/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2005 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup gpu */ #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_math_base.h" #include "BLI_math_vector.h" #include "BLI_path_util.h" #include "BLI_string.h" #include "BLI_string_utils.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BKE_appdir.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "DNA_space_types.h" #include "GPU_extensions.h" #include "GPU_matrix.h" #include "GPU_platform.h" #include "GPU_shader.h" #include "GPU_texture.h" #include "GPU_uniformbuffer.h" #include "gpu_shader_private.h" extern "C" char datatoc_gpu_shader_colorspace_lib_glsl[]; /* Adjust these constants as needed. */ #define MAX_DEFINE_LENGTH 256 #define MAX_EXT_DEFINE_LENGTH 512 #ifndef NDEBUG static uint g_shaderid = 0; #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Convenience functions * \{ */ static void shader_print_errors(const char *task, const char *log, const char **code, int totcode) { int line = 1; fprintf(stderr, "GPUShader: %s error:\n", task); for (int i = 0; i < totcode; i++) { const char *c, *pos, *end = code[i] + strlen(code[i]); if (G.debug & G_DEBUG) { fprintf(stderr, "===== shader string %d ====\n", i + 1); c = code[i]; while ((c < end) && (pos = strchr(c, '\n'))) { fprintf(stderr, "%2d ", line); fwrite(c, (pos + 1) - c, 1, stderr); c = pos + 1; line++; } fprintf(stderr, "%s", c); } } fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", log); } static const char *gpu_shader_version(void) { return "#version 330\n"; } static void gpu_shader_standard_extensions(char defines[MAX_EXT_DEFINE_LENGTH]) { /* enable extensions for features that are not part of our base GLSL version * don't use an extension for something already available! */ if (GLEW_ARB_texture_gather) { /* There is a bug on older Nvidia GPU where GL_ARB_texture_gather * is reported to be supported but yield a compile error (see T55802). */ if (!GPU_type_matches(GPU_DEVICE_NVIDIA, GPU_OS_ANY, GPU_DRIVER_ANY) || GLEW_VERSION_4_0) { strcat(defines, "#extension GL_ARB_texture_gather: enable\n"); /* Some drivers don't agree on GLEW_ARB_texture_gather and the actual support in the * shader so double check the preprocessor define (see T56544). */ if (!GPU_type_matches(GPU_DEVICE_NVIDIA, GPU_OS_ANY, GPU_DRIVER_ANY) && !GLEW_VERSION_4_0) { strcat(defines, "#ifdef GL_ARB_texture_gather\n"); strcat(defines, "# define GPU_ARB_texture_gather\n"); strcat(defines, "#endif\n"); } else { strcat(defines, "#define GPU_ARB_texture_gather\n"); } } } if (GLEW_ARB_texture_query_lod) { /* a #version 400 feature, but we use #version 330 maximum so use extension */ strcat(defines, "#extension GL_ARB_texture_query_lod: enable\n"); } if (GLEW_ARB_shader_draw_parameters) { strcat(defines, "#extension GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters : enable\n"); } if (GPU_arb_texture_cube_map_array_is_supported()) { strcat(defines, "#extension GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array : enable\n"); strcat(defines, "#define GPU_ARB_texture_cube_map_array\n"); } } static void gpu_shader_standard_defines(char defines[MAX_DEFINE_LENGTH]) { /* some useful defines to detect GPU type */ if (GPU_type_matches(GPU_DEVICE_ATI, GPU_OS_ANY, GPU_DRIVER_ANY)) { strcat(defines, "#define GPU_ATI\n"); if (GPU_crappy_amd_driver()) { strcat(defines, "#define GPU_DEPRECATED_AMD_DRIVER\n"); } } else if (GPU_type_matches(GPU_DEVICE_NVIDIA, GPU_OS_ANY, GPU_DRIVER_ANY)) { strcat(defines, "#define GPU_NVIDIA\n"); } else if (GPU_type_matches(GPU_DEVICE_INTEL, GPU_OS_ANY, GPU_DRIVER_ANY)) { strcat(defines, "#define GPU_INTEL\n"); } /* some useful defines to detect OS type */ if (GPU_type_matches(GPU_DEVICE_ANY, GPU_OS_WIN, GPU_DRIVER_ANY)) { strcat(defines, "#define OS_WIN\n"); } else if (GPU_type_matches(GPU_DEVICE_ANY, GPU_OS_MAC, GPU_DRIVER_ANY)) { strcat(defines, "#define OS_MAC\n"); } else if (GPU_type_matches(GPU_DEVICE_ANY, GPU_OS_UNIX, GPU_DRIVER_ANY)) { strcat(defines, "#define OS_UNIX\n"); } float derivatives_factors[2]; GPU_get_dfdy_factors(derivatives_factors); if (derivatives_factors[0] == 1.0f) { strcat(defines, "#define DFDX_SIGN 1.0\n"); } else { strcat(defines, "#define DFDX_SIGN -1.0\n"); } if (derivatives_factors[1] == 1.0f) { strcat(defines, "#define DFDY_SIGN 1.0\n"); } else { strcat(defines, "#define DFDY_SIGN -1.0\n"); } } #define DEBUG_SHADER_NONE "" #define DEBUG_SHADER_VERTEX "vert" #define DEBUG_SHADER_FRAGMENT "frag" #define DEBUG_SHADER_GEOMETRY "geom" /** * Dump GLSL shaders to disk * * This is used for profiling shader performance externally and debug if shader code is correct. * If called with no code, it simply bumps the shader index, so different shaders for the same * program share the same index. */ static void gpu_dump_shaders(const char **code, const int num_shaders, const char *extension) { if ((G.debug & G_DEBUG_GPU_SHADERS) == 0) { return; } /* We use the same shader index for shaders in the same program. * So we call this function once before calling for the individual shaders. */ static int shader_index = 0; if (code == NULL) { shader_index++; BLI_assert(STREQ(DEBUG_SHADER_NONE, extension)); return; } /* Determine the full path of the new shader. */ char shader_path[FILE_MAX]; char file_name[512] = {'\0'}; sprintf(file_name, "%04d.%s", shader_index, extension); BLI_join_dirfile(shader_path, sizeof(shader_path), BKE_tempdir_session(), file_name); /* Write shader to disk. */ FILE *f = fopen(shader_path, "w"); if (f == NULL) { printf("Error writing to file: %s\n", shader_path); } for (int j = 0; j < num_shaders; j++) { fprintf(f, "%s", code[j]); } fclose(f); printf("Shader file written to disk: %s\n", shader_path); } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Creation / Destruction * \{ */ GPUShader *GPU_shader_create(const char *vertexcode, const char *fragcode, const char *geocode, const char *libcode, const char *defines, const char *shname) { return GPU_shader_create_ex( vertexcode, fragcode, geocode, libcode, defines, GPU_SHADER_TFB_NONE, NULL, 0, shname); } GPUShader *GPU_shader_create_from_python(const char *vertexcode, const char *fragcode, const char *geocode, const char *libcode, const char *defines) { char *libcodecat = NULL; if (libcode == NULL) { libcode = datatoc_gpu_shader_colorspace_lib_glsl; } else { libcode = libcodecat = BLI_strdupcat(libcode, datatoc_gpu_shader_colorspace_lib_glsl); } GPUShader *sh = GPU_shader_create_ex( vertexcode, fragcode, geocode, libcode, defines, GPU_SHADER_TFB_NONE, NULL, 0, NULL); MEM_SAFE_FREE(libcodecat); return sh; } GPUShader *GPU_shader_load_from_binary(const char *binary, const int binary_format, const int binary_len, const char *shname) { BLI_assert(GL_ARB_get_program_binary); int success; int program = glCreateProgram(); glProgramBinary(program, binary_format, binary, binary_len); glGetProgramiv(program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &success); if (success) { glUseProgram(program); GPUShader *shader = (GPUShader *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(*shader), __func__); shader->interface = GPU_shaderinterface_create(program); shader->program = program; #ifndef NDEBUG BLI_snprintf(shader->name, sizeof(shader->name), "%s_%u", shname, g_shaderid++); #else UNUSED_VARS(shname); #endif return shader; } glDeleteProgram(program); return NULL; } GPUShader *GPU_shader_create_ex(const char *vertexcode, const char *fragcode, const char *geocode, const char *libcode, const char *defines, const eGPUShaderTFBType tf_type, const char **tf_names, const int tf_count, const char *shname) { GLint status; GLchar log[5000]; GLsizei length = 0; GPUShader *shader; char standard_defines[MAX_DEFINE_LENGTH] = ""; char standard_extensions[MAX_EXT_DEFINE_LENGTH] = ""; shader = (GPUShader *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(GPUShader), "GPUShader"); gpu_dump_shaders(NULL, 0, DEBUG_SHADER_NONE); #ifndef NDEBUG BLI_snprintf(shader->name, sizeof(shader->name), "%s_%u", shname, g_shaderid++); #else UNUSED_VARS(shname); #endif /* At least a vertex shader and a fragment shader are required. */ BLI_assert((fragcode != NULL) && (vertexcode != NULL)); if (vertexcode) { shader->vertex = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER); } if (fragcode) { shader->fragment = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); } if (geocode) { shader->geometry = glCreateShader(GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER); } shader->program = glCreateProgram(); if (!shader->program || (vertexcode && !shader->vertex) || (fragcode && !shader->fragment) || (geocode && !shader->geometry)) { fprintf(stderr, "GPUShader, object creation failed.\n"); GPU_shader_free(shader); return NULL; } gpu_shader_standard_defines(standard_defines); gpu_shader_standard_extensions(standard_extensions); if (vertexcode) { const char *source[7]; /* custom limit, may be too small, beware */ int num_source = 0; source[num_source++] = gpu_shader_version(); source[num_source++] = "#define GPU_VERTEX_SHADER\n" "#define IN_OUT out\n"; source[num_source++] = standard_extensions; source[num_source++] = standard_defines; if (geocode) { source[num_source++] = "#define USE_GEOMETRY_SHADER\n"; } if (defines) { source[num_source++] = defines; } source[num_source++] = vertexcode; gpu_dump_shaders(source, num_source, DEBUG_SHADER_VERTEX); glAttachShader(shader->program, shader->vertex); glShaderSource(shader->vertex, num_source, source, NULL); glCompileShader(shader->vertex); glGetShaderiv(shader->vertex, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status); if (!status) { glGetShaderInfoLog(shader->vertex, sizeof(log), &length, log); shader_print_errors("compile", log, source, num_source); GPU_shader_free(shader); return NULL; } } if (fragcode) { const char *source[8]; int num_source = 0; source[num_source++] = gpu_shader_version(); source[num_source++] = "#define GPU_FRAGMENT_SHADER\n" "#define IN_OUT in\n"; source[num_source++] = standard_extensions; source[num_source++] = standard_defines; if (geocode) { source[num_source++] = "#define USE_GEOMETRY_SHADER\n"; } if (defines) { source[num_source++] = defines; } if (libcode) { source[num_source++] = libcode; } source[num_source++] = fragcode; gpu_dump_shaders(source, num_source, DEBUG_SHADER_FRAGMENT); glAttachShader(shader->program, shader->fragment); glShaderSource(shader->fragment, num_source, source, NULL); glCompileShader(shader->fragment); glGetShaderiv(shader->fragment, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status); if (!status) { glGetShaderInfoLog(shader->fragment, sizeof(log), &length, log); shader_print_errors("compile", log, source, num_source); GPU_shader_free(shader); return NULL; } } if (geocode) { const char *source[6]; int num_source = 0; source[num_source++] = gpu_shader_version(); source[num_source++] = "#define GPU_GEOMETRY_SHADER\n"; source[num_source++] = standard_extensions; source[num_source++] = standard_defines; if (defines) { source[num_source++] = defines; } source[num_source++] = geocode; gpu_dump_shaders(source, num_source, DEBUG_SHADER_GEOMETRY); glAttachShader(shader->program, shader->geometry); glShaderSource(shader->geometry, num_source, source, NULL); glCompileShader(shader->geometry); glGetShaderiv(shader->geometry, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status); if (!status) { glGetShaderInfoLog(shader->geometry, sizeof(log), &length, log); shader_print_errors("compile", log, source, num_source); GPU_shader_free(shader); return NULL; } } if (tf_names != NULL) { glTransformFeedbackVaryings(shader->program, tf_count, tf_names, GL_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS); /* Primitive type must be setup */ BLI_assert(tf_type != GPU_SHADER_TFB_NONE); shader->feedback_transform_type = tf_type; } glLinkProgram(shader->program); glGetProgramiv(shader->program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status); if (!status) { glGetProgramInfoLog(shader->program, sizeof(log), &length, log); /* print attached shaders in pipeline order */ if (defines) { shader_print_errors("linking", log, &defines, 1); } if (vertexcode) { shader_print_errors("linking", log, &vertexcode, 1); } if (geocode) { shader_print_errors("linking", log, &geocode, 1); } if (libcode) { shader_print_errors("linking", log, &libcode, 1); } if (fragcode) { shader_print_errors("linking", log, &fragcode, 1); } GPU_shader_free(shader); return NULL; } glUseProgram(shader->program); shader->interface = GPU_shaderinterface_create(shader->program); return shader; } #undef DEBUG_SHADER_GEOMETRY #undef DEBUG_SHADER_FRAGMENT #undef DEBUG_SHADER_VERTEX #undef DEBUG_SHADER_NONE void GPU_shader_free(GPUShader *shader) { #if 0 /* Would be nice to have, but for now the Deferred compilation \ * does not have a GPUContext. */ BLI_assert(GPU_context_active_get() != NULL); #endif BLI_assert(shader); if (shader->vertex) { glDeleteShader(shader->vertex); } if (shader->geometry) { glDeleteShader(shader->geometry); } if (shader->fragment) { glDeleteShader(shader->fragment); } if (shader->program) { glDeleteProgram(shader->program); } if (shader->interface) { GPU_shaderinterface_discard(shader->interface); } MEM_freeN(shader); } static const char *string_join_array_maybe_alloc(const char **str_arr, bool *r_is_alloc) { bool is_alloc = false; if (str_arr == NULL) { *r_is_alloc = false; return NULL; } /* Skip empty strings (avoid alloc if we can). */ while (str_arr[0] && str_arr[0][0] == '\0') { str_arr++; } int i; for (i = 0; str_arr[i]; i++) { if (i != 0 && str_arr[i][0] != '\0') { is_alloc = true; } } *r_is_alloc = is_alloc; if (is_alloc) { return BLI_string_join_arrayN(str_arr, i); } else { return str_arr[0]; } } /** * Use via #GPU_shader_create_from_arrays macro (avoids passing in param). * * Similar to #DRW_shader_create_with_lib with the ability to include libs for each type of shader. * * It has the advantage that each item can be conditionally included * without having to build the string inline, then free it. * * \param params: NULL terminated arrays of strings. * * Example: * \code{.c} * sh = GPU_shader_create_from_arrays({ * .vert = (const char *[]){shader_lib_glsl, shader_vert_glsl, NULL}, * .geom = (const char *[]){shader_geom_glsl, NULL}, * .frag = (const char *[]){shader_frag_glsl, NULL}, * .defs = (const char *[]){"#define DEFINE\n", test ? "#define OTHER_DEFINE\n" : "", NULL}, * }); * \endcode */ struct GPUShader *GPU_shader_create_from_arrays_impl( const struct GPU_ShaderCreateFromArray_Params *params) { struct { const char *str; bool is_alloc; } str_dst[4] = {{0}}; const char **str_src[4] = {params->vert, params->frag, params->geom, params->defs}; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(str_src); i++) { str_dst[i].str = string_join_array_maybe_alloc(str_src[i], &str_dst[i].is_alloc); } GPUShader *sh = GPU_shader_create( str_dst[0].str, str_dst[1].str, str_dst[2].str, NULL, str_dst[3].str, __func__); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(str_dst); i++) { if (str_dst[i].is_alloc) { MEM_freeN((void *)str_dst[i].str); } } return sh; } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Binding * \{ */ void GPU_shader_bind(GPUShader *shader) { BLI_assert(shader && shader->program); glUseProgram(shader->program); GPU_matrix_bind(shader->interface); GPU_shader_set_srgb_uniform(shader->interface); } void GPU_shader_unbind(void) { glUseProgram(0); } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Transform feedback * \{ */ bool GPU_shader_transform_feedback_enable(GPUShader *shader, uint vbo_id) { if (shader->feedback_transform_type == GPU_SHADER_TFB_NONE) { return false; } glBindBufferBase(GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, 0, vbo_id); switch (shader->feedback_transform_type) { case GPU_SHADER_TFB_POINTS: glBeginTransformFeedback(GL_POINTS); return true; case GPU_SHADER_TFB_LINES: glBeginTransformFeedback(GL_LINES); return true; case GPU_SHADER_TFB_TRIANGLES: glBeginTransformFeedback(GL_TRIANGLES); return true; default: return false; } } void GPU_shader_transform_feedback_disable(GPUShader *UNUSED(shader)) { glEndTransformFeedback(); } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Uniforms / Resource location * \{ */ int GPU_shader_get_uniform(GPUShader *shader, const char *name) { BLI_assert(shader && shader->program); const GPUShaderInput *uniform = GPU_shaderinterface_uniform(shader->interface, name); return uniform ? uniform->location : -1; } int GPU_shader_get_builtin_uniform(GPUShader *shader, int builtin) { BLI_assert(shader && shader->program); return GPU_shaderinterface_uniform_builtin(shader->interface, static_cast(builtin)); } int GPU_shader_get_builtin_block(GPUShader *shader, int builtin) { BLI_assert(shader && shader->program); return GPU_shaderinterface_block_builtin(shader->interface, static_cast(builtin)); } int GPU_shader_get_uniform_block(GPUShader *shader, const char *name) { BLI_assert(shader && shader->program); const GPUShaderInput *ubo = GPU_shaderinterface_ubo(shader->interface, name); return ubo ? ubo->location : -1; } int GPU_shader_get_uniform_block_binding(GPUShader *shader, const char *name) { BLI_assert(shader && shader->program); const GPUShaderInput *ubo = GPU_shaderinterface_ubo(shader->interface, name); return ubo ? ubo->binding : -1; } int GPU_shader_get_texture_binding(GPUShader *shader, const char *name) { BLI_assert(shader && shader->program); const GPUShaderInput *tex = GPU_shaderinterface_uniform(shader->interface, name); return tex ? tex->binding : -1; } int GPU_shader_get_attribute(GPUShader *shader, const char *name) { BLI_assert(shader && shader->program); const GPUShaderInput *attr = GPU_shaderinterface_attr(shader->interface, name); return attr ? attr->location : -1; } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Getters * \{ */ /* Clement : Temp */ int GPU_shader_get_program(GPUShader *shader) { return (int)shader->program; } char *GPU_shader_get_binary(GPUShader *shader, uint *r_binary_format, int *r_binary_len) { BLI_assert(GLEW_ARB_get_program_binary); char *r_binary; int binary_len = 0; glGetProgramiv(shader->program, GL_PROGRAM_BINARY_LENGTH, &binary_len); r_binary = (char *)MEM_mallocN(binary_len, __func__); glGetProgramBinary(shader->program, binary_len, NULL, r_binary_format, r_binary); if (r_binary_len) { *r_binary_len = binary_len; } return r_binary; } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Uniforms setters * \{ */ void GPU_shader_uniform_float(GPUShader *UNUSED(shader), int location, float value) { if (location == -1) { return; } glUniform1f(location, value); } void GPU_shader_uniform_vector( GPUShader *UNUSED(shader), int location, int length, int arraysize, const float *value) { if (location == -1 || value == NULL) { return; } switch (length) { case 1: glUniform1fv(location, arraysize, value); break; case 2: glUniform2fv(location, arraysize, value); break; case 3: glUniform3fv(location, arraysize, value); break; case 4: glUniform4fv(location, arraysize, value); break; case 9: glUniformMatrix3fv(location, arraysize, 0, value); break; case 16: glUniformMatrix4fv(location, arraysize, 0, value); break; default: BLI_assert(0); break; } } void GPU_shader_uniform_int(GPUShader *UNUSED(shader), int location, int value) { if (location == -1) { return; } glUniform1i(location, value); } void GPU_shader_uniform_vector_int( GPUShader *UNUSED(shader), int location, int length, int arraysize, const int *value) { if (location == -1) { return; } switch (length) { case 1: glUniform1iv(location, arraysize, value); break; case 2: glUniform2iv(location, arraysize, value); break; case 3: glUniform3iv(location, arraysize, value); break; case 4: glUniform4iv(location, arraysize, value); break; default: BLI_assert(0); break; } } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name sRGB Rendering Workaround * * The viewport overlay frame-buffer is sRGB and will expect shaders to output display referred * Linear colors. But other frame-buffers (i.e: the area frame-buffers) are not sRGB and require * the shader output color to be in sRGB space * (assumed display encoded color-space as the time of writing). * For this reason we have a uniform to switch the transform on and off depending on the current * frame-buffer color-space. * \{ */ static int g_shader_builtin_srgb_transform = 0; void GPU_shader_set_srgb_uniform(const GPUShaderInterface *interface) { int32_t loc = GPU_shaderinterface_uniform_builtin(interface, GPU_UNIFORM_SRGB_TRANSFORM); if (loc != -1) { glUniform1i(loc, g_shader_builtin_srgb_transform); } } void GPU_shader_set_framebuffer_srgb_target(int use_srgb_to_linear) { g_shader_builtin_srgb_transform = use_srgb_to_linear; } /** \} */