/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #ifndef __FREESTYLE_INDEXED_FACE_SET_H__ #define __FREESTYLE_INDEXED_FACE_SET_H__ /** \file blender/freestyle/intern/scene_graph/IndexedFaceSet.h * \ingroup freestyle * \brief A Set of indexed faces to represent a surfacic object * \author Stephane Grabli * \date 22/01/2002 */ #include #include //! inherits from class Rep #include "Rep.h" #include "../system/FreestyleConfig.h" namespace Freestyle { class IndexedFaceSet : public Rep { public: /*! Triangles description style:*/ enum TRIANGLES_STYLE { TRIANGLE_STRIP, TRIANGLE_FAN, TRIANGLES, }; /*! User-specified face and edge marks for feature edge detection */ /* XXX Why in hel not use an enum here too? */ typedef unsigned char FaceEdgeMark; static const FaceEdgeMark FACE_MARK = 1 << 0; static const FaceEdgeMark EDGE_MARK_V1V2 = 1 << 1; static const FaceEdgeMark EDGE_MARK_V2V3 = 1 << 2; static const FaceEdgeMark EDGE_MARK_V3V1 = 1 << 3; /*! Builds an empty indexed face set */ IndexedFaceSet(); /*! Builds an indexed face set * iVertices * The array of object vertices 3D coordinates (for all faces). * If iCopy != 0, the array is copied; you must desallocate iVertices. Else you must not. * iVSize * The size of iVertices (must be a multiple of 3) * iNormals * The array of object normals 3D coordinates. * If iCopy != 0, the array is copied; you must desallocate iNormals. Else you must not. * iNSize * The size of iNormals * iMaterials * The array of materials * iMSize * The size of iMaterials * iTexCoords * The array of texture coordinates. * iTSize * The size of iTexCoords (must be multiple of 2) * iNumFaces * The number of faces * iNumVertexPerFace * Array containing the number of vertices per face. * iFaceStyle * Array containing the description style of each faces. * The style belongs to: * - TRIANGLE_STRIP: the face indices describe a triangle strip * - TRIANGLE_FAN : the face indices describe a triangle fan * - TRIANGLES : the face indices describe single triangles * If iCopy != 0, the array is copied; you must desallocate iFaceStyle. Else you must not. * iVIndices, * Array of vertices indices. * The integers contained in this array must be multiple of 3. * If iCopy != 0, the array is copied; you must desallocate iVIndices. Else you must not. * iVISize * The size of iVIndices. * iNIndices * Array of normals indices. * The integers contained in this array must be multiple of 3. * If iCopy != 0, the array is copied; you must desallocate iNIndices. Else you must not. * iNISize * The size of iNIndices * iMIndices * The Material indices (per vertex) * iMISize * The size of iMIndices * iTIndices * The Texture coordinates indices (per vertex). The integers contained in this array must be multiple of 2. * iTISize * The size of iMIndices * iCopy * 0 : the arrays are not copied. The pointers passed as arguments are used. IndexedFaceSet takes these * arrays desallocation in charge. * 1 : the arrays are copied. The caller is in charge of the arrays, passed as arguments desallocation. */ IndexedFaceSet(real *iVertices, unsigned iVSize, real *iNormals, unsigned iNSize, FrsMaterial **iMaterials, unsigned iMSize, real *iTexCoords, unsigned iTSize, unsigned iNumFaces, unsigned *iNumVertexPerFace, TRIANGLES_STYLE *iFaceStyle, FaceEdgeMark *iFaceEdgeMarks, unsigned *iVIndices, unsigned iVISize, unsigned *iNIndices, unsigned iNISize, unsigned *iMIndices, unsigned iMISize, unsigned *iTIndices, unsigned iTISize, unsigned iCopy = 1); /*! Builds an indexed face set from an other indexed face set */ IndexedFaceSet(const IndexedFaceSet& iBrother); void swap(IndexedFaceSet& ioOther) { std::swap(_Vertices, ioOther._Vertices); std::swap(_Normals, ioOther._Normals); std::swap(_FrsMaterials, ioOther._FrsMaterials); std::swap(_TexCoords, ioOther._TexCoords); std::swap(_FaceEdgeMarks, ioOther._FaceEdgeMarks); std::swap(_VSize, ioOther._VSize); std::swap(_NSize, ioOther._NSize); std::swap(_MSize, ioOther._MSize); std::swap(_TSize, ioOther._TSize); std::swap(_NumFaces, ioOther._NumFaces); std::swap(_NumVertexPerFace, ioOther._NumVertexPerFace); std::swap(_FaceStyle, ioOther._FaceStyle); std::swap(_VIndices, ioOther._VIndices); std::swap(_NIndices, ioOther._NIndices); std::swap(_MIndices, ioOther._MIndices); // Material Indices std::swap(_TIndices, ioOther._TIndices); std::swap(_VISize, ioOther._VISize); std::swap(_NISize, ioOther._NISize); std::swap(_MISize, ioOther._MISize); std::swap(_TISize, ioOther._TISize); std::swap(_displayList, ioOther._displayList); Rep::swap(ioOther); } IndexedFaceSet& operator=(const IndexedFaceSet& iBrother) { IndexedFaceSet tmp(iBrother); swap(tmp); return *this; } /*! Desctructor * desallocates all the ressources */ virtual ~IndexedFaceSet(); /*! Accept the corresponding visitor */ virtual void accept(SceneVisitor& v); /*! Compute the Bounding Box */ virtual void ComputeBBox(); /*! modifiers */ inline void setDisplayList(unsigned int index) { _displayList = index; } /*! Accessors */ virtual const real *vertices() const { return _Vertices; } virtual const real *normals() const { return _Normals; } virtual const FrsMaterial*const* frs_materials() const { return _FrsMaterials; } virtual const real *texCoords() const { return _TexCoords; } virtual const unsigned vsize() const { return _VSize; } virtual const unsigned nsize() const { return _NSize; } virtual const unsigned msize() const { return _MSize; } virtual const unsigned tsize() const { return _TSize; } virtual const unsigned numFaces() const { return _NumFaces; } virtual const unsigned *numVertexPerFaces() const { return _NumVertexPerFace; } virtual const TRIANGLES_STYLE *trianglesStyle() const { return _FaceStyle; } virtual const unsigned char *faceEdgeMarks() const { return _FaceEdgeMarks; } virtual const unsigned *vindices() const { return _VIndices; } virtual const unsigned *nindices() const { return _NIndices; } virtual const unsigned *mindices() const { return _MIndices; } virtual const unsigned *tindices() const { return _TIndices; } virtual const unsigned visize() const { return _VISize; } virtual const unsigned nisize() const { return _NISize; } virtual const unsigned misize() const { return _MISize; } virtual const unsigned tisize() const { return _TISize; } inline unsigned int displayList() const { return _displayList; } protected: real *_Vertices; real *_Normals; FrsMaterial **_FrsMaterials; real *_TexCoords; unsigned _VSize; unsigned _NSize; unsigned _MSize; unsigned _TSize; unsigned _NumFaces; unsigned *_NumVertexPerFace; TRIANGLES_STYLE *_FaceStyle; FaceEdgeMark *_FaceEdgeMarks; unsigned *_VIndices; unsigned *_NIndices; unsigned *_MIndices; // Material Indices unsigned *_TIndices; // Texture coordinates Indices unsigned _VISize; unsigned _NISize; unsigned _MISize; unsigned _TISize; unsigned int _displayList; #ifdef WITH_CXX_GUARDEDALLOC MEM_CXX_CLASS_ALLOC_FUNCS("Freestyle:IndexedFaceSet") #endif }; } /* namespace Freestyle */ #endif // __FREESTYLE_INDEXED_FACE_SET_H__