#include "BPy_SmoothingShader.h" #include "../../stroke/AdvancedStrokeShaders.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------INSTANCE METHODS ---------------------------------- static char SmoothingShader___doc__[] = "Class hierarchy: :class:`StrokeShader` > :class:`SmoothingShader`\n" "\n" "[Geometry shader]\n" "\n" ".. method:: __init__(iNbIteration, iFactorPoint, ifactorCurvature, iFactorCurvatureDifference, iAnisoPoint, iAnisNormal, iAnisoCurvature, icarricatureFactor)\n" "\n" " Builds a SmoothingShader object.\n" "\n" " :arg iNbIteration: The number of iterations (400).\n" " :type iNbIteration: int\n" " :arg iFactorPoint: 0.0\n" " :type iFactorPoint: float\n" " :arg ifactorCurvature: 0.0\n" " :type ifactorCurvature: float\n" " :arg iFactorCurvatureDifference: 0.2\n" " :type iFactorCurvatureDifference: float\n" " :arg iAnisoPoint: \n" " :type iAnisoPoint: float\n" " :arg iAnisNormal: 0.0\n" " :type iAnisNormal: float\n" " :arg iAnisoCurvature: 0.0\n" " :type iAnisoCurvature: float\n" " :arg icarricatureFactor: 1.0\n" " :type icarricatureFactor: float\n" "\n" ".. method:: shade(s)\n" "\n" " Smoothes the stroke by moving the vertices to make the stroke\n" " smoother. Uses curvature flow to converge towards a curve of\n" " constant curvature. The diffusion method we use is anisotropic to\n" " prevent the diffusion accross corners.\n" "\n" " :arg s: A Stroke object.\n" " :type s: :class:`Stroke`\n"; static int SmoothingShader___init__( BPy_SmoothingShader* self, PyObject *args) { int i1; double d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8; if(!( PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iddddddd", &i1, &d2, &d3, &d4, &d5, &d6, &d7, &d8) )) return -1; self->py_ss.ss = new SmoothingShader(i1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8); return 0; } /*-----------------------BPy_SmoothingShader type definition ------------------------------*/ PyTypeObject SmoothingShader_Type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) "SmoothingShader", /* tp_name */ sizeof(BPy_SmoothingShader), /* tp_basicsize */ 0, /* tp_itemsize */ 0, /* tp_dealloc */ 0, /* tp_print */ 0, /* tp_getattr */ 0, /* tp_setattr */ 0, /* tp_reserved */ 0, /* tp_repr */ 0, /* tp_as_number */ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */ 0, /* tp_hash */ 0, /* tp_call */ 0, /* tp_str */ 0, /* tp_getattro */ 0, /* tp_setattro */ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, /* tp_flags */ SmoothingShader___doc__, /* tp_doc */ 0, /* tp_traverse */ 0, /* tp_clear */ 0, /* tp_richcompare */ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */ 0, /* tp_iter */ 0, /* tp_iternext */ 0, /* tp_methods */ 0, /* tp_members */ 0, /* tp_getset */ &StrokeShader_Type, /* tp_base */ 0, /* tp_dict */ 0, /* tp_descr_get */ 0, /* tp_descr_set */ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */ (initproc)SmoothingShader___init__, /* tp_init */ 0, /* tp_alloc */ 0, /* tp_new */ }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif