#include "BPy_Id.h" #include "BPy_Convert.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //-------------------MODULE INITIALIZATION-------------------------------- int Id_Init( PyObject *module ) { if( module == NULL ) return -1; if( PyType_Ready( &Id_Type ) < 0 ) return -1; Py_INCREF( &Id_Type ); PyModule_AddObject(module, "Id", (PyObject *)&Id_Type); return 0; } //------------------------INSTANCE METHODS ---------------------------------- static char Id___doc__[] = ".. method:: __init__()\n" "\n" " Default constructor.\n" "\n" ".. method:: __init__(iBrother)\n" "\n" " Copy constructor.\n" "\n" " :arg iBrother: An Id object.\n" " :type iBrother: :class:`Id`\n" "\n" ".. method:: __init__(iFirst)\n" "\n" " Builds an Id from an integer. The second number is set to 0.\n" "\n" " :arg iFirst: The first Id number.\n" " :type iFirst: int\n" "\n" ".. method:: __init__(iFirst, iSecond)\n" "\n" " Builds the Id from the two numbers.\n" "\n" " :arg iFirst: The first Id number.\n" " :type iFirst: int\n" " :arg iSecond: The second Id number.\n" " :type iSecond: int\n"; static int Id___init__(BPy_Id *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { int first = 0, second = 0; static char *kwlist[] = {"first", "second", NULL}; if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|ii", kwlist, &first, &second) ) return -1; self->id = new Id( first, second ); return 0; } static void Id___dealloc__(BPy_Id* self) { delete self->id; Py_TYPE(self)->tp_free((PyObject*)self); } static PyObject * Id___repr__(BPy_Id* self) { return PyUnicode_FromFormat("[ first: %i, second: %i ](BPy_Id)", self->id->getFirst(), self->id->getSecond() ); } static char Id_getFirst___doc__[] = ".. method:: getFirst()\n" "\n" " Returns the first Id number.\n" "\n" " :return: The first Id number.\n" " :rtype: int\n"; static PyObject *Id_getFirst( BPy_Id *self ) { return PyLong_FromLong( self->id->getFirst() ); } static char Id_getSecond___doc__[] = ".. method:: getSecond()\n" "\n" " Returns the second Id number.\n" "\n" " :return: The second Id number.\n" " :rtype: int\n"; static PyObject *Id_getSecond( BPy_Id *self) { return PyLong_FromLong( self->id->getSecond() ); } static char Id_setFirst___doc__[] = ".. method:: setFirst(iFirst)\n" "\n" " Sets the first number constituting the Id.\n" "\n" " :arg iFirst: The first number constituting the Id.\n" " :type iFirst: int\n"; static PyObject *Id_setFirst( BPy_Id *self , PyObject *args) { unsigned int i; if( !PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &i) ) return NULL; self->id->setFirst( i ); Py_RETURN_NONE; } static char Id_setSecond___doc__[] = ".. method:: setSecond(iSecond)\n" "\n" " Sets the second number constituting the Id.\n" "\n" " :arg iSecond: The second number constituting the Id.\n" " :type iSecond: int\n"; static PyObject *Id_setSecond( BPy_Id *self , PyObject *args) { unsigned int i; if( !PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &i) ) return NULL; self->id->setSecond( i ); Py_RETURN_NONE; } static PyObject * Id_RichCompare(BPy_Id *o1, BPy_Id *o2, int opid) { switch(opid){ case Py_LT: return PyBool_from_bool( o1->id->operator<(*(o2->id)) ); break; case Py_LE: return PyBool_from_bool( o1->id->operator<(*(o2->id)) || o1->id->operator<(*(o2->id)) ); break; case Py_EQ: return PyBool_from_bool( o1->id->operator==(*(o2->id)) ); break; case Py_NE: return PyBool_from_bool( o1->id->operator!=(*(o2->id)) ); break; case Py_GT: return PyBool_from_bool(!( o1->id->operator<(*(o2->id)) || o1->id->operator<(*(o2->id)) )); break; case Py_GE: return PyBool_from_bool(!( o1->id->operator<(*(o2->id)) )); break; } Py_RETURN_NONE; } /*----------------------Id instance definitions ----------------------------*/ static PyMethodDef BPy_Id_methods[] = { {"getFirst", ( PyCFunction ) Id_getFirst, METH_NOARGS, Id_getFirst___doc__}, {"getSecond", ( PyCFunction ) Id_getSecond, METH_NOARGS, Id_getSecond___doc__}, {"setFirst", ( PyCFunction ) Id_setFirst, METH_VARARGS, Id_setFirst___doc__}, {"setSecond", ( PyCFunction ) Id_setSecond, METH_VARARGS, Id_setSecond___doc__}, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} }; /*-----------------------BPy_Id type definition ------------------------------*/ PyTypeObject Id_Type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) "Id", /* tp_name */ sizeof(BPy_Id), /* tp_basicsize */ 0, /* tp_itemsize */ (destructor)Id___dealloc__, /* tp_dealloc */ 0, /* tp_print */ 0, /* tp_getattr */ 0, /* tp_setattr */ 0, /* tp_reserved */ (reprfunc)Id___repr__, /* tp_repr */ 0, /* tp_as_number */ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */ 0, /* tp_hash */ 0, /* tp_call */ 0, /* tp_str */ 0, /* tp_getattro */ 0, /* tp_setattro */ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, /* tp_flags */ Id___doc__, /* tp_doc */ 0, /* tp_traverse */ 0, /* tp_clear */ (richcmpfunc)Id_RichCompare, /* tp_richcompare */ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */ 0, /* tp_iter */ 0, /* tp_iternext */ BPy_Id_methods, /* tp_methods */ 0, /* tp_members */ 0, /* tp_getset */ 0, /* tp_base */ 0, /* tp_dict */ 0, /* tp_descr_get */ 0, /* tp_descr_set */ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */ (initproc)Id___init__, /* tp_init */ 0, /* tp_alloc */ PyType_GenericNew, /* tp_new */ }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif