/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /** \file * \ingroup edutil */ #include #include "BLI_kdtree.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "ED_select_utils.h" int ED_select_op_action(const eSelectOp sel_op, const bool is_select, const bool is_inside) { switch (sel_op) { case SEL_OP_ADD: return (!is_select && (is_inside)) ? 1 : -1; case SEL_OP_SUB: return (is_select && is_inside) ? 0 : -1; case SEL_OP_SET: return is_inside ? 1 : 0; case SEL_OP_AND: return (is_select && is_inside) ? -1 : (is_select ? 0 : -1); case SEL_OP_XOR: return (is_select && is_inside) ? 0 : ((!is_select && is_inside) ? 1 : -1); } BLI_assert_msg(0, "invalid sel_op"); return -1; } int ED_select_op_action_deselected(const eSelectOp sel_op, const bool is_select, const bool is_inside) { switch (sel_op) { case SEL_OP_ADD: return (!is_select && is_inside) ? 1 : -1; case SEL_OP_SUB: return (is_select && is_inside) ? 0 : -1; case SEL_OP_SET: /* Only difference w/ function above. */ return is_inside ? 1 : -1; case SEL_OP_AND: return (is_select && is_inside) ? -1 : (is_select ? 0 : -1); case SEL_OP_XOR: return (is_select && is_inside) ? 0 : ((!is_select && is_inside) ? 1 : -1); } BLI_assert_msg(0, "invalid sel_op"); return -1; } eSelectOp ED_select_op_modal(const eSelectOp sel_op, const bool is_first) { if (sel_op == SEL_OP_SET) { if (is_first == false) { return SEL_OP_ADD; } } return sel_op; } int ED_select_similar_compare_float(const float delta, const float thresh, const int compare) { switch (compare) { case SIM_CMP_EQ: return (fabsf(delta) <= thresh); case SIM_CMP_GT: return ((delta + thresh) >= 0.0); case SIM_CMP_LT: return ((delta - thresh) <= 0.0); default: BLI_assert_unreachable(); return 0; } } bool ED_select_similar_compare_float_tree(const KDTree_1d *tree, const float length, const float thresh, const int compare) { /* Length of the edge we want to compare against. */ float nearest_edge_length; switch (compare) { case SIM_CMP_EQ: /* Compare to the edge closest to the current edge. */ nearest_edge_length = length; break; case SIM_CMP_GT: /* Compare against the shortest edge. */ /* -FLT_MAX leads to some precision issues and the wrong edge being selected. * For example, in a tree with 1, 2 and 3, which is stored squared as 1, 4, 9, * it returns as the nearest length/node the "4" instead of "1". */ nearest_edge_length = -1.0f; break; case SIM_CMP_LT: /* Compare against the longest edge. */ nearest_edge_length = FLT_MAX; break; default: BLI_assert_unreachable(); return false; } KDTreeNearest_1d nearest; if (BLI_kdtree_1d_find_nearest(tree, &nearest_edge_length, &nearest) != -1) { float delta = length - nearest.co[0]; return ED_select_similar_compare_float(delta, thresh, compare); } return false; }