/** * $Id: * * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): Martin Poirier * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include #include #include #include #include "PIL_time.h" #include "DNA_action_types.h" #include "DNA_armature_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_meshdata_types.h" // Temporary, for snapping to other unselected meshes #include "DNA_space_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "DNA_userdef_types.h" #include "DNA_view3d_types.h" #include "DNA_windowmanager_types.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "BLI_arithb.h" #include "BLI_editVert.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" //#include "BDR_drawobject.h" // //#include "editmesh.h" //#include "BIF_editsima.h" #include "BIF_gl.h" #include "BIF_glutil.h" //#include "BIF_mywindow.h" //#include "BIF_screen.h" //#include "BIF_editsima.h" //#include "BIF_drawimage.h" //#include "BIF_editmesh.h" #include "BIF_transform.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_utildefines.h" #include "BKE_DerivedMesh.h" #include "BKE_object.h" #include "BKE_anim.h" /* for duplis */ #include "BKE_context.h" #include "ED_armature.h" #include "ED_image.h" #include "ED_mesh.h" #include "ED_uvedit.h" #include "ED_view3d.h" #include "WM_types.h" #include "UI_resources.h" #include "UI_view2d.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "transform.h" //#include "blendef.h" /* for selection modes */ /********************* PROTOTYPES ***********************/ void setSnappingCallback(TransInfo *t, short snap_target); void ApplySnapTranslation(TransInfo *t, float vec[3]); void ApplySnapRotation(TransInfo *t, float *vec); void ApplySnapResize(TransInfo *t, float *vec); void CalcSnapGrid(TransInfo *t, float *vec); void CalcSnapGeometry(TransInfo *t, float *vec); void TargetSnapMedian(TransInfo *t); void TargetSnapCenter(TransInfo *t); void TargetSnapClosest(TransInfo *t); void TargetSnapActive(TransInfo *t); float RotationBetween(TransInfo *t, float p1[3], float p2[3]); float TranslationBetween(TransInfo *t, float p1[3], float p2[3]); float ResizeBetween(TransInfo *t, float p1[3], float p2[3]); /****************** IMPLEMENTATIONS *********************/ int BIF_snappingSupported(Object *obedit) { int status = 0; if (obedit == NULL || ELEM(obedit->type, OB_MESH, OB_ARMATURE)) /* only support object mesh or armature */ { status = 1; } return status; } void drawSnapping(const struct bContext *C, TransInfo *t) { if ((t->tsnap.status & (SNAP_ON|POINT_INIT|TARGET_INIT)) == (SNAP_ON|POINT_INIT|TARGET_INIT) && (t->modifiers & MOD_SNAP_GEARS)) { char col[4] = {1, 0, 1}; UI_GetThemeColor3ubv(TH_TRANSFORM, col); glColor4ub(col[0], col[1], col[2], 128); if (t->spacetype == SPACE_VIEW3D) { View3D *v3d = CTX_wm_view3d(C); RegionView3D *rv3d = CTX_wm_region_view3d(C); float tmat[4][4], imat[4][4]; float size; glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); size = get_drawsize(t->ar, t->tsnap.snapPoint); size *= 0.5f * UI_GetThemeValuef(TH_VERTEX_SIZE); Mat4CpyMat4(tmat, rv3d->viewmat); Mat4Invert(imat, tmat); drawcircball(GL_LINE_LOOP, t->tsnap.snapPoint, size, imat); /* draw normal if needed */ if (usingSnappingNormal(t) && validSnappingNormal(t)) { glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex3f(t->tsnap.snapPoint[0], t->tsnap.snapPoint[1], t->tsnap.snapPoint[2]); glVertex3f( t->tsnap.snapPoint[0] + t->tsnap.snapNormal[0], t->tsnap.snapPoint[1] + t->tsnap.snapNormal[1], t->tsnap.snapPoint[2] + t->tsnap.snapNormal[2]); glEnd(); } if(v3d->zbuf) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } else if (t->spacetype==SPACE_IMAGE) { /*This will not draw, and Im nor sure why - campbell */ /* float xuser_asp, yuser_asp; int wi, hi; float w, h; calc_image_view(G.sima, 'f'); // float myortho2(G.v2d->cur.xmin, G.v2d->cur.xmax, G.v2d->cur.ymin, G.v2d->cur.ymax); glLoadIdentity(); ED_space_image_aspect(t->sa->spacedata.first, &xuser_aspx, &yuser_asp); ED_space_image_width(t->sa->spacedata.first, &wi, &hi); w = (((float)wi)/256.0f)*G.sima->zoom * xuser_asp; h = (((float)hi)/256.0f)*G.sima->zoom * yuser_asp; cpack(0xFFFFFF); glTranslatef(t->tsnap.snapPoint[0], t->tsnap.snapPoint[1], 0.0f); //glRectf(0,0,1,1); setlinestyle(0); cpack(0x0); fdrawline(-0.020/w, 0, -0.1/w, 0); fdrawline(0.1/w, 0, .020/w, 0); fdrawline(0, -0.020/h, 0, -0.1/h); fdrawline(0, 0.1/h, 0, 0.020/h); glTranslatef(-t->tsnap.snapPoint[0], -t->tsnap.snapPoint[1], 0.0f); setlinestyle(0); */ } } } int handleSnapping(TransInfo *t, wmEvent *event) { int status = 0; if (BIF_snappingSupported(t->obedit) && event->type == TABKEY && event->shift) { /* toggle snap and reinit */ t->settings->snap_flag ^= SCE_SNAP; initSnapping(t, NULL); status = 1; } return status; } void applySnapping(TransInfo *t, float *vec) { if (t->tsnap.status & SNAP_FORCED) { t->tsnap.targetSnap(t); t->tsnap.applySnap(t, vec); } else if ((t->tsnap.status & SNAP_ON) && (t->modifiers & MOD_SNAP_GEARS)) { double current = PIL_check_seconds_timer(); // Time base quirky code to go around findnearest slowness /* !TODO! add exception for object mode, no need to slow it down then */ if (current - t->tsnap.last >= 0.1) { t->tsnap.calcSnap(t, vec); t->tsnap.targetSnap(t); t->tsnap.last = current; } if ((t->tsnap.status & (POINT_INIT|TARGET_INIT)) == (POINT_INIT|TARGET_INIT)) { t->tsnap.applySnap(t, vec); } } } void resetSnapping(TransInfo *t) { t->tsnap.status = 0; t->tsnap.mode = 0; t->tsnap.align = 0; t->tsnap.modePoint = 0; t->tsnap.modeTarget = 0; t->tsnap.last = 0; t->tsnap.applySnap = NULL; t->tsnap.snapNormal[0] = 0; t->tsnap.snapNormal[1] = 0; t->tsnap.snapNormal[2] = 0; } int usingSnappingNormal(TransInfo *t) { return t->tsnap.align; } int validSnappingNormal(TransInfo *t) { if ((t->tsnap.status & (POINT_INIT|TARGET_INIT)) == (POINT_INIT|TARGET_INIT)) { if (Inpf(t->tsnap.snapNormal, t->tsnap.snapNormal) > 0) { return 1; } } return 0; } void initSnapping(TransInfo *t, wmOperator *op) { ToolSettings *ts = t->settings; Object *obedit = t->obedit; int snapping = 0; short snap_mode = t->settings->snap_target; resetSnapping(t); if (op && RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "snap") && RNA_property_is_set(op->ptr, "snap")) { if (RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "snap")) { snapping = 1; snap_mode = RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "snap_mode"); t->tsnap.status |= SNAP_FORCED|POINT_INIT; RNA_float_get_array(op->ptr, "snap_point", t->tsnap.snapPoint); /* snap align only defined in specific cases */ if (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "snap_align")) { t->tsnap.align = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "snap_align"); RNA_float_get_array(op->ptr, "snap_normal", t->tsnap.snapNormal); Normalize(t->tsnap.snapNormal); } } } else { snapping = ((ts->snap_flag & SCE_SNAP) == SCE_SNAP); t->tsnap.align = ((t->settings->snap_flag & SCE_SNAP_ROTATE) == SCE_SNAP_ROTATE); } if ((t->spacetype == SPACE_VIEW3D || t->spacetype == SPACE_IMAGE) && // Only 3D view or UV (t->flag & T_CAMERA) == 0) { // Not with camera selected setSnappingCallback(t, snap_mode); /* Edit mode */ if (t->tsnap.applySnap != NULL && // A snapping function actually exist (snapping) && // Only if the snap flag is on (obedit != NULL && ELEM(obedit->type, OB_MESH, OB_ARMATURE)) ) // Temporary limited to edit mode meshes or armature { t->tsnap.status |= SNAP_ON; t->tsnap.modePoint = SNAP_GEO; if (t->flag & T_PROP_EDIT) { t->tsnap.mode = SNAP_NOT_OBEDIT; } else { t->tsnap.mode = SNAP_ALL; } } /* Object mode */ else if (t->tsnap.applySnap != NULL && // A snapping function actually exist (snapping) && // Only if the snap flag is on (obedit == NULL) ) // Object Mode { t->tsnap.status |= SNAP_ON; t->tsnap.modePoint = SNAP_GEO; t->tsnap.mode = SNAP_NOT_SELECTED; } else { /* Grid if snap is not possible */ t->tsnap.modePoint = SNAP_GRID; } } else { /* Always grid outside of 3D view */ t->tsnap.modePoint = SNAP_GRID; } } void setSnappingCallback(TransInfo *t, short snap_target) { t->tsnap.calcSnap = CalcSnapGeometry; switch(snap_target) { case SCE_SNAP_TARGET_CLOSEST: t->tsnap.modeTarget = SNAP_CLOSEST; t->tsnap.targetSnap = TargetSnapClosest; break; case SCE_SNAP_TARGET_CENTER: t->tsnap.modeTarget = SNAP_CENTER; t->tsnap.targetSnap = TargetSnapCenter; break; case SCE_SNAP_TARGET_MEDIAN: t->tsnap.modeTarget = SNAP_MEDIAN; t->tsnap.targetSnap = TargetSnapMedian; break; case SCE_SNAP_TARGET_ACTIVE: t->tsnap.modeTarget = SNAP_ACTIVE; t->tsnap.targetSnap = TargetSnapActive; break; } switch (t->mode) { case TFM_TRANSLATION: t->tsnap.applySnap = ApplySnapTranslation; t->tsnap.distance = TranslationBetween; break; case TFM_ROTATION: t->tsnap.applySnap = ApplySnapRotation; t->tsnap.distance = RotationBetween; // Can't do TARGET_CENTER with rotation, use TARGET_MEDIAN instead if (snap_target == SCE_SNAP_TARGET_CENTER) { t->tsnap.modeTarget = SNAP_MEDIAN; t->tsnap.targetSnap = TargetSnapMedian; } break; case TFM_RESIZE: t->tsnap.applySnap = ApplySnapResize; t->tsnap.distance = ResizeBetween; // Can't do TARGET_CENTER with resize, use TARGET_MEDIAN instead if (snap_target == SCE_SNAP_TARGET_CENTER) { t->tsnap.modeTarget = SNAP_MEDIAN; t->tsnap.targetSnap = TargetSnapMedian; } break; default: t->tsnap.applySnap = NULL; break; } } /********************** APPLY **************************/ void ApplySnapTranslation(TransInfo *t, float vec[3]) { VecSubf(vec, t->tsnap.snapPoint, t->tsnap.snapTarget); } void ApplySnapRotation(TransInfo *t, float *vec) { if (t->tsnap.modeTarget == SNAP_CLOSEST) { *vec = t->tsnap.dist; } else { *vec = RotationBetween(t, t->tsnap.snapTarget, t->tsnap.snapPoint); } } void ApplySnapResize(TransInfo *t, float vec[3]) { if (t->tsnap.modeTarget == SNAP_CLOSEST) { vec[0] = vec[1] = vec[2] = t->tsnap.dist; } else { vec[0] = vec[1] = vec[2] = ResizeBetween(t, t->tsnap.snapTarget, t->tsnap.snapPoint); } } /********************** DISTANCE **************************/ float TranslationBetween(TransInfo *t, float p1[3], float p2[3]) { return VecLenf(p1, p2); } float RotationBetween(TransInfo *t, float p1[3], float p2[3]) { float angle, start[3], end[3], center[3]; VECCOPY(center, t->center); if(t->flag & (T_EDIT|T_POSE)) { Object *ob= t->obedit?t->obedit:t->poseobj; Mat4MulVecfl(ob->obmat, center); } VecSubf(start, p1, center); VecSubf(end, p2, center); // Angle around a constraint axis (error prone, will need debug) if (t->con.applyRot != NULL && (t->con.mode & CON_APPLY)) { float axis[3], tmp[3]; t->con.applyRot(t, NULL, axis, NULL); Projf(tmp, end, axis); VecSubf(end, end, tmp); Projf(tmp, start, axis); VecSubf(start, start, tmp); Normalize(end); Normalize(start); Crossf(tmp, start, end); if (Inpf(tmp, axis) < 0.0) angle = -acos(Inpf(start, end)); else angle = acos(Inpf(start, end)); } else { float mtx[3][3]; Mat3CpyMat4(mtx, t->viewmat); Mat3MulVecfl(mtx, end); Mat3MulVecfl(mtx, start); angle = atan2(start[1],start[0]) - atan2(end[1],end[0]); } if (angle > M_PI) { angle = angle - 2 * M_PI; } else if (angle < -(M_PI)) { angle = 2 * M_PI + angle; } return angle; } float ResizeBetween(TransInfo *t, float p1[3], float p2[3]) { float d1[3], d2[3], center[3]; VECCOPY(center, t->center); if(t->flag & (T_EDIT|T_POSE)) { Object *ob= t->obedit?t->obedit:t->poseobj; Mat4MulVecfl(ob->obmat, center); } VecSubf(d1, p1, center); VecSubf(d2, p2, center); if (t->con.applyRot != NULL && (t->con.mode & CON_APPLY)) { Mat3MulVecfl(t->con.pmtx, d1); Mat3MulVecfl(t->con.pmtx, d2); } return VecLength(d2) / VecLength(d1); } /********************** CALC **************************/ void CalcSnapGrid(TransInfo *t, float *vec) { snapGridAction(t, t->tsnap.snapPoint, BIG_GEARS); } void CalcSnapGeometry(TransInfo *t, float *vec) { if (t->spacetype == SPACE_VIEW3D) { float loc[3]; float no[3]; int found = 0; int dist = SNAP_MIN_DISTANCE; // Use a user defined value here SnapMode mode; if (t->settings->snap_mode == SCE_SNAP_MODE_VOLUME) { ListBase depth_peels; DepthPeel *p1, *p2; float *last_p = NULL; float dist = FLT_MAX; float p[3]; depth_peels.first = depth_peels.last = NULL; peelObjectsTransForm(t, &depth_peels, t->mval); // if (LAST_SNAP_POINT_VALID) // { // last_p = LAST_SNAP_POINT; // } // else // { last_p = t->tsnap.snapPoint; // } for (p1 = depth_peels.first; p1; p1 = p1->next) { if (p1->flag == 0) { float vec[3]; float new_dist; p2 = NULL; p1->flag = 1; /* if peeling objects, take the first and last from each object */ if (t->settings->snap_flag & SCE_SNAP_PEEL_OBJECT) { DepthPeel *peel; for (peel = p1->next; peel; peel = peel->next) { if (peel->ob == p1->ob) { peel->flag = 1; p2 = peel; } } } /* otherwise, pair first with second and so on */ else { for (p2 = p1->next; p2 && p2->ob != p1->ob; p2 = p2->next) { /* nothing to do here */ } } if (p2) { p2->flag = 1; VecAddf(vec, p1->p, p2->p); VecMulf(vec, 0.5f); } else { VECCOPY(vec, p1->p); } if (last_p == NULL) { VECCOPY(p, vec); dist = 0; break; } new_dist = VecLenf(last_p, vec); if (new_dist < dist) { VECCOPY(p, vec); dist = new_dist; } } } if (dist != FLT_MAX) { VECCOPY(loc, p); found = 1; } BLI_freelistN(&depth_peels); } else { if (t->obedit == NULL) { mode = SNAP_NOT_SELECTED; } else { mode = SNAP_NOT_OBEDIT; } found = snapObjectsTransform(t, t->mval, &dist, loc, no, mode); } if (found == 1) { float tangent[3]; VecSubf(tangent, loc, t->tsnap.snapPoint); tangent[2] = 0; if (Inpf(tangent, tangent) > 0) { VECCOPY(t->tsnap.snapTangent, tangent); } VECCOPY(t->tsnap.snapPoint, loc); VECCOPY(t->tsnap.snapNormal, no); t->tsnap.status |= POINT_INIT; } else { t->tsnap.status &= ~POINT_INIT; } } else if (t->spacetype == SPACE_IMAGE && t->obedit != NULL && t->obedit->type==OB_MESH) { /* same as above but for UV's */ /* same as above but for UV's */ Image *ima= ED_space_image(t->sa->spacedata.first); float aspx, aspy, co[2]; UI_view2d_region_to_view(&t->ar->v2d, t->mval[0], t->mval[1], co, co+1); if(ED_uvedit_nearest_uv(t->scene, t->obedit, ima, co, t->tsnap.snapPoint)) { ED_space_image_uv_aspect(t->sa->spacedata.first, &aspx, &aspy); t->tsnap.snapPoint[0] *= aspx; t->tsnap.snapPoint[1] *= aspy; Mat4MulVecfl(t->obedit->obmat, t->tsnap.snapPoint); t->tsnap.status |= POINT_INIT; } else { t->tsnap.status &= ~POINT_INIT; } } } /********************** TARGET **************************/ void TargetSnapCenter(TransInfo *t) { // Only need to calculate once if ((t->tsnap.status & TARGET_INIT) == 0) { VECCOPY(t->tsnap.snapTarget, t->center); if(t->flag & (T_EDIT|T_POSE)) { Object *ob= t->obedit?t->obedit:t->poseobj; Mat4MulVecfl(ob->obmat, t->tsnap.snapTarget); } t->tsnap.status |= TARGET_INIT; } } void TargetSnapActive(TransInfo *t) { // Only need to calculate once if ((t->tsnap.status & TARGET_INIT) == 0) { TransData *td = NULL; TransData *active_td = NULL; int i; for(td = t->data, i = 0 ; i < t->total && td->flag & TD_SELECTED ; i++, td++) { if (td->flag & TD_ACTIVE) { active_td = td; break; } } if (active_td) { VECCOPY(t->tsnap.snapTarget, active_td->center); if(t->flag & (T_EDIT|T_POSE)) { Object *ob= t->obedit?t->obedit:t->poseobj; Mat4MulVecfl(ob->obmat, t->tsnap.snapTarget); } t->tsnap.status |= TARGET_INIT; } /* No active, default to median */ else { t->tsnap.modeTarget = SNAP_MEDIAN; t->tsnap.targetSnap = TargetSnapMedian; TargetSnapMedian(t); } } } void TargetSnapMedian(TransInfo *t) { // Only need to calculate once if ((t->tsnap.status & TARGET_INIT) == 0) { TransData *td = NULL; int i; t->tsnap.snapTarget[0] = 0; t->tsnap.snapTarget[1] = 0; t->tsnap.snapTarget[2] = 0; for(td = t->data, i = 0 ; i < t->total && td->flag & TD_SELECTED ; i++, td++) { VecAddf(t->tsnap.snapTarget, t->tsnap.snapTarget, td->center); } VecMulf(t->tsnap.snapTarget, 1.0 / i); if(t->flag & (T_EDIT|T_POSE)) { Object *ob= t->obedit?t->obedit:t->poseobj; Mat4MulVecfl(ob->obmat, t->tsnap.snapTarget); } t->tsnap.status |= TARGET_INIT; } } void TargetSnapClosest(TransInfo *t) { // Only valid if a snap point has been selected if (t->tsnap.status & POINT_INIT) { TransData *closest = NULL, *td = NULL; /* Object mode */ if (t->flag & T_OBJECT) { int i; for(td = t->data, i = 0 ; i < t->total && td->flag & TD_SELECTED ; i++, td++) { struct BoundBox *bb = object_get_boundbox(td->ob); /* use boundbox if possible */ if (bb) { int j; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { float loc[3]; float dist; VECCOPY(loc, bb->vec[j]); Mat4MulVecfl(td->ext->obmat, loc); dist = t->tsnap.distance(t, loc, t->tsnap.snapPoint); if (closest == NULL || fabs(dist) < fabs(t->tsnap.dist)) { VECCOPY(t->tsnap.snapTarget, loc); closest = td; t->tsnap.dist = dist; } } } /* use element center otherwise */ else { float loc[3]; float dist; VECCOPY(loc, td->center); dist = t->tsnap.distance(t, loc, t->tsnap.snapPoint); if (closest == NULL || fabs(dist) < fabs(t->tsnap.dist)) { VECCOPY(t->tsnap.snapTarget, loc); closest = td; t->tsnap.dist = dist; } } } } else { int i; for(td = t->data, i = 0 ; i < t->total && td->flag & TD_SELECTED ; i++, td++) { float loc[3]; float dist; VECCOPY(loc, td->center); if(t->flag & (T_EDIT|T_POSE)) { Object *ob= t->obedit?t->obedit:t->poseobj; Mat4MulVecfl(ob->obmat, loc); } dist = t->tsnap.distance(t, loc, t->tsnap.snapPoint); if (closest == NULL || fabs(dist) < fabs(t->tsnap.dist)) { VECCOPY(t->tsnap.snapTarget, loc); closest = td; t->tsnap.dist = dist; } } } t->tsnap.status |= TARGET_INIT; } } /*================================================================*/ int snapFace(ARegion *ar, float v1co[3], float v2co[3], float v3co[3], float *v4co, short mval[2], float ray_start[3], float ray_start_local[3], float ray_normal_local[3], float obmat[][4], float timat[][3], float *loc, float *no, int *dist, float *depth) { float lambda; int result; int retval = 0; result = RayIntersectsTriangleThreshold(ray_start_local, ray_normal_local, v1co, v2co, v3co, &lambda, NULL, 0.001); if (result) { float location[3], normal[3]; float intersect[3]; float new_depth; int screen_loc[2]; int new_dist; VECCOPY(intersect, ray_normal_local); VecMulf(intersect, lambda); VecAddf(intersect, intersect, ray_start_local); VECCOPY(location, intersect); if (v4co) CalcNormFloat4(v1co, v2co, v3co, v4co, normal); else CalcNormFloat(v1co, v2co, v3co, normal); Mat4MulVecfl(obmat, location); new_depth = VecLenf(location, ray_start); project_int(ar, location, screen_loc); new_dist = abs(screen_loc[0] - mval[0]) + abs(screen_loc[1] - mval[1]); if (new_dist <= *dist && new_depth < *depth) { *depth = new_depth; retval = 1; VECCOPY(loc, location); VECCOPY(no, normal); Mat3MulVecfl(timat, no); Normalize(no); *dist = new_dist; } } return retval; } int snapEdge(ARegion *ar, float v1co[3], short v1no[3], float v2co[3], short v2no[3], short mval[2], float ray_start[3], float ray_start_local[3], float ray_normal_local[3], float obmat[][4], float timat[][3], float *loc, float *no, int *dist, float *depth) { float intersect[3] = {0, 0, 0}, ray_end[3], dvec[3]; int result; int retval = 0; VECCOPY(ray_end, ray_normal_local); VecMulf(ray_end, 2000); VecAddf(ray_end, ray_start_local, ray_end); result = LineIntersectLine(v1co, v2co, ray_start_local, ray_end, intersect, dvec); /* dvec used but we don't care about result */ if (result) { float edge_loc[3], vec[3]; float mul; /* check for behind ray_start */ VecSubf(dvec, intersect, ray_start_local); VecSubf(edge_loc, v1co, v2co); VecSubf(vec, intersect, v2co); mul = Inpf(vec, edge_loc) / Inpf(edge_loc, edge_loc); if (mul > 1) { mul = 1; VECCOPY(intersect, v1co); } else if (mul < 0) { mul = 0; VECCOPY(intersect, v2co); } if (Inpf(ray_normal_local, dvec) > 0) { float location[3]; float new_depth; int screen_loc[2]; int new_dist; VECCOPY(location, intersect); Mat4MulVecfl(obmat, location); new_depth = VecLenf(location, ray_start); project_int(ar, location, screen_loc); new_dist = abs(screen_loc[0] - mval[0]) + abs(screen_loc[1] - mval[1]); /* 10% threshold if edge is closer but a bit further * this takes care of series of connected edges a bit slanted w.r.t the viewport * otherwise, it would stick to the verts of the closest edge and not slide along merrily * */ if (new_dist <= *dist && new_depth < *depth * 1.001) { float n1[3], n2[3]; *depth = new_depth; retval = 1; VecSubf(edge_loc, v1co, v2co); VecSubf(vec, intersect, v2co); mul = Inpf(vec, edge_loc) / Inpf(edge_loc, edge_loc); if (no) { NormalShortToFloat(n1, v1no); NormalShortToFloat(n2, v2no); VecLerpf(no, n2, n1, mul); Mat3MulVecfl(timat, no); Normalize(no); } VECCOPY(loc, location); *dist = new_dist; } } } return retval; } int snapVertex(ARegion *ar, float vco[3], short vno[3], short mval[2], float ray_start[3], float ray_start_local[3], float ray_normal_local[3], float obmat[][4], float timat[][3], float *loc, float *no, int *dist, float *depth) { int retval = 0; float dvec[3]; VecSubf(dvec, vco, ray_start_local); if (Inpf(ray_normal_local, dvec) > 0) { float location[3]; float new_depth; int screen_loc[2]; int new_dist; VECCOPY(location, vco); Mat4MulVecfl(obmat, location); new_depth = VecLenf(location, ray_start); project_int(ar, location, screen_loc); new_dist = abs(screen_loc[0] - mval[0]) + abs(screen_loc[1] - mval[1]); if (new_dist <= *dist && new_depth < *depth) { *depth = new_depth; retval = 1; VECCOPY(loc, location); if (no) { NormalShortToFloat(no, vno); Mat3MulVecfl(timat, no); Normalize(no); } *dist = new_dist; } } return retval; } int snapArmature(short snap_mode, ARegion *ar, Object *ob, bArmature *arm, float obmat[][4], float ray_start[3], float ray_normal[3], short mval[2], float *loc, float *no, int *dist, float *depth) { float imat[4][4]; float ray_start_local[3], ray_normal_local[3]; int retval = 0; Mat4Invert(imat, obmat); VECCOPY(ray_start_local, ray_start); VECCOPY(ray_normal_local, ray_normal); Mat4MulVecfl(imat, ray_start_local); Mat4Mul3Vecfl(imat, ray_normal_local); if(arm->edbo) { EditBone *eBone; for (eBone=arm->edbo->first; eBone; eBone=eBone->next) { if (eBone->layer & arm->layer) { /* skip hidden or moving (selected) bones */ if ((eBone->flag & (BONE_HIDDEN_A|BONE_ROOTSEL|BONE_TIPSEL))==0) { switch (snap_mode) { case SCE_SNAP_MODE_VERTEX: retval |= snapVertex(ar, eBone->head, NULL, mval, ray_start, ray_start_local, ray_normal_local, obmat, NULL, loc, NULL, dist, depth); retval |= snapVertex(ar, eBone->tail, NULL, mval, ray_start, ray_start_local, ray_normal_local, obmat, NULL, loc, NULL, dist, depth); break; case SCE_SNAP_MODE_EDGE: retval |= snapEdge(ar, eBone->head, NULL, eBone->tail, NULL, mval, ray_start, ray_start_local, ray_normal_local, obmat, NULL, loc, NULL, dist, depth); break; } } } } } else if (ob->pose && ob->pose->chanbase.first) { bPoseChannel *pchan; Bone *bone; for (pchan= ob->pose->chanbase.first; pchan; pchan= pchan->next) { bone= pchan->bone; /* skip hidden bones */ if (bone && !(bone->flag & (BONE_HIDDEN_P|BONE_HIDDEN_PG))) { float *head_vec = pchan->pose_head; float *tail_vec = pchan->pose_tail; switch (snap_mode) { case SCE_SNAP_MODE_VERTEX: retval |= snapVertex(ar, head_vec, NULL, mval, ray_start, ray_start_local, ray_normal_local, obmat, NULL, loc, NULL, dist, depth); retval |= snapVertex(ar, tail_vec, NULL, mval, ray_start, ray_start_local, ray_normal_local, obmat, NULL, loc, NULL, dist, depth); break; case SCE_SNAP_MODE_EDGE: retval |= snapEdge(ar, head_vec, NULL, tail_vec, NULL, mval, ray_start, ray_start_local, ray_normal_local, obmat, NULL, loc, NULL, dist, depth); break; } } } } return retval; } int snapDerivedMesh(short snap_mode, ARegion *ar, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm, EditMesh *em, float obmat[][4], float ray_start[3], float ray_normal[3], short mval[2], float *loc, float *no, int *dist, float *depth) { int retval = 0; int totvert = dm->getNumVerts(dm); int totface = dm->getNumFaces(dm); if (totvert > 0) { float imat[4][4]; float timat[3][3]; /* transpose inverse matrix for normals */ float ray_start_local[3], ray_normal_local[3]; int test = 1; Mat4Invert(imat, obmat); Mat3CpyMat4(timat, imat); Mat3Transp(timat); VECCOPY(ray_start_local, ray_start); VECCOPY(ray_normal_local, ray_normal); Mat4MulVecfl(imat, ray_start_local); Mat4Mul3Vecfl(imat, ray_normal_local); /* If number of vert is more than an arbitrary limit, * test against boundbox first * */ if (totface > 16) { struct BoundBox *bb = object_get_boundbox(ob); test = ray_hit_boundbox(bb, ray_start_local, ray_normal_local); } if (test == 1) { switch (snap_mode) { case SCE_SNAP_MODE_FACE: { MVert *verts = dm->getVertArray(dm); MFace *faces = dm->getFaceArray(dm); int *index_array = NULL; int index = 0; int i; if (em != NULL) { index_array = dm->getFaceDataArray(dm, CD_ORIGINDEX); EM_init_index_arrays(em, 0, 0, 1); } for( i = 0; i < totface; i++) { EditFace *efa = NULL; MFace *f = faces + i; test = 1; /* reset for every face */ if (em != NULL) { if (index_array) { index = index_array[i]; } else { index = i; } if (index == ORIGINDEX_NONE) { test = 0; } else { efa = EM_get_face_for_index(index); if (efa && (efa->h || (efa->v1->f & SELECT) || (efa->v2->f & SELECT) || (efa->v3->f & SELECT) || (efa->v4 && efa->v4->f & SELECT))) { test = 0; } } } if (test) { int result; float *v4co = NULL; if (f->v4) { v4co = verts[f->v4].co; } result = snapFace(ar, verts[f->v1].co, verts[f->v2].co, verts[f->v3].co, v4co, mval, ray_start, ray_start_local, ray_normal_local, obmat, timat, loc, no, dist, depth); retval |= result; if (f->v4 && result == 0) { retval |= snapFace(ar, verts[f->v3].co, verts[f->v4].co, verts[f->v1].co, verts[f->v2].co, mval, ray_start, ray_start_local, ray_normal_local, obmat, timat, loc, no, dist, depth); } } } if (em != NULL) { EM_free_index_arrays(); } break; } case SCE_SNAP_MODE_VERTEX: { MVert *verts = dm->getVertArray(dm); int *index_array = NULL; int index = 0; int i; if (em != NULL) { index_array = dm->getVertDataArray(dm, CD_ORIGINDEX); EM_init_index_arrays(em, 1, 0, 0); } for( i = 0; i < totvert; i++) { EditVert *eve = NULL; MVert *v = verts + i; test = 1; /* reset for every vert */ if (em != NULL) { if (index_array) { index = index_array[i]; } else { index = i; } if (index == ORIGINDEX_NONE) { test = 0; } else { eve = EM_get_vert_for_index(index); if (eve && (eve->h || (eve->f & SELECT))) { test = 0; } } } if (test) { retval |= snapVertex(ar, v->co, v->no, mval, ray_start, ray_start_local, ray_normal_local, obmat, timat, loc, no, dist, depth); } } if (em != NULL) { EM_free_index_arrays(); } break; } case SCE_SNAP_MODE_EDGE: { MVert *verts = dm->getVertArray(dm); MEdge *edges = dm->getEdgeArray(dm); int totedge = dm->getNumEdges(dm); int *index_array = NULL; int index = 0; int i; if (em != NULL) { index_array = dm->getEdgeDataArray(dm, CD_ORIGINDEX); EM_init_index_arrays(em, 0, 1, 0); } for( i = 0; i < totedge; i++) { EditEdge *eed = NULL; MEdge *e = edges + i; test = 1; /* reset for every vert */ if (em != NULL) { if (index_array) { index = index_array[i]; } else { index = i; } if (index == ORIGINDEX_NONE) { test = 0; } else { eed = EM_get_edge_for_index(index); if (eed && (eed->h || (eed->v1->f & SELECT) || (eed->v2->f & SELECT))) { test = 0; } } } if (test) { retval |= snapEdge(ar, verts[e->v1].co, verts[e->v1].no, verts[e->v2].co, verts[e->v2].no, mval, ray_start, ray_start_local, ray_normal_local, obmat, timat, loc, no, dist, depth); } } if (em != NULL) { EM_free_index_arrays(); } break; } } } } return retval; } int snapObject(Scene *scene, ARegion *ar, Object *ob, int editobject, float obmat[][4], float ray_start[3], float ray_normal[3], short mval[2], float *loc, float *no, int *dist, float *depth) { ToolSettings *ts= scene->toolsettings; int retval = 0; if (ob->type == OB_MESH) { EditMesh *em; DerivedMesh *dm; if (editobject) { em = ((Mesh *)ob->data)->edit_mesh; dm = editmesh_get_derived_cage(scene, ob, em, CD_MASK_BAREMESH); } else { em = NULL; dm = mesh_get_derived_final(scene, ob, CD_MASK_BAREMESH); } retval = snapDerivedMesh(ts->snap_mode, ar, ob, dm, em, obmat, ray_start, ray_normal, mval, loc, no, dist, depth); dm->release(dm); } else if (ob->type == OB_ARMATURE) { retval = snapArmature(ts->snap_mode, ar, ob, ob->data, obmat, ray_start, ray_normal, mval, loc, no, dist, depth); } return retval; } int snapObjects(Scene *scene, View3D *v3d, ARegion *ar, Object *obedit, short mval[2], int *dist, float *loc, float *no, SnapMode mode) { Base *base; float depth = FLT_MAX; int retval = 0; float ray_start[3], ray_normal[3]; viewray(ar, v3d, mval, ray_start, ray_normal); if (mode == SNAP_ALL && obedit) { Object *ob = obedit; retval |= snapObject(scene, ar, ob, 1, ob->obmat, ray_start, ray_normal, mval, loc, no, dist, &depth); } base= FIRSTBASE; for ( base = FIRSTBASE; base != NULL; base = base->next ) { if ( BASE_SELECTABLE(v3d, base) && (base->flag & (BA_HAS_RECALC_OB|BA_HAS_RECALC_DATA)) == 0 && ((mode == SNAP_NOT_SELECTED && (base->flag & (SELECT|BA_WAS_SEL)) == 0) || (mode == SNAP_NOT_OBEDIT && base != BASACT)) ) { Object *ob = base->object; if (ob->transflag & OB_DUPLI) { DupliObject *dupli_ob; ListBase *lb = object_duplilist(scene, ob); for(dupli_ob = lb->first; dupli_ob; dupli_ob = dupli_ob->next) { Object *ob = dupli_ob->ob; retval |= snapObject(scene, ar, ob, 0, dupli_ob->mat, ray_start, ray_normal, mval, loc, no, dist, &depth); } free_object_duplilist(lb); } retval |= snapObject(scene, ar, ob, 0, ob->obmat, ray_start, ray_normal, mval, loc, no, dist, &depth); } } return retval; } int snapObjectsTransform(TransInfo *t, short mval[2], int *dist, float *loc, float *no, SnapMode mode) { return snapObjects(t->scene, t->view, t->ar, t->obedit, mval, dist, loc, no, mode); } int snapObjectsContext(bContext *C, short mval[2], int *dist, float *loc, float *no, SnapMode mode) { ScrArea *sa = CTX_wm_area(C); View3D *v3d = sa->spacedata.first; return snapObjects(CTX_data_scene(C), v3d, CTX_wm_region(C), CTX_data_edit_object(C), mval, dist, loc, no, mode); } /******************** PEELING *********************************/ int cmpPeel(void *arg1, void *arg2) { DepthPeel *p1 = arg1; DepthPeel *p2 = arg2; int val = 0; if (p1->depth < p2->depth) { val = -1; } else if (p1->depth > p2->depth) { val = 1; } return val; } void removeDoublesPeel(ListBase *depth_peels) { DepthPeel *peel; for (peel = depth_peels->first; peel; peel = peel->next) { DepthPeel *next_peel = peel->next; if (peel && next_peel && ABS(peel->depth - next_peel->depth) < 0.0015) { peel->next = next_peel->next; if (next_peel->next) { next_peel->next->prev = peel; } MEM_freeN(next_peel); } } } void addDepthPeel(ListBase *depth_peels, float depth, float p[3], float no[3], Object *ob) { DepthPeel *peel = MEM_callocN(sizeof(DepthPeel), "DepthPeel"); peel->depth = depth; peel->ob = ob; VECCOPY(peel->p, p); VECCOPY(peel->no, no); BLI_addtail(depth_peels, peel); peel->flag = 0; } int peelDerivedMesh(Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm, float obmat[][4], float ray_start[3], float ray_normal[3], short mval[2], ListBase *depth_peels) { int retval = 0; int totvert = dm->getNumVerts(dm); int totface = dm->getNumFaces(dm); if (totvert > 0) { float imat[4][4]; float timat[3][3]; /* transpose inverse matrix for normals */ float ray_start_local[3], ray_normal_local[3]; int test = 1; Mat4Invert(imat, obmat); Mat3CpyMat4(timat, imat); Mat3Transp(timat); VECCOPY(ray_start_local, ray_start); VECCOPY(ray_normal_local, ray_normal); Mat4MulVecfl(imat, ray_start_local); Mat4Mul3Vecfl(imat, ray_normal_local); /* If number of vert is more than an arbitrary limit, * test against boundbox first * */ if (totface > 16) { struct BoundBox *bb = object_get_boundbox(ob); test = ray_hit_boundbox(bb, ray_start_local, ray_normal_local); } if (test == 1) { MVert *verts = dm->getVertArray(dm); MFace *faces = dm->getFaceArray(dm); int i; for( i = 0; i < totface; i++) { MFace *f = faces + i; float lambda; int result; result = RayIntersectsTriangleThreshold(ray_start_local, ray_normal_local, verts[f->v1].co, verts[f->v2].co, verts[f->v3].co, &lambda, NULL, 0.001); if (result) { float location[3], normal[3]; float intersect[3]; float new_depth; VECCOPY(intersect, ray_normal_local); VecMulf(intersect, lambda); VecAddf(intersect, intersect, ray_start_local); VECCOPY(location, intersect); if (f->v4) CalcNormFloat4(verts[f->v1].co, verts[f->v2].co, verts[f->v3].co, verts[f->v4].co, normal); else CalcNormFloat(verts[f->v1].co, verts[f->v2].co, verts[f->v3].co, normal); Mat4MulVecfl(obmat, location); new_depth = VecLenf(location, ray_start); Mat3MulVecfl(timat, normal); Normalize(normal); addDepthPeel(depth_peels, new_depth, location, normal, ob); } if (f->v4 && result == 0) { result = RayIntersectsTriangleThreshold(ray_start_local, ray_normal_local, verts[f->v3].co, verts[f->v4].co, verts[f->v1].co, &lambda, NULL, 0.001); if (result) { float location[3], normal[3]; float intersect[3]; float new_depth; VECCOPY(intersect, ray_normal_local); VecMulf(intersect, lambda); VecAddf(intersect, intersect, ray_start_local); VECCOPY(location, intersect); if (f->v4) CalcNormFloat4(verts[f->v1].co, verts[f->v2].co, verts[f->v3].co, verts[f->v4].co, normal); else CalcNormFloat(verts[f->v1].co, verts[f->v2].co, verts[f->v3].co, normal); Mat4MulVecfl(obmat, location); new_depth = VecLenf(location, ray_start); Mat3MulVecfl(timat, normal); Normalize(normal); addDepthPeel(depth_peels, new_depth, location, normal, ob); } } } } } return retval; } int peelObjects(Scene *scene, View3D *v3d, ARegion *ar, Object *obedit, ListBase *depth_peels, short mval[2]) { Base *base; int retval = 0; float ray_start[3], ray_normal[3]; viewray(ar, v3d, mval, ray_start, ray_normal); for ( base = scene->base.first; base != NULL; base = base->next ) { if ( BASE_SELECTABLE(v3d, base) ) { Object *ob = base->object; if (ob->transflag & OB_DUPLI) { DupliObject *dupli_ob; ListBase *lb = object_duplilist(scene, ob); for(dupli_ob = lb->first; dupli_ob; dupli_ob = dupli_ob->next) { Object *ob = dupli_ob->ob; if (ob->type == OB_MESH) { EditMesh *em; DerivedMesh *dm = NULL; int val; if (ob != obedit) { dm = mesh_get_derived_final(scene, ob, CD_MASK_BAREMESH); val = peelDerivedMesh(ob, dm, ob->obmat, ray_start, ray_normal, mval, depth_peels); } else { em = ((Mesh *)ob->data)->edit_mesh; dm = editmesh_get_derived_cage(scene, obedit, em, CD_MASK_BAREMESH); val = peelDerivedMesh(ob, dm, ob->obmat, ray_start, ray_normal, mval, depth_peels); } retval = retval || val; dm->release(dm); } } free_object_duplilist(lb); } if (ob->type == OB_MESH) { EditMesh *em; DerivedMesh *dm = NULL; int val; if (ob != obedit) { dm = mesh_get_derived_final(scene, ob, CD_MASK_BAREMESH); val = peelDerivedMesh(ob, dm, ob->obmat, ray_start, ray_normal, mval, depth_peels); } else { em = ((Mesh *)ob->data)->edit_mesh; dm = editmesh_get_derived_cage(scene, obedit, em, CD_MASK_BAREMESH); val = peelDerivedMesh(ob, dm, ob->obmat, ray_start, ray_normal, mval, depth_peels); } retval = retval || val; dm->release(dm); } } } BLI_sortlist(depth_peels, cmpPeel); removeDoublesPeel(depth_peels); return retval; } int peelObjectsTransForm(TransInfo *t, ListBase *depth_peels, short mval[2]) { return peelObjects(t->scene, t->view, t->ar, t->obedit, depth_peels, mval); } int peelObjectsContext(bContext *C, ListBase *depth_peels, short mval[2]) { ScrArea *sa = CTX_wm_area(C); View3D *v3d = sa->spacedata.first; return peelObjects(CTX_data_scene(C), v3d, CTX_wm_region(C), CTX_data_edit_object(C), depth_peels, mval); } /*================================================================*/ static void applyGrid(TransInfo *t, float *val, int max_index, float fac[3], GearsType action); void snapGridAction(TransInfo *t, float *val, GearsType action) { float fac[3]; fac[NO_GEARS] = t->snap[0]; fac[BIG_GEARS] = t->snap[1]; fac[SMALL_GEARS] = t->snap[2]; applyGrid(t, val, t->idx_max, fac, action); } void snapGrid(TransInfo *t, float *val) { int invert; GearsType action; // Only do something if using Snap to Grid if (t->tsnap.modePoint != SNAP_GRID) return; if(t->mode==TFM_ROTATION || t->mode==TFM_WARP || t->mode==TFM_TILT || t->mode==TFM_TRACKBALL || t->mode==TFM_BONE_ROLL) invert = U.flag & USER_AUTOROTGRID; else if(t->mode==TFM_RESIZE || t->mode==TFM_SHEAR || t->mode==TFM_BONESIZE || t->mode==TFM_SHRINKFATTEN || t->mode==TFM_CURVE_SHRINKFATTEN) invert = U.flag & USER_AUTOSIZEGRID; else invert = U.flag & USER_AUTOGRABGRID; if(invert) { action = (t->modifiers & MOD_SNAP_GEARS) ? NO_GEARS: BIG_GEARS; } else { action = (t->modifiers & MOD_SNAP_GEARS) ? BIG_GEARS : NO_GEARS; } if (action == BIG_GEARS && (t->modifiers & MOD_PRECISION)) { action = SMALL_GEARS; } snapGridAction(t, val, action); } static void applyGrid(TransInfo *t, float *val, int max_index, float fac[3], GearsType action) { int i; float asp[3] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}; // TODO: Remove hard coded limit here (3) // Early bailing out if no need to snap if (fac[action] == 0.0) return; /* evil hack - snapping needs to be adapted for image aspect ratio */ if((t->spacetype==SPACE_IMAGE) && (t->mode==TFM_TRANSLATION)) { ED_space_image_uv_aspect(t->sa->spacedata.first, asp, asp+1); } for (i=0; i<=max_index; i++) { val[i]= fac[action]*asp[i]*(float)floor(val[i]/(fac[action]*asp[i]) +.5); } }