/* Merge overlays texture on top of image texture and transform to display space (assume sRGB) */ uniform sampler2D image_texture; uniform sampler2D overlays_texture; uniform bool display_transform; uniform bool overlay; in vec2 texCoord_interp; out vec4 fragColor; float linearrgb_to_srgb(float c) { if (c < 0.0031308) { return (c < 0.0) ? 0.0 : c * 12.92; } else { return 1.055 * pow(c, 1.0 / 2.4) - 0.055; } } void linearrgb_to_srgb(vec4 col_from, out vec4 col_to) { col_to.r = linearrgb_to_srgb(col_from.r); col_to.g = linearrgb_to_srgb(col_from.g); col_to.b = linearrgb_to_srgb(col_from.b); col_to.a = col_from.a; } void main() { fragColor = texture(image_texture, texCoord_interp.st); vec4 overlay_col = texture(overlays_texture, texCoord_interp.st); if (overlay) { fragColor = clamp(fragColor, 0.0, 1.0); fragColor *= 1.0 - overlay_col.a; fragColor += overlay_col; } if (display_transform) { linearrgb_to_srgb(fragColor, fragColor); } }