/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include "BLI_listbase.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "DNA_space_types.h" #include "DEG_depsgraph_query.h" #include "UI_interface.h" #include "UI_resources.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "spreadsheet_intern.hh" #include "spreadsheet_data_source_geometry.hh" #include "spreadsheet_intern.hh" #include "spreadsheet_layout.hh" #include "spreadsheet_row_filter.hh" namespace blender::ed::spreadsheet { template static void apply_filter_operation(const VArray &data, OperationFn check_fn, const IndexMask mask, Vector &new_indices) { for (const int64_t i : mask) { if (check_fn(data[i])) { new_indices.append(i); } } } static void apply_row_filter(const SpreadsheetRowFilter &row_filter, const Map &columns, const IndexMask prev_mask, Vector &new_indices) { const ColumnValues &column = *columns.lookup(row_filter.column_name); const fn::GVArray &column_data = column.data(); if (column_data.type().is()) { const float value = row_filter.value_float; switch (row_filter.operation) { case SPREADSHEET_ROW_FILTER_EQUAL: { const float threshold = row_filter.threshold; apply_filter_operation( column_data.typed(), [&](const float cell) { return std::abs(cell - value) < threshold; }, prev_mask, new_indices); break; } case SPREADSHEET_ROW_FILTER_GREATER: { apply_filter_operation( column_data.typed(), [&](const float cell) { return cell > value; }, prev_mask, new_indices); break; } case SPREADSHEET_ROW_FILTER_LESS: { apply_filter_operation( column_data.typed(), [&](const float cell) { return cell < value; }, prev_mask, new_indices); break; } } } else if (column_data.type().is()) { const int value = row_filter.value_int; switch (row_filter.operation) { case SPREADSHEET_ROW_FILTER_EQUAL: { apply_filter_operation( column_data.typed(), [&](const int cell) { return cell == value; }, prev_mask, new_indices); break; } case SPREADSHEET_ROW_FILTER_GREATER: { apply_filter_operation( column_data.typed(), [value](const int cell) { return cell > value; }, prev_mask, new_indices); break; } case SPREADSHEET_ROW_FILTER_LESS: { apply_filter_operation( column_data.typed(), [&](const int cell) { return cell < value; }, prev_mask, new_indices); break; } } } else if (column_data.type().is()) { const float2 value = row_filter.value_float2; switch (row_filter.operation) { case SPREADSHEET_ROW_FILTER_EQUAL: { const float threshold_sq = row_filter.threshold; apply_filter_operation( column_data.typed(), [&](const float2 cell) { return float2::distance_squared(cell, value) > threshold_sq; }, prev_mask, new_indices); break; } case SPREADSHEET_ROW_FILTER_GREATER: { apply_filter_operation( column_data.typed(), [&](const float2 cell) { return cell.x > value.x && cell.y > value.y; }, prev_mask, new_indices); break; } case SPREADSHEET_ROW_FILTER_LESS: { apply_filter_operation( column_data.typed(), [&](const float2 cell) { return cell.x < value.x && cell.y < value.y; }, prev_mask, new_indices); break; } } } else if (column_data.type().is()) { const float3 value = row_filter.value_float3; switch (row_filter.operation) { case SPREADSHEET_ROW_FILTER_EQUAL: { const float threshold_sq = row_filter.threshold; apply_filter_operation( column_data.typed(), [&](const float3 cell) { return float3::distance_squared(cell, value) > threshold_sq; }, prev_mask, new_indices); break; } case SPREADSHEET_ROW_FILTER_GREATER: { apply_filter_operation( column_data.typed(), [&](const float3 cell) { return cell.x > value.x && cell.y > value.y && cell.z > value.z; }, prev_mask, new_indices); break; } case SPREADSHEET_ROW_FILTER_LESS: { apply_filter_operation( column_data.typed(), [&](const float3 cell) { return cell.x < value.x && cell.y < value.y && cell.z < value.z; }, prev_mask, new_indices); break; } } } else if (column_data.type().is()) { const ColorGeometry4f value = row_filter.value_color; switch (row_filter.operation) { case SPREADSHEET_ROW_FILTER_EQUAL: { const float threshold_sq = row_filter.threshold; apply_filter_operation( column_data.typed(), [&](const ColorGeometry4f cell) { return len_squared_v4v4(cell, value) > threshold_sq; }, prev_mask, new_indices); break; } } } else if (column_data.type().is()) { const StringRef value = row_filter.value_string; switch (row_filter.operation) { case SPREADSHEET_ROW_FILTER_EQUAL: { apply_filter_operation( column_data.typed(), [&](const InstanceReference cell) { switch (cell.type()) { case InstanceReference::Type::Object: { return value == (reinterpret_cast(cell.object()).name + 2); } case InstanceReference::Type::Collection: { return value == (reinterpret_cast(cell.collection()).name + 2); } case InstanceReference::Type::GeometrySet: { return false; } case InstanceReference::Type::None: { return false; } } BLI_assert_unreachable(); return false; }, prev_mask, new_indices); break; } } } } static bool use_row_filters(const SpaceSpreadsheet &sspreadsheet) { if (!(sspreadsheet.filter_flag & SPREADSHEET_FILTER_ENABLE)) { return false; } if (BLI_listbase_is_empty(&sspreadsheet.row_filters)) { return false; } return true; } static bool use_selection_filter(const SpaceSpreadsheet &sspreadsheet, const DataSource &data_source) { if (!(sspreadsheet.filter_flag & SPREADSHEET_FILTER_SELECTED_ONLY)) { return false; } if (!data_source.has_selection_filter()) { return false; } return true; } IndexMask spreadsheet_filter_rows(const SpaceSpreadsheet &sspreadsheet, const SpreadsheetLayout &spreadsheet_layout, const DataSource &data_source, ResourceScope &scope) { const int tot_rows = data_source.tot_rows(); const bool use_selection = use_selection_filter(sspreadsheet, data_source); const bool use_filters = use_row_filters(sspreadsheet); /* Avoid allocating an array if no row filtering is necessary. */ if (!(use_filters || use_selection)) { return IndexMask(tot_rows); } IndexMask mask(tot_rows); Vector mask_indices; mask_indices.reserve(tot_rows); if (use_selection) { const GeometryDataSource *geometry_data_source = dynamic_cast( &data_source); mask = geometry_data_source->apply_selection_filter(mask_indices); } if (use_filters) { Map columns; for (const ColumnLayout &column : spreadsheet_layout.columns) { columns.add(column.values->name(), column.values); } LISTBASE_FOREACH (const SpreadsheetRowFilter *, row_filter, &sspreadsheet.row_filters) { if (row_filter->flag & SPREADSHEET_ROW_FILTER_ENABLED) { if (!columns.contains(row_filter->column_name)) { continue; } Vector new_indices; new_indices.reserve(mask_indices.size()); apply_row_filter(*row_filter, columns, mask, new_indices); std::swap(new_indices, mask_indices); mask = IndexMask(mask_indices); } } } if (mask_indices.is_empty()) { BLI_assert(mask.is_empty() || mask.is_range()); return mask; } return IndexMask(scope.add_value(std::move(mask_indices))); } SpreadsheetRowFilter *spreadsheet_row_filter_new() { SpreadsheetRowFilter *row_filter = (SpreadsheetRowFilter *)MEM_callocN( sizeof(SpreadsheetRowFilter), __func__); row_filter->flag = (SPREADSHEET_ROW_FILTER_UI_EXPAND | SPREADSHEET_ROW_FILTER_ENABLED); row_filter->operation = SPREADSHEET_ROW_FILTER_LESS; row_filter->threshold = 0.01f; row_filter->column_name[0] = '\0'; return row_filter; } SpreadsheetRowFilter *spreadsheet_row_filter_copy(const SpreadsheetRowFilter *src_row_filter) { SpreadsheetRowFilter *new_filter = spreadsheet_row_filter_new(); memcpy(new_filter, src_row_filter, sizeof(SpreadsheetRowFilter)); new_filter->next = nullptr; new_filter->prev = nullptr; return new_filter; } void spreadsheet_row_filter_free(SpreadsheetRowFilter *row_filter) { MEM_SAFE_FREE(row_filter->value_string); MEM_freeN(row_filter); } } // namespace blender::ed::spreadsheet