/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * Copyright 2017 Blender Foundation. */ /** \file * \ingroup modifiers */ #include #include #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_sort.h" #include "BLT_translation.h" #include "DNA_defaults.h" #include "DNA_gpencil_modifier_types.h" #include "DNA_gpencil_types.h" #include "DNA_meshdata_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_deform.h" #include "BKE_gpencil.h" #include "BKE_gpencil_geom.h" #include "BKE_gpencil_modifier.h" #include "BKE_lib_query.h" #include "BKE_modifier.h" #include "BKE_screen.h" #include "UI_interface.h" #include "UI_resources.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "DEG_depsgraph.h" #include "DEG_depsgraph_query.h" #include "MOD_gpencil_modifiertypes.h" #include "MOD_gpencil_ui_common.h" static void initData(GpencilModifierData *md) { BuildGpencilModifierData *gpmd = (BuildGpencilModifierData *)md; BLI_assert(MEMCMP_STRUCT_AFTER_IS_ZERO(gpmd, modifier)); MEMCPY_STRUCT_AFTER(gpmd, DNA_struct_default_get(BuildGpencilModifierData), modifier); } static void copyData(const GpencilModifierData *md, GpencilModifierData *target) { BKE_gpencil_modifier_copydata_generic(md, target); } static bool dependsOnTime(GpencilModifierData *UNUSED(md)) { return true; } /* ******************************************** */ /* Build Modifier - Stroke generation logic * * There are two modes for how the strokes are sequenced (at a macro-level): * - Sequential Mode - Strokes appear/disappear one after the other. Only a single one changes at a * time. * - Concurrent Mode - Multiple strokes appear/disappear at once. * * Assumptions: * - Stroke points are generally equally spaced. This implies that we can just add/remove points, * without worrying about distances between them / adding extra interpolated points between * an visible point and one about to be added/removed (or any similar tapering effects). * * - All strokes present are fully visible (i.e. we don't have to ignore any) */ /* Remove a particular stroke */ static void clear_stroke(bGPDframe *gpf, bGPDstroke *gps) { BLI_remlink(&gpf->strokes, gps); BKE_gpencil_free_stroke(gps); } /* Clear all strokes in frame */ static void gpf_clear_all_strokes(bGPDframe *gpf) { bGPDstroke *gps, *gps_next; for (gps = gpf->strokes.first; gps; gps = gps_next) { gps_next = gps->next; clear_stroke(gpf, gps); } BLI_listbase_clear(&gpf->strokes); } /* Reduce the number of points in the stroke * * NOTE: This won't be called if all points are present/removed */ static void reduce_stroke_points(bGPdata *gpd, bGPDframe *gpf, bGPDstroke *gps, const int points_num, const eBuildGpencil_Transition transition) { if (points_num == 0) { clear_stroke(gpf, gps); return; } bGPDspoint *new_points = MEM_callocN(sizeof(bGPDspoint) * points_num, __func__); MDeformVert *new_dvert = NULL; if ((gps->dvert != NULL) && (points_num > 0)) { new_dvert = MEM_callocN(sizeof(MDeformVert) * points_num, __func__); } /* Which end should points be removed from. */ switch (transition) { case GP_BUILD_TRANSITION_GROW: /* Show in forward order = * Remove ungrown-points from end of stroke. */ case GP_BUILD_TRANSITION_SHRINK: /* Hide in reverse order = * Remove dead-points from end of stroke. */ { /* copy over point data */ memcpy(new_points, gps->points, sizeof(bGPDspoint) * points_num); if ((gps->dvert != NULL) && (points_num > 0)) { memcpy(new_dvert, gps->dvert, sizeof(MDeformVert) * points_num); /* free unused point weights */ for (int i = points_num; i < gps->totpoints; i++) { MDeformVert *dvert = &gps->dvert[i]; BKE_gpencil_free_point_weights(dvert); } } break; } /* Hide in forward order = Remove points from start of stroke */ case GP_BUILD_TRANSITION_VANISH: { /* points_num is the number of points left after reducing. * We need to know how many to remove */ const int offset = gps->totpoints - points_num; /* copy over point data */ memcpy(new_points, gps->points + offset, sizeof(bGPDspoint) * points_num); if ((gps->dvert != NULL) && (points_num > 0)) { memcpy(new_dvert, gps->dvert + offset, sizeof(MDeformVert) * points_num); /* free unused weights */ for (int i = 0; i < offset; i++) { MDeformVert *dvert = &gps->dvert[i]; BKE_gpencil_free_point_weights(dvert); } } break; } default: printf("ERROR: Unknown transition %d in %s()\n", (int)transition, __func__); break; } /* replace stroke geometry */ MEM_SAFE_FREE(gps->points); MEM_SAFE_FREE(gps->dvert); gps->points = new_points; gps->dvert = new_dvert; gps->totpoints = points_num; /* Calc geometry data. */ BKE_gpencil_stroke_geometry_update(gpd, gps); } static void fade_stroke_points(bGPDstroke *gps, const int starting_index, const int ending_index, const float starting_weight, const float ending_weight, const int target_def_nr, const eBuildGpencil_Transition transition, const float thickness_strength, const float opacity_strength) { MDeformVert *dvert; int range = ending_index - starting_index; if (!range) { range = 1; } /* Which end should points be removed from */ switch (transition) { /* Because starting_weight and ending_weight are set in correct order before calling this * function, those three modes can use the same interpolation code. */ case GP_BUILD_TRANSITION_GROW: case GP_BUILD_TRANSITION_SHRINK: case GP_BUILD_TRANSITION_VANISH: { for (int i = starting_index; i <= ending_index; i++) { float weight = interpf( ending_weight, starting_weight, (float)(i - starting_index) / range); if (target_def_nr >= 0) { dvert = &gps->dvert[i]; MDeformWeight *dw = BKE_defvert_ensure_index(dvert, target_def_nr); if (dw) { dw->weight = weight; CLAMP(dw->weight, 0.0f, 1.0f); } } if (thickness_strength > 1e-5) { gps->points[i].pressure *= interpf(weight, 1.0f, thickness_strength); } if (opacity_strength > 1e-5) { gps->points[i].strength *= interpf(weight, 1.0f, opacity_strength); } } break; } default: printf("ERROR: Unknown transition %d in %s()\n", (int)transition, __func__); break; } } /* --------------------------------------------- */ /* Stroke Data Table Entry - This represents one stroke being generated */ typedef struct tStrokeBuildDetails { bGPDstroke *gps; /* Indices - first/last indices for the stroke's points (overall) */ size_t start_idx, end_idx; /* Number of points - Cache for more convenient access */ int totpoints; /* Distance to control object, used to sort the strokes if set. */ float distance; } tStrokeBuildDetails; static int cmp_stroke_build_details(const void *ps1, const void *ps2) { tStrokeBuildDetails *p1 = (tStrokeBuildDetails *)ps1; tStrokeBuildDetails *p2 = (tStrokeBuildDetails *)ps2; return p1->distance > p2->distance ? 1 : (p1->distance == p2->distance ? 0 : -1); } /* Sequential and additive - Show strokes one after the other. */ static void build_sequential(Object *ob, BuildGpencilModifierData *mmd, bGPdata *gpd, bGPDframe *gpf, const int target_def_nr, float fac, bool additive) { size_t tot_strokes = BLI_listbase_count(&gpf->strokes); size_t start_stroke; bGPDstroke *gps; size_t i; /* 1) Determine which strokes to start with & total strokes to build. */ if (additive) { if (gpf->prev) { start_stroke = BLI_listbase_count(&gpf->prev->strokes); } else { start_stroke = 0; } if (start_stroke <= tot_strokes) { tot_strokes = tot_strokes - start_stroke; } else { start_stroke = 0; } } else { start_stroke = 0; } /* 2) Compute proportion of time each stroke should occupy */ /* NOTE: This assumes that the total number of points won't overflow! */ tStrokeBuildDetails *table = MEM_callocN(sizeof(tStrokeBuildDetails) * tot_strokes, __func__); size_t totpoints = 0; /* 2.1) First pass - Tally up points */ for (gps = BLI_findlink(&gpf->strokes, start_stroke), i = 0; gps; gps = gps->next, i++) { tStrokeBuildDetails *cell = &table[i]; cell->gps = gps; cell->totpoints = gps->totpoints; totpoints += cell->totpoints; /* Compute distance to control object if set, and build according to that order. */ if (mmd->object) { float sv1[3], sv2[3]; mul_v3_m4v3(sv1, ob->obmat, &gps->points[0].x); mul_v3_m4v3(sv2, ob->obmat, &gps->points[gps->totpoints - 1].x); float dist_l = len_v3v3(sv1, mmd->object->loc); float dist_r = len_v3v3(sv2, mmd->object->loc); if (dist_r < dist_l) { BKE_gpencil_stroke_flip(gps); cell->distance = dist_r; } else { cell->distance = dist_l; } } } if (mmd->object) { qsort(table, tot_strokes, sizeof(tStrokeBuildDetails), cmp_stroke_build_details); } /* 2.2) Second pass - Compute the overall indices for points */ for (i = 0; i < tot_strokes; i++) { tStrokeBuildDetails *cell = &table[i]; if (i == 0) { cell->start_idx = 0; } else { cell->start_idx = (cell - 1)->end_idx; } cell->end_idx = cell->start_idx + cell->totpoints - 1; } /* 3) Determine the global indices for points that should be visible */ size_t first_visible = 0; size_t last_visible = 0; /* Need signed numbers because the representation of fading offset would exceed the beginning and * the end of offsets. */ int fade_start = 0; int fade_end = 0; bool fading_enabled = (mmd->flag & GP_BUILD_USE_FADING); float set_fade_fac = fading_enabled ? mmd->fade_fac : 0.0f; float use_fac = interpf(1 + set_fade_fac, 0, fac); float use_fade_fac = use_fac - set_fade_fac; CLAMP(use_fade_fac, 0.0f, 1.0f); switch (mmd->transition) { /* Show in forward order * - As fac increases, the number of visible points increases */ case GP_BUILD_TRANSITION_GROW: first_visible = 0; /* always visible */ last_visible = (size_t)roundf(totpoints * use_fac); fade_start = (int)roundf(totpoints * use_fade_fac); fade_end = last_visible; break; /* Hide in reverse order * - As fac increases, the number of points visible at the end decreases */ case GP_BUILD_TRANSITION_SHRINK: first_visible = 0; /* always visible (until last point removed) */ last_visible = (size_t)(totpoints * (1.0f + set_fade_fac - use_fac)); fade_start = (int)roundf(totpoints * (1.0f - use_fade_fac - set_fade_fac)); fade_end = last_visible; break; /* Hide in forward order * - As fac increases, the early points start getting hidden */ case GP_BUILD_TRANSITION_VANISH: first_visible = (size_t)(totpoints * use_fade_fac); last_visible = totpoints; /* i.e. visible until the end, unless first overlaps this */ fade_start = first_visible; fade_end = (int)roundf(totpoints * use_fac); break; } /* 4) Go through all strokes, deciding which to keep, and/or how much of each to keep */ for (i = 0; i < tot_strokes; i++) { tStrokeBuildDetails *cell = &table[i]; /* Determine what portion of the stroke is visible */ if ((cell->end_idx < first_visible) || (cell->start_idx > last_visible)) { /* Not visible at all - Either ended before */ clear_stroke(gpf, cell->gps); } else { if (fade_start != fade_end && (int)cell->start_idx < fade_end && (int)cell->end_idx > fade_start) { int start_index = fade_start - cell->start_idx; int end_index = cell->totpoints + fade_end - cell->end_idx - 1; CLAMP(start_index, 0, cell->totpoints - 1); CLAMP(end_index, 0, cell->totpoints - 1); float start_weight = ratiof(fade_start, fade_end, cell->start_idx + start_index); float end_weight = ratiof(fade_start, fade_end, cell->start_idx + end_index); if (mmd->transition != GP_BUILD_TRANSITION_VANISH) { start_weight = 1.0f - start_weight; end_weight = 1.0f - end_weight; } fade_stroke_points(cell->gps, start_index, end_index, start_weight, end_weight, target_def_nr, mmd->transition, mmd->fade_thickness_strength, mmd->fade_opacity_strength); /* Calc geometry data. */ BKE_gpencil_stroke_geometry_update(gpd, cell->gps); } /* Some proportion of stroke is visible */ if ((first_visible <= cell->start_idx) && (last_visible >= cell->end_idx)) { /* Do nothing - whole stroke is visible */ } else if (first_visible > cell->start_idx) { /* Starts partway through this stroke */ int points_num = cell->end_idx - first_visible; reduce_stroke_points(gpd, gpf, cell->gps, points_num, mmd->transition); } else { /* Ends partway through this stroke */ int points_num = last_visible - cell->start_idx; reduce_stroke_points(gpd, gpf, cell->gps, points_num, mmd->transition); } } } /* Free table */ MEM_freeN(table); } /* --------------------------------------------- */ /* Concurrent - Show multiple strokes at once */ static void build_concurrent(BuildGpencilModifierData *mmd, bGPdata *gpd, bGPDframe *gpf, const int target_def_nr, float fac) { bGPDstroke *gps, *gps_next; int max_points = 0; const bool reverse = (mmd->transition != GP_BUILD_TRANSITION_GROW); /* 1) Determine the longest stroke, to figure out when short strokes should start */ /* FIXME: A *really* long stroke here could dwarf everything else, causing bad timings */ for (gps = gpf->strokes.first; gps; gps = gps->next) { if (gps->totpoints > max_points) { max_points = gps->totpoints; } } if (max_points == 0) { printf("ERROR: Strokes are all empty (GP Build Modifier: %s)\n", __func__); return; } bool fading_enabled = (mmd->flag & GP_BUILD_USE_FADING); float set_fade_fac = fading_enabled ? mmd->fade_fac : 0.0f; float use_fac = interpf(1 + set_fade_fac, 0, fac); use_fac = reverse ? use_fac - set_fade_fac : use_fac; int fade_points = set_fade_fac * max_points; /* 2) For each stroke, determine how it should be handled */ for (gps = gpf->strokes.first; gps; gps = gps_next) { gps_next = gps->next; /* Relative Length of Stroke - Relative to the longest stroke, * what proportion of the available time should this stroke use */ const float relative_len = (float)gps->totpoints / (float)max_points; /* Determine how many points should be left in the stroke */ int points_num = 0; switch (mmd->time_alignment) { case GP_BUILD_TIMEALIGN_START: /* all start on frame 1 */ { /* Scale fac to fit relative_len */ const float scaled_fac = use_fac / MAX2(relative_len, PSEUDOINVERSE_EPSILON); if (reverse) { points_num = (int)roundf((1.0f - scaled_fac) * gps->totpoints); } else { points_num = (int)roundf(scaled_fac * gps->totpoints); } break; } case GP_BUILD_TIMEALIGN_END: /* all end on same frame */ { /* Build effect occurs over 1.0 - relative_len, to 1.0 (i.e. over the end of the range) */ const float start_fac = 1.0f - relative_len; const float scaled_fac = (use_fac - start_fac) / MAX2(relative_len, PSEUDOINVERSE_EPSILON); if (reverse) { points_num = (int)roundf((1.0f - scaled_fac) * gps->totpoints); } else { points_num = (int)roundf(scaled_fac * gps->totpoints); } break; } } /* Modify the stroke geometry */ if (points_num <= 0) { /* Nothing Left - Delete the stroke */ clear_stroke(gpf, gps); } else { int more_points = points_num - gps->totpoints; CLAMP(more_points, 0, fade_points + 1); float max_weight = (float)(points_num + more_points) / fade_points; CLAMP(max_weight, 0.0f, 1.0f); int starting_index = mmd->transition == GP_BUILD_TRANSITION_VANISH ? gps->totpoints - points_num - more_points : points_num - 1 - fade_points + more_points; int ending_index = mmd->transition == GP_BUILD_TRANSITION_VANISH ? gps->totpoints - points_num + fade_points - more_points : points_num - 1 + more_points; float starting_weight = mmd->transition == GP_BUILD_TRANSITION_VANISH ? ((float)more_points / fade_points) : max_weight; float ending_weight = mmd->transition == GP_BUILD_TRANSITION_VANISH ? max_weight : ((float)more_points / fade_points); CLAMP(starting_index, 0, gps->totpoints - 1); CLAMP(ending_index, 0, gps->totpoints - 1); fade_stroke_points(gps, starting_index, ending_index, starting_weight, ending_weight, target_def_nr, mmd->transition, mmd->fade_thickness_strength, mmd->fade_opacity_strength); if (points_num < gps->totpoints) { /* Remove some points */ reduce_stroke_points(gpd, gpf, gps, points_num, mmd->transition); } } } } /* --------------------------------------------- */ static void generate_geometry(GpencilModifierData *md, Depsgraph *depsgraph, Object *ob, bGPdata *gpd, bGPDlayer *gpl, bGPDframe *gpf) { BuildGpencilModifierData *mmd = (BuildGpencilModifierData *)md; if (mmd->mode == GP_BUILD_MODE_ADDITIVE) { mmd->transition = GP_BUILD_TRANSITION_GROW; } const bool reverse = (mmd->transition != GP_BUILD_TRANSITION_GROW); const bool is_percentage = (mmd->flag & GP_BUILD_PERCENTAGE); const float ctime = DEG_get_ctime(depsgraph); /* Early exit if it's an empty frame */ if (gpf->strokes.first == NULL) { return; } /* Omit layer if filter by layer */ if (mmd->layername[0] != '\0') { if ((mmd->flag & GP_BUILD_INVERT_LAYER) == 0) { if (!STREQ(mmd->layername, gpl->info)) { return; } } else { if (STREQ(mmd->layername, gpl->info)) { return; } } } /* verify layer pass */ if (mmd->layer_pass > 0) { if ((mmd->flag & GP_BUILD_INVERT_LAYERPASS) == 0) { if (gpl->pass_index != mmd->layer_pass) { return; } } else { if (gpl->pass_index == mmd->layer_pass) { return; } } } int target_def_nr = -1; if (mmd->flag & GP_BUILD_USE_FADING) { /* If there are weight output, initialize it with a default weight of 1. */ target_def_nr = BKE_object_defgroup_name_index(ob, mmd->target_vgname); if (target_def_nr >= 0) { LISTBASE_FOREACH (bGPDstroke *, fgps, &gpf->strokes) { BKE_gpencil_dvert_ensure(fgps); /* Assign a initial weight of 1, and only process those who needs additional fading. */ for (int j = 0; j < fgps->totpoints; j++) { MDeformVert *dvert = &fgps->dvert[j]; MDeformWeight *dw = BKE_defvert_ensure_index(dvert, target_def_nr); if (dw) { dw->weight = 1.0f; } } } } } /* Early exit if outside of the frame range for this modifier * (e.g. to have one forward, and one backwards modifier) */ if (mmd->flag & GP_BUILD_RESTRICT_TIME) { if ((ctime < mmd->start_frame) || (ctime > mmd->end_frame)) { return; } } /* Compute start and end frames for the animation effect * By default, the upper bound is given by the "maximum length" setting */ float start_frame = is_percentage ? gpf->framenum : gpf->framenum + mmd->start_delay; /* When use percentage don't need a limit in the upper bound, so use a maximum value for the last * frame. */ float end_frame = is_percentage ? start_frame + 9999 : start_frame + mmd->length; if (gpf->next) { /* Use the next frame or upper bound as end frame, whichever is lower/closer */ end_frame = MIN2(end_frame, gpf->next->framenum); } /* Early exit if current frame is outside start/end bounds */ /* NOTE: If we're beyond the next/previous frames (if existent), * then we wouldn't have this problem anyway... */ if (ctime < start_frame) { /* Before Start - Animation hasn't started. Display initial state. */ if (reverse) { /* 1) Reverse = Start with all, end with nothing. * ==> Do nothing (everything already present) */ } else { /* 2) Forward Order = Start with nothing, end with the full frame. * ==> Free all strokes, and return an empty frame */ gpf_clear_all_strokes(gpf); } /* Early exit */ return; } if (ctime >= end_frame) { /* Past End - Animation finished. Display final result. */ if (reverse) { /* 1) Reverse = Start with all, end with nothing. * ==> Free all strokes, and return an empty frame */ gpf_clear_all_strokes(gpf); } else { /* 2) Forward Order = Start with nothing, end with the full frame. * ==> Do Nothing (everything already present) */ } /* Early exit */ return; } /* Determine how far along we are between the keyframes */ float fac = is_percentage ? mmd->percentage_fac : (ctime - start_frame) / (end_frame - start_frame); /* Time management mode */ switch (mmd->mode) { case GP_BUILD_MODE_SEQUENTIAL: build_sequential(ob, mmd, gpd, gpf, target_def_nr, fac, false); break; case GP_BUILD_MODE_CONCURRENT: build_concurrent(mmd, gpd, gpf, target_def_nr, fac); break; case GP_BUILD_MODE_ADDITIVE: build_sequential(ob, mmd, gpd, gpf, target_def_nr, fac, true); break; default: printf("Unsupported build mode (%d) for GP Build Modifier: '%s'\n", mmd->mode, mmd->modifier.name); break; } } /* Entry-point for Build Modifier */ static void generateStrokes(GpencilModifierData *md, Depsgraph *depsgraph, Object *ob) { Scene *scene = DEG_get_evaluated_scene(depsgraph); bGPdata *gpd = (bGPdata *)ob->data; LISTBASE_FOREACH (bGPDlayer *, gpl, &gpd->layers) { bGPDframe *gpf = BKE_gpencil_frame_retime_get(depsgraph, scene, ob, gpl); if (gpf == NULL) { continue; } generate_geometry(md, depsgraph, ob, gpd, gpl, gpf); } } static void panel_draw(const bContext *UNUSED(C), Panel *panel) { uiLayout *row, *sub; uiLayout *layout = panel->layout; PointerRNA ob_ptr; PointerRNA *ptr = gpencil_modifier_panel_get_property_pointers(panel, &ob_ptr); int mode = RNA_enum_get(ptr, "mode"); const bool use_percentage = RNA_boolean_get(ptr, "use_percentage"); uiLayoutSetPropSep(layout, true); uiItemR(layout, ptr, "mode", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); if (mode == GP_BUILD_MODE_CONCURRENT) { uiItemR(layout, ptr, "concurrent_time_alignment", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); } uiItemS(layout); if (ELEM(mode, GP_BUILD_MODE_SEQUENTIAL, GP_BUILD_MODE_CONCURRENT)) { uiItemR(layout, ptr, "transition", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); } row = uiLayoutRow(layout, true); uiLayoutSetActive(row, !use_percentage); uiItemR(row, ptr, "start_delay", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); row = uiLayoutRow(layout, true); uiLayoutSetActive(row, !use_percentage); uiItemR(row, ptr, "length", 0, IFACE_("Frames"), ICON_NONE); uiItemS(layout); row = uiLayoutRowWithHeading(layout, true, IFACE_("Factor")); uiLayoutSetPropDecorate(row, false); uiItemR(row, ptr, "use_percentage", 0, "", ICON_NONE); sub = uiLayoutRow(row, true); uiLayoutSetActive(sub, use_percentage); uiItemR(sub, ptr, "percentage_factor", 0, "", ICON_NONE); uiItemDecoratorR(row, ptr, "percentage_factor", 0); uiItemS(layout); if (ELEM(mode, GP_BUILD_MODE_SEQUENTIAL, GP_BUILD_MODE_ADDITIVE)) { uiItemR(layout, ptr, "object", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); } /* Check for incompatible time modifier. */ Object *ob = ob_ptr.data; GpencilModifierData *md = ptr->data; if (BKE_gpencil_modifiers_findby_type(ob, eGpencilModifierType_Time) != NULL) { BKE_gpencil_modifier_set_error(md, "Build and Time Offset modifiers are incompatible"); } gpencil_modifier_panel_end(layout, ptr); } static void frame_range_header_draw(const bContext *UNUSED(C), Panel *panel) { uiLayout *layout = panel->layout; PointerRNA *ptr = gpencil_modifier_panel_get_property_pointers(panel, NULL); uiItemR(layout, ptr, "use_restrict_frame_range", 0, IFACE_("Custom Range"), ICON_NONE); } static void frame_range_panel_draw(const bContext *UNUSED(C), Panel *panel) { uiLayout *col; uiLayout *layout = panel->layout; PointerRNA *ptr = gpencil_modifier_panel_get_property_pointers(panel, NULL); uiLayoutSetPropSep(layout, true); col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, false); uiItemR(col, ptr, "frame_start", 0, IFACE_("Start"), ICON_NONE); uiItemR(col, ptr, "frame_end", 0, IFACE_("End"), ICON_NONE); } static void fading_header_draw(const bContext *UNUSED(C), Panel *panel) { uiLayout *layout = panel->layout; PointerRNA *ptr = gpencil_modifier_panel_get_property_pointers(panel, NULL); uiItemR(layout, ptr, "use_fading", 0, IFACE_("Fade"), ICON_NONE); } static void fading_panel_draw(const bContext *UNUSED(C), Panel *panel) { uiLayout *col; uiLayout *layout = panel->layout; PointerRNA ob_ptr; PointerRNA *ptr = gpencil_modifier_panel_get_property_pointers(panel, &ob_ptr); uiLayoutSetPropSep(layout, true); uiItemR(layout, ptr, "fade_factor", 0, IFACE_("Factor"), ICON_NONE); col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, true); uiItemR(col, ptr, "fade_thickness_strength", 0, IFACE_("Thickness"), ICON_NONE); uiItemR(col, ptr, "fade_opacity_strength", 0, IFACE_("Opacity"), ICON_NONE); uiItemPointerR(layout, ptr, "target_vertex_group", &ob_ptr, "vertex_groups", IFACE_("Weight Output"), ICON_NONE); } static void mask_panel_draw(const bContext *UNUSED(C), Panel *panel) { gpencil_modifier_masking_panel_draw(panel, false, false); } static void panelRegister(ARegionType *region_type) { PanelType *panel_type = gpencil_modifier_panel_register( region_type, eGpencilModifierType_Build, panel_draw); gpencil_modifier_subpanel_register( region_type, "frame_range", "", frame_range_header_draw, frame_range_panel_draw, panel_type); gpencil_modifier_subpanel_register( region_type, "fading", "", fading_header_draw, fading_panel_draw, panel_type); gpencil_modifier_subpanel_register( region_type, "_mask", "Influence", NULL, mask_panel_draw, panel_type); } static void foreachIDLink(GpencilModifierData *md, Object *ob, IDWalkFunc walk, void *userData) { BuildGpencilModifierData *mmd = (BuildGpencilModifierData *)md; walk(userData, ob, (ID **)&mmd->object, IDWALK_CB_NOP); } static void updateDepsgraph(GpencilModifierData *md, const ModifierUpdateDepsgraphContext *ctx, const int UNUSED(mode)) { BuildGpencilModifierData *lmd = (BuildGpencilModifierData *)md; if (lmd->object != NULL) { DEG_add_object_relation(ctx->node, lmd->object, DEG_OB_COMP_GEOMETRY, "Build Modifier"); DEG_add_object_relation(ctx->node, lmd->object, DEG_OB_COMP_TRANSFORM, "Build Modifier"); } DEG_add_object_relation(ctx->node, ctx->object, DEG_OB_COMP_TRANSFORM, "Build Modifier"); } /* ******************************************** */ GpencilModifierTypeInfo modifierType_Gpencil_Build = { /* name */ "Build", /* structName */ "BuildGpencilModifierData", /* structSize */ sizeof(BuildGpencilModifierData), /* type */ eGpencilModifierTypeType_Gpencil, /* flags */ eGpencilModifierTypeFlag_NoApply, /* copyData */ copyData, /* deformStroke */ NULL, /* generateStrokes */ generateStrokes, /* bakeModifier */ NULL, /* remapTime */ NULL, /* initData */ initData, /* freeData */ NULL, /* isDisabled */ NULL, /* updateDepsgraph */ updateDepsgraph, /* dependsOnTime */ dependsOnTime, /* foreachIDLink */ foreachIDLink, /* foreachTexLink */ NULL, /* panelRegister */ panelRegister, };