/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #pragma once /** \file * \ingroup fn * * This is a generic counterpart to #blender::Array, used when the type is not known at runtime. * * `GArray` should generally only be used for passing data around in dynamic contexts. * It does not support a few things that #blender::Array supports: * - Small object optimization / inline buffer. * - Exception safety and various more specific constructors. */ #include "BLI_allocator.hh" #include "FN_cpp_type.hh" #include "FN_generic_span.hh" namespace blender::fn { template< /** * The allocator used by this array. Should rarely be changed, except when you don't want that * MEM_* functions are used internally. */ typename Allocator = GuardedAllocator> class GArray { protected: /** The type of the data in the array, will be null after the array is default constructed, * but a value should be assigned before any other interaction with the array. */ const CPPType *type_ = nullptr; void *data_ = nullptr; int64_t size_ = 0; Allocator allocator_; public: /** * The default constructor creates an empty array, the only situation in which the type is * allowed to be null. This default constructor exists so `GArray` can be used in containers, * but the type should be supplied before doing anything else to the array. */ GArray(Allocator allocator = {}) noexcept : allocator_(allocator) { } GArray(NoExceptConstructor, Allocator allocator = {}) noexcept : GArray(allocator) { } /** * Create and allocate a new array, with elements default constructed * (which does not do anything for trivial types). */ GArray(const CPPType &type, int64_t size, Allocator allocator = {}) : GArray(type, allocator) { BLI_assert(size >= 0); size_ = size; data_ = this->allocate(size_); type_->default_construct_n(data_, size_); } /** * Create an empty array with just a type. */ GArray(const CPPType &type, Allocator allocator = {}) : GArray(allocator) { type_ = &type; } /** * Take ownership of a buffer with a provided size. The buffer should be * allocated with the same allocator provided to the constructor. */ GArray(const CPPType &type, void *buffer, int64_t size, Allocator allocator = {}) : GArray(type, allocator) { BLI_assert(size >= 0); BLI_assert(buffer != nullptr || size == 0); BLI_assert(type_->pointer_has_valid_alignment(buffer)); data_ = buffer; size_ = size; } /** * Create an array by copying values from a generic span. */ GArray(const GSpan span, Allocator allocator = {}) : GArray(span.type(), span.size(), allocator) { if (span.data() != nullptr) { BLI_assert(span.size() != 0); /* Use copy assign rather than construct since the memory is already initialized. */ type_->copy_assign_n(span.data(), data_, size_); } } /** * Create an array by copying values from another generic array. */ GArray(const GArray &other) : GArray(other.as_span(), other.allocator()) { } /** * Create an array by taking ownership of another array's data, clearing the data in the other. */ GArray(GArray &&other) : GArray(other.type(), other.data(), other.size(), other.allocator()) { other.data_ = nullptr; other.size_ = 0; } ~GArray() { if (data_ != nullptr) { type_->destruct_n(data_, size_); this->deallocate(data_); } } GArray &operator=(const GArray &other) { return copy_assign_container(*this, other); } GArray &operator=(GArray &&other) { return move_assign_container(*this, std::move(other)); } const CPPType &type() const { BLI_assert(type_ != nullptr); return *type_; } bool is_empty() const { return size_ == 0; } /** * Return the number of elements in the array (not the size in bytes). */ int64_t size() const { return size_; } /** * Get a pointer to the beginning of the array. */ const void *data() const { return data_; } void *data() { return data_; } const void *operator[](int64_t index) const { BLI_assert(index < size_); return POINTER_OFFSET(data_, type_->size() * index); } void *operator[](int64_t index) { BLI_assert(index < size_); return POINTER_OFFSET(data_, type_->size() * index); } operator GSpan() const { BLI_assert(type_ != nullptr); return GSpan(*type_, data_, size_); } operator GMutableSpan() { BLI_assert(type_ != nullptr); return GMutableSpan(*type_, data_, size_); } GSpan as_span() const { return *this; } GMutableSpan as_mutable_span() { return *this; } /** * Access the allocator used by this array. */ Allocator &allocator() { return allocator_; } const Allocator &allocator() const { return allocator_; } /** * Destruct values and create a new array of the given size. The values in the new array are * default constructed. */ void reinitialize(const int64_t new_size) { BLI_assert(new_size >= 0); int64_t old_size = size_; type_->destruct_n(data_, size_); size_ = 0; if (new_size <= old_size) { type_->default_construct_n(data_, new_size); } else { void *new_data = this->allocate(new_size); try { type_->default_construct_n(new_data, new_size); } catch (...) { this->deallocate(new_data); throw; } this->deallocate(data_); data_ = new_data; } size_ = new_size; } private: void *allocate(int64_t size) { const int64_t item_size = type_->size(); const int64_t alignment = type_->alignment(); return allocator_.allocate(static_cast(size) * item_size, alignment, AT); } void deallocate(void *ptr) { allocator_.deallocate(ptr); } }; } // namespace blender::fn