/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2008 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * * Contributor(s): Blender Foundation * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file blender/editors/space_text/text_python.c * \ingroup sptext */ #include #include #include #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "DNA_space_types.h" #include "DNA_text_types.h" #include "BKE_suggestions.h" #include "BKE_text.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "WM_types.h" #include "text_intern.h" int text_do_suggest_select(SpaceText *st, ARegion *ar) { SuggItem *item, *first, *last /* , *sel */ /* UNUSED */; TextLine *tmp; int l, x, y, w, h, i; int tgti, *top; int mval[2] = {0, 0}; if (!st || !st->text) return 0; if (!texttool_text_is_active(st->text)) return 0; first = texttool_suggest_first(); last = texttool_suggest_last(); /* sel = texttool_suggest_selected(); */ /* UNUSED */ top = texttool_suggest_top(); if (!last || !first) return 0; /* Count the visible lines to the cursor */ for (tmp = st->text->curl, l = -st->top; tmp; tmp = tmp->prev, l++) ; if (l < 0) return 0; text_update_character_width(st); if (st->showlinenrs) { x = st->cwidth * (st->text->curc - st->left) + TXT_OFFSET + TEXTXLOC - 4; } else { x = st->cwidth * (st->text->curc - st->left) + TXT_OFFSET - 4; } y = ar->winy - st->lheight * l - 2; w = SUGG_LIST_WIDTH * st->cwidth + 20; h = SUGG_LIST_SIZE * st->lheight + 8; // XXX getmouseco_areawin(mval); if (mval[0] < x || x + w < mval[0] || mval[1] < y - h || y < mval[1]) return 0; /* Work out which of the items is at the top of the visible list */ for (i = 0, item = first; i < *top && item->next; i++, item = item->next) ; /* Work out the target item index in the visible list */ tgti = (y - mval[1] - 4) / st->lheight; if (tgti < 0 || tgti > SUGG_LIST_SIZE) return 1; for (i = tgti; i > 0 && item->next; i--, item = item->next) ; if (item) texttool_suggest_select(item); return 1; } void text_pop_suggest_list(void) { SuggItem *item, *sel; int *top, i; item = texttool_suggest_first(); sel = texttool_suggest_selected(); top = texttool_suggest_top(); i = 0; while (item && item != sel) { item = item->next; i++; } if (i > *top + SUGG_LIST_SIZE - 1) *top = i - SUGG_LIST_SIZE + 1; else if (i < *top) *top = i; } static void get_suggest_prefix(Text *text, int offset) { int i, len; char *line, tmp[256]; if (!text) return; if (!texttool_text_is_active(text)) return; line = text->curl->line; for (i = text->curc - 1 + offset; i >= 0; i--) if (!text_check_identifier(line[i])) break; i++; len = text->curc - i + offset; if (len > 255) { printf("Suggestion prefix too long\n"); len = 255; } BLI_strncpy(tmp, line + i, len); tmp[len] = '\0'; texttool_suggest_prefix(tmp); } static void confirm_suggestion(Text *text, int skipleft) { SuggItem *sel; int i, over = 0; char *line; if (!text) return; if (!texttool_text_is_active(text)) return; sel = texttool_suggest_selected(); if (!sel) return; line = text->curl->line; i = text->curc - skipleft - 1; while (i >= 0) { if (!text_check_identifier(line[i])) break; over++; i--; } for (i = 0; i < skipleft; i++) txt_move_left(text, 0); for (i = 0; i < over; i++) txt_move_left(text, 1); txt_insert_buf(text, sel->name); for (i = 0; i < skipleft; i++) txt_move_right(text, 0); texttool_text_clear(); } // XXX #define LR_SHIFTKEY 0 #define LR_ALTKEY 0 #define LR_CTRLKEY 0 // XXX static int doc_scroll = 0; static short UNUSED_FUNCTION(do_texttools) (SpaceText * st, char ascii, unsigned short evnt, short val) { ARegion *ar = NULL; // XXX int qual = 0; // XXX int draw = 0, tools = 0, swallow = 0, scroll = 1; if (!texttool_text_is_active(st->text)) return 0; if (!st->text || st->text->id.lib) return 0; if (st->doplugins && texttool_text_is_active(st->text)) { if (texttool_suggest_first()) tools |= TOOL_SUGG_LIST; if (texttool_docs_get()) tools |= TOOL_DOCUMENT; } if (ascii) { if (tools & TOOL_SUGG_LIST) { if ((ascii != '_' && ascii != '*' && ispunct(ascii)) || text_check_whitespace(ascii)) { confirm_suggestion(st->text, 0); text_update_line_edited(st->text->curl); } else if ((st->overwrite && txt_replace_char(st->text, ascii)) || txt_add_char(st->text, ascii)) { get_suggest_prefix(st->text, 0); text_pop_suggest_list(); swallow = 1; draw = 1; } } if (tools & TOOL_DOCUMENT) texttool_docs_clear(), doc_scroll = 0, draw = 1; } else if (val == 1 && evnt) { switch (evnt) { case LEFTMOUSE: if (text_do_suggest_select(st, ar)) swallow = 1; else { if (tools & TOOL_SUGG_LIST) texttool_suggest_clear(); if (tools & TOOL_DOCUMENT) texttool_docs_clear(), doc_scroll = 0; } draw = 1; break; case MIDDLEMOUSE: if (text_do_suggest_select(st, ar)) { confirm_suggestion(st->text, 0); text_update_line_edited(st->text->curl); swallow = 1; } else { if (tools & TOOL_SUGG_LIST) texttool_suggest_clear(); if (tools & TOOL_DOCUMENT) texttool_docs_clear(), doc_scroll = 0; } draw = 1; break; case ESCKEY: draw = swallow = 1; if (tools & TOOL_SUGG_LIST) texttool_suggest_clear(); else if (tools & TOOL_DOCUMENT) texttool_docs_clear(), doc_scroll = 0; else draw = swallow = 0; break; case RETKEY: if (tools & TOOL_SUGG_LIST) { confirm_suggestion(st->text, 0); text_update_line_edited(st->text->curl); swallow = 1; draw = 1; } if (tools & TOOL_DOCUMENT) texttool_docs_clear(), doc_scroll = 0, draw = 1; break; case LEFTARROWKEY: case BACKSPACEKEY: if (tools & TOOL_SUGG_LIST) { if (qual) texttool_suggest_clear(); else { /* Work out which char we are about to delete/pass */ if (st->text->curl && st->text->curc > 0) { char ch = st->text->curl->line[st->text->curc - 1]; if ((ch == '_' || !ispunct(ch)) && !text_check_whitespace(ch)) { get_suggest_prefix(st->text, -1); text_pop_suggest_list(); } else texttool_suggest_clear(); } else texttool_suggest_clear(); } } if (tools & TOOL_DOCUMENT) texttool_docs_clear(), doc_scroll = 0; break; case RIGHTARROWKEY: if (tools & TOOL_SUGG_LIST) { if (qual) texttool_suggest_clear(); else { /* Work out which char we are about to pass */ if (st->text->curl && st->text->curc < st->text->curl->len) { char ch = st->text->curl->line[st->text->curc + 1]; if ((ch == '_' || !ispunct(ch)) && !text_check_whitespace(ch)) { get_suggest_prefix(st->text, 1); text_pop_suggest_list(); } else texttool_suggest_clear(); } else texttool_suggest_clear(); } } if (tools & TOOL_DOCUMENT) texttool_docs_clear(), doc_scroll = 0; break; case PAGEDOWNKEY: scroll = SUGG_LIST_SIZE - 1; case WHEELDOWNMOUSE: case DOWNARROWKEY: if (tools & TOOL_DOCUMENT) { doc_scroll++; swallow = 1; draw = 1; break; } else if (tools & TOOL_SUGG_LIST) { SuggItem *sel = texttool_suggest_selected(); if (!sel) { texttool_suggest_select(texttool_suggest_first()); } else { while (sel && sel != texttool_suggest_last() && sel->next && scroll--) { texttool_suggest_select(sel->next); sel = sel->next; } } text_pop_suggest_list(); swallow = 1; draw = 1; break; } case PAGEUPKEY: scroll = SUGG_LIST_SIZE - 1; case WHEELUPMOUSE: case UPARROWKEY: if (tools & TOOL_DOCUMENT) { if (doc_scroll > 0) doc_scroll--; swallow = 1; draw = 1; break; } else if (tools & TOOL_SUGG_LIST) { SuggItem *sel = texttool_suggest_selected(); while (sel && sel != texttool_suggest_first() && sel->prev && scroll--) { texttool_suggest_select(sel->prev); sel = sel->prev; } text_pop_suggest_list(); swallow = 1; draw = 1; break; } case RIGHTSHIFTKEY: case LEFTSHIFTKEY: break; default: if (tools & TOOL_SUGG_LIST) texttool_suggest_clear(), draw = 1; if (tools & TOOL_DOCUMENT) texttool_docs_clear(), doc_scroll = 0, draw = 1; } } if (draw) { // XXX redraw_alltext(); } return swallow; }