#include "BPy_Stroke.h" #include "../BPy_Convert.h" #include "../BPy_Id.h" #include "../Interface0D/BPy_SVertex.h" #include "../Interface0D/CurvePoint/BPy_StrokeVertex.h" #include "../Iterator/BPy_StrokeVertexIterator.h" #include "../BPy_MediumType.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------INSTANCE METHODS ---------------------------------- // Stroke () // template Stroke (InputVertexIterator iBegin, InputVertexIterator iEnd) // // pb: - need to be able to switch representation: InputVertexIterator <=> position // - is it even used ? not even in SWIG version static char Stroke___doc__[] = "Class hierarchy: :class:`Interface1D` > :class:`Stroke`\n" "\n" "Class to define a stroke. A stroke is made of a set of 2D vertices\n" "(:class:`StrokeVertex`), regularly spaced out. This set of vertices\n" "defines the stroke's backbone geometry. Each of these stroke vertices\n" "defines the stroke's shape and appearance at this vertex position.\n" "\n" ".. method:: Stroke()\n" "\n" " Default constructor\n" "\n" ".. method:: Stroke(iBrother)\n" "\n" " Copy constructor\n" "\n" " :arg iBrother: \n" " :type iBrother: :class:`Stroke`\n" "\n" ".. method:: Stroke(iBegin, iEnd)\n" "\n" " Builds a stroke from a set of StrokeVertex. This constructor is\n" " templated by an iterator type. This iterator type must allow the\n" " vertices parsing using the ++ operator.\n" "\n" " :arg iBegin: The iterator pointing to the first vertex.\n" " :type iBegin: InputVertexIterator\n" " :arg iEnd: The iterator pointing to the end of the vertex list.\n" " :type iEnd: InputVertexIterator\n"; static int Stroke___init__(BPy_Stroke *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PyObject *obj1 = NULL, *obj2 = NULL; if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|OO", &obj1, &obj2) ) return -1; if( !obj1 ){ self->s = new Stroke(); } else if ( !obj2 && BPy_Stroke_Check(obj1) ) { self->s = new Stroke(*( ((BPy_Stroke *)obj1)->s )); } else if ( obj2 ) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Stroke(InputVertexIterator iBegin, InputVertexIterator iEnd) not implemented"); return -1; } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "invalid argument(s)"); return -1; } self->py_if1D.if1D = self->s; self->py_if1D.borrowed = 0; return 0; } static PyObject * Stroke___iter__( PyObject *self ) { StrokeInternal::StrokeVertexIterator sv_it( ((BPy_Stroke *)self)->s->strokeVerticesBegin() ); return BPy_StrokeVertexIterator_from_StrokeVertexIterator( sv_it, 0 ); } static Py_ssize_t Stroke_length( BPy_Stroke *self ) { return self->s->strokeVerticesSize(); } static PyObject * Stroke_item( BPy_Stroke *self, Py_ssize_t i ) { if (i < 0 || i >= (Py_ssize_t)self->s->strokeVerticesSize()) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, "subscript index out of range"); return NULL; } return BPy_StrokeVertex_from_StrokeVertex( self->s->strokeVerticeAt(i) ); } static PyObject * Stroke___getitem__( BPy_Stroke *self, PyObject *item ) { long i; if (!PyLong_Check(item)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "subscript indices must be integers"); return NULL; } i = PyLong_AsLong(item); if (i == -1 && PyErr_Occurred()) return NULL; if (i < 0) { i += self->s->strokeVerticesSize(); } return Stroke_item(self, i); } static char Stroke_ComputeSampling___doc__[] = ".. method:: ComputeSampling(iNVertices)\n" "\n" " Compute the sampling needed to get iNVertices vertices. If the\n" " specified number of vertices is less than the actual number of\n" " vertices, the actual sampling value is returned. (To remove Vertices,\n" " use the RemoveVertex() method of this class.)\n" "\n" " :arg iNVertices: The number of stroke vertices we eventually want\n" " in our Stroke.\n" " :type iNVertices: int\n" " :return: The sampling that must be used in the Resample(float)\n" " method.\n" " :rtype: float\n"; static PyObject * Stroke_ComputeSampling( BPy_Stroke *self, PyObject *args ) { int i; if(!( PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &i) )) return NULL; return PyFloat_FromDouble( self->s->ComputeSampling( i ) ); } static char Stroke_Resample___doc__[] = ".. method:: Resample(iNPoints)\n" "\n" " Resamples the stroke so that it eventually has iNPoints. That means\n" " it is going to add iNPoints-vertices_size, if vertices_size is the\n" " number of points we already have. If vertices_size >= iNPoints, no\n" " resampling is done.\n" "\n" " :arg iNPoints: The number of vertices we eventually want in our stroke.\n" " :type iNPoints: int\n" "\n" ".. method:: Resample(iSampling)\n" "\n" " Resamples the stroke with a given sampling. If the sampling is\n" " smaller than the actual sampling value, no resampling is done.\n" "\n" " :arg iSampling: The new sampling value.\n" " :type iSampling: float\n"; static PyObject * Stroke_Resample( BPy_Stroke *self, PyObject *args ) { PyObject *obj; if(!( PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &obj) )) return NULL; if( PyLong_Check(obj) ) self->s->Resample( (int) PyLong_AsLong(obj) ); else if( PyFloat_Check(obj) ) self->s->Resample( (float) PyFloat_AsDouble(obj) ); else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "invalid argument"); return NULL; } Py_RETURN_NONE; } static char Stroke_InsertVertex___doc__[] = ".. method:: InsertVertex(iVertex, next)\n" "\n" " Inserts the stroke vertex iVertex in the stroke before next. The\n" " length, curvilinear abscissa are updated consequently.\n" "\n" " :arg iVertex: The StrokeVertex to insert in the Stroke.\n" " :type iVertex: :class:`StrokeVertex`\n" " :arg next: A StrokeVertexIterator pointing to the StrokeVertex\n" " before which iVertex must be inserted.\n" " :type next: :class:`StrokeVertexIterator`\n"; static PyObject * Stroke_InsertVertex( BPy_Stroke *self, PyObject *args ) { PyObject *py_sv = 0, *py_sv_it = 0; if(!( PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O!", &StrokeVertex_Type, &py_sv, &StrokeVertexIterator_Type, &py_sv_it) )) return NULL; StrokeVertex *sv = ((BPy_StrokeVertex *) py_sv)->sv; StrokeInternal::StrokeVertexIterator sv_it(*( ((BPy_StrokeVertexIterator *) py_sv_it)->sv_it )); self->s->InsertVertex( sv, sv_it ); Py_RETURN_NONE; } static char Stroke_RemoveVertex___doc__[] = ".. method:: RemoveVertex(iVertex)\n" "\n" " Removes the stroke vertex iVertex from the stroke. The length and\n" " curvilinear abscissa are updated consequently.\n" "\n" " :arg iVertex: \n" " :type iVertex: :class:`StrokeVertex`\n"; static PyObject * Stroke_RemoveVertex( BPy_Stroke *self, PyObject *args ) { PyObject *py_sv; if(!( PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!", &StrokeVertex_Type, &py_sv) )) return NULL; if( ((BPy_StrokeVertex *) py_sv)->sv ) self->s->RemoveVertex( ((BPy_StrokeVertex *) py_sv)->sv ); else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "invalid argument"); return NULL; } Py_RETURN_NONE; } static char Stroke_UpdateLength___doc__[] = ".. method:: UpdateLength()\n" "\n" " Updates the 2D length of the Stroke.\n"; static PyObject * Stroke_UpdateLength( BPy_Stroke *self ) { self->s->UpdateLength(); Py_RETURN_NONE; } static char Stroke_getLength2D___doc__[] = ".. method:: getLength2D()\n" "\n" " Returns the 2D length of the Stroke.\n" "\n" " :return: the 2D length of the Stroke.\n" " :rtype: float\n"; static PyObject * Stroke_getLength2D( BPy_Stroke *self ) { return PyFloat_FromDouble( self->s->getLength2D() ); } static char Stroke_getMediumType___doc__[] = ".. method:: getMediumType()\n" "\n" " Returns the MediumType used for this Stroke.\n" "\n" " :return: the MediumType used for this Stroke.\n" " :rtype: :class:`MediumType`\n"; static PyObject * Stroke_getMediumType( BPy_Stroke *self ) { return BPy_MediumType_from_MediumType( self->s->getMediumType() ); } static char Stroke_getTextureId___doc__[] = ".. method:: getTextureId()\n" "\n" " Returns the ID of the texture used to simulate th marks system for\n" " this Stroke\n" "\n" " :return: The texture ID.\n" " :rtype: int\n"; static PyObject * Stroke_getTextureId( BPy_Stroke *self ) { return PyLong_FromLong( self->s->getTextureId() ); } static char Stroke_hasTips___doc__[] = ".. method:: hasTips()\n" "\n" " Returns true if this Stroke uses a texture with tips, false\n" " otherwise.\n" "\n" " :return: True if this Stroke uses a texture with tips.\n" " :rtype: bool\n"; static PyObject * Stroke_hasTips( BPy_Stroke *self ) { return PyBool_from_bool( self->s->hasTips() ); } static char Stroke_setId___doc__[] = ".. method:: setId(id)\n" "\n" " Sets the Id of the Stroke.\n" "\n" " :arg id: the Id of the Stroke.\n" " :type id: :class:`Id`\n"; static PyObject *Stroke_setId( BPy_Stroke *self , PyObject *args) { PyObject *py_id; if(!( PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!", &Id_Type, &py_id) )) return NULL; self->s->setId(*( ((BPy_Id *) py_id)->id )); Py_RETURN_NONE; } static char Stroke_setLength___doc__[] = ".. method:: setLength(iLength)\n" "\n" " Sets the 2D length of the Stroke.\n" "\n" " :arg iLength: The 2D length of the Stroke.\n" " :type iLength: float\n"; static PyObject *Stroke_setLength( BPy_Stroke *self , PyObject *args) { float f; if(!( PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "f", &f) )) return NULL; self->s->setLength( f ); Py_RETURN_NONE; } static char Stroke_setMediumType___doc__[] = ".. method:: setMediumType(iType)\n" "\n" " Sets the medium type that must be used for this Stroke.\n" "\n" " :arg iType: A MediumType object.\n" " :type iType: :class:`MediumType`\n"; static PyObject *Stroke_setMediumType( BPy_Stroke *self , PyObject *args) { PyObject *py_mt; if(!( PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!", &MediumType_Type, &py_mt) )) return NULL; self->s->setMediumType( MediumType_from_BPy_MediumType(py_mt) ); Py_RETURN_NONE; } static char Stroke_setTextureId___doc__[] = ".. method:: setTextureId(iId)\n" "\n" " Sets the texture ID to be used to simulate the marks system for this\n" " Stroke.\n" "\n" " :arg iId: A texture ID.\n" " :type iId: int\n"; static PyObject *Stroke_setTextureId( BPy_Stroke *self , PyObject *args) { unsigned int i; if(!( PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "I", &i) )) return NULL; self->s->setTextureId( i ); Py_RETURN_NONE; } static char Stroke_setTips___doc__[] = ".. method:: setTips(iTips)\n" "\n" " Sets the flag telling whether this stroke is using a texture with\n" " tips or not.\n" "\n" " :arg iTips: True if this stroke uses a texture with tips.\n" " :type iTips: bool\n"; static PyObject *Stroke_setTips( BPy_Stroke *self , PyObject *args) { PyObject *py_b; if(!( PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &py_b) )) return NULL; self->s->setTips( bool_from_PyBool(py_b) ); Py_RETURN_NONE; } static char Stroke_strokeVerticesBegin___doc__[] = ".. method:: strokeVerticesBegin(t=0.0)\n" "\n" " Returns a StrokeVertexIterator pointing on the first StrokeVertex of\n" " the Stroke. O ne can specify a sampling value to resample the Stroke\n" " on the fly if needed.\n" "\n" " :arg t: The resampling value with which we want our Stroke to be\n" " resampled. If 0 is specified, no resampling is done.\n" " :type t: float\n" " :return: A StrokeVertexIterator pointing on the first StrokeVertex.\n" " :rtype: :class:`StrokeVertexIterator`\n"; static PyObject * Stroke_strokeVerticesBegin( BPy_Stroke *self , PyObject *args) { float f = 0; if(!( PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|f", &f) )) return NULL; StrokeInternal::StrokeVertexIterator sv_it( self->s->strokeVerticesBegin(f) ); return BPy_StrokeVertexIterator_from_StrokeVertexIterator( sv_it, 0 ); } static char Stroke_strokeVerticesEnd___doc__[] = ".. method:: strokeVerticesEnd()\n" "\n" " Returns a StrokeVertexIterator pointing after the last StrokeVertex\n" " of the Stroke.\n" "\n" " :return: A StrokeVertexIterator pointing after the last StrokeVertex.\n" " :rtype: :class:`StrokeVertexIterator`\n"; static PyObject * Stroke_strokeVerticesEnd( BPy_Stroke *self ) { StrokeInternal::StrokeVertexIterator sv_it( self->s->strokeVerticesEnd() ); return BPy_StrokeVertexIterator_from_StrokeVertexIterator( sv_it, 1 ); } static char Stroke_strokeVerticesSize___doc__[] = ".. method:: strokeVerticesSize()\n" "\n" " Returns the number of StrokeVertex constituing the Stroke.\n" "\n" " :return: The number of stroke vertices.\n" " :rtype: int\n"; static PyObject * Stroke_strokeVerticesSize( BPy_Stroke *self ) { return PyLong_FromLong( self->s->strokeVerticesSize() ); } /*----------------------Stroke instance definitions ----------------------------*/ static PyMethodDef BPy_Stroke_methods[] = { {"__getitem__", ( PyCFunction ) Stroke___getitem__, METH_O, "(int i) Returns the i-th StrokeVertex constituting the Stroke."}, {"ComputeSampling", ( PyCFunction ) Stroke_ComputeSampling, METH_VARARGS, Stroke_ComputeSampling___doc__}, {"Resample", ( PyCFunction ) Stroke_Resample, METH_VARARGS, Stroke_Resample___doc__}, {"RemoveVertex", ( PyCFunction ) Stroke_RemoveVertex, METH_VARARGS, Stroke_RemoveVertex___doc__}, {"InsertVertex", ( PyCFunction ) Stroke_InsertVertex, METH_VARARGS, Stroke_InsertVertex___doc__}, {"UpdateLength", ( PyCFunction ) Stroke_UpdateLength, METH_NOARGS, Stroke_UpdateLength___doc__}, {"getLength2D", ( PyCFunction ) Stroke_getLength2D, METH_NOARGS, Stroke_getLength2D___doc__}, {"getMediumType", ( PyCFunction ) Stroke_getMediumType, METH_NOARGS, Stroke_getMediumType___doc__}, {"getTextureId", ( PyCFunction ) Stroke_getTextureId, METH_NOARGS, Stroke_getTextureId___doc__}, {"hasTips", ( PyCFunction ) Stroke_hasTips, METH_NOARGS, Stroke_hasTips___doc__}, {"setId", ( PyCFunction ) Stroke_setId, METH_VARARGS, Stroke_setId___doc__}, {"setLength", ( PyCFunction ) Stroke_setLength, METH_VARARGS, Stroke_setLength___doc__}, {"setMediumType", ( PyCFunction ) Stroke_setMediumType, METH_VARARGS, Stroke_setMediumType___doc__}, {"setTextureId", ( PyCFunction ) Stroke_setTextureId, METH_VARARGS, Stroke_setTextureId___doc__}, {"setTips", ( PyCFunction ) Stroke_setTips, METH_VARARGS, Stroke_setTips___doc__}, {"strokeVerticesBegin", ( PyCFunction ) Stroke_strokeVerticesBegin, METH_VARARGS, Stroke_strokeVerticesBegin___doc__}, {"strokeVerticesEnd", ( PyCFunction ) Stroke_strokeVerticesEnd, METH_NOARGS, Stroke_strokeVerticesEnd___doc__}, {"strokeVerticesSize", ( PyCFunction ) Stroke_strokeVerticesSize, METH_NOARGS, Stroke_strokeVerticesSize___doc__}, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} }; /*-----------------------BPy_Stroke type definition ------------------------------*/ static PySequenceMethods Stroke_as_sequence = { (lenfunc)Stroke_length, /* sq_length */ NULL, /* sq_concat */ NULL, /* sq_repeat */ (ssizeargfunc)Stroke_item, /* sq_item */ NULL, /* sq_slice */ NULL, /* sq_ass_item */ NULL, /* sq_ass_slice */ NULL, /* sq_contains */ NULL, /* sq_inplace_concat */ NULL, /* sq_inplace_repeat */ }; PyTypeObject Stroke_Type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) "Stroke", /* tp_name */ sizeof(BPy_Stroke), /* tp_basicsize */ 0, /* tp_itemsize */ 0, /* tp_dealloc */ 0, /* tp_print */ 0, /* tp_getattr */ 0, /* tp_setattr */ 0, /* tp_reserved */ 0, /* tp_repr */ 0, /* tp_as_number */ &Stroke_as_sequence, /* tp_as_sequence */ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */ 0, /* tp_hash */ 0, /* tp_call */ 0, /* tp_str */ 0, /* tp_getattro */ 0, /* tp_setattro */ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, /* tp_flags */ Stroke___doc__, /* tp_doc */ 0, /* tp_traverse */ 0, /* tp_clear */ 0, /* tp_richcompare */ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */ (getiterfunc)Stroke___iter__, /* tp_iter */ 0, /* tp_iternext */ BPy_Stroke_methods, /* tp_methods */ 0, /* tp_members */ 0, /* tp_getset */ &Interface1D_Type, /* tp_base */ 0, /* tp_dict */ 0, /* tp_descr_get */ 0, /* tp_descr_set */ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */ (initproc)Stroke___init__, /* tp_init */ 0, /* tp_alloc */ 0, /* tp_new */ }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif