#include "BKE_global.h" #include "DNA_userdef_types.h" #include "mtl_context.hh" #include "mtl_debug.hh" #include "mtl_memory.hh" using namespace blender; using namespace blender::gpu; namespace blender::gpu { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Memory Management - MTLBufferPool and MTLSafeFreeList implementations. */ void MTLBufferPool::init(id mtl_device) { if (!ensure_initialised_) { BLI_assert(mtl_device); ensure_initialised_ = true; device_ = mtl_device; #if MTL_DEBUG_MEMORY_STATISTICS == 1 /* Debug statistics. */ per_frame_allocation_count_ = 0; allocations_in_pool_ = 0; buffers_in_pool_ = 0; #endif /* Free pools -- Create initial safe free pool */ BLI_assert(current_free_list_ == nullptr); this->begin_new_safe_list(); } } MTLBufferPool::~MTLBufferPool() { this->free(); } void MTLBufferPool::free() { for (auto buffer : allocations_) { BLI_assert(buffer); delete buffer; } allocations_.clear(); for (std::multiset *buffer_pool : buffer_pools_.values()) { delete buffer_pool; } buffer_pools_.clear(); } gpu::MTLBuffer *MTLBufferPool::allocate_buffer(uint64_t size, bool cpu_visible, const void *bytes) { /* Allocate buffer with default HW-compatible alignemnt of 256 bytes. * See https://developer.apple.com/metal/Metal-Feature-Set-Tables.pdf for more. */ return this->allocate_buffer_aligned(size, 256, cpu_visible, bytes); } gpu::MTLBuffer *MTLBufferPool::allocate_buffer_aligned(uint64_t size, uint alignment, bool cpu_visible, const void *bytes) { /* Check not required. Main GPU module usage considered thread-safe. */ // BLI_assert(BLI_thread_is_main()); /* Calculate aligned size */ BLI_assert(alignment > 0); uint64_t aligned_alloc_size = ceil_to_multiple_ul(size, alignment); /* Allocate new MTL Buffer */ MTLResourceOptions options; if (cpu_visible) { options = ([device_ hasUnifiedMemory]) ? MTLResourceStorageModeShared : MTLResourceStorageModeManaged; } else { options = MTLResourceStorageModePrivate; } /* Check if we have a suitable buffer */ gpu::MTLBuffer *new_buffer = nullptr; std::multiset **pool_search = buffer_pools_.lookup_ptr( (uint64_t)options); if (pool_search != nullptr) { std::multiset *pool = *pool_search; MTLBufferHandle size_compare(aligned_alloc_size); auto result = pool->lower_bound(size_compare); if (result != pool->end()) { /* Potential buffer found, check if within size threshold requirements. */ gpu::MTLBuffer *found_buffer = result->buffer; BLI_assert(found_buffer); BLI_assert(found_buffer->get_metal_buffer()); uint64_t found_size = found_buffer->get_size(); if (found_size >= aligned_alloc_size && found_size <= (aligned_alloc_size * mtl_buffer_size_threshold_factor_)) { MTL_LOG_INFO( "[MemoryAllocator] Suitable Buffer of size %lld found, for requested size: %lld\n", found_size, aligned_alloc_size); new_buffer = found_buffer; BLI_assert(!new_buffer->get_in_use()); /* Remove buffer from free set. */ pool->erase(result); } else { MTL_LOG_INFO( "[MemoryAllocator] Buffer of size %lld found, but was incompatible with requested " "size: " "%lld\n", found_size, aligned_alloc_size); new_buffer = nullptr; } } } /* Allocate new buffer. */ if (new_buffer == nullptr) { new_buffer = new gpu::MTLBuffer(device_, size, options, alignment); /* Track allocation in context. */ allocations_.append(new_buffer); total_allocation_bytes_ += aligned_alloc_size; } else { /* Re-use suitable buffer. */ new_buffer->set_usage_size(aligned_alloc_size); #if MTL_DEBUG_MEMORY_STATISTICS == 1 /* Debug. */ allocations_in_pool_ -= new_buffer->get_size(); buffers_in_pool_--; BLI_assert(allocations_in_pool_ >= 0); #endif /* Ensure buffer memory is correctly backed. */ BLI_assert(new_buffer->get_metal_buffer()); } /* Flag buffer as actively in-use. */ new_buffer->flag_in_use(true); /* Upload initial data if provided -- Size based on original size param, not aligned size*/ if (bytes) { BLI_assert(!(options & MTLResourceStorageModePrivate)); BLI_assert(size <= aligned_alloc_size); BLI_assert(size <= [new_buffer->get_metal_buffer() length]); memcpy(new_buffer->get_host_ptr(), bytes, size); new_buffer->flush_range(0, size); } #if MTL_DEBUG_MEMORY_STATISTICS == 1 this->per_frame_allocation_count++; #endif return new_buffer; } bool MTLBufferPool::free_buffer(gpu::MTLBuffer *buffer) { /* Ensure buffer is flagged as in-use. I.e. has not already been returned to memory pools. */ bool buffer_in_use = buffer->get_in_use(); BLI_assert(buffer_in_use); if (buffer_in_use) { /* Fetch active safe pool from atomic ptr. */ MTLSafeFreeList *current_pool = this->get_current_safe_list(); /* Place buffer in safe_free_pool before returning to MemoryManager buffer pools. */ BLI_assert(current_pool); current_pool->insert_buffer(buffer); buffer->flag_in_use(false); return true; } return false; } void MTLBufferPool::update_memory_pools() { /* Ensure thread-safe access to `completed_safelist_queue_`, which contains * the list of MTLSafeFreeList's whose buffers are ready to be * re-inserted into the Memory Manager pools. */ safelist_lock_.lock(); #if MTL_DEBUG_MEMORY_STATISTICS == 1 int num_buffers_added = 0; #endif /* Always free oldest MTLSafeFreeList first. */ for (int safe_pool_free_index = 0; safe_pool_free_index < completed_safelist_queue_.size(); safe_pool_free_index++) { MTLSafeFreeList *current_pool = completed_safelist_queue_[safe_pool_free_index]; /* Iterate through all MTLSafeFreeList linked-chunks. */ while (current_pool != nullptr) { current_pool->lock_.lock(); BLI_assert(current_pool); BLI_assert(current_pool->in_free_queue_); int counter = 0; int size = min_ii(current_pool->current_list_index_, MTLSafeFreeList::MAX_NUM_BUFFERS_); /* Re-add all buffers within frame index to MemoryManager pools. */ while (counter < size) { gpu::MTLBuffer *buf = current_pool->safe_free_pool_[counter]; /* Insert buffer back into open pools. */ BLI_assert(buf->get_in_use() == false); this->insert_buffer_into_pool(buf->get_resource_options(), buf); counter++; #if MTL_DEBUG_MEMORY_STATISTICS == 1 num_buffers_added++; #endif } /* Fetch next MTLSafeFreeList chunk, if any. */ MTLSafeFreeList *next_list = nullptr; if (current_pool->has_next_pool_ > 0) { next_list = current_pool->next_.load(); } /* Delete current MTLSafeFreeList */ current_pool->lock_.unlock(); delete current_pool; current_pool = nullptr; /* Move onto next chunk. */ if (next_list != nullptr) { current_pool = next_list; } } } #if MTL_DEBUG_MEMORY_STATISTICS == 1 printf("--- Allocation Stats ---\n"); printf(" Num buffers processed in pool (this frame): %u\n", num_buffers_added); uint framealloc = (uint)this->per_frame_allocation_count; printf(" Allocations in frame: %u\n", framealloc); printf(" Total Buffers allocated: %u\n", (uint)allocations_.size()); printf(" Total Memory allocated: %u MB\n", (uint)total_allocation_bytes_ / (1024 * 1024)); uint allocs = (uint)(allocations_in_pool_) / 1024 / 2024; printf(" Free memory in pools: %u MB\n", allocs); uint buffs = (uint)buffers_in_pool_; printf(" Buffers in pools: %u\n", buffs); printf(" Pools %u:\n", (uint)buffer_pools_.size()); auto key_iterator = buffer_pools_.keys().begin(); auto value_iterator = buffer_pools_.values().begin(); while (key_iterator != buffer_pools_.keys().end()) { uint64_t mem_in_pool = 0; uint64_t iters = 0; for (auto it = (*value_iterator)->begin(); it != (*value_iterator)->end(); it++) { mem_in_pool += it->buffer_size; iters++; } printf(" Buffers in pool (%u)(%llu): %u (%u MB)\n", (uint)*key_iterator, iters, (uint)((*value_iterator)->size()), (uint)mem_in_pool / 1024 / 1024); ++key_iterator; ++value_iterator; } this->per_frame_allocation_count = 0; #endif /* Clear safe pools list */ completed_safelist_queue_.clear(); safelist_lock_.unlock(); } void MTLBufferPool::push_completed_safe_list(MTLSafeFreeList *safe_list) { /* When an MTLSafeFreeList has been released by the GPU, and buffers are ready to * be re-inserted into the MemoryManager pools for future use, add the MTLSafeFreeList * to the `completed_safelist_queue_` for flushing at a controlled point in time. */ safe_list->lock_.lock(); BLI_assert(safe_list); BLI_assert(safe_list->reference_count_ == 0 && "Pool must be fully dereferenced by all in-use cmd buffers before returning.\n"); BLI_assert(safe_list->in_free_queue_ == false && "Pool must not already be in queue"); /* Flag MTLSafeFreeList as having been added, and insert into SafeFreePool queue. */ safe_list->flag_in_queue(); safelist_lock_.lock(); completed_safelist_queue_.append(safe_list); safelist_lock_.unlock(); safe_list->lock_.unlock(); } MTLSafeFreeList *MTLBufferPool::get_current_safe_list() { /* Thread-safe access via atomic ptr. */ return current_free_list_; } void MTLBufferPool::begin_new_safe_list() { safelist_lock_.lock(); current_free_list_ = new MTLSafeFreeList(); safelist_lock_.unlock(); } void MTLBufferPool::ensure_buffer_pool(MTLResourceOptions options) { std::multiset **pool_search = buffer_pools_.lookup_ptr( (uint64_t)options); if (pool_search == nullptr) { std::multiset *pool = new std::multiset(); buffer_pools_.add_new((uint64_t)options, pool); } } void MTLBufferPool::insert_buffer_into_pool(MTLResourceOptions options, gpu::MTLBuffer *buffer) { /* Ensure `safelist_lock_` is locked in calling code before modifying. */ BLI_assert(buffer); /* Reset usage size to actual size of allocation. */ buffer->set_usage_size(buffer->get_size()); /* Ensure pool exists. */ this->ensure_buffer_pool(options); /* TODO(Metal): Support purgability - Allow buffer in pool to have its memory taken back by the * OS if needed. As we keep allocations around, they may not actually be in use, but we can * ensure they do not block other apps from using memory. Upon a buffer being needed again, we * can reset this state. * TODO(Metal): Purgeability state does not update instantly, so this requires a deferral. */ BLI_assert(buffer->get_metal_buffer()); /* buffer->metal_buffer); [buffer->metal_buffer setPurgeableState:MTLPurgeableStateVolatile]; */ std::multiset *pool = buffer_pools_.lookup(options); pool->insert(MTLBufferHandle(buffer)); #if MTL_DEBUG_MEMORY_STATISTICS == 1 /* Debug statistics. */ allocations_in_pool_ += buffer->size; buffers_in_pool_++; #endif } MTLSafeFreeList::MTLSafeFreeList() { reference_count_ = 1; in_free_queue_ = false; current_list_index_ = 0; next_ = nullptr; has_next_pool_ = 0; } void MTLSafeFreeList::insert_buffer(gpu::MTLBuffer *buffer) { BLI_assert(in_free_queue_ == false); /* Lockless list insert. */ uint insert_index = current_list_index_++; /* If the current MTLSafeFreeList size is exceeded, we ripple down the linked-list chain and * insert the buffer into the next available chunk. */ if (insert_index >= MTLSafeFreeList::MAX_NUM_BUFFERS_) { /* Check if first caller to generate next pool. */ int has_next = has_next_pool_++; if (has_next == 0) { next_ = new MTLSafeFreeList(); } MTLSafeFreeList *next_list = next_.load(); BLI_assert(next_list); next_list->insert_buffer(buffer); /* Clamp index to chunk limit if overflowing. */ current_list_index_ = MTLSafeFreeList::MAX_NUM_BUFFERS_; return; } safe_free_pool_[insert_index] = buffer; } /* Increments from active GPUContext thread. */ void MTLSafeFreeList::increment_reference() { lock_.lock(); BLI_assert(in_free_queue_ == false); reference_count_++; lock_.unlock(); } /* Reference decrements and addition to completed list queue can occur from MTLCommandBuffer * completion callback thread. */ void MTLSafeFreeList::decrement_reference() { lock_.lock(); BLI_assert(in_free_queue_ == false); int ref_count = reference_count_--; if (ref_count == 0) { MTLContext::get_global_memory_manager().push_completed_safe_list(this); } lock_.unlock(); } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name MTLBuffer wrapper class implementation. * \{ */ /* Construct a gpu::MTLBuffer wrapper around a newly created metal::MTLBuffer. */ MTLBuffer::MTLBuffer(id mtl_device, uint64_t size, MTLResourceOptions options, uint alignment) { /* Calculate aligned allocation size. */ BLI_assert(alignment > 0); uint64_t aligned_alloc_size = ceil_to_multiple_ul(size, alignment); alignment_ = alignment; device_ = mtl_device; is_external_ = false; options_ = options; this->flag_in_use(false); metal_buffer_ = [device_ newBufferWithLength:aligned_alloc_size options:options]; BLI_assert(metal_buffer_); [metal_buffer_ retain]; size_ = aligned_alloc_size; this->set_usage_size(size_); if (!(options_ & MTLResourceStorageModePrivate)) { data_ = [metal_buffer_ contents]; } else { data_ = nullptr; } } MTLBuffer::MTLBuffer(id external_buffer) { BLI_assert(external_buffer != nil); /* Ensure external_buffer remains referenced while in-use. */ metal_buffer_ = external_buffer; [metal_buffer_ retain]; /* Extract properties. */ is_external_ = true; device_ = nil; alignment_ = 1; options_ = [metal_buffer_ resourceOptions]; size_ = [metal_buffer_ allocatedSize]; this->set_usage_size(size_); data_ = [metal_buffer_ contents]; in_use_ = true; } gpu::MTLBuffer::~MTLBuffer() { if (metal_buffer_ != nil) { [metal_buffer_ release]; metal_buffer_ = nil; } } void gpu::MTLBuffer::free() { if (!is_external_) { MTLContext::get_global_memory_manager().free_buffer(this); } else { if (metal_buffer_ != nil) { [metal_buffer_ release]; metal_buffer_ = nil; } } } id gpu::MTLBuffer::get_metal_buffer() const { return metal_buffer_; } void *gpu::MTLBuffer::get_host_ptr() const { BLI_assert(!(options_ & MTLResourceStorageModePrivate)); BLI_assert(data_); return data_; } uint64_t gpu::MTLBuffer::get_size() const { return size_; } uint64_t gpu::MTLBuffer::get_size_used() const { return usage_size_; } bool gpu::MTLBuffer::requires_flush() { /* We do not need to flush shared memory, as addressable buffer is shared. */ return options_ & MTLResourceStorageModeManaged; } void gpu::MTLBuffer::set_label(NSString *str) { metal_buffer_.label = str; } void gpu::MTLBuffer::debug_ensure_used() { /* Debug: If buffer is not flagged as in-use, this is a problem. */ BLI_assert(in_use_ && "Buffer should be marked as 'in-use' if being actively used by an instance. Buffer " "has likely already been freed."); } void gpu::MTLBuffer::flush() { this->debug_ensure_used(); if (this->requires_flush()) { [metal_buffer_ didModifyRange:NSMakeRange(0, size_)]; } } void gpu::MTLBuffer::flush_range(uint64_t offset, uint64_t length) { this->debug_ensure_used(); if (this->requires_flush()) { BLI_assert((offset + length) <= size_); [metal_buffer_ didModifyRange:NSMakeRange(offset, length)]; } } void gpu::MTLBuffer::flag_in_use(bool used) { in_use_ = used; } bool gpu::MTLBuffer::get_in_use() { return in_use_; } void gpu::MTLBuffer::set_usage_size(uint64_t size_used) { BLI_assert(size_used > 0 && size_used <= size_); usage_size_ = size_used; } MTLResourceOptions gpu::MTLBuffer::get_resource_options() { return options_; } uint64_t gpu::MTLBuffer::get_alignment() { return alignment_; } bool MTLBufferRange::requires_flush() { /* We do not need to flush shared memory. */ return this->options & MTLResourceStorageModeManaged; } void MTLBufferRange::flush() { if (this->requires_flush()) { BLI_assert(this->metal_buffer); BLI_assert((this->buffer_offset + this->size) <= [this->metal_buffer length]); BLI_assert(this->buffer_offset >= 0); [this->metal_buffer didModifyRange:NSMakeRange(this->buffer_offset, this->size - this->buffer_offset)]; } } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name MTLScratchBufferManager and MTLCircularBuffer implementation. * \{ */ MTLScratchBufferManager::~MTLScratchBufferManager() { this->free(); } void MTLScratchBufferManager::init() { if (!this->initialised_) { BLI_assert(context_.device); /* Initialise Scratch buffers */ for (int sb = 0; sb < mtl_max_scratch_buffers_; sb++) { scratch_buffers_[sb] = new MTLCircularBuffer( context_, mtl_scratch_buffer_initial_size_, true); BLI_assert(scratch_buffers_[sb]); BLI_assert(&(scratch_buffers_[sb]->own_context_) == &context_); } current_scratch_buffer_ = 0; initialised_ = true; } } void MTLScratchBufferManager::free() { initialised_ = false; /* Release Scratch buffers */ for (int sb = 0; sb < mtl_max_scratch_buffers_; sb++) { delete scratch_buffers_[sb]; scratch_buffers_[sb] = nullptr; } current_scratch_buffer_ = 0; } MTLTemporaryBuffer MTLScratchBufferManager::scratch_buffer_allocate_range(uint64_t alloc_size) { return this->scratch_buffer_allocate_range_aligned(alloc_size, 1); } MTLTemporaryBuffer MTLScratchBufferManager::scratch_buffer_allocate_range_aligned( uint64_t alloc_size, uint alignment) { /* Ensure scratch buffer allocation alignment adheres to offset alignment requirements. */ alignment = max_uu(alignment, 256); BLI_assert(current_scratch_buffer_ >= 0 && "Scratch Buffer index not set"); MTLCircularBuffer *current_scratch_buff = this->scratch_buffers_[current_scratch_buffer_]; BLI_assert(current_scratch_buff != nullptr && "Scratch Buffer does not exist"); MTLTemporaryBuffer allocated_range = current_scratch_buff->allocate_range_aligned(alloc_size, alignment); BLI_assert(allocated_range.size >= alloc_size && allocated_range.size <= alloc_size + alignment); BLI_assert(allocated_range.metal_buffer != nil); return allocated_range; } void MTLScratchBufferManager::ensure_increment_scratch_buffer() { /* Fetch active scratch buffer. */ MTLCircularBuffer *active_scratch_buf = scratch_buffers_[current_scratch_buffer_]; BLI_assert(&active_scratch_buf->own_context_ == &context_); /* Ensure existing scratch buffer is no longer in use. MTL_MAX_SCRATCH_BUFFERS specifies * the number of allocated scratch buffers. This value should be equal to the number of * simultaneous frames in-flight. I.e. the maximal number of scratch buffers which are * simultaneously in-use. */ if (active_scratch_buf->used_frame_index_ < context_.get_current_frame_index()) { current_scratch_buffer_ = (current_scratch_buffer_ + 1) % mtl_max_scratch_buffers_; active_scratch_buf = scratch_buffers_[current_scratch_buffer_]; active_scratch_buf->reset(); BLI_assert(&active_scratch_buf->own_context_ == &context_); MTL_LOG_INFO("Scratch buffer %d reset - (ctx %p)(Frame index: %d)\n", current_scratch_buffer_, &context_, context_.get_current_frame_index()); } } void MTLScratchBufferManager::flush_active_scratch_buffer() { /* Fetch active scratch buffer and verify context. */ MTLCircularBuffer *active_scratch_buf = scratch_buffers_[current_scratch_buffer_]; BLI_assert(&active_scratch_buf->own_context_ == &context_); active_scratch_buf->flush(); } /* MTLCircularBuffer implementation. */ MTLCircularBuffer::MTLCircularBuffer(MTLContext &ctx, uint64_t initial_size, bool allow_grow) : own_context_(ctx) { BLI_assert(this); MTLResourceOptions options = ([own_context_.device hasUnifiedMemory]) ? MTLResourceStorageModeShared : MTLResourceStorageModeManaged; cbuffer_ = new gpu::MTLBuffer(own_context_.device, initial_size, options, 256); current_offset_ = 0; can_resize_ = allow_grow; cbuffer_->flag_in_use(true); used_frame_index_ = ctx.get_current_frame_index(); last_flush_base_offset_ = 0; /* Debug label. */ if (G.debug & G_DEBUG_GPU) { cbuffer_->set_label(@"Circular Scratch Buffer"); } } MTLCircularBuffer::~MTLCircularBuffer() { delete cbuffer_; } MTLTemporaryBuffer MTLCircularBuffer::allocate_range(uint64_t alloc_size) { return this->allocate_range_aligned(alloc_size, 1); } MTLTemporaryBuffer MTLCircularBuffer::allocate_range_aligned(uint64_t alloc_size, uint alignment) { BLI_assert(this); /* Ensure alignment of an allocation is aligned to compatible offset boundaries. */ BLI_assert(alignment > 0); alignment = max_ulul(alignment, 256); /* Align current offset and allocation size to desired alignment */ uint64_t aligned_current_offset = ceil_to_multiple_ul(current_offset_, alignment); uint64_t aligned_alloc_size = ceil_to_multiple_ul(alloc_size, alignment); bool can_allocate = (aligned_current_offset + aligned_alloc_size) < cbuffer_->get_size(); BLI_assert(aligned_current_offset >= current_offset_); BLI_assert(aligned_alloc_size >= alloc_size); BLI_assert(aligned_current_offset % alignment == 0); BLI_assert(aligned_alloc_size % alignment == 0); /* Recreate Buffer */ if (!can_allocate) { uint64_t new_size = cbuffer_->get_size(); if (can_resize_) { /* Resize to the maximum of basic resize heuristic OR the size of the current offset + * requested allocation -- we want the buffer to grow to a large enough size such that it * does not need to resize mid-frame. */ new_size = max_ulul( min_ulul(MTLScratchBufferManager::mtl_scratch_buffer_max_size_, new_size * 1.2), aligned_current_offset + aligned_alloc_size); #if MTL_SCRATCH_BUFFER_ALLOW_TEMPORARY_EXPANSION == 1 /* IF a requested allocation EXCEEDS the maximum supported size, temporarily allocate up to * this, but shrink down ASAP. */ if (new_size > MTLScratchBufferManager::mtl_scratch_buffer_max_size_) { /* If new requested allocation is bigger than maximum allowed size, temporarily resize to * maximum allocation size -- Otherwise, clamp the buffer size back down to the defined * maximum */ if (aligned_alloc_size > MTLScratchBufferManager::mtl_scratch_buffer_max_size_) { new_size = aligned_alloc_size; MTL_LOG_INFO("Temporarily growing Scratch buffer to %d MB\n", (int)new_size / 1024 / 1024); } else { new_size = MTLScratchBufferManager::mtl_scratch_buffer_max_size_; MTL_LOG_INFO("Shrinking Scratch buffer back to %d MB\n", (int)new_size / 1024 / 1024); } } BLI_assert(aligned_alloc_size <= new_size); #else new_size = min_ulul(MTLScratchBufferManager::mtl_scratch_buffer_max_size_, new_size); if (aligned_alloc_size > new_size) { BLI_assert(false); /* Cannot allocate */ MTLTemporaryBuffer alloc_range; alloc_range.metal_buffer = nil; alloc_range.data = nullptr; alloc_range.buffer_offset = 0; alloc_range.size = 0; alloc_range.options = cbuffer_->options; } #endif } else { MTL_LOG_WARNING( "Performance Warning: Reached the end of circular buffer of size: %llu, but cannot " "resize. Starting new buffer\n", cbuffer_->get_size()); BLI_assert(aligned_alloc_size <= new_size); /* Cannot allocate. */ MTLTemporaryBuffer alloc_range; alloc_range.metal_buffer = nil; alloc_range.data = nullptr; alloc_range.buffer_offset = 0; alloc_range.size = 0; alloc_range.options = cbuffer_->get_resource_options(); } /* Flush current buffer to ensure changes are visible on the GPU. */ this->flush(); /* Discard old buffer and create a new one - Relying on Metal reference counting to track * in-use buffers */ MTLResourceOptions prev_options = cbuffer_->get_resource_options(); uint prev_alignment = cbuffer_->get_alignment(); delete cbuffer_; cbuffer_ = new gpu::MTLBuffer(own_context_.device, new_size, prev_options, prev_alignment); cbuffer_->flag_in_use(true); current_offset_ = 0; last_flush_base_offset_ = 0; /* Debug label. */ if (G.debug & G_DEBUG_GPU) { cbuffer_->set_label(@"Circular Scratch Buffer"); } MTL_LOG_INFO("Resized Metal circular buffer to %llu bytes\n", new_size); /* Reset allocation Status. */ aligned_current_offset = 0; BLI_assert((aligned_current_offset + aligned_alloc_size) <= cbuffer_->get_size()); } /* Allocate chunk. */ MTLTemporaryBuffer alloc_range; alloc_range.metal_buffer = cbuffer_->get_metal_buffer(); alloc_range.data = (void *)((uint8_t *)([alloc_range.metal_buffer contents]) + aligned_current_offset); alloc_range.buffer_offset = aligned_current_offset; alloc_range.size = aligned_alloc_size; alloc_range.options = cbuffer_->get_resource_options(); BLI_assert(alloc_range.data); /* Shift offset to match alignment. */ current_offset_ = aligned_current_offset + aligned_alloc_size; BLI_assert(current_offset_ <= cbuffer_->get_size()); return alloc_range; } void MTLCircularBuffer::flush() { BLI_assert(this); uint64_t len = current_offset_ - last_flush_base_offset_; if (len > 0) { cbuffer_->flush_range(last_flush_base_offset_, len); last_flush_base_offset_ = current_offset_; } } void MTLCircularBuffer::reset() { BLI_assert(this); /* If circular buffer has data written to it, offset will be greater than zero. */ if (current_offset_ > 0) { /* Ensure the circular buffer is no longer being used by an in-flight frame. */ BLI_assert((own_context_.get_current_frame_index() >= (used_frame_index_ + MTL_NUM_SAFE_FRAMES - 1)) && "Trying to reset Circular scratch buffer's while its data is still being used by " "an in-flight frame"); current_offset_ = 0; last_flush_base_offset_ = 0; } /* Update used frame index to current. */ used_frame_index_ = own_context_.get_current_frame_index(); } /** \} */ } // blender::gpu