/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /** \file * \ingroup gpu */ #include "BLI_math_base.h" #include "BLI_math_bits.h" #include "GPU_framebuffer.h" #include "mtl_context.hh" #include "mtl_framebuffer.hh" #include "mtl_shader_interface_type.hh" #include "mtl_state.hh" namespace blender::gpu { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name MTLStateManager * \{ */ void MTLStateManager::mtl_state_init() { BLI_assert(context_); context_->pipeline_state_init(); } MTLStateManager::MTLStateManager(MTLContext *ctx) : StateManager() { /* Initialize State. */ context_ = ctx; mtl_state_init(); /* Force update using default state. */ current_ = ~state; current_mutable_ = ~mutable_state; set_state(state); set_mutable_state(mutable_state); } void MTLStateManager::apply_state() { this->set_state(this->state); this->set_mutable_state(this->mutable_state); /* Apply active FrameBuffer state. */ static_cast(context_->active_fb)->apply_state(); }; void MTLStateManager::force_state() { /* Little exception for clip distances since they need to keep the old count correct. */ uint32_t clip_distances = current_.clip_distances; current_ = ~this->state; current_.clip_distances = clip_distances; current_mutable_ = ~this->mutable_state; this->set_state(this->state); this->set_mutable_state(this->mutable_state); }; void MTLStateManager::set_state(const GPUState &state) { GPUState changed = state ^ current_; if (changed.blend != 0) { set_blend((eGPUBlend)state.blend); } if (changed.write_mask != 0) { set_write_mask((eGPUWriteMask)state.write_mask); } if (changed.depth_test != 0) { set_depth_test((eGPUDepthTest)state.depth_test); } if (changed.stencil_test != 0 || changed.stencil_op != 0) { set_stencil_test((eGPUStencilTest)state.stencil_test, (eGPUStencilOp)state.stencil_op); set_stencil_mask((eGPUStencilTest)state.stencil_test, mutable_state); } if (changed.clip_distances != 0) { set_clip_distances(state.clip_distances, current_.clip_distances); } if (changed.culling_test != 0) { set_backface_culling((eGPUFaceCullTest)state.culling_test); } if (changed.logic_op_xor != 0) { set_logic_op(state.logic_op_xor); } if (changed.invert_facing != 0) { set_facing(state.invert_facing); } if (changed.provoking_vert != 0) { set_provoking_vert((eGPUProvokingVertex)state.provoking_vert); } if (changed.shadow_bias != 0) { set_shadow_bias(state.shadow_bias); } /* TODO remove (Following GLState). */ if (changed.polygon_smooth) { /* NOTE: Unsupported in Metal. */ } if (changed.line_smooth) { /* NOTE: Unsupported in Metal. */ } current_ = state; } void MTLStateManager::mtl_depth_range(float near, float far) { BLI_assert(context_); BLI_assert(near >= 0.0 && near < 1.0); BLI_assert(far > 0.0 && far <= 1.0); MTLContextGlobalShaderPipelineState &pipeline_state = context_->pipeline_state; MTLContextDepthStencilState &ds_state = pipeline_state.depth_stencil_state; ds_state.depth_range_near = near; ds_state.depth_range_far = far; pipeline_state.dirty_flags |= MTL_PIPELINE_STATE_VIEWPORT_FLAG; } void MTLStateManager::set_mutable_state(const GPUStateMutable &state) { GPUStateMutable changed = state ^ current_mutable_; MTLContextGlobalShaderPipelineState &pipeline_state = context_->pipeline_state; if (float_as_uint(changed.point_size) != 0) { pipeline_state.point_size = state.point_size; pipeline_state.dirty_flags |= MTL_PIPELINE_STATE_PSO_FLAG; } if (changed.line_width != 0) { pipeline_state.line_width = state.line_width; pipeline_state.dirty_flags |= MTL_PIPELINE_STATE_PSO_FLAG; } if (changed.depth_range[0] != 0 || changed.depth_range[1] != 0) { /* TODO remove, should modify the projection matrix instead. */ mtl_depth_range(state.depth_range[0], state.depth_range[1]); } if (changed.stencil_compare_mask != 0 || changed.stencil_reference != 0 || changed.stencil_write_mask != 0) { set_stencil_mask((eGPUStencilTest)current_.stencil_test, state); } current_mutable_ = state; } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name State setting functions * \{ */ void MTLStateManager::set_write_mask(const eGPUWriteMask value) { BLI_assert(context_); MTLContextGlobalShaderPipelineState &pipeline_state = context_->pipeline_state; pipeline_state.depth_stencil_state.depth_write_enable = ((value & GPU_WRITE_DEPTH) != 0); pipeline_state.color_write_mask = (((value & GPU_WRITE_RED) != 0) ? MTLColorWriteMaskRed : MTLColorWriteMaskNone) | (((value & GPU_WRITE_GREEN) != 0) ? MTLColorWriteMaskGreen : MTLColorWriteMaskNone) | (((value & GPU_WRITE_BLUE) != 0) ? MTLColorWriteMaskBlue : MTLColorWriteMaskNone) | (((value & GPU_WRITE_ALPHA) != 0) ? MTLColorWriteMaskAlpha : MTLColorWriteMaskNone); pipeline_state.dirty_flags |= MTL_PIPELINE_STATE_PSO_FLAG; } static MTLCompareFunction gpu_depth_function_to_metal(eGPUDepthTest depth_func) { switch (depth_func) { case GPU_DEPTH_NONE: return MTLCompareFunctionNever; case GPU_DEPTH_LESS: return MTLCompareFunctionLess; case GPU_DEPTH_EQUAL: return MTLCompareFunctionEqual; case GPU_DEPTH_LESS_EQUAL: return MTLCompareFunctionLessEqual; case GPU_DEPTH_GREATER: return MTLCompareFunctionGreater; case GPU_DEPTH_GREATER_EQUAL: return MTLCompareFunctionGreaterEqual; case GPU_DEPTH_ALWAYS: return MTLCompareFunctionAlways; default: BLI_assert(false && "Invalid eGPUDepthTest"); break; } return MTLCompareFunctionAlways; } static MTLCompareFunction gpu_stencil_func_to_metal(eGPUStencilTest stencil_func) { switch (stencil_func) { case GPU_STENCIL_NONE: return MTLCompareFunctionAlways; case GPU_STENCIL_EQUAL: return MTLCompareFunctionEqual; case GPU_STENCIL_NEQUAL: return MTLCompareFunctionNotEqual; case GPU_STENCIL_ALWAYS: return MTLCompareFunctionAlways; default: BLI_assert(false && "Unrecognized eGPUStencilTest function"); break; } return MTLCompareFunctionAlways; } void MTLStateManager::set_depth_test(const eGPUDepthTest value) { BLI_assert(context_); MTLContextGlobalShaderPipelineState &pipeline_state = context_->pipeline_state; MTLContextDepthStencilState &ds_state = pipeline_state.depth_stencil_state; ds_state.depth_test_enabled = (value != GPU_DEPTH_NONE); ds_state.depth_function = gpu_depth_function_to_metal(value); pipeline_state.dirty_flags |= MTL_PIPELINE_STATE_DEPTHSTENCIL_FLAG; } void MTLStateManager::mtl_stencil_mask(uint mask) { BLI_assert(context_); MTLContextGlobalShaderPipelineState &pipeline_state = context_->pipeline_state; pipeline_state.depth_stencil_state.stencil_write_mask = mask; pipeline_state.dirty_flags |= MTL_PIPELINE_STATE_DEPTHSTENCIL_FLAG; } void MTLStateManager::mtl_stencil_set_func(eGPUStencilTest stencil_func, int ref, uint mask) { BLI_assert(context_); MTLContextGlobalShaderPipelineState &pipeline_state = context_->pipeline_state; MTLContextDepthStencilState &ds_state = pipeline_state.depth_stencil_state; ds_state.stencil_func = gpu_stencil_func_to_metal(stencil_func); ds_state.stencil_ref = ref; ds_state.stencil_read_mask = mask; pipeline_state.dirty_flags |= MTL_PIPELINE_STATE_DEPTHSTENCIL_FLAG; } static void mtl_stencil_set_op_separate(MTLContext *context, eGPUFaceCullTest face, MTLStencilOperation stencil_fail, MTLStencilOperation depth_test_fail, MTLStencilOperation depthstencil_pass) { BLI_assert(context); MTLContextGlobalShaderPipelineState &pipeline_state = context->pipeline_state; MTLContextDepthStencilState &ds_state = pipeline_state.depth_stencil_state; if (face == GPU_CULL_FRONT) { ds_state.stencil_op_front_stencil_fail = stencil_fail; ds_state.stencil_op_front_depth_fail = depth_test_fail; ds_state.stencil_op_front_depthstencil_pass = depthstencil_pass; } else if (face == GPU_CULL_BACK) { ds_state.stencil_op_back_stencil_fail = stencil_fail; ds_state.stencil_op_back_depth_fail = depth_test_fail; ds_state.stencil_op_back_depthstencil_pass = depthstencil_pass; } pipeline_state.dirty_flags |= MTL_PIPELINE_STATE_DEPTHSTENCIL_FLAG; } static void mtl_stencil_set_op(MTLContext *context, MTLStencilOperation stencil_fail, MTLStencilOperation depth_test_fail, MTLStencilOperation depthstencil_pass) { mtl_stencil_set_op_separate( context, GPU_CULL_FRONT, stencil_fail, depth_test_fail, depthstencil_pass); mtl_stencil_set_op_separate( context, GPU_CULL_BACK, stencil_fail, depth_test_fail, depthstencil_pass); } void MTLStateManager::set_stencil_test(const eGPUStencilTest test, const eGPUStencilOp operation) { switch (operation) { case GPU_STENCIL_OP_REPLACE: mtl_stencil_set_op( context_, MTLStencilOperationKeep, MTLStencilOperationKeep, MTLStencilOperationReplace); break; case GPU_STENCIL_OP_COUNT_DEPTH_PASS: /* Winding inversed due to flipped Y coordinate system in Metal. */ mtl_stencil_set_op_separate(context_, GPU_CULL_FRONT, MTLStencilOperationKeep, MTLStencilOperationKeep, MTLStencilOperationIncrementWrap); mtl_stencil_set_op_separate(context_, GPU_CULL_BACK, MTLStencilOperationKeep, MTLStencilOperationKeep, MTLStencilOperationDecrementWrap); break; case GPU_STENCIL_OP_COUNT_DEPTH_FAIL: /* Winding inversed due to flipped Y coordinate system in Metal. */ mtl_stencil_set_op_separate(context_, GPU_CULL_FRONT, MTLStencilOperationKeep, MTLStencilOperationDecrementWrap, MTLStencilOperationKeep); mtl_stencil_set_op_separate(context_, GPU_CULL_BACK, MTLStencilOperationKeep, MTLStencilOperationIncrementWrap, MTLStencilOperationKeep); break; case GPU_STENCIL_OP_NONE: default: mtl_stencil_set_op( context_, MTLStencilOperationKeep, MTLStencilOperationKeep, MTLStencilOperationKeep); } BLI_assert(context_); MTLContextGlobalShaderPipelineState &pipeline_state = context_->pipeline_state; pipeline_state.depth_stencil_state.stencil_test_enabled = (test != GPU_STENCIL_NONE); pipeline_state.dirty_flags |= MTL_PIPELINE_STATE_DEPTHSTENCIL_FLAG; } void MTLStateManager::set_stencil_mask(const eGPUStencilTest test, const GPUStateMutable state) { if (test == GPU_STENCIL_NONE) { mtl_stencil_mask(0x00); mtl_stencil_set_func(GPU_STENCIL_ALWAYS, 0x00, 0x00); } else { mtl_stencil_mask(state.stencil_write_mask); mtl_stencil_set_func(test, state.stencil_reference, state.stencil_compare_mask); } } void MTLStateManager::set_clip_distances(const int new_dist_len, const int old_dist_len) { /* TODO(Metal): Support Clip distances in METAL. Clip distance * assignment via shader is supported, but global clip-states require * support. */ } void MTLStateManager::set_logic_op(const bool enable) { /* NOTE(Metal): Logic Operations not directly supported. */ } void MTLStateManager::set_facing(const bool invert) { /* Check Current Context. */ BLI_assert(context_); MTLContextGlobalShaderPipelineState &pipeline_state = context_->pipeline_state; /* Apply State -- opposite of GL, as METAL default is GPU_CLOCKWISE, GL default is * COUNTERCLOCKWISE. This needs to be the inverse of the default. */ pipeline_state.front_face = (invert) ? GPU_COUNTERCLOCKWISE : GPU_CLOCKWISE; /* Mark Dirty - Ensure context updates state between draws. */ pipeline_state.dirty_flags |= MTL_PIPELINE_STATE_FRONT_FACING_FLAG; pipeline_state.dirty = true; } void MTLStateManager::set_backface_culling(const eGPUFaceCullTest test) { /* Check Current Context. */ BLI_assert(context_); MTLContextGlobalShaderPipelineState &pipeline_state = context_->pipeline_state; /* Apply State. */ pipeline_state.culling_enabled = (test != GPU_CULL_NONE); pipeline_state.cull_mode = test; /* Mark Dirty - Ensure context updates state between draws. */ pipeline_state.dirty_flags |= MTL_PIPELINE_STATE_CULLMODE_FLAG; pipeline_state.dirty = true; } void MTLStateManager::set_provoking_vert(const eGPUProvokingVertex vert) { /* NOTE(Metal): Provoking vertex is not a feature in the Metal API. * Shaders are handled on a case-by-case basis using a modified vertex shader. * For example, wireframe rendering and edit-mesh shaders utilize an SSBO-based * vertex fetching mechanism which considers the inverse convention for flat * shading, to ensure consistent results with OpenGL. */ } void MTLStateManager::set_shadow_bias(const bool enable) { /* Check Current Context. */ BLI_assert(context_); MTLContextGlobalShaderPipelineState &pipeline_state = context_->pipeline_state; MTLContextDepthStencilState &ds_state = pipeline_state.depth_stencil_state; /* Apply State. */ if (enable) { ds_state.depth_bias_enabled_for_lines = true; ds_state.depth_bias_enabled_for_tris = true; ds_state.depth_bias = 2.0f; ds_state.depth_slope_scale = 1.0f; } else { ds_state.depth_bias_enabled_for_lines = false; ds_state.depth_bias_enabled_for_tris = false; ds_state.depth_bias = 0.0f; ds_state.depth_slope_scale = 0.0f; } /* Mark Dirty - Ensure context updates depth-stencil state between draws. */ pipeline_state.dirty_flags |= MTL_PIPELINE_STATE_DEPTHSTENCIL_FLAG; pipeline_state.dirty = true; } void MTLStateManager::set_blend(const eGPUBlend value) { /** * Factors to the equation. * SRC is fragment shader output. * DST is framebuffer color. * final.rgb = SRC.rgb * src_rgb + DST.rgb * dst_rgb; * final.a = SRC.a * src_alpha + DST.a * dst_alpha; **/ MTLBlendFactor src_rgb; MTLBlendFactor dst_rgb; MTLBlendFactor src_alpha; MTLBlendFactor dst_alpha; switch (value) { default: case GPU_BLEND_ALPHA: { src_rgb = MTLBlendFactorSourceAlpha; dst_rgb = MTLBlendFactorOneMinusSourceAlpha; src_alpha = MTLBlendFactorOne; dst_alpha = MTLBlendFactorOneMinusSourceAlpha; break; } case GPU_BLEND_ALPHA_PREMULT: { src_rgb = MTLBlendFactorOne; dst_rgb = MTLBlendFactorOneMinusSourceAlpha; src_alpha = MTLBlendFactorOne; dst_alpha = MTLBlendFactorOneMinusSourceAlpha; break; } case GPU_BLEND_ADDITIVE: { /* Do not let alpha accumulate but pre-multiply the source RGB by it. */ src_rgb = MTLBlendFactorSourceAlpha; dst_rgb = MTLBlendFactorOne; src_alpha = MTLBlendFactorZero; dst_alpha = MTLBlendFactorOne; break; } case GPU_BLEND_SUBTRACT: case GPU_BLEND_ADDITIVE_PREMULT: { /* Let alpha accumulate. */ src_rgb = MTLBlendFactorOne; dst_rgb = MTLBlendFactorOne; src_alpha = MTLBlendFactorOne; dst_alpha = MTLBlendFactorOne; break; } case GPU_BLEND_MULTIPLY: { src_rgb = MTLBlendFactorDestinationColor; dst_rgb = MTLBlendFactorZero; src_alpha = MTLBlendFactorDestinationAlpha; dst_alpha = MTLBlendFactorZero; break; } case GPU_BLEND_INVERT: { src_rgb = MTLBlendFactorOneMinusDestinationColor; dst_rgb = MTLBlendFactorZero; src_alpha = MTLBlendFactorZero; dst_alpha = MTLBlendFactorOne; break; } case GPU_BLEND_OIT: { src_rgb = MTLBlendFactorOne; dst_rgb = MTLBlendFactorOne; src_alpha = MTLBlendFactorZero; dst_alpha = MTLBlendFactorOneMinusSourceAlpha; break; } case GPU_BLEND_BACKGROUND: { src_rgb = MTLBlendFactorOneMinusDestinationAlpha; dst_rgb = MTLBlendFactorSourceAlpha; src_alpha = MTLBlendFactorZero; dst_alpha = MTLBlendFactorSourceAlpha; break; } case GPU_BLEND_ALPHA_UNDER_PREMUL: { src_rgb = MTLBlendFactorOneMinusDestinationAlpha; dst_rgb = MTLBlendFactorOne; src_alpha = MTLBlendFactorOneMinusDestinationAlpha; dst_alpha = MTLBlendFactorOne; break; } case GPU_BLEND_CUSTOM: { src_rgb = MTLBlendFactorOne; dst_rgb = MTLBlendFactorSource1Color; src_alpha = MTLBlendFactorOne; dst_alpha = MTLBlendFactorSource1Alpha; break; } } /* Check Current Context. */ BLI_assert(context_); MTLContextGlobalShaderPipelineState &pipeline_state = context_->pipeline_state; if (value == GPU_BLEND_SUBTRACT) { pipeline_state.rgb_blend_op = MTLBlendOperationReverseSubtract; pipeline_state.alpha_blend_op = MTLBlendOperationReverseSubtract; } else { pipeline_state.rgb_blend_op = MTLBlendOperationAdd; pipeline_state.alpha_blend_op = MTLBlendOperationAdd; } /* Apply State. */ pipeline_state.blending_enabled = (value != GPU_BLEND_NONE); pipeline_state.src_rgb_blend_factor = src_rgb; pipeline_state.dest_rgb_blend_factor = dst_rgb; pipeline_state.src_alpha_blend_factor = src_alpha; pipeline_state.dest_alpha_blend_factor = dst_alpha; /* Mark Dirty - Ensure context updates PSOs between draws. */ pipeline_state.dirty_flags |= MTL_PIPELINE_STATE_PSO_FLAG; pipeline_state.dirty = true; } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Memory barrier * \{ */ /* NOTE(Metal): Granular option for specifying before/after stages for a barrier * Would be a useful feature. */ #if 0 void MTLStateManager::issue_barrier(eGPUBarrier barrier_bits, eGPUStageBarrierBits before_stages, eGPUStageBarrierBits after_stages) #endif void MTLStateManager::issue_barrier(eGPUBarrier barrier_bits) { /* NOTE(Metal): The Metal API implicitly tracks dependencies between resources. * Memory barriers and execution barriers (Fences/Events) can be used to coordinate * this explicitly, however, in most cases, the driver will be able to * resolve these dependencies automatically. * For untracked resources, such as MTLHeap's, explicit barriers are necessary. */ eGPUStageBarrierBits before_stages = GPU_BARRIER_STAGE_ANY; eGPUStageBarrierBits after_stages = GPU_BARRIER_STAGE_ANY; MTLContext *ctx = reinterpret_cast(GPU_context_active_get()); BLI_assert(ctx); /* Apple Silicon does not support memory barriers. * We do not currently need these due to implicit API guarantees. * NOTE(Metal): MTLFence/MTLEvent may be required to synchronize work if * untracked resources are ever used. */ if ([ctx->device hasUnifiedMemory]) { return; } ctx->main_command_buffer.insert_memory_barrier(barrier_bits, before_stages, after_stages); } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Texture State Management * \{ */ void MTLStateManager::texture_unpack_row_length_set(uint len) { /* Set source image row data stride when uploading image data to the GPU. */ MTLContext *ctx = static_cast(unwrap(GPU_context_active_get())); ctx->pipeline_state.unpack_row_length = len; } void MTLStateManager::texture_bind(Texture *tex_, eGPUSamplerState sampler_type, int unit) { BLI_assert(tex_); gpu::MTLTexture *mtl_tex = static_cast(tex_); BLI_assert(mtl_tex); MTLContext *ctx = static_cast(unwrap(GPU_context_active_get())); if (unit >= 0) { ctx->texture_bind(mtl_tex, unit); /* Fetching textures default sampler configuration and applying * eGPUSampler State on top. This path exists to support * Any of the sampler state which is associated with the * texture itself such as min/max mip levels. */ MTLSamplerState sampler = mtl_tex->get_sampler_state(); sampler.state = sampler_type; ctx->sampler_bind(sampler, unit); } } void MTLStateManager::texture_unbind(Texture *tex_) { BLI_assert(tex_); gpu::MTLTexture *mtl_tex = static_cast(tex_); BLI_assert(mtl_tex); MTLContext *ctx = static_cast(unwrap(GPU_context_active_get())); ctx->texture_unbind(mtl_tex); } void MTLStateManager::texture_unbind_all() { MTLContext *ctx = static_cast(unwrap(GPU_context_active_get())); BLI_assert(ctx); ctx->texture_unbind_all(); } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Image Binding (from image load store) * \{ */ void MTLStateManager::image_bind(Texture *tex_, int unit) { this->texture_bind(tex_, GPU_SAMPLER_DEFAULT, unit); } void MTLStateManager::image_unbind(Texture *tex_) { this->texture_unbind(tex_); } void MTLStateManager::image_unbind_all() { this->texture_unbind_all(); } /** \} */ } // blender::gpu