/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2005 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): Brecht Van Lommel. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file GPU_material.h * \ingroup gpu */ #ifndef __GPU_MATERIAL_H__ #define __GPU_MATERIAL_H__ #include "DNA_customdata_types.h" /* for CustomDataType */ #include "DNA_listBase.h" #include "BLI_sys_types.h" /* for bool */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif struct Image; struct ImageUser; struct ListBase; struct Main; struct Material; struct Object; struct Scene; struct GPUVertexAttribs; struct GPUNode; struct GPUNodeLink; struct GPUNodeStack; struct GPUMaterial; struct GPUTexture; struct GPUUniformBuffer; struct PreviewImage; struct World; struct bNode; struct bNodeTree; typedef struct GPUNode GPUNode; typedef struct GPUNodeLink GPUNodeLink; typedef struct GPUMaterial GPUMaterial; typedef struct GPUParticleInfo GPUParticleInfo; /* Functions to create GPU Materials nodes */ typedef enum GPUType { /* Keep in sync with GPU_DATATYPE_STR */ /* The value indicates the number of elements in each type */ GPU_NONE = 0, GPU_FLOAT = 1, GPU_VEC2 = 2, GPU_VEC3 = 3, GPU_VEC4 = 4, GPU_MAT3 = 9, GPU_MAT4 = 16, /* Values not in GPU_DATATYPE_STR */ GPU_TEX2D = 1002, GPU_TEX3D = 1003, GPU_SHADOW2D = 1004, GPU_TEXCUBE = 1005, /* GLSL Struct types */ GPU_CLOSURE = 1006, /* Opengl Attributes */ GPU_ATTRIB = 3001 } GPUType; typedef enum GPUBuiltin { GPU_VIEW_MATRIX = (1 << 0), GPU_OBJECT_MATRIX = (1 << 1), GPU_INVERSE_VIEW_MATRIX = (1 << 2), GPU_INVERSE_OBJECT_MATRIX = (1 << 3), GPU_VIEW_POSITION = (1 << 4), GPU_VIEW_NORMAL = (1 << 5), GPU_OBCOLOR = (1 << 6), GPU_AUTO_BUMPSCALE = (1 << 7), GPU_CAMERA_TEXCO_FACTORS = (1 << 8), GPU_PARTICLE_SCALAR_PROPS = (1 << 9), GPU_PARTICLE_LOCATION = (1 << 10), GPU_PARTICLE_VELOCITY = (1 << 11), GPU_PARTICLE_ANG_VELOCITY = (1 << 12), GPU_LOC_TO_VIEW_MATRIX = (1 << 13), GPU_INVERSE_LOC_TO_VIEW_MATRIX = (1 << 14), GPU_OBJECT_INFO = (1 << 15), GPU_VOLUME_DENSITY = (1 << 16), GPU_VOLUME_FLAME = (1 << 17), GPU_VOLUME_TEMPERATURE = (1 << 18) } GPUBuiltin; typedef enum GPUOpenGLBuiltin { GPU_MATCAP_NORMAL = 1, GPU_COLOR = 2, } GPUOpenGLBuiltin; typedef enum GPUMatType { GPU_MATERIAL_TYPE_MESH = 1, GPU_MATERIAL_TYPE_WORLD = 2, } GPUMatType; typedef enum GPUBlendMode { GPU_BLEND_SOLID = 0, GPU_BLEND_ADD = 1, GPU_BLEND_ALPHA = 2, GPU_BLEND_CLIP = 4, GPU_BLEND_ALPHA_SORT = 8, GPU_BLEND_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE = 16 } GPUBlendMode; typedef struct GPUNodeStack { GPUType type; float vec[4]; struct GPUNodeLink *link; bool hasinput; bool hasoutput; short sockettype; bool end; } GPUNodeStack; typedef enum GPUMaterialStatus { GPU_MAT_FAILED = 0, GPU_MAT_QUEUED, GPU_MAT_SUCCESS, } GPUMaterialStatus; #define GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_FROM_TYPE(f) ((f) & 0xFFFF0000) #define GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_MISC 0x00010000 #define GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_LAMP 0x00020000 #define GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_OBJECT 0x00030000 #define GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_SAMPLER 0x00040000 #define GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_MIST 0x00050000 #define GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_WORLD 0x00060000 #define GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_MAT 0x00070000 #define GPU_DYNAMIC_UBO 0x00080000 typedef enum GPUDynamicType { GPU_DYNAMIC_NONE = 0, GPU_DYNAMIC_OBJECT_VIEWMAT = 1 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_OBJECT, GPU_DYNAMIC_OBJECT_MAT = 2 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_OBJECT, GPU_DYNAMIC_OBJECT_VIEWIMAT = 3 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_OBJECT, GPU_DYNAMIC_OBJECT_IMAT = 4 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_OBJECT, GPU_DYNAMIC_OBJECT_COLOR = 5 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_OBJECT, GPU_DYNAMIC_OBJECT_AUTOBUMPSCALE = 6 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_OBJECT, GPU_DYNAMIC_OBJECT_LOCTOVIEWMAT = 7 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_OBJECT, GPU_DYNAMIC_OBJECT_LOCTOVIEWIMAT = 8 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_OBJECT, GPU_DYNAMIC_LAMP_DYNVEC = 1 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_LAMP, GPU_DYNAMIC_LAMP_DYNCO = 2 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_LAMP, GPU_DYNAMIC_LAMP_DYNIMAT = 3 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_LAMP, GPU_DYNAMIC_LAMP_DYNPERSMAT = 4 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_LAMP, GPU_DYNAMIC_LAMP_DYNENERGY = 5 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_LAMP, GPU_DYNAMIC_LAMP_DYNCOL = 6 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_LAMP, GPU_DYNAMIC_LAMP_DISTANCE = 7 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_LAMP, GPU_DYNAMIC_LAMP_ATT1 = 8 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_LAMP, GPU_DYNAMIC_LAMP_ATT2 = 9 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_LAMP, GPU_DYNAMIC_LAMP_SPOTSIZE = 10 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_LAMP, GPU_DYNAMIC_LAMP_SPOTBLEND = 11 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_LAMP, GPU_DYNAMIC_LAMP_SPOTSCALE = 12 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_LAMP, GPU_DYNAMIC_LAMP_COEFFCONST = 13 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_LAMP, GPU_DYNAMIC_LAMP_COEFFLIN = 14 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_LAMP, GPU_DYNAMIC_LAMP_COEFFQUAD = 15 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_LAMP, GPU_DYNAMIC_SAMPLER_2DBUFFER = 1 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_SAMPLER, GPU_DYNAMIC_SAMPLER_2DIMAGE = 2 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_SAMPLER, GPU_DYNAMIC_SAMPLER_2DSHADOW = 3 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_SAMPLER, GPU_DYNAMIC_MIST_ENABLE = 1 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_MIST, GPU_DYNAMIC_MIST_START = 2 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_MIST, GPU_DYNAMIC_MIST_DISTANCE = 3 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_MIST, GPU_DYNAMIC_MIST_INTENSITY = 4 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_MIST, GPU_DYNAMIC_MIST_TYPE = 5 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_MIST, GPU_DYNAMIC_MIST_COLOR = 6 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_MIST, GPU_DYNAMIC_HORIZON_COLOR = 1 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_WORLD, GPU_DYNAMIC_AMBIENT_COLOR = 2 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_WORLD, GPU_DYNAMIC_ZENITH_COLOR = 3 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_WORLD, GPU_DYNAMIC_MAT_DIFFRGB = 1 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_MAT, GPU_DYNAMIC_MAT_REF = 2 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_MAT, GPU_DYNAMIC_MAT_SPECRGB = 3 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_MAT, GPU_DYNAMIC_MAT_SPEC = 4 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_MAT, GPU_DYNAMIC_MAT_HARD = 5 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_MAT, GPU_DYNAMIC_MAT_EMIT = 6 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_MAT, GPU_DYNAMIC_MAT_AMB = 7 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_MAT, GPU_DYNAMIC_MAT_ALPHA = 8 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_MAT, GPU_DYNAMIC_MAT_MIR = 9 | GPU_DYNAMIC_GROUP_MAT } GPUDynamicType; GPUNodeLink *GPU_attribute(CustomDataType type, const char *name); GPUNodeLink *GPU_uniform(float *num); GPUNodeLink *GPU_dynamic_uniform(float *num, GPUDynamicType dynamictype, void *data); GPUNodeLink *GPU_uniform_buffer(float *num, GPUType gputype); GPUNodeLink *GPU_image(struct Image *ima, struct ImageUser *iuser, bool is_data); GPUNodeLink *GPU_cube_map(struct Image *ima, struct ImageUser *iuser, bool is_data); GPUNodeLink *GPU_image_preview(struct PreviewImage *prv); GPUNodeLink *GPU_texture(int size, float *pixels); GPUNodeLink *GPU_dynamic_texture(struct GPUTexture *tex, GPUDynamicType dynamictype, void *data); GPUNodeLink *GPU_builtin(GPUBuiltin builtin); GPUNodeLink *GPU_opengl_builtin(GPUOpenGLBuiltin builtin); void GPU_node_link_set_type(GPUNodeLink *link, GPUType type); bool GPU_link(GPUMaterial *mat, const char *name, ...); bool GPU_stack_link(GPUMaterial *mat, struct bNode *node, const char *name, GPUNodeStack *in, GPUNodeStack *out, ...); GPUNodeLink *GPU_uniformbuffer_link_out( struct GPUMaterial *mat, struct bNode *node, struct GPUNodeStack *stack, const int index); void GPU_material_output_link(GPUMaterial *material, GPUNodeLink *link); GPUBuiltin GPU_get_material_builtins(GPUMaterial *material); void GPU_material_sss_profile_create(GPUMaterial *material, float radii[3], short *falloff_type, float *sharpness); struct GPUUniformBuffer *GPU_material_sss_profile_get( GPUMaterial *material, int sample_len, struct GPUTexture **tex_profile); /* High level functions to create and use GPU materials */ GPUMaterial *GPU_material_from_nodetree_find( struct ListBase *gpumaterials, const void *engine_type, int options); GPUMaterial *GPU_material_from_nodetree( struct Scene *scene, struct bNodeTree *ntree, struct ListBase *gpumaterials, const void *engine_type, int options, const char *vert_code, const char *geom_code, const char *frag_lib, const char *defines); void GPU_material_compile(GPUMaterial *mat); void GPU_material_free(struct ListBase *gpumaterial); void GPU_materials_free(struct Main *bmain); struct Scene *GPU_material_scene(GPUMaterial *material); GPUMatType GPU_Material_get_type(GPUMaterial *material); struct GPUPass *GPU_material_get_pass(GPUMaterial *material); struct ListBase *GPU_material_get_inputs(GPUMaterial *material); GPUMaterialStatus GPU_material_status(GPUMaterial *mat); struct GPUUniformBuffer *GPU_material_uniform_buffer_get(GPUMaterial *material); void GPU_material_uniform_buffer_create(GPUMaterial *material, ListBase *inputs); void GPU_material_vertex_attributes( GPUMaterial *material, struct GPUVertexAttribs *attrib); bool GPU_material_do_color_management(GPUMaterial *mat); bool GPU_material_use_domain_surface(GPUMaterial *mat); bool GPU_material_use_domain_volume(GPUMaterial *mat); void GPU_pass_cache_init(void); void GPU_pass_cache_garbage_collect(void); void GPU_pass_cache_free(void); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /*__GPU_MATERIAL_H__*/