seq_free_sequence(ed, seq); BLI_remlink(ed->seqbasep, seq); update_changed_seq_and_deps(scene, seqact, 1, 1); } waitcursor(0); } void change_sequence(Scene *scene) { Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); Sequence *last_seq= get_last_seq(scene); Scene *sce; short event; if(last_seq==0) return; if(last_seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT) { event = pupmenu("Change Effect%t" "|Switch A <-> B %x1" "|Switch B <-> C %x10" "|Plugin%x11" "|Recalculate%x12" "|Cross%x2" "|Gamma Cross%x3" "|Add%x4" "|Sub%x5" "|Mul%x6" "|Alpha Over%x7" "|Alpha Under%x8" "|Alpha Over Drop%x9" "|Wipe%x13" "|Glow%x14" "|Transform%x15" "|Color Generator%x16" "|Speed Control%x17"); if(event > 0) { if(event==1) { SWAP(Sequence *,last_seq->seq1,last_seq->seq2); } else if(event==10) { SWAP(Sequence *,last_seq->seq2,last_seq->seq3); } else if(event==11) { activate_fileselect( FILE_SPECIAL, "Select Plugin", U.plugseqdir, change_plugin_seq); } else if(event==12); /* recalculate: only new_stripdata */ else { /* free previous effect and init new effect */ struct SeqEffectHandle sh; if (get_sequence_effect_num_inputs( last_seq->type) < get_sequence_effect_num_inputs( event_to_efftype(event))) { error("New effect needs more " "input strips!"); } else { sh = get_sequence_effect(last_seq); sh.free(last_seq); last_seq->type = event_to_efftype(event); sh = get_sequence_effect(last_seq); sh.init(last_seq); } } update_changed_seq_and_deps(scene, last_seq, 0, 1); } } else if(last_seq->type == SEQ_IMAGE) { if(okee("Change images")) { activate_fileselect(FILE_SPECIAL, "Select Images", ed->act_imagedir, reload_image_strip); } } else if(last_seq->type == SEQ_MOVIE) { ; } else if(last_seq->type == SEQ_SCENE) { event= pupmenu("Change Scene%t|Update Start and End"); if(event==1) { sce= last_seq->scene; last_seq->len= sce->r.efra - sce->r.sfra + 1; last_seq->sfra= sce->r.sfra; /* bad code to change seq->len? update_changed_seq_and_deps() expects the strip->len to be OK */ new_tstripdata(last_seq); update_changed_seq_and_deps(scene, last_seq, 1, 1); } } } int seq_effect_find_selected(Scene *scene, Sequence *activeseq, int type, Sequence **selseq1, Sequence **selseq2, Sequence **selseq3, char **error_str) { Editing *ed = seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); Sequence *seq1= 0, *seq2= 0, *seq3= 0, *seq; *error_str= NULL; if (!activeseq) seq2= get_last_seq(scene); for(seq=ed->seqbasep->first; seq; seq=seq->next) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { if (seq->type == SEQ_RAM_SOUND || seq->type == SEQ_HD_SOUND) { *error_str= "Can't apply effects to audio sequence strips"; return 0; } if((seq != activeseq) && (seq != seq2)) { if(seq2==0) seq2= seq; else if(seq1==0) seq1= seq; else if(seq3==0) seq3= seq; else { *error_str= "Can't apply effect to more than 3 sequence strips"; return 0; } } } } /* make sequence selection a little bit more intuitive for 3 strips: the last-strip should be sequence3 */ if (seq3 != 0 && seq2 != 0) { Sequence *tmp = seq2; seq2 = seq3; seq3 = tmp; } switch(get_sequence_effect_num_inputs(type)) { case 0: *selseq1 = *selseq2 = *selseq3 = 0; return 1; /* succsess */ case 1: if(seq2==0) { *error_str= "Need at least one selected sequence strip"; return 0; } if(seq1==0) seq1= seq2; if(seq3==0) seq3= seq2; case 2: if(seq1==0 || seq2==0) { *error_str= "Need 2 selected sequence strips"; return 0; } if(seq3==0) seq3= seq2; } if (seq1==NULL && seq2==NULL && seq3==NULL) { *error_str= "TODO: in what cases does this happen?"; return 0; } *selseq1= seq1; *selseq2= seq2; *selseq3= seq3; return 1; } void reassign_inputs_seq_effect(Scene *scene) { Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); Sequence *seq1, *seq2, *seq3, *last_seq = get_last_seq(scene); char *error_msg; if(last_seq==0 || !(last_seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT)) return; if(ed==NULL) return; if(!seq_effect_find_selected(scene, last_seq, last_seq->type, &seq1, &seq2, &seq3, &error_msg)) { //BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, error_msg); // XXX operatorify return; } /* see reassigning would create a cycle */ if( seq_is_predecessor(seq1, last_seq) || seq_is_predecessor(seq2, last_seq) || seq_is_predecessor(seq3, last_seq) ) { //BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Can't reassign inputs: no cycles allowed"); // XXX operatorify return; } last_seq->seq1 = seq1; last_seq->seq2 = seq2; last_seq->seq3 = seq3; update_changed_seq_and_deps(scene, last_seq, 1, 1); } static Sequence *del_seq_find_replace_recurs(Scene *scene, Sequence *seq) { Sequence *seq1, *seq2, *seq3; /* try to find a replacement input sequence, and flag for later deletion if no replacement can be found */ if(!seq) return NULL; else if(!(seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT)) return ((seq->flag & SELECT)? NULL: seq); else if(!(seq->flag & SELECT)) { /* try to find replacement for effect inputs */ seq1= del_seq_find_replace_recurs(scene, seq->seq1); seq2= del_seq_find_replace_recurs(scene, seq->seq2); seq3= del_seq_find_replace_recurs(scene, seq->seq3); if(seq1==seq->seq1 && seq2==seq->seq2 && seq3==seq->seq3); else if(seq1 || seq2 || seq3) { seq->seq1= (seq1)? seq1: (seq2)? seq2: seq3; seq->seq2= (seq2)? seq2: (seq1)? seq1: seq3; seq->seq3= (seq3)? seq3: (seq1)? seq1: seq2; update_changed_seq_and_deps(scene, seq, 1, 1); } else seq->flag |= SELECT; /* mark for delete */ } if (seq->flag & SELECT) { if((seq1 = del_seq_find_replace_recurs(scene, seq->seq1))) return seq1; if((seq2 = del_seq_find_replace_recurs(scene, seq->seq2))) return seq2; if((seq3 = del_seq_find_replace_recurs(scene, seq->seq3))) return seq3; else return NULL; } else return seq; } static void recurs_del_seq_flag(Scene *scene, ListBase *lb, short flag, short deleteall) { Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); Sequence *seq, *seqn; Sequence *last_seq = get_last_seq(scene); seq= lb->first; while(seq) { seqn= seq->next; if((seq->flag & flag) || deleteall) { if(seq->type==SEQ_RAM_SOUND && seq->sound) seq->sound->id.us--; BLI_remlink(lb, seq); if(seq==last_seq) set_last_seq(scene, NULL); if(seq->type==SEQ_META) recurs_del_seq_flag(scene, &seq->seqbase, flag, 1); if(seq->ipo) seq->ipo->id.us--; seq_free_sequence(ed, seq); } seq= seqn; } } static Sequence *dupli_seq(Sequence *seq) { Sequence *seqn = MEM_dupallocN(seq); seq->tmp = seqn; seqn->strip= MEM_dupallocN(seq->strip); if(seqn->ipo) seqn->ipo->id.us++; seqn->strip->tstripdata = 0; seqn->strip->tstripdata_startstill = 0; seqn->strip->tstripdata_endstill = 0; seqn->strip->ibuf_startstill = 0; seqn->strip->ibuf_endstill = 0; if (seq->strip->crop) { seqn->strip->crop = MEM_dupallocN(seq->strip->crop); } if (seq->strip->transform) { seqn->strip->transform = MEM_dupallocN(seq->strip->transform); } if (seq->strip->proxy) { seqn->strip->proxy = MEM_dupallocN(seq->strip->proxy); } if (seq->strip->color_balance) { seqn->strip->color_balance = MEM_dupallocN(seq->strip->color_balance); } if(seq->type==SEQ_META) { seqn->strip->stripdata = 0; seqn->seqbase.first= seqn->seqbase.last= 0; /* WATCH OUT!!! - This metastrip is not recursively duplicated here - do this after!!! */ /* - recurs_dupli_seq(&seq->seqbase,&seqn->seqbase);*/ } else if(seq->type == SEQ_SCENE) { seqn->strip->stripdata = 0; } else if(seq->type == SEQ_MOVIE) { seqn->strip->stripdata = MEM_dupallocN(seq->strip->stripdata); seqn->anim= 0; } else if(seq->type == SEQ_RAM_SOUND) { seqn->strip->stripdata = MEM_dupallocN(seq->strip->stripdata); seqn->sound->id.us++; } else if(seq->type == SEQ_HD_SOUND) { seqn->strip->stripdata = MEM_dupallocN(seq->strip->stripdata); seqn->hdaudio = 0; } else if(seq->type == SEQ_IMAGE) { seqn->strip->stripdata = MEM_dupallocN(seq->strip->stripdata); } else if(seq->type >= SEQ_EFFECT) { if(seq->seq1 && seq->seq1->tmp) seqn->seq1= seq->seq1->tmp; if(seq->seq2 && seq->seq2->tmp) seqn->seq2= seq->seq2->tmp; if(seq->seq3 && seq->seq3->tmp) seqn->seq3= seq->seq3->tmp; if (seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT) { struct SeqEffectHandle sh; sh = get_sequence_effect(seq); if(sh.copy) sh.copy(seq, seqn); } seqn->strip->stripdata = 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Aiiiiekkk! sequence type not " "handled in duplicate!\nExpect a crash" " now...\n"); } return seqn; } static Sequence * deep_dupli_seq(Sequence * seq) { Sequence * seqn = dupli_seq(seq); if (seq->type == SEQ_META) { Sequence * s; for(s= seq->seqbase.first; s; s = s->next) { Sequence * n = deep_dupli_seq(s); if (n) { BLI_addtail(&seqn->seqbase, n); } } } return seqn; } static void recurs_dupli_seq(Scene *scene, ListBase *old, ListBase *new) { Sequence *seq; Sequence *seqn = 0; Sequence *last_seq = get_last_seq(scene); for(seq= old->first; seq; seq= seq->next) { seq->tmp= NULL; if(seq->flag & SELECT) { seqn = dupli_seq(seq); if (seqn) { /*should never fail */ seq->flag &= SEQ_DESEL; seqn->flag &= ~(SEQ_LEFTSEL+SEQ_RIGHTSEL+SEQ_LOCK); BLI_addtail(new, seqn); if(seq->type==SEQ_META) recurs_dupli_seq(scene, &seq->seqbase,&seqn->seqbase); if (seq == last_seq) { set_last_seq(scene, seqn); } } } } } static Sequence *cut_seq_hard(Scene *scene, Sequence * seq, int cutframe) { TransSeq ts; Sequence *seqn = 0; int skip_dup = FALSE; /* backup values */ ts.start= seq->start; ts.machine= seq->machine; ts.startstill= seq->startstill; ts.endstill= seq->endstill; ts.startdisp= seq->startdisp; ts.enddisp= seq->enddisp; ts.startofs= seq->anim_startofs; ts.endofs= seq->anim_endofs; ts.len= seq->len; /* First Strip! */ /* strips with extended stillfames before */ if ((seq->startstill) && (cutframe start)) { /* don't do funny things with METAs ... */ if (seq->type == SEQ_META) { skip_dup = TRUE; seq->startstill = seq->start - cutframe; } else { seq->start= cutframe -1; seq->startstill= cutframe -seq->startdisp -1; seq->anim_endofs += seq->len - 1; seq->endstill= 0; } } /* normal strip */ else if ((cutframe >=seq->start)&&(cutframe <=(seq->start+seq->len))) { seq->endofs = 0; seq->endstill = 0; seq->anim_endofs += (seq->start+seq->len) - cutframe; } /* strips with extended stillframes after */ else if (((seq->start+seq->len) < cutframe) && (seq->endstill)) { seq->endstill -= seq->enddisp - cutframe; /* don't do funny things with METAs ... */ if (seq->type == SEQ_META) { skip_dup = TRUE; } } reload_sequence_new_file(scene, seq); calc_sequence(seq); if (!skip_dup) { /* Duplicate AFTER the first change */ seqn = deep_dupli_seq(seq); } if (seqn) { seqn->flag |= SELECT; /* Second Strip! */ /* strips with extended stillframes before */ if ((seqn->startstill) && (cutframe == seqn->start + 1)) { seqn->start = ts.start; seqn->startstill= ts.start- cutframe; seqn->anim_endofs = ts.endofs; seqn->endstill = ts.endstill; } /* normal strip */ else if ((cutframe>=seqn->start)&&(cutframe<=(seqn->start+seqn->len))) { seqn->start = cutframe; seqn->startstill = 0; seqn->startofs = 0; seqn->anim_startofs += cutframe - ts.start; seqn->anim_endofs = ts.endofs; seqn->endstill = ts.endstill; } /* strips with extended stillframes after */ else if (((seqn->start+seqn->len) < cutframe) && (seqn->endstill)) { seqn->start = cutframe; seqn->startofs = 0; seqn->anim_startofs += ts.len-1; seqn->endstill = ts.enddisp - cutframe -1; seqn->startstill = 0; } reload_sequence_new_file(scene, seqn); calc_sequence(seqn); } return seqn; } static Sequence *cut_seq_soft(Scene *scene, Sequence * seq, int cutframe) { TransSeq ts; Sequence *seqn = 0; int skip_dup = FALSE; /* backup values */ ts.start= seq->start; ts.machine= seq->machine; ts.startstill= seq->startstill; ts.endstill= seq->endstill; ts.startdisp= seq->startdisp; ts.enddisp= seq->enddisp; ts.startofs= seq->startofs; ts.endofs= seq->endofs; ts.len= seq->len; /* First Strip! */ /* strips with extended stillfames before */ if ((seq->startstill) && (cutframe start)) { /* don't do funny things with METAs ... */ if (seq->type == SEQ_META) { skip_dup = TRUE; seq->startstill = seq->start - cutframe; } else { seq->start= cutframe -1; seq->startstill= cutframe -seq->startdisp -1; seq->endofs = seq->len - 1; seq->endstill= 0; } } /* normal strip */ else if ((cutframe >=seq->start)&&(cutframe <=(seq->start+seq->len))) { seq->endofs = (seq->start+seq->len) - cutframe; } /* strips with extended stillframes after */ else if (((seq->start+seq->len) < cutframe) && (seq->endstill)) { seq->endstill -= seq->enddisp - cutframe; /* don't do funny things with METAs ... */ if (seq->type == SEQ_META) { skip_dup = TRUE; } } calc_sequence(seq); if (!skip_dup) { /* Duplicate AFTER the first change */ seqn = deep_dupli_seq(seq); } if (seqn) { seqn->flag |= SELECT; /* Second Strip! */ /* strips with extended stillframes before */ if ((seqn->startstill) && (cutframe == seqn->start + 1)) { seqn->start = ts.start; seqn->startstill= ts.start- cutframe; seqn->endofs = ts.endofs; seqn->endstill = ts.endstill; } /* normal strip */ else if ((cutframe>=seqn->start)&&(cutframe<=(seqn->start+seqn->len))) { seqn->startstill = 0; seqn->startofs = cutframe - ts.start; seqn->endofs = ts.endofs; seqn->endstill = ts.endstill; } /* strips with extended stillframes after */ else if (((seqn->start+seqn->len) < cutframe) && (seqn->endstill)) { seqn->start = cutframe - ts.len +1; seqn->startofs = ts.len-1; seqn->endstill = ts.enddisp - cutframe -1; seqn->startstill = 0; } calc_sequence(seqn); } return seqn; } /* like duplicate, but only duplicate and cut overlapping strips, * strips to the left of the cutframe are ignored and strips to the right are moved into the new list */ static int cut_seq_list(Scene *scene, ListBase *old, ListBase *new, int cutframe, Sequence * (*cut_seq)(Scene *, Sequence *, int)) { int did_something = FALSE; Sequence *seq, *seq_next; seq= old->first; while(seq) { seq_next = seq->next; /* we need this because we may remove seq */ seq->tmp= NULL; if(seq->flag & SELECT) { if(cutframe > seq->startdisp && cutframe < seq->enddisp) { Sequence * seqn = cut_seq(scene, seq, cutframe); if (seqn) { BLI_addtail(new, seqn); } did_something = TRUE; } else if (seq->enddisp <= cutframe) { /* do nothing */ } else if (seq->startdisp >= cutframe) { /* move into new list */ BLI_remlink(old, seq); BLI_addtail(new, seq); } } seq = seq_next; } return did_something; } int insert_gap(Scene *scene, int gap, int cfra) { Sequence *seq; Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); int done=0; /* all strips >= cfra are shifted */ if(ed==NULL) return 0; SEQP_BEGIN(ed, seq) { if(seq->startdisp >= cfra) { seq->start+= gap; calc_sequence(seq); done= 1; } } SEQ_END return done; } void touch_seq_files(Scene *scene) { Sequence *seq; Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); char str[256]; /* touch all strips with movies */ if(ed==NULL) return; if(okee("Touch and print selected movies")==0) return; waitcursor(1); SEQP_BEGIN(ed, seq) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { if(seq->type==SEQ_MOVIE) { if(seq->strip && seq->strip->stripdata) { BLI_make_file_string(G.sce, str, seq->strip->dir, seq->strip->stripdata->name); BLI_touch(seq->name); } } } } SEQ_END waitcursor(0); } void set_filter_seq(Scene *scene) { Sequence *seq; Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); if(ed==NULL) return; if(okee("Set Deinterlace")==0) return; SEQP_BEGIN(ed, seq) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { if(seq->type==SEQ_MOVIE) { seq->flag |= SEQ_FILTERY; reload_sequence_new_file(scene, seq); } } } SEQ_END } void seq_remap_paths(Scene *scene) { Sequence *seq, *last_seq = get_last_seq(scene); Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); char from[FILE_MAX], to[FILE_MAX], stripped[FILE_MAX]; if(last_seq==NULL) return; BLI_strncpy(from, last_seq->strip->dir, FILE_MAX); // XXX if (0==sbutton(from, 0, sizeof(from)-1, "From: ")) // return; strcpy(to, from); // XXX if (0==sbutton(to, 0, sizeof(to)-1, "To: ")) // return; if (strcmp(to, from)==0) return; SEQP_BEGIN(ed, seq) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { if(strncmp(seq->strip->dir, from, strlen(from))==0) { printf("found %s\n", seq->strip->dir); /* strip off the beginning */ stripped[0]= 0; BLI_strncpy(stripped, seq->strip->dir + strlen(from), FILE_MAX); /* new path */ BLI_strncpy(seq->strip->dir, to, FILE_MAX); strcat(seq->strip->dir, stripped); printf("new %s\n", seq->strip->dir); } } } SEQ_END } void no_gaps(Scene *scene) { Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); int cfra, first= 0, done; if(ed==NULL) return; for(cfra= CFRA; cfra<=EFRA; cfra++) { if(first==0) { if( evaluate_seq_frame(scene, cfra) ) first= 1; } else { done= 1; while( evaluate_seq_frame(scene, cfra) == 0) { done= insert_gap(scene, -1, cfra); if(done==0) break; } if(done==0) break; } } } #if 0 static int seq_get_snaplimit(View2D *v2d) { /* fake mouse coords to get the snap value a bit lazy but its only done once pre transform */ float xmouse, ymouse, x; short mval[2] = {24, 0}; /* 24 screen px snap */ UI_view2d_region_to_view(v2d, mval[0], mval[1], &xmouse, &ymouse); x = xmouse; mval[0] = 0; UI_view2d_region_to_view(v2d, mval[0], mval[1], &xmouse, &ymouse); return (int)(x - xmouse); } #endif void seq_snap(Scene *scene, short event) { Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); Sequence *seq; if(ed==NULL) return; /* problem: contents of meta's are all shifted to the same position... */ /* also check metas */ SEQP_BEGIN(ed, seq) { if (seq->flag & SELECT && !(seq->depth==0 && seq->flag & SEQ_LOCK) && seq_tx_test(seq)) { if((seq->flag & (SEQ_LEFTSEL+SEQ_RIGHTSEL))==0) { seq->start= CFRA-seq->startofs+seq->startstill; } else { if(seq->flag & SEQ_LEFTSEL) { seq_tx_set_final_left(seq, CFRA); } else { /* SEQ_RIGHTSEL */ seq_tx_set_final_right(seq, CFRA); } seq_tx_handle_xlimits(seq, seq->flag & SEQ_LEFTSEL, seq->flag & SEQ_RIGHTSEL); } calc_sequence(seq); } } SEQ_END /* test for effects and overlap */ SEQP_BEGIN(ed, seq) { if(seq->flag & SELECT && !(seq->depth==0 && seq->flag & SEQ_LOCK)) { seq->flag &= ~SEQ_OVERLAP; if( seq_test_overlap(ed->seqbasep, seq) ) { shuffle_seq(ed->seqbasep, seq); } } else if(seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT) { if(seq->seq1 && (seq->seq1->flag & SELECT)) calc_sequence(seq); else if(seq->seq2 && (seq->seq2->flag & SELECT)) calc_sequence(seq); else if(seq->seq3 && (seq->seq3->flag & SELECT)) calc_sequence(seq); } } SEQ_END; /* as last: */ sort_seq(scene); } void seq_snap_menu(Scene *scene) { short event; event= pupmenu("Snap %t|To Current Frame%x1"); if(event < 1) return; seq_snap(scene, event); } /* Operator functions */ static int sequencer_mute_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); Sequence *seq; int selected; if(ed==NULL) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; selected= RNA_enum_is_equal(op->ptr, "type", "SELECTED"); for(seq= ed->seqbasep->first; seq; seq= seq->next) { if ((seq->flag & SEQ_LOCK)==0) { if(selected){ /* mute unselected */ if (seq->flag & SELECT) { seq->flag |= SEQ_MUTE; } } else { if ((seq->flag & SELECT)==0) { seq->flag |= SEQ_MUTE; } } } } ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void SEQUENCER_OT_mute(struct wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Mute Strips"; ot->idname= "SEQUENCER_OT_mute"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= sequencer_mute_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_sequencer_active; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", sequencer_prop_operate_types, SEQ_SELECTED, "Type", ""); } /* unmute operator */ static int sequencer_unmute_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); Sequence *seq; int selected; if(ed==NULL) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; selected= RNA_enum_is_equal(op->ptr, "type", "SELECTED"); for(seq= ed->seqbasep->first; seq; seq= seq->next) { if ((seq->flag & SEQ_LOCK)==0) { if(selected){ /* unmute unselected */ if (seq->flag & SELECT) { seq->flag &= ~SEQ_MUTE; } } else { if ((seq->flag & SELECT)==0) { seq->flag &= ~SEQ_MUTE; } } } } ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void SEQUENCER_OT_unmute(struct wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "UnMute Strips"; ot->idname= "SEQUENCER_OT_unmute"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= sequencer_unmute_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_sequencer_active; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", sequencer_prop_operate_types, SEQ_SELECTED, "Type", ""); } /* lock operator */ static int sequencer_lock_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); Sequence *seq; if(ed==NULL) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; for(seq= ed->seqbasep->first; seq; seq= seq->next) { if (seq->flag & SELECT) { seq->flag |= SEQ_LOCK; } } ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void SEQUENCER_OT_lock(struct wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Lock Strips"; ot->idname= "SEQUENCER_OT_lock"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= sequencer_lock_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_sequencer_active; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* unlock operator */ static int sequencer_unlock_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); Sequence *seq; if(ed==NULL) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; for(seq= ed->seqbasep->first; seq; seq= seq->next) { if (seq->flag & SELECT) { seq->flag &= ~SEQ_LOCK; } } ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void SEQUENCER_OT_unlock(struct wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "UnLock Strips"; ot->idname= "SEQUENCER_OT_unlock"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= sequencer_unlock_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_sequencer_active; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* reload operator */ static int sequencer_reload_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); Sequence *seq; if(ed==NULL) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; for(seq= ed->seqbasep->first; seq; seq= seq->next) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { update_changed_seq_and_deps(scene, seq, 0, 1); } } ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void SEQUENCER_OT_reload(struct wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Reload Strips"; ot->idname= "SEQUENCER_OT_reload"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= sequencer_reload_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_sequencer_active; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* reload operator */ static int sequencer_refresh_all_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); if(ed==NULL) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; free_imbuf_seq(&ed->seqbase); ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void SEQUENCER_OT_refresh_all(struct wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Refresh Sequencer"; ot->idname= "SEQUENCER_OT_refresh_all"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= sequencer_refresh_all_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_sequencer_active; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* cut operator */ static EnumPropertyItem prop_cut_types[] = { {SEQ_CUT_SOFT, "SOFT", "Soft", ""}, {SEQ_CUT_HARD, "HARD", "Hard", ""}, {0, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; static int sequencer_cut_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); int cut_side, cut_hard, cut_frame; ListBase newlist; int changed; if(ed==NULL) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; cut_frame= RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "frame"); cut_hard= RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "type"); cut_side= RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "side"); newlist.first= newlist.last= NULL; if (cut_hard==SEQ_CUT_HARD) { changed = cut_seq_list(scene, ed->seqbasep, &newlist, cut_frame, cut_seq_hard); } else { changed = cut_seq_list(scene, ed->seqbasep, &newlist, cut_frame, cut_seq_soft); } if (newlist.first) { /* got new strips ? */ Sequence *seq; addlisttolist(ed->seqbasep, &newlist); if (cut_side != SEQ_SIDE_BOTH) { SEQP_BEGIN(ed, seq) { if (cut_side==SEQ_SIDE_LEFT) { if ( seq->startdisp >= cut_frame ) { seq->flag &= SEQ_DESEL; } } else { if ( seq->enddisp <= cut_frame ) { seq->flag &= SEQ_DESEL; } } } SEQ_END; } /* as last: */ sort_seq(scene); } if (changed) { ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); } return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } static int sequencer_cut_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); ARegion *ar= CTX_wm_region(C); View2D *v2d= UI_view2d_fromcontext(C); int cut_side, cut_frame; cut_frame= CFRA; cut_side= mouse_frame_side(v2d, event->x - ar->winrct.xmin, cut_frame); RNA_int_set(op->ptr, "frame", cut_frame); RNA_enum_set(op->ptr, "side", cut_side); /*RNA_enum_set(op->ptr, "type", cut_hard); */ /*This type is set from the key shortcut */ return sequencer_cut_exec(C, op); } void SEQUENCER_OT_cut(struct wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Cut Strips"; ot->idname= "SEQUENCER_OT_cut"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= sequencer_cut_invoke; ot->exec= sequencer_cut_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_sequencer_active; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; RNA_def_int(ot->srna, "frame", 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, "Frame", "Frame where selected strips will be cut", INT_MIN, INT_MAX); RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", prop_cut_types, SEQ_CUT_SOFT, "Type", "the type of cut operation to perform on strips"); RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "side", prop_side_types, SEQ_SIDE_BOTH, "Side", "The side that remains selected after cutting"); } /* duplicate operator */ static int sequencer_add_duplicate_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); ListBase new= {NULL, NULL}; if(ed==NULL) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; recurs_dupli_seq(scene, ed->seqbasep, &new); addlisttolist(ed->seqbasep, &new); ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } static int sequencer_add_duplicate_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { sequencer_add_duplicate_exec(C, op); RNA_int_set(op->ptr, "mode", TFM_TRANSLATION); WM_operator_name_call(C, "TFM_OT_transform", WM_OP_INVOKE_REGION_WIN, op->ptr); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void SEQUENCER_OT_add_duplicate(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Add Duplicate"; ot->idname= "SEQUENCER_OT_add_duplicate"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= sequencer_add_duplicate_invoke; ot->exec= sequencer_add_duplicate_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_sequencer_active; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; /* to give to transform */ RNA_def_int(ot->srna, "mode", TFM_TRANSLATION, 0, INT_MAX, "Mode", "", 0, INT_MAX); } /* delete operator */ static int sequencer_delete_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); Sequence *seq; MetaStack *ms; int nothingSelected = TRUE; if(ed==NULL) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; seq=get_last_seq(scene); if (seq && seq->flag & SELECT) { /* avoid a loop since this is likely to be selected */ nothingSelected = FALSE; } else { for (seq = ed->seqbasep->first; seq; seq = seq->next) { if (seq->flag & SELECT) { nothingSelected = FALSE; break; } } } if (nothingSelected) return OPERATOR_FINISHED; /* free imbufs of all dependent strips */ for(seq=ed->seqbasep->first; seq; seq=seq->next) if(seq->flag & SELECT) update_changed_seq_and_deps(scene, seq, 1, 0); /* for effects, try to find a replacement input */ for(seq=ed->seqbasep->first; seq; seq=seq->next) if((seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT) && !(seq->flag & SELECT)) del_seq_find_replace_recurs(scene, seq); /* delete all selected strips */ recurs_del_seq_flag(scene, ed->seqbasep, SELECT, 0); /* updates lengths etc */ seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { calc_sequence(seq); seq= seq->next; } /* free parent metas */ ms= ed->metastack.last; while(ms) { ms->parseq->strip->len= 0; /* force new alloc */ calc_sequence(ms->parseq); ms= ms->prev; } //ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE|ND_SEQUENCER, NULL); /* redraw other sequencer views */ return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void SEQUENCER_OT_delete(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Erase Strips"; ot->idname= "SEQUENCER_OT_delete"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= WM_operator_confirm; ot->exec= sequencer_delete_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_sequencer_active; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* separate_images operator */ static int sequencer_separate_images_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); Sequence *seq, *seq_new, *seq_next; Strip *strip_new; StripElem *se, *se_new; int start_ofs, cfra, frame_end; static int step= 1; // add_numbut(0, NUM|INT, "Image Duration:", 1, 256, &step, NULL); // if (!do_clever_numbuts("Separate Images", 1, REDRAW)) // return; if(ed==NULL) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while (seq) { if((seq->flag & SELECT) && (seq->type == SEQ_IMAGE) && (seq->len > 1)) { /* remove seq so overlap tests dont conflict, see seq_free_sequence below for the real free'ing */ seq_next = seq->next; BLI_remlink(ed->seqbasep, seq); if(seq->ipo) seq->ipo->id.us--; start_ofs = cfra = seq_tx_get_final_left(seq, 0); frame_end = seq_tx_get_final_right(seq, 0); while (cfra < frame_end) { /* new seq */ se = give_stripelem(seq, cfra); seq_new= alloc_sequence(ed->seqbasep, start_ofs, seq->machine); seq_new->type= SEQ_IMAGE; seq_new->len = 1; seq_new->endstill = step-1; /* new strip */ seq_new->strip= strip_new= MEM_callocN(sizeof(Strip)*1, "strip"); strip_new->len= 1; strip_new->us= 1; strncpy(strip_new->dir, seq->strip->dir, FILE_MAXDIR-1); /* new stripdata */ strip_new->stripdata= se_new= MEM_callocN(sizeof(StripElem)*1, "stripelem"); strncpy(se_new->name, se->name, FILE_MAXFILE-1); calc_sequence(seq_new); seq_new->flag &= ~SEQ_OVERLAP; if (seq_test_overlap(ed->seqbasep, seq_new)) { shuffle_seq(ed->seqbasep, seq_new); } cfra++; start_ofs += step; } seq_free_sequence(ed, seq); seq = seq->next; } else { seq = seq->next; } } /* as last: */ sort_seq(scene); ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void SEQUENCER_OT_separate_images(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Separate Images"; ot->idname= "SEQUENCER_OT_separate_images"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= WM_operator_confirm; ot->exec= sequencer_separate_images_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_sequencer_active; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* META Operators */ /* separate_meta_toggle operator */ static int sequencer_meta_toggle_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); Sequence *last_seq= get_last_seq(scene); MetaStack *ms; if(ed==NULL) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; if(last_seq && last_seq->type==SEQ_META && last_seq->flag & SELECT) { /* Enter Metastrip */ ms= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(MetaStack), "metastack"); BLI_addtail(&ed->metastack, ms); ms->parseq= last_seq; ms->oldbasep= ed->seqbasep; ed->seqbasep= &last_seq->seqbase; set_last_seq(scene, NULL); } else { /* Exit Metastrip (if possible) */ Sequence *seq; if(ed->metastack.first==NULL) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; ms= ed->metastack.last; BLI_remlink(&ed->metastack, ms); ed->seqbasep= ms->oldbasep; /* recalc all: the meta can have effects connected to it */ for(seq= ed->seqbasep->first; seq; seq= seq->next) calc_sequence(seq); set_last_seq(scene, ms->parseq); ms->parseq->flag |= SELECT; recurs_sel_seq(ms->parseq); MEM_freeN(ms); } ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void SEQUENCER_OT_meta_toggle(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Toggle Meta Strip"; ot->idname= "SEQUENCER_OT_meta_toggle"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= sequencer_meta_toggle_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_sequencer_active; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* separate_meta_make operator */ static int sequencer_meta_make_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); Sequence *seq, *seqm, *next; int tot; if(ed==NULL) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; /* is there more than 1 select */ tot= 0; seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { tot++; if (seq->type == SEQ_RAM_SOUND) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Can't make Meta Strip from audio"); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED;; } } seq= seq->next; } if(tot < 1) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED;; /* test relationships */ seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { if(seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT) { if(seq->seq1 && (seq->seq1->flag & SELECT)==0) tot= 0; if(seq->seq2 && (seq->seq2->flag & SELECT)==0) tot= 0; if(seq->seq3 && (seq->seq3->flag & SELECT)==0) tot= 0; } } else if(seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT) { if(seq->seq1 && (seq->seq1->flag & SELECT)) tot= 0; if(seq->seq2 && (seq->seq2->flag & SELECT)) tot= 0; if(seq->seq3 && (seq->seq3->flag & SELECT)) tot= 0; } if(tot==0) break; seq= seq->next; } if(tot==0) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Please select all related strips"); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } /* remove all selected from main list, and put in meta */ seqm= alloc_sequence(ed->seqbasep, 1, 1); seqm->type= SEQ_META; seqm->flag= SELECT; seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { next= seq->next; if(seq!=seqm && (seq->flag & SELECT)) { BLI_remlink(ed->seqbasep, seq); BLI_addtail(&seqm->seqbase, seq); } seq= next; } calc_sequence(seqm); seqm->strip= MEM_callocN(sizeof(Strip), "metastrip"); seqm->strip->len= seqm->len; seqm->strip->us= 1; set_last_seq(scene, seqm); if( seq_test_overlap(ed->seqbasep, seqm) ) shuffle_seq(ed->seqbasep, seqm); ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void SEQUENCER_OT_meta_make(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "Make Meta Strip"; ot->idname= "SEQUENCER_OT_meta_make"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= WM_operator_confirm; ot->exec= sequencer_meta_make_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_sequencer_active; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } static int seq_depends_on_meta(Sequence *seq, Sequence *seqm) { if (seq == seqm) return 1; else if (seq->seq1 && seq_depends_on_meta(seq->seq1, seqm)) return 1; else if (seq->seq2 && seq_depends_on_meta(seq->seq2, seqm)) return 1; else if (seq->seq3 && seq_depends_on_meta(seq->seq3, seqm)) return 1; else return 0; } /* separate_meta_make operator */ static int sequencer_meta_separate_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); Sequence *seq, *last_seq = get_last_seq(scene); /* last_seq checks ed==NULL */ if(last_seq==NULL || last_seq->type!=SEQ_META) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; addlisttolist(ed->seqbasep, &last_seq->seqbase); last_seq->seqbase.first= 0; last_seq->seqbase.last= 0; BLI_remlink(ed->seqbasep, last_seq); seq_free_sequence(ed, last_seq); /* emtpy meta strip, delete all effects depending on it */ for(seq=ed->seqbasep->first; seq; seq=seq->next) if((seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT) && seq_depends_on_meta(seq, last_seq)) seq->flag |= SEQ_FLAG_DELETE; recurs_del_seq_flag(scene, ed->seqbasep, SEQ_FLAG_DELETE, 0); /* test for effects and overlap */ SEQP_BEGIN(ed, seq) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { seq->flag &= ~SEQ_OVERLAP; if( seq_test_overlap(ed->seqbasep, seq) ) { shuffle_seq(ed->seqbasep, seq); } } } SEQ_END; sort_seq(scene); ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void SEQUENCER_OT_meta_separate(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "UnMeta Strip"; ot->idname= "SEQUENCER_OT_meta_separate"; /* api callbacks */ ot->invoke= WM_operator_confirm; ot->exec= sequencer_meta_separate_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_sequencer_active; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER|OPTYPE_UNDO; } /* view_all operator */ static int sequencer_view_all_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); bScreen *sc= CTX_wm_screen(C); ScrArea *area= CTX_wm_area(C); ARegion *ar= CTX_wm_region(C); SpaceSeq *sseq= area->spacedata.first; View2D *v2d= UI_view2d_fromcontext(C); if (sseq->mainb==SEQ_DRAW_SEQUENCE) { v2d->cur= v2d->tot; UI_view2d_curRect_validate(v2d); UI_view2d_sync(sc, area, v2d, V2D_LOCK_COPY); } else { /* Like zooming on an image view */ float zoomX, zoomY; int width, height, imgwidth, imgheight; width = ar->winx; height = ar->winy; seq_reset_imageofs(sseq); imgwidth= (scene->r.size*scene->r.xsch)/100; imgheight= (scene->r.size*scene->r.ysch)/100; /* Apply aspect, dosnt need to be that accurate */ imgwidth= (int)(imgwidth * ((float)scene->r.xasp / (float)scene->r.yasp)); if (((imgwidth >= width) || (imgheight >= height)) && ((width > 0) && (height > 0))) { /* Find the zoom value that will fit the image in the image space */ zoomX = ((float)width) / ((float)imgwidth); zoomY = ((float)height) / ((float)imgheight); sseq->zoom= (zoomX < zoomY) ? zoomX : zoomY; sseq->zoom = 1.0f / power_of_2(1/ MIN2(zoomX, zoomY) ); } else { sseq->zoom= 1.0f; } } ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void SEQUENCER_OT_view_all(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "View All"; ot->idname= "SEQUENCER_OT_view_all"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= sequencer_view_all_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_sequencer_active; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER; } /* view_all operator */ static int sequencer_view_selected_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); View2D *v2d= UI_view2d_fromcontext(C); ScrArea *area= CTX_wm_area(C); bScreen *sc= CTX_wm_screen(C); Editing *ed= seq_give_editing(scene, FALSE); Sequence *seq; int xmin= MAXFRAME*2; int xmax= -MAXFRAME*2; int ymin= MAXSEQ+1; int ymax= 0; int orig_height; int ymid; int ymargin= 1; int xmargin= FPS; if(ed==NULL) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; for(seq=ed->seqbasep->first; seq; seq=seq->next) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { xmin= MIN2(xmin, seq->startdisp); xmax= MAX2(xmax, seq->enddisp); ymin= MIN2(ymin, seq->machine); ymax= MAX2(ymax, seq->machine); } } if (ymax != 0) { xmax += xmargin; xmin -= xmargin; ymax += ymargin; ymin -= ymargin; orig_height= v2d->cur.ymax - v2d->cur.ymin; v2d->cur.xmin= xmin; v2d->cur.xmax= xmax; v2d->cur.ymin= ymin; v2d->cur.ymax= ymax; /* only zoom out vertically */ if (orig_height > v2d->cur.ymax - v2d->cur.ymin) { ymid= (v2d->cur.ymax + v2d->cur.ymin) / 2; v2d->cur.ymin= ymid - (orig_height/2); v2d->cur.ymax= ymid + (orig_height/2); } UI_view2d_curRect_validate(v2d); UI_view2d_sync(sc, area, v2d, V2D_LOCK_COPY); ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); } return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } void SEQUENCER_OT_view_selected(wmOperatorType *ot) { /* identifiers */ ot->name= "View Selected"; ot->idname= "SEQUENCER_OT_view_selected"; /* api callbacks */ ot->exec= sequencer_view_selected_exec; ot->poll= ED_operator_sequencer_active; /* flags */ ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER; }