vec3 calc_barycentric_distances(vec3 pos0, vec3 pos1, vec3 pos2) { vec3 edge21 = pos2 - pos1; vec3 edge10 = pos1 - pos0; vec3 edge02 = pos0 - pos2; vec3 d21 = normalize(edge21); vec3 d10 = normalize(edge10); vec3 d02 = normalize(edge02); vec3 dists; float d = dot(d21, edge02); dists.x = sqrt(dot(edge02, edge02) - d * d); d = dot(d02, edge10); dists.y = sqrt(dot(edge10, edge10) - d * d); d = dot(d10, edge21); dists.z = sqrt(dot(edge21, edge21) - d * d); return dists; } vec2 calc_barycentric_co(int vertid) { vec2 bary; bary.x = float((vertid % 3) == 0); bary.y = float((vertid % 3) == 1); return bary; } #ifdef HAIR_SHADER /* Hairs uv and col attributes are passed by bufferTextures. */ # define DEFINE_ATTR(type, attr) uniform samplerBuffer attr # define GET_ATTR(type, attr) hair_get_customdata_##type(attr) # define barycentric_get() hair_get_barycentric() # define barycentric_resolve(bary) hair_resolve_barycentric(bary) vec3 orco_get(vec3 local_pos, mat4 modelmatinv, vec4 orco_madd[2], const samplerBuffer orco_samp) { /* TODO: fix ORCO with modifiers. */ vec3 orco = (modelmatinv * vec4(local_pos, 1.0)).xyz; return orco_madd[0].xyz + orco * orco_madd[1].xyz; } vec4 tangent_get(const samplerBuffer attr, mat3 normalmat) { /* Unsupported */ return vec4(0.0); } #else /* MESH_SHADER */ # define DEFINE_ATTR(type, attr) in type attr # define GET_ATTR(type, attr) attr /* Calculated in geom shader later with calc_barycentric_co. */ # define barycentric_get() vec2(0) # define barycentric_resolve(bary) bary vec3 orco_get(vec3 local_pos, mat4 modelmatinv, vec4 orco_madd[2], vec4 orco) { /* If the object does not have any deformation, the orco layer calculation is done on the fly * using the orco_madd factors. * We know when there is no orco layer when orco.w is 1.0 because it uses the generic vertex * attrib (which is [0,0,0,1]). */ if (orco.w == 0.0) { return * 0.5 + 0.5; } else { return orco_madd[0].xyz + local_pos * orco_madd[1].xyz; } } vec4 tangent_get(vec4 attr, mat3 normalmat) { vec4 tangent; = normalmat *; tangent.w = attr.w; float len_sqr = dot(,; /* Normalize only if vector is not null. */ if (len_sqr > 0.0) { *= inversesqrt(len_sqr); } return tangent; } #endif