/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** \file * \ingroup modifiers */ #include "BLI_listbase.h" #include "BLI_string.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_gpencil_modifier.h" #include "BKE_material.h" #include "BKE_object.h" #include "BKE_screen.h" #include "DNA_object_force_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_particle_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "ED_object.h" #include "BLT_translation.h" #include "UI_interface.h" #include "UI_resources.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "WM_api.h" #include "WM_types.h" #include "MOD_gpencil_ui_common.h" /* Self include */ /** * Poll function so these modifier panels only show for grease pencil objects. */ static bool gpencil_modifier_ui_poll(const bContext *C, PanelType *UNUSED(pt)) { Object *ob = ED_object_active_context(C); return (ob != NULL) && (ob->type == OB_GPENCIL); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Panel Drag and Drop, Expansion Saving * \{ */ /** * Move a modifier to the index it's moved to after a drag and drop. */ static void gpencil_modifier_reorder(bContext *C, Panel *panel, int new_index) { PointerRNA *md_ptr = UI_panel_custom_data_get(panel); GpencilModifierData *md = (GpencilModifierData *)md_ptr->data; PointerRNA props_ptr; wmOperatorType *ot = WM_operatortype_find("OBJECT_OT_gpencil_modifier_move_to_index", false); WM_operator_properties_create_ptr(&props_ptr, ot); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "modifier", md->name); RNA_int_set(&props_ptr, "index", new_index); WM_operator_name_call_ptr(C, ot, WM_OP_INVOKE_DEFAULT, &props_ptr); WM_operator_properties_free(&props_ptr); } static short get_gpencil_modifier_expand_flag(const bContext *UNUSED(C), Panel *panel) { PointerRNA *md_ptr = UI_panel_custom_data_get(panel); GpencilModifierData *md = (GpencilModifierData *)md_ptr->data; return md->ui_expand_flag; } static void set_gpencil_modifier_expand_flag(const bContext *UNUSED(C), Panel *panel, short expand_flag) { PointerRNA *md_ptr = UI_panel_custom_data_get(panel); GpencilModifierData *md = (GpencilModifierData *)md_ptr->data; md->ui_expand_flag = expand_flag; } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Modifier Panel Layouts * \{ */ void gpencil_modifier_masking_panel_draw(Panel *panel, bool use_material, bool use_vertex) { uiLayout *row, *col, *sub; uiLayout *layout = panel->layout; PointerRNA ob_ptr; PointerRNA *ptr = gpencil_modifier_panel_get_property_pointers(panel, &ob_ptr); PointerRNA obj_data_ptr = RNA_pointer_get(&ob_ptr, "data"); bool has_layer = RNA_string_length(ptr, "layer") != 0; uiLayoutSetPropSep(layout, true); col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, true); row = uiLayoutRow(col, true); uiItemPointerR(row, ptr, "layer", &obj_data_ptr, "layers", NULL, ICON_GREASEPENCIL); sub = uiLayoutRow(row, true); uiLayoutSetActive(sub, has_layer); uiLayoutSetPropDecorate(sub, false); uiItemR(sub, ptr, "invert_layers", 0, "", ICON_ARROW_LEFTRIGHT); row = uiLayoutRow(col, true); uiItemR(row, ptr, "layer_pass", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); sub = uiLayoutRow(row, true); uiLayoutSetActive(sub, RNA_int_get(ptr, "layer_pass") != 0); uiLayoutSetPropDecorate(sub, false); uiItemR(sub, ptr, "invert_layer_pass", 0, "", ICON_ARROW_LEFTRIGHT); if (use_material) { PointerRNA material_ptr = RNA_pointer_get(ptr, "material"); bool has_material = !RNA_pointer_is_null(&material_ptr); /* Because the Gpencil modifier material property used to be a string in an earlier version of * Blender, we need to check if the material is valid and display it differently if so. */ bool valid = false; { if (!has_material) { valid = true; } else { Material *current_material = material_ptr.data; Object *ob = ob_ptr.data; for (int i = 0; i <= ob->totcol; i++) { Material *mat = BKE_object_material_get(ob, i); if (mat == current_material) { valid = true; break; } } } } col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, true); row = uiLayoutRow(col, true); uiLayoutSetRedAlert(row, !valid); uiItemPointerR(row, ptr, "material", &obj_data_ptr, "materials", NULL, valid ? ICON_SHADING_TEXTURE : ICON_ERROR); sub = uiLayoutRow(row, true); uiLayoutSetActive(sub, has_material); uiLayoutSetPropDecorate(sub, false); uiItemR(sub, ptr, "invert_materials", 0, "", ICON_ARROW_LEFTRIGHT); row = uiLayoutRow(col, true); uiItemR(row, ptr, "pass_index", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); sub = uiLayoutRow(row, true); uiLayoutSetActive(sub, RNA_int_get(ptr, "pass_index") != 0); uiLayoutSetPropDecorate(sub, false); uiItemR(sub, ptr, "invert_material_pass", 0, "", ICON_ARROW_LEFTRIGHT); } if (use_vertex) { bool has_vertex_group = RNA_string_length(ptr, "vertex_group") != 0; row = uiLayoutRow(layout, true); uiItemPointerR(row, ptr, "vertex_group", &ob_ptr, "vertex_groups", NULL, ICON_NONE); sub = uiLayoutRow(row, true); uiLayoutSetActive(sub, has_vertex_group); uiLayoutSetPropDecorate(sub, false); uiItemR(sub, ptr, "invert_vertex", 0, "", ICON_ARROW_LEFTRIGHT); } } void gpencil_modifier_curve_header_draw(const bContext *UNUSED(C), Panel *panel) { uiLayout *layout = panel->layout; PointerRNA *ptr = gpencil_modifier_panel_get_property_pointers(panel, NULL); uiItemR(layout, ptr, "use_custom_curve", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); } void gpencil_modifier_curve_panel_draw(const bContext *UNUSED(C), Panel *panel) { uiLayout *layout = panel->layout; PointerRNA *ptr = gpencil_modifier_panel_get_property_pointers(panel, NULL); uiTemplateCurveMapping(layout, ptr, "curve", 0, false, false, false, false); } /** * Draw modifier error message. */ void gpencil_modifier_panel_end(uiLayout *layout, PointerRNA *ptr) { GpencilModifierData *md = ptr->data; if (md->error) { uiLayout *row = uiLayoutRow(layout, false); uiItemL(row, IFACE_(md->error), ICON_ERROR); } } /** * Gets RNA pointers for the active object and the panel's modifier data. */ #define ERROR_LIBDATA_MESSAGE TIP_("External library data") PointerRNA *gpencil_modifier_panel_get_property_pointers(Panel *panel, PointerRNA *r_ob_ptr) { PointerRNA *ptr = UI_panel_custom_data_get(panel); BLI_assert(RNA_struct_is_a(ptr->type, &RNA_GpencilModifier)); if (r_ob_ptr != NULL) { RNA_pointer_create(ptr->owner_id, &RNA_Object, ptr->owner_id, r_ob_ptr); } uiBlock *block = uiLayoutGetBlock(panel->layout); UI_block_lock_clear(block); UI_block_lock_set(block, ID_IS_LINKED((Object *)ptr->owner_id), ERROR_LIBDATA_MESSAGE); uiLayoutSetContextPointer(panel->layout, "modifier", ptr); return ptr; } static void gpencil_modifier_ops_extra_draw(bContext *C, uiLayout *layout, void *md_v) { PointerRNA op_ptr; uiLayout *row; GpencilModifierData *md = (GpencilModifierData *)md_v; const GpencilModifierTypeInfo *mti = BKE_gpencil_modifier_get_info(md->type); PointerRNA ptr; Object *ob = ED_object_active_context(C); RNA_pointer_create(&ob->id, &RNA_GpencilModifier, md, &ptr); uiLayoutSetContextPointer(layout, "modifier", &ptr); uiLayoutSetOperatorContext(layout, WM_OP_INVOKE_DEFAULT); uiLayoutSetUnitsX(layout, 4.0f); /* Apply. */ if (!(mti->flags & eGpencilModifierTypeFlag_NoApply)) { uiItemO(layout, CTX_IFACE_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_OPERATOR_DEFAULT, "Apply"), ICON_CHECKMARK, "OBJECT_OT_gpencil_modifier_apply"); } /* Duplicate. */ uiItemO(layout, CTX_IFACE_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_OPERATOR_DEFAULT, "Duplicate"), ICON_DUPLICATE, "OBJECT_OT_gpencil_modifier_copy"); uiItemS(layout); /* Move to first. */ row = uiLayoutColumn(layout, false); uiItemFullO(row, "OBJECT_OT_gpencil_modifier_move_to_index", IFACE_("Move to First"), ICON_TRIA_UP, NULL, WM_OP_INVOKE_DEFAULT, 0, &op_ptr); RNA_int_set(&op_ptr, "index", 0); if (!md->prev) { uiLayoutSetEnabled(row, false); } /* Move to last. */ row = uiLayoutColumn(layout, false); uiItemFullO(row, "OBJECT_OT_gpencil_modifier_move_to_index", IFACE_("Move to Last"), ICON_TRIA_DOWN, NULL, WM_OP_INVOKE_DEFAULT, 0, &op_ptr); RNA_int_set(&op_ptr, "index", BLI_listbase_count(&ob->greasepencil_modifiers) - 1); if (!md->next) { uiLayoutSetEnabled(row, false); } } static void gpencil_modifier_panel_header(const bContext *UNUSED(C), Panel *panel) { uiLayout *row, *sub; uiLayout *layout = panel->layout; PointerRNA *ptr = UI_panel_custom_data_get(panel); GpencilModifierData *md = (GpencilModifierData *)ptr->data; uiLayoutSetContextPointer(panel->layout, "modifier", ptr); const GpencilModifierTypeInfo *mti = BKE_gpencil_modifier_get_info(md->type); bool narrow_panel = (panel->sizex < UI_UNIT_X * 9 && panel->sizex != 0); /* Modifier Icon. */ row = uiLayoutRow(layout, false); if (mti->isDisabled && mti->isDisabled(md, 0)) { uiLayoutSetRedAlert(row, true); } uiItemL(row, "", RNA_struct_ui_icon(ptr->type)); /* Modifier name. */ row = uiLayoutRow(layout, true); if (!narrow_panel) { uiItemR(row, ptr, "name", 0, "", ICON_NONE); } else { uiLayoutSetAlignment(row, UI_LAYOUT_ALIGN_RIGHT); } /* Display mode buttons. */ if (mti->flags & eGpencilModifierTypeFlag_SupportsEditmode) { sub = uiLayoutRow(row, true); uiItemR(sub, ptr, "show_in_editmode", 0, "", ICON_NONE); } uiItemR(row, ptr, "show_viewport", 0, "", ICON_NONE); uiItemR(row, ptr, "show_render", 0, "", ICON_NONE); /* Extra operators. */ // row = uiLayoutRow(layout, true); uiItemMenuF(row, "", ICON_DOWNARROW_HLT, gpencil_modifier_ops_extra_draw, md); /* Remove button. */ sub = uiLayoutRow(row, true); uiLayoutSetEmboss(sub, UI_EMBOSS_NONE); uiItemO(sub, "", ICON_X, "OBJECT_OT_gpencil_modifier_remove"); /* Extra padding. */ uiItemS(layout); } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Modifier Registration Helpers * \{ */ /** * Create a panel in the context's region */ PanelType *gpencil_modifier_panel_register(ARegionType *region_type, GpencilModifierType type, PanelDrawFn draw) { /* Get the name for the modifier's panel. */ char panel_idname[BKE_ST_MAXNAME]; BKE_gpencil_modifierType_panel_id(type, panel_idname); PanelType *panel_type = MEM_callocN(sizeof(PanelType), panel_idname); BLI_strncpy(panel_type->idname, panel_idname, BKE_ST_MAXNAME); BLI_strncpy(panel_type->label, "", BKE_ST_MAXNAME); BLI_strncpy(panel_type->context, "modifier", BKE_ST_MAXNAME); BLI_strncpy(panel_type->translation_context, BLT_I18NCONTEXT_DEFAULT_BPYRNA, BKE_ST_MAXNAME); panel_type->draw_header = gpencil_modifier_panel_header; panel_type->draw = draw; panel_type->poll = gpencil_modifier_ui_poll; /* Give the panel the special flag that says it was built here and corresponds to a * modifier rather than a #PanelType. */ panel_type->flag = PANEL_TYPE_HEADER_EXPAND | PANEL_TYPE_DRAW_BOX | PANEL_TYPE_INSTANCED; panel_type->reorder = gpencil_modifier_reorder; panel_type->get_list_data_expand_flag = get_gpencil_modifier_expand_flag; panel_type->set_list_data_expand_flag = set_gpencil_modifier_expand_flag; BLI_addtail(®ion_type->paneltypes, panel_type); return panel_type; } /** * Add a child panel to the parent. * * \note To create the panel type's idname, it appends the \a name argument to the \a parent's * idname. */ PanelType *gpencil_modifier_subpanel_register(ARegionType *region_type, const char *name, const char *label, PanelDrawFn draw_header, PanelDrawFn draw, PanelType *parent) { /* Create the subpanel's ID name. */ char panel_idname[BKE_ST_MAXNAME]; BLI_snprintf(panel_idname, BKE_ST_MAXNAME, "%s_%s", parent->idname, name); PanelType *panel_type = MEM_callocN(sizeof(PanelType), panel_idname); BLI_strncpy(panel_type->idname, panel_idname, BKE_ST_MAXNAME); BLI_strncpy(panel_type->label, label, BKE_ST_MAXNAME); BLI_strncpy(panel_type->context, "modifier", BKE_ST_MAXNAME); BLI_strncpy(panel_type->translation_context, BLT_I18NCONTEXT_DEFAULT_BPYRNA, BKE_ST_MAXNAME); panel_type->draw_header = draw_header; panel_type->draw = draw; panel_type->poll = gpencil_modifier_ui_poll; panel_type->flag = (PANEL_TYPE_DEFAULT_CLOSED | PANEL_TYPE_DRAW_BOX); BLI_assert(parent != NULL); BLI_strncpy(panel_type->parent_id, parent->idname, BKE_ST_MAXNAME); panel_type->parent = parent; BLI_addtail(&parent->children, BLI_genericNodeN(panel_type)); BLI_addtail(®ion_type->paneltypes, panel_type); return panel_type; } /** \} */