/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * Copyright 2019 Blender Foundation. All rights reserved. */ /* \file * \ingroup editors */ #include "MOD_gpencil_lineart.h" #include "MOD_lineart.h" #include "BLI_edgehash.h" #include "BLI_linklist.h" #include "BLI_listbase.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_task.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "PIL_time.h" #include "BKE_camera.h" #include "BKE_collection.h" #include "BKE_customdata.h" #include "BKE_deform.h" #include "BKE_duplilist.h" #include "BKE_editmesh.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_gpencil.h" #include "BKE_gpencil_geom.h" #include "BKE_gpencil_modifier.h" #include "BKE_lib_id.h" #include "BKE_material.h" #include "BKE_mesh.h" #include "BKE_mesh_mapping.h" #include "BKE_mesh_runtime.h" #include "BKE_object.h" #include "BKE_pointcache.h" #include "BKE_scene.h" #include "DEG_depsgraph_query.h" #include "DNA_camera_types.h" #include "DNA_collection_types.h" #include "DNA_gpencil_types.h" #include "DNA_light_types.h" #include "DNA_material_types.h" #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_meshdata_types.h" #include "DNA_modifier_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "lineart_intern.h" typedef struct LineartIsecSingle { double v1[3], v2[3]; LineartTriangle *tri1, *tri2; } LineartIsecSingle; typedef struct LineartIsecThread { int thread_id; /* Scheduled work range. */ LineartElementLinkNode *pending_from; LineartElementLinkNode *pending_to; int index_from; int index_to; /* Thread intersection result data. */ LineartIsecSingle *array; int current; int max; int count_test; /* For individual thread reference. */ LineartData *ld; } LineartIsecThread; typedef struct LineartIsecData { LineartData *ld; LineartIsecThread *threads; int thread_count; } LineartIsecData; static void lineart_bounding_area_link_edge(LineartData *ld, LineartBoundingArea *root_ba, LineartEdge *e); static bool lineart_get_edge_bounding_areas( LineartData *ld, LineartEdge *e, int *rowbegin, int *rowend, int *colbegin, int *colend); static bool lineart_triangle_edge_image_space_occlusion(const LineartTriangle *tri, const LineartEdge *e, const double *override_camera_loc, const bool override_cam_is_persp, const bool allow_overlapping_edges, const double m_view_projection[4][4], const double camera_dir[3], const float cam_shift_x, const float cam_shift_y, double *from, double *to); static void lineart_bounding_area_link_triangle(LineartData *ld, LineartBoundingArea *root_ba, LineartTriangle *tri, double l_r_u_b[4], int recursive, int recursive_level, bool do_intersection, struct LineartIsecThread *th); static void lineart_free_bounding_area_memory(LineartBoundingArea *ba, bool recursive); static void lineart_free_bounding_area_memories(LineartData *ld); static LineartCache *lineart_init_cache(void); static void lineart_discard_segment(LineartData *ld, LineartEdgeSegment *es) { BLI_spin_lock(&ld->lock_cuts); memset(es, 0, sizeof(LineartEdgeSegment)); /* Storing the node for potentially reuse the memory for new segment data. * Line Art data is not freed after all calculations are done. */ BLI_addtail(&ld->wasted_cuts, es); BLI_spin_unlock(&ld->lock_cuts); } static LineartEdgeSegment *lineart_give_segment(LineartData *ld) { BLI_spin_lock(&ld->lock_cuts); /* See if there is any already allocated memory we can reuse. */ if (ld->wasted_cuts.first) { LineartEdgeSegment *es = (LineartEdgeSegment *)BLI_pophead(&ld->wasted_cuts); BLI_spin_unlock(&ld->lock_cuts); memset(es, 0, sizeof(LineartEdgeSegment)); return es; } BLI_spin_unlock(&ld->lock_cuts); /* Otherwise allocate some new memory. */ return (LineartEdgeSegment *)lineart_mem_acquire_thread(ld->edge_data_pool, sizeof(LineartEdgeSegment)); } /** * Cuts the edge in image space and mark occlusion level for each segment. */ void lineart_edge_cut(LineartData *ld, LineartEdge *e, double start, double end, uchar material_mask_bits, uchar mat_occlusion, uint32_t shadow_bits) { LineartEdgeSegment *seg, *i_seg, *next_seg, *prev_seg; LineartEdgeSegment *cut_start_before = 0, *cut_end_before = 0; LineartEdgeSegment *new_seg1 = 0, *new_seg2 = 0; int untouched = 0; /* If for some reason the occlusion function may give a result that has zero length, or reversed * in direction, or NAN, we take care of them here. */ if (LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(start, end)) { return; } if (LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(start, 1) || LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(end, 0)) { return; } if (UNLIKELY(start != start)) { start = 0; } if (UNLIKELY(end != end)) { end = 0; } if (start > end) { double t = start; start = end; end = t; } /* Begin looking for starting position of the segment. */ /* Not using a list iteration macro because of it more clear when using for loops to iterate * through the segments. */ for (seg = e->segments.first; seg; seg = seg->next) { if (LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(seg->ratio, start)) { cut_start_before = seg; new_seg1 = cut_start_before; break; } if (seg->next == NULL) { break; } i_seg = seg->next; if (i_seg->ratio > start + 1e-09 && start > seg->ratio) { cut_start_before = i_seg; new_seg1 = lineart_give_segment(ld); break; } } if (!cut_start_before && LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(1, end)) { untouched = 1; } for (seg = cut_start_before; seg; seg = seg->next) { /* We tried to cut ratio existing cutting point (e.g. where the line's occluded by a triangle * strip). */ if (LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(seg->ratio, end)) { cut_end_before = seg; new_seg2 = cut_end_before; break; } /* This check is to prevent `es->ratio == 1.0` (where we don't need to cut because we are ratio * the end point). */ if (!seg->next && LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(1, end)) { cut_end_before = seg; new_seg2 = cut_end_before; untouched = 1; break; } /* When an actual cut is needed in the line. */ if (seg->ratio > end) { cut_end_before = seg; new_seg2 = lineart_give_segment(ld); break; } } /* When we still can't find any existing cut in the line, we allocate new ones. */ if (new_seg1 == NULL) { new_seg1 = lineart_give_segment(ld); } if (new_seg2 == NULL) { if (untouched) { new_seg2 = new_seg1; cut_end_before = new_seg2; } else { new_seg2 = lineart_give_segment(ld); } } if (cut_start_before) { if (cut_start_before != new_seg1) { /* Insert cutting points for when a new cut is needed. */ i_seg = cut_start_before->prev ? cut_start_before->prev : NULL; if (i_seg) { new_seg1->occlusion = i_seg->occlusion; new_seg1->material_mask_bits = i_seg->material_mask_bits; new_seg1->shadow_mask_bits = i_seg->shadow_mask_bits; } BLI_insertlinkbefore(&e->segments, cut_start_before, new_seg1); } /* Otherwise we already found a existing cutting point, no need to insert a new one. */ } else { /* We have yet to reach a existing cutting point even after we searched the whole line, so we * append the new cut to the end. */ i_seg = e->segments.last; new_seg1->occlusion = i_seg->occlusion; new_seg1->material_mask_bits = i_seg->material_mask_bits; new_seg1->shadow_mask_bits = i_seg->shadow_mask_bits; BLI_addtail(&e->segments, new_seg1); } if (cut_end_before) { /* The same manipulation as on "cut_start_before". */ if (cut_end_before != new_seg2) { i_seg = cut_end_before->prev ? cut_end_before->prev : NULL; if (i_seg) { new_seg2->occlusion = i_seg->occlusion; new_seg2->material_mask_bits = i_seg->material_mask_bits; new_seg2->shadow_mask_bits = i_seg->shadow_mask_bits; } BLI_insertlinkbefore(&e->segments, cut_end_before, new_seg2); } } else { i_seg = e->segments.last; new_seg2->occlusion = i_seg->occlusion; new_seg2->material_mask_bits = i_seg->material_mask_bits; new_seg2->shadow_mask_bits = i_seg->shadow_mask_bits; if (!untouched) { BLI_addtail(&e->segments, new_seg2); } } /* If we touched the cut list, we assign the new cut position based on new cut position, * this way we accommodate precision lost due to multiple cut inserts. */ new_seg1->ratio = start; if (!untouched) { new_seg2->ratio = end; } else { /* For the convenience of the loop below. */ new_seg2 = new_seg2->next; } /* Register 1 level of occlusion for all touched segments. */ for (seg = new_seg1; seg && seg != new_seg2; seg = seg->next) { seg->occlusion += mat_occlusion; seg->material_mask_bits |= material_mask_bits; /* The enclosed shape flag will override regular lit/shaded * flags. See LineartEdgeSegment::shadow_mask_bits for details. */ if (shadow_bits == LRT_SHADOW_MASK_ENCLOSED_SHAPE) { if (seg->shadow_mask_bits & LRT_SHADOW_MASK_ILLUMINATED || e->flags & LRT_EDGE_FLAG_LIGHT_CONTOUR) { seg->shadow_mask_bits |= LRT_SHADOW_MASK_INHIBITED; } else if (seg->shadow_mask_bits & LRT_SHADOW_MASK_SHADED) { seg->shadow_mask_bits |= LRT_SHADOW_MASK_ILLUMINATED_SHAPE; } } else { seg->shadow_mask_bits |= shadow_bits; } } /* Reduce adjacent cutting points of the same level, which saves memory. */ int8_t min_occ = 127; prev_seg = NULL; for (seg = e->segments.first; seg; seg = next_seg) { next_seg = seg->next; if (prev_seg && prev_seg->occlusion == seg->occlusion && prev_seg->material_mask_bits == seg->material_mask_bits && prev_seg->shadow_mask_bits == seg->shadow_mask_bits) { BLI_remlink(&e->segments, seg); /* This puts the node back to the render buffer, if more cut happens, these unused nodes get * picked first. */ lineart_discard_segment(ld, seg); continue; } min_occ = MIN2(min_occ, seg->occlusion); prev_seg = seg; } e->min_occ = min_occ; } /** * To see if given line is connected to an adjacent intersection line. */ BLI_INLINE bool lineart_occlusion_is_adjacent_intersection(LineartEdge *e, LineartTriangle *tri) { return (((e->target_reference & LRT_LIGHT_CONTOUR_TARGET) == tri->target_reference) || (((e->target_reference >> 32) & LRT_LIGHT_CONTOUR_TARGET) == tri->target_reference)); } static void lineart_bounding_area_triangle_reallocate(LineartBoundingArea *ba) { ba->max_triangle_count *= 2; ba->linked_triangles = MEM_recallocN(ba->linked_triangles, sizeof(LineartTriangle *) * ba->max_triangle_count); } static void lineart_bounding_area_line_add(LineartBoundingArea *ba, LineartEdge *e) { /* In case of too many lines concentrating in one point, do not add anymore, these lines will * be either shorter than a single pixel, or will still be added into the list of other less * dense areas. */ if (ba->line_count >= 65535) { return; } if (ba->line_count >= ba->max_line_count) { LineartEdge **new_array = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(LineartEdge *) * ba->max_line_count * 2, "new ba_line_array"); memcpy(new_array, ba->linked_lines, sizeof(LineartEdge *) * ba->max_line_count); ba->max_line_count *= 2; MEM_freeN(ba->linked_lines); ba->linked_lines = new_array; } ba->linked_lines[ba->line_count] = e; ba->line_count++; } static void lineart_occlusion_single_line(LineartData *ld, LineartEdge *e, int thread_id) { LineartTriangleThread *tri; double l, r; LRT_EDGE_BA_MARCHING_BEGIN(e->v1->fbcoord, e->v2->fbcoord) { for (int i = 0; i < nba->triangle_count; i++) { tri = (LineartTriangleThread *)nba->linked_triangles[i]; /* If we are already testing the line in this thread, then don't do it. */ if (tri->testing_e[thread_id] == e || (tri->base.flags & LRT_TRIANGLE_INTERSECTION_ONLY) || /* Ignore this triangle if an intersection line directly comes from it, */ lineart_occlusion_is_adjacent_intersection(e, (LineartTriangle *)tri) || /* Or if this triangle isn't effectively occluding anything nor it's providing a * material flag. */ ((!tri->base.mat_occlusion) && (!tri->base.material_mask_bits))) { continue; } tri->testing_e[thread_id] = e; if (lineart_triangle_edge_image_space_occlusion((const LineartTriangle *)tri, e, ld->conf.camera_pos, ld->conf.cam_is_persp, ld->conf.allow_overlapping_edges, ld->conf.view_projection, ld->conf.view_vector, ld->conf.shift_x, ld->conf.shift_y, &l, &r)) { lineart_edge_cut(ld, e, l, r, tri->base.material_mask_bits, tri->base.mat_occlusion, 0); if (e->min_occ > ld->conf.max_occlusion_level) { /* No need to calculate any longer on this line because no level more than set value is * going to show up in the rendered result. */ return; } } } LRT_EDGE_BA_MARCHING_NEXT(e->v1->fbcoord, e->v2->fbcoord) } LRT_EDGE_BA_MARCHING_END } static int lineart_occlusion_make_task_info(LineartData *ld, LineartRenderTaskInfo *rti) { int res = 0; int starting_index; BLI_spin_lock(&ld->lock_task); starting_index = ld->scheduled_count; ld->scheduled_count += LRT_THREAD_EDGE_COUNT; BLI_spin_unlock(&ld->lock_task); if (starting_index >= ld->pending_edges.next) { res = 0; } else { rti->pending_edges.array = &ld->pending_edges.array[starting_index]; int remaining = ld->pending_edges.next - starting_index; rti->pending_edges.max = MIN2(remaining, LRT_THREAD_EDGE_COUNT); res = 1; } return res; } static void lineart_occlusion_worker(TaskPool *__restrict UNUSED(pool), LineartRenderTaskInfo *rti) { LineartData *ld = rti->ld; LineartEdge *eip; while (lineart_occlusion_make_task_info(ld, rti)) { for (int i = 0; i < rti->pending_edges.max; i++) { eip = rti->pending_edges.array[i]; lineart_occlusion_single_line(ld, eip, rti->thread_id); } } } /** * All internal functions starting with lineart_main_ is called inside * #MOD_lineart_compute_feature_lines function. * This function handles all occlusion calculation. */ void lineart_main_occlusion_begin(LineartData *ld) { int thread_count = ld->thread_count; LineartRenderTaskInfo *rti = MEM_callocN(sizeof(LineartRenderTaskInfo) * thread_count, "Task Pool"); int i; TaskPool *tp = BLI_task_pool_create(NULL, TASK_PRIORITY_HIGH); for (i = 0; i < thread_count; i++) { rti[i].thread_id = i; rti[i].ld = ld; BLI_task_pool_push(tp, (TaskRunFunction)lineart_occlusion_worker, &rti[i], 0, NULL); } BLI_task_pool_work_and_wait(tp); BLI_task_pool_free(tp); MEM_freeN(rti); } /** * Test if v lies with in the triangle formed by v0, v1, and v2. * Returns false when v is exactly on the edge. * * For v to be inside the triangle, it needs to be at the same side of v0->v1, v1->v2, and * `v2->v0`, where the "side" is determined by checking the sign of `cross(v1-v0, v1-v)` and so on. */ static bool lineart_point_inside_triangle(const double v[2], const double v0[2], const double v1[2], const double v2[2]) { double cl, c, cl0; cl = (v0[0] - v[0]) * (v1[1] - v[1]) - (v0[1] - v[1]) * (v1[0] - v[0]); c = cl0 = cl; cl = (v1[0] - v[0]) * (v2[1] - v[1]) - (v1[1] - v[1]) * (v2[0] - v[0]); if (c * cl <= 0) { return false; } c = cl; cl = (v2[0] - v[0]) * (v0[1] - v[1]) - (v2[1] - v[1]) * (v0[0] - v[0]); if (c * cl <= 0) { return false; } c = cl; if (c * cl0 <= 0) { return false; } return true; } static int lineart_point_on_line_segment(double v[2], double v0[2], double v1[2]) { /* `c1 != c2` by default. */ double c1 = 1, c2 = 0; double l0[2], l1[2]; sub_v2_v2v2_db(l0, v, v0); sub_v2_v2v2_db(l1, v, v1); if (v1[0] == v0[0] && v1[1] == v0[1]) { return 0; } if (!LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(v1[0], v0[0])) { c1 = ratiod(v0[0], v1[0], v[0]); } else { if (LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(v[0], v1[0])) { c2 = ratiod(v0[1], v1[1], v[1]); return (c2 >= -DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM && c2 <= 1 + DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM); } return false; } if (!LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(v1[1], v0[1])) { c2 = ratiod(v0[1], v1[1], v[1]); } else { if (LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(v[1], v1[1])) { c1 = ratiod(v0[0], v1[0], v[0]); return (c1 >= -DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM && c1 <= 1 + DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM); } return false; } if (LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(c1, c2) && c1 >= 0 && c1 <= 1) { return 1; } return 0; } enum LineartPointTri { LRT_OUTSIDE_TRIANGLE = 0, LRT_ON_TRIANGLE = 1, LRT_INSIDE_TRIANGLE = 2, }; /** * Same algorithm as lineart_point_inside_triangle(), but returns differently: * 0-outside 1-on the edge 2-inside. */ static int lineart_point_triangle_relation(double v[2], double v0[2], double v1[2], double v2[2]) { double cl, c; double r; if (lineart_point_on_line_segment(v, v0, v1) || lineart_point_on_line_segment(v, v1, v2) || lineart_point_on_line_segment(v, v2, v0)) { return LRT_ON_TRIANGLE; } cl = (v0[0] - v[0]) * (v1[1] - v[1]) - (v0[1] - v[1]) * (v1[0] - v[0]); c = cl; cl = (v1[0] - v[0]) * (v2[1] - v[1]) - (v1[1] - v[1]) * (v2[0] - v[0]); if ((r = c * cl) < 0) { return LRT_OUTSIDE_TRIANGLE; } c = cl; cl = (v2[0] - v[0]) * (v0[1] - v[1]) - (v2[1] - v[1]) * (v0[0] - v[0]); if ((r = c * cl) < 0) { return LRT_OUTSIDE_TRIANGLE; } c = cl; cl = (v0[0] - v[0]) * (v1[1] - v[1]) - (v0[1] - v[1]) * (v1[0] - v[0]); if ((r = c * cl) < 0) { return LRT_OUTSIDE_TRIANGLE; } if (r == 0) { return LRT_ON_TRIANGLE; } return LRT_INSIDE_TRIANGLE; } /** * Similar with #lineart_point_inside_triangle, but in 3d. * Returns false when not co-planar. */ static bool lineart_point_inside_triangle3d(double v[3], double v0[3], double v1[3], double v2[3]) { double l[3], r[3]; double N1[3], N2[3]; double d; sub_v3_v3v3_db(l, v1, v0); sub_v3_v3v3_db(r, v, v1); cross_v3_v3v3_db(N1, l, r); sub_v3_v3v3_db(l, v2, v1); sub_v3_v3v3_db(r, v, v2); cross_v3_v3v3_db(N2, l, r); if ((d = dot_v3v3_db(N1, N2)) < 0) { return false; } sub_v3_v3v3_db(l, v0, v2); sub_v3_v3v3_db(r, v, v0); cross_v3_v3v3_db(N1, l, r); if ((d = dot_v3v3_db(N1, N2)) < 0) { return false; } sub_v3_v3v3_db(l, v1, v0); sub_v3_v3v3_db(r, v, v1); cross_v3_v3v3_db(N2, l, r); if ((d = dot_v3v3_db(N1, N2)) < 0) { return false; } return true; } /** * The following `lineart_memory_get_XXX_space` functions are for allocating new memory for some * modified geometries in the culling stage. */ static LineartElementLinkNode *lineart_memory_get_triangle_space(LineartData *ld) { LineartElementLinkNode *eln; /* We don't need to allocate a whole bunch of triangles because the amount of clipped triangles * are relatively small. */ LineartTriangle *render_triangles = lineart_mem_acquire(&ld->render_data_pool, 64 * ld->sizeof_triangle); eln = lineart_list_append_pointer_pool_sized(&ld->geom.triangle_buffer_pointers, &ld->render_data_pool, render_triangles, sizeof(LineartElementLinkNode)); eln->element_count = 64; eln->flags |= LRT_ELEMENT_IS_ADDITIONAL; return eln; } static LineartElementLinkNode *lineart_memory_get_vert_space(LineartData *ld) { LineartElementLinkNode *eln; LineartVert *render_vertices = lineart_mem_acquire(&ld->render_data_pool, sizeof(LineartVert) * 64); eln = lineart_list_append_pointer_pool_sized(&ld->geom.vertex_buffer_pointers, &ld->render_data_pool, render_vertices, sizeof(LineartElementLinkNode)); eln->element_count = 64; eln->flags |= LRT_ELEMENT_IS_ADDITIONAL; return eln; } static LineartElementLinkNode *lineart_memory_get_edge_space(LineartData *ld) { LineartElementLinkNode *eln; LineartEdge *render_edges = lineart_mem_acquire(ld->edge_data_pool, sizeof(LineartEdge) * 64); eln = lineart_list_append_pointer_pool_sized(&ld->geom.line_buffer_pointers, ld->edge_data_pool, render_edges, sizeof(LineartElementLinkNode)); eln->element_count = 64; eln->crease_threshold = ld->conf.crease_threshold; eln->flags |= LRT_ELEMENT_IS_ADDITIONAL; return eln; } static void lineart_triangle_post(LineartTriangle *tri, LineartTriangle *orig) { /* Just re-assign normal and set cull flag. */ copy_v3_v3_db(tri->gn, orig->gn); tri->flags = LRT_CULL_GENERATED; tri->intersection_mask = orig->intersection_mask; tri->material_mask_bits = orig->material_mask_bits; tri->mat_occlusion = orig->mat_occlusion; tri->intersection_priority = orig->intersection_priority; tri->target_reference = orig->target_reference; } static void lineart_triangle_set_cull_flag(LineartTriangle *tri, uchar flag) { uchar intersection_only = (tri->flags & LRT_TRIANGLE_INTERSECTION_ONLY); tri->flags = flag; tri->flags |= intersection_only; } static bool lineart_edge_match(LineartTriangle *tri, LineartEdge *e, int v1, int v2) { return ((tri->v[v1] == e->v1 && tri->v[v2] == e->v2) || (tri->v[v2] == e->v1 && tri->v[v1] == e->v2)); } static void lineart_discard_duplicated_edges(LineartEdge *old_e) { LineartEdge *e = old_e; while (e->flags & LRT_EDGE_FLAG_NEXT_IS_DUPLICATION) { e++; e->flags |= LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CHAIN_PICKED; } } /** * Does near-plane cut on 1 triangle only. When cutting with far-plane, the camera vectors gets * reversed by the caller so don't need to implement one in a different direction. */ static void lineart_triangle_cull_single(LineartData *ld, LineartTriangle *tri, int in0, int in1, int in2, double cam_pos[3], double view_dir[3], bool allow_boundaries, double m_view_projection[4][4], Object *ob, int *r_v_count, int *r_e_count, int *r_t_count, LineartElementLinkNode *v_eln, LineartElementLinkNode *e_eln, LineartElementLinkNode *t_eln) { double span_v1[3], span_v2[3], dot_v1, dot_v2; double a; int v_count = *r_v_count; int e_count = *r_e_count; int t_count = *r_t_count; uint16_t new_flag = 0; LineartEdge *new_e, *e, *old_e; LineartEdgeSegment *es; LineartTriangleAdjacent *tri_adj; if (tri->flags & (LRT_CULL_USED | LRT_CULL_GENERATED | LRT_CULL_DISCARD)) { return; } /* See definition of tri->intersecting_verts and the usage in * lineart_geometry_object_load() for details. */ tri_adj = (void *)tri->intersecting_verts; LineartVert *vt = &((LineartVert *)v_eln->pointer)[v_count]; LineartTriangle *tri1 = (void *)(((uchar *)t_eln->pointer) + ld->sizeof_triangle * t_count); LineartTriangle *tri2 = (void *)(((uchar *)t_eln->pointer) + ld->sizeof_triangle * (t_count + 1)); new_e = &((LineartEdge *)e_eln->pointer)[e_count]; /* Init `edge` to the last `edge` entry. */ e = new_e; #define INCREASE_EDGE \ new_e = &((LineartEdge *)e_eln->pointer)[e_count]; \ e_count++; \ e = new_e; \ es = lineart_mem_acquire(&ld->render_data_pool, sizeof(LineartEdgeSegment)); \ BLI_addtail(&e->segments, es); #define SELECT_EDGE(e_num, v1_link, v2_link, new_tri) \ if (tri_adj->e[e_num]) { \ old_e = tri_adj->e[e_num]; \ new_flag = old_e->flags; \ old_e->flags = LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CHAIN_PICKED; \ lineart_discard_duplicated_edges(old_e); \ INCREASE_EDGE \ e->v1 = (v1_link); \ e->v2 = (v2_link); \ e->v1->index = (v1_link)->index; \ e->v2->index = (v1_link)->index; \ e->flags = new_flag; \ e->object_ref = ob; \ e->t1 = ((old_e->t1 == tri) ? (new_tri) : (old_e->t1)); \ e->t2 = ((old_e->t2 == tri) ? (new_tri) : (old_e->t2)); \ lineart_add_edge_to_array(&ld->pending_edges, e); \ } #define RELINK_EDGE(e_num, new_tri) \ if (tri_adj->e[e_num]) { \ old_e = tri_adj->e[e_num]; \ old_e->t1 = ((old_e->t1 == tri) ? (new_tri) : (old_e->t1)); \ old_e->t2 = ((old_e->t2 == tri) ? (new_tri) : (old_e->t2)); \ } #define REMOVE_TRIANGLE_EDGE \ if (tri_adj->e[0]) { \ tri_adj->e[0]->flags = LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CHAIN_PICKED; \ lineart_discard_duplicated_edges(tri_adj->e[0]); \ } \ if (tri_adj->e[1]) { \ tri_adj->e[1]->flags = LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CHAIN_PICKED; \ lineart_discard_duplicated_edges(tri_adj->e[1]); \ } \ if (tri_adj->e[2]) { \ tri_adj->e[2]->flags = LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CHAIN_PICKED; \ lineart_discard_duplicated_edges(tri_adj->e[2]); \ } switch (in0 + in1 + in2) { case 0: /* Triangle is visible. Ignore this triangle. */ return; case 3: /* Triangle completely behind near plane, throw it away * also remove render lines form being computed. */ lineart_triangle_set_cull_flag(tri, LRT_CULL_DISCARD); REMOVE_TRIANGLE_EDGE return; case 2: /* Two points behind near plane, cut those and * generate 2 new points, 3 lines and 1 triangle. */ lineart_triangle_set_cull_flag(tri, LRT_CULL_USED); /** * (!in0) means "when point 0 is visible". * conditions for point 1, 2 are the same idea. * * \code{.txt}identify * 1-----|-------0 * | | --- * | |--- * | ---| * 2-- | * (near)---------->(far) * Will become: * |N******0 * |* *** * |N** * | * | * (near)---------->(far) * \endcode */ if (!in0) { /* Cut point for line 2---|-----0. */ sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v1, tri->v[0]->gloc, cam_pos); sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v2, cam_pos, tri->v[2]->gloc); dot_v1 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v1, view_dir); dot_v2 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v2, view_dir); a = dot_v1 / (dot_v1 + dot_v2); /* Assign it to a new point. */ interp_v3_v3v3_db(vt[0].gloc, tri->v[0]->gloc, tri->v[2]->gloc, a); mul_v4_m4v3_db(vt[0].fbcoord, m_view_projection, vt[0].gloc); vt[0].index = tri->v[2]->index; /* Cut point for line 1---|-----0. */ sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v1, tri->v[0]->gloc, cam_pos); sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v2, cam_pos, tri->v[1]->gloc); dot_v1 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v1, view_dir); dot_v2 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v2, view_dir); a = dot_v1 / (dot_v1 + dot_v2); /* Assign it to another new point. */ interp_v3_v3v3_db(vt[1].gloc, tri->v[0]->gloc, tri->v[1]->gloc, a); mul_v4_m4v3_db(vt[1].fbcoord, m_view_projection, vt[1].gloc); vt[1].index = tri->v[1]->index; /* New line connecting two new points. */ INCREASE_EDGE if (allow_boundaries) { e->flags = LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CONTOUR; lineart_add_edge_to_array(&ld->pending_edges, e); } /* NOTE: inverting `e->v1/v2` (left/right point) doesn't matter as long as * `tri->edge` and `tri->v` has the same sequence. and the winding direction * can be either CW or CCW but needs to be consistent throughout the calculation. */ e->v1 = &vt[1]; e->v2 = &vt[0]; /* Only one adjacent triangle, because the other side is the near plane. */ /* Use `tl` or `tr` doesn't matter. */ e->t1 = tri1; e->object_ref = ob; /* New line connecting original point 0 and a new point, only when it's a selected line. */ SELECT_EDGE(2, tri->v[0], &vt[0], tri1) /* New line connecting original point 0 and another new point. */ SELECT_EDGE(0, tri->v[0], &vt[1], tri1) /* Re-assign triangle point array to two new points. */ tri1->v[0] = tri->v[0]; tri1->v[1] = &vt[1]; tri1->v[2] = &vt[0]; lineart_triangle_post(tri1, tri); v_count += 2; t_count += 1; } else if (!in2) { sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v1, tri->v[2]->gloc, cam_pos); sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v2, cam_pos, tri->v[0]->gloc); dot_v1 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v1, view_dir); dot_v2 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v2, view_dir); a = dot_v1 / (dot_v1 + dot_v2); interp_v3_v3v3_db(vt[0].gloc, tri->v[2]->gloc, tri->v[0]->gloc, a); mul_v4_m4v3_db(vt[0].fbcoord, m_view_projection, vt[0].gloc); vt[0].index = tri->v[0]->index; sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v1, tri->v[2]->gloc, cam_pos); sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v2, cam_pos, tri->v[1]->gloc); dot_v1 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v1, view_dir); dot_v2 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v2, view_dir); a = dot_v1 / (dot_v1 + dot_v2); interp_v3_v3v3_db(vt[1].gloc, tri->v[2]->gloc, tri->v[1]->gloc, a); mul_v4_m4v3_db(vt[1].fbcoord, m_view_projection, vt[1].gloc); vt[1].index = tri->v[1]->index; INCREASE_EDGE if (allow_boundaries) { e->flags = LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CONTOUR; lineart_add_edge_to_array(&ld->pending_edges, e); } e->v1 = &vt[0]; e->v2 = &vt[1]; e->t1 = tri1; e->object_ref = ob; SELECT_EDGE(2, tri->v[2], &vt[0], tri1) SELECT_EDGE(1, tri->v[2], &vt[1], tri1) tri1->v[0] = &vt[0]; tri1->v[1] = &vt[1]; tri1->v[2] = tri->v[2]; lineart_triangle_post(tri1, tri); v_count += 2; t_count += 1; } else if (!in1) { sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v1, tri->v[1]->gloc, cam_pos); sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v2, cam_pos, tri->v[2]->gloc); dot_v1 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v1, view_dir); dot_v2 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v2, view_dir); a = dot_v1 / (dot_v1 + dot_v2); interp_v3_v3v3_db(vt[0].gloc, tri->v[1]->gloc, tri->v[2]->gloc, a); mul_v4_m4v3_db(vt[0].fbcoord, m_view_projection, vt[0].gloc); vt[0].index = tri->v[2]->index; sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v1, tri->v[1]->gloc, cam_pos); sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v2, cam_pos, tri->v[0]->gloc); dot_v1 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v1, view_dir); dot_v2 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v2, view_dir); a = dot_v1 / (dot_v1 + dot_v2); interp_v3_v3v3_db(vt[1].gloc, tri->v[1]->gloc, tri->v[0]->gloc, a); mul_v4_m4v3_db(vt[1].fbcoord, m_view_projection, vt[1].gloc); vt[1].index = tri->v[0]->index; INCREASE_EDGE if (allow_boundaries) { e->flags = LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CONTOUR; lineart_add_edge_to_array(&ld->pending_edges, e); } e->v1 = &vt[1]; e->v2 = &vt[0]; e->t1 = tri1; e->object_ref = ob; SELECT_EDGE(1, tri->v[1], &vt[0], tri1) SELECT_EDGE(0, tri->v[1], &vt[1], tri1) tri1->v[0] = &vt[0]; tri1->v[1] = tri->v[1]; tri1->v[2] = &vt[1]; lineart_triangle_post(tri1, tri); v_count += 2; t_count += 1; } break; case 1: /* One point behind near plane, cut those and * generate 2 new points, 4 lines and 2 triangles. */ lineart_triangle_set_cull_flag(tri, LRT_CULL_USED); /** * (in0) means "when point 0 is invisible". * conditions for point 1, 2 are the same idea. * \code{.txt} * 0------|----------1 * -- | | * ---| | * |-- | * | --- | * | --- | * | --2 * (near)---------->(far) * Will become: * |N*********1 * |* *** | * |* *** | * |N** | * | *** | * | *** | * | **2 * (near)---------->(far) * \endcode */ if (in0) { /* Cut point for line 0---|------1. */ sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v1, tri->v[1]->gloc, cam_pos); sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v2, cam_pos, tri->v[0]->gloc); dot_v1 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v1, view_dir); dot_v2 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v2, view_dir); a = dot_v2 / (dot_v1 + dot_v2); /* Assign to a new point. */ interp_v3_v3v3_db(vt[0].gloc, tri->v[0]->gloc, tri->v[1]->gloc, a); mul_v4_m4v3_db(vt[0].fbcoord, m_view_projection, vt[0].gloc); vt[0].index = tri->v[0]->index; /* Cut point for line 0---|------2. */ sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v1, tri->v[2]->gloc, cam_pos); sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v2, cam_pos, tri->v[0]->gloc); dot_v1 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v1, view_dir); dot_v2 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v2, view_dir); a = dot_v2 / (dot_v1 + dot_v2); /* Assign to other new point. */ interp_v3_v3v3_db(vt[1].gloc, tri->v[0]->gloc, tri->v[2]->gloc, a); mul_v4_m4v3_db(vt[1].fbcoord, m_view_projection, vt[1].gloc); vt[1].index = tri->v[0]->index; /* New line connects two new points. */ INCREASE_EDGE if (allow_boundaries) { e->flags = LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CONTOUR; lineart_add_edge_to_array(&ld->pending_edges, e); } e->v1 = &vt[1]; e->v2 = &vt[0]; e->t1 = tri1; e->object_ref = ob; /* New line connects new point 0 and old point 1, * this is a border line. */ SELECT_EDGE(0, tri->v[1], &vt[0], tri1) SELECT_EDGE(2, tri->v[2], &vt[1], tri2) RELINK_EDGE(1, tri2) /* We now have one triangle closed. */ tri1->v[0] = tri->v[1]; tri1->v[1] = &vt[1]; tri1->v[2] = &vt[0]; /* Close the second triangle. */ tri2->v[0] = &vt[1]; tri2->v[1] = tri->v[1]; tri2->v[2] = tri->v[2]; lineart_triangle_post(tri1, tri); lineart_triangle_post(tri2, tri); v_count += 2; t_count += 2; } else if (in1) { sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v1, tri->v[1]->gloc, cam_pos); sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v2, cam_pos, tri->v[2]->gloc); dot_v1 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v1, view_dir); dot_v2 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v2, view_dir); a = dot_v1 / (dot_v1 + dot_v2); interp_v3_v3v3_db(vt[0].gloc, tri->v[1]->gloc, tri->v[2]->gloc, a); mul_v4_m4v3_db(vt[0].fbcoord, m_view_projection, vt[0].gloc); vt[0].index = tri->v[1]->index; sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v1, tri->v[1]->gloc, cam_pos); sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v2, cam_pos, tri->v[0]->gloc); dot_v1 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v1, view_dir); dot_v2 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v2, view_dir); a = dot_v1 / (dot_v1 + dot_v2); interp_v3_v3v3_db(vt[1].gloc, tri->v[1]->gloc, tri->v[0]->gloc, a); mul_v4_m4v3_db(vt[1].fbcoord, m_view_projection, vt[1].gloc); vt[1].index = tri->v[1]->index; INCREASE_EDGE if (allow_boundaries) { e->flags = LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CONTOUR; lineart_add_edge_to_array(&ld->pending_edges, e); } e->v1 = &vt[1]; e->v2 = &vt[0]; e->t1 = tri1; e->object_ref = ob; SELECT_EDGE(1, tri->v[2], &vt[0], tri1) SELECT_EDGE(0, tri->v[0], &vt[1], tri2) RELINK_EDGE(2, tri2) tri1->v[0] = tri->v[2]; tri1->v[1] = &vt[1]; tri1->v[2] = &vt[0]; tri2->v[0] = &vt[1]; tri2->v[1] = tri->v[2]; tri2->v[2] = tri->v[0]; lineart_triangle_post(tri1, tri); lineart_triangle_post(tri2, tri); v_count += 2; t_count += 2; } else if (in2) { sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v1, tri->v[2]->gloc, cam_pos); sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v2, cam_pos, tri->v[0]->gloc); dot_v1 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v1, view_dir); dot_v2 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v2, view_dir); a = dot_v1 / (dot_v1 + dot_v2); interp_v3_v3v3_db(vt[0].gloc, tri->v[2]->gloc, tri->v[0]->gloc, a); mul_v4_m4v3_db(vt[0].fbcoord, m_view_projection, vt[0].gloc); vt[0].index = tri->v[2]->index; sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v1, tri->v[2]->gloc, cam_pos); sub_v3_v3v3_db(span_v2, cam_pos, tri->v[1]->gloc); dot_v1 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v1, view_dir); dot_v2 = dot_v3v3_db(span_v2, view_dir); a = dot_v1 / (dot_v1 + dot_v2); interp_v3_v3v3_db(vt[1].gloc, tri->v[2]->gloc, tri->v[1]->gloc, a); mul_v4_m4v3_db(vt[1].fbcoord, m_view_projection, vt[1].gloc); vt[1].index = tri->v[2]->index; INCREASE_EDGE if (allow_boundaries) { e->flags = LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CONTOUR; lineart_add_edge_to_array(&ld->pending_edges, e); } e->v1 = &vt[1]; e->v2 = &vt[0]; e->t1 = tri1; e->object_ref = ob; SELECT_EDGE(2, tri->v[0], &vt[0], tri1) SELECT_EDGE(1, tri->v[1], &vt[1], tri2) RELINK_EDGE(0, tri2) tri1->v[0] = tri->v[0]; tri1->v[1] = &vt[1]; tri1->v[2] = &vt[0]; tri2->v[0] = &vt[1]; tri2->v[1] = tri->v[0]; tri2->v[2] = tri->v[1]; lineart_triangle_post(tri1, tri); lineart_triangle_post(tri2, tri); v_count += 2; t_count += 2; } break; } *r_v_count = v_count; *r_e_count = e_count; *r_t_count = t_count; #undef INCREASE_EDGE #undef SELECT_EDGE #undef RELINK_EDGE #undef REMOVE_TRIANGLE_EDGE } /** * This function cuts triangles with near- or far-plane. Setting clip_far = true for cutting with * far-plane. For triangles that's crossing the plane, it will generate new 1 or 2 triangles with * new topology that represents the trimmed triangle. (which then became a triangle or a square * formed by two triangles) */ void lineart_main_cull_triangles(LineartData *ld, bool clip_far) { LineartTriangle *tri; LineartElementLinkNode *v_eln, *t_eln, *e_eln; double(*m_view_projection)[4] = ld->conf.view_projection; int i; int v_count = 0, t_count = 0, e_count = 0; Object *ob; bool allow_boundaries = ld->conf.allow_boundaries; double cam_pos[3]; double clip_start = ld->conf.near_clip, clip_end = ld->conf.far_clip; double view_dir[3], clip_advance[3]; copy_v3_v3_db(view_dir, ld->conf.view_vector); copy_v3_v3_db(clip_advance, ld->conf.view_vector); copy_v3_v3_db(cam_pos, ld->conf.camera_pos); if (clip_far) { /* Move starting point to end plane. */ mul_v3db_db(clip_advance, -clip_end); add_v3_v3_db(cam_pos, clip_advance); /* "reverse looking". */ mul_v3db_db(view_dir, -1.0f); } else { /* Clip Near. */ mul_v3db_db(clip_advance, -clip_start); add_v3_v3_db(cam_pos, clip_advance); } v_eln = lineart_memory_get_vert_space(ld); t_eln = lineart_memory_get_triangle_space(ld); e_eln = lineart_memory_get_edge_space(ld); /* Additional memory space for storing generated points and triangles. */ #define LRT_CULL_ENSURE_MEMORY \ if (v_count > 60) { \ v_eln->element_count = v_count; \ v_eln = lineart_memory_get_vert_space(ld); \ v_count = 0; \ } \ if (t_count > 60) { \ t_eln->element_count = t_count; \ t_eln = lineart_memory_get_triangle_space(ld); \ t_count = 0; \ } \ if (e_count > 60) { \ e_eln->element_count = e_count; \ e_eln = lineart_memory_get_edge_space(ld); \ e_count = 0; \ } #define LRT_CULL_DECIDE_INSIDE \ /* These three represents points that are in the clipping range or not. */ \ in0 = 0, in1 = 0, in2 = 0; \ if (clip_far) { \ /* Point outside far plane. */ \ if (tri->v[0]->fbcoord[use_w] > clip_end) { \ in0 = 1; \ } \ if (tri->v[1]->fbcoord[use_w] > clip_end) { \ in1 = 1; \ } \ if (tri->v[2]->fbcoord[use_w] > clip_end) { \ in2 = 1; \ } \ } \ else { \ /* Point inside near plane. */ \ if (tri->v[0]->fbcoord[use_w] < clip_start) { \ in0 = 1; \ } \ if (tri->v[1]->fbcoord[use_w] < clip_start) { \ in1 = 1; \ } \ if (tri->v[2]->fbcoord[use_w] < clip_start) { \ in2 = 1; \ } \ } int use_w = 3; int in0 = 0, in1 = 0, in2 = 0; if (!ld->conf.cam_is_persp) { clip_start = -1; clip_end = 1; use_w = 2; } /* Then go through all the other triangles. */ LISTBASE_FOREACH (LineartElementLinkNode *, eln, &ld->geom.triangle_buffer_pointers) { if (eln->flags & LRT_ELEMENT_IS_ADDITIONAL) { continue; } ob = eln->object_ref; for (i = 0; i < eln->element_count; i++) { /* Select the triangle in the array. */ tri = (void *)(((uchar *)eln->pointer) + ld->sizeof_triangle * i); if (tri->flags & LRT_CULL_DISCARD) { continue; } LRT_CULL_DECIDE_INSIDE LRT_CULL_ENSURE_MEMORY lineart_triangle_cull_single(ld, tri, in0, in1, in2, cam_pos, view_dir, allow_boundaries, m_view_projection, ob, &v_count, &e_count, &t_count, v_eln, e_eln, t_eln); } t_eln->element_count = t_count; v_eln->element_count = v_count; } #undef LRT_CULL_ENSURE_MEMORY #undef LRT_CULL_DECIDE_INSIDE } /** * Adjacent data is only used during the initial stages of computing. * So we can free it using this function when it is not needed anymore. */ void lineart_main_free_adjacent_data(LineartData *ld) { LinkData *link; while ((link = BLI_pophead(&ld->geom.triangle_adjacent_pointers)) != NULL) { MEM_freeN(link->data); } LISTBASE_FOREACH (LineartElementLinkNode *, eln, &ld->geom.triangle_buffer_pointers) { LineartTriangle *tri = eln->pointer; int i; for (i = 0; i < eln->element_count; i++) { /* See definition of tri->intersecting_verts and the usage in * lineart_geometry_object_load() for detailed. */ tri->intersecting_verts = NULL; tri = (LineartTriangle *)(((uchar *)tri) + ld->sizeof_triangle); } } } void lineart_main_perspective_division(LineartData *ld) { LineartVert *vt; int i; LISTBASE_FOREACH (LineartElementLinkNode *, eln, &ld->geom.vertex_buffer_pointers) { vt = eln->pointer; for (i = 0; i < eln->element_count; i++) { if (ld->conf.cam_is_persp) { /* Do not divide Z, we use Z to back transform cut points in later chaining process. */ vt[i].fbcoord[0] /= vt[i].fbcoord[3]; vt[i].fbcoord[1] /= vt[i].fbcoord[3]; /* Re-map z into (0-1) range, because we no longer need NDC (Normalized Device Coordinates) * at the moment. * The algorithm currently doesn't need Z for operation, we use W instead. If Z is needed * in the future, the line below correctly transforms it to view space coordinates. */ // `vt[i].fbcoord[2] = -2 * vt[i].fbcoord[2] / (far - near) - (far + near) / (far - near); } /* Shifting is always needed. */ vt[i].fbcoord[0] -= ld->conf.shift_x * 2; vt[i].fbcoord[1] -= ld->conf.shift_y * 2; } } } void lineart_main_discard_out_of_frame_edges(LineartData *ld) { LineartEdge *e; int i; #define LRT_VERT_OUT_OF_BOUND(v) \ (v && (v->fbcoord[0] < -1 || v->fbcoord[0] > 1 || v->fbcoord[1] < -1 || v->fbcoord[1] > 1)) LISTBASE_FOREACH (LineartElementLinkNode *, eln, &ld->geom.line_buffer_pointers) { e = (LineartEdge *)eln->pointer; for (i = 0; i < eln->element_count; i++) { if ((LRT_VERT_OUT_OF_BOUND(e[i].v1) && LRT_VERT_OUT_OF_BOUND(e[i].v2))) { e[i].flags = LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CHAIN_PICKED; } } } } typedef struct LineartEdgeNeighbor { int e; uint16_t flags; int v1, v2; } LineartEdgeNeighbor; typedef struct VertData { const MVert *mvert; LineartVert *v_arr; double (*model_view)[4]; double (*model_view_proj)[4]; } VertData; static void lineart_mvert_transform_task(void *__restrict userdata, const int i, const TaskParallelTLS *__restrict UNUSED(tls)) { VertData *vert_task_data = (VertData *)userdata; const MVert *m_v = &vert_task_data->mvert[i]; double co[4]; LineartVert *v = &vert_task_data->v_arr[i]; copy_v3db_v3fl(co, m_v->co); mul_v3_m4v3_db(v->gloc, vert_task_data->model_view, co); mul_v4_m4v3_db(v->fbcoord, vert_task_data->model_view_proj, co); v->index = i; } static const int LRT_MESH_EDGE_TYPES[] = { LRT_EDGE_FLAG_EDGE_MARK, LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CONTOUR, LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CREASE, LRT_EDGE_FLAG_MATERIAL, LRT_EDGE_FLAG_LOOSE, LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CONTOUR_SECONDARY, }; #define LRT_MESH_EDGE_TYPES_COUNT 6 static int lineart_edge_type_duplication_count(int eflag) { int count = 0; /* See eLineartEdgeFlag for details. */ for (int i = 0; i < LRT_MESH_EDGE_TYPES_COUNT; i++) { if (eflag & LRT_MESH_EDGE_TYPES[i]) { count++; } } return count; } /** * Because we have a variable size for #LineartTriangle, we need an access helper. * See #LineartTriangleThread for more info. */ static LineartTriangle *lineart_triangle_from_index(LineartData *ld, LineartTriangle *rt_array, int index) { int8_t *b = (int8_t *)rt_array; b += (index * ld->sizeof_triangle); return (LineartTriangle *)b; } typedef struct EdgeFeatData { LineartData *ld; Mesh *me; Object *ob_eval; /* For evaluated materials. */ const MLoopTri *mlooptri; const int *material_indices; LineartTriangle *tri_array; LineartVert *v_array; float crease_threshold; bool use_auto_smooth; bool use_freestyle_face; int freestyle_face_index; bool use_freestyle_edge; int freestyle_edge_index; LineartEdgeNeighbor *edge_nabr; } EdgeFeatData; typedef struct EdgeFeatReduceData { int feat_edges; } EdgeFeatReduceData; static void feat_data_sum_reduce(const void *__restrict UNUSED(userdata), void *__restrict chunk_join, void *__restrict chunk) { EdgeFeatReduceData *feat_chunk_join = (EdgeFeatReduceData *)chunk_join; EdgeFeatReduceData *feat_chunk = (EdgeFeatReduceData *)chunk; feat_chunk_join->feat_edges += feat_chunk->feat_edges; } static void lineart_identify_mlooptri_feature_edges(void *__restrict userdata, const int i, const TaskParallelTLS *__restrict tls) { EdgeFeatData *e_feat_data = (EdgeFeatData *)userdata; EdgeFeatReduceData *reduce_data = (EdgeFeatReduceData *)tls->userdata_chunk; Mesh *me = e_feat_data->me; const int *material_indices = e_feat_data->material_indices; Object *ob_eval = e_feat_data->ob_eval; LineartEdgeNeighbor *edge_nabr = e_feat_data->edge_nabr; const MLoopTri *mlooptri = e_feat_data->mlooptri; uint16_t edge_flag_result = 0; /* Because the edge neighbor array contains loop edge pairs, we only need to process the first * edge in the pair. Otherwise we would add the same edge that the loops represent twice. */ if (i < edge_nabr[i].e) { return; } bool face_mark_filtered = false; bool enable_face_mark = (e_feat_data->use_freestyle_face && e_feat_data->ld->conf.filter_face_mark); bool only_contour = false; if (enable_face_mark) { FreestyleFace *ff1, *ff2; int index = e_feat_data->freestyle_face_index; if (index > -1) { ff1 = &((FreestyleFace *)me->pdata.layers[index].data)[mlooptri[i / 3].poly]; } if (edge_nabr[i].e > -1) { ff2 = &((FreestyleFace *)me->pdata.layers[index].data)[mlooptri[edge_nabr[i].e / 3].poly]; } else { /* Handle mesh boundary cases: We want mesh boundaries to respect * `filter_face_mark_boundaries` option the same way as face mark boundaries, and the code * path is simper when it's assuming both ff1 and ff2 not NULL. */ ff2 = ff1; } if (e_feat_data->ld->conf.filter_face_mark_boundaries ^ e_feat_data->ld->conf.filter_face_mark_invert) { if ((ff1->flag & FREESTYLE_FACE_MARK) || (ff2->flag & FREESTYLE_FACE_MARK)) { face_mark_filtered = true; } } else { if ((ff1->flag & FREESTYLE_FACE_MARK) && (ff2->flag & FREESTYLE_FACE_MARK) && (ff2 != ff1)) { face_mark_filtered = true; } } if (e_feat_data->ld->conf.filter_face_mark_invert) { face_mark_filtered = !face_mark_filtered; } if (!face_mark_filtered) { edge_nabr[i].flags = LRT_EDGE_FLAG_INHIBIT; if (e_feat_data->ld->conf.filter_face_mark_keep_contour) { only_contour = true; } } } if (enable_face_mark && !face_mark_filtered && !only_contour) { return; } /* Mesh boundary */ if (edge_nabr[i].e == -1) { edge_nabr[i].flags = LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CONTOUR; reduce_data->feat_edges += 1; return; } LineartTriangle *tri1, *tri2; LineartVert *vert; LineartData *ld = e_feat_data->ld; int f1 = i / 3, f2 = edge_nabr[i].e / 3; /* The mesh should already be triangulated now, so we can assume each face is a triangle. */ tri1 = lineart_triangle_from_index(ld, e_feat_data->tri_array, f1); tri2 = lineart_triangle_from_index(ld, e_feat_data->tri_array, f2); vert = &e_feat_data->v_array[edge_nabr[i].v1]; double view_vector_persp[3]; double *view_vector = view_vector_persp; double dot_v1 = 0, dot_v2 = 0; double result; bool material_back_face = ((tri1->flags | tri2->flags) & LRT_TRIANGLE_MAT_BACK_FACE_CULLING); if (ld->conf.use_contour || ld->conf.use_back_face_culling || material_back_face) { if (ld->conf.cam_is_persp) { sub_v3_v3v3_db(view_vector, ld->conf.camera_pos, vert->gloc); } else { view_vector = ld->conf.view_vector; } dot_v1 = dot_v3v3_db(view_vector, tri1->gn); dot_v2 = dot_v3v3_db(view_vector, tri2->gn); if ((result = dot_v1 * dot_v2) <= 0 && (dot_v1 + dot_v2)) { edge_flag_result |= LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CONTOUR; } if (ld->conf.use_back_face_culling) { if (dot_v1 < 0) { tri1->flags |= LRT_CULL_DISCARD; } if (dot_v2 < 0) { tri2->flags |= LRT_CULL_DISCARD; } } if (material_back_face) { if (tri1->flags & LRT_TRIANGLE_MAT_BACK_FACE_CULLING && dot_v1 < 0) { tri1->flags |= LRT_CULL_DISCARD; } if (tri2->flags & LRT_TRIANGLE_MAT_BACK_FACE_CULLING && dot_v2 < 0) { tri2->flags |= LRT_CULL_DISCARD; } } } if (ld->conf.use_contour_secondary) { view_vector = view_vector_persp; if (ld->conf.cam_is_persp_secondary) { sub_v3_v3v3_db(view_vector, vert->gloc, ld->conf.camera_pos_secondary); } else { view_vector = ld->conf.view_vector_secondary; } dot_v1 = dot_v3v3_db(view_vector, tri1->gn); dot_v2 = dot_v3v3_db(view_vector, tri2->gn); if ((result = dot_v1 * dot_v2) <= 0 && (dot_v1 + dot_v2)) { edge_flag_result |= LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CONTOUR_SECONDARY; } } if (!only_contour) { const MPoly *polys = BKE_mesh_polygons(me); if (ld->conf.use_crease) { bool do_crease = true; if (!ld->conf.force_crease && !e_feat_data->use_auto_smooth && (polys[mlooptri[f1].poly].flag & ME_SMOOTH) && (polys[mlooptri[f2].poly].flag & ME_SMOOTH)) { do_crease = false; } if (do_crease && (dot_v3v3_db(tri1->gn, tri2->gn) < e_feat_data->crease_threshold)) { edge_flag_result |= LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CREASE; } } int mat1 = material_indices ? material_indices[mlooptri[f1].poly] : 0; int mat2 = material_indices ? material_indices[mlooptri[f2].poly] : 0; if (mat1 != mat2) { Material *m1 = BKE_object_material_get_eval(ob_eval, mat1 + 1); Material *m2 = BKE_object_material_get_eval(ob_eval, mat2 + 1); if (m1 && m2 && ((m1->lineart.mat_occlusion == 0 && m2->lineart.mat_occlusion != 0) || (m2->lineart.mat_occlusion == 0 && m1->lineart.mat_occlusion != 0))) { if (ld->conf.use_contour) { edge_flag_result |= LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CONTOUR; } } if (ld->conf.use_material) { edge_flag_result |= LRT_EDGE_FLAG_MATERIAL; } } } else { /* only_contour */ if (!edge_flag_result) { /* Other edge types inhibited */ return; } } const MEdge *edges = BKE_mesh_edges(me); int real_edges[3]; BKE_mesh_looptri_get_real_edges(me, &mlooptri[i / 3], real_edges); if (real_edges[i % 3] >= 0) { const MEdge *medge = &edges[real_edges[i % 3]]; if (ld->conf.use_crease && ld->conf.sharp_as_crease && (medge->flag & ME_SHARP)) { edge_flag_result |= LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CREASE; } if (ld->conf.use_edge_marks && e_feat_data->use_freestyle_edge) { FreestyleEdge *fe; int index = e_feat_data->freestyle_edge_index; fe = &((FreestyleEdge *)me->edata.layers[index].data)[real_edges[i % 3]]; if (fe->flag & FREESTYLE_EDGE_MARK) { edge_flag_result |= LRT_EDGE_FLAG_EDGE_MARK; } } } edge_nabr[i].flags = edge_flag_result; if (edge_flag_result) { /* Only allocate for feature edge (instead of all edges) to save memory. * If allow duplicated edges, one edge gets added multiple times if it has multiple types. */ reduce_data->feat_edges += e_feat_data->ld->conf.allow_duplicated_types ? lineart_edge_type_duplication_count(edge_flag_result) : 1; } } typedef struct LooseEdgeData { int loose_count; int loose_max; int *loose_array; const MEdge *edges; } LooseEdgeData; static void lineart_loose_data_reallocate(LooseEdgeData *loose_data, int count) { int *new_arr = MEM_calloc_arrayN(count, sizeof(int), "loose edge array"); if (loose_data->loose_array) { memcpy(new_arr, loose_data->loose_array, sizeof(int) * loose_data->loose_max); MEM_SAFE_FREE(loose_data->loose_array); } loose_data->loose_max = count; loose_data->loose_array = new_arr; } static void lineart_join_loose_edge_arr(LooseEdgeData *loose_data, LooseEdgeData *to_be_joined) { if (!to_be_joined->loose_array) { return; } int new_count = loose_data->loose_count + to_be_joined->loose_count; if (new_count >= loose_data->loose_max) { lineart_loose_data_reallocate(loose_data, new_count); } memcpy(&loose_data->loose_array[loose_data->loose_count], to_be_joined->loose_array, sizeof(int) * to_be_joined->loose_count); loose_data->loose_count += to_be_joined->loose_count; MEM_freeN(to_be_joined->loose_array); to_be_joined->loose_array = NULL; } static void lineart_add_loose_edge(LooseEdgeData *loose_data, const int i) { if (loose_data->loose_count >= loose_data->loose_max) { int min_amount = MAX2(100, loose_data->loose_count * 2); lineart_loose_data_reallocate(loose_data, min_amount); } loose_data->loose_array[loose_data->loose_count] = i; loose_data->loose_count++; } static void lineart_identify_loose_edges(void *__restrict UNUSED(userdata), const int i, const TaskParallelTLS *__restrict tls) { LooseEdgeData *loose_data = (LooseEdgeData *)tls->userdata_chunk; if (loose_data->edges[i].flag & ME_LOOSEEDGE) { lineart_add_loose_edge(loose_data, i); } } static void loose_data_sum_reduce(const void *__restrict UNUSED(userdata), void *__restrict chunk_join, void *__restrict chunk) { LooseEdgeData *final = (LooseEdgeData *)chunk_join; LooseEdgeData *loose_chunk = (LooseEdgeData *)chunk; lineart_join_loose_edge_arr(final, loose_chunk); } void lineart_add_edge_to_array(LineartPendingEdges *pe, LineartEdge *e) { if (pe->next >= pe->max || !pe->max) { if (!pe->max) { pe->max = 1000; } LineartEdge **new_array = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(LineartEdge *) * pe->max * 2, "LineartPendingEdges array"); if (LIKELY(pe->array)) { memcpy(new_array, pe->array, sizeof(LineartEdge *) * pe->max); MEM_freeN(pe->array); } pe->max *= 2; pe->array = new_array; } pe->array[pe->next] = e; pe->next++; } static void lineart_add_edge_to_array_thread(LineartObjectInfo *obi, LineartEdge *e) { lineart_add_edge_to_array(&obi->pending_edges, e); } /* NOTE: For simplicity, this function doesn't actually do anything if you already have data in * #pe. */ void lineart_finalize_object_edge_array_reserve(LineartPendingEdges *pe, int count) { if (pe->max || pe->array || count == 0) { return; } pe->max = count; LineartEdge **new_array = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(LineartEdge *) * pe->max, "LineartPendingEdges array final"); pe->array = new_array; } static void lineart_finalize_object_edge_array(LineartPendingEdges *pe, LineartObjectInfo *obi) { /* In case of line art "occlusion only" or contour not enabled, it's possible for an object to * not produce any feature lines. */ if (!obi->pending_edges.array) { return; } memcpy(&pe->array[pe->next], obi->pending_edges.array, sizeof(LineartEdge *) * obi->pending_edges.next); MEM_freeN(obi->pending_edges.array); pe->next += obi->pending_edges.next; } static void lineart_triangle_adjacent_assign(LineartTriangle *tri, LineartTriangleAdjacent *tri_adj, LineartEdge *e) { if (lineart_edge_match(tri, e, 0, 1)) { tri_adj->e[0] = e; } else if (lineart_edge_match(tri, e, 1, 2)) { tri_adj->e[1] = e; } else if (lineart_edge_match(tri, e, 2, 0)) { tri_adj->e[2] = e; } } typedef struct TriData { LineartObjectInfo *ob_info; const MLoopTri *mlooptri; const int *material_indices; LineartVert *vert_arr; LineartTriangle *tri_arr; int lineart_triangle_size; LineartTriangleAdjacent *tri_adj; } TriData; static void lineart_load_tri_task(void *__restrict userdata, const int i, const TaskParallelTLS *__restrict UNUSED(tls)) { TriData *tri_task_data = (TriData *)userdata; Mesh *me = tri_task_data->ob_info->original_me; LineartObjectInfo *ob_info = tri_task_data->ob_info; const MLoopTri *mlooptri = &tri_task_data->mlooptri[i]; const int *material_indices = tri_task_data->material_indices; LineartVert *vert_arr = tri_task_data->vert_arr; LineartTriangle *tri = tri_task_data->tri_arr; const MLoop *loops = BKE_mesh_loops(me); tri = (LineartTriangle *)(((uchar *)tri) + tri_task_data->lineart_triangle_size * i); int v1 = loops[mlooptri->tri[0]].v; int v2 = loops[mlooptri->tri[1]].v; int v3 = loops[mlooptri->tri[2]].v; tri->v[0] = &vert_arr[v1]; tri->v[1] = &vert_arr[v2]; tri->v[2] = &vert_arr[v3]; /* Material mask bits and occlusion effectiveness assignment. */ Material *mat = BKE_object_material_get( ob_info->original_ob_eval, material_indices ? material_indices[mlooptri->poly] + 1 : 1); tri->material_mask_bits |= ((mat && (mat->lineart.flags & LRT_MATERIAL_MASK_ENABLED)) ? mat->lineart.material_mask_bits : 0); tri->mat_occlusion |= (mat ? mat->lineart.mat_occlusion : 1); tri->intersection_priority = ((mat && (mat->lineart.flags & LRT_MATERIAL_CUSTOM_INTERSECTION_PRIORITY)) ? mat->lineart.intersection_priority : ob_info->intersection_priority); tri->flags |= (mat && (mat->blend_flag & MA_BL_CULL_BACKFACE)) ? LRT_TRIANGLE_MAT_BACK_FACE_CULLING : 0; tri->intersection_mask = ob_info->override_intersection_mask; tri->target_reference = (ob_info->obindex | (i & LRT_OBINDEX_LOWER)); double gn[3]; float no[3]; const MVert *verts = BKE_mesh_vertices(me); normal_tri_v3(no, verts[v1].co, verts[v2].co, verts[v3].co); copy_v3db_v3fl(gn, no); mul_v3_mat3_m4v3_db(tri->gn, ob_info->normal, gn); normalize_v3_db(tri->gn); if (ob_info->usage == OBJECT_LRT_INTERSECTION_ONLY) { tri->flags |= LRT_TRIANGLE_INTERSECTION_ONLY; } else if (ob_info->usage == OBJECT_LRT_NO_INTERSECTION || ob_info->usage == OBJECT_LRT_OCCLUSION_ONLY) { tri->flags |= LRT_TRIANGLE_NO_INTERSECTION; } /* Re-use this field to refer to adjacent info, will be cleared after culling stage. */ tri->intersecting_verts = (void *)&tri_task_data->tri_adj[i]; } typedef struct EdgeNeighborData { LineartEdgeNeighbor *edge_nabr; LineartAdjacentEdge *adj_e; const MLoopTri *mlooptri; const MLoop *mloop; } EdgeNeighborData; static void lineart_edge_neighbor_init_task(void *__restrict userdata, const int i, const TaskParallelTLS *__restrict UNUSED(tls)) { EdgeNeighborData *en_data = (EdgeNeighborData *)userdata; LineartAdjacentEdge *adj_e = &en_data->adj_e[i]; const MLoopTri *looptri = &en_data->mlooptri[i / 3]; LineartEdgeNeighbor *edge_nabr = &en_data->edge_nabr[i]; const MLoop *mloop = en_data->mloop; adj_e->e = i; adj_e->v1 = mloop[looptri->tri[i % 3]].v; adj_e->v2 = mloop[looptri->tri[(i + 1) % 3]].v; if (adj_e->v1 > adj_e->v2) { SWAP(uint32_t, adj_e->v1, adj_e->v2); } edge_nabr->e = -1; edge_nabr->v1 = adj_e->v1; edge_nabr->v2 = adj_e->v2; edge_nabr->flags = 0; } static LineartEdgeNeighbor *lineart_build_edge_neighbor(Mesh *me, int total_edges) { /* Because the mesh is triangulated, so `me->totedge` should be reliable? */ LineartAdjacentEdge *adj_e = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(LineartAdjacentEdge) * total_edges, "LineartAdjacentEdge arr"); LineartEdgeNeighbor *edge_nabr = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(LineartEdgeNeighbor) * total_edges, "LineartEdgeNeighbor arr"); MLoopTri *mlooptri = me->runtime.looptris.array; TaskParallelSettings en_settings; BLI_parallel_range_settings_defaults(&en_settings); /* Set the minimum amount of edges a thread has to process. */ en_settings.min_iter_per_thread = 50000; EdgeNeighborData en_data; en_data.adj_e = adj_e; en_data.edge_nabr = edge_nabr; en_data.mlooptri = mlooptri; en_data.mloop = BKE_mesh_loops(me); BLI_task_parallel_range(0, total_edges, &en_data, lineart_edge_neighbor_init_task, &en_settings); lineart_sort_adjacent_items(adj_e, total_edges); for (int i = 0; i < total_edges - 1; i++) { if (adj_e[i].v1 == adj_e[i + 1].v1 && adj_e[i].v2 == adj_e[i + 1].v2) { edge_nabr[adj_e[i].e].e = adj_e[i + 1].e; edge_nabr[adj_e[i + 1].e].e = adj_e[i].e; } } MEM_freeN(adj_e); return edge_nabr; } static void lineart_geometry_object_load(LineartObjectInfo *ob_info, LineartData *la_data, ListBase *shadow_elns) { LineartElementLinkNode *elem_link_node; LineartVert *la_v_arr; LineartEdge *la_edge_arr; LineartEdgeSegment *la_seg_arr; LineartTriangle *la_tri_arr; Mesh *me = ob_info->original_me; if (!me->totedge) { return; } /* Triangulate. */ const MLoopTri *mlooptri = BKE_mesh_runtime_looptri_ensure(me); const int tot_tri = BKE_mesh_runtime_looptri_len(me); const int *material_indices = (const int *)CustomData_get_layer_named( &me->pdata, CD_PROP_INT32, "material_index"); /* Check if we should look for custom data tags like Freestyle edges or faces. */ bool can_find_freestyle_edge = false; int layer_index = CustomData_get_active_layer_index(&me->edata, CD_FREESTYLE_EDGE); if (layer_index != -1) { can_find_freestyle_edge = true; } bool can_find_freestyle_face = false; layer_index = CustomData_get_active_layer_index(&me->pdata, CD_FREESTYLE_FACE); if (layer_index != -1) { can_find_freestyle_face = true; } /* If we allow duplicated edges, one edge should get added multiple times if is has been * classified as more than one edge type. This is so we can create multiple different line type * chains containing the same edge. */ la_v_arr = lineart_mem_acquire_thread(&la_data->render_data_pool, sizeof(LineartVert) * me->totvert); la_tri_arr = lineart_mem_acquire_thread(&la_data->render_data_pool, tot_tri * la_data->sizeof_triangle); Object *orig_ob = ob_info->original_ob; BLI_spin_lock(&la_data->lock_task); elem_link_node = lineart_list_append_pointer_pool_sized_thread( &la_data->geom.vertex_buffer_pointers, &la_data->render_data_pool, la_v_arr, sizeof(LineartElementLinkNode)); BLI_spin_unlock(&la_data->lock_task); elem_link_node->obindex = ob_info->obindex; elem_link_node->element_count = me->totvert; elem_link_node->object_ref = orig_ob; ob_info->v_eln = elem_link_node; bool use_auto_smooth = false; float crease_angle = 0; if (orig_ob->lineart.flags & OBJECT_LRT_OWN_CREASE) { crease_angle = cosf(M_PI - orig_ob->lineart.crease_threshold); } else if (ob_info->original_me->flag & ME_AUTOSMOOTH) { crease_angle = cosf(ob_info->original_me->smoothresh); use_auto_smooth = true; } else { crease_angle = la_data->conf.crease_threshold; } /* FIXME(Yiming): Hack for getting clean 3D text, the seam that extruded text object creates * erroneous detection on creases. Future configuration should allow options. */ if (orig_ob->type == OB_FONT) { elem_link_node->flags |= LRT_ELEMENT_BORDER_ONLY; } BLI_spin_lock(&la_data->lock_task); elem_link_node = lineart_list_append_pointer_pool_sized_thread( &la_data->geom.triangle_buffer_pointers, &la_data->render_data_pool, la_tri_arr, sizeof(LineartElementLinkNode)); BLI_spin_unlock(&la_data->lock_task); int usage = ob_info->usage; elem_link_node->element_count = tot_tri; elem_link_node->object_ref = orig_ob; elem_link_node->flags |= (usage == OBJECT_LRT_NO_INTERSECTION ? LRT_ELEMENT_NO_INTERSECTION : 0); /* Note this memory is not from pool, will be deleted after culling. */ LineartTriangleAdjacent *tri_adj = MEM_callocN(sizeof(LineartTriangleAdjacent) * tot_tri, "LineartTriangleAdjacent"); /* Link is minimal so we use pool anyway. */ BLI_spin_lock(&la_data->lock_task); lineart_list_append_pointer_pool_thread( &la_data->geom.triangle_adjacent_pointers, &la_data->render_data_pool, tri_adj); BLI_spin_unlock(&la_data->lock_task); /* Convert all vertices to lineart verts. */ TaskParallelSettings vert_settings; BLI_parallel_range_settings_defaults(&vert_settings); /* Set the minimum amount of verts a thread has to process. */ vert_settings.min_iter_per_thread = 4000; VertData vert_data; vert_data.mvert = BKE_mesh_vertices(me); vert_data.v_arr = la_v_arr; vert_data.model_view = ob_info->model_view; vert_data.model_view_proj = ob_info->model_view_proj; BLI_task_parallel_range( 0, me->totvert, &vert_data, lineart_mvert_transform_task, &vert_settings); /* Convert all mesh triangles into lineart triangles. * Also create an edge map to get connectivity between edges and triangles. */ TaskParallelSettings tri_settings; BLI_parallel_range_settings_defaults(&tri_settings); /* Set the minimum amount of triangles a thread has to process. */ tri_settings.min_iter_per_thread = 4000; TriData tri_data; tri_data.ob_info = ob_info; tri_data.mlooptri = mlooptri; tri_data.material_indices = material_indices; tri_data.vert_arr = la_v_arr; tri_data.tri_arr = la_tri_arr; tri_data.lineart_triangle_size = la_data->sizeof_triangle; tri_data.tri_adj = tri_adj; uint32_t total_edges = tot_tri * 3; BLI_task_parallel_range(0, tot_tri, &tri_data, lineart_load_tri_task, &tri_settings); /* Check for contour lines in the mesh. * IE check if the triangle edges lies in area where the triangles go from front facing to back * facing. */ EdgeFeatReduceData edge_reduce = {0}; TaskParallelSettings edge_feat_settings; BLI_parallel_range_settings_defaults(&edge_feat_settings); /* Set the minimum amount of edges a thread has to process. */ edge_feat_settings.min_iter_per_thread = 4000; edge_feat_settings.userdata_chunk = &edge_reduce; edge_feat_settings.userdata_chunk_size = sizeof(EdgeFeatReduceData); edge_feat_settings.func_reduce = feat_data_sum_reduce; EdgeFeatData edge_feat_data = {0}; edge_feat_data.ld = la_data; edge_feat_data.me = me; edge_feat_data.ob_eval = ob_info->original_ob_eval; edge_feat_data.mlooptri = mlooptri; edge_feat_data.material_indices = material_indices; edge_feat_data.edge_nabr = lineart_build_edge_neighbor(me, total_edges); edge_feat_data.tri_array = la_tri_arr; edge_feat_data.v_array = la_v_arr; edge_feat_data.crease_threshold = crease_angle; edge_feat_data.use_auto_smooth = use_auto_smooth; edge_feat_data.use_freestyle_face = can_find_freestyle_face; edge_feat_data.use_freestyle_edge = can_find_freestyle_edge; if (edge_feat_data.use_freestyle_face) { edge_feat_data.freestyle_face_index = CustomData_get_layer_index(&me->pdata, CD_FREESTYLE_FACE); } if (edge_feat_data.use_freestyle_edge) { edge_feat_data.freestyle_edge_index = CustomData_get_layer_index(&me->edata, CD_FREESTYLE_EDGE); } BLI_task_parallel_range(0, total_edges, &edge_feat_data, lineart_identify_mlooptri_feature_edges, &edge_feat_settings); LooseEdgeData loose_data = {0}; if (la_data->conf.use_loose) { /* Only identifying floating edges at this point because other edges has been taken care of * inside #lineart_identify_mlooptri_feature_edges function. */ TaskParallelSettings edge_loose_settings; BLI_parallel_range_settings_defaults(&edge_loose_settings); edge_loose_settings.min_iter_per_thread = 4000; edge_loose_settings.func_reduce = loose_data_sum_reduce; edge_loose_settings.userdata_chunk = &loose_data; edge_loose_settings.userdata_chunk_size = sizeof(LooseEdgeData); loose_data.edges = BKE_mesh_edges(me); BLI_task_parallel_range( 0, me->totedge, &loose_data, lineart_identify_loose_edges, &edge_loose_settings); } int allocate_la_e = edge_reduce.feat_edges + loose_data.loose_count; la_edge_arr = lineart_mem_acquire_thread(la_data->edge_data_pool, sizeof(LineartEdge) * allocate_la_e); la_seg_arr = lineart_mem_acquire_thread(la_data->edge_data_pool, sizeof(LineartEdgeSegment) * allocate_la_e); BLI_spin_lock(&la_data->lock_task); elem_link_node = lineart_list_append_pointer_pool_sized_thread( &la_data->geom.line_buffer_pointers, la_data->edge_data_pool, la_edge_arr, sizeof(LineartElementLinkNode)); BLI_spin_unlock(&la_data->lock_task); elem_link_node->element_count = allocate_la_e; elem_link_node->object_ref = orig_ob; elem_link_node->obindex = ob_info->obindex; LineartElementLinkNode *shadow_eln = NULL; if (shadow_elns) { shadow_eln = lineart_find_matching_eln(shadow_elns, ob_info->obindex); } /* Start of the edge/seg arr */ LineartEdge *la_edge; LineartEdgeSegment *la_seg; la_edge = la_edge_arr; la_seg = la_seg_arr; for (int i = 0; i < total_edges; i++) { LineartEdgeNeighbor *edge_nabr = &edge_feat_data.edge_nabr[i]; if (i < edge_nabr->e) { continue; } /* Not a feature line, so we skip. */ if (edge_nabr->flags == 0) { continue; } LineartEdge *edge_added = NULL; /* See eLineartEdgeFlag for details. */ for (int flag_bit = 0; flag_bit < LRT_MESH_EDGE_TYPES_COUNT; flag_bit++) { int use_type = LRT_MESH_EDGE_TYPES[flag_bit]; if (!(use_type & edge_nabr->flags)) { continue; } la_edge->v1 = &la_v_arr[edge_nabr->v1]; la_edge->v2 = &la_v_arr[edge_nabr->v2]; int findex = i / 3; la_edge->t1 = lineart_triangle_from_index(la_data, la_tri_arr, findex); if (!edge_added) { lineart_triangle_adjacent_assign(la_edge->t1, &tri_adj[findex], la_edge); } if (edge_nabr->e != -1) { findex = edge_nabr->e / 3; la_edge->t2 = lineart_triangle_from_index(la_data, la_tri_arr, findex); if (!edge_added) { lineart_triangle_adjacent_assign(la_edge->t2, &tri_adj[findex], la_edge); } } la_edge->flags = use_type; la_edge->object_ref = orig_ob; la_edge->edge_identifier = LRT_EDGE_IDENTIFIER(ob_info, la_edge); BLI_addtail(&la_edge->segments, la_seg); if (shadow_eln) { /* TODO(Yiming): It's gonna be faster to do this operation after second stage occlusion if * we only need visible segments to have shadow info, however that way we lose information * on "shadow behind transparency window" type of region. */ LineartEdge *shadow_e = lineart_find_matching_edge(shadow_eln, la_edge->edge_identifier); if (shadow_e) { lineart_register_shadow_cuts(la_data, la_edge, shadow_e); } } if (usage == OBJECT_LRT_INHERIT || usage == OBJECT_LRT_INCLUDE || usage == OBJECT_LRT_NO_INTERSECTION) { lineart_add_edge_to_array_thread(ob_info, la_edge); } if (edge_added) { edge_added->flags |= LRT_EDGE_FLAG_NEXT_IS_DUPLICATION; } edge_added = la_edge; la_edge++; la_seg++; if (!la_data->conf.allow_duplicated_types) { break; } } } if (loose_data.loose_array) { for (int i = 0; i < loose_data.loose_count; i++) { const MEdge *edge = &loose_data.edges[loose_data.loose_array[i]]; la_edge->v1 = &la_v_arr[edge->v1]; la_edge->v2 = &la_v_arr[edge->v2]; la_edge->flags = LRT_EDGE_FLAG_LOOSE; la_edge->object_ref = orig_ob; la_edge->edge_identifier = LRT_EDGE_IDENTIFIER(ob_info, la_edge); BLI_addtail(&la_edge->segments, la_seg); if (usage == OBJECT_LRT_INHERIT || usage == OBJECT_LRT_INCLUDE || usage == OBJECT_LRT_NO_INTERSECTION) { lineart_add_edge_to_array_thread(ob_info, la_edge); if (shadow_eln) { LineartEdge *shadow_e = lineart_find_matching_edge(shadow_eln, la_edge->edge_identifier); if (shadow_e) { lineart_register_shadow_cuts(la_data, la_edge, shadow_e); } } } la_edge++; la_seg++; } MEM_SAFE_FREE(loose_data.loose_array); } MEM_freeN(edge_feat_data.edge_nabr); if (ob_info->free_use_mesh) { BKE_id_free(NULL, me); } } static void lineart_object_load_worker(TaskPool *__restrict UNUSED(pool), LineartObjectLoadTaskInfo *olti) { for (LineartObjectInfo *obi = olti->pending; obi; obi = obi->next) { lineart_geometry_object_load(obi, olti->ld, olti->shadow_elns); } } static uchar lineart_intersection_mask_check(Collection *c, Object *ob) { LISTBASE_FOREACH (CollectionChild *, cc, &c->children) { uchar result = lineart_intersection_mask_check(cc->collection, ob); if (result) { return result; } } if (BKE_collection_has_object(c, (Object *)(ob->id.orig_id))) { if (c->lineart_flags & COLLECTION_LRT_USE_INTERSECTION_MASK) { return c->lineart_intersection_mask; } } return 0; } static uchar lineart_intersection_priority_check(Collection *c, Object *ob) { if (ob->lineart.flags & OBJECT_LRT_OWN_INTERSECTION_PRIORITY) { return ob->lineart.intersection_priority; } LISTBASE_FOREACH (CollectionChild *, cc, &c->children) { uchar result = lineart_intersection_priority_check(cc->collection, ob); if (result) { return result; } } if (BKE_collection_has_object(c, (Object *)(ob->id.orig_id))) { if (c->lineart_flags & COLLECTION_LRT_USE_INTERSECTION_PRIORITY) { return c->lineart_intersection_priority; } } return 0; } /** * See if this object in such collection is used for generating line art, * Disabling a collection for line art will doable all objects inside. */ static int lineart_usage_check(Collection *c, Object *ob, bool is_render) { if (!c) { return OBJECT_LRT_INHERIT; } int object_has_special_usage = (ob->lineart.usage != OBJECT_LRT_INHERIT); if (object_has_special_usage) { return ob->lineart.usage; } if (c->gobject.first) { if (BKE_collection_has_object(c, (Object *)(ob->id.orig_id))) { if ((is_render && (c->flag & COLLECTION_HIDE_RENDER)) || ((!is_render) && (c->flag & COLLECTION_HIDE_VIEWPORT))) { return OBJECT_LRT_EXCLUDE; } if (ob->lineart.usage == OBJECT_LRT_INHERIT) { switch (c->lineart_usage) { case COLLECTION_LRT_OCCLUSION_ONLY: return OBJECT_LRT_OCCLUSION_ONLY; case COLLECTION_LRT_EXCLUDE: return OBJECT_LRT_EXCLUDE; case COLLECTION_LRT_INTERSECTION_ONLY: return OBJECT_LRT_INTERSECTION_ONLY; case COLLECTION_LRT_NO_INTERSECTION: return OBJECT_LRT_NO_INTERSECTION; } return OBJECT_LRT_INHERIT; } return ob->lineart.usage; } } LISTBASE_FOREACH (CollectionChild *, cc, &c->children) { int result = lineart_usage_check(cc->collection, ob, is_render); if (result > OBJECT_LRT_INHERIT) { return result; } } return OBJECT_LRT_INHERIT; } static void lineart_geometry_load_assign_thread(LineartObjectLoadTaskInfo *olti_list, LineartObjectInfo *obi, int thread_count, int this_face_count) { LineartObjectLoadTaskInfo *use_olti = olti_list; uint64_t min_face = use_olti->total_faces; for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; i++) { if (olti_list[i].total_faces < min_face) { min_face = olti_list[i].total_faces; use_olti = &olti_list[i]; } } use_olti->total_faces += this_face_count; obi->next = use_olti->pending; use_olti->pending = obi; } static bool lineart_geometry_check_visible(double model_view_proj[4][4], double shift_x, double shift_y, Mesh *use_mesh) { if (!use_mesh) { return false; } float mesh_min[3], mesh_max[3]; INIT_MINMAX(mesh_min, mesh_max); BKE_mesh_minmax(use_mesh, mesh_min, mesh_max); BoundBox bb = {0}; BKE_boundbox_init_from_minmax(&bb, mesh_min, mesh_max); double co[8][4]; double tmp[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { copy_v3db_v3fl(co[i], bb.vec[i]); copy_v3_v3_db(tmp, co[i]); mul_v4_m4v3_db(co[i], model_view_proj, tmp); co[i][0] -= shift_x * 2 * co[i][3]; co[i][1] -= shift_y * 2 * co[i][3]; } bool cond[6] = {true, true, true, true, true, true}; /* Because for a point to be inside clip space, it must satisfy `-Wc <= XYCc <= Wc`, here if * all verts falls to the same side of the clip space border, we know it's outside view. */ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { cond[0] &= (co[i][0] < -co[i][3]); cond[1] &= (co[i][0] > co[i][3]); cond[2] &= (co[i][1] < -co[i][3]); cond[3] &= (co[i][1] > co[i][3]); cond[4] &= (co[i][2] < -co[i][3]); cond[5] &= (co[i][2] > co[i][3]); } for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (cond[i]) { return false; } } return true; } static void lineart_object_load_single_instance(LineartData *ld, Depsgraph *depsgraph, Scene *scene, Object *ob, Object *ref_ob, float use_mat[4][4], bool is_render, LineartObjectLoadTaskInfo *olti, int thread_count, int obindex) { LineartObjectInfo *obi = lineart_mem_acquire(&ld->render_data_pool, sizeof(LineartObjectInfo)); obi->usage = lineart_usage_check(scene->master_collection, ob, is_render); obi->override_intersection_mask = lineart_intersection_mask_check(scene->master_collection, ob); obi->intersection_priority = lineart_intersection_priority_check(scene->master_collection, ob); Mesh *use_mesh; if (obi->usage == OBJECT_LRT_EXCLUDE) { return; } obi->obindex = obindex << LRT_OBINDEX_SHIFT; /* Prepare the matrix used for transforming this specific object (instance). This has to be * done before mesh boundbox check because the function needs that. */ mul_m4db_m4db_m4fl_uniq(obi->model_view_proj, ld->conf.view_projection, use_mat); mul_m4db_m4db_m4fl_uniq(obi->model_view, ld->conf.view, use_mat); if (!ELEM(ob->type, OB_MESH, OB_MBALL, OB_CURVES_LEGACY, OB_SURF, OB_FONT)) { return; } if (ob->type == OB_MESH) { use_mesh = BKE_object_get_evaluated_mesh(ob); if (use_mesh->edit_mesh) { /* If the object is being edited, then the mesh is not evaluated fully into the final * result, do not load them. */ return; } } else { use_mesh = BKE_mesh_new_from_object(depsgraph, ob, true, true); } /* In case we still can not get any mesh geometry data from the object */ if (!use_mesh) { return; } if (!lineart_geometry_check_visible( obi->model_view_proj, ld->conf.shift_x, ld->conf.shift_y, use_mesh)) { return; } if (ob->type != OB_MESH) { obi->free_use_mesh = true; } /* Make normal matrix. */ float imat[4][4]; invert_m4_m4(imat, use_mat); transpose_m4(imat); copy_m4d_m4(obi->normal, imat); obi->original_me = use_mesh; obi->original_ob = (ref_ob->id.orig_id ? (Object *)ref_ob->id.orig_id : (Object *)ref_ob); obi->original_ob_eval = DEG_get_evaluated_object(depsgraph, obi->original_ob); lineart_geometry_load_assign_thread(olti, obi, thread_count, use_mesh->totpoly); } void lineart_main_load_geometries(Depsgraph *depsgraph, Scene *scene, Object *camera /* Still use camera arg for convenience. */, LineartData *ld, bool allow_duplicates, bool do_shadow_casting, ListBase *shadow_elns) { double proj[4][4], view[4][4], result[4][4]; float inv[4][4]; if (!do_shadow_casting) { Camera *cam = camera->data; float sensor = BKE_camera_sensor_size(cam->sensor_fit, cam->sensor_x, cam->sensor_y); int fit = BKE_camera_sensor_fit(cam->sensor_fit, ld->w, ld->h); double asp = ((double)ld->w / (double)ld->h); if (cam->type == CAM_PERSP) { if (fit == CAMERA_SENSOR_FIT_VERT && asp > 1) { sensor *= asp; } if (fit == CAMERA_SENSOR_FIT_HOR && asp < 1) { sensor /= asp; } const double fov = focallength_to_fov(cam->lens / (1 + ld->conf.overscan), sensor); lineart_matrix_perspective_44d(proj, fov, asp, cam->clip_start, cam->clip_end); } else if (cam->type == CAM_ORTHO) { const double w = cam->ortho_scale / 2; lineart_matrix_ortho_44d(proj, -w, w, -w / asp, w / asp, cam->clip_start, cam->clip_end); } invert_m4_m4(inv, ld->conf.cam_obmat); mul_m4db_m4db_m4fl_uniq(result, proj, inv); copy_m4_m4_db(proj, result); copy_m4_m4_db(ld->conf.view_projection, proj); unit_m4_db(view); copy_m4_m4_db(ld->conf.view, view); } BLI_listbase_clear(&ld->geom.triangle_buffer_pointers); BLI_listbase_clear(&ld->geom.vertex_buffer_pointers); double t_start; if (G.debug_value == 4000) { t_start = PIL_check_seconds_timer(); } int thread_count = ld->thread_count; int bound_box_discard_count = 0; int obindex = 0; /* This memory is in render buffer memory pool. So we don't need to free those after loading. */ LineartObjectLoadTaskInfo *olti = lineart_mem_acquire( &ld->render_data_pool, sizeof(LineartObjectLoadTaskInfo) * thread_count); eEvaluationMode eval_mode = DEG_get_mode(depsgraph); bool is_render = eval_mode == DAG_EVAL_RENDER; int flags = DEG_ITER_OBJECT_FLAG_LINKED_DIRECTLY | DEG_ITER_OBJECT_FLAG_LINKED_VIA_SET | DEG_ITER_OBJECT_FLAG_VISIBLE; /* Instance duplicated & particles. */ if (allow_duplicates) { flags |= DEG_ITER_OBJECT_FLAG_DUPLI; } /* XXX(@Yiming): Temporary solution, this iterator is technically unsafe to use *during* * depsgraph evaluation, see D14997 for detailed explanations. */ DEG_OBJECT_ITER_BEGIN (depsgraph, ob, flags) { obindex++; Object *eval_ob = DEG_get_evaluated_object(depsgraph, ob); if (!eval_ob) { continue; } /* DEG_OBJECT_ITER_BEGIN will include the instanced mesh of these curve object types, so don't * load them twice. */ if (allow_duplicates && ELEM(ob->type, OB_CURVES_LEGACY, OB_FONT, OB_SURF)) { continue; } if (BKE_object_visibility(eval_ob, eval_mode) & OB_VISIBLE_SELF) { lineart_object_load_single_instance(ld, depsgraph, scene, eval_ob, eval_ob, eval_ob->obmat, is_render, olti, thread_count, obindex); } } DEG_OBJECT_ITER_END; TaskPool *tp = BLI_task_pool_create(NULL, TASK_PRIORITY_HIGH); if (G.debug_value == 4000) { printf("thread count: %d\n", thread_count); } for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; i++) { olti[i].ld = ld; olti[i].shadow_elns = shadow_elns; olti[i].thread_id = i; BLI_task_pool_push(tp, (TaskRunFunction)lineart_object_load_worker, &olti[i], 0, NULL); } BLI_task_pool_work_and_wait(tp); BLI_task_pool_free(tp); /* The step below is to serialize vertex index in the whole scene, so * lineart_triangle_share_edge() can work properly from the lack of triangle adjacent info. */ int global_i = 0; int edge_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; i++) { for (LineartObjectInfo *obi = olti[i].pending; obi; obi = obi->next) { if (!obi->v_eln) { continue; } edge_count += obi->pending_edges.next; } } lineart_finalize_object_edge_array_reserve(&ld->pending_edges, edge_count); for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; i++) { for (LineartObjectInfo *obi = olti[i].pending; obi; obi = obi->next) { if (!obi->v_eln) { continue; } LineartVert *v = (LineartVert *)obi->v_eln->pointer; int v_count = obi->v_eln->element_count; obi->v_eln->global_index_offset = global_i; for (int vi = 0; vi < v_count; vi++) { v[vi].index += global_i; } /* Register a global index increment. See #lineart_triangle_share_edge() and * #lineart_main_load_geometries() for detailed. It's okay that global_vindex might * eventually overflow, in such large scene it's virtually impossible for two vertex of the * same numeric index to come close together. */ obi->global_i_offset = global_i; global_i += v_count; lineart_finalize_object_edge_array(&ld->pending_edges, obi); } } if (G.debug_value == 4000) { double t_elapsed = PIL_check_seconds_timer() - t_start; printf("Line art loading time: %lf\n", t_elapsed); printf("Discarded %d object from bound box check\n", bound_box_discard_count); } } /** * Returns the two other verts of the triangle given a vertex. Returns false if the given vertex * doesn't belong to this triangle. */ static bool lineart_triangle_get_other_verts(const LineartTriangle *tri, const LineartVert *vt, LineartVert **l, LineartVert **r) { if (tri->v[0] == vt) { *l = tri->v[1]; *r = tri->v[2]; return true; } if (tri->v[1] == vt) { *l = tri->v[2]; *r = tri->v[0]; return true; } if (tri->v[2] == vt) { *l = tri->v[0]; *r = tri->v[1]; return true; } return false; } bool lineart_edge_from_triangle(const LineartTriangle *tri, const LineartEdge *e, bool allow_overlapping_edges) { const LineartEdge *use_e = e; if (e->flags & LRT_EDGE_FLAG_LIGHT_CONTOUR) { if (((e->target_reference & LRT_LIGHT_CONTOUR_TARGET) == tri->target_reference) || (((e->target_reference >> 32) & LRT_LIGHT_CONTOUR_TARGET) == tri->target_reference)) { return true; } } else { /* Normally we just determine from identifiers of adjacent triangles. */ if ((use_e->t1 && use_e->t1->target_reference == tri->target_reference) || (use_e->t2 && use_e->t2->target_reference == tri->target_reference)) { return true; } } /* If allows overlapping, then we compare the vertex coordinates one by one to determine if one * edge is from specific triangle. This is slower but can handle edge split cases very well. */ if (allow_overlapping_edges) { #define LRT_TRI_SAME_POINT(tri, i, pt) \ ((LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(tri->v[i]->gloc[0], pt->gloc[0]) && \ LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(tri->v[i]->gloc[1], pt->gloc[1]) && \ LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(tri->v[i]->gloc[2], pt->gloc[2])) || \ (LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(tri->v[i]->gloc[0], pt->gloc[0]) && \ LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(tri->v[i]->gloc[1], pt->gloc[1]) && \ LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(tri->v[i]->gloc[2], pt->gloc[2]))) if ((LRT_TRI_SAME_POINT(tri, 0, e->v1) || LRT_TRI_SAME_POINT(tri, 1, e->v1) || LRT_TRI_SAME_POINT(tri, 2, e->v1)) && (LRT_TRI_SAME_POINT(tri, 0, e->v2) || LRT_TRI_SAME_POINT(tri, 1, e->v2) || LRT_TRI_SAME_POINT(tri, 2, e->v2))) { return true; } #undef LRT_TRI_SAME_POINT } return false; } /* Sorting three intersection points from min to max, * the order for each intersection is set in `lst[0]` to `lst[2]`. */ #define INTERSECT_SORT_MIN_TO_MAX_3(ia, ib, ic, lst) \ { \ lst[0] = LRT_MIN3_INDEX(ia, ib, ic); \ lst[1] = (((ia <= ib && ib <= ic) || (ic <= ib && ib <= ia)) ? \ 1 : \ (((ic <= ia && ia <= ib) || (ib < ia && ia <= ic)) ? 0 : 2)); \ lst[2] = LRT_MAX3_INDEX(ia, ib, ic); \ } /* `ia ib ic` are ordered. */ #define INTERSECT_JUST_GREATER(is, order, num, index) \ { \ index = (num < is[order[0]] ? \ order[0] : \ (num < is[order[1]] ? order[1] : (num < is[order[2]] ? order[2] : -1))); \ } /* `ia ib ic` are ordered. */ #define INTERSECT_JUST_SMALLER(is, order, num, index) \ { \ index = (num > is[order[2]] ? \ order[2] : \ (num > is[order[1]] ? order[1] : (num > is[order[0]] ? order[0] : -1))); \ } #define LRT_ISEC(index) (index == 0 ? isec_e1 : (index == 1 ? isec_e2 : isec_e3)) #define LRT_PARALLEL(index) (index == 0 ? para_e1 : (index == 1 ? para_e2 : para_e3)) /** * This is the main function to calculate * the occlusion status between 1(one) triangle and 1(one) line. * if returns true, then from/to will carry the occluded segments * in ratio from `e->v1` to `e->v2`. The line is later cut with these two values. * * TODO(@Yiming): This function uses a convoluted method that needs to be redesigned. * * 1) The #lineart_intersect_seg_seg() and #lineart_point_triangle_relation() are separate calls, * which would potentially return results that doesn't agree, especially when it's an edge * extruding from one of the triangle's point. To get the information using one math process can * solve this problem. * * 2) Currently using discrete a/b/c/para_e1/para_e2/para_e3/is[3] values for storing * intersection/edge_aligned/intersection_order info, which isn't optimal, needs a better * representation (likely a struct) for readability and clarity of code path. * * I keep this function as-is because it's still fast, and more importantly the output value * threshold is already in tune with the cutting function in the next stage. * While current "edge aligned" fix isn't ideal, it does solve most of the precision issue * especially in orthographic camera mode. */ static bool lineart_triangle_edge_image_space_occlusion(const LineartTriangle *tri, const LineartEdge *e, const double *override_camera_loc, const bool override_cam_is_persp, const bool allow_overlapping_edges, const double m_view_projection[4][4], const double camera_dir[3], const float cam_shift_x, const float cam_shift_y, double *from, double *to) { double cross_ratios[3] = {0}; int cross_order[3]; int cross_v1 = -1, cross_v2 = -1; /* If the edge intersects with the triangle edges (including extensions). */ int isec_e1, isec_e2, isec_e3; /* If edge is parallel to one of the edges in the triangle. */ bool para_e1, para_e2, para_e3; enum LineartPointTri state_v1 = LRT_OUTSIDE_TRIANGLE, state_v2 = LRT_OUTSIDE_TRIANGLE; double dir_v1[3]; double dir_v2[3]; double view_vector[4]; double dir_cam[3]; double dot_v1, dot_v2, dot_v1a, dot_v2a; double dot_f; double gloc[4], trans[4]; double cut = -1; double *LFBC = e->v1->fbcoord, *RFBC = e->v2->fbcoord, *FBC0 = tri->v[0]->fbcoord, *FBC1 = tri->v[1]->fbcoord, *FBC2 = tri->v[2]->fbcoord; /* Overlapping not possible, return early. */ if ((MAX3(FBC0[0], FBC1[0], FBC2[0]) < MIN2(LFBC[0], RFBC[0])) || (MIN3(FBC0[0], FBC1[0], FBC2[0]) > MAX2(LFBC[0], RFBC[0])) || (MAX3(FBC0[1], FBC1[1], FBC2[1]) < MIN2(LFBC[1], RFBC[1])) || (MIN3(FBC0[1], FBC1[1], FBC2[1]) > MAX2(LFBC[1], RFBC[1])) || (MIN3(FBC0[3], FBC1[3], FBC2[3]) > MAX2(LFBC[3], RFBC[3]))) { return false; } /* If the line is one of the edge in the triangle, then it's not occluded. */ if (lineart_edge_from_triangle(tri, e, allow_overlapping_edges)) { return false; } /* Check if the line visually crosses one of the edge in the triangle. */ isec_e1 = lineart_intersect_seg_seg(LFBC, RFBC, FBC0, FBC1, &cross_ratios[0], ¶_e1); isec_e2 = lineart_intersect_seg_seg(LFBC, RFBC, FBC1, FBC2, &cross_ratios[1], ¶_e2); isec_e3 = lineart_intersect_seg_seg(LFBC, RFBC, FBC2, FBC0, &cross_ratios[2], ¶_e3); /* Sort the intersection distance. */ INTERSECT_SORT_MIN_TO_MAX_3(cross_ratios[0], cross_ratios[1], cross_ratios[2], cross_order); sub_v3_v3v3_db(dir_v1, e->v1->gloc, tri->v[0]->gloc); sub_v3_v3v3_db(dir_v2, e->v2->gloc, tri->v[0]->gloc); copy_v3_v3_db(dir_cam, camera_dir); copy_v3_v3_db(view_vector, override_camera_loc); if (override_cam_is_persp) { sub_v3_v3v3_db(dir_cam, view_vector, tri->v[0]->gloc); } dot_v1 = dot_v3v3_db(dir_v1, tri->gn); dot_v2 = dot_v3v3_db(dir_v2, tri->gn); dot_f = dot_v3v3_db(dir_cam, tri->gn); if ((e->flags & LRT_EDGE_FLAG_PROJECTED_SHADOW) && (e->target_reference == tri->target_reference)) { if (((dot_f > 0) && (e->flags & LRT_EDGE_FLAG_SHADOW_FACING_LIGHT)) || ((dot_f < 0) && (!(e->flags & LRT_EDGE_FLAG_SHADOW_FACING_LIGHT)))) { *from = 0.0f; *to = 1.0f; return true; } return false; } /* NOTE(Yiming): When we don't use `dot_f==0` here, it's theoretically possible that _some_ * faces in perspective mode would get erroneously caught in this condition where they really * are legit faces that would produce occlusion, but haven't encountered those yet in my test * files. */ if (fabs(dot_f) < FLT_EPSILON) { return false; } /* Whether two end points are inside/on_the_edge/outside of the triangle. */ state_v1 = lineart_point_triangle_relation(LFBC, FBC0, FBC1, FBC2); state_v2 = lineart_point_triangle_relation(RFBC, FBC0, FBC1, FBC2); /* If the edge doesn't visually cross any edge of the triangle... */ if (!isec_e1 && !isec_e2 && !isec_e3) { /* And if both end point from the edge is outside of the triangle... */ if ((!state_v1) && (!state_v2)) { return 0; /* We don't have any occlusion. */ } } /* Determine the cut position. */ dot_v1a = fabs(dot_v1); if (dot_v1a < DBL_EPSILON) { dot_v1a = 0; dot_v1 = 0; } dot_v2a = fabs(dot_v2); if (dot_v2a < DBL_EPSILON) { dot_v2a = 0; dot_v2 = 0; } if (dot_v1 - dot_v2 == 0) { cut = 100000; } else if (dot_v1 * dot_v2 <= 0) { cut = dot_v1a / fabs(dot_v1 - dot_v2); } else { cut = fabs(dot_v2 + dot_v1) / fabs(dot_v1 - dot_v2); cut = dot_v2a > dot_v1a ? 1 - cut : cut; } /* Transform the cut from geometry space to image space. */ if (override_cam_is_persp) { interp_v3_v3v3_db(gloc, e->v1->gloc, e->v2->gloc, cut); mul_v4_m4v3_db(trans, m_view_projection, gloc); mul_v3db_db(trans, (1 / trans[3])); trans[0] -= cam_shift_x * 2; trans[1] -= cam_shift_y * 2; /* To accommodate `k=0` and `k=inf` (vertical) lines. here the cut is in image space. */ if (fabs(e->v1->fbcoord[0] - e->v2->fbcoord[0]) > fabs(e->v1->fbcoord[1] - e->v2->fbcoord[1])) { cut = ratiod(e->v1->fbcoord[0], e->v2->fbcoord[0], trans[0]); } else { cut = ratiod(e->v1->fbcoord[1], e->v2->fbcoord[1], trans[1]); } } #define LRT_GUARD_NOT_FOUND \ if (cross_v1 < 0 || cross_v2 < 0) { \ return false; \ } /* Determine the pair of edges that the line has crossed. The "|" symbol in the comment * indicates triangle boundary. DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM is needed to for floating point precision * tolerance. */ if (state_v1 == LRT_INSIDE_TRIANGLE) { /* Left side is in the triangle. */ if (state_v2 == LRT_INSIDE_TRIANGLE) { /* | l---r | */ INTERSECT_JUST_SMALLER(cross_ratios, cross_order, DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM, cross_v1); INTERSECT_JUST_GREATER(cross_ratios, cross_order, 1 - DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM, cross_v2); } else if (state_v2 == LRT_ON_TRIANGLE) { /* | l------r| */ INTERSECT_JUST_SMALLER(cross_ratios, cross_order, DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM, cross_v1); INTERSECT_JUST_GREATER(cross_ratios, cross_order, 1 - DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM, cross_v2); } else if (state_v2 == LRT_OUTSIDE_TRIANGLE) { /* | l-------|------r */ INTERSECT_JUST_SMALLER(cross_ratios, cross_order, DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM, cross_v1); INTERSECT_JUST_GREATER(cross_ratios, cross_order, 0, cross_v2); } } else if (state_v1 == LRT_ON_TRIANGLE) { /* Left side is on some edge of the triangle. */ if (state_v2 == LRT_INSIDE_TRIANGLE) { /* |l------r | */ INTERSECT_JUST_SMALLER(cross_ratios, cross_order, DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM, cross_v1); INTERSECT_JUST_GREATER(cross_ratios, cross_order, 1 - DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM, cross_v2); } else if (state_v2 == LRT_ON_TRIANGLE) { /* |l---------r| */ INTERSECT_JUST_SMALLER(cross_ratios, cross_order, DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM, cross_v1); INTERSECT_JUST_GREATER(cross_ratios, cross_order, 1 - DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM, cross_v2); } else if (state_v2 == LRT_OUTSIDE_TRIANGLE) { /* |l----------|-------r (crossing the triangle) [OR] * r---------|l | (not crossing the triangle) */ INTERSECT_JUST_GREATER(cross_ratios, cross_order, DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM, cross_v2); if (cross_v2 >= 0 && LRT_ISEC(cross_v2) && cross_ratios[cross_v2] > (DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM)) { INTERSECT_JUST_SMALLER(cross_ratios, cross_order, DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM, cross_v1); } else { INTERSECT_JUST_SMALLER(cross_ratios, cross_order, DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM, cross_v2); if (cross_v2 > 0) { INTERSECT_JUST_SMALLER(cross_ratios, cross_order, cross_ratios[cross_v2], cross_v1); } } LRT_GUARD_NOT_FOUND /* We could have the edge being completely parallel to the triangle where there isn't a * viable occlusion result. */ if ((LRT_PARALLEL(cross_v1) && !LRT_ISEC(cross_v1)) || (LRT_PARALLEL(cross_v2) && !LRT_ISEC(cross_v2))) { return false; } } } else if (state_v1 == LRT_OUTSIDE_TRIANGLE) { /* Left side is outside of the triangle. */ if (state_v2 == LRT_INSIDE_TRIANGLE) { /* l---|---r | */ INTERSECT_JUST_SMALLER(cross_ratios, cross_order, 1 - DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM, cross_v1); INTERSECT_JUST_GREATER(cross_ratios, cross_order, 1 - DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM, cross_v2); } else if (state_v2 == LRT_ON_TRIANGLE) { /* |r----------|-------l (crossing the triangle) [OR] * l---------|r | (not crossing the triangle) */ INTERSECT_JUST_SMALLER(cross_ratios, cross_order, 1 - DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM, cross_v1); if (cross_v1 >= 0 && LRT_ISEC(cross_v1) && cross_ratios[cross_v1] < (1 - DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM)) { INTERSECT_JUST_GREATER(cross_ratios, cross_order, 1 - DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM, cross_v2); } else { INTERSECT_JUST_GREATER(cross_ratios, cross_order, 1 - DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM, cross_v1); if (cross_v1 > 0) { INTERSECT_JUST_GREATER(cross_ratios, cross_order, cross_ratios[cross_v1], cross_v2); } } LRT_GUARD_NOT_FOUND /* The same logic applies as above case. */ if ((LRT_PARALLEL(cross_v1) && !LRT_ISEC(cross_v1)) || (LRT_PARALLEL(cross_v2) && !LRT_ISEC(cross_v2))) { return false; } } else if (state_v2 == LRT_OUTSIDE_TRIANGLE) { /* l---|----|----r (crossing the triangle) [OR] * l----r | | (not crossing the triangle) */ INTERSECT_JUST_GREATER(cross_ratios, cross_order, -DBL_TRIANGLE_LIM, cross_v1); if (cross_v1 >= 0 && LRT_ISEC(cross_v1)) { INTERSECT_JUST_GREATER(cross_ratios, cross_order, cross_ratios[cross_v1], cross_v2); } else { if (cross_v1 >= 0) { INTERSECT_JUST_GREATER(cross_ratios, cross_order, cross_ratios[cross_v1], cross_v1); if (cross_v1 >= 0) { INTERSECT_JUST_GREATER(cross_ratios, cross_order, cross_ratios[cross_v1], cross_v2); } } } } } LRT_GUARD_NOT_FOUND double dot_1f = dot_v1 * dot_f, dot_2f = dot_v2 * dot_f; /* Determine the start and end point of image space cut on a line. */ if (dot_1f <= 0 && dot_2f <= 0 && (dot_v1 || dot_v2)) { *from = MAX2(0, cross_ratios[cross_v1]); *to = MIN2(1, cross_ratios[cross_v2]); if (*from >= *to) { return false; } return true; } if (dot_1f >= 0 && dot_2f <= 0 && (dot_v1 || dot_v2)) { *from = MAX2(cut, cross_ratios[cross_v1]); *to = MIN2(1, cross_ratios[cross_v2]); if (*from >= *to) { return false; } return true; } if (dot_1f <= 0 && dot_2f >= 0 && (dot_v1 || dot_v2)) { *from = MAX2(0, cross_ratios[cross_v1]); *to = MIN2(cut, cross_ratios[cross_v2]); if (*from >= *to) { return false; } return true; } /* Unlikely, but here's the default failed value if anything fall through. */ return false; } #undef INTERSECT_SORT_MIN_TO_MAX_3 #undef INTERSECT_JUST_GREATER #undef INTERSECT_JUST_SMALLER #undef LRT_ISEC #undef LRT_PARALLEL /** * At this stage of the computation we don't have triangle adjacent info anymore, * so we can only compare the global vert index. */ static bool lineart_triangle_share_edge(const LineartTriangle *l, const LineartTriangle *r) { if (l->v[0]->index == r->v[0]->index) { if (l->v[1]->index == r->v[1]->index || l->v[1]->index == r->v[2]->index || l->v[2]->index == r->v[2]->index || l->v[2]->index == r->v[1]->index) { return true; } } if (l->v[0]->index == r->v[1]->index) { if (l->v[1]->index == r->v[0]->index || l->v[1]->index == r->v[2]->index || l->v[2]->index == r->v[2]->index || l->v[2]->index == r->v[0]->index) { return true; } } if (l->v[0]->index == r->v[2]->index) { if (l->v[1]->index == r->v[1]->index || l->v[1]->index == r->v[0]->index || l->v[2]->index == r->v[0]->index || l->v[2]->index == r->v[1]->index) { return true; } } if (l->v[1]->index == r->v[0]->index) { if (l->v[2]->index == r->v[1]->index || l->v[2]->index == r->v[2]->index || l->v[0]->index == r->v[2]->index || l->v[0]->index == r->v[1]->index) { return true; } } if (l->v[1]->index == r->v[1]->index) { if (l->v[2]->index == r->v[0]->index || l->v[2]->index == r->v[2]->index || l->v[0]->index == r->v[2]->index || l->v[0]->index == r->v[0]->index) { return true; } } if (l->v[1]->index == r->v[2]->index) { if (l->v[2]->index == r->v[1]->index || l->v[2]->index == r->v[0]->index || l->v[0]->index == r->v[0]->index || l->v[0]->index == r->v[1]->index) { return true; } } /* Otherwise not possible. */ return false; } static LineartVert *lineart_triangle_share_point(const LineartTriangle *l, const LineartTriangle *r) { if (l->v[0] == r->v[0]) { return r->v[0]; } if (l->v[0] == r->v[1]) { return r->v[1]; } if (l->v[0] == r->v[2]) { return r->v[2]; } if (l->v[1] == r->v[0]) { return r->v[0]; } if (l->v[1] == r->v[1]) { return r->v[1]; } if (l->v[1] == r->v[2]) { return r->v[2]; } if (l->v[2] == r->v[0]) { return r->v[0]; } if (l->v[2] == r->v[1]) { return r->v[1]; } if (l->v[2] == r->v[2]) { return r->v[2]; } return NULL; } static bool lineart_triangle_2v_intersection_math( LineartVert *v1, LineartVert *v2, LineartTriangle *tri, const double *last, double *rv) { /* Direction vectors for the edge verts. We will check if the verts are on the same side of the * triangle or not. */ double dir_v1[3], dir_v2[3]; double dot_v1, dot_v2; double gloc[3]; sub_v3_v3v3_db(dir_v1, v1->gloc, tri->v[0]->gloc); sub_v3_v3v3_db(dir_v2, v2->gloc, tri->v[0]->gloc); dot_v1 = dot_v3v3_db(dir_v1, tri->gn); dot_v2 = dot_v3v3_db(dir_v2, tri->gn); if (dot_v1 * dot_v2 > 0 || (!dot_v1 && !dot_v2)) { return false; } dot_v1 = fabs(dot_v1); dot_v2 = fabs(dot_v2); interp_v3_v3v3_db(gloc, v1->gloc, v2->gloc, dot_v1 / (dot_v1 + dot_v2)); /* Due to precision issue, we might end up with the same point as the one we already detected. */ if (last && LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(last[0], gloc[0]) && LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(last[1], gloc[1]) && LRT_DOUBLE_CLOSE_ENOUGH(last[2], gloc[2])) { return false; } if (!(lineart_point_inside_triangle3d( gloc, tri->v[0]->gloc, tri->v[1]->gloc, tri->v[2]->gloc))) { return false; } copy_v3_v3_db(rv, gloc); return true; } static bool lineart_triangle_intersect_math(LineartTriangle *tri, LineartTriangle *t2, double *v1, double *v2) { double *next = v1, *last = NULL; LineartVert *sv1, *sv2; LineartVert *share = lineart_triangle_share_point(t2, tri); if (share) { /* If triangles have sharing points like `abc` and `acd`, then we only need to detect `bc` * against `acd` or `cd` against `abc`. */ lineart_triangle_get_other_verts(tri, share, &sv1, &sv2); copy_v3_v3_db(v1, share->gloc); if (!lineart_triangle_2v_intersection_math(sv1, sv2, t2, 0, v2)) { lineart_triangle_get_other_verts(t2, share, &sv1, &sv2); if (lineart_triangle_2v_intersection_math(sv1, sv2, tri, 0, v2)) { return true; } } } else { /* If not sharing any points, then we need to try all the possibilities. */ if (lineart_triangle_2v_intersection_math(tri->v[0], tri->v[1], t2, 0, v1)) { next = v2; last = v1; } if (lineart_triangle_2v_intersection_math(tri->v[1], tri->v[2], t2, last, next)) { if (last) { return true; } next = v2; last = v1; } if (lineart_triangle_2v_intersection_math(tri->v[2], tri->v[0], t2, last, next)) { if (last) { return true; } next = v2; last = v1; } if (lineart_triangle_2v_intersection_math(t2->v[0], t2->v[1], tri, last, next)) { if (last) { return true; } next = v2; last = v1; } if (lineart_triangle_2v_intersection_math(t2->v[1], t2->v[2], tri, last, next)) { if (last) { return true; } next = v2; last = v1; } if (lineart_triangle_2v_intersection_math(t2->v[2], t2->v[0], tri, last, next)) { if (last) { return true; } next = v2; last = v1; } } return false; } static void lineart_add_isec_thread(LineartIsecThread *th, const double *v1, const double *v2, LineartTriangle *tri1, LineartTriangle *tri2) { if (th->current == th->max) { LineartIsecSingle *new_array = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(LineartIsecSingle) * th->max * 2, "LineartIsecSingle"); memcpy(new_array, th->array, sizeof(LineartIsecSingle) * th->max); th->max *= 2; MEM_freeN(th->array); th->array = new_array; } LineartIsecSingle *isec_single = &th->array[th->current]; copy_v3_v3_db(isec_single->v1, v1); copy_v3_v3_db(isec_single->v2, v2); isec_single->tri1 = tri1; isec_single->tri2 = tri2; if (tri1->target_reference > tri2->target_reference) { SWAP(LineartTriangle *, isec_single->tri1, isec_single->tri2); } th->current++; } #define LRT_ISECT_TRIANGLE_PER_THREAD 4096 static bool lineart_schedule_new_triangle_task(LineartIsecThread *th) { LineartData *ld = th->ld; int remaining = LRT_ISECT_TRIANGLE_PER_THREAD; BLI_spin_lock(&ld->lock_task); LineartElementLinkNode *eln = ld->isect_scheduled_up_to; if (!eln) { BLI_spin_unlock(&ld->lock_task); return false; } th->pending_from = eln; th->index_from = ld->isect_scheduled_up_to_index; while (remaining > 0 && eln) { int remaining_this_eln = eln->element_count - ld->isect_scheduled_up_to_index; int added_count = MIN2(remaining, remaining_this_eln); remaining -= added_count; if (remaining || added_count == remaining_this_eln) { eln = eln->next; ld->isect_scheduled_up_to = eln; ld->isect_scheduled_up_to_index = 0; } else { ld->isect_scheduled_up_to_index += added_count; } } th->pending_to = eln ? eln : ld->geom.triangle_buffer_pointers.last; th->index_to = ld->isect_scheduled_up_to_index; BLI_spin_unlock(&ld->lock_task); return true; } /* This function initializes two things: * 1) Triangle array scheduling info, for each worker thread to get its chunk from the scheduler. * 2) Per-thread intersection result array. Does not store actual #LineartEdge, these results will * be finalized by #lineart_create_edges_from_isec_data */ static void lineart_init_isec_thread(LineartIsecData *d, LineartData *ld, int thread_count) { d->threads = MEM_callocN(sizeof(LineartIsecThread) * thread_count, "LineartIsecThread arr"); d->ld = ld; d->thread_count = thread_count; ld->isect_scheduled_up_to = ld->geom.triangle_buffer_pointers.first; ld->isect_scheduled_up_to_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; i++) { LineartIsecThread *it = &d->threads[i]; it->array = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(LineartIsecSingle) * 100, "LineartIsecSingle arr"); it->max = 100; it->current = 0; it->thread_id = i; it->ld = ld; } } static void lineart_destroy_isec_thread(LineartIsecData *d) { for (int i = 0; i < d->thread_count; i++) { LineartIsecThread *it = &d->threads[i]; MEM_freeN(it->array); } MEM_freeN(d->threads); } static void lineart_triangle_intersect_in_bounding_area(LineartTriangle *tri, LineartBoundingArea *ba, LineartIsecThread *th, int up_to) { BLI_assert(th != NULL); if (!th) { return; } double *G0 = tri->v[0]->gloc, *G1 = tri->v[1]->gloc, *G2 = tri->v[2]->gloc; /* If this _is_ the smallest subdivision bounding area, then do the intersections there. */ for (int i = 0; i < up_to; i++) { /* Testing_triangle->testing[0] is used to store pairing triangle reference. * See definition of LineartTriangleThread for more info. */ LineartTriangle *testing_triangle = ba->linked_triangles[i]; LineartTriangleThread *tt = (LineartTriangleThread *)testing_triangle; if (testing_triangle == tri || tt->testing_e[th->thread_id] == (LineartEdge *)tri) { continue; } tt->testing_e[th->thread_id] = (LineartEdge *)tri; if ((testing_triangle->flags & LRT_TRIANGLE_NO_INTERSECTION) || ((testing_triangle->flags & LRT_TRIANGLE_INTERSECTION_ONLY) && (tri->flags & LRT_TRIANGLE_INTERSECTION_ONLY))) { continue; } double *RG0 = testing_triangle->v[0]->gloc, *RG1 = testing_triangle->v[1]->gloc, *RG2 = testing_triangle->v[2]->gloc; /* Bounding box not overlapping or triangles share edges, not potential of intersecting. */ if ((MIN3(G0[2], G1[2], G2[2]) > MAX3(RG0[2], RG1[2], RG2[2])) || (MAX3(G0[2], G1[2], G2[2]) < MIN3(RG0[2], RG1[2], RG2[2])) || (MIN3(G0[0], G1[0], G2[0]) > MAX3(RG0[0], RG1[0], RG2[0])) || (MAX3(G0[0], G1[0], G2[0]) < MIN3(RG0[0], RG1[0], RG2[0])) || (MIN3(G0[1], G1[1], G2[1]) > MAX3(RG0[1], RG1[1], RG2[1])) || (MAX3(G0[1], G1[1], G2[1]) < MIN3(RG0[1], RG1[1], RG2[1])) || lineart_triangle_share_edge(tri, testing_triangle)) { continue; } /* If we do need to compute intersection, then finally do it. */ double iv1[3], iv2[3]; if (lineart_triangle_intersect_math(tri, testing_triangle, iv1, iv2)) { lineart_add_isec_thread(th, iv1, iv2, tri, testing_triangle); } } } /** * The calculated view vector will point towards the far-plane from the camera position. */ void lineart_main_get_view_vector(LineartData *ld) { float direction[3] = {0, 0, 1}; float trans[3]; float inv[4][4]; float obmat_no_scale[4][4]; copy_m4_m4(obmat_no_scale, ld->conf.cam_obmat); normalize_v3(obmat_no_scale[0]); normalize_v3(obmat_no_scale[1]); normalize_v3(obmat_no_scale[2]); invert_m4_m4(inv, obmat_no_scale); transpose_m4(inv); mul_v3_mat3_m4v3(trans, inv, direction); copy_m4_m4(ld->conf.cam_obmat, obmat_no_scale); copy_v3db_v3fl(ld->conf.view_vector, trans); if (ld->conf.light_reference_available) { copy_m4_m4(obmat_no_scale, ld->conf.cam_obmat_secondary); normalize_v3(obmat_no_scale[0]); normalize_v3(obmat_no_scale[1]); normalize_v3(obmat_no_scale[2]); invert_m4_m4(inv, obmat_no_scale); transpose_m4(inv); mul_v3_mat3_m4v3(trans, inv, direction); copy_m4_m4(ld->conf.cam_obmat_secondary, obmat_no_scale); copy_v3db_v3fl(ld->conf.view_vector_secondary, trans); } } static void lineart_end_bounding_area_recursive(LineartBoundingArea *ba) { BLI_spin_end(&ba->lock); if (ba->child) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { lineart_end_bounding_area_recursive(&ba->child[i]); } } } void lineart_destroy_render_data_keep_init(LineartData *ld) { if (ld == NULL) { return; } BLI_listbase_clear(&ld->chains); BLI_listbase_clear(&ld->wasted_cuts); BLI_listbase_clear(&ld->geom.vertex_buffer_pointers); BLI_listbase_clear(&ld->geom.line_buffer_pointers); BLI_listbase_clear(&ld->geom.triangle_buffer_pointers); if (ld->pending_edges.array) { MEM_freeN(ld->pending_edges.array); } for (int i = 0; i < ld->qtree.initial_tile_count; i++) { lineart_end_bounding_area_recursive(&ld->qtree.initials[i]); } lineart_free_bounding_area_memories(ld); lineart_mem_destroy(&ld->render_data_pool); } static void lineart_destroy_render_data(LineartData *ld) { if (ld == NULL) { return; } BLI_spin_end(&ld->lock_task); BLI_spin_end(&ld->lock_cuts); BLI_spin_end(&ld->render_data_pool.lock_mem); lineart_destroy_render_data_keep_init(ld); lineart_mem_destroy(&ld->render_data_pool); } void MOD_lineart_destroy_render_data(LineartGpencilModifierData *lmd) { LineartData *ld = lmd->la_data_ptr; lineart_destroy_render_data(ld); if (ld) { MEM_freeN(ld); lmd->la_data_ptr = NULL; } if (G.debug_value == 4000) { printf("LRT: Destroyed render data.\n"); } } static LineartCache *lineart_init_cache(void) { LineartCache *lc = MEM_callocN(sizeof(LineartCache), "Lineart Cache"); return lc; } void MOD_lineart_clear_cache(struct LineartCache **lc) { if (!(*lc)) { return; } lineart_mem_destroy(&((*lc)->chain_data_pool)); MEM_freeN(*lc); (*lc) = NULL; } static LineartData *lineart_create_render_buffer(Scene *scene, LineartGpencilModifierData *lmd, Object *camera, Object *active_camera, LineartCache *lc) { LineartData *ld = MEM_callocN(sizeof(LineartData), "Line Art render buffer"); lmd->cache = lc; lmd->la_data_ptr = ld; lc->all_enabled_edge_types = lmd->edge_types_override; if (!scene || !camera || !lc) { return NULL; } Camera *c = camera->data; double clipping_offset = 0; if (lmd->calculation_flags & LRT_ALLOW_CLIPPING_BOUNDARIES) { /* This way the clipped lines are "stably visible" by prevents depth buffer artifacts. */ clipping_offset = 0.0001; } copy_v3db_v3fl(ld->conf.camera_pos, camera->obmat[3]); if (active_camera) { copy_v3db_v3fl(ld->conf.active_camera_pos, active_camera->obmat[3]); } copy_m4_m4(ld->conf.cam_obmat, camera->obmat); ld->conf.cam_is_persp = (c->type == CAM_PERSP); ld->conf.near_clip = c->clip_start + clipping_offset; ld->conf.far_clip = c->clip_end - clipping_offset; ld->w = scene->r.xsch; ld->h = scene->r.ysch; if (ld->conf.cam_is_persp) { ld->qtree.recursive_level = LRT_TILE_RECURSIVE_PERSPECTIVE; } else { ld->qtree.recursive_level = LRT_TILE_RECURSIVE_ORTHO; } double asp = ((double)ld->w / (double)ld->h); int fit = BKE_camera_sensor_fit(c->sensor_fit, ld->w, ld->h); ld->conf.shift_x = fit == CAMERA_SENSOR_FIT_HOR ? c->shiftx : c->shiftx / asp; ld->conf.shift_y = fit == CAMERA_SENSOR_FIT_VERT ? c->shifty : c->shifty * asp; ld->conf.overscan = lmd->overscan; ld->conf.shift_x /= (1 + ld->conf.overscan); ld->conf.shift_y /= (1 + ld->conf.overscan); if (lmd->light_contour_object) { Object *light_obj = lmd->light_contour_object; copy_v3db_v3fl(ld->conf.camera_pos_secondary, light_obj->obmat[3]); copy_m4_m4(ld->conf.cam_obmat_secondary, light_obj->obmat); ld->conf.light_reference_available = true; if (light_obj->type == OB_LAMP) { ld->conf.cam_is_persp_secondary = ((Light *)light_obj->data)->type != LA_SUN; } } ld->conf.crease_threshold = cos(M_PI - lmd->crease_threshold); ld->conf.chaining_image_threshold = lmd->chaining_image_threshold; ld->conf.angle_splitting_threshold = lmd->angle_splitting_threshold; ld->conf.chain_smooth_tolerance = lmd->chain_smooth_tolerance; ld->conf.fuzzy_intersections = (lmd->calculation_flags & LRT_INTERSECTION_AS_CONTOUR) != 0; ld->conf.fuzzy_everything = (lmd->calculation_flags & LRT_EVERYTHING_AS_CONTOUR) != 0; ld->conf.allow_boundaries = (lmd->calculation_flags & LRT_ALLOW_CLIPPING_BOUNDARIES) != 0; ld->conf.use_loose_as_contour = (lmd->calculation_flags & LRT_LOOSE_AS_CONTOUR) != 0; ld->conf.use_loose_edge_chain = (lmd->calculation_flags & LRT_CHAIN_LOOSE_EDGES) != 0; ld->conf.use_geometry_space_chain = (lmd->calculation_flags & LRT_CHAIN_GEOMETRY_SPACE) != 0; ld->conf.use_image_boundary_trimming = (lmd->calculation_flags & LRT_USE_IMAGE_BOUNDARY_TRIMMING) != 0; /* See lineart_edge_from_triangle() for how this option may impact performance. */ ld->conf.allow_overlapping_edges = (lmd->calculation_flags & LRT_ALLOW_OVERLAPPING_EDGES) != 0; ld->conf.allow_duplicated_types = (lmd->calculation_flags & LRT_ALLOW_OVERLAP_EDGE_TYPES) != 0; ld->conf.force_crease = (lmd->calculation_flags & LRT_USE_CREASE_ON_SMOOTH_SURFACES) != 0; ld->conf.sharp_as_crease = (lmd->calculation_flags & LRT_USE_CREASE_ON_SHARP_EDGES) != 0; ld->conf.chain_preserve_details = (lmd->calculation_flags & LRT_CHAIN_PRESERVE_DETAILS) != 0; /* This is used to limit calculation to a certain level to save time, lines who have higher * occlusion levels will get ignored. */ ld->conf.max_occlusion_level = lmd->level_end_override; int16_t edge_types = lmd->edge_types_override; /* lmd->edge_types_override contains all used flags in the modifier stack. */ ld->conf.use_contour = (edge_types & LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CONTOUR) != 0; ld->conf.use_crease = (edge_types & LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CREASE) != 0; ld->conf.use_material = (edge_types & LRT_EDGE_FLAG_MATERIAL) != 0; ld->conf.use_edge_marks = (edge_types & LRT_EDGE_FLAG_EDGE_MARK) != 0; ld->conf.use_intersections = (edge_types & LRT_EDGE_FLAG_INTERSECTION) != 0; ld->conf.use_loose = (edge_types & LRT_EDGE_FLAG_LOOSE) != 0; ld->conf.use_light_contour = ((edge_types & LRT_EDGE_FLAG_LIGHT_CONTOUR) != 0 && (lmd->light_contour_object != NULL)); ld->conf.use_shadow = ((edge_types & LRT_EDGE_FLAG_PROJECTED_SHADOW) != 0 && (lmd->light_contour_object != NULL)); ld->conf.shadow_selection = lmd->shadow_selection_override; ld->conf.shadow_enclose_shapes = lmd->shadow_selection_override == LRT_SHADOW_FILTER_ILLUMINATED_ENCLOSED_SHAPES; ld->conf.shadow_use_silhouette = lmd->shadow_use_silhouette_override != 0; ld->conf.use_back_face_culling = (lmd->calculation_flags & LRT_USE_BACK_FACE_CULLING) != 0; ld->conf.filter_face_mark_invert = (lmd->calculation_flags & LRT_FILTER_FACE_MARK_INVERT) != 0; ld->conf.filter_face_mark = (lmd->calculation_flags & LRT_FILTER_FACE_MARK) != 0; ld->conf.filter_face_mark_boundaries = (lmd->calculation_flags & LRT_FILTER_FACE_MARK_BOUNDARIES) != 0; ld->conf.filter_face_mark_keep_contour = (lmd->calculation_flags & LRT_FILTER_FACE_MARK_KEEP_CONTOUR) != 0; ld->chain_data_pool = &lc->chain_data_pool; /* See #LineartData::edge_data_pool for explanation. */ ld->edge_data_pool = &ld->render_data_pool; BLI_spin_init(&ld->lock_task); BLI_spin_init(&ld->lock_cuts); BLI_spin_init(&ld->render_data_pool.lock_mem); ld->thread_count = BKE_render_num_threads(&scene->r); return ld; } static int lineart_triangle_size_get(LineartData *ld) { return sizeof(LineartTriangle) + (sizeof(LineartEdge *) * (ld->thread_count)); } void lineart_main_bounding_area_make_initial(LineartData *ld) { /* Initial tile split is defined as 4 (subdivided as 4*4), increasing the value allows the * algorithm to build the acceleration structure for bigger scenes a little faster but not as * efficient at handling medium to small scenes. */ int sp_w = LRT_BA_ROWS; int sp_h = LRT_BA_ROWS; int row, col; LineartBoundingArea *ba; /* Always make sure the shortest side has at least LRT_BA_ROWS tiles. */ if (ld->w > ld->h) { sp_w = sp_h * ld->w / ld->h; } else { sp_h = sp_w * ld->h / ld->w; } /* Because NDC (Normalized Device Coordinates) range is (-1,1), * so the span for each initial tile is double of that in the (0,1) range. */ double span_w = (double)1 / sp_w * 2.0; double span_h = (double)1 / sp_h * 2.0; ld->qtree.count_x = sp_w; ld->qtree.count_y = sp_h; ld->qtree.tile_width = span_w; ld->qtree.tile_height = span_h; ld->qtree.initial_tile_count = sp_w * sp_h; ld->qtree.initials = lineart_mem_acquire( &ld->render_data_pool, sizeof(LineartBoundingArea) * ld->qtree.initial_tile_count); for (int i = 0; i < ld->qtree.initial_tile_count; i++) { BLI_spin_init(&ld->qtree.initials[i].lock); } /* Initialize tiles. */ for (row = 0; row < sp_h; row++) { for (col = 0; col < sp_w; col++) { ba = &ld->qtree.initials[row * ld->qtree.count_x + col]; /* Set the four direction limits. */ ba->l = span_w * col - 1.0; ba->r = (col == sp_w - 1) ? 1.0 : (span_w * (col + 1) - 1.0); ba->u = 1.0 - span_h * row; ba->b = (row == sp_h - 1) ? -1.0 : (1.0 - span_h * (row + 1)); ba->cx = (ba->l + ba->r) / 2; ba->cy = (ba->u + ba->b) / 2; /* Init linked_triangles array. */ ba->max_triangle_count = LRT_TILE_SPLITTING_TRIANGLE_LIMIT; ba->max_line_count = LRT_TILE_EDGE_COUNT_INITIAL; ba->linked_triangles = MEM_callocN(sizeof(LineartTriangle *) * ba->max_triangle_count, "ba_linked_triangles"); ba->linked_lines = MEM_callocN(sizeof(LineartEdge *) * ba->max_line_count, "ba_linked_lines"); BLI_spin_init(&ba->lock); } } } /** * Re-link adjacent tiles after one gets subdivided. */ static void lineart_bounding_areas_connect_new(LineartData *ld, LineartBoundingArea *root) { LineartBoundingArea *ba = root->child, *tba; LinkData *lip2, *next_lip; LineartStaticMemPool *mph = &ld->render_data_pool; /* Inter-connection with newly created 4 child bounding areas. */ lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&ba[1].rp, mph, &ba[0]); lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&ba[0].lp, mph, &ba[1]); lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&ba[1].bp, mph, &ba[2]); lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&ba[2].up, mph, &ba[1]); lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&ba[2].rp, mph, &ba[3]); lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&ba[3].lp, mph, &ba[2]); lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&ba[3].up, mph, &ba[0]); lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&ba[0].bp, mph, &ba[3]); /* Connect 4 child bounding areas to other areas that are * adjacent to their original parents. */ LISTBASE_FOREACH (LinkData *, lip, &root->lp) { /* For example, we are dealing with parent's left side * "tba" represents each adjacent neighbor of the parent. */ tba = lip->data; /* if this neighbor is adjacent to * the two new areas on the left side of the parent, * then add them to the adjacent list as well. */ if (ba[1].u > tba->b && ba[1].b < tba->u) { lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&ba[1].lp, mph, tba); lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&tba->rp, mph, &ba[1]); } if (ba[2].u > tba->b && ba[2].b < tba->u) { lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&ba[2].lp, mph, tba); lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&tba->rp, mph, &ba[2]); } } LISTBASE_FOREACH (LinkData *, lip, &root->rp) { tba = lip->data; if (ba[0].u > tba->b && ba[0].b < tba->u) { lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&ba[0].rp, mph, tba); lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&tba->lp, mph, &ba[0]); } if (ba[3].u > tba->b && ba[3].b < tba->u) { lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&ba[3].rp, mph, tba); lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&tba->lp, mph, &ba[3]); } } LISTBASE_FOREACH (LinkData *, lip, &root->up) { tba = lip->data; if (ba[0].r > tba->l && ba[0].l < tba->r) { lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&ba[0].up, mph, tba); lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&tba->bp, mph, &ba[0]); } if (ba[1].r > tba->l && ba[1].l < tba->r) { lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&ba[1].up, mph, tba); lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&tba->bp, mph, &ba[1]); } } LISTBASE_FOREACH (LinkData *, lip, &root->bp) { tba = lip->data; if (ba[2].r > tba->l && ba[2].l < tba->r) { lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&ba[2].bp, mph, tba); lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&tba->up, mph, &ba[2]); } if (ba[3].r > tba->l && ba[3].l < tba->r) { lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&ba[3].bp, mph, tba); lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&tba->up, mph, &ba[3]); } } /* Then remove the parent bounding areas from * their original adjacent areas. */ LISTBASE_FOREACH (LinkData *, lip, &root->lp) { for (lip2 = ((LineartBoundingArea *)lip->data)->rp.first; lip2; lip2 = next_lip) { next_lip = lip2->next; tba = lip2->data; if (tba == root) { lineart_list_remove_pointer_item_no_free(&((LineartBoundingArea *)lip->data)->rp, lip2); if (ba[1].u > tba->b && ba[1].b < tba->u) { lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&tba->rp, mph, &ba[1]); } if (ba[2].u > tba->b && ba[2].b < tba->u) { lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&tba->rp, mph, &ba[2]); } } } } LISTBASE_FOREACH (LinkData *, lip, &root->rp) { for (lip2 = ((LineartBoundingArea *)lip->data)->lp.first; lip2; lip2 = next_lip) { next_lip = lip2->next; tba = lip2->data; if (tba == root) { lineart_list_remove_pointer_item_no_free(&((LineartBoundingArea *)lip->data)->lp, lip2); if (ba[0].u > tba->b && ba[0].b < tba->u) { lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&tba->lp, mph, &ba[0]); } if (ba[3].u > tba->b && ba[3].b < tba->u) { lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&tba->lp, mph, &ba[3]); } } } } LISTBASE_FOREACH (LinkData *, lip, &root->up) { for (lip2 = ((LineartBoundingArea *)lip->data)->bp.first; lip2; lip2 = next_lip) { next_lip = lip2->next; tba = lip2->data; if (tba == root) { lineart_list_remove_pointer_item_no_free(&((LineartBoundingArea *)lip->data)->bp, lip2); if (ba[0].r > tba->l && ba[0].l < tba->r) { lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&tba->up, mph, &ba[0]); } if (ba[1].r > tba->l && ba[1].l < tba->r) { lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&tba->up, mph, &ba[1]); } } } } LISTBASE_FOREACH (LinkData *, lip, &root->bp) { for (lip2 = ((LineartBoundingArea *)lip->data)->up.first; lip2; lip2 = next_lip) { next_lip = lip2->next; tba = lip2->data; if (tba == root) { lineart_list_remove_pointer_item_no_free(&((LineartBoundingArea *)lip->data)->up, lip2); if (ba[2].r > tba->l && ba[2].l < tba->r) { lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&tba->bp, mph, &ba[2]); } if (ba[3].r > tba->l && ba[3].l < tba->r) { lineart_list_append_pointer_pool(&tba->bp, mph, &ba[3]); } } } } /* Finally clear parent's adjacent list. */ BLI_listbase_clear(&root->lp); BLI_listbase_clear(&root->rp); BLI_listbase_clear(&root->up); BLI_listbase_clear(&root->bp); } static void lineart_bounding_areas_connect_recursive(LineartData *ld, LineartBoundingArea *root) { if (root->child) { lineart_bounding_areas_connect_new(ld, root); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { lineart_bounding_areas_connect_recursive(ld, &root->child[i]); } } } void lineart_main_bounding_areas_connect_post(LineartData *ld) { int total_tile_initial = ld->qtree.count_x * ld->qtree.count_y; int tiles_per_row = ld->qtree.count_x; for (int row = 0; row < ld->qtree.count_y; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < ld->qtree.count_x; col++) { LineartBoundingArea *ba = &ld->qtree.initials[row * tiles_per_row + col]; /* Link adjacent ones. */ if (row) { lineart_list_append_pointer_pool( &ba->up, &ld->render_data_pool, &ld->qtree.initials[(row - 1) * tiles_per_row + col]); } if (col) { lineart_list_append_pointer_pool( &ba->lp, &ld->render_data_pool, &ld->qtree.initials[row * tiles_per_row + col - 1]); } if (row != ld->qtree.count_y - 1) { lineart_list_append_pointer_pool( &ba->bp, &ld->render_data_pool, &ld->qtree.initials[(row + 1) * tiles_per_row + col]); } if (col != ld->qtree.count_x - 1) { lineart_list_append_pointer_pool( &ba->rp, &ld->render_data_pool, &ld->qtree.initials[row * tiles_per_row + col + 1]); } } } for (int i = 0; i < total_tile_initial; i++) { lineart_bounding_areas_connect_recursive(ld, &ld->qtree.initials[i]); } } /** * Subdivide a tile after one tile contains too many triangles, then re-link triangles into all the * child tiles. */ static void lineart_bounding_area_split(LineartData *ld, LineartBoundingArea *root, int recursive_level) { LineartBoundingArea *ba = lineart_mem_acquire_thread(&ld->render_data_pool, sizeof(LineartBoundingArea) * 4); ba[0].l = root->cx; ba[0].r = root->r; ba[0].u = root->u; ba[0].b = root->cy; ba[0].cx = (ba[0].l + ba[0].r) / 2; ba[0].cy = (ba[0].u + ba[0].b) / 2; ba[1].l = root->l; ba[1].r = root->cx; ba[1].u = root->u; ba[1].b = root->cy; ba[1].cx = (ba[1].l + ba[1].r) / 2; ba[1].cy = (ba[1].u + ba[1].b) / 2; ba[2].l = root->l; ba[2].r = root->cx; ba[2].u = root->cy; ba[2].b = root->b; ba[2].cx = (ba[2].l + ba[2].r) / 2; ba[2].cy = (ba[2].u + ba[2].b) / 2; ba[3].l = root->cx; ba[3].r = root->r; ba[3].u = root->cy; ba[3].b = root->b; ba[3].cx = (ba[3].l + ba[3].r) / 2; ba[3].cy = (ba[3].u + ba[3].b) / 2; /* Init linked_triangles array and locks. */ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ba[i].max_triangle_count = LRT_TILE_SPLITTING_TRIANGLE_LIMIT; ba[i].max_line_count = LRT_TILE_EDGE_COUNT_INITIAL; ba[i].linked_triangles = MEM_callocN(sizeof(LineartTriangle *) * ba[i].max_triangle_count, "ba_linked_triangles"); ba[i].linked_lines = MEM_callocN(sizeof(LineartEdge *) * ba[i].max_line_count, "ba_linked_lines"); BLI_spin_init(&ba[i].lock); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < root->triangle_count; i++) { LineartTriangle *tri = root->linked_triangles[i]; double b[4]; b[0] = MIN3(tri->v[0]->fbcoord[0], tri->v[1]->fbcoord[0], tri->v[2]->fbcoord[0]); b[1] = MAX3(tri->v[0]->fbcoord[0], tri->v[1]->fbcoord[0], tri->v[2]->fbcoord[0]); b[2] = MAX3(tri->v[0]->fbcoord[1], tri->v[1]->fbcoord[1], tri->v[2]->fbcoord[1]); b[3] = MIN3(tri->v[0]->fbcoord[1], tri->v[1]->fbcoord[1], tri->v[2]->fbcoord[1]); /* Re-link triangles into child tiles, not doing intersection lines during this because this * batch of triangles are all tested with each other for intersections. */ if (LRT_BOUND_AREA_CROSSES(b, &ba[0].l)) { lineart_bounding_area_link_triangle(ld, &ba[0], tri, b, 0, recursive_level + 1, false, NULL); } if (LRT_BOUND_AREA_CROSSES(b, &ba[1].l)) { lineart_bounding_area_link_triangle(ld, &ba[1], tri, b, 0, recursive_level + 1, false, NULL); } if (LRT_BOUND_AREA_CROSSES(b, &ba[2].l)) { lineart_bounding_area_link_triangle(ld, &ba[2], tri, b, 0, recursive_level + 1, false, NULL); } if (LRT_BOUND_AREA_CROSSES(b, &ba[3].l)) { lineart_bounding_area_link_triangle(ld, &ba[3], tri, b, 0, recursive_level + 1, false, NULL); } } /* At this point the child tiles are fully initialized and it's safe for new triangles to be * inserted, so assign root->child for #lineart_bounding_area_link_triangle to use. */ root->child = ba; } static bool lineart_bounding_area_edge_intersect(LineartData *UNUSED(fb), const double l[2], const double r[2], LineartBoundingArea *ba) { double dx, dy; double converted[4]; double c1, c; if (((converted[0] = ba->l) > MAX2(l[0], r[0])) || ((converted[1] = ba->r) < MIN2(l[0], r[0])) || ((converted[2] = ba->b) > MAX2(l[1], r[1])) || ((converted[3] = ba->u) < MIN2(l[1], r[1]))) { return false; } dx = l[0] - r[0]; dy = l[1] - r[1]; c1 = dx * (converted[2] - l[1]) - dy * (converted[0] - l[0]); c = c1; c1 = dx * (converted[2] - l[1]) - dy * (converted[1] - l[0]); if (c1 * c <= 0) { return true; } c = c1; c1 = dx * (converted[3] - l[1]) - dy * (converted[0] - l[0]); if (c1 * c <= 0) { return true; } c = c1; c1 = dx * (converted[3] - l[1]) - dy * (converted[1] - l[0]); if (c1 * c <= 0) { return true; } c = c1; return false; } static bool lineart_bounding_area_triangle_intersect(LineartData *fb, LineartTriangle *tri, LineartBoundingArea *ba, bool *r_triangle_vert_inside) { double p1[2], p2[2], p3[2], p4[2]; double *FBC1 = tri->v[0]->fbcoord, *FBC2 = tri->v[1]->fbcoord, *FBC3 = tri->v[2]->fbcoord; p3[0] = p1[0] = ba->l; p2[1] = p1[1] = ba->b; p2[0] = p4[0] = ba->r; p3[1] = p4[1] = ba->u; if ((FBC1[0] >= p1[0] && FBC1[0] <= p2[0] && FBC1[1] >= p1[1] && FBC1[1] <= p3[1]) || (FBC2[0] >= p1[0] && FBC2[0] <= p2[0] && FBC2[1] >= p1[1] && FBC2[1] <= p3[1]) || (FBC3[0] >= p1[0] && FBC3[0] <= p2[0] && FBC3[1] >= p1[1] && FBC3[1] <= p3[1])) { *r_triangle_vert_inside = true; return true; } *r_triangle_vert_inside = false; if (lineart_point_inside_triangle(p1, FBC1, FBC2, FBC3) || lineart_point_inside_triangle(p2, FBC1, FBC2, FBC3) || lineart_point_inside_triangle(p3, FBC1, FBC2, FBC3) || lineart_point_inside_triangle(p4, FBC1, FBC2, FBC3)) { return true; } if (lineart_bounding_area_edge_intersect(fb, FBC1, FBC2, ba) || lineart_bounding_area_edge_intersect(fb, FBC2, FBC3, ba) || lineart_bounding_area_edge_intersect(fb, FBC3, FBC1, ba)) { return true; } return false; } /** * This function does two things: * * 1) Builds a quad-tree under ld->InitialBoundingAreas to achieve good geometry separation for * fast overlapping test between triangles and lines. This acceleration structure makes the * occlusion stage much faster. * * 2) Test triangles with other triangles that are previously linked into each tile * (#LineartBoundingArea) for intersection lines. When splitting the tile into 4 children and * re-linking triangles into the child tiles, intersections are inhibited so we don't get * duplicated intersection lines. */ static void lineart_bounding_area_link_triangle(LineartData *ld, LineartBoundingArea *root_ba, LineartTriangle *tri, double l_r_u_b[4], int recursive, int recursive_level, bool do_intersection, struct LineartIsecThread *th) { bool triangle_vert_inside; if (!lineart_bounding_area_triangle_intersect(ld, tri, root_ba, &triangle_vert_inside)) { return; } LineartBoundingArea *old_ba = root_ba; if (old_ba->child) { /* If old_ba->child is not NULL, then tile splitting is fully finished, safe to directly insert * into child tiles. */ double *B1 = l_r_u_b; double b[4]; if (!l_r_u_b) { b[0] = MIN3(tri->v[0]->fbcoord[0], tri->v[1]->fbcoord[0], tri->v[2]->fbcoord[0]); b[1] = MAX3(tri->v[0]->fbcoord[0], tri->v[1]->fbcoord[0], tri->v[2]->fbcoord[0]); b[2] = MAX3(tri->v[0]->fbcoord[1], tri->v[1]->fbcoord[1], tri->v[2]->fbcoord[1]); b[3] = MIN3(tri->v[0]->fbcoord[1], tri->v[1]->fbcoord[1], tri->v[2]->fbcoord[1]); B1 = b; } for (int iba = 0; iba < 4; iba++) { if (LRT_BOUND_AREA_CROSSES(B1, &old_ba->child[iba].l)) { lineart_bounding_area_link_triangle( ld, &old_ba->child[iba], tri, B1, recursive, recursive_level + 1, do_intersection, th); } } return; } /* When splitting tiles, triangles are relinked into new tiles by a single thread, #th is NULL * in that situation. */ if (th) { BLI_spin_lock(&old_ba->lock); } /* If there are still space left in this tile for insertion. */ if (old_ba->triangle_count < old_ba->max_triangle_count) { const uint32_t old_tri_count = old_ba->triangle_count; old_ba->linked_triangles[old_tri_count] = tri; if (triangle_vert_inside) { old_ba->insider_triangle_count++; } old_ba->triangle_count++; /* Do intersections in place. */ if (do_intersection && ld->conf.use_intersections) { lineart_triangle_intersect_in_bounding_area(tri, old_ba, th, old_tri_count); } if (th) { BLI_spin_unlock(&old_ba->lock); } } else { /* We need to wait for either splitting or array extension to be done. */ if (recursive_level < ld->qtree.recursive_level && old_ba->insider_triangle_count >= LRT_TILE_SPLITTING_TRIANGLE_LIMIT) { if (!old_ba->child) { /* old_ba->child==NULL, means we are the thread that's doing the splitting. */ lineart_bounding_area_split(ld, old_ba, recursive_level); } /* Otherwise other thread has completed the splitting process. */ } else { if (old_ba->triangle_count == old_ba->max_triangle_count) { /* Means we are the thread that's doing the extension. */ lineart_bounding_area_triangle_reallocate(old_ba); } /* Otherwise other thread has completed the extending the array. */ } /* Unlock before going into recursive call. */ if (th) { BLI_spin_unlock(&old_ba->lock); } /* Of course we still have our own triangle needs to be added. */ lineart_bounding_area_link_triangle( ld, root_ba, tri, l_r_u_b, recursive, recursive_level, do_intersection, th); } } static void lineart_free_bounding_area_memory(LineartBoundingArea *ba, bool recursive) { BLI_spin_end(&ba->lock); if (ba->linked_lines) { MEM_freeN(ba->linked_lines); } if (ba->linked_triangles) { MEM_freeN(ba->linked_triangles); } if (recursive && ba->child) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { lineart_free_bounding_area_memory(&ba->child[i], recursive); } } } static void lineart_free_bounding_area_memories(LineartData *ld) { for (int i = 0; i < ld->qtree.count_y; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ld->qtree.count_x; j++) { lineart_free_bounding_area_memory(&ld->qtree.initials[i * ld->qtree.count_x + j], true); } } } static void lineart_bounding_area_link_edge(LineartData *ld, LineartBoundingArea *root_ba, LineartEdge *e) { if (root_ba->child == NULL) { lineart_bounding_area_line_add(root_ba, e); } else { if (lineart_bounding_area_edge_intersect( ld, e->v1->fbcoord, e->v2->fbcoord, &root_ba->child[0])) { lineart_bounding_area_link_edge(ld, &root_ba->child[0], e); } if (lineart_bounding_area_edge_intersect( ld, e->v1->fbcoord, e->v2->fbcoord, &root_ba->child[1])) { lineart_bounding_area_link_edge(ld, &root_ba->child[1], e); } if (lineart_bounding_area_edge_intersect( ld, e->v1->fbcoord, e->v2->fbcoord, &root_ba->child[2])) { lineart_bounding_area_link_edge(ld, &root_ba->child[2], e); } if (lineart_bounding_area_edge_intersect( ld, e->v1->fbcoord, e->v2->fbcoord, &root_ba->child[3])) { lineart_bounding_area_link_edge(ld, &root_ba->child[3], e); } } } static void lineart_clear_linked_edges_recursive(LineartData *ld, LineartBoundingArea *root_ba) { if (root_ba->child) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { lineart_clear_linked_edges_recursive(ld, &root_ba->child[i]); } } if (root_ba->linked_lines) { MEM_freeN(root_ba->linked_lines); } root_ba->line_count = 0; root_ba->max_line_count = 128; root_ba->linked_lines = MEM_callocN(sizeof(LineartEdge *) * root_ba->max_line_count, "cleared lineart edges"); } void lineart_main_clear_linked_edges(LineartData *ld) { LineartBoundingArea *ba = ld->qtree.initials; for (int i = 0; i < ld->qtree.count_y; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ld->qtree.count_x; j++) { lineart_clear_linked_edges_recursive(ld, &ba[i * ld->qtree.count_x + j]); } } } /** * Link lines to their respective bounding areas. */ void lineart_main_link_lines(LineartData *ld) { LRT_ITER_ALL_LINES_BEGIN { int r1, r2, c1, c2, row, col; if (lineart_get_edge_bounding_areas(ld, e, &r1, &r2, &c1, &c2)) { for (row = r1; row != r2 + 1; row++) { for (col = c1; col != c2 + 1; col++) { lineart_bounding_area_link_edge( ld, &ld->qtree.initials[row * ld->qtree.count_x + col], e); } } } } LRT_ITER_ALL_LINES_END } static void lineart_main_remove_unused_lines_recursive(LineartBoundingArea *ba, uint8_t max_occlusion) { if (ba->child) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { lineart_main_remove_unused_lines_recursive(&ba->child[i], max_occlusion); } return; } if (!ba->line_count) { return; } int usable_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ba->line_count; i++) { LineartEdge *e = ba->linked_lines[i]; if (e->min_occ > max_occlusion) { continue; } usable_count++; } if (!usable_count) { ba->line_count = 0; return; } LineartEdge **new_array = MEM_callocN(sizeof(LineartEdge *) * usable_count, "cleaned lineart edge array"); int new_i = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ba->line_count; i++) { LineartEdge *e = ba->linked_lines[i]; if (e->min_occ > max_occlusion) { continue; } new_array[new_i] = e; new_i++; } MEM_freeN(ba->linked_lines); ba->linked_lines = new_array; ba->max_line_count = ba->line_count = usable_count; } static void lineart_main_remove_unused_lines_from_tiles(LineartData *ld) { for (int row = 0; row < ld->qtree.count_y; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < ld->qtree.count_x; col++) { lineart_main_remove_unused_lines_recursive( &ld->qtree.initials[row * ld->qtree.count_x + col], ld->conf.max_occlusion_level); } } } static bool lineart_get_triangle_bounding_areas( LineartData *ld, LineartTriangle *tri, int *rowbegin, int *rowend, int *colbegin, int *colend) { double sp_w = ld->qtree.tile_width, sp_h = ld->qtree.tile_height; double b[4]; if (!tri->v[0] || !tri->v[1] || !tri->v[2]) { return false; } b[0] = MIN3(tri->v[0]->fbcoord[0], tri->v[1]->fbcoord[0], tri->v[2]->fbcoord[0]); b[1] = MAX3(tri->v[0]->fbcoord[0], tri->v[1]->fbcoord[0], tri->v[2]->fbcoord[0]); b[2] = MIN3(tri->v[0]->fbcoord[1], tri->v[1]->fbcoord[1], tri->v[2]->fbcoord[1]); b[3] = MAX3(tri->v[0]->fbcoord[1], tri->v[1]->fbcoord[1], tri->v[2]->fbcoord[1]); if (b[0] > 1 || b[1] < -1 || b[2] > 1 || b[3] < -1) { return false; } (*colbegin) = (int)((b[0] + 1.0) / sp_w); (*colend) = (int)((b[1] + 1.0) / sp_w); (*rowend) = ld->qtree.count_y - (int)((b[2] + 1.0) / sp_h) - 1; (*rowbegin) = ld->qtree.count_y - (int)((b[3] + 1.0) / sp_h) - 1; if ((*colend) >= ld->qtree.count_x) { (*colend) = ld->qtree.count_x - 1; } if ((*rowend) >= ld->qtree.count_y) { (*rowend) = ld->qtree.count_y - 1; } if ((*colbegin) < 0) { (*colbegin) = 0; } if ((*rowbegin) < 0) { (*rowbegin) = 0; } return true; } static bool lineart_get_edge_bounding_areas( LineartData *ld, LineartEdge *e, int *rowbegin, int *rowend, int *colbegin, int *colend) { double sp_w = ld->qtree.tile_width, sp_h = ld->qtree.tile_height; double b[4]; if (!e->v1 || !e->v2) { return false; } if (e->v1->fbcoord[0] != e->v1->fbcoord[0] || e->v2->fbcoord[0] != e->v2->fbcoord[0]) { return false; } b[0] = MIN2(e->v1->fbcoord[0], e->v2->fbcoord[0]); b[1] = MAX2(e->v1->fbcoord[0], e->v2->fbcoord[0]); b[2] = MIN2(e->v1->fbcoord[1], e->v2->fbcoord[1]); b[3] = MAX2(e->v1->fbcoord[1], e->v2->fbcoord[1]); if (b[0] > 1 || b[1] < -1 || b[2] > 1 || b[3] < -1) { return false; } (*colbegin) = (int)((b[0] + 1.0) / sp_w); (*colend) = (int)((b[1] + 1.0) / sp_w); (*rowend) = ld->qtree.count_y - (int)((b[2] + 1.0) / sp_h) - 1; (*rowbegin) = ld->qtree.count_y - (int)((b[3] + 1.0) / sp_h) - 1; /* It's possible that the line stretches too much out to the side, resulting negative value. */ if ((*rowend) < (*rowbegin)) { (*rowend) = ld->qtree.count_y - 1; } if ((*colend) < (*colbegin)) { (*colend) = ld->qtree.count_x - 1; } CLAMP((*colbegin), 0, ld->qtree.count_x - 1); CLAMP((*rowbegin), 0, ld->qtree.count_y - 1); CLAMP((*colend), 0, ld->qtree.count_x - 1); CLAMP((*rowend), 0, ld->qtree.count_y - 1); return true; } LineartBoundingArea *MOD_lineart_get_parent_bounding_area(LineartData *ld, double x, double y) { double sp_w = ld->qtree.tile_width, sp_h = ld->qtree.tile_height; int col, row; if (x > 1 || x < -1 || y > 1 || y < -1) { return 0; } col = (int)((x + 1.0) / sp_w); row = ld->qtree.count_y - (int)((y + 1.0) / sp_h) - 1; if (col >= ld->qtree.count_x) { col = ld->qtree.count_x - 1; } if (row >= ld->qtree.count_y) { row = ld->qtree.count_y - 1; } if (col < 0) { col = 0; } if (row < 0) { row = 0; } return &ld->qtree.initials[row * ld->qtree.count_x + col]; } static LineartBoundingArea *lineart_get_bounding_area(LineartData *ld, double x, double y) { LineartBoundingArea *iba; double sp_w = ld->qtree.tile_width, sp_h = ld->qtree.tile_height; int c = (int)((x + 1.0) / sp_w); int r = ld->qtree.count_y - (int)((y + 1.0) / sp_h) - 1; if (r < 0) { r = 0; } if (c < 0) { c = 0; } if (r >= ld->qtree.count_y) { r = ld->qtree.count_y - 1; } if (c >= ld->qtree.count_x) { c = ld->qtree.count_x - 1; } iba = &ld->qtree.initials[r * ld->qtree.count_x + c]; while (iba->child) { if (x > iba->cx) { if (y > iba->cy) { iba = &iba->child[0]; } else { iba = &iba->child[3]; } } else { if (y > iba->cy) { iba = &iba->child[1]; } else { iba = &iba->child[2]; } } } return iba; } LineartBoundingArea *MOD_lineart_get_bounding_area(LineartData *ld, double x, double y) { LineartBoundingArea *ba; if ((ba = MOD_lineart_get_parent_bounding_area(ld, x, y)) != NULL) { return lineart_get_bounding_area(ld, x, y); } return NULL; } static void lineart_add_triangles_worker(TaskPool *__restrict UNUSED(pool), LineartIsecThread *th) { LineartData *ld = th->ld; int _dir_control = 0; while (lineart_schedule_new_triangle_task(th)) { for (LineartElementLinkNode *eln = th->pending_from; eln != th->pending_to->next; eln = eln->next) { int index_start = eln == th->pending_from ? th->index_from : 0; int index_end = eln == th->pending_to ? th->index_to : eln->element_count; LineartTriangle *tri = (void *)(((uchar *)eln->pointer) + ld->sizeof_triangle * index_start); for (int ei = index_start; ei < index_end; ei++) { int x1, x2, y1, y2; int r, co; if ((tri->flags & LRT_CULL_USED) || (tri->flags & LRT_CULL_DISCARD)) { tri = (void *)(((uchar *)tri) + ld->sizeof_triangle); continue; } if (lineart_get_triangle_bounding_areas(ld, tri, &y1, &y2, &x1, &x2)) { _dir_control++; for (co = x1; co <= x2; co++) { for (r = y1; r <= y2; r++) { lineart_bounding_area_link_triangle(ld, &ld->qtree.initials[r * ld->qtree.count_x + co], tri, 0, 1, 0, (!(tri->flags & LRT_TRIANGLE_NO_INTERSECTION)), th); } } } /* Else throw away. */ tri = (void *)(((uchar *)tri) + ld->sizeof_triangle); } } } } static void lineart_create_edges_from_isec_data(LineartIsecData *d) { LineartData *ld = d->ld; double ZMax = ld->conf.far_clip; double ZMin = ld->conf.near_clip; int total_lines = 0; for (int i = 0; i < d->thread_count; i++) { LineartIsecThread *th = &d->threads[i]; if (G.debug_value == 4000) { printf("Thread %d isec generated %d lines.\n", i, th->current); } if (!th->current) { continue; } total_lines += th->current; } if (!total_lines) { return; } /* We don't care about removing duplicated vert in this method, chaining can handle that, * and it saves us from using locks and look up tables. */ LineartVert *v = lineart_mem_acquire(ld->edge_data_pool, sizeof(LineartVert) * total_lines * 2); LineartEdge *e = lineart_mem_acquire(ld->edge_data_pool, sizeof(LineartEdge) * total_lines); LineartEdgeSegment *es = lineart_mem_acquire(ld->edge_data_pool, sizeof(LineartEdgeSegment) * total_lines); LineartElementLinkNode *eln = lineart_mem_acquire(ld->edge_data_pool, sizeof(LineartElementLinkNode)); eln->element_count = total_lines; eln->pointer = e; eln->flags |= LRT_ELEMENT_INTERSECTION_DATA; BLI_addhead(&ld->geom.line_buffer_pointers, eln); for (int i = 0; i < d->thread_count; i++) { LineartIsecThread *th = &d->threads[i]; if (!th->current) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j < th->current; j++) { LineartIsecSingle *is = &th->array[j]; LineartVert *v1 = v; LineartVert *v2 = v + 1; copy_v3_v3_db(v1->gloc, is->v1); copy_v3_v3_db(v2->gloc, is->v2); /* The intersection line has been generated only in geometry space, so we need to transform * them as well. */ mul_v4_m4v3_db(v1->fbcoord, ld->conf.view_projection, v1->gloc); mul_v4_m4v3_db(v2->fbcoord, ld->conf.view_projection, v2->gloc); mul_v3db_db(v1->fbcoord, (1 / v1->fbcoord[3])); mul_v3db_db(v2->fbcoord, (1 / v2->fbcoord[3])); v1->fbcoord[0] -= ld->conf.shift_x * 2; v1->fbcoord[1] -= ld->conf.shift_y * 2; v2->fbcoord[0] -= ld->conf.shift_x * 2; v2->fbcoord[1] -= ld->conf.shift_y * 2; /* This z transformation is not the same as the rest of the part, because the data don't go * through normal perspective division calls in the pipeline, but this way the 3D result and * occlusion on the generated line is correct, and we don't really use 2D for viewport stroke * generation anyway. */ v1->fbcoord[2] = ZMin * ZMax / (ZMax - fabs(v1->fbcoord[2]) * (ZMax - ZMin)); v2->fbcoord[2] = ZMin * ZMax / (ZMax - fabs(v2->fbcoord[2]) * (ZMax - ZMin)); e->v1 = v1; e->v2 = v2; e->t1 = is->tri1; e->t2 = is->tri2; /* This is so we can also match intersection edges from shadow to later viewing stage. */ e->edge_identifier = (((uint64_t)e->t1->target_reference) << 32) | e->t2->target_reference; e->flags = LRT_EDGE_FLAG_INTERSECTION; e->intersection_mask = (is->tri1->intersection_mask | is->tri2->intersection_mask); BLI_addtail(&e->segments, es); int obi1 = (e->t1->target_reference & LRT_OBINDEX_HIGHER); int obi2 = (e->t2->target_reference & LRT_OBINDEX_HIGHER); LineartElementLinkNode *eln1 = lineart_find_matching_eln(&ld->geom.line_buffer_pointers, obi1); LineartElementLinkNode *eln2 = obi1 == obi2 ? eln1 : lineart_find_matching_eln( &ld->geom.line_buffer_pointers, obi2); Object *ob1 = eln1 ? eln1->object_ref : NULL; Object *ob2 = eln2 ? eln2->object_ref : NULL; if (e->t1->intersection_priority > e->t2->intersection_priority) { e->object_ref = ob1; } else if (e->t1->intersection_priority < e->t2->intersection_priority) { e->object_ref = ob2; } else { /* equal priority */ if (ob1 == ob2) { /* object_ref should be ambiguous if intersection lines comes from different objects. */ e->object_ref = ob1; } } lineart_add_edge_to_array(&ld->pending_edges, e); v += 2; e++; es++; } } } /** * Sequentially add triangles into render buffer, intersection lines between those triangles will * also be computed at the same time. */ void lineart_main_add_triangles(LineartData *ld) { double t_start; if (G.debug_value == 4000) { t_start = PIL_check_seconds_timer(); } /* Initialize per-thread data for thread task scheduling information and storing intersection * results. */ LineartIsecData d = {0}; lineart_init_isec_thread(&d, ld, ld->thread_count); TaskPool *tp = BLI_task_pool_create(NULL, TASK_PRIORITY_HIGH); for (int i = 0; i < ld->thread_count; i++) { BLI_task_pool_push(tp, (TaskRunFunction)lineart_add_triangles_worker, &d.threads[i], 0, NULL); } BLI_task_pool_work_and_wait(tp); BLI_task_pool_free(tp); if (ld->conf.use_intersections) { lineart_create_edges_from_isec_data(&d); } lineart_destroy_isec_thread(&d); if (G.debug_value == 4000) { double t_elapsed = PIL_check_seconds_timer() - t_start; printf("Line art intersection time: %f\n", t_elapsed); } } /** * This function gets the tile for the point `e->v1`, and later use #lineart_bounding_area_next() * to get next along the way. */ LineartBoundingArea *lineart_edge_first_bounding_area(LineartData *ld, double *fbcoord1, double *fbcoord2) { double data[2] = {fbcoord1[0], fbcoord1[1]}; double LU[2] = {-1, 1}, RU[2] = {1, 1}, LB[2] = {-1, -1}, RB[2] = {1, -1}; double r = 1, sr = 1; bool p_unused; if (data[0] > -1 && data[0] < 1 && data[1] > -1 && data[1] < 1) { return lineart_get_bounding_area(ld, data[0], data[1]); } if (lineart_intersect_seg_seg(fbcoord1, fbcoord2, LU, RU, &sr, &p_unused) && sr < r && sr > 0) { r = sr; } if (lineart_intersect_seg_seg(fbcoord1, fbcoord2, LB, RB, &sr, &p_unused) && sr < r && sr > 0) { r = sr; } if (lineart_intersect_seg_seg(fbcoord1, fbcoord2, LB, LU, &sr, &p_unused) && sr < r && sr > 0) { r = sr; } if (lineart_intersect_seg_seg(fbcoord1, fbcoord2, RB, RU, &sr, &p_unused) && sr < r && sr > 0) { r = sr; } interp_v2_v2v2_db(data, fbcoord1, fbcoord2, r); return lineart_get_bounding_area(ld, data[0], data[1]); } /** * This march along one render line in image space and * get the next bounding area the line is crossing. */ LineartBoundingArea *lineart_bounding_area_next(LineartBoundingArea *this, double *fbcoord1, double *fbcoord2, double x, double y, double k, int positive_x, int positive_y, double *next_x, double *next_y) { double rx, ry, ux, uy, lx, ly, bx, by; double r1, r2; LineartBoundingArea *ba; /* If we are marching towards the right. */ if (positive_x > 0) { rx = this->r; ry = y + k * (rx - x); /* If we are marching towards the top. */ if (positive_y > 0) { uy = this->u; ux = x + (uy - y) / k; r1 = ratiod(fbcoord1[0], fbcoord2[0], rx); r2 = ratiod(fbcoord1[0], fbcoord2[0], ux); if (MIN2(r1, r2) > 1) { return 0; } /* We reached the right side before the top side. */ if (r1 <= r2) { LISTBASE_FOREACH (LinkData *, lip, &this->rp) { ba = lip->data; if (ba->u >= ry && ba->b < ry) { *next_x = rx; *next_y = ry; return ba; } } } /* We reached the top side before the right side. */ else { LISTBASE_FOREACH (LinkData *, lip, &this->up) { ba = lip->data; if (ba->r >= ux && ba->l < ux) { *next_x = ux; *next_y = uy; return ba; } } } } /* If we are marching towards the bottom. */ else if (positive_y < 0) { by = this->b; bx = x + (by - y) / k; r1 = ratiod(fbcoord1[0], fbcoord2[0], rx); r2 = ratiod(fbcoord1[0], fbcoord2[0], bx); if (MIN2(r1, r2) > 1) { return 0; } if (r1 <= r2) { LISTBASE_FOREACH (LinkData *, lip, &this->rp) { ba = lip->data; if (ba->u >= ry && ba->b < ry) { *next_x = rx; *next_y = ry; return ba; } } } else { LISTBASE_FOREACH (LinkData *, lip, &this->bp) { ba = lip->data; if (ba->r >= bx && ba->l < bx) { *next_x = bx; *next_y = by; return ba; } } } } /* If the line is completely horizontal, in which Y difference == 0. */ else { r1 = ratiod(fbcoord1[0], fbcoord2[0], this->r); if (r1 > 1) { return 0; } LISTBASE_FOREACH (LinkData *, lip, &this->rp) { ba = lip->data; if (ba->u >= y && ba->b < y) { *next_x = this->r; *next_y = y; return ba; } } } } /* If we are marching towards the left. */ else if (positive_x < 0) { lx = this->l; ly = y + k * (lx - x); /* If we are marching towards the top. */ if (positive_y > 0) { uy = this->u; ux = x + (uy - y) / k; r1 = ratiod(fbcoord1[0], fbcoord2[0], lx); r2 = ratiod(fbcoord1[0], fbcoord2[0], ux); if (MIN2(r1, r2) > 1) { return 0; } if (r1 <= r2) { LISTBASE_FOREACH (LinkData *, lip, &this->lp) { ba = lip->data; if (ba->u >= ly && ba->b < ly) { *next_x = lx; *next_y = ly; return ba; } } } else { LISTBASE_FOREACH (LinkData *, lip, &this->up) { ba = lip->data; if (ba->r >= ux && ba->l < ux) { *next_x = ux; *next_y = uy; return ba; } } } } /* If we are marching towards the bottom. */ else if (positive_y < 0) { by = this->b; bx = x + (by - y) / k; r1 = ratiod(fbcoord1[0], fbcoord2[0], lx); r2 = ratiod(fbcoord1[0], fbcoord2[0], bx); if (MIN2(r1, r2) > 1) { return 0; } if (r1 <= r2) { LISTBASE_FOREACH (LinkData *, lip, &this->lp) { ba = lip->data; if (ba->u >= ly && ba->b < ly) { *next_x = lx; *next_y = ly; return ba; } } } else { LISTBASE_FOREACH (LinkData *, lip, &this->bp) { ba = lip->data; if (ba->r >= bx && ba->l < bx) { *next_x = bx; *next_y = by; return ba; } } } } /* Again, horizontal. */ else { r1 = ratiod(fbcoord1[0], fbcoord2[0], this->l); if (r1 > 1) { return 0; } LISTBASE_FOREACH (LinkData *, lip, &this->lp) { ba = lip->data; if (ba->u >= y && ba->b < y) { *next_x = this->l; *next_y = y; return ba; } } } } /* If the line is completely vertical, hence X difference == 0. */ else { if (positive_y > 0) { r1 = ratiod(fbcoord1[1], fbcoord2[1], this->u); if (r1 > 1) { return 0; } LISTBASE_FOREACH (LinkData *, lip, &this->up) { ba = lip->data; if (ba->r > x && ba->l <= x) { *next_x = x; *next_y = this->u; return ba; } } } else if (positive_y < 0) { r1 = ratiod(fbcoord1[1], fbcoord2[1], this->b); if (r1 > 1) { return 0; } LISTBASE_FOREACH (LinkData *, lip, &this->bp) { ba = lip->data; if (ba->r > x && ba->l <= x) { *next_x = x; *next_y = this->b; return ba; } } } else { /* Segment has no length. */ return 0; } } return 0; } /** * This is the entry point of all line art calculations. * * \return True when a change is made. */ bool MOD_lineart_compute_feature_lines(Depsgraph *depsgraph, LineartGpencilModifierData *lmd, LineartCache **cached_result, bool enable_stroke_depth_offset) { LineartData *ld; Scene *scene = DEG_get_evaluated_scene(depsgraph); int intersections_only = 0; /* Not used right now, but preserve for future. */ Object *use_camera; double t_start; if (G.debug_value == 4000) { t_start = PIL_check_seconds_timer(); } if (lmd->calculation_flags & LRT_USE_CUSTOM_CAMERA) { if (!lmd->source_camera || (use_camera = DEG_get_evaluated_object(depsgraph, lmd->source_camera))->type != OB_CAMERA) { return false; } } else { BKE_scene_camera_switch_update(scene); if (!scene->camera) { return false; } use_camera = scene->camera; } LineartCache *lc = lineart_init_cache(); *cached_result = lc; ld = lineart_create_render_buffer(scene, lmd, use_camera, scene->camera, lc); /* Triangle thread testing data size varies depending on the thread count. * See definition of LineartTriangleThread for details. */ ld->sizeof_triangle = lineart_triangle_size_get(ld); LineartData *shadow_rb = NULL; LineartElementLinkNode *shadow_veln, *shadow_eeln; ListBase *shadow_elns = ld->conf.shadow_selection ? &lc->shadow_elns : NULL; bool shadow_generated = lineart_main_try_generate_shadow(depsgraph, scene, ld, lmd, &lc->shadow_data_pool, &shadow_veln, &shadow_eeln, shadow_elns, &shadow_rb); /* Get view vector before loading geometries, because we detect feature lines there. */ lineart_main_get_view_vector(ld); lineart_main_load_geometries(depsgraph, scene, use_camera, ld, lmd->calculation_flags & LRT_ALLOW_DUPLI_OBJECTS, false, shadow_elns); if (shadow_generated) { lineart_main_transform_and_add_shadow(ld, shadow_veln, shadow_eeln); } if (!ld->geom.vertex_buffer_pointers.first) { /* No geometry loaded, return early. */ return true; } /* Initialize the bounding box acceleration structure, it's a lot like BVH in 3D. */ lineart_main_bounding_area_make_initial(ld); /* We need to get cut into triangles that are crossing near/far plans, only this way can we get * correct coordinates of those clipped lines. Done in two steps, * setting clip_far==false for near plane. */ lineart_main_cull_triangles(ld, false); /* `clip_far == true` for far plane. */ lineart_main_cull_triangles(ld, true); /* At this point triangle adjacent info pointers is no longer needed, free them. */ lineart_main_free_adjacent_data(ld); /* Do the perspective division after clipping is done. */ lineart_main_perspective_division(ld); lineart_main_discard_out_of_frame_edges(ld); /* Triangle intersections are done here during sequential adding of them. Only after this, * triangles and lines are all linked with acceleration structure, and the 2D occlusion stage * can do its job. */ lineart_main_add_triangles(ld); /* Add shadow cuts to intersection lines as well. */ lineart_register_intersection_shadow_cuts(ld, shadow_elns); /* Re-link bounding areas because they have been subdivided by worker threads and we need * adjacent info. */ lineart_main_bounding_areas_connect_post(ld); /* Link lines to acceleration structure, this can only be done after perspective division, if * we do it after triangles being added, the acceleration structure has already been * subdivided, this way we do less list manipulations. */ lineart_main_link_lines(ld); /* "intersection_only" is preserved for being called in a standalone fashion. * If so the data will already be available at the stage. Otherwise we do the occlusion and * chaining etc. */ if (!intersections_only) { /* Occlusion is work-and-wait. This call will not return before work is completed. */ lineart_main_occlusion_begin(ld); lineart_main_make_enclosed_shapes(ld, shadow_rb); lineart_main_remove_unused_lines_from_tiles(ld); /* Chaining is all single threaded. See lineart_chain.c * In this particular call, only lines that are geometrically connected (share the _exact_ * same end point) will be chained together. */ MOD_lineart_chain_feature_lines(ld); /* We are unable to take care of occlusion if we only connect end points, so here we do a * spit, where the splitting point could be any cut in e->segments. */ MOD_lineart_chain_split_for_fixed_occlusion(ld); /* Then we connect chains based on the _proximity_ of their end points in image space, here's * the place threshold value gets involved. */ MOD_lineart_chain_connect(ld); if (ld->conf.chain_smooth_tolerance > FLT_EPSILON) { /* Keeping UI range of 0-1 for ease of read while scaling down the actual value for best * effective range in image-space (Coordinate only goes from -1 to 1). This value is * somewhat arbitrary, but works best for the moment. */ MOD_lineart_smooth_chains(ld, ld->conf.chain_smooth_tolerance / 50); } if (ld->conf.use_image_boundary_trimming) { MOD_lineart_chain_clip_at_border(ld); } if (ld->conf.angle_splitting_threshold > FLT_EPSILON) { MOD_lineart_chain_split_angle(ld, ld->conf.angle_splitting_threshold); } if (enable_stroke_depth_offset && lmd->stroke_depth_offset > FLT_EPSILON) { MOD_lineart_chain_offset_towards_camera( ld, lmd->stroke_depth_offset, lmd->flags & LRT_GPENCIL_OFFSET_TOWARDS_CUSTOM_CAMERA); } if (ld->conf.shadow_use_silhouette) { MOD_lineart_chain_find_silhouette_backdrop_objects(ld); } /* Finally transfer the result list into cache. */ memcpy(&lc->chains, &ld->chains, sizeof(ListBase)); /* At last, we need to clear flags so we don't confuse GPencil generation calls. */ MOD_lineart_chain_clear_picked_flag(lc); MOD_lineart_finalize_chains(ld); } lineart_mem_destroy(&lc->shadow_data_pool); if (ld->conf.shadow_enclose_shapes && shadow_rb) { lineart_destroy_render_data_keep_init(shadow_rb); MEM_freeN(shadow_rb); } if (G.debug_value == 4000) { lineart_count_and_print_render_buffer_memory(ld); double t_elapsed = PIL_check_seconds_timer() - t_start; printf("Line art total time: %lf\n", t_elapsed); } return true; } static void lineart_gpencil_generate(LineartCache *cache, Depsgraph *depsgraph, Object *gpencil_object, float (*gp_obmat_inverse)[4], bGPDlayer *UNUSED(gpl), bGPDframe *gpf, int level_start, int level_end, int material_nr, Object *source_object, Collection *source_collection, int types, uchar mask_switches, uchar material_mask_bits, uchar intersection_mask, int16_t thickness, float opacity, uchar shaodow_selection, uchar silhouette_mode, const char *source_vgname, const char *vgname, int modifier_flags) { if (cache == NULL) { if (G.debug_value == 4000) { printf("NULL Lineart cache!\n"); } return; } int stroke_count = 0; int color_idx = 0; Object *orig_ob = NULL; if (source_object) { orig_ob = source_object->id.orig_id ? (Object *)source_object->id.orig_id : source_object; } Collection *orig_col = NULL; if (source_collection) { orig_col = source_collection->id.orig_id ? (Collection *)source_collection->id.orig_id : source_collection; } /* (!orig_col && !orig_ob) means the whole scene is selected. */ int enabled_types = cache->all_enabled_edge_types; bool invert_input = modifier_flags & LRT_GPENCIL_INVERT_SOURCE_VGROUP; bool match_output = modifier_flags & LRT_GPENCIL_MATCH_OUTPUT_VGROUP; bool inverse_silhouette = modifier_flags & LRT_GPENCIL_INVERT_SILHOUETTE_FILTER; LISTBASE_FOREACH (LineartEdgeChain *, ec, &cache->chains) { if (ec->picked) { continue; } if (!(ec->type & (types & enabled_types))) { continue; } if (ec->level > level_end || ec->level < level_start) { continue; } if (orig_ob && orig_ob != ec->object_ref) { continue; } if (orig_col && ec->object_ref) { if (BKE_collection_has_object_recursive_instanced(orig_col, (Object *)ec->object_ref)) { if (modifier_flags & LRT_GPENCIL_INVERT_COLLECTION) { continue; } } else { if (!(modifier_flags & LRT_GPENCIL_INVERT_COLLECTION)) { continue; } } } if (mask_switches & LRT_GPENCIL_MATERIAL_MASK_ENABLE) { if (mask_switches & LRT_GPENCIL_MATERIAL_MASK_MATCH) { if (ec->material_mask_bits != material_mask_bits) { continue; } } else { if (!(ec->material_mask_bits & material_mask_bits)) { continue; } } } if (ec->type & LRT_EDGE_FLAG_INTERSECTION) { if (mask_switches & LRT_GPENCIL_INTERSECTION_MATCH) { if (ec->intersection_mask != intersection_mask) { continue; } } else { if ((intersection_mask) && !(ec->intersection_mask & intersection_mask)) { continue; } } } if (shaodow_selection) { if (ec->shadow_mask_bits != LRT_SHADOW_MASK_UNDEFINED) { /* TODO(@Yiming): Give a behavior option for how to display undefined shadow info. */ if ((shaodow_selection == LRT_SHADOW_FILTER_ILLUMINATED && (!(ec->shadow_mask_bits & LRT_SHADOW_MASK_ILLUMINATED)))) { continue; } if ((shaodow_selection == LRT_SHADOW_FILTER_SHADED && (!(ec->shadow_mask_bits & LRT_SHADOW_MASK_SHADED)))) { continue; } if (shaodow_selection == LRT_SHADOW_FILTER_ILLUMINATED_ENCLOSED_SHAPES) { uint32_t test_bits = ec->shadow_mask_bits & LRT_SHADOW_TEST_SHAPE_BITS; if ((test_bits != LRT_SHADOW_MASK_ILLUMINATED) && (test_bits != (LRT_SHADOW_MASK_SHADED | LRT_SHADOW_MASK_ILLUMINATED_SHAPE))) { continue; } } } } if (silhouette_mode && (ec->type & (LRT_EDGE_FLAG_CONTOUR))) { bool is_silhouette = false; if (orig_col) { if (!ec->silhouette_backdrop) { is_silhouette = true; } else if (!BKE_collection_has_object_recursive_instanced(orig_col, ec->silhouette_backdrop)) { is_silhouette = true; } } else { if ((!orig_ob) && (!ec->silhouette_backdrop)) { is_silhouette = true; } } if ((silhouette_mode == LRT_SILHOUETTE_FILTER_INDIVIDUAL || orig_ob) && ec->silhouette_backdrop != ec->object_ref) { is_silhouette = true; } if (inverse_silhouette) { is_silhouette = !is_silhouette; } if (!is_silhouette) { continue; } } /* Preserved: If we ever do asynchronous generation, this picked flag should be set here. */ // ec->picked = 1; const int count = MOD_lineart_chain_count(ec); if (count < 2) { continue; } bGPDstroke *gps = BKE_gpencil_stroke_add(gpf, color_idx, count, thickness, false); int i; LISTBASE_FOREACH_INDEX (LineartEdgeChainItem *, eci, &ec->chain, i) { bGPDspoint *point = &gps->points[i]; mul_v3_m4v3(&point->x, gp_obmat_inverse, eci->gpos); point->pressure = 1.0f; point->strength = opacity; } BKE_gpencil_dvert_ensure(gps); gps->mat_nr = max_ii(material_nr, 0); if (source_vgname && vgname) { Object *eval_ob = DEG_get_evaluated_object(depsgraph, ec->object_ref); int gpdg = -1; if ((match_output || (gpdg = BKE_object_defgroup_name_index(gpencil_object, vgname)) >= 0)) { if (eval_ob && eval_ob->type == OB_MESH) { int dindex = 0; Mesh *me = BKE_object_get_evaluated_mesh(eval_ob); MDeformVert *dvert = BKE_mesh_deform_verts_for_write(me); if (dvert) { LISTBASE_FOREACH (bDeformGroup *, db, &me->vertex_group_names) { if ((!source_vgname) || strstr(db->name, source_vgname) == db->name) { if (match_output) { gpdg = BKE_object_defgroup_name_index(gpencil_object, db->name); if (gpdg < 0) { continue; } } int sindex = 0, vindex; LISTBASE_FOREACH (LineartEdgeChainItem *, eci, &ec->chain) { vindex = eci->index; if (vindex >= me->totvert) { break; } MDeformWeight *mdw = BKE_defvert_ensure_index(&dvert[vindex], dindex); MDeformWeight *gdw = BKE_defvert_ensure_index(&gps->dvert[sindex], gpdg); float use_weight = mdw->weight; if (invert_input) { use_weight = 1 - use_weight; } gdw->weight = MAX2(use_weight, gdw->weight); sindex++; } } dindex++; } } } } } if (G.debug_value == 4000) { BKE_gpencil_stroke_set_random_color(gps); } BKE_gpencil_stroke_geometry_update(gpencil_object->data, gps); stroke_count++; } if (G.debug_value == 4000) { printf("LRT: Generated %d strokes.\n", stroke_count); } } void MOD_lineart_gpencil_generate(LineartCache *cache, Depsgraph *depsgraph, Object *ob, bGPDlayer *gpl, bGPDframe *gpf, int8_t source_type, void *source_reference, int level_start, int level_end, int mat_nr, int16_t edge_types, uchar mask_switches, uchar material_mask_bits, uchar intersection_mask, int16_t thickness, float opacity, uchar shadow_selection, uchar silhouette_mode, const char *source_vgname, const char *vgname, int modifier_flags) { if (!gpl || !gpf || !ob) { return; } Object *source_object = NULL; Collection *source_collection = NULL; int16_t use_types = edge_types; if (source_type == LRT_SOURCE_OBJECT) { if (!source_reference) { return; } source_object = (Object *)source_reference; } else if (source_type == LRT_SOURCE_COLLECTION) { if (!source_reference) { return; } source_collection = (Collection *)source_reference; } float gp_obmat_inverse[4][4]; invert_m4_m4(gp_obmat_inverse, ob->obmat); lineart_gpencil_generate(cache, depsgraph, ob, gp_obmat_inverse, gpl, gpf, level_start, level_end, mat_nr, source_object, source_collection, use_types, mask_switches, material_mask_bits, intersection_mask, thickness, opacity, shadow_selection, silhouette_mode, source_vgname, vgname, modifier_flags); }