// Draw "fancy" wireframe, displaying front-facing, back-facing and // silhouette lines differently. // Mike Erwin, April 2015 // After working with this shader a while, convinced we should make // separate shaders for perpective & ortho. (Oct 2016) // Due to perspective, the line segment's endpoints might disagree on // whether the adjacent faces are front facing. This geometry shader // decides which edge type to use if endpoints disagree. uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix; uniform bool drawFront = true; uniform bool drawBack = true; uniform bool drawSilhouette = true; layout(lines) in; layout(line_strip, max_vertices = 2) out; in vec4 MV_pos[]; in float edgeClass[]; in vec3 fCol[]; flat out vec4 finalColor; void emitLine(vec4 color) { gl_Position = ProjectionMatrix * MV_pos[0]; EmitVertex(); gl_Position = ProjectionMatrix * MV_pos[1]; finalColor = color; EmitVertex(); EndPrimitive(); } void main() { float finalEdgeClass = max(edgeClass[0], edgeClass[1]); if (finalEdgeClass > 0.0f) { // front-facing edge if (drawFront) emitLine(vec4(fCol[0], 0.75)); } else if (finalEdgeClass < 0.0f) { // back-facing edge if (drawBack) emitLine(vec4(fCol[0], 0.5)); } else { // exactly one face is front-facing, silhouette edge if (drawSilhouette) emitLine(vec4(fCol[0], 1.0)); } }