/**************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Gilles Debunne (Gilles.Debunne@imag.fr) This file is part of the QGLViewer library. Version 2.2.6-3, released on August 28, 2007. http://artis.imag.fr/Members/Gilles.Debunne/QGLViewer libQGLViewer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. libQGLViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with libQGLViewer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef QGLVIEWER_MANIPULATED_FRAME_H #define QGLVIEWER_MANIPULATED_FRAME_H #include "AppGLWidget_frame.h" //namespace qglviewer { /*! \brief A ManipulatedFrame is a Frame that can be rotated and translated using the mouse. \class ManipulatedFrame manipulatedFrame.h QGLViewer/manipulatedFrame.h It converts the mouse motion into a translation and an orientation updates. A ManipulatedFrame is used to move an object in the scene. Combined with object selection, its MouseGrabber properties and a dynamic update of the scene, the ManipulatedFrame introduces a great reactivity in your applications. A ManipulatedFrame is attached to a QGLViewer using QGLViewer::setManipulatedFrame(): \code init() { setManipulatedFrame( new ManipulatedFrame() ); } draw() { glPushMatrix(); glMultMatrixd(manipulatedFrame()->matrix()); // draw the manipulated object here glPopMatrix(); } \endcode See the manipulatedFrame example for a complete application. Mouse events are normally sent to the QGLViewer::camera(). You have to press the QGLViewer::FRAME state key (default is \c Control) to move the QGLViewer::manipulatedFrame() instead. See the mouse page for a description of mouse button bindings.

Inherited functionalities

A ManipulatedFrame is an overloaded instance of a Frame. The powerful coordinate system transformation functions (Frame::coordinatesOf(), Frame::transformOf(), ...) can hence be applied to a ManipulatedFrame. A ManipulatedFrame is also a MouseGrabber. If the mouse cursor gets within a distance of 10 pixels from the projected position of the ManipulatedFrame, the ManipulatedFrame becomes the new QGLViewer::mouseGrabber(). It can then be manipulated directly, without any specific state key, object selection or GUI intervention. This is very convenient to directly move some objects in the scene (typically a light). See the mouseGrabber example as an illustration. Note that QWidget::setMouseTracking() needs to be enabled in order to use this feature (see the MouseGrabber documentation).

Advanced functionalities

A QGLViewer can handle at most one ManipulatedFrame at a time. If you want to move several objects in the scene, you simply have to keep a list of the different ManipulatedFrames, and to activate the right one (using QGLViewer::setManipulatedFrame()) when needed. This can for instance be done according to an object selection: see the luxo example for an illustration. When the ManipulatedFrame is being manipulated using the mouse (mouse pressed and not yet released), isManipulated() returns \c true. This might be used to trigger a specific action or display (as is done with QGLViewer::fastDraw()). The ManipulatedFrame also emits a manipulated() signal each time its state is modified by the mouse. This signal is automatically connected to the QGLViewer::updateGL() slot when the ManipulatedFrame is attached to a viewer using QGLViewer::setManipulatedFrame(). You can make the ManipulatedFrame spin() if you release the rotation mouse button while moving the mouse fast enough (see spinningSensitivity()). See also translationSensitivity() and rotationSensitivity() for sensitivity tuning. \nosubgrouping */ class ManipulatedFrame : public Frame { public: ManipulatedFrame(); /*! Virtual destructor. Empty. */ virtual ~ManipulatedFrame() {}; ManipulatedFrame(const ManipulatedFrame& mf); ManipulatedFrame& operator=(const ManipulatedFrame& mf); /*! This signal is emitted when ever the ManipulatedFrame is manipulated (i.e. rotated or translated) using the mouse. Connect this signal to any object that should be notified. Note that this signal is automatically connected to the QGLViewer::updateGL() slot, when the ManipulatedFrame is attached to a viewer using QGLViewer::setManipulatedFrame(), which is probably all you need. Use the QGLViewer::QGLViewerPool() if you need to connect this signal to all the viewers. See also the spun(), modified(), interpolated() and KeyFrameInterpolator::interpolated() signals' documentations. */ void manipulated(); /*! This signal is emitted when the ManipulatedFrame isSpinning(). Note that for the QGLViewer::manipulatedFrame(), this signal is automatically connected to the QGLViewer::updateGL() slot. Connect this signal to any object that should be notified. Use the QGLViewer::QGLViewerPool() if you need to connect this signal to all the viewers. See also the manipulated(), modified(), interpolated() and KeyFrameInterpolator::interpolated() signals' documentations. */ void spun(); /*! @name Manipulation sensitivity */ //@{ public: /*! Defines the rotationSensitivity(). */ void setRotationSensitivity(float sensitivity) { rotSensitivity_ = sensitivity; }; /*! Defines the translationSensitivity(). */ void setTranslationSensitivity(float sensitivity) { transSensitivity_ = sensitivity; }; /*! Defines the spinningSensitivity(), in pixels per milliseconds. */ void setSpinningSensitivity(float sensitivity) { spinningSensitivity_ = sensitivity; }; /*! Defines the wheelSensitivity(). */ void setWheelSensitivity(float sensitivity) { wheelSensitivity_ = sensitivity; }; public: /*! Returns the influence of a mouse displacement on the ManipulatedFrame rotation. Default value is 1.0. With an identical mouse displacement, a higher value will generate a larger rotation (and inversely for lower values). A 0.0 value will forbid ManipulatedFrame mouse rotation (see also constraint()). See also setRotationSensitivity(), translationSensitivity(), spinningSensitivity() and wheelSensitivity(). */ float rotationSensitivity() const { return rotSensitivity_; }; /*! Returns the influence of a mouse displacement on the ManipulatedFrame translation. Default value is 1.0. You should not have to modify this value, since with 1.0 the ManipulatedFrame precisely stays under the mouse cursor. With an identical mouse displacement, a higher value will generate a larger translation (and inversely for lower values). A 0.0 value will forbid ManipulatedFrame mouse translation (see also constraint()). \note When the ManipulatedFrame is used to move a \e Camera (see the ManipulatedCameraFrame class documentation), after zooming on a small region of your scene, the camera may translate too fast. For a camera, it is the Camera::revolveAroundPoint() that exactly matches the mouse displacement. Hence, instead of changing the translationSensitivity(), solve the problem by (temporarily) setting the Camera::revolveAroundPoint() to a point on the zoomed region (see the QGLViewer::RAP_FROM_PIXEL mouse binding in the mouse page). See also setTranslationSensitivity(), rotationSensitivity(), spinningSensitivity() and wheelSensitivity(). */ float translationSensitivity() const { return transSensitivity_; }; /*! Returns the minimum mouse speed required (at button release) to make the ManipulatedFrame spin(). See spin(), spinningQuaternion() and startSpinning() for details. Mouse speed is expressed in pixels per milliseconds. Default value is 0.3 (300 pixels per second). Use setSpinningSensitivity() to tune this value. A higher value will make spinning more difficult (a value of 100.0 forbids spinning in practice). See also setSpinningSensitivity(), translationSensitivity(), rotationSensitivity() and wheelSensitivity(). */ float spinningSensitivity() const { return spinningSensitivity_; }; /*! Returns the mouse wheel sensitivity. Default value is 1.0. A higher value will make the wheel action more efficient (usually meaning a faster zoom). Use a negative value to invert the zoom in and out directions. See also setWheelSensitivity(), translationSensitivity(), rotationSensitivity() and spinningSensitivity(). */ float wheelSensitivity() const { return wheelSensitivity_; }; //@} /*! @name Spinning */ //@{ public: /*! Returns \c true when the ManipulatedFrame is spinning. During spinning, spin() rotates the ManipulatedFrame by its spinningQuaternion() at a frequency defined when the ManipulatedFrame startSpinning(). Use startSpinning() and stopSpinning() to change this state. Default value is \c false. */ bool isSpinning() const { return isSpinning_; }; /*! Returns the incremental rotation that is applied by spin() to the ManipulatedFrame orientation when it isSpinning(). Default value is a null rotation (identity Quaternion). Use setSpinningQuaternion() to change this value. The spinningQuaternion() axis is defined in the ManipulatedFrame coordinate system. You can use Frame::transformOfFrom() to convert this axis from an other Frame coordinate system. */ Quaternion spinningQuaternion() const { return spinningQuaternion_; } public: /*! Defines the spinningQuaternion(). Its axis is defined in the ManipulatedFrame coordinate system. */ void setSpinningQuaternion(const Quaternion& spinningQuaternion) { spinningQuaternion_ = spinningQuaternion; } protected: //virtual void spin(); private: void spinUpdate(); //@} #ifndef DOXYGEN protected: Quaternion deformedBallQuaternion(int x, int y, float cx, float cy, const AppGLWidget_Camera* const camera); int action_; // Should be a QGLViewer::MouseAction, but include loop Constraint* previousConstraint_; // When manipulation is without Contraint. //virtual void startAction(int ma, bool withConstraint=true); // int is really a QGLViewer::MouseAction // Previous mouse position (used for incremental updates) and mouse press position. Point prevPos_, pressPos_; #endif // DOXYGEN private: // Sensitivity float rotSensitivity_; float transSensitivity_; float spinningSensitivity_; float wheelSensitivity_; // Mouse speed and spinning float mouseSpeed_; int delay_; bool isSpinning_; Quaternion spinningQuaternion_; // Whether the SCREEN_TRANS direction (horizontal or vertical) is fixed or not. bool dirIsFixed_; // MouseGrabber bool keepsGrabbingMouse_; }; //} // namespace qglviewer #endif // QGLVIEWER_MANIPULATED_FRAME_H