/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2020 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup gpu */ #pragma once #include "BLI_assert.h" #include "GPU_vertex_buffer.h" #include "gpu_framebuffer_private.hh" namespace blender { namespace gpu { typedef enum eGPUTextureFormatFlag { GPU_FORMAT_DEPTH = (1 << 0), GPU_FORMAT_STENCIL = (1 << 1), GPU_FORMAT_INTEGER = (1 << 2), GPU_FORMAT_FLOAT = (1 << 3), GPU_FORMAT_COMPRESSED = (1 << 4), GPU_FORMAT_DEPTH_STENCIL = (GPU_FORMAT_DEPTH | GPU_FORMAT_STENCIL), } eGPUTextureFormatFlag; ENUM_OPERATORS(eGPUTextureFormatFlag) typedef enum eGPUTextureType { GPU_TEXTURE_1D = (1 << 0), GPU_TEXTURE_2D = (1 << 1), GPU_TEXTURE_3D = (1 << 2), GPU_TEXTURE_CUBE = (1 << 3), GPU_TEXTURE_ARRAY = (1 << 4), GPU_TEXTURE_BUFFER = (1 << 5), GPU_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY = (GPU_TEXTURE_1D | GPU_TEXTURE_ARRAY), GPU_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY = (GPU_TEXTURE_2D | GPU_TEXTURE_ARRAY), GPU_TEXTURE_CUBE_ARRAY = (GPU_TEXTURE_CUBE | GPU_TEXTURE_ARRAY), } eGPUTextureType; ENUM_OPERATORS(eGPUTextureType) #ifdef DEBUG # define DEBUG_NAME_LEN 64 #else # define DEBUG_NAME_LEN 8 #endif /* Maximum number of FBOs a texture can be attached to. */ #define GPU_TEX_MAX_FBO_ATTACHED 13 class Texture { public: /** Internal Sampler state. */ eGPUSamplerState sampler_state = GPU_SAMPLER_DEFAULT; /** Reference counter. */ int refcount = 1; /** Width & Height (of source data), optional. */ int src_w = 0, src_h = 0; protected: /* ---- Texture format (immutable after init). ---- */ /** Width & Height & Depth. For cubemap arrays, d is number of facelayers. */ int w_, h_, d_; /** Internal data format. */ eGPUTextureFormat format_; /** Format caracteristics. */ eGPUTextureFormatFlag format_flag_; /** Texture type. */ eGPUTextureType type_; /** Number of mipmaps this texture has (Max miplvl). */ /* TODO(fclem) Should become immutable and the need for mipmaps should be specified upfront. */ int mipmaps_ = -1; /** For debugging */ char name_[DEBUG_NAME_LEN]; private: /** Framebuffer references to update on deletion. */ GPUAttachmentType fb_attachment_[GPU_TEX_MAX_FBO_ATTACHED]; FrameBuffer *fb_[GPU_TEX_MAX_FBO_ATTACHED]; public: Texture(const char *name); virtual ~Texture(); /* Return true on success. */ bool init_1D(int w, int layers, eGPUTextureFormat format); bool init_2D(int w, int h, int layers, eGPUTextureFormat format); bool init_3D(int w, int h, int d, eGPUTextureFormat format); bool init_cubemap(int w, int layers, eGPUTextureFormat format); bool init_buffer(GPUVertBuf *vbo, eGPUTextureFormat format); virtual void generate_mipmap(void) = 0; virtual void copy_to(Texture *tex) = 0; virtual void clear(eGPUDataFormat format, const void *data) = 0; virtual void swizzle_set(const char swizzle_mask[4]) = 0; virtual void mip_range_set(int min, int max) = 0; virtual void *read(int mip, eGPUDataFormat format) = 0; void attach_to(FrameBuffer *fb, GPUAttachmentType type); void detach_from(FrameBuffer *fb); void update(eGPUDataFormat format, const void *data); virtual void update_sub( int mip, int offset[3], int extent[3], eGPUDataFormat format, const void *data) = 0; /* TODO(fclem) Legacy. Should be removed at some point. */ virtual uint gl_bindcode_get(void) const = 0; int width_get(void) const { return w_; } int height_get(void) const { return h_; } int depth_get(void) const { return d_; } void mip_size_get(int mip, int r_size[3]) const { /* TODO assert if lvl is below the limit of 1px in each dimension. */ int div = 1 << mip; r_size[0] = max_ii(1, w_ / div); if (type_ == GPU_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY) { r_size[1] = h_; } else if (h_ > 0) { r_size[1] = max_ii(1, h_ / div); } if (type_ & (GPU_TEXTURE_ARRAY | GPU_TEXTURE_CUBE)) { r_size[2] = d_; } else if (d_ > 0) { r_size[2] = max_ii(1, d_ / div); } } int mip_width_get(int mip) const { return max_ii(1, w_ / (1 << mip)); } int mip_height_get(int mip) const { return (type_ == GPU_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY) ? h_ : max_ii(1, h_ / (1 << mip)); } int mip_depth_get(int mip) const { return (type_ & (GPU_TEXTURE_ARRAY | GPU_TEXTURE_CUBE)) ? d_ : max_ii(1, d_ / (1 << mip)); } /* Return number of dimension taking the array type into account. */ int dimensions_count(void) const { const int array = (type_ & GPU_TEXTURE_ARRAY) ? 1 : 0; switch (type_ & ~GPU_TEXTURE_ARRAY) { case GPU_TEXTURE_BUFFER: return 1; case GPU_TEXTURE_1D: return 1 + array; case GPU_TEXTURE_2D: return 2 + array; case GPU_TEXTURE_CUBE: case GPU_TEXTURE_3D: default: return 3; } } /* Return number of array layer (or face layer) for texture array or 1 for the others. */ int layer_count(void) const { switch (type_) { case GPU_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY: return h_; case GPU_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY: case GPU_TEXTURE_CUBE_ARRAY: return d_; default: return 1; } } eGPUTextureFormat format_get(void) const { return format_; } eGPUTextureFormatFlag format_flag_get(void) const { return format_flag_; } eGPUTextureType type_get(void) const { return type_; } GPUAttachmentType attachment_type(int slot) const { switch (format_) { case GPU_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F: case GPU_DEPTH_COMPONENT24: case GPU_DEPTH_COMPONENT16: BLI_assert(slot == 0); return GPU_FB_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT; case GPU_DEPTH24_STENCIL8: case GPU_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8: BLI_assert(slot == 0); return GPU_FB_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT; default: return GPU_FB_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + slot; } } protected: virtual bool init_internal(void) = 0; virtual bool init_internal(GPUVertBuf *vbo) = 0; }; #undef DEBUG_NAME_LEN inline size_t to_bytesize(eGPUTextureFormat format) { switch (format) { case GPU_RGBA32F: return 32; case GPU_RG32F: case GPU_RGBA16F: case GPU_RGBA16: return 16; case GPU_RGB16F: return 12; case GPU_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8: /* 32-bit depth, 8 bits stencil, and 24 unused bits. */ return 8; case GPU_RG16F: case GPU_RG16I: case GPU_RG16UI: case GPU_RG16: case GPU_DEPTH24_STENCIL8: case GPU_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F: case GPU_RGBA8UI: case GPU_RGBA8: case GPU_SRGB8_A8: case GPU_R11F_G11F_B10F: case GPU_R32F: case GPU_R32UI: case GPU_R32I: return 4; case GPU_DEPTH_COMPONENT24: return 3; case GPU_DEPTH_COMPONENT16: case GPU_R16F: case GPU_R16UI: case GPU_R16I: case GPU_RG8: case GPU_R16: return 2; case GPU_R8: case GPU_R8UI: return 1; case GPU_SRGB8_A8_DXT1: case GPU_SRGB8_A8_DXT3: case GPU_SRGB8_A8_DXT5: case GPU_RGBA8_DXT1: case GPU_RGBA8_DXT3: case GPU_RGBA8_DXT5: return 1; /* Incorrect but actual size is fractional. */ default: BLI_assert(!"Texture format incorrect or unsupported\n"); return 0; } } inline size_t to_block_size(eGPUTextureFormat data_type) { switch (data_type) { case GPU_SRGB8_A8_DXT1: case GPU_RGBA8_DXT1: return 8; case GPU_SRGB8_A8_DXT3: case GPU_SRGB8_A8_DXT5: case GPU_RGBA8_DXT3: case GPU_RGBA8_DXT5: return 16; default: BLI_assert(!"Texture format is not a compressed format\n"); return 0; } } inline eGPUTextureFormatFlag to_format_flag(eGPUTextureFormat format) { switch (format) { case GPU_DEPTH_COMPONENT24: case GPU_DEPTH_COMPONENT16: case GPU_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F: return GPU_FORMAT_DEPTH; case GPU_DEPTH24_STENCIL8: case GPU_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8: return GPU_FORMAT_DEPTH_STENCIL; case GPU_R8UI: case GPU_RG16I: case GPU_R16I: case GPU_RG16UI: case GPU_R16UI: case GPU_R32UI: return GPU_FORMAT_INTEGER; case GPU_SRGB8_A8_DXT1: case GPU_SRGB8_A8_DXT3: case GPU_SRGB8_A8_DXT5: case GPU_RGBA8_DXT1: case GPU_RGBA8_DXT3: case GPU_RGBA8_DXT5: return GPU_FORMAT_COMPRESSED; default: return GPU_FORMAT_FLOAT; } } inline int to_component_len(eGPUTextureFormat format) { switch (format) { case GPU_RGBA8: case GPU_RGBA8UI: case GPU_RGBA16F: case GPU_RGBA16: case GPU_RGBA32F: case GPU_SRGB8_A8: return 4; case GPU_RGB16F: case GPU_R11F_G11F_B10F: return 3; case GPU_RG8: case GPU_RG16: case GPU_RG16F: case GPU_RG16I: case GPU_RG16UI: case GPU_RG32F: return 2; default: return 1; } } inline size_t to_bytesize(eGPUTextureFormat tex_format, eGPUDataFormat data_format) { switch (data_format) { case GPU_DATA_UNSIGNED_BYTE: return 1 * to_component_len(tex_format); case GPU_DATA_FLOAT: case GPU_DATA_INT: case GPU_DATA_UNSIGNED_INT: return 4 * to_component_len(tex_format); case GPU_DATA_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8: case GPU_DATA_10_11_11_REV: return 4; default: BLI_assert(!"Data format incorrect or unsupported\n"); return 0; } } /* Definitely not complete, edit according to the gl specification. */ inline bool validate_data_format(eGPUTextureFormat tex_format, eGPUDataFormat data_format) { switch (tex_format) { case GPU_DEPTH_COMPONENT24: case GPU_DEPTH_COMPONENT16: case GPU_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F: return data_format == GPU_DATA_FLOAT; case GPU_DEPTH24_STENCIL8: case GPU_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8: return data_format == GPU_DATA_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8; case GPU_R8UI: case GPU_R16UI: case GPU_RG16UI: case GPU_R32UI: return data_format == GPU_DATA_UNSIGNED_INT; case GPU_RG16I: case GPU_R16I: return data_format == GPU_DATA_INT; case GPU_R8: case GPU_RG8: case GPU_RGBA8: case GPU_RGBA8UI: case GPU_SRGB8_A8: return ELEM(data_format, GPU_DATA_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GPU_DATA_FLOAT); case GPU_R11F_G11F_B10F: return ELEM(data_format, GPU_DATA_10_11_11_REV, GPU_DATA_FLOAT); default: return data_format == GPU_DATA_FLOAT; } } /* Definitely not complete, edit according to the gl specification. */ inline eGPUDataFormat to_data_format(eGPUTextureFormat tex_format) { switch (tex_format) { case GPU_DEPTH_COMPONENT24: case GPU_DEPTH_COMPONENT16: case GPU_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F: return GPU_DATA_FLOAT; case GPU_DEPTH24_STENCIL8: case GPU_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8: return GPU_DATA_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8; case GPU_R8UI: case GPU_R16UI: case GPU_RG16UI: case GPU_R32UI: return GPU_DATA_UNSIGNED_INT; case GPU_RG16I: case GPU_R16I: return GPU_DATA_INT; case GPU_R8: case GPU_RG8: case GPU_RGBA8: case GPU_RGBA8UI: case GPU_SRGB8_A8: return GPU_DATA_UNSIGNED_BYTE; case GPU_R11F_G11F_B10F: return GPU_DATA_10_11_11_REV; default: return GPU_DATA_FLOAT; } } inline eGPUFrameBufferBits to_framebuffer_bits(eGPUTextureFormat tex_format) { switch (tex_format) { case GPU_DEPTH_COMPONENT24: case GPU_DEPTH_COMPONENT16: case GPU_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F: return GPU_DEPTH_BIT; case GPU_DEPTH24_STENCIL8: case GPU_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8: return GPU_DEPTH_BIT | GPU_STENCIL_BIT; default: return GPU_COLOR_BIT; } } static inline eGPUTextureFormat to_texture_format(const GPUVertFormat *format) { if (format->attr_len > 1 || format->attr_len == 0) { BLI_assert(!"Incorrect vertex format for buffer texture"); return GPU_DEPTH_COMPONENT24; } switch (format->attrs[0].comp_len) { case 1: switch (format->attrs[0].comp_type) { case GPU_COMP_I8: return GPU_R8I; case GPU_COMP_U8: return GPU_R8UI; case GPU_COMP_I16: return GPU_R16I; case GPU_COMP_U16: return GPU_R16UI; case GPU_COMP_I32: return GPU_R32I; case GPU_COMP_U32: return GPU_R32UI; case GPU_COMP_F32: return GPU_R32F; default: break; } break; case 2: switch (format->attrs[0].comp_type) { case GPU_COMP_I8: return GPU_RG8I; case GPU_COMP_U8: return GPU_RG8UI; case GPU_COMP_I16: return GPU_RG16I; case GPU_COMP_U16: return GPU_RG16UI; case GPU_COMP_I32: return GPU_RG32I; case GPU_COMP_U32: return GPU_RG32UI; case GPU_COMP_F32: return GPU_RG32F; default: break; } break; case 3: /* Not supported until GL 4.0 */ break; case 4: switch (format->attrs[0].comp_type) { case GPU_COMP_I8: return GPU_RGBA8I; case GPU_COMP_U8: return GPU_RGBA8UI; case GPU_COMP_I16: return GPU_RGBA16I; case GPU_COMP_U16: return GPU_RGBA16UI; case GPU_COMP_I32: return GPU_RGBA32I; case GPU_COMP_U32: return GPU_RGBA32UI; case GPU_COMP_F32: return GPU_RGBA32F; default: break; } break; default: break; } BLI_assert(!"Unsupported vertex format for buffer texture"); return GPU_DEPTH_COMPONENT24; } } // namespace gpu } // namespace blender