float sky_angle_between(float thetav, float phiv, float theta, float phi) { float cospsi = sin(thetav) * sin(theta) * cos(phi - phiv) + cos(thetav) * cos(theta); if (cospsi > 1.0) { return 0.0; } if (cospsi < -1.0) { return M_PI; } return acos(cospsi); } vec3 sky_spherical_coordinates(vec3 dir) { return vec3(M_PI_2 - atan(dir.z, length(dir.xy)), atan(dir.x, dir.y), 0); } /* Preetham */ /* lam03+lam4: 5 floats passed as vec4+float */ float sky_perez_function(vec4 lam03, float lam4, float theta, float gamma) { float ctheta = cos(theta); float cgamma = cos(gamma); return (1.0 + lam03[0] * exp(lam03[1] / ctheta)) * (1.0 + lam03[2] * exp(lam03[3] * gamma) + lam4 * cgamma * cgamma); } vec3 xyY_to_xyz(float x, float y, float Y) { float X, Z; if (y != 0.0) { X = (x / y) * Y; } else { X = 0.0; } if (y != 0.0 && Y != 0.0) { Z = ((1.0 - x - y) / y) * Y; } else { Z = 0.0; } return vec3(X, Y, Z); } void node_tex_sky_preetham(vec3 co, vec4 config_Y03, float config_Y4, vec4 config_x03, float config_x4, vec4 config_y03, float config_y4, vec2 sun_angles, vec3 radiance, vec3 xyz_to_r, vec3 xyz_to_g, vec3 xyz_to_b, out vec4 color) { /* convert vector to spherical coordinates */ vec3 spherical = sky_spherical_coordinates(co); float theta = spherical[0]; float phi = spherical[1]; float suntheta = sun_angles[0]; float sunphi = sun_angles[1]; /* angle between sun direction and dir */ float gamma = sky_angle_between(theta, phi, suntheta, sunphi); /* clamp theta to horizon */ theta = min(theta, M_PI_2 - 0.001); /* compute xyY color space values */ float Y = radiance[0] * sky_perez_function(config_Y03, config_Y4, theta, gamma); float x = radiance[1] * sky_perez_function(config_x03, config_x4, theta, gamma); float y = radiance[2] * sky_perez_function(config_y03, config_y4, theta, gamma); /* convert to RGB */ vec3 xyz = xyY_to_xyz(x, y, Y); color = vec4(dot(xyz_to_r, xyz), dot(xyz_to_g, xyz), dot(xyz_to_b, xyz), 1); } /* Hosek / Wilkie */ float sky_radiance_hosekwilkie( vec4 config03, vec4 config47, float config8, float theta, float gamma) { float ctheta = cos(theta); float cgamma = cos(gamma); float expM = exp(config47[0] * gamma); float rayM = cgamma * cgamma; float mieM = (1.0 + rayM) / pow((1.0 + config8 * config8 - 2.0 * config8 * cgamma), 1.5); float zenith = sqrt(ctheta); return (1.0 + config03[0] * exp(config03[1] / (ctheta + 0.01))) * (config03[2] + config03[3] * expM + config47[1] * rayM + config47[2] * mieM + config47[3] * zenith); } void node_tex_sky_hosekwilkie(vec3 co, vec4 config_x03, vec4 config_x47, vec4 config_y03, vec4 config_y47, vec4 config_z03, vec4 config_z47, vec3 config_xyz8, vec2 sun_angles, vec3 radiance, vec3 xyz_to_r, vec3 xyz_to_g, vec3 xyz_to_b, out vec4 color) { /* convert vector to spherical coordinates */ vec3 spherical = sky_spherical_coordinates(co); float theta = spherical[0]; float phi = spherical[1]; float suntheta = sun_angles[0]; float sunphi = sun_angles[1]; /* angle between sun direction and dir */ float gamma = sky_angle_between(theta, phi, suntheta, sunphi); /* clamp theta to horizon */ theta = min(theta, M_PI_2 - 0.001); vec3 xyz; xyz.x = sky_radiance_hosekwilkie(config_x03, config_x47, config_xyz8[0], theta, gamma) * radiance.x; xyz.y = sky_radiance_hosekwilkie(config_y03, config_y47, config_xyz8[1], theta, gamma) * radiance.y; xyz.z = sky_radiance_hosekwilkie(config_z03, config_z47, config_xyz8[2], theta, gamma) * radiance.z; color = vec4(dot(xyz_to_r, xyz), dot(xyz_to_g, xyz), dot(xyz_to_b, xyz), 1); } void node_tex_sky_nishita(vec3 co, out vec4 color) { color = vec4(1.0); }