/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /** \file * \ingroup freestyle * \brief Class to render a WingedEdge data structure from a polyhedral data structure organized in * nodes of a scene graph */ #include #include "WingedEdgeBuilder.h" #include "../geometry/GeomUtils.h" #include "../scene_graph/NodeShape.h" using namespace std; namespace Freestyle { void WingedEdgeBuilder::visitIndexedFaceSet(IndexedFaceSet &ifs) { if (_pRenderMonitor && _pRenderMonitor->testBreak()) { return; } WShape *shape = new WShape; if (!buildWShape(*shape, ifs)) { delete shape; return; } shape->setId(ifs.getId().getFirst()); // ifs.setId(shape->GetId()); } void WingedEdgeBuilder::visitNodeShape(NodeShape &ns) { // Sets the current material to iShapeode->material: _current_frs_material = &(ns.frs_material()); } void WingedEdgeBuilder::visitNodeTransform(NodeTransform &tn) { if (!_current_matrix) { _current_matrix = new Matrix44r(tn.matrix()); return; } _matrices_stack.push_back(_current_matrix); Matrix44r *new_matrix = new Matrix44r(*_current_matrix * tn.matrix()); _current_matrix = new_matrix; } void WingedEdgeBuilder::visitNodeTransformAfter(NodeTransform & /*transform*/) { delete _current_matrix; if (_matrices_stack.empty()) { _current_matrix = nullptr; return; } _current_matrix = _matrices_stack.back(); _matrices_stack.pop_back(); } bool WingedEdgeBuilder::buildWShape(WShape &shape, IndexedFaceSet &ifs) { uint vsize = ifs.vsize(); uint nsize = ifs.nsize(); // soc unused - unsigned tsize = ifs.tsize(); const float *vertices = ifs.vertices(); const float *normals = ifs.normals(); const float *texCoords = ifs.texCoords(); float *new_vertices; float *new_normals; new_vertices = new float[vsize]; new_normals = new float[nsize]; // transform coordinates from local to world system if (_current_matrix) { transformVertices(vertices, vsize, *_current_matrix, new_vertices); transformNormals(normals, nsize, *_current_matrix, new_normals); } else { memcpy(new_vertices, vertices, vsize * sizeof(*new_vertices)); memcpy(new_normals, normals, nsize * sizeof(*new_normals)); } const IndexedFaceSet::TRIANGLES_STYLE *faceStyle = ifs.trianglesStyle(); vector frs_materials; if (ifs.msize()) { const FrsMaterial *const *mats = ifs.frs_materials(); for (uint i = 0; i < ifs.msize(); ++i) { frs_materials.push_back(*(mats[i])); } shape.setFrsMaterials(frs_materials); } #if 0 const FrsMaterial *mat = (ifs.frs_material()); if (mat) { shape.setFrsMaterial(*mat); } else if (_current_frs_material) { shape.setFrsMaterial(*_current_frs_material); } #endif const IndexedFaceSet::FaceEdgeMark *faceEdgeMarks = ifs.faceEdgeMarks(); // sets the current WShape to shape _current_wshape = &shape; // create a WVertex for each vertex buildWVertices(shape, new_vertices, vsize); const uint *vindices = ifs.vindices(); const uint *nindices = ifs.nindices(); const uint *tindices = nullptr; if (ifs.tsize()) { tindices = ifs.tindices(); } const uint *mindices = nullptr; if (ifs.msize()) { mindices = ifs.mindices(); } const uint *numVertexPerFace = ifs.numVertexPerFaces(); const uint numfaces = ifs.numFaces(); for (uint index = 0; index < numfaces; index++) { switch (faceStyle[index]) { case IndexedFaceSet::TRIANGLE_STRIP: buildTriangleStrip(new_vertices, new_normals, frs_materials, texCoords, faceEdgeMarks, vindices, nindices, mindices, tindices, numVertexPerFace[index]); break; case IndexedFaceSet::TRIANGLE_FAN: buildTriangleFan(new_vertices, new_normals, frs_materials, texCoords, faceEdgeMarks, vindices, nindices, mindices, tindices, numVertexPerFace[index]); break; case IndexedFaceSet::TRIANGLES: buildTriangles(new_vertices, new_normals, frs_materials, texCoords, faceEdgeMarks, vindices, nindices, mindices, tindices, numVertexPerFace[index]); break; } vindices += numVertexPerFace[index]; nindices += numVertexPerFace[index]; if (mindices) { mindices += numVertexPerFace[index]; } if (tindices) { tindices += numVertexPerFace[index]; } faceEdgeMarks++; } delete[] new_vertices; delete[] new_normals; if (shape.GetFaceList().empty()) { // this may happen due to degenerate triangles return false; } #if 0 // compute bbox shape.ComputeBBox(); // compute mean edge size: shape.ComputeMeanEdgeSize(); #endif // Parse the built winged-edge shape to update post-flags set normalsSet; vector &wvertices = shape.getVertexList(); for (vector::iterator wv = wvertices.begin(), wvend = wvertices.end(); wv != wvend; ++wv) { if ((*wv)->isBoundary()) { continue; } if ((*wv)->GetEdges().empty()) { // This means that the WVertex has no incoming edges... (12-Sep-2011 T.K.) continue; } normalsSet.clear(); WVertex::face_iterator fit = (*wv)->faces_begin(); WVertex::face_iterator fitend = (*wv)->faces_end(); for (; fit != fitend; ++fit) { WFace *face = *fit; normalsSet.insert(face->GetVertexNormal(*wv)); if (normalsSet.size() != 1) { break; } } if (normalsSet.size() != 1) { (*wv)->setSmooth(false); } } // Adds the new WShape to the WingedEdge structure _winged_edge->addWShape(&shape); return true; } void WingedEdgeBuilder::buildWVertices(WShape &shape, const float *vertices, uint vsize) { WVertex *vertex; for (uint i = 0; i < vsize; i += 3) { vertex = new WVertex(Vec3f(vertices[i], vertices[i + 1], vertices[i + 2])); vertex->setId(i / 3); shape.AddVertex(vertex); } } void WingedEdgeBuilder::buildTriangleStrip(const float * /*vertices*/, const float *normals, vector & /*iMaterials*/, const float *texCoords, const IndexedFaceSet::FaceEdgeMark *iFaceEdgeMarks, const uint *vindices, const uint *nindices, const uint *mindices, const uint *tindices, const uint nvertices) { uint nDoneVertices = 2; /* Number of vertices already treated. */ uint nTriangle = 0; /* Number of the triangle currently being treated. */ // int nVertex = 0; /* Vertex number. */ WShape *currentShape = _current_wshape; // the current shape being built vector triangleVertices; vector triangleNormals; vector triangleTexCoords; vector triangleFaceEdgeMarks; while (nDoneVertices < nvertices) { // clear the vertices list: triangleVertices.clear(); // Then rebuild it: if (0 == nTriangle % 2) { // if nTriangle is even triangleVertices.push_back(currentShape->getVertexList()[vindices[nTriangle] / 3]); triangleVertices.push_back(currentShape->getVertexList()[vindices[nTriangle + 1] / 3]); triangleVertices.push_back(currentShape->getVertexList()[vindices[nTriangle + 2] / 3]); triangleNormals.emplace_back(normals[nindices[nTriangle]], normals[nindices[nTriangle] + 1], normals[nindices[nTriangle] + 2]); triangleNormals.emplace_back(normals[nindices[nTriangle + 1]], normals[nindices[nTriangle + 1] + 1], normals[nindices[nTriangle + 1] + 2]); triangleNormals.emplace_back(normals[nindices[nTriangle + 2]], normals[nindices[nTriangle + 2] + 1], normals[nindices[nTriangle + 2] + 2]); if (texCoords) { triangleTexCoords.emplace_back(texCoords[tindices[nTriangle]], texCoords[tindices[nTriangle] + 1]); triangleTexCoords.emplace_back(texCoords[tindices[nTriangle + 1]], texCoords[tindices[nTriangle + 1] + 1]); triangleTexCoords.emplace_back(texCoords[tindices[nTriangle + 2]], texCoords[tindices[nTriangle + 2] + 1]); } } else { // if nTriangle is odd triangleVertices.push_back(currentShape->getVertexList()[vindices[nTriangle] / 3]); triangleVertices.push_back(currentShape->getVertexList()[vindices[nTriangle + 2] / 3]); triangleVertices.push_back(currentShape->getVertexList()[vindices[nTriangle + 1] / 3]); triangleNormals.emplace_back(normals[nindices[nTriangle]], normals[nindices[nTriangle] + 1], normals[nindices[nTriangle] + 2]); triangleNormals.emplace_back(normals[nindices[nTriangle + 2]], normals[nindices[nTriangle + 2] + 1], normals[nindices[nTriangle + 2] + 2]); triangleNormals.emplace_back(normals[nindices[nTriangle + 1]], normals[nindices[nTriangle + 1] + 1], normals[nindices[nTriangle + 1] + 2]); if (texCoords) { triangleTexCoords.emplace_back(texCoords[tindices[nTriangle]], texCoords[tindices[nTriangle] + 1]); triangleTexCoords.emplace_back(texCoords[tindices[nTriangle + 2]], texCoords[tindices[nTriangle + 2] + 1]); triangleTexCoords.emplace_back(texCoords[tindices[nTriangle + 1]], texCoords[tindices[nTriangle + 1] + 1]); } } triangleFaceEdgeMarks.push_back((iFaceEdgeMarks[nTriangle / 3] & IndexedFaceSet::FACE_MARK) != 0); triangleFaceEdgeMarks.push_back( (iFaceEdgeMarks[nTriangle / 3] & IndexedFaceSet::EDGE_MARK_V1V2) != 0); triangleFaceEdgeMarks.push_back( (iFaceEdgeMarks[nTriangle / 3] & IndexedFaceSet::EDGE_MARK_V2V3) != 0); triangleFaceEdgeMarks.push_back( (iFaceEdgeMarks[nTriangle / 3] & IndexedFaceSet::EDGE_MARK_V3V1) != 0); if (mindices) { currentShape->MakeFace(triangleVertices, triangleNormals, triangleTexCoords, triangleFaceEdgeMarks, mindices[nTriangle / 3]); } else { currentShape->MakeFace( triangleVertices, triangleNormals, triangleTexCoords, triangleFaceEdgeMarks, 0); } nDoneVertices++; // with a strip, each triangle is one vertex more nTriangle++; } } void WingedEdgeBuilder::buildTriangleFan(const float * /*vertices*/, const float * /*normals*/, vector & /*iMaterials*/, const float * /*texCoords*/, const IndexedFaceSet::FaceEdgeMark * /*iFaceEdgeMarks*/, const uint * /*vindices*/, const uint * /*nindices*/, const uint * /*mindices*/, const uint * /*tindices*/, const uint /*nvertices*/) { // Nothing to be done } void WingedEdgeBuilder::buildTriangles(const float * /*vertices*/, const float *normals, vector & /*iMaterials*/, const float *texCoords, const IndexedFaceSet::FaceEdgeMark *iFaceEdgeMarks, const uint *vindices, const uint *nindices, const uint *mindices, const uint *tindices, const uint nvertices) { WShape *currentShape = _current_wshape; // the current shape begin built vector triangleVertices; vector triangleNormals; vector triangleTexCoords; vector triangleFaceEdgeMarks; // Each triplet of vertices is considered as an independent triangle for (uint i = 0; i < nvertices / 3; i++) { triangleVertices.push_back(currentShape->getVertexList()[vindices[3 * i] / 3]); triangleVertices.push_back(currentShape->getVertexList()[vindices[3 * i + 1] / 3]); triangleVertices.push_back(currentShape->getVertexList()[vindices[3 * i + 2] / 3]); triangleNormals.emplace_back( normals[nindices[3 * i]], normals[nindices[3 * i] + 1], normals[nindices[3 * i] + 2]); triangleNormals.emplace_back(normals[nindices[3 * i + 1]], normals[nindices[3 * i + 1] + 1], normals[nindices[3 * i + 1] + 2]); triangleNormals.emplace_back(normals[nindices[3 * i + 2]], normals[nindices[3 * i + 2] + 1], normals[nindices[3 * i + 2] + 2]); if (texCoords) { triangleTexCoords.emplace_back(texCoords[tindices[3 * i]], texCoords[tindices[3 * i] + 1]); triangleTexCoords.emplace_back(texCoords[tindices[3 * i + 1]], texCoords[tindices[3 * i + 1] + 1]); triangleTexCoords.emplace_back(texCoords[tindices[3 * i + 2]], texCoords[tindices[3 * i + 2] + 1]); } triangleFaceEdgeMarks.push_back((iFaceEdgeMarks[i] & IndexedFaceSet::FACE_MARK) != 0); triangleFaceEdgeMarks.push_back((iFaceEdgeMarks[i] & IndexedFaceSet::EDGE_MARK_V1V2) != 0); triangleFaceEdgeMarks.push_back((iFaceEdgeMarks[i] & IndexedFaceSet::EDGE_MARK_V2V3) != 0); triangleFaceEdgeMarks.push_back((iFaceEdgeMarks[i] & IndexedFaceSet::EDGE_MARK_V3V1) != 0); } if (mindices) { currentShape->MakeFace( triangleVertices, triangleNormals, triangleTexCoords, triangleFaceEdgeMarks, mindices[0]); } else { currentShape->MakeFace( triangleVertices, triangleNormals, triangleTexCoords, triangleFaceEdgeMarks, 0); } } void WingedEdgeBuilder::transformVertices(const float *vertices, uint vsize, const Matrix44r &transform, float *res) { const float *v = vertices; float *pv = res; for (uint i = 0; i < vsize / 3; i++) { HVec3r hv_tmp(v[0], v[1], v[2]); HVec3r hv(transform * hv_tmp); for (uint j = 0; j < 3; j++) { pv[j] = hv[j] / hv[3]; } v += 3; pv += 3; } } void WingedEdgeBuilder::transformNormals(const float *normals, uint nsize, const Matrix44r &transform, float *res) { const float *n = normals; float *pn = res; for (uint i = 0; i < nsize / 3; i++) { Vec3r hn(n[0], n[1], n[2]); hn = GeomUtils::rotateVector(transform, hn); for (uint j = 0; j < 3; j++) { pn[j] = hn[j]; } n += 3; pn += 3; } } } /* namespace Freestyle */