/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /** \file * \ingroup freestyle */ #include "BPy_ViewMap.h" #include "BPy_BBox.h" #include "BPy_Convert.h" #include "Interface1D/BPy_FEdge.h" #include "Interface1D/BPy_ViewEdge.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif using namespace Freestyle; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //-------------------MODULE INITIALIZATION-------------------------------- int ViewMap_Init(PyObject *module) { if (module == nullptr) { return -1; } if (PyType_Ready(&ViewMap_Type) < 0) { return -1; } Py_INCREF(&ViewMap_Type); PyModule_AddObject(module, "ViewMap", (PyObject *)&ViewMap_Type); return 0; } /*----------------------ViewMap methods----------------------------*/ PyDoc_STRVAR(ViewMap_doc, "Class defining the ViewMap.\n" "\n" ".. method:: __init__()\n" "\n" " Default constructor."); static int ViewMap_init(BPy_ViewMap *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { static const char *kwlist[] = {nullptr}; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "", (char **)kwlist)) { return -1; } self->vm = new ViewMap(); return 0; } static void ViewMap_dealloc(BPy_ViewMap *self) { delete self->vm; Py_TYPE(self)->tp_free((PyObject *)self); } static PyObject *ViewMap_repr(BPy_ViewMap *self) { return PyUnicode_FromFormat("ViewMap - address: %p", self->vm); } PyDoc_STRVAR(ViewMap_get_closest_viewedge_doc, ".. method:: get_closest_viewedge(x, y)\n" "\n" " Gets the ViewEdge nearest to the 2D point specified as arguments.\n" "\n" " :arg x: X coordinate of a 2D point.\n" " :type x: float\n" " :arg y: Y coordinate of a 2D point.\n" " :type y: float\n" " :return: The ViewEdge nearest to the specified 2D point.\n" " :rtype: :class:`ViewEdge`"); static PyObject *ViewMap_get_closest_viewedge(BPy_ViewMap *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { static const char *kwlist[] = {"x", "y", nullptr}; double x, y; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "dd", (char **)kwlist, &x, &y)) { return nullptr; } ViewEdge *ve = const_cast(self->vm->getClosestViewEdge(x, y)); if (ve) { return BPy_ViewEdge_from_ViewEdge(*ve); } Py_RETURN_NONE; } PyDoc_STRVAR(ViewMap_get_closest_fedge_doc, ".. method:: get_closest_fedge(x, y)\n" "\n" " Gets the FEdge nearest to the 2D point specified as arguments.\n" "\n" " :arg x: X coordinate of a 2D point.\n" " :type x: float\n" " :arg y: Y coordinate of a 2D point.\n" " :type y: float\n" " :return: The FEdge nearest to the specified 2D point.\n" " :rtype: :class:`FEdge`"); static PyObject *ViewMap_get_closest_fedge(BPy_ViewMap *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { static const char *kwlist[] = {"x", "y", nullptr}; double x, y; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "dd", (char **)kwlist, &x, &y)) { return nullptr; } FEdge *fe = const_cast(self->vm->getClosestFEdge(x, y)); if (fe) { return Any_BPy_FEdge_from_FEdge(*fe); } Py_RETURN_NONE; } // static ViewMap *getInstance (); static PyMethodDef BPy_ViewMap_methods[] = { {"get_closest_viewedge", (PyCFunction)ViewMap_get_closest_viewedge, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, ViewMap_get_closest_viewedge_doc}, {"get_closest_fedge", (PyCFunction)ViewMap_get_closest_fedge, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, ViewMap_get_closest_fedge_doc}, {nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr}, }; /*----------------------ViewMap get/setters ----------------------------*/ PyDoc_STRVAR(ViewMap_scene_bbox_doc, "The 3D bounding box of the scene.\n" "\n" ":type: :class:`BBox`"); static PyObject *ViewMap_scene_bbox_get(BPy_ViewMap *self, void * /*closure*/) { return BPy_BBox_from_BBox(self->vm->getScene3dBBox()); } static int ViewMap_scene_bbox_set(BPy_ViewMap *self, PyObject *value, void * /*closure*/) { if (!BPy_BBox_Check(value)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "value must be a BBox"); return -1; } self->vm->setScene3dBBox(*(((BPy_BBox *)value)->bb)); return 0; } static PyGetSetDef BPy_ViewMap_getseters[] = { {"scene_bbox", (getter)ViewMap_scene_bbox_get, (setter)ViewMap_scene_bbox_set, ViewMap_scene_bbox_doc, nullptr}, {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr} /* Sentinel */ }; /*-----------------------BPy_ViewMap type definition ------------------------------*/ PyTypeObject ViewMap_Type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(nullptr, 0) /*tp_name*/ "ViewMap", /*tp_basicsize*/ sizeof(BPy_ViewMap), /*tp_itemsize*/ 0, /*tp_dealloc*/ (destructor)ViewMap_dealloc, /*tp_vectorcall_offset*/ 0, /*tp_getattr*/ nullptr, /*tp_setattr*/ nullptr, /*tp_as_async*/ nullptr, /*tp_repr*/ (reprfunc)ViewMap_repr, /*tp_as_number*/ nullptr, /*tp_as_sequence*/ nullptr, /*tp_as_mapping*/ nullptr, /*tp_hash*/ nullptr, /*tp_call*/ nullptr, /*tp_str*/ nullptr, /*tp_getattro*/ nullptr, /*tp_setattro*/ nullptr, /*tp_as_buffer*/ nullptr, /*tp_flags*/ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, /*tp_doc*/ ViewMap_doc, /*tp_traverse*/ nullptr, /*tp_clear*/ nullptr, /*tp_richcompare*/ nullptr, /*tp_weaklistoffset*/ 0, /*tp_iter*/ nullptr, /*tp_iternext*/ nullptr, /*tp_methods*/ BPy_ViewMap_methods, /*tp_members*/ nullptr, /*tp_getset*/ BPy_ViewMap_getseters, /*tp_base*/ nullptr, /*tp_dict*/ nullptr, /*tp_descr_get*/ nullptr, /*tp_descr_set*/ nullptr, /*tp_dictoffset*/ 0, /*tp_init*/ (initproc)ViewMap_init, /*tp_alloc*/ nullptr, /*tp_new*/ PyType_GenericNew, }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif