/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "DNA_userdef_types.h" #include "mtl_backend.hh" #include "mtl_common.hh" #include "mtl_context.hh" #include "mtl_debug.hh" #include "mtl_framebuffer.hh" #include using namespace blender; using namespace blender::gpu; namespace blender::gpu { /* Global sync event used across MTLContext's. * This resolves flickering artifacts from command buffer * dependencies not being honored for work submitted between * different GPUContext's. */ id MTLCommandBufferManager::sync_event = nil; uint64_t MTLCommandBufferManager::event_signal_val = 0; /* Counter for active command buffers. */ int MTLCommandBufferManager::num_active_cmd_bufs = 0; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name MTLCommandBuffer initialization and render coordination. * \{ */ void MTLCommandBufferManager::prepare(bool supports_render) { render_pass_state_.reset_state(); } void MTLCommandBufferManager::register_encoder_counters() { encoder_count_++; empty_ = false; } id MTLCommandBufferManager::ensure_begin() { if (active_command_buffer_ == nil) { /* Verify number of active command buffers is below limit. * Exceeding this limit will mean we either have a leak/GPU hang * or we should increase the command buffer limit during MTLQueue creation */ BLI_assert(MTLCommandBufferManager::num_active_cmd_bufs < MTL_MAX_COMMAND_BUFFERS); if (G.debug & G_DEBUG_GPU) { /* Debug: Enable Advanced Errors for GPU work execution. */ MTLCommandBufferDescriptor *desc = [[MTLCommandBufferDescriptor alloc] init]; desc.errorOptions = MTLCommandBufferErrorOptionEncoderExecutionStatus; desc.retainedReferences = YES; BLI_assert(context_.queue != nil); active_command_buffer_ = [context_.queue commandBufferWithDescriptor:desc]; } else { active_command_buffer_ = [context_.queue commandBuffer]; } [active_command_buffer_ retain]; MTLCommandBufferManager::num_active_cmd_bufs++; /* Ensure command buffers execute in submission order across multiple MTLContext's. */ if (this->sync_event != nil) { [active_command_buffer_ encodeWaitForEvent:this->sync_event value:this->event_signal_val]; } /* Ensure we begin new Scratch Buffer if we are on a new frame. */ MTLScratchBufferManager &mem = context_.memory_manager; mem.ensure_increment_scratch_buffer(); /* Reset Command buffer heuristics. */ this->reset_counters(); } BLI_assert(active_command_buffer_ != nil); return active_command_buffer_; } /* If wait is true, CPU will stall until GPU work has completed. */ bool MTLCommandBufferManager::submit(bool wait) { /* Skip submission if command buffer is empty. */ if (empty_ || active_command_buffer_ == nil) { return false; } /* Ensure current encoders are finished. */ this->end_active_command_encoder(); BLI_assert(active_command_encoder_type_ == MTL_NO_COMMAND_ENCODER); /* Flush active ScratchBuffer associated with parent MTLContext. */ context_.memory_manager.flush_active_scratch_buffer(); /*** Submit Command Buffer. ***/ /* Strict ordering ensures command buffers are guaranteed to execute after a previous * one has completed. Resolves flickering when command buffers are submitted from * different MTLContext's. */ if (MTLCommandBufferManager::sync_event == nil) { MTLCommandBufferManager::sync_event = [context_.device newEvent]; BLI_assert(MTLCommandBufferManager::sync_event); [MTLCommandBufferManager::sync_event retain]; } BLI_assert(MTLCommandBufferManager::sync_event != nil); MTLCommandBufferManager::event_signal_val++; [active_command_buffer_ encodeSignalEvent:MTLCommandBufferManager::sync_event value:MTLCommandBufferManager::event_signal_val]; /* Command buffer lifetime tracking. */ /* Increment current MTLSafeFreeList reference counter to flag MTLBuffers freed within * the current command buffer lifetime as used. * This ensures that in-use resources are not prematurely de-referenced and returned to the * available buffer pool while they are in-use by the GPU. */ MTLSafeFreeList *cmd_free_buffer_list = MTLContext::get_global_memory_manager().get_current_safe_list(); BLI_assert(cmd_free_buffer_list); cmd_free_buffer_list->increment_reference(); id cmd_buffer_ref = active_command_buffer_; [cmd_buffer_ref retain]; [cmd_buffer_ref addCompletedHandler:^(id cb) { /* Upon command buffer completion, decrement MTLSafeFreeList reference count * to allow buffers no longer in use by this CommandBuffer to be freed. */ cmd_free_buffer_list->decrement_reference(); /* Release command buffer after completion callback handled. */ [cmd_buffer_ref release]; /* Decrement count. */ MTLCommandBufferManager::num_active_cmd_bufs--; }]; /* Submit command buffer to GPU. */ [active_command_buffer_ commit]; if (wait || (G.debug & G_DEBUG_GPU)) { /* Wait until current GPU work has finished executing. */ [active_command_buffer_ waitUntilCompleted]; /* Command buffer execution debugging can return an error message if * execution has failed or encountered GPU-side errors. */ if (G.debug & G_DEBUG_GPU) { NSError *error = [active_command_buffer_ error]; if (error != nil) { NSLog(@"%@", error); BLI_assert(false); @autoreleasepool { const char *stringAsChar = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", error] UTF8String]; std::ofstream outfile; outfile.open("command_buffer_error.txt", std::fstream::out | std::fstream::app); outfile << stringAsChar; outfile.close(); } } } } /* Release previous frames command buffer and reset active cmd buffer. */ if (last_submitted_command_buffer_ != nil) { BLI_assert(MTLBackend::get()->is_inside_render_boundary()); [last_submitted_command_buffer_ autorelease]; last_submitted_command_buffer_ = nil; } last_submitted_command_buffer_ = active_command_buffer_; active_command_buffer_ = nil; return true; } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Render Command Encoder Utility and management functions. * \{ */ /* Fetch/query current encoder. */ bool MTLCommandBufferManager::is_inside_render_pass() { return (active_command_encoder_type_ == MTL_RENDER_COMMAND_ENCODER); } bool MTLCommandBufferManager::is_inside_blit() { return (active_command_encoder_type_ == MTL_BLIT_COMMAND_ENCODER); } bool MTLCommandBufferManager::is_inside_compute() { return (active_command_encoder_type_ == MTL_COMPUTE_COMMAND_ENCODER); } id MTLCommandBufferManager::get_active_render_command_encoder() { /* Calling code should check if inside render pass. Otherwise nil. */ return active_render_command_encoder_; } id MTLCommandBufferManager::get_active_blit_command_encoder() { /* Calling code should check if inside render pass. Otherwise nil. */ return active_blit_command_encoder_; } id MTLCommandBufferManager::get_active_compute_command_encoder() { /* Calling code should check if inside render pass. Otherwise nil. */ return active_compute_command_encoder_; } MTLFrameBuffer *MTLCommandBufferManager::get_active_framebuffer() { /* If outside of RenderPass, nullptr will be returned. */ if (this->is_inside_render_pass()) { return active_frame_buffer_; } return nullptr; } /* Encoder and Pass management. */ /* End currently active MTLCommandEncoder. */ bool MTLCommandBufferManager::end_active_command_encoder() { /* End active encoder if one is active. */ if (active_command_encoder_type_ != MTL_NO_COMMAND_ENCODER) { switch (active_command_encoder_type_) { case MTL_RENDER_COMMAND_ENCODER: { /* Verify a RenderCommandEncoder is active and end. */ BLI_assert(active_render_command_encoder_ != nil); /* Complete Encoding. */ [active_render_command_encoder_ endEncoding]; [active_render_command_encoder_ release]; active_render_command_encoder_ = nil; active_command_encoder_type_ = MTL_NO_COMMAND_ENCODER; /* Reset associated frame-buffer flag. */ active_frame_buffer_ = nullptr; active_pass_descriptor_ = nullptr; return true; } case MTL_BLIT_COMMAND_ENCODER: { /* Verify a RenderCommandEncoder is active and end. */ BLI_assert(active_blit_command_encoder_ != nil); [active_blit_command_encoder_ endEncoding]; [active_blit_command_encoder_ release]; active_blit_command_encoder_ = nil; active_command_encoder_type_ = MTL_NO_COMMAND_ENCODER; return true; } case MTL_COMPUTE_COMMAND_ENCODER: { /* Verify a RenderCommandEncoder is active and end. */ BLI_assert(active_compute_command_encoder_ != nil); [active_compute_command_encoder_ endEncoding]; [active_compute_command_encoder_ release]; active_compute_command_encoder_ = nil; active_command_encoder_type_ = MTL_NO_COMMAND_ENCODER; return true; } default: { BLI_assert(false && "Invalid command encoder type"); return false; } }; } else { /* MTL_NO_COMMAND_ENCODER. */ BLI_assert(active_render_command_encoder_ == nil); BLI_assert(active_blit_command_encoder_ == nil); BLI_assert(active_compute_command_encoder_ == nil); return false; } } id MTLCommandBufferManager::ensure_begin_render_command_encoder( MTLFrameBuffer *ctx_framebuffer, bool force_begin, bool *new_pass) { /* Ensure valid frame-buffer. */ BLI_assert(ctx_framebuffer != nullptr); /* Ensure active command buffer. */ id cmd_buf = this->ensure_begin(); BLI_assert(cmd_buf); /* Begin new command encoder if the currently active one is * incompatible or requires updating. */ if (active_command_encoder_type_ != MTL_RENDER_COMMAND_ENCODER || active_frame_buffer_ != ctx_framebuffer || force_begin) { this->end_active_command_encoder(); /* Determine if this is a re-bind of the same frame-buffer. */ bool is_rebind = (active_frame_buffer_ == ctx_framebuffer); /* Generate RenderPassDescriptor from bound frame-buffer. */ BLI_assert(ctx_framebuffer); active_frame_buffer_ = ctx_framebuffer; active_pass_descriptor_ = active_frame_buffer_->bake_render_pass_descriptor( is_rebind && (!active_frame_buffer_->get_pending_clear())); /* Determine if there is a visibility buffer assigned to the context. */ gpu::MTLBuffer *visibility_buffer = context_.get_visibility_buffer(); this->active_pass_descriptor_.visibilityResultBuffer = (visibility_buffer) ? visibility_buffer->get_metal_buffer() : nil; context_.clear_visibility_dirty(); /* Ensure we have already cleaned up our previous render command encoder. */ BLI_assert(active_render_command_encoder_ == nil); /* Create new RenderCommandEncoder based on descriptor (and begin encoding). */ active_render_command_encoder_ = [cmd_buf renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor:active_pass_descriptor_]; [active_render_command_encoder_ retain]; active_command_encoder_type_ = MTL_RENDER_COMMAND_ENCODER; /* Update command buffer encoder heuristics. */ this->register_encoder_counters(); /* Apply initial state. */ /* Update Viewport and Scissor State */ active_frame_buffer_->apply_state(); /* FLAG FRAMEBUFFER AS CLEARED -- A clear only lasts as long as one has been specified. * After this, resets to Load attachments to parallel GL behavior. */ active_frame_buffer_->mark_cleared(); /* Reset RenderPassState to ensure resource bindings are re-applied. */ render_pass_state_.reset_state(); /* Return true as new pass started. */ *new_pass = true; } else { /* No new pass. */ *new_pass = false; } BLI_assert(active_render_command_encoder_ != nil); return active_render_command_encoder_; } id MTLCommandBufferManager::ensure_begin_blit_encoder() { /* Ensure active command buffer. */ id cmd_buf = this->ensure_begin(); BLI_assert(cmd_buf); /* Ensure no existing command encoder of a different type is active. */ if (active_command_encoder_type_ != MTL_BLIT_COMMAND_ENCODER) { this->end_active_command_encoder(); } /* Begin new Blit Encoder. */ if (active_blit_command_encoder_ == nil) { active_blit_command_encoder_ = [cmd_buf blitCommandEncoder]; BLI_assert(active_blit_command_encoder_ != nil); [active_blit_command_encoder_ retain]; active_command_encoder_type_ = MTL_BLIT_COMMAND_ENCODER; /* Update command buffer encoder heuristics. */ this->register_encoder_counters(); } BLI_assert(active_blit_command_encoder_ != nil); return active_blit_command_encoder_; } id MTLCommandBufferManager::ensure_begin_compute_encoder() { /* Ensure active command buffer. */ id cmd_buf = this->ensure_begin(); BLI_assert(cmd_buf); /* Ensure no existing command encoder of a different type is active. */ if (active_command_encoder_type_ != MTL_COMPUTE_COMMAND_ENCODER) { this->end_active_command_encoder(); } /* Begin new Compute Encoder. */ if (active_compute_command_encoder_ == nil) { active_compute_command_encoder_ = [cmd_buf computeCommandEncoder]; BLI_assert(active_compute_command_encoder_ != nil); [active_compute_command_encoder_ retain]; active_command_encoder_type_ = MTL_COMPUTE_COMMAND_ENCODER; /* Update command buffer encoder heuristics. */ this->register_encoder_counters(); } BLI_assert(active_compute_command_encoder_ != nil); return active_compute_command_encoder_; } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Command buffer heuristics. * \{ */ /* Rendering Heuristics. */ void MTLCommandBufferManager::register_draw_counters(int vertex_submission) { current_draw_call_count_++; vertex_submitted_count_ += vertex_submission; empty_ = false; } /* Reset workload counters. */ void MTLCommandBufferManager::reset_counters() { empty_ = true; current_draw_call_count_ = 0; encoder_count_ = 0; vertex_submitted_count_ = 0; } /* Workload evaluation. */ bool MTLCommandBufferManager::do_break_submission() { /* Skip if no active command buffer. */ if (active_command_buffer_ == nil) { return false; } /* Use optimized heuristic to split heavy command buffer submissions to better saturate the * hardware and also reduce stalling from individual large submissions. */ if (GPU_type_matches(GPU_DEVICE_INTEL, GPU_OS_ANY, GPU_DRIVER_ANY) || GPU_type_matches(GPU_DEVICE_ATI, GPU_OS_ANY, GPU_DRIVER_ANY)) { return ((current_draw_call_count_ > 30000) || (vertex_submitted_count_ > 100000000) || (encoder_count_ > 25)); } else { /* Apple Silicon is less efficient if splitting submissions. */ return false; } } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Command buffer debugging. * \{ */ /* Debug. */ void MTLCommandBufferManager::push_debug_group(const char *name, int index) { id cmd = this->ensure_begin(); if (cmd != nil) { [cmd pushDebugGroup:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s_%d", name, index]]; } } void MTLCommandBufferManager::pop_debug_group() { id cmd = this->ensure_begin(); if (cmd != nil) { [cmd popDebugGroup]; } } /* Workload Synchronization. */ bool MTLCommandBufferManager::insert_memory_barrier(eGPUBarrier barrier_bits, eGPUStageBarrierBits before_stages, eGPUStageBarrierBits after_stages) { /* Only supporting Metal on 10.14 onward anyway - Check required for warnings. */ if (@available(macOS 10.14, *)) { /* Resolve scope. */ MTLBarrierScope scope = 0; if (barrier_bits & GPU_BARRIER_SHADER_IMAGE_ACCESS || barrier_bits & GPU_BARRIER_TEXTURE_FETCH) { scope = scope | MTLBarrierScopeTextures | MTLBarrierScopeRenderTargets; } if (barrier_bits & GPU_BARRIER_SHADER_STORAGE || barrier_bits & GPU_BARRIER_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY || barrier_bits & GPU_BARRIER_ELEMENT_ARRAY) { scope = scope | MTLBarrierScopeBuffers; } if (scope != 0) { /* Issue barrier based on encoder. */ switch (active_command_encoder_type_) { case MTL_NO_COMMAND_ENCODER: case MTL_BLIT_COMMAND_ENCODER: { /* No barrier to be inserted. */ return false; } /* Rendering. */ case MTL_RENDER_COMMAND_ENCODER: { /* Currently flagging both stages -- can use bits above to filter on stage type -- * though full barrier is safe for now. */ MTLRenderStages before_stage_flags = 0; MTLRenderStages after_stage_flags = 0; if (before_stages & GPU_BARRIER_STAGE_VERTEX && !(before_stages & GPU_BARRIER_STAGE_FRAGMENT)) { before_stage_flags = before_stage_flags | MTLRenderStageVertex; } if (before_stages & GPU_BARRIER_STAGE_FRAGMENT) { before_stage_flags = before_stage_flags | MTLRenderStageFragment; } if (after_stages & GPU_BARRIER_STAGE_VERTEX) { after_stage_flags = after_stage_flags | MTLRenderStageVertex; } if (after_stages & GPU_BARRIER_STAGE_FRAGMENT) { after_stage_flags = MTLRenderStageFragment; } id rec = this->get_active_render_command_encoder(); BLI_assert(rec != nil); [rec memoryBarrierWithScope:scope afterStages:after_stage_flags beforeStages:before_stage_flags]; return true; } /* Compute. */ case MTL_COMPUTE_COMMAND_ENCODER: { id rec = this->get_active_compute_command_encoder(); BLI_assert(rec != nil); [rec memoryBarrierWithScope:scope]; return true; } } } } /* No barrier support. */ return false; } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Render Pass State for active RenderCommandEncoder * \{ */ /* Reset binding state when a new RenderCommandEncoder is bound, to ensure * pipeline resources are re-applied to the new Encoder. * NOTE: In Metal, state is only persistent within an MTLCommandEncoder, * not globally. */ void MTLRenderPassState::reset_state() { /* Reset Cached pipeline state. */ this->bound_pso = nil; this->bound_ds_state = nil; /* Clear shader binding. */ this->last_bound_shader_state.set(nullptr, 0); /* Other states. */ MTLFrameBuffer *fb = this->cmd.get_active_framebuffer(); this->last_used_stencil_ref_value = 0; this->last_scissor_rect = {0, 0, (uint)((fb != nullptr) ? fb->get_width() : 0), (uint)((fb != nullptr) ? fb->get_height() : 0)}; /* Reset cached resource binding state */ for (int ubo = 0; ubo < MTL_MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS; ubo++) { this->cached_vertex_buffer_bindings[ubo].is_bytes = false; this->cached_vertex_buffer_bindings[ubo].metal_buffer = nil; this->cached_vertex_buffer_bindings[ubo].offset = -1; this->cached_fragment_buffer_bindings[ubo].is_bytes = false; this->cached_fragment_buffer_bindings[ubo].metal_buffer = nil; this->cached_fragment_buffer_bindings[ubo].offset = -1; } /* Reset cached texture and sampler state binding state. */ for (int tex = 0; tex < MTL_MAX_TEXTURE_SLOTS; tex++) { this->cached_vertex_texture_bindings[tex].metal_texture = nil; this->cached_vertex_sampler_state_bindings[tex].sampler_state = nil; this->cached_vertex_sampler_state_bindings[tex].is_arg_buffer_binding = false; this->cached_fragment_texture_bindings[tex].metal_texture = nil; this->cached_fragment_sampler_state_bindings[tex].sampler_state = nil; this->cached_fragment_sampler_state_bindings[tex].is_arg_buffer_binding = false; } } /* Bind Texture to current RenderCommandEncoder. */ void MTLRenderPassState::bind_vertex_texture(id tex, uint slot) { if (this->cached_vertex_texture_bindings[slot].metal_texture != tex) { id rec = this->cmd.get_active_render_command_encoder(); BLI_assert(rec != nil); [rec setVertexTexture:tex atIndex:slot]; this->cached_vertex_texture_bindings[slot].metal_texture = tex; } } void MTLRenderPassState::bind_fragment_texture(id tex, uint slot) { if (this->cached_fragment_texture_bindings[slot].metal_texture != tex) { id rec = this->cmd.get_active_render_command_encoder(); BLI_assert(rec != nil); [rec setFragmentTexture:tex atIndex:slot]; this->cached_fragment_texture_bindings[slot].metal_texture = tex; } } void MTLRenderPassState::bind_vertex_sampler(MTLSamplerBinding &sampler_binding, bool use_argument_buffer_for_samplers, uint slot) { /* Range check. */ const MTLShaderInterface *shader_interface = ctx.pipeline_state.active_shader->get_interface(); BLI_assert(slot >= 0); BLI_assert(slot <= shader_interface->get_max_texture_index()); BLI_assert(slot < MTL_MAX_TEXTURE_SLOTS); UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(shader_interface); /* If sampler state has not changed for the given slot, we do not need to fetch. */ if (this->cached_vertex_sampler_state_bindings[slot].sampler_state == nil || !(this->cached_vertex_sampler_state_bindings[slot].binding_state == sampler_binding.state) || use_argument_buffer_for_samplers) { id sampler_state = (sampler_binding.state == DEFAULT_SAMPLER_STATE) ? ctx.get_default_sampler_state() : ctx.get_sampler_from_state(sampler_binding.state); if (!use_argument_buffer_for_samplers) { /* Update binding and cached state. */ id rec = this->cmd.get_active_render_command_encoder(); BLI_assert(rec != nil); [rec setVertexSamplerState:sampler_state atIndex:slot]; this->cached_vertex_sampler_state_bindings[slot].binding_state = sampler_binding.state; this->cached_vertex_sampler_state_bindings[slot].sampler_state = sampler_state; } /* Flag last binding type. */ this->cached_vertex_sampler_state_bindings[slot].is_arg_buffer_binding = use_argument_buffer_for_samplers; /* Always assign to argument buffer samplers binding array - Efficiently ensures the value in * the samplers array is always up to date. */ ctx.samplers_.mtl_sampler[slot] = sampler_state; ctx.samplers_.mtl_sampler_flags[slot] = sampler_binding.state; } } void MTLRenderPassState::bind_fragment_sampler(MTLSamplerBinding &sampler_binding, bool use_argument_buffer_for_samplers, uint slot) { /* Range check. */ const MTLShaderInterface *shader_interface = ctx.pipeline_state.active_shader->get_interface(); BLI_assert(slot >= 0); BLI_assert(slot <= shader_interface->get_max_texture_index()); BLI_assert(slot < MTL_MAX_TEXTURE_SLOTS); UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(shader_interface); /* If sampler state has not changed for the given slot, we do not need to fetch*/ if (this->cached_fragment_sampler_state_bindings[slot].sampler_state == nil || !(this->cached_fragment_sampler_state_bindings[slot].binding_state == sampler_binding.state) || use_argument_buffer_for_samplers) { id sampler_state = (sampler_binding.state == DEFAULT_SAMPLER_STATE) ? ctx.get_default_sampler_state() : ctx.get_sampler_from_state(sampler_binding.state); if (!use_argument_buffer_for_samplers) { /* Update binding and cached state. */ id rec = this->cmd.get_active_render_command_encoder(); BLI_assert(rec != nil); [rec setFragmentSamplerState:sampler_state atIndex:slot]; this->cached_fragment_sampler_state_bindings[slot].binding_state = sampler_binding.state; this->cached_fragment_sampler_state_bindings[slot].sampler_state = sampler_state; } /* Flag last binding type */ this->cached_fragment_sampler_state_bindings[slot].is_arg_buffer_binding = use_argument_buffer_for_samplers; /* Always assign to argument buffer samplers binding array - Efficiently ensures the value in * the samplers array is always up to date. */ ctx.samplers_.mtl_sampler[slot] = sampler_state; ctx.samplers_.mtl_sampler_flags[slot] = sampler_binding.state; } } void MTLRenderPassState::bind_vertex_buffer(id buffer, uint buffer_offset, uint index) { BLI_assert(index >= 0); BLI_assert(buffer_offset >= 0); BLI_assert(buffer != nil); BufferBindingCached ¤t_vert_ubo_binding = this->cached_vertex_buffer_bindings[index]; if (current_vert_ubo_binding.offset != buffer_offset || current_vert_ubo_binding.metal_buffer != buffer || current_vert_ubo_binding.is_bytes) { id rec = this->cmd.get_active_render_command_encoder(); BLI_assert(rec != nil); if (current_vert_ubo_binding.metal_buffer == buffer) { /* If buffer is the same, but offset has changed. */ [rec setVertexBufferOffset:buffer_offset atIndex:index]; } else { /* Bind Vertex Buffer. */ [rec setVertexBuffer:buffer offset:buffer_offset atIndex:index]; } /* Update Bind-state cache. */ this->cached_vertex_buffer_bindings[index].is_bytes = false; this->cached_vertex_buffer_bindings[index].metal_buffer = buffer; this->cached_vertex_buffer_bindings[index].offset = buffer_offset; } } void MTLRenderPassState::bind_fragment_buffer(id buffer, uint buffer_offset, uint index) { BLI_assert(index >= 0); BLI_assert(buffer_offset >= 0); BLI_assert(buffer != nil); BufferBindingCached ¤t_frag_ubo_binding = this->cached_fragment_buffer_bindings[index]; if (current_frag_ubo_binding.offset != buffer_offset || current_frag_ubo_binding.metal_buffer != buffer || current_frag_ubo_binding.is_bytes) { id rec = this->cmd.get_active_render_command_encoder(); BLI_assert(rec != nil); if (current_frag_ubo_binding.metal_buffer == buffer) { /* If buffer is the same, but offset has changed. */ [rec setFragmentBufferOffset:buffer_offset atIndex:index]; } else { /* Bind Fragment Buffer */ [rec setFragmentBuffer:buffer offset:buffer_offset atIndex:index]; } /* Update Bind-state cache */ this->cached_fragment_buffer_bindings[index].is_bytes = false; this->cached_fragment_buffer_bindings[index].metal_buffer = buffer; this->cached_fragment_buffer_bindings[index].offset = buffer_offset; } } void MTLRenderPassState::bind_vertex_bytes(void *bytes, uint length, uint index) { /* Bytes always updated as source data may have changed. */ BLI_assert(index >= 0 && index < MTL_MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS); BLI_assert(length > 0); BLI_assert(bytes != nullptr); if (length < MTL_MAX_SET_BYTES_SIZE) { id rec = this->cmd.get_active_render_command_encoder(); [rec setVertexBytes:bytes length:length atIndex:index]; } else { /* We have run over the setBytes limit, bind buffer instead. */ MTLTemporaryBuffer range = ctx.get_scratchbuffer_manager().scratch_buffer_allocate_range_aligned(length, 256); memcpy(range.data, bytes, length); this->bind_vertex_buffer(range.metal_buffer, range.buffer_offset, index); } /* Update Bind-state cache */ this->cached_vertex_buffer_bindings[index].is_bytes = true; this->cached_vertex_buffer_bindings[index].metal_buffer = nil; this->cached_vertex_buffer_bindings[index].offset = -1; } void MTLRenderPassState::bind_fragment_bytes(void *bytes, uint length, uint index) { /* Bytes always updated as source data may have changed. */ BLI_assert(index >= 0 && index < MTL_MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS); BLI_assert(length > 0); BLI_assert(bytes != nullptr); if (length < MTL_MAX_SET_BYTES_SIZE) { id rec = this->cmd.get_active_render_command_encoder(); [rec setFragmentBytes:bytes length:length atIndex:index]; } else { /* We have run over the setBytes limit, bind buffer instead. */ MTLTemporaryBuffer range = ctx.get_scratchbuffer_manager().scratch_buffer_allocate_range_aligned(length, 256); memcpy(range.data, bytes, length); this->bind_fragment_buffer(range.metal_buffer, range.buffer_offset, index); } /* Update Bind-state cache. */ this->cached_fragment_buffer_bindings[index].is_bytes = true; this->cached_fragment_buffer_bindings[index].metal_buffer = nil; this->cached_fragment_buffer_bindings[index].offset = -1; } /** \} */ } // blender::gpu