uniform vec3 checkerColorAndSize; noperspective in vec2 uvInterp; noperspective in float butCo; flat in float discardFac; flat in float shadeTri; flat in vec2 outRectSize; flat in vec4 outRoundCorners; noperspective in vec4 innerColor; flat in vec4 borderColor; flat in vec4 embossColor; flat in float lineWidth; out vec4 fragColor; vec3 compute_masks(vec2 uv) { bool upper_half = uv.y > outRectSize.y * 0.5; bool right_half = uv.x > outRectSize.x * 0.5; float corner_rad; /* Correct aspect ratio for 2D views not using uniform scalling. * uv is already in pixel space so a uniform scale should give us a ratio of 1. */ float ratio = (butCo != -2.0) ? (dFdy(uv.y) / dFdx(uv.x)) : 1.0; vec2 uv_sdf = uv; uv_sdf.x *= ratio; if (right_half) { uv_sdf.x = outRectSize.x * ratio - uv_sdf.x; } if (upper_half) { uv_sdf.y = outRectSize.y - uv_sdf.y; corner_rad = right_half ? outRoundCorners.z : outRoundCorners.w; } else { corner_rad = right_half ? outRoundCorners.y : outRoundCorners.x; } /* Fade emboss at the border. */ float emboss_size = upper_half ? 0.0 : min(1.0, uv_sdf.x / (corner_rad * ratio)); /* Signed distance field from the corner (in pixel). * inner_sdf is sharp and outer_sdf is rounded. */ uv_sdf -= corner_rad; float inner_sdf = max(0.0, min(uv_sdf.x, uv_sdf.y)); float outer_sdf = -length(min(uv_sdf, 0.0)); float sdf = inner_sdf + outer_sdf + corner_rad; /* Clamp line width to be at least 1px wide. This can happen if the projection matrix * has been scaled (i.e: Node editor)... */ float line_width = (lineWidth > 0.0) ? max(fwidth(uv.y), lineWidth) : 0.0; const float aa_radius = 0.5; vec3 masks; masks.x = smoothstep(-aa_radius, aa_radius, sdf); masks.y = smoothstep(-aa_radius, aa_radius, sdf - line_width); masks.z = smoothstep(-aa_radius, aa_radius, sdf + line_width * emboss_size); /* Compose masks together to avoid having too much alpha. */ masks.zx = max(vec2(0.0), masks.zx - masks.xy); return masks; } vec4 do_checkerboard() { float size = checkerColorAndSize.z; vec2 phase = mod(gl_FragCoord.xy, size * 2.0); if ((phase.x > size && phase.y < size) || (phase.x < size && phase.y > size)) { return vec4(checkerColorAndSize.xxx, 1.0); } else { return vec4(checkerColorAndSize.yyy, 1.0); } } void main() { if (min(1.0, -butCo) > discardFac) { discard; } vec3 masks = compute_masks(uvInterp); if (butCo > 0.0) { /* Alpha checker widget. */ if (butCo > 0.5) { vec4 checker = do_checkerboard(); fragColor = mix(checker, innerColor, innerColor.a); } else { /* Set alpha to 1.0. */ fragColor = innerColor; } fragColor.a = 1.0; } else { /* Premultiply here. */ fragColor = innerColor * vec4(innerColor.aaa, 1.0); } fragColor *= masks.y; fragColor += masks.x * borderColor; fragColor += masks.z * embossColor; /* Un-premult because the blend equation is already doing the mult. */ if (fragColor.a > 0.0) { fragColor.rgb /= fragColor.a; } fragColor = blender_srgb_to_framebuffer_space(fragColor); }